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========================== Contents of Disk 090 ==========================
This is disk 90 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Note that many of the programs on this disk are shareware/freeware.
This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated
to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and
fund further development. I hope that by including them in this
library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible
distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that
like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee".
To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from
the library.
This disk replaces disk number 80, which was pulled from circulation
due to the redistribution status of files in the directory "tools".
If you encounter a disk number 80 in circulation, please advise all
parties concerned that the disk should be erased immediately.
AmiGazer Compute a view of the night sky, using a database of
1573 stars, for any date, time of day, and latitude.
Click on stars for info about them. Binary only.
Author: Richard Horne
CardFile Study aid card file program written in AmigaBasic.
Useful for organizing small blocks of data, such as
can be done with a 3X5 card file system. Binary only.
Author: James Parks
Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console
handler, that provides line editing and command line
histories completely transparent to any application program
that uses CON: windows. Version 0.98B, binary only.
Author: William Hawes
IMandelVroom A slightly modified version of Kevin Clague's mandelbrot
program (on disk number 78) that uses his "ring detector"
to draw an approximation of the interior strange attractor
contours. Binary only (with patches for original source).
Author: Kevin Clague, enhancements by Howard Hull
NewDemos Some new demos, including replacements for the standard
"lines" and "boxes" demos, that use only a few percent
of the CPU time, so it is reasonable to have lots of them
running simultaneously to demo multitasking. Binary only.
Author: Steve Koren
Othello Othello game, binary only.
Author: Matthew Bellew
PrinText Program to display ASCII text files on the screen with
scrollbar, arrow gadgets, automatic word-wrap, a search
function, speech, IFF picture loading, and online help.
Version 1.2, binary only.
Author: Opher Kahane
PrtDrvGen Program to automatically generate custom printer drivers.
Version 2.2b, binary only, source available from author.
Author: Joergen Thomsen
RainBench Simple program which cycles the hardware color register to
get an interesting effect on your workbench screen.
Binary only.
Author: Brendan Keliher
ShortCut A utility that collects keystroke sequences and allows
you to replace them with a single key stroke. Binary
Author: Opher Kahane
ShowPrint A full-feature IFF picture file screen dump utility.
Can display and print all sizes of pictures including
those larger than the screen. Allows adjustment of printer
output in three modes: ASPECT, FULL, and CUSTOM output.
Print vertically or horizonatally, in B&W, grey scale, or
color, etc. Binary only.
Author: Brian Conrad
Sizzlers A series of graphics demo programs. Version 1.7.0,
binary only.
Author: Greg Epley
SpaceAceDemo Shareware shoot-em-up spaceship game. Binary only.
Author: Stephen McLeod
Timer Creates a small window containing a timer. Version 1.5,
binary only.
Author: Bill Beogelein
========================== Contents of Disk 091 ==========================
This disk contains a distribution of ADL (Adventure Definition Language).
ADL is a superset of an older language named DDL, by Michael Urban,
Chris Kostanick, Michael Stein, Bruce Adler, and Warren Usui. ADL
enhancements were made by Ross Cunniff, who submitted this material
for inclusion in the library. The disk is essentially unchanged except
(1) Many icon files have been added to help workbench only
users get at least some information about this disk
and about ADL (which is only usable from the CLI
(2) The disk name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk91.
(3) The standard library files "GeneralInfo", "Contents",
and "Distribution", along with their associated icons,
have been added to the disk.
(4) The directory 'c' has been added, along with a very
nice text reader program called "less", which is the
default tool for reading all the text files for which
there are icons.
Included here are the sources to the ADL compiler, interpreter, and
debugger. The binaries were compiled by Ross with the Lattice 3.03
compiler. Ross noted in his letter that currently ADL is a
CLI environment program only, but that he hopes to offer a more
Amiga'ized version in the future. Also, the stack size should be
set to at least 10000 before attempting to run ADL.
========================== Contents of Disk 092 ==========================
This is disk 92 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Note that none of these can be used from the workbench, thus they
do not have any directory icons. You must use the CLI environment to
use these materials.
As6502 Contains a portable 6502 assembler, including source
in C.
Author: J. Van Ornum; Amiga port by Joel Swank
Bawk Text processor inspired by the Unix awk utility.
This is an update to the copy released on disk 65.
Bawk searches files for specific patterns and performs
actions for every occurance of these patterns. The
patterns can be regular expressions. The actions are
expressed using a subset of the C language. Includes
source in C.
Author: Bob Brodt; Amiga port by Johan Widen
HunkPad HunkPad pads an object file out to where it is exactly
a multiple of 128 bytes, thus making it immune to having
garbage appended on to the end of it by xmodem type
file transfer protocols. Version 2, includes source.
Update to version released on disk 84.
Author: J. Hamilton
Less Like Unix "more", only better, with forward and
backward scrolling, searching and positioning by
percent of file and line number, etc. Very useful!
This is Amiga version 1.2, an update to the version
on disk number 74. Includes source.
Author: Mark Nudelman, Amiga port by Bob Leivian
Ndir Library that implements the 4BSD unix directory access
routines (opendir, closedir, readdir, etc). Includes
source in C.
Author: Mike Meyer
Parse A recursive descent expression parser that parses
expressions, computes the expression value, and prints
it. Includes support for some built in transcendental
functions. Includes source in C.
Author: John Olsen
Shar Two programs to pack and unpack shell archives on the
Amiga. Shell archives are the traditional Usenet
method of bundling multiple text files for posting
as a unit or for sending via electronic mail. Includes
source in C.
Author: Fabbian G. Dufoe
SmallLib A replacement for amiga.lib that is about 8 times smaller.
Binary only.
Author: Bryce Nesbitt
UUencode Programs to encode/decode binary files for transmittal
via mail or other text-only methods. The binary file
is expanded by approximately 35% for transmittal. This
release is an update to the version on disk number 53,
and includes a simple line-by-line checksum technique that
can read and write files compatible with the older
uuencode/uudecode, plus a file size test modification that
is transparent to older uudecodes.
Author: Mark Horton with mods by Alan Rosenthal and
Bryce Nesbitt
========================== Contents of Disk 093 ==========================
This is disk 93 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Note that none of these can be used from the workbench, thus they
do not have any directory icons. You must use the CLI environment to
use these materials.
Dme Version 1.27 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple WYSIWYG
editor designed for programmers. It is not a WYSIWYG
word processor in the traditional sense. Features include
arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line statistics
multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows. Update
to version on disk number 87 (which was binary only). This
release also includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon
MicroEmacs Version 3.8i of Daniel Lawrence's variant of Dave
Conroy's microemacs. This is an update to the version
released on disk 61. Includes source.
Author: Dave Conroy, MANY enhancements by Daniel Lawrence
========================== Contents of Disk 094 ==========================
This is disk 94 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Note that none of these can be used from the workbench, thus they
do not have any directory icons. You must use the CLI environment to
use these materials.
AudioTools Demo programs from Rob Peck's article in the July/August
issue of Amiga World on accessing the audio device.
This is version 2, an update to the release on disk
number 84. Includes source.
Author: Rob Peck
ClickUpFront ClickUpFront is another program, similar in function to
the ClickToFront program from disk 86, that allows you
to bring any window to the front simply by double-clicking
in any part of it. Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Davide Cervone
HeliosMouse Another "sunmouse" type program. Automatically activates
a window simply by moving the mouse pointer into the window.
Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Davide Cervone
Iff2Ps A program to convert any IFF file to postscript for
printing or viewing on a postscript compatible device.
Version 1.2, binary only.
Author: William Mason and Sam Paolucci
ModulaTools Various useful routines for those programming in Modula
on the Amiga. Binary only.
Author: Jerry Mack
Terrain3d Program which demonstrates generation of good looking
pseudo-random scenery. This version is a derivative of
"sc" distributed on disk 87, but now displays terrain
in 3d relief. Includes source.
Author: Chris Gray; 3d version by Howard Hull
========================== Contents of Disk 095 ==========================
This is disk 95 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Cmd Cmd redirects the serial.device or parallel.device output
to a file. Useful for capturing print jobs for debugging
or "offline" printing. Version 4, includes source.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
CygnusEdDemo Demo version of CygnusEd, an editor from CygnusSoft
Software. CygnusEd supports simultaneous editing of
multiple files, multiple views of the same file,
very fast display, margins, word-wrap, status-lines,
insert/overstike mode, online help, soft scroll
borders, screen overscan, adjustable tab size, macros,
text formatting options, block/line/word cut/copy,
and more. Also includes demo 3.0 version of MandFXP.
Binary only.
Author: CygnusSoft Software
Gomf Gomf stands for "Get Outa My Face", a phrase many a
programmer has mumbled when a Guru alert appears
unexpectedly. This interesting little program can
generally make the Guru go away and allow you to
clean up and shutdown more cleanly. Version 1.0,
binary only.
Author: Christian Johnsen
Journal Journal is a program that records a sequence of mouse and
keyboard events as they occur and stores them in a file.
The file can be played back with another program, also
supplied, which causes the same sequence of events to
occur again. Very useful for creating demonstrations
of programs or documenting repeatable bugs. Version 1.0,
binary only.
Author: Davide Cervone
MergeMem Program which attempts to merge the MemList entries
of sequentially configured ram boards. When successful,
allows allocating a section of memory which spans
board boundries. This is version 2, an update to the
version released on disk 56. Includes source.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
PrinterStealer A program similar in function to "Cmd" that allows
diversion of output destined for the printer to
a file for future output or debugging purposes.
Binary only, source available from authors.
Author: Alex Livshits and J-M. Forgeas
Record-Replay A program, similar in function to "Journal", that
records and plays back mouse and keyboard events.
Binary only, source available from authors.
Author: Alex Livshits and J-M. Forgeas
========================== Contents of Disk 096 ==========================
This is disk 96 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AnimPlayer An animation reader and displayer that is the result
of a consortium of animation software developers, which
includes the authors of Videoscape, Sculpt3D, Silver,
Forms-In-Flight, and Animator:Apprentice. Includes
Author: Martin Hash et al.
Chess A port of a chess game posted to Usenet. Still uses
a "curses" type interface, so needs to be Amiga'ized.
According to Bob, plays a better game than some of the
commercial Amiga chess games. Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: John Stanback; ported to Amiga by Bob Leivian
HackBench HackBench provides the source for a WorkBench-like program,
for experimentation and validation of new interface ideas.
It is not intended to be an actual WorkBench replacement.
Author: Bill Kinnersley
Label Simple program to print labels with arbitrary text.
Version 1.3, binary only, but source available from author.
Author: Mike Hansen
LineDrawer Makes a line drawing based on drawing commands stored
in a text file. Includes a demo that draws an outline
map of the USA and state borders. Version 1.0, includes
Author: John Olsen
PopUpMenu Example code implementing pop-up menus that are reasonably
compatible with Intuition menus. Includes source.
Author: Derek Zahn
Tek4695 A Tektronix 4695/4696 printer driver. Includes source.
Author: Philip Staub
TimeRam A program to test the access speeds of Fast and Chip ram.
Binary only.
Author: Bruce Takahashi
WarpText Fast text rendering routines, to be linked with application
programs. Reported to be able to display text as fast,
or faster than, "blitz". This is an update to the version
released on disk 87. Version 2.0, includes source.
Author: Bill Kelly
========================== Contents of Disk 097 ==========================
This is disk 97 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk replaces disk number 57, which was pulled from circulation
because of questions about the redistribution status of material in
the "Ogre" subdirectory (replaced with "shm"). If you encounter a disk
number 57 in circulation, please advise all parties concerned that the
disk should be erased immediately. Below is a listing of the significant
directories on this disk, and their contents.
CutAndPaste Public domain implementations of the Unix cut and paste
commands. Includes source.
Author: John Weald
GraphIt A program to plot most simple functions in 2 or 3
dimensions, as well as 2d parametric equations in
term of t. Includes source.
Author: Flynn Fishman
Juggler Stunning animation of a robot juggler with ray traced
reflective spheres. Uses HAM mode display and sound
effects to boot! This is version 1.2 and apparently
fixes some bugs in the original version released on
disk number 47. Binary only.
Author: Eric Graham
MouseReader Shareware program, submitted by the author, to read
text files and view iff files using only the mouse.
Binary only.
Author: William Betz
Shm A simple graphics demo which approximately simulates the
motion of two interacting pendulums. Includes source.
Author: Chris Ediss
Splines Program to demonstrate various curve fitting and
rendering techniques. Also includes something unique
for the Amiga world, pop-up menus. Includes source.
Author: Helene (Lee) Taran
========================== Contents of Disk 098 ==========================
This is disk 98 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Access A 16 color terminal program based on Comm version 1.34.
Includes new macro window, custom gadgets, colorized
menus, etc. Version Beta 0.18, binary only.
Author: Keith Young (based on comm by D.J.James)
Backup A simple backup program that writes normal AmigaDOS
disks as the backup destination. To recover files, you
just copy from the backup disk. Requires manual
decisions about what subdirectories to backup to
what disks to make everything fit. Includes source.
Author: Alan Kent
DCDemo A demo version of DiskCat 2.3, a disk catalog program.
Demo is limited to cataloging 100 files at a time.
Binary only.
Author: Ed Alford, MicroAce Software
HdDriver A complete driver for a WD-1002-05 hard disk controller
card. This card can handle 3 hard disks and 4 floppies,
but the driver currently only handles one hard disk.
Includes source.
Author: Alan Kent
QBase Quick-Base is a "MailBase Management utility", that lets
you define and maintain records of your family, friends,
and other associates. Currently a maximum of 200
records per file. Binary only.
Author: Kevin Harris
Thai A simple Thai quiz program developed by the author while
he was learning the Thai language. It loads complete
Thai sentences and words from a supplied file. If you
click on the sentence or word gadget the program will
pick a random sentence/word. You then click on the
Thai/Speak/Phonetic/English gadget to display that
version (or speak it). Includes source.
Author: Alan Kent
========================== Contents of Disk 099 ==========================
This disk contains a shareware version of a ray tracing package by Brian
Reed, called A-Render. It looks like a very nice package, but I have not
really had any significant amount of time to play with it. Binary only.