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========================== Contents of Disk 040 ==========================
This is disk 40 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Note that many of the programs on this disk are shareware/freeware.
This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated
to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and
fund further development. I hope that by including them in this
library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible
distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that
like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee".
To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from
the library.
Ahost Amiga terminal emulator featuring ANSI terminal emulation,
file transfer with CompuServe's B-Protocol, Kermit, and
Xmodem, user definable function keys, script language,
RLE graphics and a special conference mode for use
with CIS. Version 0.9.
Author: Steve Wilhite & George Jones
AmigaMonitor Dynamically display the state of the machine, including
open files, active tasks, resources, device states,
interrupts, libraries, ports, etc. Display window into
memory. Version 0.21. Suggested $15 donation.
Author: Jim Voris
Arc The ubiquitous compressing archiver program that
has become the de facto standard for distributing
binaries and multi-file postings on most BBS's.
This is Amiga version 0.16, a port of arc version v5.0.
Suggested $35-$50 donation.
Author: System Enhancement Associates
Amiga version by Raymond Brand
AreaCode Program which decodes area codes into state and locality.
Version 1.5.
Author: Bill Beogelein
Blink A linker written as a replacement for Alink. Fully
Alink compatible and supports many additional options
not found in Alink. Also is much faster than Alink
and produces smaller executable files. Version 6.5.
Author: Combined efforts of the Software Distillery
Cosmo An "asteriods" clone. Suggested $6 donation.
Author: John Harris
Dg210 Data General D-210 Terminal emulator. Suggested $12
Author: Steve Lenz
DirUtil Nice little program to wander around directory tree using
a windowing interface and performing various operations
on files. Version 1.4.
Author: Chris Nicotra, enhancements by Dave Jobusch
DOSHelper Windowing program to print help information about various
dos commands. Version 1.60. Suggested $10 donation.
Author: John Youells
PagePrint Prints text files with date/time header, page breaks, and
line numbers. Suggested $10 donation.
Author: Phil Mercurio
PopCLI Provides a simple way of starting another CLI at any
time without having to load workbench or exit whatever
program you may be using. Also has a builtin screen
saver mode that automatically blanks the Amiga console
screen when there has been no input for a specified
period of time. Version II, which now includes source.
Author: John Toebes
SpriteEd Lets you simultaneously edit two sprite pairs to form
a double wide sprite image. Suggested $10 donation.
Author: Scott Lamb
X-Spell A spelling checker to proofread text files and then allow
you to move through the document, deciding what to do with
the misspelled words. Suggested $15 donation.
Author: Hayes Haugen
========================== Contents of Disk 041 ==========================
This is disk 41 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
AmigaVenture A program which allows you to write your own Infocom-style
adventure programs in AmigaBasic. It is a full-featured
adventure parser, including direct and indirect objects,
multiple object processing, adjectives, automatic
ambiguity resolution, and subordinate clauses. The
parser includes support for one, two, or three-word verbs,
and a full set of object-manipulation primitives.
Author: Mitsuharu Hadeishi
Csh Version 2.03 of Matt's Csh-like shell. Executable only.
Author: Matt Dillon
Dbug Macro based C debugging package. Machine independent.
Provides function trace, selective printing of internal
state information, and more. First released on disk #2.
This version includes some bug fixes and enhancements.
Author: Fred Fish
DualPlayField An example of using a dual-playfield screen, using a
method contrary to documentation in the Intuition
Author: Jim Mackraz
GetFile A very nice file name requester. Unlike the earlier
version on disk #35, this version includes source code.
Author: Charlie Heath
LatticeXref A cross reference listing of all symbols defined in the
Lattice 3.10 header files. Sorted alphabetically by
symbol string, includes file name and line number of all
references and/or definitions.
Author: Fred Fish
Lines A line drawing demo program, reminiscent of the "sparks"
program on disk #9.
Author: Paul Jatkowski
SetFont A program to change the font used in a workbench screen.
Includes several sample fonts of various sizes.
Author: Michael McInerny
Vt100 Version 2.3 of the ever popular vt100 terminal program.
Includes xmodem and kermit file transfer protocols.
Author: Dave Wecker
========================== Contents of Disk 042 ==========================
This is disk 42 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
To quote the "Read Me First" file:
This diskette contains the Amiga version of MicroGNUEmacs (MG),
a small but powerful text editor that runs on many other computer
systems besides the Amiga. One of MG's major goals is to be
compatible with its cousin GNU Emacs, so certain features you
may have seen in other versions of MicroEmacs may work differently
here, or not exist. Hopefully, you'll find the added features MG
provides to be worth the trouble it takes to make the switch.
From the "Read Me Second" file:
This is the fourth Beta distribution of MicroGnuEmacs. Beyond the
work of Dave Conroy, author of the original public domain v30, this
contains the efforts of:
mwm@ucbopal.berkeley.edu Mike Meyer
mic@ngp.utexas.edu Mic Kaczmarczik
blarson@usc-oberon.arpa Bob Larson
rtech!daveb@sun.com Dave Brower
A very nice job guys! Congratulations.
This disk is essentially unchanged except that I have added the usual
README.dist and README.list files, along with changing the volume name
to AmigaLibDisk42. The original volume name was "MG 1a".
========================== Contents of Disk 043 ==========================
This is disk 43 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
BasicBoing An AmigaBasic program which shows animation by page
flipping. Precalculates all views of a rotating 3
dimensional cube and then cycles through them rapidly
for animation.
Author: Arthur Blume
Bbm Demo copy of B.E.S.T. Software's Business Management
System. It is a full implementation with file sizes
reduced for demo purposes.
Author: Business Electronics Software & Technology Inc.
BbsList A list of Bulletin Board Systems which support the
Amiga. The list was compiled from a list on Delphi,
Compuserve, bathroom walls, etc.
Author: Dick Sheffold
Cc C compiler frontends for Manx and Lattice C, developed
independently by Jay Ts. These automatically filter off
the annoying banner messages from various passes of
the compilers.
Author: Jay Ts
Copper A copper list disassembler. Dumps the contents of a
hardware copper instruction list.
Author: Scott Evernden
InstIFF A program which converts sampled sound files from the
Instruments dealer demo disks to IFF sampled sound files
in a FORM 8SVX.
Author: Bobby Deen
PopColours Lets you change the Red/Green/Blue components of any
color register, on any screen currently in the system.
Uses a movable window with slider gadgets. Very well
done. Version 1.0, November 1986.
Author: Chris Zamara and Nick Sullivan
SpriteClock A very simple clock that uses a sprite as it's display
medium, thus allowing it to be displayed on top of all
other screens. Includes source in assembly language.
Author: Darrel Schneider
STEmulator Turns your Amiga into an Atari ST (sort of). Be sure
to read the README file for the true story...
Author: David Addison
WBrun A program designed to allow any program to be invoked from
CLI yet behave as if it were invoked from Workbench.
Workbench need not be loaded, thus saving the memory that
Workbench would normally use.
Author: John Toebes
Wild Two versions of Unix shell style wildcard matching routines.
Author: Rich Salz and Fred Fish
========================== Contents of Disk 044 ==========================
This is disk 44 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Icons Some miscellaneous icons for your viewing pleasure.
Author: Unknown
NewIFF Some new iff material dealing with sampled voice
and music iff files.
Author: Posted to usenet by Carolyn Scheppner
RayTracePics Ray tracing pictures, some of which appeared on disk
number 39, but now in IFF HAM format for MUCH faster
loading and compatibility with existing IFF tools.
Author: Dave Wecker
ViewILBM Reads an ILBM file and displays as a screen/window
until closed. Handles normal and HAM ILBM's.
Author: Based on ShowILBM, enhanced by Carolyn Scheppner
========================== Contents of Disk 045 ==========================
This is disk 45 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Clue Clue board game. Nice.
Author: Greg Pryor
Make Another version of make that seems to be more complete
than many other PD makes.
Author: Unknown, downloaded from the Software Distillery
Pictures Miscellaneous pictures selected from dozens of pictures
that have come my way since the last full art disk.
Author: Rich Payne, Grace Rohlfs, and others.
Update Used to update an older working disk with files from a
newly released disk. Files on the older disk that are
out of date will be upgraded with files from the new disk.
Author: Unknown, downloaded from Software Distillery
WhereIs Program which searches a disk for the first or multiple
occurances of a file with a given name.
Author: Steve Poling
========================== Contents of Disk 046 ==========================
This is disk 46 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Asm A shareware macro assembler, submitted by the author.
Asm is a 68010 macro assembler that is compatible with
the assembler described in the AmigaDOS manual.
Author: Douglas Leavitt
CheckModem A program which provides for executing other programs
from your startup file, if and only if there is actually
a modem connected to the serial port.
Author: Matt Dillon
Egad A gadget editor from the Programmers Network. Very
nicely done and very useful.
Author: John Draper, Ray Larson, Brent Southard, and
Dave Milligan
Jive A filter program which transforms its standard input
to "jive" on its standard output.
Author: Unknown
My.lib A binary only copy of Matt's alternate runtime library.
Author: Matt Dillon
ProffMacros Subset implementations of the Berkeley "ms" and System V
"mm" macro packages, for the proff program.
Author: Tony Andrews and George Walker
ValSpeak A filter program which transforms its standard input
to "valspeak" on its standard output.
Author: Unknown
========================== Contents of Disk 047 ==========================
This is disk 47 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
3D-Arm The first stage of a larger project to study goal
directed animation of articulated objects (objects
which can move with various degrees of freedom but are
constrained by attachment to other links within the
object). This program demonstrates goal directed
animation with a simulated 3-dimensional robot arm.
Includes source.
Author: Bob Laughlin
Juggler Stunning animation of a robot juggler with ray
traced reflective spheres. Uses HAM mode display
and sound effects to boot!
Author: Eric Graham
Vt100 Version 2.4 of Dave's vt100 terminal emulator.
Includes xmodem and kermit file transfer protocols.
Author: Dave Wecker
========================== Contents of Disk 048 ==========================
This is disk 48 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Bru Alpha 1 version of a hard disk and/or file archiver
written for Unix. This is a vanilla port, with very
little Amiga smarts, but it is usable. This is also
the last freely redistributable version.
Author: Fred Fish
Comm A vt100 like terminal emulator with built in support
for key functions and a phone number database.
Version 1.30.
Author: DJ James
Csh2.04 Version 2.04 of Matt's csh-like shell. Includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon
Csh2.04M Version 2.04 of Matt's csh-like shell, heavily modified
for Manx C. Includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon, Manx version by Steve Drew
Diskperf A disk benchmark program which runs on both Unix and the
Author: Rick Spanbauer
Du Computes disk usage of a file or directory (including
subdirectories). Very handy.
Author: Joe Mueller
MemWatch Memwatch is a program intended to sit in the background
and watch for random trashing of low memory by an
application under development. If it detects a write
to low memory, it repairs it to what used to be there,
then puts up a requester indicating what damage had been
done. Very useful!
Author: John Toebes
Profiler A realtime execution profiler for Manx 3.30E. Using this
you can identify what sections of your program are using
the most time, or being executed the most, and optimize
as appropriate. I was able to double the speed of some
programs by using this tool. Includes source.
Author: Tomas Rokicki
========================== Contents of Disk 049 ==========================
This is disk 49 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Cycloids An updated version of the hypocycloids (electronic
spirograph) program first released on disk number 27.
Author: Terry Gintz
DirUtil An enhanced version of the dirutil from disk number 35.
Dirutil is a program to wander around a directory tree
and perform various operations on files. See README file
for list of new features.
Author: Chris Nicotra, enhancements by Johan Widen
Multidef A program to scan a collection of object and library
files and identify multiply defined symbols. This is
useful to locate subtle problems where user defined
symbols override library symbols.
Author: Paul Jatkowski
MyUpdate A disk update utility that also provides support for
automatically stripping comments from C header files
and for interactive verification on a per file basis.
Author: Joe Mueller
Plot Program to compute and plot 3 dimensional functions.
Includes hi-res interlace mode for maximum detail.
Author: Unknown; Amiga version by Terry Gintz
Polygon A moire type pattern generator but with color cycling.
Author: Terry Gintz
QMouse A program to query the status of the left mouse button
and return a status code. The return code can be used
as a WARN condition in a CLI execute file to alter
execution. Also includes a separate program to toggle
interlace on and off. Both are written in assembler and
are very small.
Author: Robert Rethemeyer
Touch A simple command to set the date of a file to the
current date. Uses new supported method of setting
a file datestamp (rather than reading and writing
back a byte).
Author: Phil Lindsay and Andy Finkel
Trees Another "tree growing" program, similar to the one
on disk number 31, but more extensive.
Author: Unknown; Amiga version by Terry Gintz