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$RCSfile: Rexx.mod $
Description: Interface to ARexx
Created by: fjc (Frank Copeland)
$Revision: 3.2 $
$Author: fjc $
$Date: 1994/08/08 01:10:12 $
Includes Release 40.15
(C) Copyright 1987,1988,1989,1990 William S. Hawes
(C) Copyright 1990-1993 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Oberon-A interface Copyright © 1994, Frank Copeland.
This file is part of the Oberon-A Interface.
See Oberon-A.doc for conditions of use and distribution.
** $C- CaseChk $I- IndexChk $L+ LongAdr $N- NilChk
** $P- PortableCode $R- RangeChk $S- StackChk $T- TypeChk
** $V- OvflChk $Z- ZeroVars
IMPORT E := Exec, D := Dos, SYS := SYSTEM;
** $VER: storage.h 1.4 (8.11.91)
** Header file to define ARexx data structures.
(* The NexxStr structure is used to maintain the internal strings in REXX.
* It includes the buffer area for the string and associated attributes.
* This is actually a variable-length structure; it is allocated for a
* specific length string, and the length is never modified thereafter
* (since it's used for recycling).
NexxStrPtr * = CPOINTER TO NexxStr;
NexxStr * = RECORD
ivalue * : LONGINT; (* integer value *)
length * : E.UWORD; (* length in bytes (excl null) *)
flags * : E.BSET; (* attribute flags *)
hash * : E.UBYTE; (* hash code *)
buff * : ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; (* buffer area for strings *)
END; (* NexxStr *) (* size: 16 bytes (minimum) *)
nxAddLen * = 9; (* offset plus null byte *)
(* String attribute flag bit definitions *)
nsKeep * = 0; (* permanent string? *)
nsString * = 1; (* string form valid? *)
nsNotNum * = 2; (* non-numeric? *)
nsNumber * = 3; (* a valid number? *)
nsBinary * = 4; (* integer value saved? *)
nsFloat * = 5; (* floating point format? *)
nsExt * = 6; (* an external string? *)
nsSource * = 7; (* part of the program source? *)
(* Combinations of flags *)
nsIntNum * = { nsNumber, nsBinary, nsString };
nsDpNum * = { nsNumber, nsFloat };
nsAlpha * = { nsNotNum, nsString };
nsOwned * = { nsSource, nsExt, nsKeep };
nsKeepStr * = { nsString, nsSource, nsNotNum };
nsKeepNum * = { nsString, nsSource, nsNumber, nsBinary };
(* The RexxArg structure is identical to the NexxStr structure, but
* is allocated from system memory rather than from internal storage.
* This structure is used for passing arguments to external programs.
* It is usually passed as an "argstring", a pointer to the string buffer.
RexxArgPtr * = CPOINTER TO RexxArg;
RexxArg * = RECORD
size * : LONGINT; (* total allocated length *)
length * : E.UWORD; (* length of string *)
flags * : E.BSET; (* attribute flags *)
hash * : E.UBYTE; (* hash code *)
buff * : ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; (* buffer area *)
END; (* RexxArg *) (* size: 16 bytes (minimum) *)
(* The RexxMsg structure is used for all communications with REXX
* programs. It is an EXEC message with a parameter block appended.
RexxMsgPtr * = CPOINTER TO RexxMsg;
RexxMsg * = RECORD (E.Message) (* EXEC message structure *)
taskBlock - : E.APTR; (* global structure (private) *)
libBase - : E.LibraryPtr; (* library base (private) *)
action * : LONGINT; (* command (action) code *)
result1 * : E.APTR; (* primary result (return code) *)
result2 * : E.APTR; (* secondary result *)
args * : ARRAY 16 OF E.STRPTR; (* argument block (ARG0-ARG15) *)
passPort * : E.MsgPortPtr; (* forwarding port *)
commAddr * : E.STRPTR; (* host address (port name) *)
fileExt * : E.STRPTR; (* file extension *)
stdin * : D.FileHandlePtr; (* input stream (filehandle) *)
stdout * : D.FileHandlePtr; (* output stream (filehandle) *)
avail * : LONGINT; (* future expansion *)
END; (* RexxMsg *) (* size: 128 bytes *)
maxRMArg * = 15; (* maximum arguments *)
(* Command (action) codes for message packets *)
comm * = 01000000H; (* a command-level invocation *)
func * = 02000000H; (* a function call *)
close * = 03000000H; (* close the REXX server *)
query * = 04000000H; (* query for information *)
addFH * = 07000000H; (* add a function host *)
addLib * = 08000000H; (* add a function library *)
remLib * = 09000000H; (* remove a function library *)
addCon * = 0A000000H; (* add/update a ClipList string *)
remCon * = 0B000000H; (* remove a ClipList string *)
tcOpn * = 0C000000H; (* open the trace console *)
tcCls * = 0D000000H; (* close the trace console *)
(* Command modifier flag bits *)
noIO * = 00010000H; (* suppress I/O inheritance? *)
result * = 00020000H; (* result string expected? *)
string * = 00040000H; (* program is a "string file"? *)
token * = 00080000H; (* tokenize the command line? *)
nonRet * = 00100000H; (* a "no-return" message? *)
rxCodeMask * = 0FF000000H;
rxArgMask * = 0000000FH;
(* The RexxRsrc structure is used to manage global resources. Each node
* has a name string created as a RexxArg structure, and the total size
* of the node is saved in the "rrSize" field. The REXX systems library
* provides functions to allocate and release resource nodes. If special
* deletion operations are required, an offset and base can be provided in
* "rrFunc" and "rrBase", respectively. This "autodelete" function will
* be called with the base in register A6 and the node in A0.
RexxRsrcPtr * = CPOINTER TO RexxRsrc;
RexxRsrc * = RECORD (E.Node)
func * : INTEGER; (* "auto-delete" offset *)
base * : E.APTR; (* "auto-delete" base *)
size * : LONGINT; (* total size of node *)
arg1 * : E.APTR; (* available ... *)
arg2 * : E.APTR; (* available ... *)
END; (* RexxRsrc *) (* size: 32 bytes *)
(* Resource node types *)
rrtAny * = 0; (* any node type ... *)
rrtLib * = 1; (* a function library *)
rrtPort * = 2; (* a public port *)
rrtFile * = 3; (* a file IoBuff *)
rrtHost * = 4; (* a function host *)
rrtClip * = 5; (* a Clip List node *)
(* The RexxTask structure holds the fields used by REXX to communicate with
* external processes, including the client task. It includes the global
* data structure (and the base environment). The structure is passed to
* the newly-created task in its "wake-up" message.
globalSz * = 200; (* total size of GlobalData *)
RexxTaskPtr * = CPOINTER TO RexxTask;
RexxTask * = RECORD
global * : ARRAY globalSz OF SHORTINT; (* global data structure *)
msgPort * : E.MsgPort; (* global message port *)
flags * : E.BSET; (* task flag bits *)
sigBit * : SHORTINT; (* signal bit *)
clientID * : E.APTR; (* the client's task ID *)
msgPkt * : E.APTR; (* the packet being processed *)
taskID * : E.APTR; (* our task ID *)
rexxPort * : E.APTR; (* the REXX public port *)
errTrap * : E.APTR; (* Error trap address *)
stackPtr * : E.APTR; (* stack pointer for traps *)
header1 * : E.List; (* Environment list *)
header2 * : E.List; (* Memory freelist *)
header3 * : E.List; (* Memory allocation list *)
header4 * : E.List; (* Files list *)
header5 * : E.List; (* Message Ports List *)
END; (* RexxTask *)
(* Definitions for RexxTask flag bits *)
rtfTrace * = 0; (* external trace flag *)
rtfHalt * = 1; (* external halt flag *)
rtfSusp * = 2; (* suspend task? *)
rtfTCUse * = 3; (* trace console in use? *)
rtfWait * = 6; (* waiting for reply? *)
rtfClose * = 7; (* task completed? *)
(* Definitions for memory allocation constants *)
memQuant * = 16; (* quantum of memory space *)
memMask * = 0FFFFFFF0H; (* mask for rounding the size *)
memQuick * = {0}; (* EXEC flags: public *)
memClear * = {16}; (* EXEC flags: memClear *)
(* The SrcNode is a temporary structure used to hold values destined for
* a segment array. It is also used to maintain the memory freelist.
SrcNodePtr * = CPOINTER TO SrcNode;
SrcNode * = RECORD
succ * : SrcNodePtr; (* next node *)
pred * : SrcNodePtr; (* previous node *)
ptr * : E.APTR; (* pointer value *)
size * : LONGINT; (* size of object *)
END; (* SrcNode *) (* size: 16 bytes *)
** $VER: rexxio.h 1.4 (8.11.91)
** Header file for ARexx Input/Output related structures
rxBuffSz * = 204; (* buffer length *)
* The IoBuff is a resource node used to maintain the File List. Nodes
* are allocated and linked into the list whenever a file is opened.
IoBuffPtr * = CPOINTER TO IoBuff;
IoBuff * = RECORD (RexxRsrc) (* structure for files/strings *)
rpt * : E.APTR; (* read/write pointer *)
rct * : LONGINT; (* character count *)
dFH * : D.FileHandlePtr; (* DOS filehandle *)
lock * : D.FileLockPtr; (* DOS lock *)
bct * : LONGINT; (* buffer length *)
area * : ARRAY rxBuffSz OF SYS.BYTE; (* buffer area *)
END; (* IoBuff *) (* size: 256 bytes *)
(* Access mode definitions *)
ioExist * = -1; (* an external filehandle *)
ioStrF * = 0; (* a "string file" *)
ioRead * = 1; (* read-only access *)
ioWrite * = 2; (* write mode *)
ioAppend * = 3; (* append mode (existing file) *)
* Offset anchors for SeekF()
ioBegin * = -1; (* relative to start *)
ioCurr * = 0; (* relative to current position *)
ioEnd * = 1; (* relative to end *)
(* The Library List contains just plain resource nodes. *)
* The RexxClipNode structure is used to maintain the Clip List. The value
* string is stored as an argstring in the rrArg1 field.
* A message port structure, maintained as a resource node. The ReplyList
* holds packets that have been received but haven't been replied.
RexxMsgPortPtr * = CPOINTER TO RexxMsgPort;
RexxMsgPort * = RECORD (RexxRsrc) (* linkage node *)
port * : E.MsgPort; (* the message port *)
replyList * : E.List; (* messages awaiting reply *)
END; (* RexxMsgPort *)
* DOS Device types
dtDev * = 0; (* a device *)
dtDir * = 1; (* an ASSIGNed directory *)
dtVol * = 2; (* a volume *)
* Private DOS packet types
actionStack * = 2002; (* stack a line *)
actionQueue * = 2003; (* queue a line *)
** $VER: errors.h 1.4 (8.11.91)
** Definitions for ARexx error codes
errcMsg * = 0; (* error code offset *)
err10001 * = errcMsg+1; (* program not found *)
err10002 * = errcMsg+2; (* execution halted *)
err10003 * = errcMsg+3; (* no memory available *)
err10004 * = errcMsg+4; (* invalid character in program*)
err10005 * = errcMsg+5; (* unmatched quote *)
err10006 * = errcMsg+6; (* unterminated comment *)
err10007 * = errcMsg+7; (* clause too long *)
err10008 * = errcMsg+8; (* unrecognized token *)
err10009 * = errcMsg+9; (* symbol or string too long *)
err10010 * = errcMsg+10; (* invalid message packet *)
err10011 * = errcMsg+11; (* command string error *)
err10012 * = errcMsg+12; (* error return from function *)
err10013 * = errcMsg+13; (* host environment not found *)
err10014 * = errcMsg+14; (* required library not found *)
err10015 * = errcMsg+15; (* function not found *)
err10016 * = errcMsg+16; (* no return value *)
err10017 * = errcMsg+17; (* wrong number of arguments *)
err10018 * = errcMsg+18; (* invalid argument to function*)
err10019 * = errcMsg+19; (* invalid PROCEDURE *)
err10020 * = errcMsg+20; (* unexpected THEN/ELSE *)
err10021 * = errcMsg+21; (* unexpected WHEN/OTHERWISE *)
err10022 * = errcMsg+22; (* unexpected LEAVE or ITERATE *)
err10023 * = errcMsg+23; (* invalid statement in SELECT *)
err10024 * = errcMsg+24; (* missing THEN clauses *)
err10025 * = errcMsg+25; (* missing OTHERWISE *)
err10026 * = errcMsg+26; (* missing or unexpected END *)
err10027 * = errcMsg+27; (* symbol mismatch on END *)
err10028 * = errcMsg+28; (* invalid DO syntax *)
err10029 * = errcMsg+29; (* incomplete DO/IF/SELECT *)
err10030 * = errcMsg+30; (* label not found *)
err10031 * = errcMsg+31; (* symbol expected *)
err10032 * = errcMsg+32; (* string or symbol expected *)
err10033 * = errcMsg+33; (* invalid sub-keyword *)
err10034 * = errcMsg+34; (* required keyword missing *)
err10035 * = errcMsg+35; (* extraneous characters *)
err10036 * = errcMsg+36; (* sub-keyword conflict *)
err10037 * = errcMsg+37; (* invalid template *)
err10038 * = errcMsg+38; (* invalid TRACE request *)
err10039 * = errcMsg+39; (* uninitialized variable *)
err10040 * = errcMsg+40; (* invalid variable name *)
err10041 * = errcMsg+41; (* invalid expression *)
err10042 * = errcMsg+42; (* unbalanced parentheses *)
err10043 * = errcMsg+43; (* nesting level exceeded *)
err10044 * = errcMsg+44; (* invalid expression result *)
err10045 * = errcMsg+45; (* expression required *)
err10046 * = errcMsg+46; (* boolean value not 0 or 1 *)
err10047 * = errcMsg+47; (* arithmetic conversion error *)
err10048 * = errcMsg+48; (* invalid operand *)
* Return Codes for general use
rcOk * = 0; (* success *)
rcWarn * = 5; (* warning only *)
rcError * = 10; (* something's wrong *)
rcFatal * = 20; (* complete or severe failure *)
** $VER: rxslib.h 1.6 (8.11.91)
** The header file for the REXX Systems Library
name * = "rexxsyslib.library";
dir * = "REXX";
tName * = "ARexx";
(* The REXX systems library structure. This should be considered as *)
(* semi-private and read-only, except for documented exceptions. *)
RxsLibPtr * = CPOINTER TO RxsLib;
RxsLib * = RECORD (E.Library) (* EXEC library node *)
rlFlags * : E.BSET; (* global flags *)
shadow * : E.BSET; (* shadow flags *)
sysBase * : E.LibraryPtr; (* EXEC library base *)
dosBase * : D.DosLibraryPtr; (* DOS library base *)
ieeeDPBase * : E.LibraryPtr; (* IEEE DP math library base *)
segList * : SYS.BPTR; (* library seglist *)
nil * : D.FileHandlePtr; (* global NIL: filehandle *)
chunk * : LONGINT; (* allocation quantum *)
maxNest * : LONGINT; (* maximum expression nesting *)
null * : NexxStrPtr; (* static string: NULL *)
false * : NexxStrPtr; (* static string: FALSE *)
true * : NexxStrPtr; (* static string: TRUE *)
rexx * : NexxStrPtr; (* static string: REXX *)
command * : NexxStrPtr; (* static string: COMMAND *)
stdin * : NexxStrPtr; (* static string: STDIN *)
stdout * : NexxStrPtr; (* static string: STDOUT *)
stderr * : NexxStrPtr; (* static string: STDERR *)
rlVersion * : E.STRPTR; (* version string *)
taskName * : E.STRPTR; (* name string for tasks *)
taskPri * : LONGINT; (* starting priority *)
taskSeg * : SYS.BPTR; (* startup seglist *)
stackSize * : LONGINT; (* stack size *)
rexxDir * : E.STRPTR; (* REXX directory *)
cTable * : E.STRPTR; (* character attribute table *)
notice * : E.STRPTR; (* copyright notice *)
rexxPort * : E.MsgPort; (* REXX public port *)
readLock * : E.UWORD; (* lock count *)
traceFH * : D.FileHandlePtr; (* global trace console *)
taskList * : E.List; (* REXX task list *)
numTask * : INTEGER; (* task count *)
libList * : E.List; (* Library List header *)
numLib * : INTEGER; (* library count *)
clipList * : E.List; (* ClipList header *)
numClip * : INTEGER; (* clip node count *)
msgList * : E.List; (* pending messages *)
numMsg * : INTEGER; (* pending count *)
pgmList * : E.List; (* cached programs *)
numPgm * : INTEGER; (* program count *)
traceCnt * : E.UWORD; (* usage count for trace console *)
avail * : INTEGER;
END; (* RxsLib *)
(* Global flag bit definitions for RexxMaster *)
rlfTrace * = rtfTrace; (* interactive tracing? *)
rlfHalt * = rtfHalt; (* halt execution? *)
rlfSusp * = rtfSusp; (* suspend execution? *)
rlfStop * = 6; (* deny further invocations *)
rlfClose * = 7; (* close the master *)
rlfMask * = { rlfTrace, rlfHalt, rlfSusp };
(* Initialization constants *)
chunk * = 1024; (* allocation quantum *)
nest * = 32; (* expression nesting limit *)
tPri * = 0; (* task priority *)
stack * = 4096; (* stack size *)
(* Character attribute flag bits used in REXX. *)
ctSpace * = 0; (* white space characters *)
ctDigit * = 1; (* decimal digits 0-9 *)
ctAlpha * = 2; (* alphabetic characters *)
ctRexxSym * = 3; (* REXX symbol characters *)
ctRexxOpr * = 4; (* REXX operator characters *)
ctRexxSpc * = 5; (* REXX special symbols *)
ctUpper * = 6; (* UPPERCASE alphabetic *)
ctLower * = 7; (* lowercase alphabetic *)
END Rexx.