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- ========================== Contents of Disk 140 ==========================
- This is disk 140 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- SBProlog Volume 1 of the 2 volume Stony Brook Prolog (SBP)
- distribution, version 2.3.2. This volume contains the
- executables and libraries. Volume 2, on disk 141,
- contains the C and Prolog source code.
- From the SB-Prolog System, Version 2.2 User Manual:
- "SB-Prolog is a public-domain Prolog system for Unix(tm)
- based systems originally developed at SUNY, Stony Brook.
- The core of the system is an emulator, written in C for
- portability, of a Prolog virtual machine that is an extension
- of the Warren Abstract Machine. The remainder of the system,
- including the translator from Prolog to the virtual machine
- instructions, is written in Prolog."
- In addition to providing a compiler, SB-Prolog also offers
- advanced features such as dynamic loading, mixing of compiled
- and interpreted code, macros, extension tables, a debugging
- facility offering two levels of tracing, profiling tools, and
- other utilities.
- Authors: Logic Programming Group at SUNY, Stony Brook
- Amiga port by David Roch and Scott Evernden
- ========================== Contents of Disk 141 ==========================
- This is disk 141 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- SBProlog Volume 2 of the 2 volume Stony Brook Prolog (SBP)
- distribution, version 2.3.2. This volume contains the
- C and Prolog source code. Volume 1, on disk 140,
- contains the executables and libraries.
- From the SB-Prolog System, Version 2.2 User Manual:
- "SB-Prolog is a public-domain Prolog system for Unix(tm)
- based systems originally developed at SUNY, Stony Brook.
- The core of the system is an emulator, written in C for
- portability, of a Prolog virtual machine that is an extension
- of the Warren Abstract Machine. The remainder of the system,
- including the translator from Prolog to the virtual machine
- instructions, is written in Prolog."
- In addition to providing a compiler, SB-Prolog also offers
- advanced features such as dynamic loading, mixing of compiled
- and interpreted code, macros, extension tables, a debugging
- facility offering two levels of tracing, profiling tools, and
- other utilities.
- Authors: Logic Programming Group at SUNY, Stony Brook
- Amiga port by David Roch and Scott Evernden
- SmallC An Amiga port of the Small-C compiler, written by Ron
- Cain and published in Dr. Dobb's Journal, in about 1980.
- Small-C is a rather small subset of the full 'C' language.
- However, it is capable of compiling itself, and other
- small, useful programs. Requires an assembler and linker
- to complete the package and produce working executables.
- Includes source and binary.
- Author: Ron Cain. Amiga port by Willi Kusche.
- ========================== Contents of Disk 142 ==========================
- This is disk 142 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- Diff A program that uses the same algorithm as the Unix
- diff program and also produces context diffs, suitable
- for use with patch. This is the same version that was
- distributed on disk 138, but now includes the missing
- files (including source code).
- Author: Unknown (Decus C diff)
- FracGen A fractal generator program that generates fractal
- pictures from "seeds" that you create. This is
- unlike any of the other "fractal generators" I've
- seen. It can be used to load and display previously
- created fractal pictures, modify existing fractals,
- or create your own fractals. Version 1.1, binary
- only.
- Author: Doug Houck
- SciSubr The Scientific Subroutine Package from DECUS, ported to
- the Amiga to run with Absoft Fortran. This is a valuable
- resource of mathematical and statistical source code
- for those doing Fortran work on the Amiga.
- Author: Unknown; ported to the Amiga by Glenn Everhart
- ========================== Contents of Disk 143 ==========================
- This is disk 143 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- Rim RIM-5 (Relational Information Manager) is a full
- relational DBMS that is suitable for VERY large
- databases using B-Tree data storage. It has a
- crude (by today's standards) user interface, but
- since full source code is provided, this can be
- fixed. Versions of RIM run on a wide variety of
- systems, small and large, and produce compatible
- databases. Also includes a built in HELP database
- and a programming language. Full Fortran source
- code and documentation included.
- Author: Various, Amiga port by Glenn Everhart
- ========================== Contents of Disk 144 ==========================
- This is disk 144 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- This disk contains a copy of Glenn Everhart's large and powerful
- spreadsheet program called AnalytiCalc, submitted to me directly by
- Glenn for inclusion in the library as an update to the version released
- on disk 104. The remainder of this file is Glenn's "Abstract.txt" file
- that describes AnalytiCalc. Source and documentation is included on the
- disk in arc'd form because it otherwise would not all fit on the disk.
- ====================
- AnalytiCalc Abstract:
- AnalytiCalc is a large and powerful spreadsheet program with
- sufficient extra features to have some pretentions of acting as an
- "integrated system". It is a virtual memory system supporting up to
- 18000 columns and 18000 rows, multiple equations per cell, an outlining
- system, built-in cell annotation, and datafile access from any cell(s)
- of the sheet, plus an array of functions not present in most commercial
- spreadsheets. This disk represents the third version of an initial Amiga
- port of AnalytiCalc, and as such the console interface is somewhat crude and
- uses a set of command files in an externally assigned area (assigned to DK:)
- to handle the function keys. A custom keymap can also be used, which was
- supplied in the initial version. The program comes with complete sources,
- documents, and executables, and in addition with the source code for the
- "auxiliary utilities" which handle DIF format conversion and character
- graphics. (The executables are not adequately tested on amiga as yet, though
- they work on VAX, PDP11, and IBM PC.)
- AnalytiCalc for the Amiga uses files compatible with those
- for AnalytiCalc on MS-DOS, VMS, or RSX-11M or IAS. An example project
- planner spreadsheet is included in the distribution to show off some of
- the things you can do. More example sheets will be forthcoming in the
- future. AnalytiCalc also supports matrix math, FFTs, infinite windowing,
- linear regression, date arithmetic, internal and external macros, LOTS
- of cell addressing modes, goal seeking in up to 8 dimensions, and more.
- AnalytiCalc requires perhaps 600K of RAM memory, at least one
- 360K diskette drive, and AmigaDOS 1.2, plus a larger than default stack.
- Display sizes supported can be up to 132 characters wide by up to 76
- lines long. Sorry; I don't think AnalytiCalc supports proportional
- fonts very well, though it should manage not to be totally brain damaged
- with them. The manual requires an 80 column printer.
- To see the documentation you need either a printer 80 columns wide
- to print it, or an 80 column screen to view it on.
- ** PLEASE read the README.1ST file for brief instructions on setting up
- a working AnalytiCalc disk. Please read the manual at least once over
- lightly too... ***
- 1. DO NOT use AnalytiCalc until you have read the documentation.
- 2. DO NOT forget to make regular backup copies of your database.
- 3. DO NOT exit (X) the progam without saving your work if you
- want it saved. (You will be asked to confirm you really want
- to leave, however.)
- See the README.1ST file!!!
- If you haven't already printed the documentation, please do so
- before trying to operate AnalytiCalc. Then, READ IT! You should
- also make sure that you have placed a "write-protect" tab on your
- AnalytiCalc distribution diskettes, so that they can't be
- accidentally erased or overwritten.
- You should now make a copy of your AnalytiCalc disks. These will
- also serve as your "run-time" system diskettes.
- De-archive AnalyExe.Arc and AnalyDoc.Arc at least onto a blank
- disk and read the document files and release notes. You'll need
- a bit of AmigaDos familiarity to set things up (read how to use
- the ASSIGN command and the SETMAP command and ASSIGN something as
- DK:; also set your stack large with the STACK command.) If you
- are using disk file memory, FACC is a good thing to use also. PLEASE
- READ THE MANUALS though, to save us all a lot of headaches.
- Minimum RAM Memory required .....................about 600K
- Minimum Disk Drives required...............................1
- Minimum Disk Storage required...........................880K
- Number of Columns......................................18000
- Number of Rows.........................................18000
- Maximum Length of Formulas (characters)..................109
- Number of cells that can be full at once...............18000
- Number of simultaneous named areas permitted.............300
- Number of scratch cells outside spreadsheet...............60
- Precision of calculations (digits; 8 bytes used)..........16
- Total maximum storage managed (bytes)..............2,113,020
- Maximum depth of document nesting (outline processor)......4
- Maximum number of parameters varying to goal seek..........8
- Maximum record size for data files accessed as database..128
- Maximum number of files namable in one sheet.........>18000
- Maximum cell columns displayable on one screen............20
- Maximum number of rows displayable in one display.........75
- Maximum simultaneous different cell display formats per
- sheet (taken from large set)...........................76
- Length of format specification (characters)................9
- In no event will the Author be liable to you for any damages,
- including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or
- consequential dmages arising out of the use of or inability to use
- these programs, even if the Author has been advised of the
- possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party.
- User-Supported Software
- You are encouraged to copy and share this program with others.
- If after evaluating this program you find it to be useful,
- I trust you to send a $10.00 payment.
- Glenn C. Everhart
- 25 Sleigh Ride Rd.
- Glen Mills, Pa. 19342
- To Be Done:
- Future plans for AnalytiCalc:
- 1. Allow data files to be on a logical device. (Actually, FACC
- may make this need obsolete).
- 2. Fix bugs as they are discovered.
- 3. Allow use on non-interlaced screens by redoing the two command
- and display windows as pseudo-requestors.
- Auxiliary files:
- 1. Check that DIFrw (DIF to or from AnalytiCalc saved format
- converter) and ACGRAF (character graphics utility) work
- as specified.
- Note: Sources to these programs, which compile and link
- cleanly on Amiga, are present here. However they are
- not yet tested, so executables are omitted.
- 2. Port some of the BASIC graphics packages to Amiga. Possibly
- compile some of them.
- 3. Supply the Business Expense Report, manpower planner, and
- income tax templates as extra examples. Possibly do a game of
- LIFE template too, just for fun.
- Other programs:
- Port the RIM relational DBMS to Amiga as a companion piece. (This
- has already been done porting from CDC to VAX to MSDOS (the last
- by me), and should be straightforward).
- I have found that Absoft Fortran 2.3 is a stable and usable compiler and
- would like to acknowledge gratefully its contribution. He who wants to
- add to or modify AnalytiCalc needs Absoft Fortran 2.3 (or later, I suppose)
- to build it with. Anyone who has Absoft Fortran-020 for the 68020 is
- invited to recompile this program to use the faster chips. I didn't have
- either money or machine to try a 68020/68881 version, but see no reason
- why it would fail.
- I have also seen that there are some bugs in Absoft Fortran's
- handling of con: and raw: windows which I have reported to Absoft. Hopefully
- this will permit upgrading of user interface soon, as these problems are
- fixed.
- (It seems that you CAN do both read and write to CON: windows in
- Absoft Fortran 2.3, but you must issue a REWIND on the unit between them.
- This is not always needed in V2.2, but occasionally happens. (This accounts
- for the occasionally flaky behavior of DTC, which was compiled with V2.2
- before I found the foregoing out.)
- Glenn Everhart
- 6 November 1987
- Also present on the disk is DeskTop Calendar (DTC), a useful little
- appointment and meeting scheduler and calendar keeper. It will work on either
- interlaced screens or non-interlaced.
- AnalytiCalc needs more stack than the 4000 default (I use 65000
- but less is probably OK). It also probably needs more than 512K of RAM
- for operation as currently linked. The routines in AnalyO.Ftn can be
- overlayed against each other, but this has not been done as yet. Those
- desperate for a smaller executable, having Absoft's compiler, can rebuild
- in this way for a smaller executable.
- Also: AnalytiCalc MUST currently run on an interlaced screen owing
- to where some CON: and RAW: windows are opened. Move the windows to fit on a
- non-interlaced screen (via patching the image or editing/recompiling)
- if you must run it on a noninterlaced screen.
- You must turn interlace on in Preferences and boot with that set up.
- The SETLACE program will NOT create things quite right for AnalytiCalc and
- you'll generate the weirdest system crashes (all the way back to Kickstart
- sometimes) you ever saw if you try... just use Preferences and all will be
- well... )
- Glenn Everhart
- November 6, 1987
- Enjoy...
- ========================== Contents of Disk 145 ==========================
- This is disk 145 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- Csh This is a version of Matt's csh like shell which
- has been modified to provide file name completion
- and argument execution (via the grave accents
- mechanism). Requires ARP 1.1 to run. Binary
- only, but includes diffs for the reference 2.07
- source base.
- Author: Matt Dillon; enhancements by Johan Widen
- DMouse Matt's done it again, another very useful program!
- This is a versatile screen blanker, mouse blanker,
- auto window activator, mouse accelerator, popcli
- style programmable command key, pop window to front,
- push window to back, etc, widget. Version 1.06,
- includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- DNet A link protocol that provides essentially an unlimited
- number of reliable connections between processes on
- two machines, where each end of the link can be
- either an Amiga or a Unix (BSD4.3) machine. Works
- on the Amiga with any EXEC device that looks like the
- serial.device. Works on UNIX with tty and socket
- devices. Achieves better than 95% average throughput
- on file transfers. Version 1.20, includes sources
- for both the Amiga and Unix versions.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Tab A tablature writing program for the Amiga, with
- intruments for a banjo and a string guitar.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jeff deRienzo
- TinyProlog VT-PROLOG is a simple prolog interpreter provided with
- full source code to encourage experimentation with
- the PROLOG language and implementations. Version 1.1,
- includes source.
- Author: Bill and Bev Thompson
- ========================== Contents of Disk 146 ==========================
- This is disk 146 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- Blanker2 A screen blanking program that turns the screen black
- after 90 seconds of keyboard and mouse inactivity.
- Implemented as a very tiny event handler to the input
- handler event stream. Version 1.27.88, includes source.
- Author: Joe Hitchens
- C-Light A demonstration copy of a commercial ray tracing program,
- which is identical to the commercial version except that
- it has been limited to ten objects per scene. Binary
- only.
- Author: Ronald Peterson
- CrcLists Complete CRC check files for disks 129-141 and disks
- 143-145 of the library, using the crc program from
- disk 133. These were made directly from my master
- disks. Disk 142 is omitted because of a problem
- with the crc program.
- Author: Fred Fish
- DmeMacros A set of DME macros which utilize templates to turn
- DME into a language-sensitive editor for C, Pascal,
- Modula-2, and Fortran.
- Author: Jerry Mack
- MemoPad A shareware intuition-based memo reminder program.
- Nicely done. Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Michael Griebling
- ========================== Contents of Disk 147 ==========================
- This is disk 147 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- This disk contains the latest version of MicroGNUEmacs (MG 2b). Many
- additions and enhancements since the original works by Dave Conroy. A
- large amount of credit should go to the vast number of contributors and
- Beta testers.
- *Note: In order to fit all of the files on one disk and preserve the
- Workbench environment, the machine specific source code files
- and the document files have been archived. An executable copy
- of the public domain archive program "Zoo" has been placed in
- the "c" directory for the convenience of those who may not
- already have it.
- ========================== Contents of Disk 148 ==========================
- This is disk 148 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- EFJ "Escape from Jovi" A machine-code game featuring
- hi-res scrolling, large playfield, disk-based Hi-Score
- list, stereo sound, and multiple levels. Use a joystick
- in port 2 to control the ship. Binary only, shareware ($8).
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- Fme Nicely done map editor for the Fire-Power (tm) game.
- Features interlaced hi-res with intuition interface. See
- the "Readme.fnf" file for information on making a
- bootable disk. Includes source.
- Author: Gregory MacKay
- HandyIcons Adds a menustrip to the WorkBench window that allows
- you to run selected Workbench Tools by menu selection.
- Can be set up to provide custom environments. Current
- version supports only WorkBench Tools and not Projects.
- Binary only.
- Author: Alan Rubright
- Scrambler A simple program that will encode/decode a text file
- into illegible gibberish, which resembles executable code,
- to evade prying eyes. Version 0.01, Binary only.
- Author: Foster Hall
- ========================== Contents of Disk 149 ==========================
- This is disk 149 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- AnimalSounds A sample of digitized animal sounds along with a simple
- sound player.
- Authors: The Trumor Company, Inc.
- Sound Player by Don Pitts
- DX-VoiceSorter Written to be used with Jack Deckard's VoiceFiler program.
- (Disk 82). It allows for the sorting of a number of
- voicefiles stored using that program into a new voicefile
- of voices made up from various files. Includes source.
- Author: David Bouckley
- Keep A nice little utility program with an intuition interface
- for BBS and network junkies who download messages in one
- large file and then read them off-line. Using only the
- mouse, you can drive through such files a message at a
- time, examine each at your leisure and tag those you wish
- to keep. Version 1.2, binary only, but source available
- with donation to author.
- Author: Tim Grantham
- Less Like Unix "more", only better, with forward and
- backward scrolling, searching and positioning by
- percent of file and line number, etc. Now lets you
- also print the current file. Very useful!
- This is Amiga version 1.3, an update to the version
- on disk number 92. Includes source.
- Author: Mark Nudelman, Amiga port by Bob Leivian
- Scheme To quote the ReadMe file:
- "Scheme is a statically scoped and properly tail-recursive
- dialect of the Lisp programming language invented by
- Guy Lewis Steele Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman."
- Binary only.
- Amiga port by Ed Puckett