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The Special Support Library
05/12/22 SSLib.1: Created first version
02/02/93 SSLib.2: Skeleton of startup and tracking made
16/02/93 SSLib.3: Beta=1
16/02/93 SSLib.4: WB argument parsing implemented
21/02/93 SSMac.1: printfsp renamed to printfs (was too long)
21/02/93 SSMac.2: TAGS replaced by XTAGS; XTAGS removed
21/02/93 SSMac.3: TEMPLATE repaired
21/02/93 SSMac.4: USRTRK implemented
21/02/93 SSMac.5: RPTR added
21/02/93 SSLib.5: Added TrackDosObject
21/02/93 SSMac.6: defined "go" label on start of user's code
21/02/93 SSLib.6: User tracker types implemented
21/02/93 SSLib.7: Tracking types unified
21/02/93 SSMac.7: Added printfr,printfv,printfl
21/02/93 SSLib.8: Master/Slave tracking mechanism implemented
21/02/93 SSLib.9: GetResList improved
21/02/93 SSLib.10: InitHashTree,FreeHashTree,FindHashItem,AddHashItem added
23/02/93 SSMac.8: Pushing of return address removed (StartupInit does it
23/02/93 SSLib.11: Tracking mechanism slightly changed (again...)
23/02/93 SSLib.12: StartupInit stores return address (ExitCleanup) onto stack
26/02/93 SSMac.9: extrahelp added
26/02/93 SSLib.13: Additional checking in TrackSlave
26/02/93 SSLib.14: Extra help string added
26/02/93 SSLib.15: /X-type arguments from CLI supported
11/03/93 SSLib.16: Hashed tree support remade
25/06/93 SSLib.17: Added (Get|Set|Add|Rem)Extension
11/07/93 SSLib.18: ParseArgs: better checking for white spaces (unquoted CTRL-L
now works)
11/07/93 SSLib.19: Argument types /T and /F implemented
11/07/93 SSLib.20: /N arguments work properly
17/07/93 SSLib.21: StrToL supports "$" as prefix for hexadecimal numbers
17/07/93 SSLib.22: TrackDevice accepts NULL IoRequest
17/07/93 SSLib.23: Error table can be supplied by TrackDevice call
17/07/93 SSLib.24: ChkDoIO added
17/07/93 SSLib.25: StartupInit now accepts new StartupStruct (see ssmac.h)
18/07/93 SSLib.26: Added NoWbArgs and NoProgName flags & tags
31/07/93 SSLib.27: Program's variables are now longword-aligned
19/08/93 SSLib.28: svf_errorreq and tag_errorreq implemented
19/08/93 SSLib.29: FreeObject(0) returns without doing any action
19/08/93 SSLib.30: Exception caught when trying to display except requester
causes deadend alert
24/08/93 SSLib.31: TrackDevice returns IORQ in A1
24/08/93 SSLib.32: DosError displays "Msg: error - fault" instead of "Msg:
error: fault"
24/08/93 SSLib.33: DosError with empty error string repaired
24/08/93 SSLib.34: StrToL skips leading spaces
24/08/93 SSLib.35: Return codes of StrToL remade
24/08/93 SSLib.36: Extension support added (private)
25/08/93 SSLib.37: Version 2.0
25/08/93 SSLib.38: Beta=0
04/09/93 SSLib.39: TrackPool,PoolAlloc,PoolFree added
05/09/93 SSLib.40: Library initialization and expunge slightly optimized
05/09/93 SSLib.41: DosError with IoErr=0 handled correctly
05/09/93 SSLib.42: LoadFile automatically decrunchs powerpacked files
12/10/93 SSLib.43: LoadFile on interactive files causes special error
02/11/93 SSLib.44: LoadFile now correctly frees file handle if loading from
powerpacked file
02/11/93 SSLib.45: TrackOpen supports OPEN_* modes
02/11/93 SSLib.46: LoadFile sped up a bit
02/11/93 SSLib.47: ExitCleanup destroys sv_checkbase (SSDiag detects it)
02/11/93 SSLib.48: ExitCrash alert is NOT a deadend one now
02/11/93 SSLib.49: ParseArgs: removed bug causing unwanted resetting of
err_number bit
02/11/93 SSLib.50: TrackDevice - fixed problems with err_iorq when TrackIORQ
04/11/93 SSLib.51: Handling of TaskPrivateMemPool - two new tags added
05/11/93 SSLib.52: Private pool support remade
05/11/93 SSLib.53: Linear pooled allocation added
05/11/93 SSLib.54: Library init optimized a bit
06/11/93 SSMac.10: New startup macros - 3.0
06/11/93 SSLib.55: Version 3.0
08/11/93 SSMac.11: Start macro optimized a bit if _GlobVec set
14/11/93 SSLib.56: StrToL sped up a bit
14/11/93 SSLib.57: CallerList is protected by special semaphore
15/11/93 SSLib.58: LowMem routine pointer added
15/11/93 SSLib.59: Uses its own OpenCounter (to allow sv_lowmem mechanism)
15/11/93 SSLib.60: MergeResLists() implemented
15/11/93 SSLib.61: CallBlock() added
15/11/93 SSLib.62: Corrected handling of sv_errrc (previously ignored)
25/11/93 SSLib.63: New caller nodes added at the start of the list
25/11/93 SSLib.64: Exit routines: implemented additional checking of valid A5
25/11/93 SSLib.65: CallBlock modified
24/12/93 SSLib.66: QuickSort() implemented
26/12/93 SSLib.67: SortStrings,SortLongs,SortList,SortListName,TrackAllocPub
27/12/93 SSMac.12: Supported text hunk separation (TExtract) - TEXTRACT and
GATHERTX options
27/12/93 SSMac.13: Version 3.1
30/12/93 SSMac.14: alignlong macro added
07/01/94 SSMac.15: tpea added
08/01/94 SSMac.16: getad added
08/01/94 SSLib.68: internal code cleanup
15/01/94 SSLib.69: sv_stklimit and TestStack added
25/01/94 SSLib.70: ExitError works correctly with A1 pointing to program's stack
25/01/94 SSLib.71: Stack overflow error CANNOT be disabled
13/02/94 SSMac.17: template aligns variables before putting the offset of
13/02/94 SSLib.72: LoadFile("NIL:") doesn't crash any more (bug in
13/02/94 SSLib.73: StartupInit opens correct StdErr stream unless sst_nostderr
tag is set
13/02/94 SSLib.74: DisplayError uses stderr instead of stdout
13/02/94 SSLib.75: Version 4.0
17/02/94 SSMac.18: Startup macro doesn't trash ($10) and ($14) if run from WB in
DEBUG mode
17/02/94 SSMac.19: Version 3.2
18/03/94 SSLib.76: Memory tracker contents documented
18/03/94 SSLib.77: OPEN_APPEND uses MODE_READWRITE instead of MODE_OLDFILE
18/03/94 SSLib.78: RelinkObject() implemented
10/04/94 SSMac.20: start,clistart: DEBUG set -> stderr=stdout
10/04/94 SSMac.21: Version 3.3
11/04/94 SSLib.79: Exitrout is guaranteed not to be called before StartupInit
16/04/94 SSLib.80: When run in KS 1.X, crashes after the "You need V37+" message
no longer apper
16/04/94 SSLib.81: Many object trackers are NOT private, their contents
explained in .doc and .i
21/05/94 SSLib.82: MergeResList: repaired ordering of nodes
24/05/94 SSMac.22: Workbench startup with DEBUG option set didn't work
24/05/94 SSMac.23: Version 3.4
24/05/94 SSLib.83: Passing of WB arguments via project icon trashed memory
24/05/94 SSLib.84: Another bug in WB arg parsing fiexed
24/05/94 SSLib.85: sst_noiconarg tag specified
24/05/94 SSLib.86: Version 4.1