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========================== Contents of Disk 230 ==========================
This is disk 230 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
This is revision "a"; the tetris clone was removed from the original
disk as requested by Spectrum Holobyte.
AskTask Allows you to examine various bits of the task structures
of all tasks in the system, from the lists attached to
ExecBase. Diskplays priority, state, flags, stack,
signals, etc. You can also remove tasks, change the
priority of a task, or send arbitrary signals to a
task. Version 2/4/89, includes source.
Author: J. Bickers
Fedup A random access, byte oriented file-editor that gives
you the option of viewing and editing any file (binary
or ASCII) using either ASCII or hexadecimal notation.
Version 2.1, binary only.
Author: Martin Lindemann
FileIt A simple database program, written in DRACO. It is
meant to be portable, thus it does not use any of
Intuition's facilities. Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: John Davis
NComm A communications program based on Comm version 1.34, by
DJ James, with lots of very nice enhancements. Also
includes several auxiliary programs such as AddCall,
CallInfo, IbmIso, PbConvert, and ReadMail. This is
version 1.8, binary only.
Author: DJ James, Daniel Bloch, Torkel Lodberg, et al.
PrivHndlr A privilege violation handler for the 68010 cpu. Like
Decigel, but survives a reboot so you can use it with
copy protected programs that run from boot. Version 3,
includes source in assembly code.
Author: John Veldthuis
========================== Contents of Disk 231 ==========================
This is disk 231 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Diff Yet another diff program. This one implements the
algorithm from Communications of the ACM, April 78.
It produces output which might be considered to be
a little more user friendly than the standard Unix
style diff programs. Includes source.
Author: Donald C. Lindsay
File A program that recognizes various types of files and
prints what that type is. Recognizes font files,
icon files, executable files, standard object files,
compressed files, command scripts, C source, directories,
iff files, LaTeX source, modula II source, arc files,
shell commands and scripts, TeX source, dvi files,
uuencoded files, yacc files, zoo archives, etc.
Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Edwin Hoogerbeets
NoClick2 A program which silences the clicking of empty drives
on the B2000 under AmigaDOS 1.3. It should also work
on an A500. Binary only, source available from author.
Author: Norman Iscove
Plot A package for making 2D and 3D plots conveniently.
AG Baxter wrote the intuition interface program (Plot)
and Tim Mooney wrote the MultiPlot and ThreeDPlot
programs, which are called from Plot. This is version
1.2 and includes source to Plot.
Author: AG Baxter, Tim Mooney
Sed This is the GNU sed (stream editor) program, ported to
the Amiga. Sed copies the named files, or the standard
input, to its standard output, while performing certain
editing operations specified in the command line script
or in a scriptfile. Version 1.02, includes source.
Author: Unknown, ported to Amiga by Edwin Hoogerbeets
========================== Contents of Disk 232 ==========================
This is disk 232 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
BallyIII Amiga port of the former arcade game named Click. This
version fixes some minor bugs and is faster than the
previous versions. This is version III, an update to
the version released on disk 221. Binary only, shareware.
Author: Oliver Wagner
Dbug Machine independent macro based C debugging package.
Provides function trace, selective printing of internal
state information, and more. This is an update to the
version released on disk 102, and now includes a machine
independent stack use accounting mechanism. Includes
Author: Fred Fish; profiling support by Binayak Banerjee
ReSourceDemo A demo version of ReSource, an interactive disassembler
for the Amiga. This is a complete version except that
the "save" features have been disabled. This is version
3.06, an update to version 0.36 from disk 192. Binary
Author: Glen McDiarmid
========================== Contents of Disk 233 ==========================
This is disk 233 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Brik A general purpose program that calculates both text and
binary cyclic redundancy codes (CRCs). Text mode CRCs
calculated by brik are portable across systems for files
that are in the usual text format on each system. Binary
mode CRCs are portable for files that are moved from
system to system without any change. Brik can be used
to verify and update an embedded checksum header in files.
It runs under MS-DOS, UNIX system V, BSD UNIX, VAX/VMS,
and AmigaDOS. This is version 2.0 and includes source.
Author: Rahul Dhesi
CacheCard An accessory to SetCPU for use with A2620 cards or
68030 systems. It modifies the MMU table set up by SetCPU
to selectively control caching for each expansion card.
It's also an example of how an accessory program can
track down and modify the SetCPU MMU table without having
to read all kinds of MMU registers and figure it out for
yourself. Version 1.00, includes source.
Author: Dave Haynie
CrcLists Complete CRC check files for disks 001-231 using the brik
program also on this disk. These were made directly from
my master disks. I have switched to brik, from the crc
program used to make the lists on disks 133, 146, and 173,
because it has more features and because source is
Author: Fred Fish
========================== Contents of Disk 234 ==========================
This is disk 234 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
KwikBackUp A harddisk backup program that writes data track by track
onto multiple floppy disks. Uses the archive bit, saves
and restores comments and protection flags, and skips
over bad spots during restore. Version 1.0, includes
source in Modula-II.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
MuchMore Another program like "more", "less", "pg", etc. This one
uses its own screen to show the text using a slow scroll.
Includes built-in help, commands to search for text, and
commands to print the text. Works with PAL or NTSC, in
normal or overscan modes. Supports 4 color text in bold,
italic, underlined, or inverse fonts. Version 1.8,
includes source in Modula-II and assembly code.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
NetWork Another program in the long tradition of "screen hacks"
for the Amiga. Won't spoil the surprise by saying what
it does. Version 1.0, includes source in Modula-II.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
PrintIt A program to print IFF pictures on Epson compatible 9-pin
printers. Prints in many resolutions, with many ways
to convert color pics to black and white. Version 1.0,
includes source in Modula-II.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
WBPic Replaces Workbench's color 0 with an IFF hires non-
interlaced picture, in 2 or 4 colors. Version 1.0,
includes source in Modula-II.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
XHair Replaces the mouse pointer with a screen wide crosshair,
which is useful for positioning things vertically or
horizontally. Version 1.0, includes source in Modula-II.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
========================== Contents of Disk 235 ==========================
This is disk 235 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
CalcKey A basic four function, memory resident, pop-up calculator
which uses only about 24K of memory and can automatically
type the answer to any calculation into the program you
were using when it was popped up. Version 1.0, binary
only, shareware.
Author: Craig Fisher
Ct An Amiga program to display images from a CT scanner,
along with several new interesting sample images of scans
of real people. The display software, though it has a
primitive user interface, is quite powerful, including
functions like convolutions, averaging, laplacians, unsharp
masking, edge detection, gradients, etc. This is version
2.2, an update to the version on disk 137. Binary only.
Additional image disks available from author.
Author: Jonathan Harman
MirrorWars A new game featuring sound, title music, and two
player mode. You fight your opponent via laser rays,
but beware of the mirrors reflecting your shots.
Binary only.
Author: Oliver Wagner
========================== Contents of Disk 236 ==========================
This is disk 236 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AmigaBench Optimized Amiga assembly versions of the Dhrystone
benchmark. Includes 68000 and 68020 versions.
Author: Al Aburto
DiskHandler A sample implementation of a file system that reads and
writes 1.2 format diskettes. Includes source.
Author: Software Distillery
Heart3D A program to find left ventricle outlines in the output
of an Imatron CT scanner, and display wireframe animations
of the beating heart. Includes several sample CT scan
outputs. Binary only.
Author: Jonathan Harman
Ls Version 3.1 of the popular UNIX style directory lister.
This is an update to version 2.0 from disk 178, and
includes some bug fixes, support for multiple wildcard
pathnames, quicker sorting, a best-fit output, new
output width and height options, and some other
new features. Includes source.
Author: Justin V. McCormick.
Proc Example program of how to create a full-fledged DOS
process without needing to call LoadSeg first. Based
on an idea presented at BADGE. Includes source.
Author: Leo Schwab
XprZmodem An Amiga shared library which provides ZModem file
transfer capability to any XPR-compatible communications
program. Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Rick Huebner
========================== Contents of Disk 237 ==========================
This is disk 237 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
CLIPrint An example of printing to the CLI from assembly code.
Includes source (of course).
Author: Jeff Glatt
CType Another text file reader, but this one is small, reasonably
fast, and includes bi-directional scrolling, search, go to
a given percentage, and printing capabilities. Version 1.0,
includes source in assembly.
Author: Bill Nelson
DPlot A simple display program for experimental data, with the
goals of supporting paging through lots of data and
providing comfortable scaling and presentation. Version
1.0, source available from author.
Author: A. A. Walma
ILBMLib A shared library (ilbm.library) to read/write IFF files,
derived from the EA IFF code, along with various
enhancements. Includes examples of using the library
from C code, assembly code, or BASIC, along with source
for examples and interface code.
Author: Jeff Glatt
ParOut Shows how to allocate and communicate directly with the
parallel port hardware from an assembly language program.
Includes source.
Author: Jeff Glatt (original C code by Phillip Lindsay)
Speed A performance benchmark useful for comparing Amiga
processing speeds. Performs 10000 iterations of some
selected groups of 68000 instructions while using the
DateStamp time function to record how many ticks it takes
to complete. This timed duration is then compared against
two known prestored times, one for a stock A2000 Amiga and
one for an A2620 enhanced A2000. A relative comparison
is calculated and displayed. Version 1.0, includes source
in assembly language.
Author: Jez San
========================== Contents of Disk 238 ==========================
This is disk 238 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
This is revision "a"; the tetris clone was removed from the original
disk as requested by Spectrum Holobyte.
CWDemo Demo version of a pop-up utility to control the color
register assignments of Intuition custom screens.
Version 3.1, binary only.
Author: Kimbersoft
DMouse A versatile screen & mouse blanker, auto window activator,
mouse accelerator, popcli, pop window to front, push
window to back, etc, widget. Includes DLineArt, a screen
blanker replacement program for use with DMouse. This is
DMouse version 1.20, an update to version 1.10 on disk
168/169. Includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon
LabelPrint A program that allows you to easily print labels for
your disks. This is version 2.5, an update to version
1.9 from disk 210. Shareware, binary only (source
available from author).
Author: Andreas Krebs
NGC Yet another virus check program. Checks the bootblock on
all inserted floppy disks and reports nonstandard ones.
Checks the jump tables of all resident libraries and devices
and reports suspicious entries. Version 1, includes source
in assembly.
Author: Ulf Nordquist
Pyth A program to draw the Tree of Pythagoras. Version 1.1,
includes source.
Author: Andreas Krebs
========================== Contents of Disk 239 ==========================
This is disk 239 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
It contains Forth programs from the JGoodies #1 disk, from Delta Research
(the makers of JForth Professional 2.0). All of the material has been
placed into a subdirectory (JGoodies). Below is a listing of
subdirectories under JGoodies, and their contents.
Brunjes Various tools submitted together by the author. StringPkg
is string package for both Forth style and NUL terminated
strings. Date&Time are handy tools for getting and printing
formatted date and time. Utils are utilities used by the
other files. CursorControl is an example of moving the text
cursor. SpaceOrEscape is a handy word for pausing or
stopping program output. Includes source code.
Author: Roy Brunjes
Evolution This program graphically simulates the evolution of a
species of "bugs", the insect kind. Bugs, represented by
moving blobs, eat bacteria represented by single pixels.
They mutate, compete for food, reproduce and pass their
mutations to their offspring. Fascinating example of
graphics and software simulation. Standalone image and
source code.
Author: Russel Yost
FFT Highly optimized Fast Fourier Transform tools for digital
signal processing. The FFT can be used to compute the
frequency spectrum of a complex signal. It is useful in
a variety of different applications. Floating point and
integer versions. Mixture of high level and assembly
language code. Includes source (requires JForth).
Author: Jerry Kallaus
Guru Handy "guru" number interpreter (well, handy after reboot
anyway!). Tells you what "81000009" means, for example.
CLI usage only. Standalone image with readme file. Source
code included.
Author: Mike Haas
H2J Converts 'C' style '.h' include files to JForth style '.j'
files. Useful when developing interfaces to new Amiga
libraries like ARP, etc. Standalone image and source code.
Author: Phil Burk
HAMmmm2 Graphics hack that displays moving lines in a HAM screen
for a hypnotic effect. Uses sound tools from HMSL if
available, for a drone sound that corresponds to the
graphics image. Standalone image and source code.
Author: Phil Burk
HeadClean This program, combined with a fibre cleaning disk, can be
used to clean the heads on your disk drives. Source code
examples of accessing the Trackdisk device, and using
gadgets are included. Standalone image with source code.
Shareware. Version 2.0.
Author: Phil Burk
JustBeeps Simple example of using Audio and Timer devices. Plays a
series of beeps whose pitches are based on a just intoned
tuning system. Standalone image with source code.
Author: Phil Burk
Mandelbrot A fast Mandelbrot rendering program that uses some of the
mathematical properties of the Mandelbrot set to greatly
reduce the drawing time. Demonstrates graphics programming,
assembly language, menus and IFF file I/O. Standalone image
with source code.
Author: Nick Didkovsky
NeuralNet Example of Neural Net programming converted to JForth.
Demonstrates a programming technique that many say is the
wave of the future for software. This is a simple demo that
shows neural propagation. Standalone image with source code.
Author: Robert E. La Quey, ported by Jack Woehr
Textra This easy-to-use text editor allows multiple windows,
and provides a simple mouse driven interface. Those
familiar with the "Macintosh style" editors will be
comfortable with Textra's Cut, Copy and Paste commands.
Standalone image. Documentation included. No source code.
Author: Mike Haas