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========================== Contents of Disk 050 ==========================
This is disk 50 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Note that many of the programs on this disk are shareware/freeware.
This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated
to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and
fund further development. I hope that by including them in this
library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible
distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that
like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee".
To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from
the library.
Asm A shareware macro assembler, submitted by the author.
Asm is a 68010 macro assembler that is compatible with
the assembler described in the AmigaDOS manual. This is
version 1.1, an update to the version on disk number 46,
and includes bug fixes, additional standard Motorola
mnemonics and a simple startup code module.
Author: Douglas Leavitt
BreakOut A 3-D game. Requires 3-D glasses.
Author: Tim Kemp
DiskZap Program to "edit" a disk, sector by sector. Version 1.1.
Author: Paris Bingham Jr.
FirstSiliCon A smart input line interpreter that provides a separate
command window with full editing and recall of previous
commands. Actual name is "Sili(Con:)".
Author: Pete Goodeve
Missile A nice "missile defense" game. Written 100% in
assembler (source available from author) and is very fast!
Author: Glen Merriman
PerfectSound PerfectSound demo, with a sound editor and sample sound
files. Looks very nice.
Author: Anthony Wood
Sizzlers Graphics demo programs.
Author: Greg Epley
UnixArc A version of arc suitable for Unix System V.
Author: System Enhancement Associates
Wombat Yet another terminal emulation program. Version 3.01.
Has user settable cursor, programmable function keys,
vt-102 emulation, auto-dialing, loadable settings files,
and more.
Author: Dave Warker
========================== Contents of Disk 051 ==========================
This is disk 51 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Bison A replacement for unix "yacc" command. This is from
the GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort, and was obtained
from the Free Software Foundation. This is a working
update to the version on disk number 4, provided by
Johan Widen.
Author: Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman
Compress This is an update to the compress version released
on disk number 6. It is tested and seems to work
well except for a couple glitches noticed at the
last minute (see the README file). Compress reduces the
size of the named files using adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding.
The amount of compression obtained depends on the size of
the input, the number of bits per code, and the distribution
of common substrings. Typically, text such as source code
or English is reduced by 50-60%. Compression is generally
much better then that achieved by Huffman coding
(as used in "pack") or adaptive Huffman coding
(as used in "compact"), and takes less time to compute.
Author: Thomas Spencer, with improvements by others
Cos A "Wheel Of Fortune" style game in AmigaBasic.
Author: Steve Michel
DifSsed Dif produces a difference file which lists the
line by line differences between any two text files.
These differences can be fed to ssed (a stream type
editor), along with the original text file, to remotely
reproduce the other (new) file. Binary only.
Author: Chuck Forsberg, Amiga port by Rich Schaeffer
Sq.Usq Portable versions of the CPM sq and usq utilities.
Author: R. Greenlaw, many changes by Bill Swan
========================== Contents of Disk 052 ==========================
This is disk 52 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Assign Replacement for AmigaDOS assign command, written in C.
Author: Charles McManis
Fractal A fractal program which produces a random square
fractal terrain.
Author: John Olsen
HAMpoly A polygon drawing demo which uses HAM mode to produce
polygons of any of the possible 4096 colors.
Author: John Olsen
MxGads Demonstrates how to make mutual exclusion of boolean
gadgets work, even if they contain GadgetText.
Author: Willy Langeveld
Poly A polygon drawing demo using the AreaMove, AreaDraw, and
AreaEnd functions.
Author: John Olsen
Tek4010 A Tek 4010 emulator.
Author: Terry Whelan, with changes by Steve Poling
Vdraw1.16 Shareware drawing program submitted by the author.
This version uses menus but includes some items not
in version 1.19, also on this disk.
Author: Stephen Vermeulen
Vdraw1.19 Latest version of Vdraw, with a completely new iconic
user interface, and some other new features including
a color palette mixer and DPaint style brushes, extended
cutting features, area locking, and a flexible printing
Author: Stephen Vermeulen
========================== Contents of Disk 053 ==========================
This is disk 53 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Animations Some animations made with Aegis Animator. Includes
a player program.
Author: Aegis Development
ARCre Creates rename scripts so that files with long names can
be easily archived and dearchived correctly by "arc".
Author: John Hoffman
Arp Some preliminary programs from a program started on BIX
by Charlie Heath to replace all the BCPL AmigaDOS programs
with assembly equivalents. Includes "break", "cd", "chmod",
"echo", "filenote", and "makedir".
Author: Charlie Heath and Scott Ballantyne
Compiler An optimizing C compiler for the 68000. Has successfully
compiled itself on a 68000 based Unix system V machine,
but has yet to be fully ported to the Amiga. It will
currently produce assembly output for simple C routines
on the Amiga, but needs lots of work to be really useful
as anything other than a learning tool for budding compiler
Author: Matthew Brandt
SpreadSheet A simple "Visicalc-like" spread sheet calculator. Also
known as "vc" but there is currently a debate about whether
or not that name is a registered trademark. The version
on disk number 36 was based on an earlier version of the
same source. This release also includes source code.
Author: James Gosling, Mark Weiser, and Bob Bond
Amiga port by Dave Wecker
TarSplit A port of the OS/9 program that extracts files from
Unix tar archives.
Author: James Jones. Amiga version by Mike Meyer.
UUencode Programs to encode/decode binary files for transmittal
via mail or other text-only methods. The binary file
is expanded by approximately 35% for transmittal. This
release is an update to the version on disk number 38,
and includes a simple line-by-line checksum technique that
can read and write files compatible with the older
Author: Mark Horton with mods by Alan Rosenthal
========================== Contents of Disk 054 ==========================
This is disk 54 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Hanoi Classical demo program for recursion. Solves the
towers of hanoi problem in a workbench window of
its own.
Author: Ali Ozer
ISpell A quick and dirty port of a Unix version of a freely
distributable screen oriented, interactive, spelling checker.
I use the Unix version daily and it is very nice.
You will need expansion ram to run this with the
supplied dictionary, as it loads the entire 300K
hashed dictionary into memory. A hard disk is
also recommended.
Author: Pace Willisson
Ing The next step in the "boing wars". Turns a nice screen
full of little windows into a screen of lots of bouncing
little windows. Cute!
Author: Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab
Lav A "title bar type" program that displays the number of
tasks in the Amiga's run queue, averaged over the
last minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes. Presumably
inspired by, and named after, the BSD "load average"
Author: William Rucklidge
MidiTools Simple programs to play and record through the MIDI I/F.
Untested (I have no MIDI hardware).
Author: Fred Cassirer
MoreRows A program to make the workbench screen larger than normal.
The number of additional rows and columns are set via command
line arguments.
Author: Neil Katin and Jim Mackraz
Tilt Another of Leo's cute little toys. This one
makes your Amiga look like it didn't pass Commodore's
vibration testing.
Author: Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab
========================== Contents of Disk 055 ==========================
This is disk 55 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Csh Version 2.05 of Matt Dillon's csh like shell, modified
for Manx C.
Author: Matt Dillon, Manx'ified by Steve Drew
NewStartups A couple of new C startup modules. AStartup.asm is
the source to AStartup.obj, with 1.2 fixes and better
quote handling. TWStartup.asm is like AStartup.asm but
opens a stdio window, using a user supplied window
specification, when executed from workbench.
Author: Commodore, posted to BIX by Carolyn Scheppner
Palette A tool which allows you to change another program's
custom screen colors. Based on Charlie Heath's
palette program from disk number 1.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
PipeDevice A working 'pipe:' device, which allows the standard output
of one process to be fed to the standard input of another
process, with both processes running concurrently.
Author: Matt Dillon
ScreenSave A program to save a normal or HAM mode screen as an
IFF file. Also creates an icon for the saved file.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
ShangaiDemo Demo version of the Activision game "Shanghai".
Submitted directly by Activision for inclusion in
the library.
SoundExample A double buffered sound example for Manx C using 16-bit
ints, small code, and small data.
Author: Jim Goodnow
Vsprites A working vsprite example.
Author: Eric Cotton
Vt100 Version 2.6 of Dave's vt100 terminal emulator with
kermit and xmodem file transfer. It just keeps getting
better and better...
Author: Dave Wecker
========================== Contents of Disk 056 ==========================
This is disk 56 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
ClipBoard Clipboard device interface routines to provide a standard
interface, such as Open, Close, Post, Read, Write, etc.
Author: Andy Finkel
ConPackets Demos the use of DOS packets, finding the Window pointer
and ConUnit pointer of the CLI window, toggling Raw mode,
getting cursor position and limits from the ConUnit, and
ESC-sequence cursor positioning.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
GetDisks Sample program to find all available disk device names and
return them as a simple exec list. The list is made of named
nodes, with the name being the device name.
Author: Phillip Lindsay
GetVolume Sample program to get the volume name of the volume that
a given file resides on. Works on any device, even the
RAM: device.
Author: Chuck McManis
Icon2C Reads an icon file and writes out a fragment of C code
with the icon data structures, for inclusion in a
larger program.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
MergeMem Program which attempts to merge the MemList entries
of sequentially configured ram boards. When successful,
allows allocating a section of memory which spans
board boundries.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
mCAD An object-oriented drawing program, version 1.1.
Uses a small set of graphics primitives (like "line",
"box", and "text") and a small set of editing functions
(like "move", "size", and "rotate"). While drawing and
editing, the user can call on other functions to
modify the display; to zoom in, slide around, superimpose
a grid, etc. This shareware program was submitted by
the author.
Author: Tim Mooney
========================== Contents of Disk 057 ==========================
* *
* This disk has been pulled from distribution *
* because of possible copyright and/or *
* trademark infringements with copyrights *
* and/or trademarks held by Steve Jackson *
* Games, of Austin Texas (the Ogre game). *
* If you find a copy in circulation, please *
* notify the holder that it should be *
* erased. A replacement disk without the *
* Ogre game has been reissued as disk 97. *
* *
========================== Contents of Disk 058 ==========================
This is disk 58 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
ASDG-rrd Extremely useful shareware recoverable ram disk.
This AmigaDOS device driver implements a completely
DOS compatible disk device in memory that survives
resets, guru's, and crashes. An absolute must for
those with lots of ram. Binary only.
Author: Perry Kivolowitz, ASDG Inc.
BigView Displays any IFF picture, independent of the physical
display size, using hardware scroll. Default display
size is 320 by 200 in lo-res; HIRES or LACE attributes
added if user width/height exceeds low resolution
boundaries. Includes source.
Author: John Hodgson
EGraph Egraph reads pairs of x and y values from a list of files
and draws a formatted graph. Supports four unique curve
fonts; solid curves, dashed curves, dotted curves, and long
dashed curves. The maximum number of data points is
unlimited. Has globs of options. Binary only.
Author: Laurence Turner
HyperBase Nice little shareware database management system.
Version 1.5. Binary only, source available from authors.
Author: Michael MacKenzie, Marc Mengel, and Craig Norborg
MemClear Walks through the free memory lists, zeroing free memory
along the way, and coalescing memchunks that have contiguous
address spaces. Includes source.
Author: John Hodgson
NewZAP A third-generation multi-purpose file sector editing utility,
from the author of FileZAP. Displays and edits full 512-byte
sectors via a 106 character wide internal font. Includes
a search feature to find specific strings or hex digits,
forwards or backwards. Version 3.0, includes source.
Author: John Hodgson
RainBow Marauder-style rainbow generator. Installs a user copper
list such that the background color is changed every few
scan lines. Includes source.
Author: John Hodgson
SmusPlayers Two SMUS players, to play SMUS IFF music formatted files.
Executables only.
Author: John Hodgson
View A tiny ILBM viewer, for use with either the CLI or WorkBench.
Includes source.
Author: John Hodgson
WBdump JX-80 optimized workbench printer that does not use DumpRPort.
Much more efficient than the Amiga JX-80 driver for full
screen dumps. Includes source.
Author: John Hodgson
========================== Contents of Disk 059 ==========================
This is disk 59 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Browser Another version of the browser program released on
disks number 18 and number 34. Includes some bug
fixes and enhancements. Includes source.
Author: Mike Meyer, enhancements by Mark Schretlen
Browser2 This browser type program is apparently not based on
the original Mike Meyer version. Binary only.
Author: Dan Green
Clock Another clock program, comes in several flavors
depending upon features desired, which include
using alternate fonts, using alternate colors, setting
the time, etc. Binary only.
Author: Mark Waggoner
Dme Version 1.22 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple WYSIWYG
editor designed for programmers. It is not a WYSIWYG
word processor in the traditional sense. Features include
arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line statistics
multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows.
Author: Matt Dillon
DropCloth Dropcloth replaces the standard blank WorkBench backdrop
with a pattern, of setable intensity. Binary only.
Author: Eric Lavitsky and Perry Kivolowitz
DropShadow A program that makes your WorkBench windows have
dropshadows. Neat. Binary only.
Author: Jim Mackraz
FixWB A program similar to "DropCloth" (also on this disk),
but not fully working yet. At least this one is provided
in source, so you get your choice of a working one in
binary or a nonworking one in source. Sigh.
Author: Leo Schwab
mCAD An object-oriented drawing program, version 1.2.2.
Uses a small set of graphics primitives (like "line",
"box", and "text") and a small set of editing functions
(like "move", "size", and "rotate"). While drawing and
editing, the user can call on other functions to
modify the display; to zoom in, slide around, superimpose
a grid, etc. This shareware program was submitted by
the author. Many improvements over the version
released on disk number 56. Binary only.
Author: Tim Mooney
Robotroff Another of Leo's cute little display hacks. This one
has a definite attraction to pointers (don't want to
spoil the surprise).
Author: Leo Schwab
Supermort A general compounding/amortization routine, using the
intuition environment, which can be used for mortgage/loan
computations. Binary only.
Author: Mark Schretlen