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Current version: ShellTerm 1.19 (C)opyright Tomi Blinnikka 1993
Version Size Date Description
1.19 22600 26/05/93 Added a version number to the prefs file. I
also added some empty space so newer versions
will load older prefs files until a radical
change happens in it.
Added some stuff to the docs.
1.18 22596 22/05/93 Added scripts to archive. Added XON/XOFF, but
never tested it. Fixed the bug with setting
parameters. Changed a lot of code that had to
do with opening/closing devices, creating/
deleting Requests/MsgPorts.
1.17 21864 25/03/93 Added possibility to open a port with a
specific name. It is specified when ShellTerm
is run and not in the prefs file! This is to
save the trouble of making separate prefs
files for every application.
1.16 21736 24/03/93 Fixed a major bug in the routine that opens
the device. ShellTerm should now work on
multiple serial boards and maybe some other
exotic devices.
1.15 21828 10/02/93 The dialer won't be in Edit mode if quit.
Thus you won't accidentally erase an entry
if you first quit the dialer (while in edit
mode) and then come back to dial.
1.14 ~22000 06/02/93 Fixed a bug in the parser. Had to press
<ENTER> twice if using CSH (I accidentally
cleared the last byte of the CLI-args).
1.13 21808 02/01/93 Added 'Execute' option.
1.12 21668 01/01/93 Release 3. All bugs should be fixed. Should
work on all machines, not sure about dnet.
Changed the parser to stand up to Commodore's
1.11 ~22000 13/11/92 Private registered copy.
1.10 ~22000 20/10/92 Added public ports. Bug fixes.
1.09 21632 06/09/92 Release 2.
Docs checked.
1.08 ~22000 04/09/92 Added: Cursor remap.
Minor optimization.
1.07 ~21000 30/08/92 Tried to get this version out as a release.
Docs updated a bit more and added 'Hints &
Added: Upload/Download programs and dirs,
capture file.
1.06 ~18000 28/08/92 Bugs fixed. The dialer should work, toggling
between (data/stop)bits are shown correctly
even if the operation fails, added a greater
delay while dialing a list/single entry
(at least my phone line couldn't keep up)
Added: 'Send Break', preferences file, 'Swap
BS & DEL', Phonebook entry editor, assigning
of CTRL-P to a key.
Docs updated.
1.05 16116 14/08/92 Bugs fixed: Send CTRL-P works now.
1.04 16116 11/08/92 Bugs fixed: Dialer now knows about NO CARRIER
and dials after removing an entry.
Added: Clear screen and Reset font.
Release version. Forgot to check the docs :(
1.03 ~16000 08/08/92 Bugs fixed: Dialer should recognize the BUSY
and CONNECT texts from the modem now.
Minor optimization.
The next version should be a release :)
1.02 ~17000 06/08/92 Bugs fixed: Input is now flushed on starting
to prevent ugly things from happening when
going into the menus and there has been
options on the CMDline.
Added: Preferences (local echo, speed CR/LF
translating, data & stop bits)
Minor optimization.
1.01 ~10000 05/08/92 A beta tester version, now with phonebook.
1.00 ???? 04/08/92 A simple version without many bugs and quite
0.00a- ???? ??/??/92 Wrote the program basics and main routines.