Gold Fish 2
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Text File
425 lines
(* ==================================================================== *)
:Program. Triton.MOD
:Contents. interface to Stefan Zeiger's triton.library
:Author. Peter Fröhlich [phf]
:Copyright. This module is © 1994 by Peter Fröhlich. It may be
:Copyright. distributed freely as long as remains unchanged.
:Language. Oberon (revised)
:Translator. Amiga Oberon V3.11d
:History. V0.1 [phf] 01-May-1994 first release to S. Zeiger
:Address. Peter Fröhlich, Ebenböckstraße 19, D-81241 München
:Remark. The interface currently supports only direct use
:Remark. of the library, ie. the infamous C macros have not
:Remark. been ported yet.
:Remark. Note that the interface does not AmigaOberon's
:Remark. LONGSET since this would result in cumbersome casts
:Remark. in the taglists.
:Remark. Remember to ensure "Triton.base # NIL" before
:Remark. calling procedures of the module.
(* ==================================================================== *)
MODULE Triton;
E* := Exec, S* := SYSTEM, U* := Utility, W* := Workbench,
I* := Intuition, GT* := GadTools, G* := Graphics;
tritonName* = "triton.library";
triton10Version* = 1;
MessagePtr* = UNTRACED POINTER TO Message;
DimensionsPtr* = UNTRACED POINTER TO Dimensions;
ProjectPtr* = UNTRACED POINTER TO Project;
(* --- The Triton message --- *)
Message* = STRUCT
project- : ProjectPtr; (* The project which triggered the message *)
id- : E.ULONG; (* The object's ID (where appropriate) *)
class- : E.ULONG; (* The Triton message class *)
data- : E.ULONG; (* The class-specific data *)
code- : E.ULONG; (* \ Currently only used *)
qualifier- : E.ULONG; (* / by TRMS_KEYPRESSED *)
seconds- : E.ULONG; (* \ Copy of system clock time (Only where *)
micros- : E.ULONG; (* / available! If not set, trm_Seconds is NULL) *)
(* --- The Application Structure --- *)
App* = STRUCT (* This structure is PRIVATE! *)
memPool : E.ADDRESS; (* The memory pool *)
bitMask : E.LONGBITS; (* Bits to Wait() for *)
name : E.STRPTR; (* Unique name *)
longName : E.STRPTR; (* User-readable name *)
info : E.STRPTR; (* Info string *)
version : E.STRPTR; (* Version *)
release : E.STRPTR; (* Release *)
date : E.STRPTR; (* Compilation date *)
appPort : E.MsgPortPtr; (* AppMessage port *)
(* --- The Dimensions Structure --- *)
Dimensions* = STRUCT
left* : E.UWORD; (* Left *)
top* : E.UWORD; (* Top *)
width* : E.UWORD; (* Width *)
height* : E.UWORD; (* Height *)
left2* : E.UWORD; (* Left *)
top2* : E.UWORD; (* Top *)
width2* : E.UWORD; (* Width *)
height2* : E.UWORD; (* Height *)
zoomed* : E.BOOL; (* Window zoomed? *)
reserved* : ARRAY 3 OF E.UWORD; (* For future expansions *)
(* --- The Project Structure --- *)
Project* = STRUCT (* This structure is PRIVATE! *)
app : AppPtr; (* Our application *)
screen : I.ScreenPtr; (* Our screen, always valid *)
lockedPubScreen : I.ScreenPtr; (* Only valid if we're using a PubScreen *)
window : I.WindowPtr; (* The window *)
id : E.ULONG; (* The window ID *)
appWindow : W.AppWindowPtr; (* AppWindow for icon dropping *)
idcmpFlags : E.ULONG; (* The IDCMP flags *)
flags : E.ULONG; (* Triton window flags *)
newMenu : GT.NewMenuPtr; (* The newmenu stucture built by Triton *)
newMenuSize : E.ULONG; (* The number of menu items in the list *)
menu : I.MenuPtr; (* The menu structure *)
nextSelect : E.UWORD; (* The next selected menu item *)
visualInfo : E.ADDRESS; (* The VisualInfo of our window *)
drawInfo : I.DrawInfoPtr; (* The DrawInfo of the screen *)
dimensions : DimensionsPtr; (* User-supplied dimensions *)
windowStdHeight : E.ULONG; (* The standard height of the window *)
leftBorder : E.ULONG; (* The width of the left window border *)
rightBorder : E.ULONG; (* The width of the right window border *)
topBorder : E.ULONG; (* The height of the top window border *)
bottomBorder : E.ULONG; (* The height of the bottom window border *)
innerWidth : E.ULONG; (* The inner width of the window *)
innerHeight : E.ULONG; (* The inner height of the window *)
zipDimensions : ARRAY 4 OF E.WORD; (* The dimensions for the zipped window *)
aspectFixing : E.UWORD; (* Pixel aspect correction factor *)
objectList : E.MinList; (* The list of display objects *)
menuList : E.MinList; (* The list of menus *)
idList : E.MinList; (* The ID linking list (menus & objects) *)
memPool : E.ADDRESS; (* The memory pool for the lists *)
hasObjects : E.BOOL; (* Do we have display objects ? *)
propAttr : G.TextAttrPtr; (* The proportional font attributes *)
fixedWidthAttr : G.TextAttrPtr; (* The fixed-width font attributes *)
propFont : G.TextFontPtr; (* The proportional font *)
fixedWidthFont : G.TextFontPtr; (* The fixed-width font *)
openedPropFont : E.BOOL; (* \ Have we opened the fonts ? *)
openedFixedWidthFont : E.BOOL; (* / *)
totalPropFontHeight : E.UWORD; (* Height of prop font incl. underscore *)
backfillType : E.ULONG; (* The backfill type *)
backfillHook : U.HookPtr; (* The backfill hook *)
gadToolsGadgetList : I.GadgetPtr; (* List of GadTools gadgets *)
prevGadget : I.GadgetPtr; (* Previous GadTools gadget *)
newGadget : GT.NewGadgetPtr; (* GadTools NewGadget *)
invisibleRequest : I.RequesterPtr; (* The invisible blocking requester *)
isUserLocked : E.BOOL; (* Project locked by the user? *)
currentID : E.ULONG; (* The currently keyboard-selected ID *)
isCancelDown : E.BOOL; (* Cancellation key pressed? *)
isShortcutDown : E.BOOL; (* Shortcut key pressed? *)
underscore : E.UBYTE; (* The underscore character *)
escClose : E.BOOL; (* Close window on Esc ? *)
delZip : E.BOOL; (* Zip window on Del ? *)
pubScreenFallBack : E.BOOL; (* Fall back onto default public screen ? *)
fontFallBack : E.BOOL; (* Fall back to topaz.8 ? *)
oldWidth : E.UWORD; (* Old window width *)
oldHeight : E.UWORD; (* Old window height *)
(* --- Message classes --- *)
msCloseWindow* = 1; (* The window should be closed *)
msError* = 2; (* An error occured. Error code in trm_Data *)
msNewValue* = 3; (* Object's value has changed. New value in trm_Data *)
msAction* = 4; (* Object has triggered an action *)
msIconDropped* = 5; (* Icon dropped over window (ID=0) or DropBox. AppMessage* in trm_Data *)
msKeyPressed* = 6; (* Key pressed. trm_Data contains ASCII code, trm_Code raw code and *)
(* trm_Qualifier contains qualifiers *)
(* --- Triton error codes --- *)
erOk* = 0; (* No error *)
erAllocMem* = 1; (* Not enough memory *)
erOpenWindow* = 2; (* Can't open window *)
erWindowTooBig* = 3; (* Window would be too big for screen *)
erDrawInfo* = 4; (* Can't get screen's DrawInfo *)
erOpenFont* = 5; (* Can't open font *)
erCreateMsgPort* = 6; (* Can't create message port *)
erInstallObject* = 7; (* Can't create an object *)
erCreateClass* = 8; (* Can't create a class *)
erNoLockPubScreen* = 9; (* Can't lock public screen *)
erInvalid* = 10; (* Invalid NewMenu structure -> probably a bug in Triton *)
erNoMem* = 11; (* Not enough memory for menu creation *)
erOtherCreate* = 12; (* Other error while creating the menus *)
erLayout* = 13; (* GadTools can't layout the menus *)
erCreateContext* = 14; (* Can't create gadget context *)
erMaxErrorNum = 15; (* PRIVATE! *)
(* --- Tags for OpenWindow() --- *)
(* Window *)
wiTitle* = (U.user+1); (* STRPTR: The window title *)
wiFlags* = (U.user+2); (* See below for window flags *)
wiUnderscore* = (U.user+3); (* POINTER TO CHAR: The underscore for menu and gadget shortcuts *)
wiPosition* = (U.user+4); (* Window position, see below *)
wiCustomScreen* = (U.user+5); (* ScreenPtr *)
wiPubScreen* = (U.user+6); (* ScreenPtr, must have been locked! *)
wiPubScreenName* = (U.user+7); (* STRPTR, Triton is doing the locking *)
wiPropFontAttr* = (U.user+8); (* TextAttrPtr: The proportional font *)
wiFixedWidthFontAttr* = (U.user+9); (* TextAttrPtr: The fixed-width font *)
wiBackfill* = (U.user+10); (* The backfill type, see below *)
wiID* = (U.user+11); (* ULONG: The window ID *)
wiDimensions* = (U.user+12); (* DimensionsPtr *)
(* Menus *)
mnTitle* = (U.user+101); (* STRPTR: Menu *)
mnItem* = (U.user+102); (* STRPTR: Menu item *)
mnSub* = (U.user+103); (* STRPTR: Menu subitem *)
mnFlags* = (U.user+104); (* See below for flags *)
(* General object attributes *)
atID* = (U.user+150); (* The object's/menu's ID *)
atFlags* = (U.user+151); (* The object's flags *)
atValue* = (U.user+152); (* The object's value *)
atText* = (U.user+153); (* The object's text *)
atDisabled* = (U.user+154); (* Disabled object? *)
atBackfill* = (U.user+155); (* Backfill pattern *)
atMinWidth* = (U.user+156); (* Minimum width *)
atMinHeight* = (U.user+157); (* Minimum height *)
user* = (U.user+800); (* Add something to get your own IDs *)
(* Magic code *)
magicObjBeg* = (U.user+200); (* PRIVATE! *)
magicObjEnd* = (U.user+999); (* PRIVATE! *)
magicSpcBeg* = (U.user+900); (* PRIVATE! *)
magicSpcEnd* = (U.user+999); (* PRIVATE! *)
(* --- Window flags --- *)
wiBackDrop* = 000000001H; (* Create a backdrop borderless window *)
wiNoDragBar* = 000000002H; (* Don't use a dragbar *)
wiNoDepthGadget* = 000000004H; (* Don't use a depth-gadget *)
wiNOCloseGadget* = 000000008H; (* Don't use a close-gadget *)
wiNoActivate* = 000000010H; (* Don't activate window *)
wiNoEscClose* = 000000020H; (* Don't send closeWindow when Esc is pressed *)
wiNoPScrFallback* = 000000040H; (* Don't fall back onto default PubScreen *)
wiNoZipGadget* = 000000080H; (* Don't use a zip-gadget *)
wiZipCenterTop* = 000000100H; (* Center the zipped window on the title bar *)
wiNoMinTextWidth* = 000000200H; (* Minimum window width not according to title text *)
wiNoSizeGadget* = 000000400H; (* Don't use a sizing-gadget *)
wiNoFontFallback* = 000000800H; (* Don't fall back to topaz.8 *)
wiNoDelZip* = 000001000H; (* Don't zip the window when Del is pressed *)
wiSimpleRefresh* = 000002000H; (* Use simple refresh instead of smart refresh *)
wiZipToCurrentPos* = 000004000H; (* Will zip the window at the current position (OS3.0+) *)
wiAppWindow* = 000008000H; (* Create an AppWindow without using class_dropbox *)
wiActivateStrGad* = 000010000H; (* Activate the first string gadget after opening the window *)
(* --- Menu flags --- *)
mnCheckIt* = 000000001H; (* Leave space for a checkmark *)
mnChecked* = 000000002H; (* Check the item (includes TRMF_CHECKIT) *)
mnDisabled* = 000000004H; (* Ghost the menu/item *)
(* --- Window positions --- *)
wpDefault* = 0; (* Let Triton choose a good position *)
wpBelowTitlebar* = 1; (* Left side of screen, below title bar *)
wpCenterTop* = 1025; (* Top of screen, centered on the title bar *)
wpTopLeftScreen* = 1026; (* Top left corner of screen *)
wpCenterScreen* = 1027; (* Centered on the screen *)
wpCenterDisplay* = 1028; (* Centered on the currently displayed clip *)
wpMousePointer* = 1029; (* Under the mouse pointer *)
wpMagic = 1024; (* PRIVATE! *)
(* --- Backfill types --- *)
bfWindowBack* = 0; (* Window backfill colors *)
bfRequesterBack* = 1; (* Requester backfill colors *)
bfNone* = 2; (* No backfill (= Fill with BACKGROUNDPEN) *)
bfShine* = 3; (* Fill with SHINEPEN *)
bfShineShadow* = 4; (* Fill with SHINEPEN + SHADOWPEN *)
bfShineFill* = 5; (* Fill with SHINEPEN + FILLPEN *)
bfShineBackground* = 6; (* Fill with SHINEPEN + BACKGROUNDPEN *)
bfShadow* = 7; (* Fill with SHADOWPEN *)
bfShadowFill* = 8; (* Fill with SHADOWPEN + FILLPEN *)
bfShadowBackground* = 9; (* Fill with SHADOWPEN + BACKGROUNDPEN *)
bfFill* = 10; (* Fill with FILLPEN *)
bfFillBackground* = 11; (* Fill with FILLPEN + BACKGROUNDPEN *)
(* --- Display Object flags --- *)
(* General flags *)
ofRaised* = 000000001H; (* Raised object *)
ofHoriz* = 000000002H; (* Horizontal object \ Works automatically *)
ofVert* = 000000004H; (* Vertical object / in groups *)
(* Text flags *)
txNoUnderscore* = 000000100H; (* Don't interpret underscores *)
txHighlight* = 000000200H; (* Highlight text *)
tx3D* = 000000400H; (* 3D design *)
txBold* = 000000800H; (* Softstyle 'bold' *)
txTitle* = 000001000H; (* A title (e.g. of a group) *)
(* --- Menu entries --- *)
menuBarLabel* = -1; (* A barlabel instead of text *)
(* --- Tags for CreateApp() --- *)
caName* = (U.user+1);
caLongName* = (U.user+2);
caInfo* = (U.user+3);
caVersion* = (U.user+4);
caRelease* = (U.user+5);
caDate* = (U.user+6);
(* --- Tags for EasyRequest() --- *)
ezReqPos* = (U.user+1);
ezLockProject* = (U.user+2);
ezReturn* = (U.user+3);
ezTitle* = (U.user+4);
ezActivate* = (U.user+5);
(* --- Default classes, attributes and flags --- *)
(* Classes *)
obButton* = (U.user+305); (* A BOOPSI button gadget *)
obCheckBox* = (U.user+303); (* A checkbox gadget *)
obCycle* = (U.user+310); (* A cycle gadget *)
obFrameBox* = (U.user+306); (* A framing box *)
obDropBox* = (U.user+312); (* An icon drop box *)
grHoriz* = (U.user+201); (* Horizontal group, see below for types *)
grVert* = (U.user+202); (* Vertical group, see below for types *)
grEnd* = (U.user+203); (* End of a group *)
obLine* = (U.user+301); (* A simple line *)
obPalette* = (U.user+307); (* A palette gadget *)
obScroller* = (U.user+309); (* A scroller gadget *)
obSlider* = (U.user+308); (* A slider gadget *)
obSpace* = (U.user+901); (* The spaces class *)
obString* = (U.user+311); (* A string gadget *)
obText* = (U.user+304); (* A line of text *)
obListview* = (U.user+313); (* A listview gadget *)
obProgress* = (U.user+314); (* A progress indicator *)
(* Button *)
buReturnOk* = 000010000H; (* <Return> answers the button *)
buEscOk* = 000020000H; (* <Esc> answers the button *)
buShifted* = 000040000H; (* Shifted shortcut only *)
buUnshifted* = 000080000H; (* Unshifted shortcut only *)
btText* = 0; (* Text button *)
btGetFile* = 1; (* GetFile button *)
btGetDrawer* = 2; (* GetDrawer button *)
btGetEntry* = 3; (* GetEntry button *)
(* Group *)
grPropShare* = 000000000H; (* Divide objects proportionally *)
grEqualShare* = 000000001H; (* Divide objects equally *)
grPropSpaces* = 000000002H; (* Divide spaces proportionally *)
grArray* = 000000004H; (* Top-level array group *)
grAlign* = 000000008H; (* Align resizeable objects in secondary dimension *)
grCenter* = 000000010H; (* Center unresizeable objects in secondary dimension *)
grFixHoriz* = 000000020H; (* Don't allow horizontal resizing *)
grFixVert* = 000000040H; (* Don't allow vertical resizing *)
(* Scroller *)
scTotal* = (U.user+1504);
scVisible* = (U.user+1505);
(* Slider *)
slMin* = (U.user+1502);
slMax* = (U.user+1503);
(* Space *)
stNone* = 1; (* No space *)
stSmall* = 2; (* Small space *)
stNormal* = 3; (* Normal space (default) *)
stBig* = 4; (* Big space *)
(* Listview *)
lvTop* = (U.user+1506);
lvReadOnly* = 000010000H; (* A read-only list *)
lvSelect* = 000020000H; (* You may select an entry *)
lvShowSelected* = 000040000H; (* Selected entry will be shown *)
lvNoCursorKeys* = 000080000H; (* Don't use arrow keys *)
lvNoNumPadKeys* = 000100000H; (* Don't use numeric keypad keys *)
lvFWFont* = 000200000H; (* Use the fixed-width font *)
base- : E.LibraryPtr;
supportApp : AppPtr;
(* --- Main system --- *)
PROCEDURE OpenProject* {base,-30} (app{9}: AppPtr; taglist{8}: ARRAY OF U.TagItem): ProjectPtr;
PROCEDURE CloseProject* {base,-36} (project{8}: ProjectPtr);
PROCEDURE FirstOccurance* {base,-42} (ch{0}: E.UBYTE; str{8}: E.STRPTR): E.LONG;
PROCEDURE NumOccurances* {base,-48} (ch{0}: E.UBYTE; str{8}: E.STRPTR): E.LONG;
PROCEDURE GetErrorString* {base,-54} (num{0}: E.UWORD): E.STRPTR;
PROCEDURE CloseWindowSafely* {base,-126} (win{8}: I.WindowPtr);
PROCEDURE GetMsg* {base,-108} (app{9}: AppPtr): MessagePtr;
PROCEDURE ReplyMsg* {base,-114} (msg{9}: MessagePtr);
PROCEDURE Wait* {base,-120} (app{9}: AppPtr; otherbits{0}: E.ULONG): E.ULONG;
PROCEDURE SetAttribute* {base,-60} (prj{8}: ProjectPtr; id{0}: E.ULONG; attribute{1}: E.ULONG; value{2}: E.ULONG);
PROCEDURE GetAttribute* {base,-66} (prj{8}: ProjectPtr; id{0}: E.ULONG; attribute{1}: E.ULONG): E.ULONG;
PROCEDURE LockProject* {base,-72} (prj{8}: ProjectPtr);
PROCEDURE UnlockProject* {base,-78} (prj{8}: ProjectPtr);
PROCEDURE AutoRequest* {base,-84} (app{9}: AppPtr; lockproject{8}: ProjectPtr; requestTRWindowTags{10}: ARRAY OF U.TagItem): E.ULONG;
PROCEDURE EasyRequest* {base,-90} (app{9}: AppPtr; bodyfmt{10}: E.STRPTR; gadfmt{11}: E.STRPTR; taglist{8}: ARRAY OF U.TagItem): E.ULONG;
PROCEDURE CreateApp* {base,-96} (apptags{9}: ARRAY OF U.TagItem): AppPtr;
PROCEDURE DeleteApp* {base,-102} (app{9}: AppPtr);
(* I'm not sure where this call belongs. [phf] *)
extern BOOL __saveds __asm TR_AddClass(register __d0 ULONG tag, register __a0 ULONG ( *dispatcher)());
(* --- Support library --- *)
(* OpenTriton() and CloseTriton() are obsolete under Oberon *)
PROCEDURE OpenProjectTags* {base,-30} (app{9}: AppPtr; tag{8}..: U.Tag): ProjectPtr;
PROCEDURE AutoRequestTags* {base,-84} (app{9}: AppPtr; lockproject{8}: ProjectPtr; tag{10}..: U.Tag): E.ULONG;
PROCEDURE EasyRequestTags* {base,-90} (app{9}: AppPtr; bodyfmt{10}: E.STRPTR; gadfmt{11}: E.STRPTR; tag{8}..: U.Tag): E.ULONG;
(* --- extensions by [phf] --- *)
PROCEDURE CreateAppTags* {base,-96} (apptags{9}..: U.Tag): AppPtr;
(* --- get everything rolling --- *)
(* supportApp is not used currently *)
supportApp := NIL;
(* I'm not sure about the version. [phf] *)
base := E.OpenLibrary (tritonName, 0);
IF (base # NIL) THEN E.CloseLibrary (base) END;
END Triton.