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========================== Contents of Disk 110 ==========================
This is disk 110 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
A68k A 68000 assembler originally written in Modula-2 in
1985 and converted to C by Charlie Gibb in 1987. Has
been converted to accept metacomco-compatible assembler
source code and to generate Amiga objects. Includes source.
Author: Brian Anderson; C translation and Amiga work
done by Charlie Gibb
Pdc An optimizing C compiler for the 68000 processor. This
is an update to the version first released on disk 53,
though apparently not based on the code from that disk.
Major porting work was done by Jeff Lydiatt to get it to
the point where it would compile and execute simple programs
on the Amiga. This version now generates metacomco-
compatible assembler source code, which can be assembled by
the assembler also provided on this disk and then linked by
the freely redistributable linker "blink" (also provided).
Includes all compiler source and some library and startup
source code. Requires amiga.lib from developers kit to
generate complete running example executables.
Author: Matthew Brandt; major porting work by Jeff Lydiatt
========================== Contents of Disk 111 ==========================
This is disk 111 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AmyLoad A graphical monitor of cpu, blitter, and memory use.
Includes two components; load.device, which monitors
system parameters, and amyload, which is the user
interface and display program. Includes source.
Author: Jeff Kelley
AssignDev Assigns multiple names to a given device. For example,
allows the names "df0:" and "df3:" to refer to the
same physical device. This is a modified version of
the original released on disk number 79. Includes source.
Author: Phillip Lindsay, mods by Olaf Seibert
Gauge Continuously displays memory usage in a vertical bar
graph, similar to the workbench "fuel gauge" type
display for disk space. Binary only.
Author: Peter da Silva
HeliosMouse Another "sunmouse" type program. Automatically activates
a window simply by moving the mouse pointer into the window.
Version 1.1, an update to the version released on disk 94.
Includes source.
Author: Davide Cervone
Labels Alphabetic and numeric ordered cross reference lists
of defined system constants. Recommended for debugging
purposes only, use the symbolic values in programs!
Author: Olaf Seibert
Mandel Another mandelbrot generator program, with bits and pieces
of code from C. Heath and R.J. Mical. Includes source.
Author: Olaf Seibert
PopLife A PopCLI type thingie that instead plays life all over your
screen. Lots of bits and pieces from Tomas Rokicki's blitlab
and John Toebes' PopCLI. Includes source.
Author: Olaf Seibert
========================== Contents of Disk 112 ==========================
This is disk 112 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
BeachBirds Jerrold Tunnell's entry to the Badge Killer Demo
Contest. Uses sprites and sound to portray a beach
scene. Runs on a 512K machine. Binary only.
Author: Jerrold Tunnell
Bully Mike Meyer's entry for the Badge Killer Demo Contest.
Pushes all open screens around (thus the name "bully").
Designed for showing off more than one demo at a time
Includes source.
Author: Mike Meyer
DropShadow Dropshadow version 2, rev 0, for use with Bryce
Nesbitt's Wavebench demo. Binary only.
Author: Jim Mackraz
HagenDemos Joel Hagen's Badge Killer Demo contest entries, "RGB"
and "Focus". RGB was the overall winner of the contest.
It requires a one meg Amiga to run. Binary only.
Author: Joel Hagen
Viacom Latest version of viacom for use in conjuction with
the WaveBench demo. Binary only.
Author: Leo Schwab and Bryce Nesbitt
WaveBench This is Bryce Nesbitt's Badge Killer Demo Contest entry.
It is a neat screen hack, and runs on 512K machines.
For more laughs, try in conjunction with Viacom or
Ds (Dropshadow). Includes source.
Author: Bryce Nesbitt
========================== Contents of Disk 113 ==========================
This is disk 113 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AmiCron A simple Unix "cron" type program, which is a background
task that uses a disk-resident table to automatically
run certain tasks on a regular basis, at specific times.
Version 2.3, includes source.
Author: Steve Sampson, Amiga port by Rick Schaeffer
Dme Version 1.28f of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple
WYSIWYG editor designed for programmers. It is not a
WYSIWYG word processor in the traditional sense. Features
include arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line
statistics multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows.
Update to version on disk number 93, includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon
DosDev Example DOS device driver in Manx C. Version 1.10,
includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon
M2Amiga Demo version of the final product M2Amiga. A fast single
pass Modula-2 compiler with editor, linker, a small set of
interface and standard libraries. Compiles only small demo
programs by limiting codesize and imports. Further
development of the ETHZ compiler on Disk 24. Binary only.
Demos with source.
Authors: R. Degen, C. Nieder, M. Schaub, J. Straube (AMSoft)
NoIconPos This program clears the position info of any of your icons
to allow WorkBench to pick a reasonable place for the icon
again. Useful for disk and drawer icons where Snapshot
rewrites the icon and the window information. Written in
Modula-2, another demo for M2Amiga, showing the simplicity
of programming with this Modula-2 compiler.
Author: Markus. Schaub
========================== Contents of Disk 114 ==========================
This is disk 114 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
CDecl English to C (and vice versa) translator for C
declarations. This little gem will translate english
such as "declare foo as pointer to function returning
pointer to array 10 of pointer to long" into
"long *(*(*foo)())[10]", and vice versa. An absolute
must for anyone except possibly the most hardcore C guru.
Includes source.
Author: Graham Ross
Vt100 Version 2.7 of Dave's vt100 terminal emulator with
kermit and xmodem file transfer. Includes a few bug
fixes posted to Usenet shortly after the posting of
version 2.7. This is an update to the version released
on disk 55. Includes source.
Author: Dave Wecker
WBLander This entry from the Badge Killer Demo Contest is
a special version of the WBLander program from
disk 100. The ending is unique. Also uses sound
effectively. Includes source.
Authors: Peter da Silva and Karl Lehenbauer
========================== Contents of Disk 115 ==========================
This is disk 115 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Killer Killer is an incredible demo written by Robert Wilt.
It won fourth place in the Badge Killer Demo Contest.
Requires at least one meg of memory to run. Sound is
also an important part of the demo so be sure to turn
it up. Binary only.
Author: Robert Wilt
Marketroid Marketroid is Leo's entry for the Badge Killer Demo
Contest. It is another devious sprite oriented demo
with lots of "in" jokes. Runs on a 512K machine.
Includes source.
Author: Leo Schwab
========================== Contents of Disk 116 ==========================
This is disk 116 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Movies A ram animation system with three different example
animations; Kahnankas, Rocker, and F-15. Kahnankas won
a close second in the Badge Killer Demo Contest. Both
Kahnankas and Rocker run on a 512K Amiga and show off
overscan HAM mode. Includes a animation player program
(movie), animation builder programs (dilbm, pilbm), and
a text/graphics display program (vilbm).
Authors: Eric Graham, Ken Offer,
========================== Contents of Disk 117 ==========================
This is disk 117 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AMUC_Demo A really neat horizontal scrolling demo that is a
2400 x 200 pixel 32 color IFF picture composed of
digiview snapshots of members of the AMiga Users
of Calgary, superimposed on a very wide picture of the
Calgary Skyline. Binary only.
Author: Stephen Vermeulen and Stephen Jeans
ExP_Demo Demo version of Express Paint 1.1. This is the program
that was used to create the huge scrolling demo picture
in the AMUC_Demo drawer on this same disk. Binary only.
Author: Stephen Vermeulen
========================== Contents of Disk 118 ==========================
This is disk 118 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Empire This is a complete rewrite, from the ground up, in
Draco, of Peter Langston's Empire game. Empire is
a multiplayer game of exploration, economics, war,
etc, which can last a couple of months. Can be
played either on the local keyboard or remotely
through a modem. This is version 1.0, shareware,
and includes source code.
Author: Chris Gray, original game by Peter Langston
HAMmmm This is Phil's entry for the Badge Killer Demo Contest.
HAMmmm displays lines whose end points are bouncing around
the screen, which is a double buffered HAM screen.
The Y positions of the points are continuously copied
into an audio waveform that is played on all four
channels, and the pitch of a just intoned chord is
derived from the average X position of these points.
Includes source in JForth.
Author: Phil Burk
Stars Hobie's entry for the Badge Killer Demo Contest.
Based on original code by Leo Schwab, has credits
longer than the actual demo. Runs on 512K Amiga.
Binary only.
Author: Hobie Orris
WireDemo Matt's entry for the Badge Killer Demo Contest.
Demonstrates the Amiga's line drawing speed.
Runs on a 512K Amiga. Includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon
========================== Contents of Disk 119 ==========================
This is disk 119 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
MicroEMACS Version 3.9e of Daniel Lawrence's variant of Dave
Conroy's microemacs. This is an update to the version
released on disk 93. Also included, for the first time,
is extensive documentation in machine readable form.
Includes source.
Author: Dave Conroy, MANY enhancements by Daniel Lawrence