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This file documents Barfly, a development system for AmigaOS V2.04 or
Barfly 1.0
An Intuition controlled Debugger and Optimizing Assembler
Copyright (c) 1989-94 Ralph Schmidt
- Shareware -
Basic Informations
Copyright and other legal stuff
Copyright (c) 1989-94 Ralph Schmidt
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.
No guarantee of any kind is given that the programs described in
this document are 100% reliable. You are using this material at your
own risk. The author *can not* be made responsible for any damage which
is caused by using these programs.
Permission is granted to include this package in Public-Domain
collections, especially in Fred Fishs Amiga Disk Library (including
CD-ROM versions of it). The distribution file may be uploaded to
Bulletin Board Systems or FTP servers. If you want to distribute this
program you *must* use the original distribution archive `Barfly.lha'.
*None* of the programs may be included or used in commercial programs
unless by written permission from the author.
*None* of the programs may be modified in any way. This especially
includes changing the copyright notices or removing any of the Shareware
*None* of the programs may be used on any machine which is used for
the research, development, construction, testing or production of
weapons or other military applications. This also includes any machine
which is used for training persons for *any* of the above mentioned
*None* of the programs may be used by more than the registrated
As you may have noticed in the copyright I'm working for five years
at Barfly. It has always consumed and will continue to consume a large
amount of my time.
I cannot afford just working for fun. Thus, I decided to release
Barfly as Shareware. I already tried to release Barfly as a commercial
product but the story behind it is more than sad. To sum it...german
Amiga software companys aren't worth any time...`they suck'. Some
people may think the price is too high for a Shareware product but i
think that BAsm is as powerful as the 2 main available commercial
Assemblers...if not more powerful if you compare the speed and the
optimize functions;there's no commercial Debugger available that can
compete with BDebug. I've used Barfly myself for commercial Amiga
applications. Z3-Fastlane device,CDRive,SCSIConfig,...
The unregistered version of Barfly pops up the About requester at
the start and has some functions disabled:
o only 8192Bytes large code possible
o the Section commands aren't available
o Only 1 Window per Object
o Enforcer Catch not available
o Task Catch not available
o Crashed Task Catch not available
o Limited Step count(about 150-200 Steps)
Registered users will be shipped a disk with the newest public
release of Barfly, along with a personalized, so-called "keyfile". It
enables all the missing features and disables the Shareware reminders.
This keyfile will work with all future releases of Barfly, so you can
simply download the latest version from your local bulletin board
without having to wait weeks for your update passing through the slow
mail channels. The keyfile `must not' be distributed in any way.
The fee for a Barfly registration is
70.- DM (D-Mark),
70.- SFr (Schweizer Franken),
230.- FF (French Francs),
50.- US$ (US Dollar)
The fastest, cheapest and easiest way to register is put the money
together with the filled registration form into a letter and send it to
Please allow 2-5 weeks delivery for the registrated version.
Ralph Schmidt
Kleiner Hellweg 4
33154 Salzkotten
FR Germany
Phone: +49-5258-5637
E-Mail: laire@uni-paderborn.de
Irc: Laire on #amiga,#amigager
BDebug is an Intuition controlled multi-task system Debugger for OS
2.04 and newer.
You can use BDebug to debugging your programs, catching tasks,
reseach enforcer hits, follow Source-Level Informations and other
advanced functions. The Debugger supports assemblers,SAS C,Dice and
Some of BDebug's features are:
* font-sensitive, resizable and Style Guide compliant GadTools GUI
* Object-Oriented that results in a low learning curve
* Supports 68000...68060 and the FPUs
* Can debug multiple tasks at the same time
* Not limited by the amount of window objects.
* highly configurable
* keyboard support
BAsm is a very fast optimizing Assembler for OS 2.04 and newer.
Some of BAsm's features are:
* 68000-68060,6888x
* Very Fast
* Include and Incbin Cache
* Strong Optimizer with Multi-Pass Optimizing
* High Level Macros
* ARexx
* Supports OS 2.04 and OS 3.0 Hunks
* SAS D1 Source Level Format
System requirements
Barfly requires Amiga operating system version 2.04 or better.
Kickstart 1.3 is *not* supported; this operating system is considered
Barfly requires at least one megabyte of RAM to run. A hardisk or a
faster CPU is not required but increase performances and comfort, of
It is really easy to install Barfly:
1. Copy the the binary and the icon (called "BDebug" and
"BDebug.info") to any directory.
2. Copy the the binary and the icon (called "BAsm" and "BAsm.info")
to any directory.
Then copy the supplied configuration files from "s/Barfly/#?" to "S:"
directory of your system partition or create env:Barflypath with the
path to a directory that contains Barfly/#?.
Other topics
Whenever a new release of Barfly gets released, I will post some
information in the appropriate newsgroups of some electronic networks.
The new archive will soon be available on many bulletin boards and on
all `AmiNet' FTP servers. Major releases will also come with some PD
disks, especially on Fred Fish's collection.
As mentioned above, registered users will neither need a new keyfile
nor a special personalized program version. They can use all new
features immediately.
If you have some questions, comments, suggestions or even flames,
please feel free to contact me at one of the following addresses. If
you send your letter via e-mail, there's a good chance for getting a
quick reply.
Snailmail: Ralph Schmidt
Kleiner Hellweg 4
33154 Salzkotten
FR Germany
Phone: +49-5258-5637
E-Mail: laire@uni-paderborn.de
Irc: Laire on #amiga,#amigager
* 0.0 - 1.0
not released
Here are some ideas for future versions of BDebug:
* Full Source Level support for GCC and perhaps SAS.
* Better BDebug Arexx support...the current one is a bad excuse.
* Mungwall Trace methods.
* Automatic Refresh of some Windows(Task Window...)
* Amigaguide file mode in the autodocs functions.
* Highlight changed registers
* Better documentation.
* BAsmOption for the easy BAsm options configuration.
* Other things i'm too lazy to mention now.
There is absolutely NO guarantee that these features will ever be
implemented. So don't be disappointed, if they aren't in the next
Thanks must go to:
- Dirk Leschner, Frank Jakobs
for being my best friends
- Matthias Scheler
for his manual design and Filer.
- S.Schaem, Børge Nøst, Alexis Wilke, Michael B. Smith, Marc Heuler
for their superb betatesting efforts
- Mike Schwartz
for a lot suggestions to improve basm. Sad he has left the Amiga
community 2 years ago.
- Stefan Becker
for Toolmanager and being a nice guy.
- Christoph Wolf
for DynamiCache and being a nice guy.
- Brian Cerveny(Redwine)
for Grapevine and being a nice guy(Really ?).
- All my IRC friends.
for many great hours. Thanks!
Andrew Denton(Guardian), Kenneth Dyke(Nyx), Bill Coldwell(Cryo),
Brian Cerveny(Redwine), Joseph Hillenburg(xterm), Scott
Ellis(ScottE), Chris Wichura(Caw), John Wiederhirn(John\_W), Mike
Schwartz(mykes), Markus Illenseer(ill), Petra Zeidler(stargazer),
Michael van Elst(mlelstv), Holger Lubitz(holgi), Ralph
Babel(rbabel), Seth Harman(Budha) and a lot guys i haven't
mentioned here.
- Chris Schneider and Urban D. Mueller
for some suggestions 2-3 years ago and installing Aminet.
- Michael "billy" Böhnisch
for his cleanup on MakeBarflyFD 2-3 years ago.
- Steve Wright
for designing the icons 2 years ago.
And of course to all the other Beta testers and registered users.
The V40 Includes can be ftp'ed from the FTP-Server.
ftp.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de: pub/amiga/frozenfish/bbs/com
A superb Linker "lk" by Alex Wilke should be soon availble on Aminet.
BDebug 1.0
An Intuition controlled Debugger
Copyright (c) 1989-94 Ralph Schmidt
- Shareware -
Usage of BDebug
The Command Window
Debugger Philosophy
BDebug is a multitasking Debugger that supports the Motorola
processors 68000...68060 and 68881...68882. The Debugger allows to
debug unlimited tasks parallel. Because of the Debugger's complexity
BDebug was designed in an object-oriented way to allow an easy and
comfortable way to use it. The register window `REGWindow' is the Root
class of the task object that can be expanded by several subclass
windows. Every subclass window has privat menus and inherits the
public menus of its father object.
Debug Methoden
The Debugger offers a variety of different Debug methods that can be
activated by menu or gadget.
Debug Task
is used to select a task you wanna debug. If you doubleclick on a
task a `REGWindow' and a couple of information windows opens. Which
type and how many are opened depends on the current configuration.
After the task could be stopped the contents of the `REGWindow' and all
other information windows gets refreshed. If the task is in the `Wait'
state the task is stopped when it gets a signal.
Task Listview Layout
Taskaddress & Priority & Status & [!]Name
A process is marked by `!' at the beginning of the name.
You should know what task you can stop and what kind of task should
never be stopped. For example the Input.device should never be stopped.
Debug File
is used to load and stop a program. This function is equal to the
bdebug cli startup with the exception that you can enter the parameter
in a requester. If no error occur all configurated windows are opened
and the PC stops at the defined programstart breakpoint that normally
points to the first command of the program.
Debug Next Task
is used to debug the next task that is opened. The Debugger waits
until another task is created by AddTask and a couple of information
windows opens. Which type and how many are opened depends on the
current configuration. After the new task was caught the pc points to
the beginning of the task and `Catch Next Task' is disactivated. To
catch a program that is started from the WV you have to use `Debug Next
Task' to catch the WB Startup Task `WBL' that starts the program. Now
you have to activate `Debug Next Task' again and let the current task
run. After a short time the task `WBL' ends and the program's task is
You should avoid to start a new task between the 2 `Debug Next
Task' phases because it's easy to catch the wrong one.
You should notice that `AddTask' is patched and points to a new
routine. Thus you should be careful with programs that also patch
`AddTask'. Furthermore it's useful know in what sequences these
patches have to be removed. The Debugger can only be closed when
all patched system function that were installed after the Debugger
was started are removed.
If you start a program in the shell without `c:Run' no new task is
created. Instead the program is run as a subroutine in shell's
task so you can't catch the task that easy.
Debug Crashed Task
is used to catch tasks that crash so you track down the bug location
a lot easier. If the system itself doesn't run anymore you shouldn't
expect that bdebug still runs because it depends on a working system.
If a task crashes and the option `Debug Crashed Task' is activated a
couple of information windows opens. Which type and how many are opened
depends on the current configuration. `Task Held Requester'.
Catch Enforcer Hit
is used to tell the Debugger to stop the task it controlls when an
enforcer hit happens. Unfortunately the Debugger can't stop the task
at exactly the same location where the hit happened. Mostly the hit
command is 1-2 instructions above the stopped task's PC.
This function needs Enforcer V37.x by M. Sinz and it must be
installed before BDebug is started. Please read the documentation.
Select Display Mode
This function allows you to chooce the Screen Mode for the Debugger.
How to start ?
If you only want to debug a program you have to start bdebug with
the program's name and parameters or by using `Debug Program' in the
command window. Another method is to move a program's icon on the
command window or specify BDebug as in the icon as the `DefaultTool'.
BDEBUG - The CLI Startup
BDEBUG [?] [<Program> [Argument] ]
BDebug activates the Debugger, loads and stops the optional
entered program. If it can find a local config file with the
suffix *.bdebug it loads it.
* ? shows an information message
* program name If no program name is entered BDebug looks for
env:BDebugProgram and loads the program instead that the env:
points to.
* argument line of the program. If there are spaces in
parameters you have to enclose the argument with `""'.
Usage of BDebug
The Register Window
Register Window
The register window is the most important control layer of the
Debugger and every debugged task has one. You can link unlimited other
information windows to the `REGWindow' or you can tell the Debugger to
give up controlling the task. In the title line of the window you can
see the ID number of the task, so you can recognize what information
window belongs to this task. Furthermore the title line also contain
the task address,the state, `RUN',`WAIT' or `STOP' and the name of the
task. The task is in the `RUN' state if the task has the controll at
the moment instead of the traphandler; the task is in the `STOP' state
when the task waits and the traphandler controlls what happens. The
task is the `WAIT' state only when the Debugger has to wait to catch a
task by a `Debug Task'. In the upper area of the window you see the
normal data and address registers where the address register also have
additional information fields. To change a register or to watch memory
where the register points to you only need to doubleclick on the
register or on the register's memory contents. Furthermore you may
change other usermode registers by this method. Supervisor register
can't be changed because that makes not much sense for a system
`68000 Registers'
D0=xxxxxxxx yyyy A0=xxxxxxxx Arg1 Arg2 [!]
D1=xxxxxxxx yyyy A1=xxxxxxxx Arg1 Arg2 [!]
D2=xxxxxxxx yyyy A2=xxxxxxxx Arg1 Arg2 [!]
D3=xxxxxxxx yyyy A3=xxxxxxxx Arg1 Arg2 [!]
D4=xxxxxxxx yyyy A4=xxxxxxxx Arg1 Arg2 [!]
D5=xxxxxxxx yyyy A5=xxxxxxxx Arg1 Arg2 [!]
D6=xxxxxxxx yyyy A6=xxxxxxxx Arg1 Arg2 [!]
D7=xxxxxxxx yyyy A7=xxxxxxxx Arg1 Arg2 [!]
USP=xxxxxxxx SSP=xxxxxxxx PC=xxxxxxxx SR=xxxx
* [!] shows if the address register points on an odd address.
* if the address register points on an illegal memory area the char
`*' is shown in Arg1 and Arg2 to avoid crashes by reading non
readable io-addresses. You can config the readable memory areas.
* if the address register points on the following system structures
the name of the Node is shown in Arg1 and the Name of the
structure in Arg2.
* Library
* Device
* Port
* Task
* Resource
* MemHead
* if the address register points to the custom chip area the name of
the register is shown in Arg1 and the ID-Word CUSTOM is shown in
Arg2. Custom register map is $dff000-$dff200.
* if the address register points to a symbol the symbol and the
contents is shown.
* Otherwise 8Bytes of the memory are shown where the register points
to. The 8 Bytes are shown hexadecimal in Arg1 and ascii in Arg2.
`68010 Registers'
VBR=xxxxxxxx SFC=xxxxxxxx DFC=xxxxxxxx
`68020 Registers'
VBR=xxxxxxxx SFC=xxxxxxxx DFC=xxxxxxxx
MSP=xxxxxxxx ISP=xxxxxxxx CACR=xxxxxxxx CAAR=xxxxxxxx
`68030 Registers'
VBR=xxxxxxxx SFC=xxxxxxxx DFC=xxxxxxxx
MSP=xxxxxxxx ISP=xxxxxxxx CACR=xxxxxxxx CAAR=xxxxxxxx
CRP=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SRP=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
TT0=xxxxxxxx TT1=xxxxxxxx TC=xxxx PSR=xxxxxxxx
`68040 Registers'
VBR=xxxxxxxx SFC=xxxxxxxx DFC=xxxxxxxx
MSP=xxxxxxxx ISP=xxxxxxxx CACR=xxxxxxxx
URP=xxxxxxxx SRP=xxxxxxxx TC=xxxx PSR=xxxxxxxx
ITT0=xxxxxxxx ITT1=xxxxxxxx DTT0=xxxxxxxx DTT1=xxxxxxxx
`68060 Registers'
VBR=xxxxxxxx SFC=xxxxxxxx DFC=xxxxxxxx
CACR=xxxxxxxx PCR=xxxxxxxx BUSCR=xxxxxxxx
URP=xxxxxxxx SRP=xxxxxxxx TC=xxxx PSR=xxxxxxxx
ITT0=xxxxxxxx ITT1=xxxxxxxx DTT0=xxxxxxxx DTT1=xxxxxxxx
Type Information
xxxxxxxx [Symbol] Mnemonic operand1[,...]]
(EA): [Address1=Contents]...[Address2=Contents]
In the `(EA)' line you can see the addresses and their contents
the current command accesses. The contents of illegal addresses
aren't shown.
Local Menus
* Close Window
closes the `REGWindow', all connected windows and disactivates the
Debugger for this task. To disactivate the Debugger you have to
choose if the task should keep running so it's the task's business
to stop. Furthermore you can end the task by runing the cleanup
routine of the task or just removing the task from the list but
this can cause sideeffects you can't always oversee. If the task
is a process then the Remove option is equal to the Cleanup option.
If it's only a task the Cleanup option is equal to the Cleanup
option. Beware that the Remove option doesn't free any resources
of the task.
You should really know what you're doing if you for example
remove a task from the system.
* ZOOM Windows
expands all windows of the task.
* Log File
activates or disactivates the loging of the register and PC
* Big View
shrinks the `REGWindow' to a 68000 register layout or expands it
back to the full layout.
* Open DissWindow
opens a DissWindow with the configured dimensions.
* Open MemWindow
opens a MemWindow with the configured dimensions.
* Open FPUWindow
opens a FPUWindow with the configured dimensions. The menu is
only available if a FPU is installed.
* Open BreakWindow
opens a BreakpointWindow with the configured dimensions.
* Open CoppWindow
opens a CoppWindow with the configured dimensions.
* Open StructWindow
opens a StructWindow with the configured dimensions.
* Open SnoopWindow
opens a SnoopWindow with the configured dimensions.
* Open WatchWindow
opens a WatchpointWindow with the configured dimensions.
* Open ChecksumWindow
opens a ChecksumWindow with the configured dimensions.
* Save Window Settings
saves the positions and count of all window the current task
controlls. The saved file then contains the appropriate commands
you have to enter yourself into the configuration file. Because
of the Debugger's window concept it makes no sense to save a full
configurations file.
Public Menus
* Step 1
runs the current command and stops the task afterwords.
* Step X
runs X commands and stops the task afterwards.
* Step Debug Line
runs commands until the PC meets another source line. If the PC
is outside the program or if no debug informations are available a
single step i used. The command enters rubroutines.
* Trace Debug Line
is simular to `Step Debug Line' with the exception that it runs
* Trace over Calls
runs the current command or subroutine and stops the task
afterwards. Depending on the configuration and the memory area a
breakpoint or single steps are used. If a crashes happen in
certain program parts you should remove the command `Tracebreak'
from the configuration.
You should avoid to use `Tracebreak' in Libraries and Devices
that are located in the ram. If another task accesses the
routine at the same time you can expect an illegal exception.
Some Amiga MMU Setups don't like that programs write to the
kickstart rom. For example breakpoints.
* Trace X over Calls
runs X commands or subroutines and stops the task afterwards.
Depending on the configuration and the memory area a breakpoint or
single steps are used.
* Trace Work
is simular to the command `Trace over Calls' with the exception
that all commands are run. This function is useful to trace loops.
moveq #10,d0
dbra d0,0$
If you use the function on the command `dbra' the Debugger
sets a breakpoint after the dbra and runs the task. It drops
back to single step when it hits a `Jmp', `bra', `rts'....
* Trace over OS-Calls
runs the current command or the OS function and stops the task
* Trace on Flow
stops the task when a PC direction occurs. This means the PC is
stopped when it hits a `Jsr', `Jmp', `bcc', `rts'....
* Trace on Adress
runs the task until the PC is equal to the entered address. This
function is not very fast because the task is running in single
step mode and after each instruction the PC is compared with the
* Trace out of OS
runs the task until the PC is outside of the kickstart. This
functions is useful when you catch a task inside the OS and you
wanna get as fast as possible back to the program's code. It
works simular as `Trace on Adress'.
You shouldn't use this command if your task only runs in the
* (PC)++
jumps over the current command. Useful to jump over `Illegal'
breakpoints that you can use for debugging purposes in your
* PC-2
subtract 2 Bytes from the PC.
* Write Nop
overwrites the current command with a `Nop'.
* Write Illegal
overwrites the current command with an `Illegal'.
* Run Task
runs the task and only stops on exceptions.
* Run Watched Task
runs the task in trace mode and stops when a WatchPoint condition
is true. If there are no watchpoints the command behaves like
`Run Task'.
* Run History Task
runs the task in trace mode and saves the registers each step into
the history stack.
* Stop Task
stops the task.
* Send Signal
sends a signal to the task. Default Signal is CTRL-C = 12
* Undo Level
sets the undobuffer's depth.
* Undo
undos the last changes in the registerframe.
* View Refresh
activates and disactivates the copperlist refresh after each trace
operation. This function is helpful if you debug programs that
install own copperlists.
* Show (EA)
activates and disactivates the output of the address and address
contents that are access by the current assembler command.
* Symbol
activates and disactivates the use of symbols in the `REGWindow'.
* Delete Symbols
erases all symbols of the task.
* Copy Symbols
can copy a symbol list of the task to a different task. This
function is helpful if you a task is started from another task and
you wanna keep the symbol list.
* Load Symbols
loads the symbols of a program where you can select an alternative
process's segmentlist for calculating the symbol and debug
informations. Normally you choose the same process but sometimes
it's helpful to select a different process. For example if the
task you debug is created in a program you have to choose the
program's task to get the correct symbol addresses.
* Set Hunklist
sets a new segment list for the SourceWindow and some other hunk
related functions. Because the position in the SourceWindow
depends on the segments it's sometimes helpful if you load new
symbols and debug informations for this task. If you load an
alternative Hunklist by selecting a custom task when you use `Load
Symbols' this routine is called automaticly.
* Reset Hunklist
removes the alternative hunklist.
* Show Value
shows the value of an argument.
* Show Last Exception
shows the last exception.
* Open Task Window
opens a window to show the task structure of the task.
* Open System Window
opens a window to show the ExecBase structure.
* Open Proces Window
opens a window to show the process structure of the process.
* Open CLI Window
opens a window to show the cli structure of the process.
* Open Hunk Window
opens a window to show the hunks of the process.
* Open Symbol Window
opens a window to show the symbols of the process. If you
doubleclick on a symbol you get the hunk where the symbol is
* Open Library Window
opens a window to show the libraries. If you doubleclick on a
library entry it opens a `FD:' window that shows all functions of
the library when the library is defined in the `Barfly.FD' file.
Furthermore if you doublelick on a function you have the choice to
see the function in a `DissWindow' or the autodocs documentation.
* Open Device Window
opens a window to show the devices.
* Open Resource Window
opens a window to show the resources.
* Open Port Window
opens a window to show the public ports.
* Open Resident Window
opens a window to show the resident modules.
* Open Interrupt Window
opens a window to show the interrupts.
* Open AutoDocs Window
opens a filerequester to choose the needed autodocs information of
a library. Now a window is opened that shows all function of the
chosen autodoc file. If you now click on a function another
window is opened that shows the function documentation.
* Open History Window
opens a HistoryWindow that shows the last saved registerframes of
the undobuffer. The undobuffer is organized as a stack that the
first entry is the last entry in the HistoryWindow. The
HistoryWindow isn't updated automatic.
* Stack Check
controlls the stack check. If the register A7 points out of the
stack bounds or points on an odd address a warning is shown. The
Debugger only checks the task when the task give back the control
to the traproutine, so it's not possible to notice every stack
You should be aware that this function doesn't work with a
WShell task because the `WShell' doesn't set the correct
stack task values.
* Find Task of Adress
trys to find the task that belongs to the entered address. The
command checks if the address is in the task,process,cli, mementry
structure and the hunks. It's not safe to assume that the
function can check all cases.
* Load Binary
loads a file with an optional length into a memory area. If the
Debugger should allocate the memory block automaticly you have to
close the memory requester.
* Save Binary
saves a memory area into a file.
* Freeze Task
freezes a selectable task. When bdebug ends the frozen tasks are
warmed up again.
* Warm up Task
warms up a frozen task.
* Kill Task
kills a selectable task.
You should know what task you can kill.
* Show Task
shows the task structure of a selectable task.
* Show Prozess
shows the process structure of a selectable process.
* Show CLI
shows the cli structure of a selectable process.
* Show Hunk
shows the hunks of a selectable process.
* Send Task Signal
sends a signal to a selectable task.
* Set Task Priority
sets a priority of a selectable task.
* Refresh Code Cache
refreshes the Code Cache.
* Refresh Data Cache
refreshes the Data Cache
Usage of BDebug
The FPU Window
FPU Window
The FPU Window shows the FPU register FP0 to FP7 in the 96Bit
Extended format and the registers FPCR,FPSR and FPIAR in hexadecimal.
You can only open this window if a FPU is available.
Register Window Layout
FPCR=xxxxxxxx FPSR=xxxxxxxx
Local Menus
* Close Window
closes the window.
Usage of BDebug
The Disassembler Window
Disassembler window
The `DissWindow' shows the memory contents in assembler mnemonics.
The address of the window's view can be absolut or relative. In the
absolut mode the window is set to a fixed adress and you can read in
the title `No Link'. In the relative mode the window is connected with
a register so the window's view depends on the registers value. You
can see this mode by the title string `Link to *' where * represents
the register name. The PC is shown by the colour pen 2. If the linked
register value is outside of the window's view area the whole contents
of the window will be refreshed. You can change size of the window and
scroll through the memory area by using the cursors. In the title you
see an ID-String with the format `\#x.y' where `X' represents the
`REGWindow' number and `y' the number of the `MemWindow'. By a
doubleclick in a line of the window you can sets or remove a
breakpoint. You can disable this function in the configuration.
Local Menus
* Close Window
closes the window.
* Shrink Window
shrinks the window.
* Expand Window
expands the window to screen size.
* Link to Register
links the window with a register. If you enter the string `NO' it
switches to the absolute mode.
* Change Adress
changes the view address of the window.
* Clear Adress
resets the view address of the window.
* Refresh Window
refreshes the window.
* .W Branches
activates and disactivates the output of the old branch width size.
* Neg. Offsets
activates and disactivates the output of negative values in the
indirect address modes with offset.
* Neg. Data
activates and disactivates the output of negative values in the
direkt address mode.
* Opcode Data
activates and disactivates the additional output of the command
* Auto Refresh
activates and disactivates the global refresh of the window after
each step.
* Symbols
activates and disactivates the symbol output in the window.
* Show Lib Call
activates and disactivates the symbolic output of library
functions so all library functions that are defined in the
configuration file `<BarflyPath>/Barfly/BARFLY.FD' are recognized.
* Guess Lib Call
activates and disactivates the guessing of function call names.
It only works in connection with the option `Show Lib Call'.
Fortunately you can't expect that the function names always fit
because the the library base register A6 can change until the
program counter meets the function.
* Mark Block End
activates and disactivates marking after the instruction
`JMP',`BRA',`RTS',`RTE',`RTD' and `RTR' to make program blocks
more visible.
* Set/Clear Breakpoint
sets/removes a breakpoint on the first entry in the window.
Breakpoints are shown by changing the pen from colour 1 to colour
3 and the char `>' at the beginning of a line.
* Pick/Clear Breakpoint
sets/removes a breakpoint through a symbol list.
* Disassemble to File
disassembles a memory area into a file.
Usage of BDebug
The Memory Window
Memory window
The `MemWindow' shows the memory contents hexadecimal and in
ascii.You can change size of the window and scroll through the memory
area by using the cursors. In the title you see an ID-String with the
format `\#x.y' where `X' represents the `REGWindow' number and `y' the
number of the `MemWindow'.
Local Menus
* Close Window
closes the window.
* Shrink Window
shrinks the window.
* Expand Window
expands the window to screen size.
* Link to Register
links the window with a register. If you enter the string `NO' it
switches to the absolute mode.
* Change Adress
changes the view address of the window.
* Clear Adress
resets the view address of the window.
* Refresh Window
refreshes the window.
* Memory Offset Step
defines the data format in the window. The following options can
be selected: `None', `Byte', `Word' and `Long'.
* Edit
activates the edit mode of the `MemWindow'. In the edit mode you
can switch between hex and ascii input by the key `RETURN'. With
`ESC' you can leave the edit mode. Only the cursor right and left
are changed to the normal. With these both keys you can access
each Byte. In the edit mode you can't change the size of the
* Copy
copies a memory area into another memory area. The function uses
`CopyMem' so it doesn't handle memory areas that overlap.
* Fill
fills a memory area with a value of a certain data-width.
* Compare
compares a memory area with another memory area.
* Search
searches a value of a certain data-width in a memory area. If the
value is found the address and the value are shown and you can
goon with `Search Next' to find the next address.
* Search Next
Searches the next value. Look at `Search'
* Pred
sets the address of the window on the preceding entry of the list.
If the node points on an odd, illegal or address NULL the command
has no effect. The next node is equal to `LN_PRED', the second
longword of the memory view.
* Succ
sets the address of the window on the next entry of the list. If
the node points on an odd, illegal or address NULL the command has
no effect. The next node is equal to `LN_SUCC', the first longword
of the memory view.
Usage of BDebug
The Copper Window
The `CopperWindow' shows the memory contents as copper commands.
You can change size of the window and scroll through the memory area by
using the cursors. In the title you see an ID-String with the format
`\#x.y' where `X' represents the `REGWindow' number and `y' the number
of the `CoppWindow'.
Local Menus
* Close Window
closes the window.
* Shrink Window
shrinks the window.
* Expand Window
expands the window to screen size.
* Link to Register
links the window with a register. If you enter the string `NO' it
switches to the absolute mode.
* Change Adress
changes the view address of the window.
* Clear Adress
resets the view address of the window.
* Refresh Window
refreshes the window.
* Goto Into List
sets the window list on the standard copperlist
Usage of BDebug
The Structure Window
opens window that can be connected with a structure. You can use
new structure entries by expanding the the
`<BarflyPath>/Barfly/Barfly.Include' file or loading a new custom file.
By a doubleclick on a structure window entry you can cause several
actions depending on the datatype. Every datatype is connected with an
action that is normally started automaticly. With the configuration
command `NoAutoStructAction' you can change this behaviour so that an
action type requester is opened.
The following datatypes are available.
* APTR opens a MemWindow.
* CSTR shows a string.
* BPTR opens a MemWindow at the address BPTR*4.
* BSTR shows a string at the address (BPTR*4)+1
* CPTR opens a DissWindow.
* FPTR opens a DissWindow.
* BYTE doesn't cause an action.
* WORD doesn't cause an action.
* LONG doesn't cause an action.
* FLOAT doesn't cause an action.
* DOUBLE doesn't cause an action.
* EXTENDED doesn't cause an action.
* RPTR doesn't cause an action.
The following action types are available.
* MemWindow opens a MemWindow.
* DissWindow opens a DissWindow.
* CoppWindow opens a CoppWindow.
* StructWindow opens a StructWindow.
* NewStruct sets a new structure.
Structure Macro Fileformat
In the beginning you define the root directory entries with the
Macro `Menudir'. The first parameter is the name of the entry,then the
address of the parent directory and then the address of the
subdirectory. In the root directory the parent address is fortunately
NULL. The last entry of the directory is defined by the Macro
`Label ListViewMacro Link'
MENUDIR exec,0,Exec_Dir
The design of a subdirectory only differs from the root directory
entries by a parent directory address.
`Label ListViewMacro Link'
MENUDIR nodes.i,RootDir,Nodes_Dir
MENUDIREND tasks.i,RootDir,Tasks_Dir
to define the structure directory entries you have to use `MENUITEM'
and `MENUITEMEND'. The first parameter in the Item Macros is the name
of the entry and also the name of the structure. The second parameter
defines the address of the parent directory.
`Label ListViewMacro Link'
To define a structure you can use the normal assembler syntax that
you probably have to adjust to your custom needs. For example you can
tell BDebug more informations about the datatype an entry represents.
By redefining `APTR' to a `CSTR' you can tell Debugger that the entry
is a stringpointer. Or you can tell that `APTR' points to a structure
by `APTR LN_SUCC,Node'.
`Label IncludeTypeMacro Name,Link'
Local Menus
* Close Window
closes the window.
* Shrink Window
shrinks the window.
* Expand Window
expands the window to screen size.
* Link to Register
links the window with a register. If you enter the string `NO' it
switches to the absolute mode.
* Change Adress
changes the view address of the window.
* Clear Adress
resets the view address of the window.
* Refresh Window
refreshes the window.
* Load Custom Struct
loads additional structure files. The new structure entries are
place in the `CUSTOM' directory. The format of custom structure
files is equal to the file `BARFLY.INCLUDE'.
* Select Structure
opens the structure include directory requester where you can
select the needed structure. The parent gadget is placed in the
upper border.
* Goto Sysbase...
sets the window adress on the ExecBase.
* Goto Gfxbase...
sets the window address on the GFXBase.
* Save Window....
saves the contents of the window in a file.
* Full Address
this switch decides if the `StructWindow' also shows the address
of the entries.
* Offset Address
this switch decides if the `StructWindow' also shows the offset of
the entries.
* Pred
sets the address of the window on the preceding entry of the list.
If the node points on an odd, illegal or address NULL the command
has no effect. The next node is equal to `LN_PRED', the second
longword of the memory view.
* Succ
sets the address of the window on the next entry of the list. If
the node points on an odd, illegal or address NULL the command has
no effect. The next node is equal to `LN_SUCC', the first longword
of the memory view.
Usage of BDebug
The Structure Window
Source window
The `SourceWindow' shows the source line that belongs to the window
address. If the program file doesn't have the needed debug informations
the `Source window' can't be opened. If the address points to an area
with no relevant debug information, for example the Kickstart or beyond
the program hunks, you only see a small message.
Local Menus
* Close Window
closes the window.
* Shrink Window
shrinks the window.
* Expand Window
expands the window to screen size.
* Link to Register
links the window with a register. If you enter the string `NO' it
switches to the absolute mode.
* Change Adress
changes the view address of the window.
* Clear Adress
resets the view address of the window.
* Refresh Window
refreshes the window.
* Set Breakpoint
sets a breakpoint on the active line.
* Show HunkInfo
shows the hunk of the current source line.
Usage of BDebug
The Snoop Window
Snoop Window
The `SnoopWindow' snoops the task's allocations.
Local Menus
* Close Window
closes the window.
* Shrink Window
shrinks the window.
* Expand Window
expands the window to screen size.
* Refresh Window
refreshes the window.
* Auto Refresh
activates/disactivates display refresh by an allocation.
* Snoop Memory
activates/disactivates snooping.
* Snoop Mask
sets the allocation filter mask. Is the Mask 20 only allocations
with the size 20 are recorded. Default -1.
* Snoop Max Entries
sets the maximal recorded snoop entries.
Usage of BDebug
The Breakpoint Window
Breakpoint window
The `BreakWindow' handles all breakpoints and contains the functions
that are needed with breakpoints. In general breakpoints are addresses
in the program where the task should be stopped. The breakpoints are
handled global so they aren't deleted when close the window.
Local Menus
* Toggle
activates and disactivates all breakpoints.
* All
selects all breakpoints.
* Clear
unselects all breakpoints.
* On
activates all selected breakpoints.
* Off
disactivates all selected breakpoints.
* Hit
sets the amount of hits for a breakpoint until it should stop the
program. Default is 1.
* ?
shows the hunk where the breakpoint is located and if the
breakpoint is equal to a symbol.
* Input
this breakpoint sets and removes a breakpoint.
* Pick
this breakpoint sets and removes a breakpoint using the symbol
* Delete
removes every selected breakpoint.
* Goto
opens a DissWindow for every selected breakpoint.
* Run
runs the program until the PC hits a selected breakpoint.
Usage of BDebug
The Watchpoint Window
Watchpoint window
The `Watchwindow' allows to set breakpoints that aren't dependend on
a certain PC address but from other conditions. Every watchpoint has a
condition,data width and state if it's activated or not. There are 3
types of different watchpoints available now. The `Memory' watchpoint
compares the saved contents of the address with the current contents
and dependent on the condition the program is stopped or not. The
`Register' watchpoint compares the saved contents of a register with
the current contents and dependent on the condition the program is
stopped or not. The `Argument' watchpoint compares the saved value of
an argument with the current contents and dependent on the condition the
program is stopped or not. The last watchpoint type is the most
powerful because it can simulate the first two types with the cost of a
slowdown. The use of watchpoints is very time consuming because the
whole program is run in single stepping To use watchpoints you have to
run the task with `Run Watched Task'.
If an error happens during a dynamic argument in the exception
handler the screen is blinked.
Local Menus
* Toggle
activates and disactivates all watchpoints.
* All
selects all watchpoints.
* Clear
unselects all watchpoints.
* On
activates all selected watchpoints.
* Off
disactivates all selected watchpoints.
* Add
opens a requester where the parameter for a watchpoint have to be
adjusted and adds the new watchpoint to the list. If you
doubeclick on a watchpoint you can change the parameter.
* Refresh
refreshes the watchpoint arguments.
* Check
checks all selected watchpoints.
* Delete
removes all selected watchpoints.
Usage of BDebug
The Checksum Window
Checksum Window
The `ChecksumWindow' controlls all checksum areas that are been
checked each time the task stops. Helpful to find illegal random
writes bugs. The checkpoints are controlled global so they aren't
deleted when you close the window.
Local Menus
* Toggle
activates or disactivates all checksum areas.
* All
selects all checksum areas.
* Clear
unselects all checksum areas.
* On
activates all selected checksum areas.
* Off
disactivates all selected checksum areas.
* Address
adds a checksum area into the list.
* Hunk
adds a hunk of the current process into the checksum area list.
* Task
adds a hunk of selectable process into the checksum area list.
* Refresh
calculate a new checksum for all selected areas.
* Delete
removes all selected checksum areas.
* Check
checks all areas for checksum errors.
Usage of BDebug
Requester Arguments
Argument Structur
An argument can use absolut values,symbols and registers as operands
and the operators +,-,*,/,|,!,&,<<,>>,~. Additionally to the normal
symbols there are some special symbols available.
* By {Argument}.[b,w,l] you can read from a memory address, that is
defined by the argument. If you specify an illegal address that
isn't defined in the legal memory space an error is shown.
* \#d? represents the address of the `Disswindows' with the ID ?
* \#m? represents the address of the `Memwindows' with the ID ?
* \#c? represents the address of the `Coppwindows' with the ID ?
* \#h? represents the address of the hunk ?. Helpful for enforcer
Hunk:Offset output
* \#ea? represents the address of the EA with the number ?. Check
Register Window.
* \#em? represents the contents where the address EA number ?
points to. Check Register Window. If the address EA is illegal an
error is shown.
* \#ls represents the start address of a loaded binary file.
* \#le represents the end address of a loaded binary file.
* \#ll represents the length address of a loaded binary file.
* \#p represents the start address of the programs. Only true for
a loaded program.
If you have the following Enforcer Hit output `Hunk 0:$11c' you can
calculate the adress by entering the argument #h0+$11c.
Usage of BDebug
Technical Informations
The Debugger can catch all exceptions if the system is still working.
If an exception is caused the traphandler catches the exception and
tells the Debugger what went on so it can react on the exception. If
the exception wasn't caused by the Debugger the type and the possible
reason for the exception is shown. The `Return-Adress' of the debugged
task points on an internal `ILLEGAL'. If the PC points on this `ILLEGAL'
the task is closed and all windows are removed. You should step over
this `ILLEGAL' because it increases possibility of a system crash. If
a task is caught by `Debug Next Task' and notices a `finalPC' pointer
the `Return-Adress' isn't set on an internal `ILLEGAL' because the
`finalPC' pointer is sometimes used for parsing an argument. In this
case the Debugger notices that the task ends by the RemTask() function.
If the task changes the `Return-Adress' the Debugger tries to
determine the taskend by `RemTask'.
Exception Handler
Every task contains in the task structure a pointer to its exception
handler that is named `TC_TRAPCODE' When an exception happens in this
task the exception checks if the Debugger knows this task. If this is
not the case something seriously is broken and the Deadend Alert
35000000 will be poped up. If all goes well the registers are saved,
the Debugger task gets a message and the exception handler waits for a
msg by the Debugger to go on. When the Debugger gets the message it
causes the appropriate function. For example refreshing the windows.
If the Debugger gets a step command it sends the exception handler the
appropriate message and the handler does a step.
Debug Informations
Currently the following formats are supported.
* BASM Specialformat This format allows the Debugger to decide if
the code is in the Mainpart,Includes or in a Macro.
* SAS D1 This format only allows a Source-Code connection. It
doesn't support local variables,Structures and Macros.
* GCC STABS This format is very powerful and offers all a
source-level Debugger needs. Unfortunately the Debugger only
supports a simple Source-Code connection at the moment. It's
planned to support more in the future.
GCC Compiler and BDebug
Unfortunately you can't debug programs that are using the current
`ixemul.library' because in Openlibrary() initroutine the Task field
TC_TRAPCODE is changed. Hopefully there'll be soon an `ixemul.library'
available that doesn't change the traphandler. If you're using GCC
with the link lib `gerlib' that is available on Aminet FTP Servers you
shouldn't experience any problems with BDebug.
Usage of BDebug
The default configuration file is named `BDEBUG.Config' and is
located in the directory `<BarflyPath>/' or `s:Barfly/'. Obviously
it's not optimal to be forced to use the same config file for different
programs. Therefore you can also specify a local config file with
program name and the suffix `.BDebug'.
The following tooltypes are supported to activate the know functions
of the commandwindow.
* CatchNextTask
* CatchCrashedTask
* CatchEnforcerHit
If you want to create a new `Barfly.FD' file that contains the
library function name you have to follow the following the instructions.
First the assign `FD:' has to point to the directory that contains the
FD files that should be contained in the new `Barfly.FD'. Afterwards
you should check every FD file if the Library, Resource, Device name
exist in the first line in the following style: `* "foobar.libary"'.
If this is not the case you have to add the name yourself so that a
correct FD database can be build up. If you're more experienced with
FD files you can yourself add new entries to the `Barfly.FD' file
because the layout is pretty obvious.
Configuration Commands
Register window
This command defines the position of a `REGWindow'.
This command defines certain flags in the `REGWindows'.
FPU Window
This command defines the position of a `FPUWindow'.
This command tells the Debugger to open a `FPUWindow'.
Disassembler window
This command defines the position,the dimension and linked register
of the `DissWindow'.
Beispiel: DISSWINDOW=0/0/300/100/PC
This command defines certain flags in the `DISSWindow'.
This command tells the Debugger to open a number of `DissWindows'.
Memory window
This command defines the position,the dimension and linked register
of the `MemWindow'.
Example: MEMWINDOW=0/0/300/100/A0
This command tells the Debugger to open a number of `MemWindows'.
This command defines the Offset-Step of the `MemWindows'.
* 0 no Space
* 1 Space after each Byte.
* 2 Space after each Word.
* 4 Space after each Longword.
Copper window
This command defines the position,the dimension and linked register
of the `CoppWindow'.
Example: COPPWINDOW=0/0/300/100/A0
This command tells the Debugger to open a number of `CoppWindows'.
This command defines the position,the dimension and linked register
of the `StructWindow'.
Example: StructWINDOW=0/0/300/100/A0
This command defines certain flags for the `StructWindow'
This command tells the Debugger to open a number of `StructWindows'.
Source window
This command defines the position,the dimension and linked register
of the `SourceWindow'.
Example: SOURCEWINDOW=0/0/300/100/A0
This command tells the Debugger to open a number of `SourceWindows'.
Breakpoint window
This command defines the position of a `BreakPointWindow'.
This command tells the Debugger to open a `BreakPointWindow'.
Watchpoint window
This command defines the position of a `WatchpoinzWindow'.
This command tells the Debugger to open a `WatchPointWindow'.
Checksum window
This command defines the position of a `ChecksumWindow'.
This command tells the Debugger to open a `ChecksumWindow'.
SnoopMemory window
This command defines the position of a `SnoopMemWindow'.
This command tells the Debugger to open a `SnoopMemWindow'.
This command defines the snoop mask. The mask defines the length of
memory blocks that should be recorded. Default is -1 so everything is
This command defines the count of snoop entries. Default is 100.
This command defines the count of history entries. Default is 5.
Information Windows
This command defines the position and dimensions of a standard
information window. For example the Library Window belongs to this
Example: GLOBALVIEWWINDOW=0/0/300/100
Other Windows
This command defines the position of the small `CommandWindow'.
This command has no function in local configuration files.
FileShell=<Window Specifikation>
This command defines the shell that is opened with the loaded
program. You should always open the shell on the Debugger's Public
Screen. The shell parameters are the same you know from the CLI.
This command defines the stack of the loaded program. Defaullt are
4096 Bytes.
This command defines the Debugger's priority.
This command can be used to define a list of breakpoints that are
set before the program is started. This is useful to pass the module
`Main.c' for example. If no breakpoints are defined or if a parsing
problem occurs the standard breakpoint,first program instruction, is
* SETBREAK=_main ; SAS C Main Program Start
* SETBREAK=_main ; GCC C Main Program Start
* SETBREAK=@main ; DICE C Main Program Start
* SETBREAK=! ; Programstart(Default)
This command can be used to define the action of the DissWindow on a
No Action(Default).
Set/Clear Breakpoint and pop up a Requester for a Set.
Set/Clear Breakpoint.
defines the adress areas that are legal to the Debugger so you can
look at adress areas that are not in the memorylist or in the rom.
Illegal adress areas are shown with `*' in the windows. You should
`never' define the custom chip areas as legal because a read access on
a writeonly register can cause a deadly crash.
Example: SHOWMEM=$e80000:$f00000 defines the Zorro 2 area
as free.
By this command you can overrule the internal enforcer legal
memory areas so you should beware of hits.
This commands allows to connect menu functions with key sequences.
Because of the object-oriented concept of the Debugger that allowes
multiple instances of objects it's not easy to decide what object is
meant. Therefore if the object is active it's used and if no object of
this type is active the first entry the object-type list is used. As
the key parameter every Rawkey can be used with the exception of `TAB'
and the functionkeys that are used internal. The key is searched first
in the local and then in the global configuration.
As qualifiers you can use the following keys.
Bespiel: DEFCOMMAND=$15,CTRL,"Step 1 Position"
Defines CTRL-Z as Step 1 Position
This command sets the path for the autodocs directory.
This command sets an alias for Libraries,Devices or Resources to
define the connected Autodocs file. There's no other way because it's
not possible to build the autodocs file by knowing the library name.
This command sets the Arexx-Script Start-Command. In a normal
system the path should be <sys:Rexxc/rx>.
This command sets the Arexx-Command Input-File. If you don't
specify the file, NIL: is used.
This command sets the Arexx-Command Output-File. If you don't
specify the file, NIL: is used.
This command sets the 10 entries in the Arexx-Menu. You specify the
number and the path of the Arexx-Script.
this command can set up a list of programs that should be run before
the debugged program's task is started. This parameter only works with
programs that are loaded by the Debugger. Furthermore you have to make
sure that the loaded programs have to `end' otherwise the task can't be
started. For example you could use these command to set breakpoints
with Arexx-Scripts.
tells the Debugger to load the structure information file
tells the Debugger to load a custom structure information file and
adds it into the CUSTOM/ subtree.
activates the Debugger's own `ClicktoFront' handler. This function
should only be used if you don't use an own `Commodity' for this task.
activates the centering mode for every stringrequester windows.
activates the `ScreenToFront' mode that pops the screen to front
after every trace operation.
tells the Debugger to open an own screen. If you don't enter
dimension parameters the wb screen is cloned. You can use the
screenmodes in the mode string that you can see in the
`Prefs/ScreenMode' requester. This command has no function in local
configuration files.
OPENSCREEN=1448,560,2,PAL:HighRes Interlace
tells the Debugger to open on the Pubscreen with the specified name.
This command has no function in local configuration files.
defines a font for a Debugger screen. This command has no function
in local configuration files.
QuietException=Exception Nummer
masks off certain exceptions for the exception requester so that
only a `DisplayBeep' is caused instead of a textrequest. With the
value -1 you can mask off every exception and for example with the
value 4 you mask off the `Illegal' exception.
disactivate the Wait-Pointer.
tells the Debugger to use breakpoints in the `Subroutine' Traces
instead of single steps. The advantage is a speed up and the
disadvantage is that you can cause crashes while you step through
resident/reentry code.
activates the `CatchCrashedTask' mode.
activates the `CatchEnforcerHit' mode.
tells the Debugger not to cache program files while reading the
Symbol/Debug informationen to save memory. Obviously the parsing speed
will decrease.
tells the Debugger to ignore errors from opening source files and
not to open a path requester.
tells the Debugger to open a type-requester by an action in the
tells the Debugger to ignore SETBREAK= errors that cause the
Debugger to always set an error on the program start.
Usage of BDebug
* RC: -
* result: 'OK'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE','RESUME'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: -
OPEN_MEMWINDOW '@REG' | 'Argument'
* RC: -
* result: -
* RC: -
* result: -
* RC: -
* result: -
* RC: -
* result: -
* RC: -
* result: -
* RC: -
* result: -
* RC: -
* result: -
DOMENU 'Menu-String'
* RC: -
* result: -
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
CLEAR_ICACHE 'Address,Length'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK'
CLEAR_ICACHE 'Address,Length'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
SET_REGISTER 'Register,Value'
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
Read_Byte 'Address'
RC : 0=Ok Result: Result-String
Read_Word 'Address'
RC : 0=Ok Result: Result-String
Read_Long 'Address'
RC : 0=Ok Result: Result-String
Write_Byte 'Address,Value'
RC : 0=Ok
Write_Word 'Address,Value'
RC : 0=Ok
Write_Long 'Address,Value'
RC : 0=Ok
RC : 0=Ok Result: Filepath-String
RC : 0=Ok Result: Filepath-String
* RC: -
* result: 'OK','FALSE'
LOAD_BINARY 'Name,Destination,Length'
SAVE_BINARY 'Name,Source,Length'
Usage of BDebug
How to use BDebug ?
First you should be sure that all necessary configurations file have
been installed because without `Barfly.FD' file you don't see any
function names in the disassembler window; and without `Barfly.Include'
the `StructWindow' is unusable. Are these preconditions fullfilled you
should analyse the problem and anticipate how the Debugger can be used.
Because the debugging of programs depends heavily on the situation i
can only list some general points. The reality probably looks
different... as always:-)
Point of departure:
* Program from the CLI
* 1 Task
The program can be started by `bdebug Program [Argument]' or
can be loaded the command window `Debug File'. By this
method all symbol and debug files are loaded. If the
Debugger can't find one source file you can add additional
paths if you haven't disabled this function. The standard
breakpoint is the first command in the program. Sometimes
this uncomfortable and so you can set a different start
breakpoint for example to jump over the CStartup code or to
set it on an important program position.
* Creates further Tasks
In this case you should be sure how you wanna catch the next
Task. You could catch the Task by `Next Task' or compile the
program with an `illegal' in the task and catch it with
`Crashed Task'. After you caught the task you probably would
like to use see symbole and debug source. These
Informationen can be loaded afterwards by using `Load
* Program from the WB
In this case you should use `Next Task' and then catch the task
`WBL'. Afterwards you have to activate `Next Task' again and run
`WBL'. You could also use the `illegal' strategic. After the
right task was caught you can load the symbols again.
* Is it a Handler, Filesystem or something simular.
In this case you should use the `illegal' strategic and catch the
task by `Crashed Task'. An alternative method would be to catch
the waiting task with `Debug Task' and wait as long as the task
gets woken up by a signal.
After you've solved the first stage how you can controll the problem
task you should think about how the problem looks like and where it
could be located.
Problem Type:
* Enforcer
If an Enforcer Hit is caused Enforcer outputs the hit's program
address and mostly also the hunk offset. You can now directly
jump to the address by entering the address in the DissWindow by
`Change Address' or you open a HunkWindow, doubleclick on the hunk
where the hit is located and then enter the offset Enforcer showed.
The Debugger itself can also automaticly stop a debugged program
if a hit happens.
* Mungwall
These hits aren't that easy to find as Enforcer hits because
Mungwall hits aren't showed when the problem happened but only
after a `FreeMem'. In this case you should remember the
memoryblock where it happened and determine where the responsible
AllocMem is located in the program, so you get an overview between
what area the problem is caused. Now you should open a MemWindow
that points to this certain memory area and step through the
program and look if something changes the mungwall borders in the
MemWindow. Mungwall borders are before and after the allocated
memory area. If you're more experienced you could also use the
WatchpointWindow and set a watchpoint on the certain memory block.
* Crash
If it's just an ordinary crash the error should be pretty easy to
find single stepping through the responsible code area. If it's a
random crash you should be using `Crashed Task' and hope that the
task can be caught. After the task got caught you should check
the instructions that cause the crash. If the PC points to data
fields that don't look like real code the PC is probably set wrong
by a stack cleanup error. In this case you should check the nexts
addresses on the stack if these point to legal program code.
* Sideeffects and mysterious
These bugs are the worst to find and there's no general strategic
how to find them. In these cases only intuition and patience can
Problems that can happen
* Why does the Debugger react so slow on keyboard commands that
controll the tracing ?
This happens if you debug a task with a higher priority as the
Debugger's priority. For example. DOS-Handler. Workaround is to
higher the priority of the Debugger.
* Why does the Debugger blockate by opening the filerequester.
This happens when you debug a handler, because the filerequester
normally tests every handler with a IsFilesystem(). When you debug
a handler it can't reply the IsFilesystem packet and therefore the
filerequester is busy.
* If you debug the following program on a 68040 with 68040.library
or 68060.library the instruction `rts' is run if you cause a
Single-Step on the instruction `fetox'. Because this command
isn't implemented in the 68040 and 68060 it has to be emulated. It
seems to forget the tracebit.
fmove.x #1.3,fp0
fmove.x #255,fp1
fetox.x fp0,fp1
* If a program doesn't return from a DOS funktion you could
accidently entered a char in shell window.
BAsm 1.0
A cli/arexx controlled Assembler
Copyright (c) 1989-94 Ralph Schmidt
- Shareware -
The Assembler
The assembler understands the commands and addressmodes from the
68000 through the 68060 and both the Floating-Point Units, 68881 and
68882. It supports only the 68851 MMU commands, which are also
supported by the 68030. The assembler achieves it's speed by
translating the source in a single pass, followed by a backpatch phase
which corrects all unresolved references.
A comment can start in several different ways. In a pure comment it
starts either with a ; or *. A comment can only be started after an
assembler command or symbol with a ; if an assembler command or symbol
exists within that line.
;A comment
*A comment
move.l a0,a0 ;A comment
Opcode/Instructions arrangement
`[label[:]] [opcode] [operand[, operand[, operand...]]]]]'
* Opcodes
An Opcode can be a Motorola Mnemonic, an assembler command, or a
Macro call.
* Operations
In a Motorola mnemonic operands are based on legal addressmoes; in
assembler privat instructions the parameters depend on the
Symbol structure
A symbol can represent the following types:
* Value
* Program Counter
* Register
* Register List
* Macro
Symbols can only be defined once. The exceptions are local labels
and symbols defined by Set.
Structure rules for Symbols.
* The first letter of a symbol can be one of the following: a...z,
A...Z,_, @,. and \.
* From the second letter on, the symbol can contain the following
letters: a...z,A...Z,0...9, _,@ and ..
* If a symbol consists of only numbers and ends with $, then it is a
numerical local label.
* A symbol is ended by an illegal letter.
* If a symbol begins with a . or \, then it is a local label.
* A macro symbol should not contain a ..
* To avoid a conflict, a symbol should not end with .b,.w or .l.
ThisIsALabel ;That is a normal label
ThisIsALabel1.loop: ;That is a normal label
1$: ;That is a numerical local label
.ThisIsALabel ;That is a local label
.ThisIsALael1: ;That is a local label
\ThisIsALabel.loop: ;That is a local label
ThisIsASymbol = 10
ThisIsASymbol equ 10
The relative label
This symbol represents an offset to the start of a program.
label nop
label: nop
The local Label
A local label is only valid between two normal relative labels, thus
you cannot reference local labels outside of that scope. Otherwise it
works simular as a normal label. There are 2 different prefixes that
introduce a local label: . and \ that define 2 different local labels.
A special case is the Backward Reference Label that is introduced with
... It doesn't depend on a certain define area between normal labels
thus you can only access the symbol if it were defined earlier.
bra.s .local
bra.s \local
dbra d0,..
dbra d1,..
dbra d1,..Hello
The local numerical label
Addionally to the non-numerical local label there are also the
numerical labels which are based of 4 digits with the postfix $. BASM
handles the number as a hash key with the consequence that there's no
difference between 001$ and 1$.
123$: nop
123$: nop
The absolute Symbol
The absolute symbol is defined by a direct value initializing that
is initiated by =, equ or set. If you define a symbol by set you can
change it as often as needed.
value2 equ value1*2
value3 set value2
The Register Symbol
The register symbol is defined by `equr' or `fequr' that is used for
FPU registers.
Ptr equr a1
PI fequr fp2
move.l (Ptr),d0 ;move.l (a1),d0
fmove.x PI,fp0 ;fmove.x fp2,fp0
The Register List Symbol
The register list symbol is defined by `reg' and represents the
register mask for `Movem' and `fmovem'. You must not mix FPU and
Integer registers with each other in a register list.
mask reg d0/d2/d4-d7/a0-a4/a6-a7
mask1 reg d0-a6
mask2 reg d0-6
fmask reg fp0-fp2/fp4-fp5
The Macro Symbol
By using the command `macro' or `cmacro' after the symbol, the
symbol is defined as a macro. The macro block is terminated by the
command endm. The Macro cmacro is case-insensitive and therefore
useful to emulate commands that are missing from the core.
Symbol[:] macro
Symbol[:] endm
The assembler understands 3 distinct datatypes.
* 32Bit Integer
* 96Bit Extended Floating Point
* 96Bit Packed Binary Floating Point
At the moment only integer datatypes are supported in arithmetic
arguments so you can only use the FPU datatypes as constants.
| Format | Representation |
| Decimal | 1024 |
| Hexadecimal | $400 |
| Binary | %10000000000 |
| Ascii | "OK", 'OK' or `OK` |
Furthermore you can use symbols or the character `*' that represents
the program counter in arguments. There are limitation in the use of
symbols in arguments. For example you can only add or subtract
constants from an external label, Floatingpoint Values can only be used
as simple constants,... By the postfix `k' after decimal value the
value is multply by $1000.
`Floating Point Format'
| Format | Representation |
| Extended | '[+,-]3. 145637848298628[e[+,-]123] |
| Packed | ''[+,-]3. 145637848298628[e[+,-]123]|
Datatype Conversion
All commands are performed with these 3 datatypes and then converted
into the required datatype. For example a 32Bit integer can be
converted into 16Bit and 8 Bit; an extended floating point into a
double or single floating point. Floating point datatypes are rounded
by a convertation. If a rouding error occurs the parser returns with
an error.
Datatype Format
Internal Datatype Structure
* Integer
| Bit 31 | 30..0 |
| S | Integer |
* Single Floating Point
| Bit 31 | Bits 30..23 | Bits 22..0 |
| Sign | Biased Exponent | Fraction |
* Double Floating Point
| Bit 63 | Bits 62..52 | Bits 51..0 |
| Sign | Biased Exponent | Fraction |
* Extended Floating Point
| Bit 95 | Bits 94..80 | Bits 62..0 |
| Sign | Biased Exponent | Mantisse |
* Packed Binary Floating Point
| MEYY | EXP2 | EXP1 | EXP0 | EXP3 | 0000 | 0000 | M016 |
| M015 | M014 | M013 | M012 | M011 | M010 | M009 | M008 |
| M007 | M006 | M005 | M004 | M003 | M002 | M001 | M000 |
* M is the sign (+ or -) of the fraction
* E is the sign (+ or -) of the exponent
* Y are the internal flags for infinity and NAN
* E002-000 are the numbers of the exponent from 2 to 0, EXP3 is used
* M016-000 are the numbers of the fraction from 16 to 0. Each number
lies in the range from 0 to 9..
| Operator | Function |
| `+' | 32Bit signed Addition |
| `-' | 32Bit signed Subtraction |
| `*' | 32Bit signed Multiplication |
| `/' | 32Bit signed Division |
| '|' | 32Bit Or |
| `!' | 32Bit Or |
| `&' | 32Bit And |
| `^' | 32Bit Eor |
| `<<' | logic 32Bit Shift to the left |
| `>>' | logic 32Bit Shift to the right|
| `~' | 32Bit Not |
Basm cares for the operator priorities but be careful while
porting Seka Sources because Seka doesn't care for the priorities.
The following functions are supported.
* _bitnum(Argument) calculates the bit number of the argument. If
this is impossible an error occurs.
* _bitfield(Argument) calculates the bit mask of the argument. If
this is impossible an error occurs.
* _extb(Argument) equal to the 680xx command extb
* _extw(Argument) equal to the 680xx command extw
* _min(Argument[,Argument,...]) calculate the minimum of the
* _max(Argument[,Argument,...]) calculate the maximum of the
Assembler Commands
Hunk/Link Commands
[Label] section Name[,Typ[,[RelocModus,Memtyp]
defines a new logical unit so that the DOS-Loader has the
opportuntity to place smaller hunks into free memory blocks. Another
use for this command is to set different memory types for the hunk to
load gfx data into the chipmem. If you don't specify the section type
it assumes "",Code,Public.
* Name = Hunkname
* Hunk type
starts a code segment.
starts a data segment.
starts an undefined data segment.
starts a custom debug segment.
starts a Custom-Hunk area.
* Reloc-Mode defines the width of the hunk relocation. Default 32Bit
sets the reloc width to 16bit.(V37)
sets the reloc width to 32bit.(Default)
* Memtype defines the memory attributes of the hunk. If you add a
`_p', `_c', or `_f' upon the type parameter, you cannot use more
memtypes.The memtype `DEBUG' does not allow memory attribute
loads the hunk into the memory with the highest priority.
Code Suffix _p.
loads the hunk into chip memory. Code Suffix _c.
loads the hunk into fast memory. Code Suffix _f.
ignores the hunk if the OS doesn't understand the type. A
kind of Debug-Hunk that can be used by the OS.(V39)
loads the hunk into the memory with specified memory
attributs. (V37)
[Label] code [Name[, Memtyp]]
defines a new code hunk and is equivalent to the command `section
* Name = Hunkname
* Memtype defines the memory attributes for the hunk.
loads the hunk into the memory with the highest priority.
Code Suffix _p.
loads the hunk into chip memory. Code Suffix _c.
loads the hunk into fast memory. Code Suffix _f.
ignores the hunk if the OS doesn't understand the type. A
kind of Debug-Hunk that can be used by the OS.(V39)
loads the hunk into the memory with specified memory
attributs. (V37)
[Label] data [Name[, Memtyp]]
defines a new data hunk and is equivalent to the command `section
* Name = Hunkname
* Memtype defines the memory attributes for the hunk.
loads the hunk into the memory with the highest priority.
Code Suffix _p.
loads the hunk into chip memory. Code Suffix _c.
loads the hunk into fast memory. Code Suffix _f.
ignores the hunk if the OS doesn't understand the type. A
kind of Debug-Hunk that can be used by the OS.(V39)
loads the hunk into the memory with specified memory
attributs. (V37)
[Label] bss [Name[, Memtyp]]
defines a new BSS hunk and is equivalent to the command `section
* Name = Hunkname
* Memtype defines the memory attributes for the hunk.
loads the hunk into the memory with the highest priority.
Code Suffix _p.
loads the hunk into chip memory. Code Suffix _c.
loads the hunk into fast memory. Code Suffix _f.
ignores the hunk if the OS doesn't understand the type. A
kind of Debug-Hunk that can be used by the OS.(V39)
loads the hunk into the memory with specified memory
attributs. (V37)
[Label] cseg [Name[, Memtyp]]
has the same function as the command `code'.
[Label] dseg [Name[, Memtyp]]
has the same function as the command `data'.
idnt Name
defines the name of the `HUNK_UNIT' hunk in the object file.
* Name = Hunkname
identify Name
defines the name of the actual hunk.
* Name = Hunkname
BDebugArg Argument
defines a parameter in env:BDebugProgram. It doesn't active this
function you have to activate by option "-J" in *Note BOPT: MI_BOPT.
* Argument = Argument Text
smalldata [Register]
activates the smalldata mode for the hunk. Optionally, you can also
define the smalldata register. Default register is `A4'. The program
itself must initialize the smalldata register with the address of the
smalldata data hunk.
bopt w2- ;68020 Addressmode warnings off
mc68020 ;68020 mode activated
smalldata a3 ;Default is A4!!!
xref _LinkerDB ;Special linker symbol
lea.l _LinkerDB,a3 ;Address of the smalldata data segments
move.l #0,(d_test.l,a3)
move.l #"TEST",d_test(a3)
moveq #0,d0
tst.b array(a3,d0.w)
section "__MERGED",BSS ;The smalldata data segments are defined
;the following way
ds.l 1
ds.b 20
xref Symbol[, Symbol...]
imports a symbol so that you can access symbols that were exported
by XDef. The linker resolves these reference during the link process
and creates a program file. If the assembler finds a XRef in the source
it creates an object file. This decision can be overruled.
* Symbol = Name of the importet symbol.
xdef Symbol[, Symbol...]
exports a symbol as global so that other object files can import the
symbol by XRef. There's no need to define a symbol before you mark them
with XDef. If the assembler finds a XRef in the source it creates an
object file. This decision can be overruled.
* Symbol = Name of the global symbol
global Symbol[, Symbol...]
has the same function like XDef.
public Symbol[, Symbol...]
has the same function like XDef.
output Name
sets an output filename. If you don't specify a filename the
assembler uses the source filename and adds the appropriate filetype
* Name = Filename
has the same function like Output.
writes a program file if you wanna overrule the assembler.
writes an object file if you wanna overrule the assembler.
org Address
activates the absolute mode. All command that refer to hunk related
functions aren't allowed. For example:. section, xdef, xref. The
parameter address sets the base address of the created code.
* Address = Absolute Address
writes a symbol hunk.
writes a SAS D1 debug hunk to see source level informations while
debugging the program through bdebug.
Symbol Commands
CArgs [#Offset,]Symbol[,Symbol.w[,Symbol.l]
defines the symbol offsets for a stack function. The first Symbol
starts with the offset 4 but if you like to use a different Offset it's
possible to specify one. Then the offset is increased according to the
size of the symbol. If the symbol has no size specifier the default size
is word. Sorry..i would use a longword here but to be compatible with
Devpac i'm forced to use word.
cargs Test1.w,Test2.l
move.w Test1(a7),d0 ;Test1=4
move.l Test2(a7),d0 ;Test2=4+2=6
Symbol rs[.width] Count
initializes the Symbol with the value of the counter __RS and
increases the __RS counter afterwards by Count*Width. You can use this
command as a replacement for the include exec/types.i macros to
increase the parsing speed.
* Width
1 Byte Valuearea: -$80 <= x < $100
2 Bytes Valuearea: -$8000 <= x < $10000
4 Bytes Valuearea: -$80000000 <= x < $10000000
4 Bytes (Single IEEE-Float)
8 Bytes (Double IEEE-Float)
12 Bytes (Extended IEEE-Float)
12 Bytes (Packed BCD-Float)
16 Bytes (Quadword)
Symbol so[.width] Count
This command has the same function like rs with the exception that
the Symbol __SO is used instead of the __RS symbol. Internally both
symbols are handled equal. Devpac has introduced the symbol __RS and
Macro68k knows the functionality by the name __SO.
Symbol fo[.width] Count
decreases the counter __FO by Count*Width and initializes the Symbol
with the new value. Useful to create the negative local stackframe
symbols needed by link.
* Width
1 Byte Valuearea: -$80 <= x < $100
2 Bytes Valuearea: -$8000 <= x < $10000
4 Bytes Valuearea: -$80000000 <= x < $10000000
4 Bytes (Single IEEE-Float)
8 Bytes (Double IEEE-Float)
12 Bytes (Extended IEEE-Float)
12 Bytes (Packed BCD-Float)
16 Bytes (Quadword)
initializes the counter __RS to 0.
rsset Value
initializes the counter __RS with the Value
* Value = New Index
has the same function like rsreset
has the same function like foreset.
setso Value
has the same function like rsset
setrs Value
has the same function like rsset
setfo Value
initializes the counter __FO with the Value
* Value = New Index
Symbol rsval
initializes the Symbol with the value of the __RS counter.
Symbol soval
has the same function like rsval.
Symbol foval
initializes the Symbol with the value of the __FO counter.
Data Commands
align Value
aligns the program counter to an address that can be devided by the
value. Useful because certain DOS structures have to be aligned on 4
Byte boundaries. For example FileInfoBlock. Furthermore it's also
useful to align subroutines on longword boundaries that they fit better
into the cache structure.
* Value = Align Mask
cnop Offset,Align
aligns the program counter to an address that can be devided by the
Align value and adds the value onto the address. Internally only Align
values < 16 are supported.
pad.Width Align[,Value]
aligns the program counter to an address that can be devided by the
Align*Width and fills the aligned area by the optional mask value.
aligns the program counter to a 16 Byte address.
aligns the program counter to an even address. This function is
useful if you define an odd sized data area and you need a word aligned
for OS data structures or assembler instructions.
aligns the program counter to an odd address.
dc[.width] Value[,Value...]
inserts data of the Width into the code.
* Width
1 Byte Valuearea: -$80 <= x < $100
2 Bytes Valuearea: -$8000 <= x < $10000
4 Bytes Valuearea: -$80000000 <= x < $10000000
4 Bytes (Single IEEE-Float)
8 Bytes (Double IEEE-Float)
12 Bytes (Extended IEEE-Float)
12 Bytes (Packed BCD-Float)
db Value[,Value,...]
inserts a byte with a value in the valuearea -$80 <= x < $100.
dw Value[,Value,...]
inserts a word with a value in the valuearea -$8000 <= x < $10000.
dl Value[,Value,...]
inserts a longword with a value in the valuearea -$80000000 <= x <
ub Value[,Value,...]
inserts a byte with a value in the valuearea -$80 <= x < $80.
uw Value[,Value,...]
inserts a word with a value in the valuearea -$8000 <= x < $8000.
ul Value[,Value,...]
inserts a longword with a value in the valuearea -$80000000 <= x <
sb Value[,Value,...]
inserts a byte with a value in the valuearea -$80 <= x < $100.
sw Value[,Value,...]
inserts a word with a value in the valuearea -$8000 <= x < $10000.
sl Value[,Value,...]
inserts a longword with a value in the valuearea -$80000000 <= x <
pb Value[,Value,...]
inserts a byte with a value in the valuearea 0 <= x < $80.
pw Value[,Value,...]
inserts a word with a value in the valuearea 0 <= x < $8000.
pl Value[,Value,...]
inserts a longword with a value in the valuearea 0 <= x < $80000000.
nb Value[,Value,...]
inserts a byte with a value in the valuearea -$80 <= x < 0.
nw Value[,Value,...]
inserts a word with a value in the valuearea -$8000 <= x < 0.
nl Value[,Value,...]
inserts a longword with a value in the valuearea -$80000000 <= x < 0.
ds[.width] Count[,Value]
defines a memory area with the length Count * Width and fills the
area with an optional Value. Default fill value is 0. Is the Count 0
a cnop 0,Width is run.
* Width
1 Byte Valuearea: -$80 <= x < $100
2 Bytes Valuearea: -$8000 <= x < $10000
4 Bytes Valuearea: -$80000000 <= x < $10000000
4 Bytes (Single IEEE-Float)
8 Bytes (Double IEEE-Float)
12 Bytes (Extended IEEE-Float)
12 Bytes (Packed BCD-Float)
* Count = Length of the memory area.
* Value = optional Fill Value.
dsb[.width] Count[,Value]
has the same function like ds
dsb[.width] Count[,Value]
has the same function like ds
blk[.width] Count[,Value...]
has the same function like ds
ascii String1[,String2,...]
inserts Strings.
cstring String1[,String2,...]
inserts C-Strings.
dstring dtype1,dtype2,dtype3
inserts the current date string.
* "w" WeekDay
* "d" Date
* "t" Time
dc.b " ("
dstring w,d,t
dc.b ")"
dc.b $a,$d,0
;=> (Thursday 14-Okt-93 15:32:06)
pstring String[,String,...]
inserts a BCPL string.
istring String[,String,...]
inserts strings that terminate with a char that has Bit 7 set.
bitstream Mask
inserts a bitmask for an image object for example. The bits are
aligned to bytes.
* Mask = Mask is a string that is based only of 0 and 1.
bitstream "01001000001"
sprintx "Formatstring"[,Value[,...]]
inserts the resulting string into the code. The string isn't
terminated by a 0 so that you can add other strings rather easy.
* FormatString - is a string in C-Notation so you can
use the known C char types n,t,...
The following options are allowed.
* FormatSyntax - %[flags][width][.limit][length]type
* flags - '-' disactivates left side layout.
* width - Field Length. If the first char is '0' the field is
filled by '0' on the left side.
* limit - defines the maximal count of char that can be inserted
from a string. Only legal for %s and %b.
* length - The size of the datatype. Default is 16-bit for the
typs %d,%u and %x. %l is long (32Bit). Attention! The
Assembler always pushes a longword on the stack so always use
%l if you don't know what you're doing.
* type - The following types are supported.
b - BSTR, a 32-bit BPTR Pointer on a bytelength string.
A NULL BPTR is handled like an empty string. d - signed
decimal u - unsigned decimal x - hexadezimal in lower case.
X - hexadecimal in upper case. s - String, a 32-bit Pointer
on a NULL-terminated Byte-String. A NULL BPTR is
handled like an empty string. c - Char
* Value - is an argument that has to be resolvable.
Listing I/O Commands
activates the listing output. Has no function if the global listing
output wasn't activated.
Listing Format:
* Flag1
* + shows that the line was created by a macro.
* > shows that the Assembler searches the closing ENDC.
* < shows that the Assembler searches the closing ENDM.
* Flag2
* + shows a line overflow and that Bytes are ignored. Can
often happen during data definitions.
disactivates the listing output. Has no function if the global
listing output wasn't activated.
printx "Formatstring"[,Value[,...]]
outputs the string to the current Stdout and works simular as the
known C-Printf function. Look at SPRINTF
errfile Name
defines the filename for the error output.
* Name = Filename
lisfile Name
defines the filename for the listing output. If no error file was
defined the error output is also written into the listing file.
* Name = Filename
symbol[:] macro
starts a Macro block.
ends a macroblock.
ends a macro call.
creates an error.
ends the assembling.
if Symbol
checks if the symbol value is not NULL and assembles the block
depending on the success.
ifd Symbol
checks if the Symbol exists and assembles the block depending on the
ifnd Symbol
checks if the Symbol doesn't exist and assembles the block depending
on the success.
ifv String
This is a privat command that is used for internal functionality and
subject to change. Touch an burn!
ifnv String
This is a privat command that is used for internal functionality and
subject to change. Touch an burn!
ifmacrod Macro
checks if the Macro exists and assembles the block depending on the
ifmacrond Macro
checks if the Macro doesn't exist and assembles the block depending
on the success.
ifcmacrod CMacro
checks if the CMacro exists and assembles the block depending on the
ifcmacrond CMacro
checks if the CMacro doesn't exist and assembles the block depending
on the success.
ifc Symbol,Symbol
compares the first string with the second string and if they are
equal the block is assembled.
ifnc 'String','String'
compares the first string with the second string and if they differ
the block is assembled.
if[condition] Symbol=Symbol
compares the first symbol with the second symbol and decides
according to the condition if the block is assembled.
* Condition = Normal Bcc-Condition Syntax
* Symbol = Normal Symbol
activates the condition block if the block above wasn't assembled.
activates the condition block if the block above wasn't assembled.
defines the end of a condition block.
defines the end of a condition block.
repeat Count
repeats the blocks that is located between repeat and endr by the
number Count.
rept Count
has the same function like Repeat
defines a function in a Dice-C assembler output and is used to
optimize Link and Unlk. This optimize method isn't working yet.
defines a function in a Dice-C assembler output and is used to
optimize Link and Unlk. This optimize method isn't working yet.
File I/O Commands
incdir Dir[,Dir[,...]]
adds directories to the include path list. BASM uses 2 internal
path lists and the current directory to find the include and incbin
files. First BASM checks for a : character in the filename and if it
finds a volume the file is loaded direct instead of searching it
through the pathlists. The first path list contains the paths that
were defined in the commandline or *Note BOPT: MI_BOPT by the option -i
or through incdir. The second path list contains the paths that were
defined in global configuration file ENV:BASMOption. The entries of
the second list will be removed when the assembler is closed so that
the paths are still correct in the ARexx-Mode. The first list is
removed every pass.
* Dir = Name of the Include-Path.
has the same function like incdir.
include Name
loads the external include file, for example the OS-Includes. If
the file is a precompiled include file it's detected automaticly.
Includes are loaded from the editor or cachefile.library.
* Name = Filename
include2 Name
has the same function like include with the exception that the
cachefile.library isn't ignored.
* Name = Filename
incbin Name[,size]
inserts the file with the optional length at the current address
into the code. Normally used for sounds and graphics.
incbin2 Name[,size]
has the same function like incbin with the exception that the
cachefile.library isn't used.
* Name = Name of the data file.
ibytes Name[,Length]
has the same function like incbin
dsbin Name[,Length]
defines a memory area with the length of the file specified by the
file. Optinally you can defined the maximal file length.
* Name = Filename
* Length = maximal file length
doscmd Name
runs the program Name.
dc.b 0,"$VER: Fubar 1.0 by Joe User"
doscmd "c:date >ram:Temp"
incbin ram:Temp
doscmd "c:delete ram:Temp"
sets the Pure Bit while writing a program file.
trashreg Reglist
defines the registers that are available to the optimizer.
* RegList = A normal Registerlist known by Movem.
disactivates Supervisor warnings.
defines the processor type to allow certain commands and
* 68000 Default Mode
* 68010
* 68020
* 68030
* 68040
* 68060
* 68881
* 68882
bopt [opt[,...],...]
sets the assembler options.
activates/disactivates the 68010 mode.
activates/disactivates the 68020 mode.
activates/disactivates the 68030 mode.
activates/disactivates the 68040 mode.
activates/disactivates the 68060 mode.
activates/disactivates the 68881/2 mode.
activates/disactivates writing an executable file.
activates/disactivates writing an object file.
activates/disactivates writing an absolut file.
activates/disactivates writing file.
activates/disactivates writing a preassembled Include file.
activates/disactivates adding the prefix _ to each exported symbol.
activates/disactivates writing all XRef/XDef symbols to a symbol
activates/disactivates writing all normal symbols to a symbol hunk.
activates/disactivates writing all symbols to a symbol hunk.
activates/disactivates writing a BASM custom format Debug Hunk.
Makes only sense as a program file and it needs a lot hd space
because it includes all sources.
activates/disactivates writing a SAS D1 compatible Debug Hunk.
activates/disactivates writing the full sourcefile path into the
debug hunk. You should only use this for your own development
system because other users may have different HD layouts. This
option has only a meaning with in a SAS D1 Debug Hunk.
activates/disactivates setting the PURE Bit for a program file.
The PURE Bit tells the Shell that this program can be loaded
activates/disactivates creating the file ENV:BDebugProgram that
contains the assembled filename for BDebug.
activates/disactivates creating of an .info file for each program.
Useful if you use the assembler through the WB.
activates/disactivates the ARexxmode Option. Only allowed in the
defines the include path.
defines the object filename
sets the task priority.
activates/disactivates that the assembler interpretes Upper and
Lower case as 2 different chars.
activates/disactivates a faster mode that resolves all references
in the 2nd pass. Fortunately this mode needs more memory and has
some disadvantages like uncorrect values during the listing. This
option has no effect during optimizing.
defines the max macro expansion size. If you get a macromemerror
you should increase the size. Default 1000 Bytes.
tells the assembler that the source is starts in the memory at the
defined address. Useful for ARexx scripts. Option is only
available in the commandline.
uses the `cachefile.library' to load resident Includes/Incbins or
add unknown files to the cachefile.library database.
erases all files that are controlled by the cachefile.library.
shows all files that are controlled by the cachefile.library.
activates/disactivates the listing output.
activates/disactivates the listing macro expansion.
defines the Listing filename.
activates/disactivates the symbol listing output.
activates/disactivates the unused symbol output.
outputs a statistic after assembling.
as little status output as possible
creates an error list.
outputs the error list in the Barfly shell. This option has no
meaning in BASM.
activates/disactivates Optimizing warnings.
activates/disactivates Supervisor warnings.
activates/disactivates Move16 warnings because the use of the
move16 command is dangerous if you don't know the problems.
activates/disactivates 68020 Addressmode warnings.
activates/disactivates 64k-Access warnings. It's useful if you
accidently avoid to forget the address register. Example: move.l
8,d0 instead of move.l 8(an),d0
sets the Default Branch Length to 8-Bit. .b
sets the Default Branch Length to 16-Bit. .w
sets the Default Branch Length to 32-Bit. .l
sets the Default BaseDisplacement-Width to 8 Bit. .b
sets the Default BaseDisplacement-Width to 16 Bit. .w
sets the Default BaseDisplacement-Width to 32 Bit. .l
sets the Default OuterDisplacement-Width to 16 Bit. .w
sets the Default OuterDisplacement-Width to 32 Bit. .l
activates/disactivates align long after each rts, bra or jmp to
align blocks to the cache structure.
activates/disactivates the Optimizer. Without this option no
optimizing will happen besides the addressmode converting.
activates/disactivates Forward Reference Optimizing to use every
possibility. In this mode the source is assembled until no further
optimizing method is found. First the source is assembled
normally. This is shown by the Output Pass 1. Afterwards the
optimize passes are started and continued until no further symbol
changes and length errors occur. This can take a while and
depends on the source size.
activates/disactivates Time Optimizing.
Addressmode Converting
activates Direct Addressmode Optimizing
Direct Optimizing
or ( This Optimizing is disactivated internal )
eor ( This Optimizing is disactivated internal )
activates PC-Relative Optimizing
activates Smalldata Optimizing
activates long nach word Optimizing
activates x(An) to (An) Optimizing
activates 68020++ An-EA Optimizing
activates 68020++ PC-EA Optimizing
activates Register Optimizing
You should be careful with the command *Note BOPT: MI_BOPT when you
activate Global-Optimize. In every parse the default config is set and
therefore you should define all global options in the commandline or in
the configuration file.
680xx Meta Commands
mb Operand1,Operand2
has the same function as move.b.
mw Operand1,Operand2
has the same function as move.w.
ml Operand1,Operand2
has the same function as move.l.
mq Operand1,Operand2
has the same function as moveq.
xor.? Operand1,Operand2
has the same function as eor.?.
xori.? Operand1,Operand2
has the same function as eori.?.
bhs.? Label
has the same function as bcc.?.
blo.? Label
has the same function as bcs.?.
Assembler Macros
Macros are meta commands that can be based of many assembler
instructions to achieve an abstracter source layout. In a macro you
can use several different pattern that are replaced by appropriate
parameters when the macro is called. The parameter that are passed
during a macro call are represented by the following patterns:
\0,...,\9, \a,...,\z, \A,...,\Z. The pattern ids are using the
hexadecimal format. If a pattern is used with no related parameter an
empty string is inserted. Furthermore if a parameter contains
tabulators or spaces it has to be placed between <...>. When a macro
needs relative labels and is should be called more than one time you
should use the special pattern @. This pattern is replaced by a number
that is based of 4 digits and that is increased after each call. The
pattern \# is replaced by the value of the symbol narg that represents
the count of macro parameters. Besides the standard patterns there are
some more advanced pattern functions supported that look like
\*Function-Name. These functions don't belong to the motorola standard
thus they aren't supported by every assembler. Another important point
is that you can also call macros from from macros but you can't define
macros in macros.
The standard macro pattern
Label & [. string] & [, string] & [, string] & [,...] & [\\0]
& [\\1|] & [\\2|] & [\\3|]...[\\n|]
The advanced macro pattern functions
* ` \(Argument)' inserts the string of the macroparameter with the
number the argument defines.
\(1) = \1
\(1+3+4) = \8
* `\*upper(String)' inserts the string in upper case.
* `\*lower(String)' inserts the string in lower case.
* `\*valof(Argument)' inserts the decimal value of the argument as a
* `\*strlen(Symbol)' inserts the length of a symbol as a string.
* `\*right(String,n)' inserts n chars of the right side of the
string. If the string contains less than n chars the whole string
is inserted.
* `\*left(String,n)' inserts n chars of the left side of the string.
If the string contains less than n chars the whole string is
* `\*mid(String,n,m)' inserts chars from position n to m from the
string. If the position is outside of the string length the chars
till the end of the string is inserted.
openwind MACRO
move.l intbase,a6
lea.l \1,a0
jsr OpenWindow(a6)
openwind newwindow
movewind MACRO
move.l intbase,a6
move.l \1,a0
moveq #0,d0
move.\0 \2,d1
IFC `\0',`b'
ext.w d1
jsr MoveWindow(a6)
move.b #10,d2
movewind.b newwindow,d2
addq.b #1,d2
cmp.b #100,d2
bne.s 1$
wait MACRO
moveq #-1,d0
dbra d0,wait\
test MACRO
move.l #\*upper(Hello),d0
move.l #\*lower(Hello),d0
move.l #\*strlen(1234567890123456),d0
move.l #\*valof(value),d0
cstring "\*left(abcdefgh,4)"
cstring "\*left(abcdefgh,10)"
cstring "\*right(abcdefgh,4)"
cstring "\*right(abcdefgh,10)"
cstring "\*mid(abcdefgh,2,4)"
cstring "\*mid(abcdefgh,2,8)"
value = 123456789
value = 123456789
move.l #HELLO,d0
move.l #hello,d0
move.l #16,d0
move.l #123456789,d0
cstring "abcd"
cstring "abcdefgh"
cstring "efgh"
cstring "abcdefgh"
cstring "cdef"
cstring "cdefgh"
IFC "\2",""
IFNC "\2",""
move.l \2,-(a7)
move.l \1,-(a7)
IFC "\1","#TAG_END"
lea.l PUTTAG_COUNT(a7),a7
PUTTAG #WA_Width,#100
PUTTAG #WA_ScreenTitle,#Title
move.l a7,a1
sub.l a0,a0
jsr OpenWindowTagList(a6)
Highlevel Macros
In highlevel macros the operands are based of legal addressmodes.
Arguments are based of operands and the operators +,-,<<,>>. Conditions
are based of !,=, <,>,<=,>=,<>. By using highlevel macros you can make
the programming of non critical source areas easier and more abstract.
Blame Mike Schwartz for this idea...he forced me to do it:-B
sets the accumulator register that is used to calculate arguments.
Default register is D0.
.BRANCH b|w|l
sets the length of branch commands that are used in the highlevel
macros. Standard length is .b.
.FOR Operand[.b|w|l] = Operand TO Operand STEP Operand
creates code for a for loop. The optional width you define after
the first operand sets the width for all operations in the for loop.
.FOR d0.w = #1 to STEP #2
addq.w #1,d1
;Compiled Code
move.w #1,d0
addq.w #1,d1
add.w #2,d0
cmp.w ,d0
blt.b __for1
closes the outer .FOR loop.
.IF [Argument] =,!, < , > , <> Operand
creates code for an IF-Operation. You can remove the first argument
if you wanna test the operand. For example .IF <>
.IF (a0) + #0 <> d1
moveq #0,d0
moveq #1,d0
;Compiled Code
move.l (a0),d7
add.l #0,d7
cmp.l d1,d7
beq.b __else1
moveq #0,d0
bra.b __endif1
moveq #1,d0
starts an alternative IF-Block.
closes the outer .IF block.
.WHILE [Argument] =,!, < , > , <> Operand
creates code for a while loop The optional width you define after
the first operand sets the width for all operations in the while loop.
.WHILE d0 <> #0
addq.w #1,d1
;Compiled Code
cmp.l #0,d0
beq.s __endwhile1
addq.w #1,d1
bra.s __while1
closes the outer while loop.
.CALL Function [, Argument [, Argument [,...]]]
calls a C-Funktion by parsing the arguments through the stack.
Arguments are calculated in the accumulator register.
.CALL func , test + 0 - #20 , #test
;Compiled Code
move.l test,d7
add.l 0,d7
sub.l #20,d7
move.l d7,-(a7)
move.l #test,-(a7)
jsr func
ifnc "8","0" ;Were there any parameters ?
lea.l __CALLSize(a7),a7
.RETURN Argument
returns a result value in the accumulator register.
.return d1 + d2 + #$100
;Compiled Code
move.l d1,d7
add.l d2,d7
add.l #$100,d7
.DEF func [, Operand [, Operand [,...]]]
defines a C-Stack function and loads the defined parameters into the
.DEF func , d0.w , d1 , (a0)
;Compiled Code
XDEF func
link a5,#0
move.w $0a(a5),d0
move.l $0c(a5),d1
move.l $10(a5),(a0)
unlk a5 ;.ENDDEF
closes a function that was started by .DEF
.LET [ Operand =] Argument
calculates an argument in an accumulator or moves the value to a
defined operand.
.LET + 4 - #LN_SIZE << #7
.LET d1 = (a1) - (a0)
;Compiled Code
add.l 4,d7
sub.l #LN_SIZE,d7
lsl.l #7,d7
move.l (a1),d7
sub.l (a0),d7
move.l d7,d1
Predefined Symbols
represents the macro parameter count in a macro.
represents the assembler version.
represents the CPU processor type.
represents the FPU processor type.
represents the byte count the last movem transfer used.
lea _MOVEMBYTES(a7),a7 ;frees the stack
represents the last movem register mask.
movem (a7)+,_MOVEMREGS
represents the RS-Counter.
represents the RS-Counter.
represents the FO-Counter.
Optimize Methods...
Direct Addressmode Optimizing
The assembler can direct optimize certain 68020...60 Addressmodes if
a faster 68000 addressmode exists. This optimizing method should
always be activated because of compatibility reasons.
* `(bd.w,an)' can be optimized to `x(an)' that removes 1 word and
some cycles.
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Option |
| move. l (1000.w,an),dn | move.l 1000(an),dn | -OC0 |
* `(bd.w,pc)' can be optimized to `x(pc)' that removes 1 word and
some cycles.
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Option |
| move. l (1000.w,pc),dn | move.l 1000(pc),dn | -OC1 |
* `(bd.w)' can be optimized to `bd.w' that removes 1 word and some
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Option |
| move. l (bd.w),dn | move.l bd.w,dn | -OC4 |
* `(bd.l)' can be optimized to `bd.l' that removes 1 word and some
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Option |
| move. l (bd.l),dn | move.l bd.l,dn | -OC5 |
* `(an)' can be optimized to `(an)' that removes 1 word and some
cycles. The addressmode `(an)' can be interpreted as a subgroup
of `(bd,an,xn)'. Because `(an)' is a normal 68000 addressmode you
should never switch off this optimizing method.
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Option |
| move. l (an),dn | move.l (an),dn | -OC6 |
* `(pc)' can be optimized to `(pc)' that removes 1 word and some
cycles. The addressmode `(pc)' can be interpreted as a subgroup
of `(bd,pc,xn)'. Because `(pc)' is a normal 68000 addressmode you
should never switch off this optimizing method.
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Option |
| move. l (pc),dn | move.l (pc),dn | -OC7 |
Address Optimizing
* `Long'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| x.l,EA | x.w,EA | $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ -OAL |
| EA,x.l | EA,x.l | $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | |
* `x(an)'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| x(an),EA | (an),EA | x=0 | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ -OAX |
| EA,x(an) | EA,(an) | x=0 | |
* `PC-Relative'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| label,EA | label(pc),EA | $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | -OAP |
* `A4-Smalldata'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| x.l,EA | x(a4),EA | $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ -OAS |
| EA,x.l | EA,x(a4) | $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | |
* `68020-An'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| (x.l,an) | (an) | x=0 | -OAY |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| (x.l,an) | x(an) | $ffffff80<=x<=$7f | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| (x,an,xn) | 0(an,xn) | x=0 | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| (x,an,xn) | (x.b,an,xn) | $ffffff80<=x<=$7f | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| (x,an,xn) | (x.w,an,xn) | $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| ([?],x) | ([?]) | x=0 | |
| | | ? is also optimized | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| ([?],x) | ([?],x.w) | $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | |
| | | ? is also optimized | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| ([?],xn,x) | ([?],xn) | x=0 | |
| | | ? is also optimized | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| ([?],xn,x) | ([?],xn,x.w)| $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | |
| | | ? is also optimized | |
* `68020-PC'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| (x.l,pc) | (pc) | x=0 | -OAZ |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| (x.l,pc) | x(pc) | $ffffff80<=x<=$7f | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| (x,pc,xn) | 0(pc,xn) | x=0 | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| (x,pc,xn) | (x.b,pc,xn) | $ffffff80<=x<=$7f | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| (x,pc,xn) | (x.w,pc,xn) | $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| ([?],x) | ([?]) | x=0 | |
| | | ? is also optimized | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| ([?],x) | ([?],x.w) | $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | |
| | | ? is also optimized | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| ([?],xn,x) | ([?],xn) | x=0 | |
| | | ? is also optimized | |
+---------------+----------------+---------------------+ |
| ([?],xn,x) | ([?],xn,x.w)| $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | |
| | | ? is also optimized | |
#x Optimizing
* `Move'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| move.l #x,dn | moveq #x,dn | $ffffff80<=$7f | -OD0 |
+-------------------+------------------+-------------------------+ |
| move.? #0,an | suba.l an,an | ? = w or l | |
+-------------------+------------------+-------------------------+ |
| move.l #x,dn | moveq #y,dn | $10000<=x<=$7f0000 | |
| | swap dn | | |
+-------------------+------------------+-------------------------+ |
| move.l #x,dn | moveq #y,dn | $ff80ffff<=x<=$fffEffff | |
| | swap dn | | |
+-------------------+------------------+-------------------------+ |
| move.l #x,dn | moveq #y,dn | $80<=x<=$ff | |
| | neg.b dn | | |
+-------------------+------------------+-------------------------+ |
| move.l #x,dn | moveq #y,dn | $ffff<=x<=$ff81 | |
| | neg.w dn | | |
+-------------------+------------------+-------------------------+ |
| move.l #x,dn | moveq #y,dn | $ffff0080<=x<=$ffff0001 | |
| | neg.w dn | | |
+-------------------+------------------+-------------------------+ |
| move.? #0,EA | clr.? EA | ? = w or l.See Trashreg | |
| | | optimizing. I also check| |
| | | if it accesses the HW | |
+-------------------+------------------+-------------------------+ |
| move.b #$ff,EA | st EA | | |
+-------------------+------------------+-------------------------+ |
| movea.l -4(an),an | movea.l -(an),an | | |
* `Clr'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| clr.l dn | moveq #0,dn | | -OD1 |
* `Add'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| add.? #x,EA | addq.? #x,EA | 1<=x<=8 | -OD2 |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ |
| add.? #x,EA | subq.? #x,EA | -8<=x<=-1 | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ |
| add.? #x,an | lea.l x(an),an | $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ |
| add.? #0,EA | tst.? EA | legal EA | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ |
| add.? #0,an | removed | | |
* `Sub'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| sub.? #x,EA | subq.? #x,EA | 1<=x<=8 | -OD3 |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ |
| sub.? #x,EA | addq.? #x,EA | -8<=x<=-1 | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ |
| sub.? #x,an |lea.l -x(an),an | $ffff8000<=x<=$7fff | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ |
| sub.? #0,EA | tst.? EA | legal EA | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ |
| sub.? #0,an | removed | | |
* `Lea'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| lea x(an),an | addq.w #x,an | 1<=x<=8 | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ -OD4 |
| lea x(an),an | subq.w #x,an | -8<=x<=-1 | |
* `Cmp'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| cmp.? #0,EA | tst.? EA | | -OD5 |
* `Bcc'
The assembler tries to optimize the branch on the smallest
possible length so that can win max 2 words and some cycles.
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| Bcc.l label | Bcc.w label | $8000<=label<=$7fff | -OD6 |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ |
| Bcc.l label | Bcc.s label | $80<=label<=$7f | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ |
| Bcc.w label | Bcc.s label | $80<=label<=$7f | |
Attention! This optimizing methid is unsafe when you use
BRANCH-Tables. You should switch off the optimize method over
this area.
* `Jsr'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| jsr label | bsr.w label | $8000<=Offset<=$7fff | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ -OD7 |
| jsr label | bsr.s label | $80<=Offset<=$7f | |
Attention! This optimizing methid is unsafe when you use
JSR-Tables. You should switch off the optimize method over this
* `Jmp'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| jmp label | bra.w label |$ffff8000<=Offset<=$7fff | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ -OD8 |
| jmp label | bra.s label |$ffffff80<=Offset<=$7f | |
* `Asl'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| asl.? #1,dn | add.? dn,dn | | -OD9 |
* `Or' This optimizing method isn't safe because of the changed
condition flags.
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| or.? #x,dn | bset #y,dn | x=y^2 | -ODa |
* `Eor' This optimizing method isn't safe because of the changed
condition flags.
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| eor.? #x,dn | bchg #y,dn | x=y^2 | -ODb |
* `Mulu'
Be very careful with this optimizing.
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| mulu.w #x,dn | swap dn | x=2^y | -ODc |
| | clr.w dn | y=y1+y2 | |
| | swap dn | y=1,add.l dn,dn | |
| | lsl.l #y1,dn | | |
| | lsl.l #y2,dn | | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ |
| mulu.l #x,dn | lsl.l #y1,dn | x=2^y | |
| | lsl.l #y2,dn | y=y1+y2 | |
| | | y >= 16 | |
| | | swap dn , y-16 | |
* `Muls'
Be very careful with this optimizing.
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| muls.w #x,dn | ext.l dn | x=2^y | -ODd |
| | asl.l #y1,dn | y=y1+y2 | |
| | asl.l #y2,dn | y=1 , add.l dn,dn | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ |
| muls.l #x,dn | asl.l #y1,dn | x=2^y | |
| | asl.l #y2,dn | y=y1+y2 | |
| | | y >= 16 | |
| | | swap dn ,y-16 | |
* `Jsr+Rts'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note |
Option |
| jsr EA | jmp EA | No optimizing if there's| -ODe
| | rts | | a label before RTS |
* `Bsr+Rts'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note |
Option |
| jmp EA | jmp EA | No optimizing if there's| -ODf
| | rts | | a label before RTS |
* `MovemNoRegister'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| movem.l ,EA | Removed | | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ -ODh |
| movem.l EA, | Removed | | |
* `MovemOneRegister'
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| movem.l Xn,EA | Move.l Xn,EA | Alter the status flags! | |
+---------------+----------------+-------------------------+ -ODi |
| movem.l EA,Xn | Move.l EA,Xn | Alter the status flags! | |
Register Optimizing
* `#xxx' is switched off.
* An address register is set free by `trashreg'.
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
|move.? EA,label| lea.l label(pc),an | $ffff8000<=label<=$7fff | |
| | move.? EA,(an) | | -OAR |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| tst.? label | lea.l label(pc),an | $ffff8000<=label<=$7fff | |
| | tst.? (an) | | |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| not.? label | lea.l label(pc),an | $ffff8000<=label<=$7fff | |
| | not.? (an) | | |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| neg.? label | lea.l label(pc),an | $ffff8000<=label<=$7fff | |
| | neg.? (an) | | |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| negx.? label | lea.l label(pc),an | $ffff8000<=label<=$7fff | |
| | negx.? (an) | | |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| nbcd label | lea.l label(pc),an | $ffff8000<=label<=$7fff | |
| | nbcd (an) | | |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| scc label | lea.l label(pc),an | $ffff8000<=label<=$7fff | |
| | scc (an) | | |
* `#x' Optimizing on.
* An address register is set free by `trashreg'.
| Addressmode | Optimizing | Note | Option |
| move.l #x,EA | moveq #x,dn | $ffffff80<=x<=$7f | |
| | move.l dn,EA | | -OAR |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| ori.l #x,EA | moveq #x,dn | $ffffff80<=x<=$7f | |
| | or.l dn,EA | | |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| eori.l #x,EA | moveq #x,dn | $ffffff80<=x<=$7f | |
| | eor.l dn,EA | | |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| andi.l #x,EA | moveq #x,dn | $ffffff80<=x<=$7f | |
| | and.l dn,EA | | |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| addi.l #x,EA | moveq #x,dn | $ffffff80<=x<=$7f | |
| | add.l dn,EA | | |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| subi.l #x,EA | moveq #x,dn | $ffffff80<=x<=$7f | |
| | sub.l dn,EA | | |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| cmpi.l #x,EA | moveq #x,dn | $ffffff80<=x<=$7f | |
| | cmp.l EA,dn | | |
+---------------+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| move.? #0,EA | moveq #0,dn | Time optimizing | |
| | move.l dn,EA | must be on | |
How does Optimizing work ?
In single-pass Optimizing the assembler can only optimize commands
where it can resolve the reference in the first pass. This means the
label or symbol has to be known before. In multi-pass Optimizing it
can optimize every command without bothering where the label is defined.
The Assembler keeps all labels each pass but increases a change counter
if the old contents differs with the new contents. The exception is
that the assembler can't optimize commands that depend on symbols that
are defined after the command. The reason is that the Assembler has to
remove each pass every symbol to avoid problems with `IFD' and `IFND'
that can cause that certain areas aren't assembled in multi-pass mode.
You probably noticed that i assume that nobody used `IFD' or `IFND'
with labels because that would also break multi-pass.
An example for a construct that can't be optimized.
move.l #1,NULL(a0)
You should always be careful with optimizing because it can cause
bugs in certain source areas. Branch optimizing for example has to be
switched off if you use JMP-Towers.
lsl.w #1,d0
jmp Tower(pc,d0.w)
bra.w func1
bra.w func2
bra.w func3
could be be optimized to
bra.w func1
bra.s func2
bra.s func3
that leads to program bugs.
bopt OD6-
bra.w func1
bra.w func2
bra.w func3
bopt OD6+
Preassembled Includes
If you wanna assemble a program that needs to load a lot includes
it's useful to preassemble the includes and load one file because the
real slowdown factor is the need loading time. You can only use
absolut symbols and macros in a preassembled file. All relative and
symbols defined by `set' aren't written into a preassembled file.
The created file isn't compress to avoid any slowdown but if the file
size is critical you can compress the file by xpk and load it through
the xfh filesystem.
basm -p Source.S creates the preassembled file Source.p
An error location could be absolut symbols that are calculated by
relative symbols. You should avoid these symbols.
Resident includes
`BASM' can control an Include and Incbin database by the library
`cachefile.library' to get rid of the loading delays. The files in the
database can be shown and deleted.
Basm Assembler System
Cli Calling Convention
BASM [-Option] Name
This is the commandline version of the assembler and can be easy
integrated in own development system, for example `Make' and `CED'.
An assembler error is indicated by the result 20 and the result 10 is
used if no source file were specified.
* `Option'
The same options are accepted that are described in
the assembler command *Note BOPT: MI_BOPT. The
following options are accepted additionally.
* A[+,-] Turns ARexx mode on/off
* C <Configuration> loads a configuration file
* d <Symbol=Value> defines a symbol
* `Standard-Optionen'
;All other options are disactivated.
You can define the global configuration through the file
`ENV:BASMOption'. The internal standard configuration is not replaced
but can only be changed.
File `ENV:BASMOption'
If a line starts with - it's ignored.
WB Tooltypes
Additionally you can also define the above described configuration
options in the tooltypes of the source file icon. Furthermore `BASM'
allows a special tooltype to define an output window.
o Window= <Window Defintion>
The `BASM' ARexx Port Name is `BASM_rexx' and the ARexx Script
suffix `.basm'. To activate the `BASM' ARexx mode you have to start
`BASM' with the option -A.
`BASM [-Option] Name'
This ARexx command starts the assembler and coincides with the
CLI-syntax structure.
This ARexx command closes the ARexx port and shuts down the
With this ARexx command you will receive an explanation of the actual
errors. If no errors exist it will return a status code 20.
Error Format String
OFFSET:FILE:<Error Description>
This ARexx command will cause a jump to the next error in the list.
If there are no further errors in the list it will return a status
code 20.
This ARexx command will cause a jump to the first entry in the error
list. If no error exists it will return a status code 20.
to other assemblers...
Fortunately `BASM' can't be 100% compatible to every assembler on
the amiga market. Thus you can expect problems with different
sources. In general you can expect problems with commands that
don't belong to a standard like option commands. Furthermore you
should also be careful with sources that directly depend on the
assembler implementation. Because `BASM' is a 1-Pass Assembler in
the normal mode with an additional backpatch phase you shouldn't
define symbols that can't be resolved at once. An ideal example
for this practice is the `Xoper2.2' Source that was developed with
the PD Assembler A68k. While assembling with `BASM' the assembler
detects that a not defined symbols is accessed through the `SET'
command. Generally this should cause an error at once but
unfortunately `A68k' doesn't show anything and uses the last value
of `cmdnum'.
cmdnum set cmdnum+1
dc.b \1,0
;Here it's using `cmdnum' although
;the symbol wasn't defined yet
addq #1,d2
cmp.w #cmdnum,d2
bne.s 1$
;Here the cmdnum is first defined
cmdnum set 0
commds ADDCMD 'time'
ADDCMD 'taskpri'
ADDCMD 'info'
ADDCMD 'pri'
ADDCMD 'flush'
Because the A68k is a 2-Pass Assembler he can assemble this Source
without problems.
Another Problem is that the assembler argument parser doesn't
detect Overflow because of speed reasons. I don't think it's worth
it...if you differ tell me your opinion.
The assembler doesn't support the following motorola syntax bugs
because of the internal structure of the parser it would cause
major problems in the multi-pass mode.
symbol: equ 0
symbol: equr d0
C-Compiler Assembler
If you use Basm as a `DASM' replacement you have to run `Basm' with
the option -OAS to activate the Smalldata mode. If you wanna emulate
the advanced `Link',`UnLink', `Movem' optimizing `DASM' supports you
have to use the options -O,-OG,-ODh,-ODi,-ODj. The option -OG is
needed because the link stackframe register list symbols are defined
after the commands so the assembler doesn't know them in the 1 pass
mode. Sorry...i had to disable this mode because i later detected that
i have to keep track of the used registers. I'll try to fix this in a
later version
* [Addison Wesley] RKM Libraries 2.04,CATS
* [Addison Wesley] RKM Devices 2.04,CATS
* [Addison Wesley] RKM Autodocs\&Includes 2.04,CATS
* [Addison Wesley] RKM Hardware 2.04,CATS
* [Addison Wesley] RKM Styleguide,CATS
* [Addison Wesley] RKM Libraries 1.1,CATS
* [Addison Wesley] RKM Intuition 1.1,CATS
* [Addison Wesley] RKM Exec 1.1,CATS
* [Addison Wesley] RKM Hardware 1.1,CATS
* [Edotronik] Kommentiertes Rom-Listing 1,Dr. Ruprecht
* [Edotronik] Kommentiertes Rom-Listing 2,Dr. Ruprecht
* [Edotronik] Kommentiertes Rom-Listing 3,Dr. Ruprecht
* [Ralph Babel] Guru Book,Selbstvertrieb
For the development of Barfly the following programs were used:
* [CATS] Developer CD V2.0
* [B.Hawes] WShell V2.0
* [M.Sinz] Enforcer
* [C.Scheppner] Mungwall
* [SAS Institute] SAS/C
* [Georg Hessmann] PasTex
* [Stefan Stuntz] MFR 2.0d
* [Mathias Scheler] Filer
* [Matthew Dillon] DNet
Assembler Addressmodes
| Notation | Description |
| EA | Effective Address |
| Dn | D0...D7 |
| An | A0...A7 |
| Xn | D0...D7, A0...A7 |
| .b | Operand Width 8Bit |
| .w | Operand Width 16Bit |
| .l | Operand Width 32Bit |
| size | w,l |
| Size | b,w,l |
| Scale | 1,2,4 or 8 |
| Xn.size*Scale| 68000-10 only Scale 1. |
`Data register direct'
Syntax: Dn
`Address register direct'
Syntax: An
`Address register indirect'
Syntax: (An)
`Address register indirect with postincrement'
Syntax: (An)+
`Address register indirect with predecrement'
Syntax: -(An)
`Address register indirect with offset'
Syntax: bd.w(An)
`Address register indirekt with index and offset'
Syntax: bd.b(An,Xn{.Size*Scale})
`Address register indirect with index and offset'
Syntax: (bd,An,Xn{.Size*Scale})
`Address register indirect with index and offset'
Syntax: (bd.b,An,Xn{.Size*Scale})
`Address register indirect with index and base displacement'
Syntax: ({bd.size{,An{,Xn{.Size{*Scale}}}}})
`Indirekter Memory Addressierung mit postindex'
Syntax: ({[{bd.size{,An}}]}{Xn{.Size{*Scale}{,od.size}}})
`Indirekter Memory Addressierung mit preindex'
Syntax: ({[{bd.size{,An}}{,Xn{.Size{*Scale}]}{,od.size}}})
`PC Indirect'
Syntax: (PC)
`PC Indirect with offset'
Syntax: bd.w(PC)
`PC Indirect with index and offset'
Syntax: bd.b(PC,Xn{.Size*Scale})
`PC Indirect with index and offset'
Syntax: bd.b(ZPC,Xn{.Size*Scale})
`PC Indirect with index and base displacement'
Syntax: ({bd.size{,PC{,Xn{.Size{*Scale}}}}})
`PC Indirect with index and base displacement'
Syntax: ({bd.size{,ZPC{,Xn{.Size{*Scale}}}}})
`PC Indirect memory Addressing with post-index'
Syntax: ({[{bd.size{,PC}}]}{,Xn{.Size{*Scale}{,od.size}}})
`PC Indirect memory Addressing with post-index'
Syntax: ({[{bd.size{,ZPC}}]}{,Xn{.Size{*Scale}{,od.size}}})
`PC Indirect memory Addressing with pre-index'
Syntax: ({[{bd.size{,PC}}{,Xn{.Size{*Scale}]}{,od.size}}})
`PC Indirect memory addressing with pre-index'
Syntax: ({[{bd.size{,ZPC}}{,Xn{.Size{*Scale}]}{,od.size}}})
`Absolut short'
Syntax: bd.w
`Absolut long'
Syntax: bd[.l]
`Immediate Data'
Syntax: #xxx
Addressmode Examples
To avoid some problems here are some small examples how addressmode
have to build up.
move.b (x,A0,D2.W),D0
move.b x(A0,D2.W),D0
;Both lines are correct
;(x,a0,d2.w) is optimized internal to (x,a0,d2.w).
;For more information please check the chapter about
;Optimizing Direct Addressmodes.
move.b (y,A0,D2.W),D0
move.b y(A0,D2.W),D0
;Now you get 2 errors, because y is not an 8bit word.
;These 2 lines shows the correct version.
move.b (y.w,A0,D2.W),D0
move.b (y.w,A0,D2.W),D0
move.b (y.l,A0,D2.W),D0
move.b (y.l,A0,D2.W),D0
680xx Opcode Overview
| Opcode | Size | 68000 68010 68020 68030 68040 68060 6888x |
| abcd | b | x x x x x x |
| add | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| addq | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| adda | w,l | x x x x x x |
| addi | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| addx | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| and | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| andi | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| asr | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| asl | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| bcc | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| bchg | b,l | x x x x x x |
| bclr | b,l | x x x x x x |
| bfchg | unsized | x x x x |
| bfclr | unsized | x x x x |
| bfext | unsized | x x x x |
| bfffo | unsized | x x x x |
| bfins | unsized | x x x x |
| bfset | unsized | x x x x |
| bftst | unsized | x x x x |
| bkpt | unsized | x x x x x |
| bset | b,l | x x x x x x |
| btst | b,l | x x x x x x |
| callm | unsized | x |
| cas | b,w,l | x x x x x x,2 |
| cas2 | b,w,l | x x x x x x,2 |
| chk | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| chk2 | b,w,l | x x x 2 |
| cinv¹ | unsized | x x |
| clr | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| cmp | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| cmpa | w,l | x x x x x x |
| cmpi | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| cmpm | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| cmp2 | b,w,l | x x x 2 |
| cpush¹ | unsized | x x |
| dbcc | w | x x x x x x |
| divs | w,l | x x x x x x,2 |
| divsl | l | x x x x |
| divu | w,l | x x x x x x,2 |
| divul | l | x x x x |
| eor | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| eori | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| eori/ccr | b | x x x x x x |
| eori/sr¹ | w | x x x x x x |
| exg | l | x x x x x x |
| ext | w,l | x x x x x x |
| extb | l | x x x x |
| fabs | | x x x |
| fsabs | | x x |
| fdabs | | x x |
| facos | | 2 2 x |
| fadd | | x x x |
| fsadd | | x x |
| fdadd | | x x |
| fasin | | 2 2 x |
| fatan | | 2 2 x |
| fatanh | | 2 2 x |
| fbcc | | x x x |
| fcmp | | x x x |
| fcos | | 2 2 x |
| fcosh | | 2 2 x |
| fdbcc | | x 2 x |
| fdiv | | x x x |
| fsdiv | | x x |
| fddiv | | x x |
| fetox | | 2 2 x |
| fetoxm1 | | 2 2 x |
| fgetexp | | 2 2 x |
| fgetman | | 2 2 x |
| fint | | 2 x x |
| fintrz | | 2 x x |
| flogn | | 2 2 x |
| flognp1 | | 2 2 x |
| flog2 | | 2 2 x |
| flog10 | | 2 2 x |
| fmod | | 2 2 x |
| fmove | | x x x |
| fsmove | | x x |
| fdmove | | x x |
| fmovecr | | 2 2 x |
| fmovem | | x x,2 x |
| fmul | | x x x |
| fsmul | | x x |
| fdmul | | x x |
| fneg | | x x x |
| fsneg | | x x |
| fdneg | | x x |
| fnop | | x x x |
| frem | | 2 2 x |
| frestore¹| | x x x |
| fscc | | 2 2 x |
| fsub | | x x x |
| fssub | | x x |
| fdsub | | x x |
| fsave¹ | | x x x |
| fscale | | 2 2 x |
| fsglmul | | 2 2 x |
| fsgldiv | | 2 2 x |
| fsin | | 2 2 x |
| fsinh | | 2 2 x |
| fsincos | | 2 2 x |
| fsqrt | | x x x |
| fssqrt | | x x |
| fdsqrt | | x x |
| ftan | | 2 2 x |
| ftanh | | 2 2 x |
| ftentox | | 2 2 x |
| ftrap | | x 2 x |
| ftst | | x x x |
| ftwotox | | 2 2 x |
| illegal | unsized | x x x x x x |
| jmp | unsized | x x x x x x |
| jsr | unsized | x x x x x x |
| lea | l | x x x x x x |
| link | w,l | x x x x x x |
| lpstop | | x |
| lsl | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| lsr | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| move | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| movea | w,l | x x x x x x |
| moveq | l | x x x x x x |
| movec¹ | l | x x x x x |
| movem | w,l | x x x x x x |
| movep | w,l | x x x x x |
| moves¹ | b,w,l | x x x x x |
| move16 | | x x |
| muls | w,l | x x x x x x |
| mulu | w,l | x x x x x x |
| nbcd | b | x x x x x x |
| neg | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| negx | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| nop | unsized | x x x x x x |
| not | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| or | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| ori | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| pack | unsized | x x x x |
| pea | l | x x x x x x |
| pflush¹ | unsized | x x x |
| pflusha¹ | unsized | x |
| plpa¹ | unsized | x |
| pload¹ | unsized | x |
| pmove¹ | w,l,q | x |
| ptest¹ | unsized | x x |
| reset¹ | unsized | x x x x x x |
| rol | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| ror | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| roxl | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| roxr | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| rtd | unsized | x x x x x |
| rte¹ | unsized | x x x x x x |
| rtr | unsized | x x x x x x |
| rts | unsized | x x x x x x |
| rtm | unsized | x |
| sbcd | b | x x x x x x |
| scc | b | x x x x x x |
| stop¹ | unsized | x x x x x x |
| sub | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| subq | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| suba | w,l | x x x x x x |
| subi | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| subx | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| swap | w | x x x x x x |
| tas | b | x x x x x x |
| trap | unsized | x x x x x x |
| trapcc | ? ,w,l | x x x x |
| trapv | unsized | x x x x x x |
| tst | b,w,l | x x x x x x |
| unlk | unsized | x x x x x x |
| unpk | unsized | x x x x |
¹ Supervisor instruction
2 These are software-supported instructions on the 68040 and 68060