Gold Fish 2
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90 lines
* $VER: SimpleLED_1_Source 1.0 (21-Oct-93)
* *****************************************
* * SimpleLED_1.s v1.0 *
* * Copyright © 1993, Richard Karlsson *
* * *
* * Klövergränd 4 *
* * SF-22100 Mariehamn *
* * Finland *
* * *
* * Ph. +358-28-22441 *
* *****************************************
* This little program will do a binary count from 0 to 255 on PORTB.
* You should set up LEDs on this port to see the result. To do this
* you can either use a transistor to drive the LEDs. Base of transistor
* to the port pin. You will need one transistor for each PORTB pin. OR
* you can set up the LEDs straight from the PORTB pins to VSS, through a
* resistor. This method is probably a strain on the MCU and probably
* not within the guaranteed ratings of the MCU. But I've used this
* method many times, and still haven't destroyed any Hc11s that way.
* PORTB Pin0----LED---Resistor---VSS
* The resistor should be about 300 ohms, and the LED should be turned
* the right way. If you don't know which way is the right way then
* try one way and if that doesn't work then turn it the other way.
* You will need to make one of theese for every PORTB pin.
* PORTB is to my knowledge an outport on all HC11 models. If it's not
* on the model you are using then you try using another port. Just
* change the PORTBs in this source to what ever port you are using.
* If the port you are using is a bi-directional port then you will
* have to set it to output mode.
EEPROM = $b600 ; Change this to where you have space
; to put the program. NOT in the MCUs
; internal RAM. The talker file is
; resident there.
; If you have the program in EEPROM
; as you probably will, then remember
; to set the EEPROM range in HitMon11
; when transferring this program
; to the Hc11 MCU. Else programming
; will fail. The EEPROM range is set
; with the "EEPROM" command.
RegBase = $1000 ; This is where the register base is
; in the MCU you are using. It should
; be HEX 1000 at all Hc11s. If you
; havent changed it manually that is.
; To change the register base is only
; possable on some MCUs.
Include "HcInclude:A8Regs.i" ; Sets all the register to the
; right addresses. If you are
; not using the Hc11A0, A1 or A8
; then you will have to change
; this.
org EEPROM ; Set PC to beginning of EEPROM.
clra ; Clear Accumulator A (AccA)
staa PORTB ; Store AccA at PORTB. If you have LEDs
; set up at PORTB they should light up
; according to the bits set in AccA.
inca ; Binary add 1 to AccA
bsr HumaneDelay ; Wait a while so that you can see how
; the LEDs look.
bra Main ; Go back to Main, and start all over
; again.
* This routine counts to 5 times 60000 (=300000) that should be long
* enough for you to see the LEDs pattern.
* It trashes index registers X and Y.
ldx #5
ldy #60000
bne HD_Inner
bne HD_Outer