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========================== Contents of Disk 100 ==========================
This is disk 100 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Berserk This animation, unveiled at the September 87 meeting
of the First Amiga Users Group, got Leo a standing ovation.
It is a "must see" for every Amiga user, and ranks up
there with "Juggler" as a premier demo for the Amiga.
Author: Leo Schwab
Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console
handler, that provides line editing and command line
histories completely transparent to any application program
that uses CON: windows. This program is shareware, and well
worth a donation to the author. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: William Hawes
WBLander Another interesting Workbench display hack. This one
is really a game in disguise. Previously released
on disk number 85 as "Rocket", this one has been
upgraded to have sound effects. Binary only.
Author: Peter da Silva
========================== Contents of Disk 101 ==========================
This is disk 101 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
CirPlane A circular plane generator for VideoScape 3D. Generates
a clockwise circular polygon with the specified number
of vertices. Used, for example, to cap a cylinder or to
generate surface detail. Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Thad Floryan
IconAssembler This program loads existing WorkBench icon files and
allows you to change either the primary or alternate
images to another image loaded from an IFF-brush file.
Binary only.
Author: Stefan Lindahl
MicroSPELL MicroSPELL is a standalone spelling checker which scans
text files and reports on misspelled words. It has a 1000
word "common word" list, a 43,000 word main dictionary, and
supports multiple user dictionaries. Also interfaces quite
nicely with MicroEMACS 3.9, with an emacs macro to step
through the source file, stopping at each suspect word and
allowing the user to dispose of it in different ways.
Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Daniel Lawrence
Midi A midi library and utilities set. This looks like a
very complete package, though I have no way of testing
anything since I have no midi hardware. The midi utilities
include a midi monitor to display incoming midi messages
to the console, a routing utility, a midi library status
utility, and more. Also includes source.
Author: Bill Barton
PsIntrp A postscript interpreter that reads postscript files and
previews them on an Amiga screen. Interactive input and
output takes place in a small window. The page to be
show is composed behind the window in an interlaced screen
with 16 colors. Can also take input from a file. Includes
source in assembler.
Author: Greg Lee
StartUps Three replacements for the standard C startup files,
Astartup.obj and LStartup.obj. The options include
(1) BothStartup.obj, for WorkBench programs or CLI
programs with or without command line parameters,
(2) WBStartup.obj, for WorkBench programs or CLI
programs that require no command line parameters, and
(3) CLIStartup.obj, for CLI programs that require command
line parameters but do not need to be able to be runnable
from WorkBench. Includes source.
Author: Bryce Nesbitt
========================== Contents of Disk 102 ==========================
This is disk 102 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Dbug Machine independent macro based C debugging package.
Provides function trace, selective printing of internal
state information, and more. This is an update to the
version released on disk 41, and now includes a machine
independent profiling mechanism. Includes source.
Author: Fred Fish; profiling support by Binayak Banerjee
Match_stuff Heavy duty text pattern matching stuff. The pattern
syntax is an extension of standard AmigaDOS filename
matching. Also includes some simply matched text
replacement capability. Includes source.
Author: Pete Goodeve
Sectorama A program designed to help Amiga users recover lost or
damaged data from floppy or hard drives, or to repair
a damaged volume. The author wrote this out of
frustration with existing tools when he had multiple
hard disk drive failures over the course of several
months. Binary only.
Author: David Joiner
SiliCon A smart input line interpreter that provides a separate
command window with full editing and recall of previous
commands. Actual name is "Sili(Con:)". This is an
update to the version first released on disk number 50.
Binary only.
Author: Pete Goodeve
Xicon Xicon lets you use icons to call up scripts containing CLI
commands. This is version 2.00, an update to the version
first released on disk 31, and includes close gadgets, window
size specification, text display capability, plus more.
Binary only.
Author: Pete Goodeve
========================== Contents of Disk 103 ==========================
This is disk 103 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AvlTrees Library and test program that implement routines for
creating and using balanced binary trees (AVL trees)
held entirely in memory. Includes source.
Author: Paul Vixie
Calc A programmable calculator program with similarities to a
hand-held RPN calculator. Can run either interactively
or in "script" mode by reading programs from a file.
Version 1.0, shareware, binary only.
Author: Bob Brooks
Cref A C cross referencer program. Includes source.
Author: Mike Edmonds; Amiga port by Joel Swank
DosKwik A pair of programs which allow you to save files, or
a group of files, to one or more floppies for quick
loading (loading up a ram disk for example). Does not
store files in DOS format, which is why it is faster.
Binary only, shareware.
Author: Gary Kemper
IntuiDOS IntuiDOS is a program to give improved control over,
and handling of, the material on all diskettes in the
'CLI-area' by employing a multi-disk, scrollable
directory and using Intuition techniques to issue
DOS commands. Written in assembler. Binary only.
Author: Lennart Sandin
MFF-Update A text import utility for MicroFiche Filer (demo version
released on disk 89) and updates to some PD disk library
databases. Binary only.
Author: Gary Samad
Pack-It Pack-it will take all the files and directories on a disk
and pack them into a single file for electronic transmission
via modem. Binary only, shareware.
Author: Gary Kemper
Sol Amiga version of solitaire game posted to usenet some
time ago and modified to use Amiga console control codes
in place of curses calls. Includes source.
Author: David Goodenough; Amiga port by Joel Swank
========================== Contents of Disk 104 ==========================
This is disk 104 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
This disk contains a copy of Glenn Everhart's large and powerful
spreadsheet program called AnalytiCalc, submitted to me directly by
Glenn for inclusion in the library. The remainder of this file
is Glenn's "Abstract.txt" file that describes AnalytiCalc.
Source and documentation is included on the disk in arc'd form because
it otherwise would not all fit on the disk.
AnalytiCalc Abstract:
AnalytiCalc is a large and powerful spreadsheet program with
sufficient extra features to have some pretentions of acting as an
"integrated system". It is a virtual memory system supporting up to
18000 columns and 18000 rows, multiple equations per cell, an outlining
system, built-in cell annotation, and datafile access from any cell(s)
of the sheet, plus an array of functions not present in most commercial
spreadsheets. This disk represents the initial Amiga port of AnalytiCalc,
and as such the console interface is somewhat crude and in addition requires
use of a custom keymap (one such is supplied) for sensible operation. This
will be improved upon, but meanwhile the program is released with complete
sources, documents, and executables. The graphics program and the DIF
file access program are not yet ported; these will be released when
they are ready. AnalytiCalc for the Amiga uses files compatible with those
for AnalytiCalc on MS-DOS, VMS, or RSX-11M or IAS. An example project
planner spreadsheet is included in the distribution to show off some of
the things you can do. More example sheets will be forthcoming in the
future. AnalytiCalc also supports matrix math, FFTs, infinite windowing,
linear regression, date arithmetic, internal and external macros, LOTS
of cell addressing modes, goal seeking in up to 8 dimensions, and more.
AnalytiCalc requires perhaps 600K of RAM memory, at least one
360K diskette drive, and AmigaDOS 1.2, plus a larger than default stack.
Display sizes supported can be up to 132 characters wide by up to 76
lines long. Sorry; I don't think AnalytiCalc supports proportional
fonts very well, though it should manage not to be totally brain damaged
with them. The manual requires an 80 column printer.
To see the documentation you need either a printer 80 columns wide
to print it, or an 80 column screen to view it on.
1. DO NOT use AnalytiCalc until you have read the documentation.
2. DO NOT forget to make regular backup copies of your database.
3. DO NOT exit (X) the progam without saving your work if you
want it saved. (You will be asked to confirm you really want
to leave, however.)
If you haven't already printed the documentation, please do so
before trying to operate AnalytiCalc. Then, READ IT! You should
also make sure that you have placed a "write-protect" tab on your
AnalytiCalc distribution diskettes, so that they can't be
accidentally erased or overwritten.
You should now make a copy of your AnalytiCalc disks. These will
also serve as your "run-time" system diskettes.
De-archive AnalyExe.Arc and AnalyDoc.Arc at least onto a blank
disk and read the document files and release notes. You'll need
a bit of AmigaDos familiarity to set things up (read how to use
the ASSIGN command and the SETMAP command and ASSIGN something as
DK:; also set your stack large with the STACK command.) If you
are using disk file memory, FACC is a good thing to use also. PLEASE
READ THE MANUALS though, to save us all a lot of headaches.
Minimum RAM Memory required .....................about 600K
Minimum Disk Drives required...............................1
Minimum Disk Storage required...........................880K
Number of Columns......................................18000
Number of Rows.........................................18000
Maximum Length of Formulas (characters)..................109
Number of cells that can be full at once...............18000
Number of simultaneous named areas permitted.............300
Number of scratch cells outside spreadsheet...............60
Precision of calculations (digits; 8 bytes used)..........16
Total maximum storage managed (bytes)..............2,113,020
Maximum depth of document nesting (outline processor)......4
Maximum number of parameters varying to goal seek..........8
Maximum record size for data files accessed as database..128
Maximum number of files namable in one sheet.........>18000
Maximum cell columns displayable on one screen............20
Maximum number of rows displayable in one display.........75
Maximum simultaneous different cell display formats per
sheet (taken from large set)...........................76
Length of format specification (characters)................9
In no event will the Author be liable to you for any damages,
including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or
consequential dmages arising out of the use of or inability to use
these programs, even if the Author has been advised of the
possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party.
User-Supported Software
You are encouraged to copy and share this program with others.
If after evaluating this program you find it to be useful,
I trust you to send a $10.00 payment.
Glenn C. Everhart
25 Sleigh Ride Rd.
Glen Mills, Pa. 19342
To Be Done:
Future plans for AnalytiCalc:
1. Add TAN, ASIN, ACOS, and 2-argument ATAN (one argument ATAN
is present now). (Done in VAX version; trivial mod.)
2. Interface to raw: device instead of con: device and add more
flexible parsing of keystrokes so custom keymaps can be junked.
3. Allow data files to be on a logical device. (Actually, FACC
may make this need obsolete).
4. Minor cleanups to XQTCMD and a couple other places to clean
up and more thoroughly bullet proof the code.
5. Fix bugs as they are discovered.
6. Allow use on non-interlaced screens by redoing the two command
and display windows as pseudo-requestors.
Auxiliary files:
1. Port DIFDB (DIF to database or AnalytiCalc saved format and
back converter) to Amiga.
2. Port PCGRAF to Amiga.
3. Port some of the BASIC graphics packages to Amiga. Possibly
compile some of them.
4. Supply the Business Expense Report, manpower planner, and
income tax templates as extra examples. Possibly do a game of
LIFE template too, just for fun.
Other programs:
Port the RIM relational DBMS to Amiga as a companion piece. (This
has already been done porting from CDC to VAX to MSDOS (the last
by me), and should be straightforward).
I have found that Absoft Fortran 2.3 is a stable and usable compiler and
would like to acknowledge gratefully its contribution. He who wants to
add to or modify AnalytiCalc needs Absoft Fortran 2.3 (or later, I suppose)
to build it with. Anyone who has Absoft Fortran-020 for the 68020 is
invited to recompile this program to use the faster chips. I didn't have
either money or machine to try a 68020/68881 version, but see no reason
why it would fail.
Glenn Everhart
5 October 1987
========================== Contents of Disk 105 ==========================
This is disk 105 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AsmProgs Some misc assembly tools, programs, etc. "AsmFilter"
(actually in AmigaBASIC) turns the output of the Metacomco
disassembler into a file that can be re-assembled.
"AddKickMem" adds the KickStart memory to your free memory
on an Amiga 1000 with Kickstart in ROM. "Clear" fills
unused areas of memory with a specific byte pattern.
"L" is a replacement for the BCPL "list" program, but
with some graphics enhancements. "SharpFont" is an
8 pixel non-proportional font. "Stack" is a replacement
for the BCPL stack program. Includes some source.
Author: Glen McDiarmid and Kirk Davies
BasicProgs Some more AmigaBASIC programs. LeastSquare solves
least squares problems and graphs the results. Curves
is a demo of one use for LeastSquare (find curves to
fit a set of points). Freud is a Freudian analysis
program. Includes source, needs AmigaBASIC from Extras.
Author: George Trepal
Bison A replacement for unix "yacc" command. This is from
the GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort, and was obtained
from the Free Software Foundation. This is an update
to the version on disk 51, with some more bug fixes
provided by Fred Walter. Includes source.
Author: Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman. Bug fixes
by Johan Widen, Doug Leavitt, & Fred Walter
DrunkenMouse Another cute program in the tradition of "display hacks".
Includes source.
Author: Alex Livshits
FlamKey Installs a little key on the WorkBench screen title
bar, and then waits in background until somebody clicks
on the key. When activated, allows the keyboard and mouse
inputs to be locked out until a password is entered.
Shareware, binary only.
Author: Alex Livshits
GravityWars The object of this game is for one player to hit the
other player's ship with a missle, before being hit
yourself. The ships and planets don't move, but
aiming the missle in the presence of gravity fields
and black holes makes hitting your target difficult.
Version 2.0, shareware, binary only. This is an update
to the version on disk number 84.
Author: Ed Bartz
IPo2C A utility to write a C-language definition of the current
intuition pointer to a file, which can then be used
in a program via SetPointer to mimic the intuition pointer.
Includes source.
Author: Alex Livshits
Pere-et-Fils Example of creating and using reentrant processes.
Includes source.
Author: Jean-Michel Forgeas
Record-Replay A program that records a sequence of mouse and keyboard
events as they occur and stores them in a file. The file
can be played back to cause the same sequence of events to
occur again. Very useful for creating demonstrations
of programs or documenting repeatable bugs. This is
version 2.0, an update to the version on disk 95.
Shareware, binary only.
Author: Alex Livshits and J-M. Forgeas
========================== Contents of Disk 106 ==========================
This is disk 106 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
FuncKey A shareware function key editor, submitted by the author
for inclusion in the library. This is version 1.1, an
update to the version on disk 89. Binary only (source
available from author).
Author: Anson Mah
MoreArt A small selection of some additional Amiga artwork
submitted to me since the last "art" disk.
Authors: Dana Dominiak and Larry Zasitko
QuickFlix An IFF slideshow and cel animation program that takes
full advantage of the Amiga's multitasking operating
system, supports all the graphics modes, can run with
internal timing or be triggered by an external source,
caches images in memory to achieve rapid frame rate,
etc. Version 0.13, binary only, shareware.
Author: Jeff Kunzelman, Rodney Iwashina, Takeshi Suganuma
RistiNolla A Finnish game. The name means something like CrossZero,
and is also called Go-Moku. Version 1.0, shareware, binary
Author: Mika Pihlajamaki
========================== Contents of Disk 107 ==========================
This is disk 107 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Csh Version 2.07 of Matt Dillon's csh like shell, modified
for Manx C. Includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon, Manx'ified by Steve Drew
Diff A file comparison utility, similar to other common
"diff" programs. Includes source.
Author: D. Krantz; Amiga port by Jeff Bailey
ProSuite This is the Amiga Programmers Suite Book 1.01. The
suite provides example code of facilities that every
programmer needs (such as FileIO Requester), provides
examples of new facilities (such as XText and DoRequest),
and provides a tutorial on how to program the Amiga.
Includes source.
Author: R.J. Mical
SVTools Some additional useful tools from Stephen Vermeulen.
Includes a new version of Vnews, sit, setstack, retool,
memlist, fragit, and yoyo. Includes source.
Author: Stephen Vermeulen
========================== Contents of Disk 108 ==========================
This is disk 108 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AList A directory listing program based on Dave Haynie's LD4
program, with extensions and enhancements. Includes source.
Author: Ed Kivi (original by Dave Haynie)
DirMaster A very nicely done shareware disk cataloger, submitted
by the author for inclusion in the library. This is version
1.0b, an update to the version released on disk 89. Binary
Author: Greg Peters
Dots-Perfect Printer driver for an Epson MX80 printer with the
Dots-Perfect upgrade kit installed. Includes source.
Author: Robbie Akins
MonIDCMP MonIDCMP lets you monitor the IntuiMessages that pass through
an IDCMP window. It prints the message class, mouse
coordinates, qualifier values, and other useful information
when appropriate. Great for debugging applications and
for snooping around in the inner workings of other programs.
Includes source.
Author: Davide Cervone
PrintPop A utility to enable the user to send some common control
settings to the PRT: printer device. When installed, a
left-amiga F1 sequence will pop up a small window with
various options. Includes source.
Author: Robbie Akins
Sectorama A program designed to help Amiga users recover lost or
damaged data from floppy or hard drives, or to repair
a damaged volume. The author wrote this out of
frustration with existing tools when he had multiple
hard disk drive failures over the course of several
months. This is version 1.1, an update to the version
on disk 102. Binary only.
Author: David Joiner
Tek An enhanced version of Dave Wecker's vt100 (v2.6) which
includes emulation for a Tektronix 4010/4014 graphics
terminal. This is a much improved version of the Tek4010
program from disk number 52. Includes source.
Author: Enhancements by Nick Giordano and Terry Whelan
Zoo A file archiver, much like "arc" in concept, but different
in implementation and user interface details. Includes
some nice features that "arc" lacks (such as file/path
names up to 255 characters in length). This is version
1.42B, an update to the version released on disk 87.
Binary only.
Author: Rahul Dhesi, Amiga port by Brian Waters
========================== Contents of Disk 109 ==========================
This is disk 109 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Machine A neat new animation from Allen Hastings.
Author: Allen Hastings
SimCPM A CP/M simulator for the Amiga. Simulates an 8080
along with H19 terminal emulation. Includes source.
Author: Jim Cathey; Amiga port by Charlie Gibbs
UUpc Version 1.0 of a suite of programs that will allow you
hook up your Amiga as a usenet node. Includes source.
Author: Richard Lamb, Stuart Lynne, Jeff Lydiatt