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MeMon 1.1
By David Ekholm, Datadosen
**** This requires version 2.0 or higher of the Amiga O.S. ****
This program has two uses. One is to convert numbers between decimal,
hexadecimal, binary, and ASCII and the other is to monitor and alter
addresses in memory.
MeMon is designed to be so neat and pretty that all programmers will want to
have It on their harddisk. Why?
-MeMon is mouse- and FULLY keyboard driven.
-MeMon uses 2.0 gadgets
-MeMon reads its settings from the ToolType field.
-MeMon adjust gadgets to the system font.
-MeMon has a small icon and program size.
MeMon is a nice tool for every programmer in need of converting numbers
between different bases, needing to know what code the © character has etc.
MeMon is also a perfect tool to help in debugging or just to learn how
the hardware registers on the Amiga work.
If you don't know much about computers remember that poking around in memory
may very likely cause a system failure. You use the program on your own risk.
MeMon is freely distributable, as long as it is kept intact with this
document and the program remains unaltered.
If you have any suggestions or problems, let me know:
David Ekholm
Mantalsv. 33
s-175 43 Järfälla
Phone/modem: int+46-8-580-15668
FidoNet: 2:201/411.57
Internet: david-ek@dsv.su.se
Using MeMon
To start:
Workbench: Double-click on MeMon's icon to start the program.
MeMon will open a small window with some gadgets. They are explained below.
Mem: Memory gadget. Enables memory to be monitored and altered.
Use mouse or M key to select.
Mon: Monitor gadget. If selected, MeMon will monitor selected address every
video frame. Unselect to poke in write-only registers.
Use mouse or O key to select.
Sgn: Sign gadget. This gadget affects how the decimal number field displays
numbers. If selected. MeMon will treat the most significant bit as the
sign bit. Use mouse or S key to select.
Clr: Clear gadget. If selected MeMon will auto-clear number fields upon entry.
Use mouse or C key to select.
L: Long word gadget. This radiobutton selects long word mode.
Every operation will affect 32 bits and addresses will be word aligned.
Use mouse or L key to select.
W: Word gadget. This radiobutton selects word mode. Every operation
will affect 16 bits and addresses will be word aligned.
Use mouse or W key to select.
B: Byte gadget. This radiobutton selects byte mode. Every operation
will affect 8 bits.
Use mouse or B key to select.
The number gadgets:
a: The a (ASCII) number field will display the data as ASCII characters.
It will stop displaying if It reaches a NULL byte.
$: The $ (Hex) number field will display the data as hexadecimal characters.
: The (decimal) number field will display the data as decimal characters.
This is the default field if you press the TAB key.
%: The binary number field. This field has some extra graphics to help you
count the ones and zeroes. Hope you'll like It.
Finally we have the two ghosted number fields which are used to enter
addresses when in memory mode. One is for hexadecimal and one for decimal
addresses. If an odd address is entered when in word or long word mode,
this address will be word aligned. If byte mode is selected MeMon will recall
the original address.
You can use the TAB key to move between number fields and also to enter
the last-selected number field.
Click outside a number field to cancel that entry.
All number fields work so that they will allow entry of up to 32 bit long
data, but only display as much as selected. If illegal data is entered,
MeMon will accept all data upto the illegal data. E.g. if you enter 124G5 in a
hex number field this will translate to 124.
The HELP key button will display a short help requester.
To set up:
MeMon may be configured to your preference. This can be done either via
the ToolTypes field if started from Workbench or from CLI with the same
parameters as in the ToolType field.
This is a list of what can be configured:
ADDRESS=<address in hex>
93-11-09 Version 1.1
* Added ToolType parameter parsing.
* Added version information (wow!).
* Now opens on the default public screen, not always the WB screen.
* Fixed bug eating 240 bytes every time MeMon was run.
* No longer pops up a requester when RMB is pressed. Use HELP key.
* Will quit when ESC is pressed, NOT when ESC is released, could cause
funny effects when used with other programs using the ESC key to quit.
* Added a + sign for decimal values when in Sign mode. Also moved
the sign character next to the value, making the value easier to edit.
92-09-18 First release
Version 1.0 No bugs found (yet).