Gold Fish 2
< prev
Text File
926 lines
* *
* (C)opyright 1992 *
* *
* by Tomi Blinnikka *
* *
* Don´t try to understand the code *
* *
* Version 0.01 09/06/1992 *
* -0.99ö *
* *
INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
INCLUDE "exec/nodes.i"
INCLUDE "exec/lists.i"
INCLUDE "exec/ports.i"
INCLUDE "exec/memory.i"
INCLUDE "exec/devices.i"
INCLUDE "exec/io.i"
INCLUDE "exec/tasks.i"
INCLUDE "libraries/dosextens.i"
INCLUDE "libraries/dos.i"
INCLUDE "devices/serial.i"
INCLUDE "dos/dostags.i"
INCLUDE "XREF:2.0.xref"
INCLUDE "XREF:exec.xref"
INCLUDE "XREF:dos.xref"
; INCLUDE "XREF:intuition.xref"
XREF _CreatePort
XREF _DeletePort
XREF _CreateExtIO
XREF _DeleteExtIO
XDEF _SysBase
XREF _LVOCurrentTime
XREF _LVOSystemTagList
section MU,CODE
push d2-d7/a2-a6
push d0/a0
sub.l a1,a1 ;Find our task
lib Exec,FindTask
move.l d0,OurTask
openlib Dos,NoDos ;Keep at beginning
CLIStart: lib Dos,Output
move.l d0,_stdout
pull d0/a0
clr.b -1(a0,d0.l)
cmp.b #'?',(a0)
beq Usage
cmp.w #'-?',(a0)
beq Usage
cmp.w #'-h',(a0)
beq Usage
Cont0.2: bsr ConvASCII
tst.w d0
beq Cont1
move.w d0,SerUnit
Cont1: cmp.b #' ',(a0)
bne Cont1.1
add.l #1,a0
Cont1.1: tst.b (a0)
beq Cont1.2
move.l a0,SerName
MainStart: move.l _DosBase,_DOSBase
move.l $4,_SysBase
openlib Intuition,NoInt
;Create read reply port for serial.device (or modem0.device etc.)
move.l #0,-(sp)
pea SRRPortName ;S(erial)R(ead)R(eply)PortName
jsr _CreatePort
add.l #8,sp
move.l d0,SRRPort
beq ShutDown
;Create read IOReq for serial.device (or for other device, but size is EXTSER)
move.l #IOEXTSER_SIZE,-(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp)
jsr _CreateExtIO
add.l #8,sp
move.l d0,IORRequest
beq NoIOReq
;Create write reply port for serial.device (or modem0.device etc.)
move.l #0,-(sp)
pea SWRPortName ;S(erial)W(rite)R(eply)PortName
jsr _CreatePort
add.l #8,sp
move.l d0,SWRPort
beq ShutDown
;Create write IOReq for serial.device (or for other device, but size is EXTSER)
move.l #IOEXTSER_SIZE,-(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp)
jsr _CreateExtIO
add.l #8,sp
move.l d0,IOWRequest
beq NoIOReq
;open serial.device
move.l SerName,a0
move.l SerUnit,d0
move.l IORRequest,a1
clr.l d1 ;no flags
lib Exec,OpenDevice
tst.l d0
bne NoSerial
move.w #$1,SerOpen ;just to tell if open
;Copy info from one req to the other
move.l IORRequest,a0
move.l IOWRequest,a1
move.l IO_DEVICE(a0),IO_DEVICE(a1)
move.l IO_UNIT(a0),IO_UNIT(a1)
;Main loop here
;1. Reset modem
;2. Setup read
;3. Wait for RING
;4. Answer with ATA
;5. Wait for CONNECT
;6. Delay of 1 SEC
;7. Display welcome.txt
;8. Ask login
;9. Ask for password
;10. Test password with login
;11. Loop if incorrect or null
;12. Parser
StartLoop: bsr Reset
bsr Reader
StartLoop2: clr.w BufCount
bsr WaitForRing
tst.l d0
beq ShutDown
bsr Answer
clr.w BufCount
bsr WaitForConnect
tst.l d0
beq ShutDown
cmp.l #1111111,d0
beq StartLoop2
;Login part starts here
Logging: lea.l LoginSeconds,a0
lea.l MicrosTemp,a1
lib Intuition,CurrentTime
clr.w LogFailCount
bsr Delay1SEC
bsr Welcome
Logging1: bsr AskLogin
tst.l d0
beq ShutDown
tst.b Buffer3
beq Logging1
bsr AskPassword
tst.l d0
beq ShutDown
lea.l RootName,a0
lea.l TempBuf1,a1
bsr CmpStrings
tst.l d0
bne Logging2
add.w #1,LogFailCount
bsr IncorrectLogin
cmp.w #5,LogFailCount
beq LoginFailure
bra Logging1
Logging2: lea.l RootPass,a0
lea.l Buffer3,a1
bsr CmpStrings
tst.l d0
bne LoggedOn
add.w #1,LogFailCount
bsr IncorrectLogin
cmp.w #5,LogFailCount
beq LoginFailure
bra Logging1
LoggedOn: bsr Welcome2
lea.l LoginSeconds,a0
lea.l MicrosTemp,a1
lib Intuition,CurrentTime
;From here on should be command line parser
Parser: bsr Prompt
clr.w BufCount
move.l #1,d0
bsr WaitUntilLF
tst.l d0
beq ShutDown
lea.l CMD_LogOut,a0
bsr TestCmd
tst.l d0
bne LogOut
tst.b Buffer3
beq Parser
bsr DoCommand
tst.l d0
beq ShutDown
bra Parser
TestCmd: lea.l Buffer3,a1
bsr CmpStrings
LogOut: bsr OnTime
bsr HangUp
bra StartLoop
OnTime: lea.l LogoutSeconds,a0
lea.l MicrosTemp,a1
lib Intuition,CurrentTime
move.l LoginSeconds,d0
move.l LogoutSeconds,d1
sub.l d0,d1
divu.w #60,d1 ;Minutes
clr.l d0
move.w d1,d0 ;test moving it straight to mins...
move.w d0,OnTimeMins
lea.l fstrl,a0 ;HEX->ASCII
lea.l OnTimeMins,a1 ;Number2Print
lea.l PutChProc,a2
lea.l OnTimeText2,a3 ;Destination
lib Exec,RawDoFmt
lea.l OnTimeText1,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
;Waits for login
;Waits for RING
;D0 = -1 if OK
;D0 = 0 if Break
;1. Wait for input, serial or CTRL_C
;2. If CTRL_C then break
;3. If serial test for ring
;4. If D0 = -1 then RING -> OUT
;5. If not then loop
WaitForRing: bsr CheckEvent
tst.l d0
beq WaitForRing_OUT
bsr TestRing
tst.l d0
beq WaitForRing ;No RING so get more chars
WaitForRing_OUT: rts
TestRing: tst.w BufCount
bne TestRing2
cmp.b #'R',Buffer1
bne TestRing4
TestRing2: lea.l Buffer2,a0
add.w BufCount,a0
move.b Buffer1,(a0)
add.w #1,BufCount
cmp.w #4,BufCount
bne TestRing4
clr.w BufCount
cmp.l #'RING',Buffer2
bne TestRing4
TestRing3: bsr ClearSer
bsr Reader
move.l #-1,d0 ;indicate ring
TestRing4: bsr ClearSer ;Abort possible prev. read
bsr Reader ;Set up new read
clr.l d0
;Waits for CONNECT
;D0 = -1 if OK
;D0 = 0 if Break
;1. Wait for input, serial or CTRL_C
;2. If CTRL_C then break
;3. If serial test for connect
;4. If D0 = -1 then CONNECT -> OUT
;5. If not then loop
WaitForConnect: bsr CheckEvent
tst.l d0
beq WaitForConnect_OUT
bsr TestConnect
tst.l d0
beq WaitForConnect ;No CONNECT so get more chars
WaitForConnect_OUT: rts
TestConnect: tst.w BufCount
bne TestConnect2
cmp.b #'C',Buffer1
bne TestConnect4
TestConnect2: lea.l Buffer2,a0
add.w BufCount,a0
move.b Buffer1,(a0)
add.w #1,BufCount
cmp.w #7,BufCount
bne TestConnect4
clr.w BufCount
cmp.l #'CONN',Buffer2
bne TestConnect5
cmp.w #'EC',Buffer2+4
bne TestConnect5
cmp.b #'T',Buffer2+6
bne TestConnect5
TestConnect3: bsr ClearSer
bsr Reader
move.l #-1,d0 ;indicate CONNECT
TestConnect4: bsr ClearSer ;Abort possible prev. read
bsr Reader ;Set up new read
clr.l d0
TestConnect5: bsr ClearSer ;Abort possible prev. read
bsr Reader ;Set up new read
move.l #1111111,d0
Reset: lea.l ResetString,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
Answer: lea.l AnswerString,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
Welcome: lea.l WelcomeText1,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
;Add date redirected to some file and reloaded to display login last used
Welcome2: lea.l WelcomeText2,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
AskLogin: lea.l LoginText1,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
clr.w BufCount
move.l #1,d0
bsr WaitUntilLF
tst.l d0
beq AskLogin_OUT
lea.l Buffer3,a0
lea.l TempBuf1,a1
move.l #32,d0
lib Exec,CopyMem
move.l #-1,d0
AskLogin_OUT: clr.l d0
AskPassword: lea.l PasswordText1,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
clr.w BufCount
clr.l d0
bsr WaitUntilLF
IncorrectLogin: lea.l IncorrectText1,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
LoginFailure: bsr IncorrectLogin
lea.l LogFailureText1,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
bra LogOut
Prompt: lea.l PromptText1,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
UnknownCMD: lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
lea.l Buffer3,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
lea.l UnknownCMDText1,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
Echo: lea.l Buffer1,a0
move.l #1,d0
bsr Writer
HangUp: lea.l HangUpString1,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
bsr Delay1SEC
lea.l HangUpString2,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
Delay1SEC: move.l #50,d1
lib Dos,Delay
Break: lea.l BreakText1,a0
bsr Printer
clr.l d0
ClearSer: move.l IORRequest,a1
lib Exec,CheckIO
tst.l d0
beq ClearSer1
move.l IORRequest,a1
lib Exec,WaitIO
ClearSer1: move.l IORRequest,a1
move.l IORRequest,a1
lib Exec,WaitIO
Reader: move.l IORRequest,a1
move.l #1,IO_LENGTH(a1)
lea.l Buffer1,a0
move.l a0,IO_DATA(a1)
lib Exec,SendIO
;Writes string to serial port
;D0 = Length
;A0 = String
Writer: move.l IOWRequest,a1
move.l d0,IO_LENGTH(a1)
move.l a0,IO_DATA(a1)
lib Exec,DoIO ;May freeze, too bad
PutChProc: tst.b d0
beq PutChProc_OUT
move.b d0,(a3)+
PutChProc_OUT: rts
;Open AUX device (should ask for the name of the device...)
DoCommand: lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
lea.l AUXName,a0
move.l a0,d1
move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
lib Dos,Open
move.l d0,AUXFile
bne DoCommand2
bsr NoAUX
clr.l d0
DoCommand2: move.l d0,CMDAUXFile1
lea.l CMDTags,a0
move.l a0,d2
lea.l Buffer3,a0
move.l a0,d1
lib Dos,SystemTagList
cmp.l #-1,d0
bne DoCommand3
bsr UnknownCMD
DoCommand3: move.l AUXFile,d1
lib Dos,Close
clr.l AUXFile
move.l #-1,d0
ShutDown: tst.w SerOpen
beq ShutDown9000
bsr ClearSer
move.l IORRequest,a1
lib Exec,CloseDevice
ShutDown9000: move.l IORRequest,d0
tst.l d0
beq ShutDown8000
move.l #IOEXTSER_SIZE,-(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp)
jsr _DeleteExtIO
add.l #8,sp
ShutDown8000: move.l SRRPort,d0
tst.l d0
beq ShutDown7000
move.l d0,-(sp)
jsr _DeletePort
add.l #4,sp
ShutDown7000: move.l IOWRequest,d0
tst.l d0
beq ShutDown6000
move.l #IOEXTSER_SIZE,-(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp)
jsr _DeleteExtIO
add.l #8,sp
ShutDown6000: move.l SWRPort,d0
tst.l d0
beq ShutDown5000
move.l d0,-(sp)
jsr _DeletePort
add.l #4,sp
ShutDown5000: tst.l AUXFile
beq ShutDown4000
move.l AUXFile,d1
lib Dos,Close
ShutDown1000: closlib Intuition
closlib Dos
pull d2-d7/a2-a6
clr.l d0
;CheckEvent gets messages from serial.device and keyboard (CTRL_C)
;D0 = -1 if serial returned
;D0 = 0 if CTRL_C given
CheckEvent: clr.l d0
clr.l d1
move.l SRRPort,a1 ;serial.device
move.b MP_SIGBIT(a1),d1
bset.l d1,d0
bset.l #SIGBREAKB_CTRL_C,d0 ;and CTRL_C
lib Exec,Wait
beq Break ;go break
move.l #-1,d0 ;Serial returned
;Wait until LF,CR received or buffer full from serial. Buffer all
;input with DEL removal
;D0 = 1 if echoing is desired
;Buffer 3 = Data received.
WaitUntilLF: move.l d0,d5
WaitUntilLF1: bsr CheckEvent
tst.l d0
beq WaitUntilLF_OUT
bsr BufferInput
tst.l d0
beq WaitUntilLF1 ;No LF so get more chars
WaitUntilLF_OUT: rts
BufferInput: cmp.b #4,Buffer1 ;Test for CTRL_D
beq CTRL_D
cmp.b #8,Buffer1 ;Test for BS
bne BufferInput2
bsr DoBS
bsr ClearSer
bsr Reader
clr.l d0
BufferInput2: lea.l Buffer3,a2
add.w BufCount,a2
move.b Buffer1,(a2)
tst.l d5
beq BufferInput2.1
bsr Echo
BufferInput2.1: add.w #1,BufCount
cmp.w #32,BufCount ;Test for full buffer
beq BufferInput3 ;Buffer is full
cmp.b #10,Buffer1
beq BufferInput3
cmp.b #13,Buffer1
beq BufferInput3
bsr ClearSer
bsr Reader
clr.l d0
BufferInput3: lea.l Buffer3,a2
add.w BufCount,a2
clr.b -1(a2)
bsr ClearSer
bsr Reader
move.l #-1,d0
CTRL_D: lea.l ExitText1,a0
bsr GetLength
bsr Writer
move.l #'logo',Buffer3
move.w #'ut',Buffer3+4
move.b #0,Buffer3+6
bsr ClearSer
bsr Reader
move.l #-1,d0
DoBS: tst.w BufCount
beq DoBS_OUT
tst.l d5
beq DoBS1
bsr Echo
DoBS1: sub.w #1,BufCount
DoBS_OUT: rts
;Get length of text in given address
;Input a0 = Address of null terminated text string
;Result d0 = Length
GetLength: push a0
clr.l d0
cmp.l #$00,a0 ;fixes enforcer hit
beq GetLength_OUT
GetLength2: add.l #1,d0
tst.b (a0)+
bne GetLength2
sub.l #1,d0 ;don't include NULL
GetLength_OUT: pull a0
ConvASCII: clr.l d0
clr.l d1
cmp.b #' ',(a0)
bne ConvASCII2
add.l #1,a0
ConvASCII2: move.b (a0),d1
cmp.b #'0',d1
cmp.b #'9',d1
sub.b #'0',d1
mulu.w #10,d0
add.l d1,d0
add.l #1,a0
bra ConvASCII2
ConvASCII_OUT: rts
;Compares two strings.
;A0 String 1
;A1 String 2
;D0 = 0 if not same
;If String 2 is longer but correct upto length of
;String 1, routine will say String 1 = String 2
;String 1 has to have NULL at end!
CmpStrings: tst.b (a0)
beq CmpStrings2
cmp.b (a0)+,(a1)+
beq CmpStrings
clr.l d0
CmpStrings2: move.l #-1,d0
;Error etc. messages
Usage: lea.l UsageText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra ShutDown
NoDos: add.l #8,sp
pull d2-d7/a2-a6
move.l #RETURN_FAIL,d0
NoInt: lea.l NoIntText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra ShutDown
NoIOReq: lea.l NoIOReqText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra ShutDown
NoSerial: lea.l NoSerialText1,a0
bsr Printer
move.l SerName,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l NoSerialText2,a0
bsr Printer
bra ShutDown
NoAUX: lea.l NoAUXText1,a0
bsr Printer
Printer: printa a0,_stdout
;lib stuff
_SysBase: dc.l 0
_DOSBase: dc.l 0
;Other stuff, part I
OurTask: dc.l 0
SRRPort: dc.l 0
IORRequest: dc.l 0
SWRPort: dc.l 0
IOWRequest: dc.l 0
_stdout: dc.l 0
;_stdin: dc.l 0
AUXFile: dc.l 0
BufCount: dc.w 0
LogFailCount: dc.w 0
LoginSeconds: dc.l 0
LogoutSeconds: dc.l 0
OnTimeMins: dc.l 0
MicrosTemp: dc.l 0
;Serial device stuff
SerName: dc.l SerName2 ;A pointer!
SerUnit: dc.l 0
SerOpen: dc.w 0
;Strings, error
BreakText1: dc.b "***Break",10,0
NoIntText1: dc.b "ERROR: Couldn't open intuition.library!",13,10,0
NoIOReqText1: dc.b "ERROR: Couldn't get SerialIOReq!",13,10,0
NoSerialText1: dc.b "ERROR: Couldn't open ",0
SerName2: dc.b "serial.device",0
NoSerialText2: dc.b 10,0
NoAUXText1: dc.b "ERROR: Couldn't open AUX:!",13,10,0
;Strings, names
STVersion: dc.b "$VER: "
UsageText1: dc.b "MUnix v0.01. (C)opyright Tomi Blinnikka 1992",13,10,13,10
dc.b 10," !!! BETA TESTER VERSION !!!",13,10,13,10,13,10
dc.b "USAGE: MUnix [Unit] [Device]",13,10,13,10
dc.b " Where: [Unit] is the unit number",13,10
dc.b " [Device] is the device name",13,10,13,10
dc.b " Default [Device] is serial.device",13,10,13,10
dc.b "A PhoneLineWatcher clone.",13,10
dc.b "See docs for more information.",13,10,0
SRRPortName: dc.b "MUnix read port",0
SWRPortName: dc.b "MUnix write port",0
DEVICEText1: dc.b "DEVICE",0
UNITText1: dc.b "UNIT",0
YESText1: dc.b "YES",0
AUXName: dc.b "AUX:",0
;Modem control strings
ResetString: dc.b "ATZ",13,10,0
AnswerString: dc.b "ATA",13,10,0
HangUpString1: dc.b "+++",0
HangUpString2: dc.b "ATH",13,10,0
;Texts to output
WelcomeText1: dc.b "Welcome to the INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation",13,10
dc.b " INTERACTIVE UNIX Operating System",13,10,13,10
dc.b "System name: tits",13,10,0
WelcomeText2: dc.b 13,10,"UNIX System V/Amiga UNIX Release 3.2",13,10
dc.b "tits",13,10
dc.b "Copyright (C) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988 AT&T",13,10
dc.b "Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.",13,10
dc.b "All Rights Reserved",13,10
dc.b "Login last used: ",13,10,0
LoginText1: dc.b 13,10,"login: ",0
PasswordText1: dc.b 13,10,"Password: ",0
IncorrectText1: dc.b 13,10,"Login incorrect",13,10,0
LogFailureText1: dc.b 13,10,"Login failure",13,10,0
UnknownCMDText1: dc.b ": Command not found.",13,10,0
PromptText1: dc.b 13,10,"/usr/users/docbliny % ",0
ExitText1: dc.b "^D",8,8,"exit",13,10,0
CRLFText1: dc.b 13,10,0
OnTimeText1: dc.b "Minutes used: "
OnTimeText2: dc.b " 0"
OnTimeText3: dc.b 13,10,0
fstrl: dc.b "%5.d",0
;Users (?!?)
RootName: dc.b "jlaine",0
RootPass: dc.b "cocacola",0
;RootName: dc.b "tsarvela",0
;RootPass: dc.b "kukka",0
;RootName: dc.b "root",0
;RootPass: dc.b "enigma111",0
CMD_LogOut: dc.b "logout",0
ds.l 0
CMDTags: dc.l SYS_Output
CMDAUXFile1: dc.l 0
;Buffers 1 - 2 used by WaitForRing, WaitForConnect WaitUntilLF
;Buffer 3 used by WaitUntilLF
Buffer1: dcb.b 2,0
Buffer2: dcb.b 16,0
Buffer3: dcb.b 34,0
TempBuf1: dcb.b 34,0