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========================== Contents of Disk 060 ==========================
This is disk 60 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Note that many of the programs on this disk are shareware/freeware.
This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated
to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and
fund further development. I hope that by including them in this
library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible
distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that
like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee".
To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from
the library.
Blitz Blitz is a small program that is designed to be loaded
into memory and that sits in the background until activated
by its hotkey. It allows you to view a text file, much
like a TYPE command, only that it lets you move forwards
and backwards through the file. Its screen updates are
blitz'n. Binary only.
Author: Hayes Haugen
BlitzFonts Blitzfonts makes text output up to 6 times faster,
transparently to well behaved programs. It is also
very small and written 100% in assembly for maximum
speed. Binary only.
Author: Hayes Haugen
HandShake Handshake is a full featured VT52/VT100/VT102 terminal
emulator. The author has taken great pains to support
the full VT102 spec. This is version 1.20a, binary only.
Author: Eric Haberfellner
Med Yet another Amiga text editor. This one lets you edit up
to 36 files simultaneously and makes extensive use of
the mouse. This is version 2.1, binary only.
Author: Francois Rouaix
PrtDrvGen Program to automatically generate custom printer drivers.
Version 1.1, binary only, source available from author.
Author: Joergen Thomsen
Show A nice, very small slideshow type program, version 2.1,
binary only.
Author: Andry Rachmat
Uedit Version 2.0 of this nice shareware editor. Has learn
mode, a command language, menu customization, and other
user configurability and customizability features.
Binary only.
Author: Rick Stiles
Ueturbo Example of extensive customization of Uedit to set up
a nice development environment. Includes source.
Author: Tom Althoff
========================== Contents of Disk 061 ==========================
This is disk 61 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
ATPatch A program which reportedly will patch the Amiga Transformer
for operation under Workbench 1.2 (I don't have one so
couldn't test it). Includes source.
Author: Philip Staub
FillDisk Disksalv has been known to find some rather interesting
things in the free blocks of some production disks
from companies that should know better. This little
hack makes sure you don't get caught in the same trap,
by scribbling the disk's free blocks in a totally safe
manner. Includes source (all 20 lines of it).
Author: Fred Fish
LPatch Patch for programs, such as 'Atom', with bad 1.0 Lstartup
code, which abort during startup under 1.2 with 00038007
alert (can't open dos library). Includes source.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
MicroEmacs Version 3.8b of Daniel Lawrence's variant of Dave
Conroy's microemacs. This version is greatly enhanced
over the last version, distributed on disk number 22.
For example, there is now a full extension language and
support for a larger number of 68000 machines. Includes
Author: Dave Conroy, MANY enhancements by Daniel Lawrence
PearlFont A font similar to Topaz, but with smoothed out edges
and more rounded characters.
Author: Michael Portuesi
Terrain Program which demonstrates generation of good looking
pseudo-random scenery. Includes source in Draco.
Author: Chris Gray
VSprites Vsprite example from Rob's book "Programmers' Guide To
The Amiga". Produces 28 VSprites onscreen simultaneously,
using only three distinct sets of colors. Includes source.
Author: Rob Peck
========================== Contents of Disk 062 ==========================
This is disk 62 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk contains a port of the popular UNIX game "Hack", done by
John Toebes and the crew at the Software Distillery. This is version
1.0.3D. The disk is unchanged except for the following:
(1) I have added this file, README.list62.
(2) I have added the standard distribution info file,
(3) I have copied all the files to a freshly formatted
disk, to create the master distribution disk, using
a command of the form "copy df0: to df1: all". This
insures that disk fragmentation is kept to a minimum,
but also has the unfortunate side-effect that all
the file dates are changed.
Note that this disk must be named "Hack_Game". I have elected to keep
that name, rather than using the usual "AmigaLibDiskXX" convention for
disks in my library, to avoid requiring users to rename the disk before
using it.
========================== Contents of Disk 063 ==========================
This is disk 63 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk contains a port of the popular UNIX game "Larn", done by
Edmund Burnette and the crew at the Software Distillery. This is version
12.0B. The disk is unchanged except for the following:
(1) I have added this file, README.list63.
(2) I have added the standard distribution info file,
(3) I have copied all the files to a freshly formatted
disk, to create the master distribution disk, using
a command of the form "copy df0: to df1: all". This
insures that disk fragmentation is kept to a minimum,
but also has the unfortunate side-effect that all
the file dates are changed.
Note that this disk must be named "Larn". I have elected to keep
that name, rather than using the usual "AmigaLibDiskXX" convention for
disks in my library, to avoid requiring users to rename the disk before
using it.
Also note that, as distributed, this disk is only about 40% full. Normally
I try to fill my library disks to about 90-95% full, but these "packaged"
disks are special.
========================== Contents of Disk 064 ==========================
This is disk 64 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This is a copy of the Amiga Developer's IFF disk, received directly from
Commodore-Amiga sources, with permission to place in the library and
redistribute. It is an update to disk number 16, and is unchanged except
1) The volume name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk64.
2) This file (README.list64) has been added.
I didn't have room for my standard README.dist file. There were only
4 free blocks on the disk when I got it!
========================== Contents of Disk 065 ==========================
This is disk 65 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Bawk Text processor inspired by the Unix awk utility. Bawk
searches files for specific patterns and performs
actions for every occurance of these patterns. The
patterns can be regular expressions. The actions are
expressed using a subset of the C language. Unfortunately
this version always gets a stack overflow no matter what
the stack is set to, I haven't had a chance to find the
bug. Includes source, so you can hunt for it. Looks
like it could be a very useful utility for the Amiga.
Author: Bob Brodt
CloseWB Simple program for use with MWB (also on this disk)
to close a current WorkBench screen, and let you
open WorkBench on a custom screen.
Author: Matt Dillon
Cookie Fortune cookie program. Includes source.
Author: Richard Stevens
JTime Detailed instructions, including schematics in IFF
format, for building and installing a battery backed
up real-time clock. The clock goes on the joystick
port (aka mouse port 2).
Author: Michael Keryan
MenuBuilder A program which automates the process of building
menus. It takes a simple text file and generates
a C source file with all the needed structures for
linking with the rest of your program. This is
version 1.0, and includes source.
Author: A. Preston
MWB A program which will create a new 'WorkBench' screen
and route by request OpenWindow calls meant for the
WorkBench to these new screens. This allows you to run
programs which normally open windows on the WorkBench
screen to use a custom screen instead. Version 1.01,
includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon
NewPackets Tutorial downloaded from BIX C-A support section, which
describes some new packets and structures in 1.2 AmigaDos.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
PascalToC A Pascal to C translator program which is supposed to
correctly handle function, procedure, and most type
declarations. However, this quick and dirty port didn't
fare too well on even a simple little Pascal fragment from
Software Tools in Pascal. I don't know if the problem is
machine dependencies in the code or bugs. Looks like it
could be useful with a little more work than I have time
to put into it now. Includes source.
Author: James Mullens, enhancements by Dan Kegel
Prep Version 2.1 of a Fortran preprocessor called 'prep', an
alternative to ratfor. Prep has better macro facilities,
a concise shorthand for array and vector statements, all the
standard flow control constructs of forth, and is written
in generic, portable C (I made no source changes).
Includes source.
Author: Roger Ove
RunBack A program that allows you to start another program which
is independent of the CLI window. This is useful to start
programs from your Startup-Sequence, load WorkBench, and
then close the initial CLI (which could not be closed
Author: Charlie Heath, Microsmiths
SunMouse Makes your mouse behave like the Sun Microsystem
Sunwindows mouse. You no longer have to 'click' in
a window to make it active. Just move the mouse pointer
into the window and start typing. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Scott Evernden
========================== Contents of Disk 066 ==========================
This is disk 66 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
AmScsi Preliminary documentation for a hardware project to
build a SCSI controller board. The design does not
support DMA or AUTOCONFIG'ing.
Author: Rich Frantz
Asm68k Full featured macro assembler, version 1.0.1, binary
only. Well documented.
Author: W. Wesley Howe
Assigned Same code showing how to find out whether or not a
name has been assigned (via the dos ASSIGN command)
before using it, thus avoiding the DOS Insert-Disk
requester. Includes source.
Author: Dan Green
Dk A little display hack, inspired by Leo's gems. Written
in Modula-2, includes source.
Author: Thomas Handel
Flip Seems like Leo's gems have inspired lots of people. This
one is quite cute also. Written in assembler, includes
Author: Mike Berro
Foogol Just what you've been waiting for, a foogol cross
compiler for your Amiga that generates VAX assembly
code. Now you can port all those Amiga foogol programs
to your VAX! Seriously, foogol-IV is a tiny Algol like
language and this is a compiler for it. Includes source.
Author: Per Lindberg
Free Free returns the available free bytes on any storage
device that AmigaDos sees as a drive. A list of up to
six drives is kept by the program and may be cleared or
added to at any time by the user. Includes source.
Author: Tom Smythe
MallocTest A malloc/free test program that allocates and frees
randomly sized pieces of memory with random lifetimes,
and fills them with patterns that can be checked for
corruption. Useful for beating on your vendor supplied
memory management routines, or possibly as a poorman's
memory test program. Includes source.
Author: Neil Webber
Melt Another display hack from the master himself...
Includes source.
Author: Leo Schwab
Nart Another display hack from the master himself...
Includes source.
Author: Leo Schwab
Purty Provides an easy way to change some common printer
settings via a small window with several gadgets.
Binary only.
Author: Charles Tyson
RayTracer A simple ray tracing program. It is capable of depicting
up to 150 balls and a plane that is covered with a tiling
of any bitmapped picture. Binary only and sparce
Author: Friedrich Knauss, Steve Williams, Jim Horn and
Mark Reichert
SendPackets Updated versions of the ASendPacket and SendPacket
examples from disk number 35. ASendPacket is an example
program for sending multiple packets asynchronously
to a dos handler, for those interested in implementing
programs with asynchronous AmigaDos file I/O.
SendPacket is a general purpose subroutine to send
AmigaDos packets. Includes source.
Author: Phillip Lindsay
SnapShot A small utility for dumping screens. This one works
like POPCLI and stays dormant until you press Ctrl-Esc.
Binary only.
Author: Francois Rouaix
TagBBS Version 1.02 of a shareware BBS system. Suggested
shareware donation is $25. Binary only.
Author: Patrick Hughes
========================== Contents of Disk 067 ==========================
This is disk 67 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
AmCat Shareware disk cataloging program. Suggested donation
of $20. Binary only.
Author: Brian Conrad
AmigaSpell Very nice intuition oriented shareware spelling checker,
version 2.0, binary only.
Author: Mike Berro
Bouncer A 3-D simulation of a bouncing ball written in
Creative Solutions' Multi-Forth, with source included.
Author: Jon Bryan
Comm Another nice terminal program. Version 1.33, binary only.
Author: DJ James
Dux5 Latest version of directory utility which is a descendant
of the original dirutil program by Chris Nicotra. Includes
Author: Enhancements and fixes by lots of people
HexCalc Nice little hex/oct/dec/bin calculator and converter.
Binary only.
Author: Scott Ross
Icons A collection of some icons for general purpose programs
and some particular programs. The "documentation"
icon is particularly cute.
Author: Jeff White
Mandala A mandala graphic program with sound, sort of Eastern
music. Binary only.
Author: Unknown
PersMait Demo version of shareware personal/personnel file manager.
Includes list processing, capability to run mailing labels,
mail merge output feature, and more. Demo version is
binary only and limited to input mode. Suggested donation
of $24 for the "real" version.
Author: Breen and Associates
RSLClock Yet another nice little clock utility that can sit
around in your title bar. Lots of options. Version 1.3,
binary only.
Author: Roy Laufer
RTCubes A little graphics demo that shows 16 3D cubes in a 3D
space, all being translated, rotated, and drawn on the
screen in real time. Binary only, takes over the machine,
reboot to recover.
Author: Ralph Russell
Wheel Nice little "Wheel of Fortune" type game, written in
Author: Hari Wiguna
========================== Contents of Disk 068 ==========================
This is disk 68 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
To quote the "Read Me" file:
This diskette contains the latest Amiga version of MicroGNUEmacs
(MG 1b), a small but powerful text editor that also runs on many
other computer systems besides the Amiga.
One of MG's major goals is to be compatible with its "cousin"
GNU Emacs, so certain features you may have seen in other
versions of MicroEmacs may work differently here, or not exist.
Hopefully, you'll find the added features MG provides to be
worth the trouble it takes to make the switch.
As well as the commands available on *all* systems MG supports,
Amiga MG has many Amiga-specific features: the Amiga mouse (with
24 different functions!), Intuition pull-down menus, the Browser
(a very nice way to select files), Amiga function keys, a
full-screen editing window, and support for using a different
text font in the editing window.
MicroGNUEmacs is based on the original work of Dave Conroy, author of the
public domain v30 version. It has been greatly enhanced through the
efforts of the following people:
mwm@ucbopal.berkeley.edu Mike Meyer
mic@ngp.utexas.edu Mic Kaczmarczik
blarson@usc-eclb.arpa Bob Larson
rtech!daveb@sun.com Dave Brower (previous version)
The current version is known to run on the following systems:
4.2 & 4.3 BSD Unix, Sun 3.2
Ultrix-32 (BSD Unix)
System V
Atari ST
A very nice job guys! Congratulations.
This disk is essentially unchanged except that I have added the usual
README.dist and README.list files, along with changing the volume name
to AmigaLibDisk68. The original volume name was "MG1b".
========================== Contents of Disk 069 ==========================
This is disk 69 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Asm68k Full featured macro assembler, version 1.0.3, binary
only. Well documented.
Author: W. Wesley Howe
BlitLab Blitlab is a program which lets you experiment with
the blitter, to your hearts content, in relative safety.
It opens a workbench window with gadgets for all the
registers of the blitter, and allows you to manipulate
individual registers and perform blits on a magnified
bitmap. Includes source.
Author: Tomas Rokicki
Conman A replacement console handler that provides line editing
and command line history. Is completely transparent to
any application program that uses CON: windows. Programs
that use RAW: input are not affected. VERY useful.
Shareware version 0.9, binary only (source to be available
from author).
Author: William Hawes
Console Console is a try at a new set of routines to get around some
of the problems with the standard system routines, and
includes some simple graphics routines. Includes source.
Author: Jim Cooper
Dk A little display hack, inspired by Leo's gems. Written
in Modula-2, includes source. Slightly newer than version
on disk number 66.
Author: Thomas Handel
Frags Reports the number of free blocks of size 2^(n-1) to
(2^n)-1 for n up to 24 (blocks of max size 16Mb-1).
Translation: Gives you some idea of how fragmented
your free memory is. Includes source.
Author: Mike Meyer
IconType Change the type of an icon after editing with IconEd.
Types are Disk, Drawer, Tool, Project, Garbage, and Device.
Includes source.
Author: Larry Phillips
Make Public domain make from mod.sources, Volume 7, number 91.
It has been cleaned up, Manx'ified, and some new features
added, by Steve Walton. Includes source.
Author: "caret@fairlight.OZ"
MonProc A simple program to allow you to monitor any process for
packet activity. Includes source.
Author: Phillip Lindsay
MouseClock Turns your mouse pointer into a digital clock with
updates once per minute. Includes source.
Author: John Hoffman
Sb Structure browser, that displays system structures
via pointers found in other structures. You start
from IntuitionBase and go from there. Version 1.0,
includes source.
Author: Nick Sullivan and Chris Zamara
Spew Program which generates amusing 'National Enquirer'
type headlines. Works from a 'rules file' which
describes how the headlines are to be constructed.
Includes source.
Author: Gregory Smith (original by "mark@pixar")
Spool The SPOOL system consists of 3 programs: A queue manager,
a printer driver, and a SPOOL request program. The SPOOL
system demonstrates the power of the Amiga's mutitasking
abilities in a very practical way. It makes extensive use
of Amiga Exec's message passing facilities and list-handling
primitives. Version 1.2, includes source.
Author: Tim Holloway
Wc A "word count" program, ala Unix's wc, that is faster
because it doesn't count what you don't ask for, plus
some other improvements. Includes source.
Author: Steve Summit