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========================== Contents of Disk 250 ==========================
This is disk 250 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ASimplex An implementation of the Simplex algorithm for solving
linear programs. It uses the standardized MPSX-format
for input data files. This is version 1.5, an update
to version 1.2 on disk 199. Changes include bug fixes,
the ability to run from CLI, it's own window for I/O,
and some new and improved commands. Includes source.
Author: Stefan Forster
Gravity-Well A celestial motion simulator that simulates the motion
of up to twenty bodies in a Newtonian universe. The
view of the simulation may be scaled, rotated in three
dimensions or repositioned. Includes source.
Author: Gary Teachout
Paranoids An asylum escape game. Paranoids is a traditional board
game played by drawing cards, rolling dice, and moving
pieces around the board. Each player has six pieces,
four patients and two doctors. The object of the game is
to get all of your patients out of the asylum. This is
version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Richard Anderson and Gary Teachout
RPSC A reverse polish scientific calculator. RPSC is a
programmable RPN calculator in the Hewlett-Packard
tradition. It supports operations with real numbers,
complex numbers, matrices, and 3-D vectors, as well as
storage and recall of labeled variables. Data and
programs may be saved, loaded, or written as ASCII text,
to AmigaDOS files. This is version 1.1, binary only.
Author: Gary Teachout
========================== Contents of Disk 251 ==========================
This is disk 251 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Debug A symbolic debugger for the Amiga. Features include
symbolic disassembly, simple expression parsing,
multiple breakpoints, memory fill, memory dump,
single step in trace mode, skip over subroutines, etc.
Version 2.10, binary only.
Author: Jim Thibodeau and Larry LaPlume
DiskSalv A disk recovery program for all Amiga file system devices
that use either the Amiga Standard File System or the
Amiga Fast File System. Disksalv creates a new filesystem
structure on another device, with as much data salvaged from
the original device as possible. This is version 1.42, an
update to the version released on disk 212. Binary only.
Author: Dave Haynie
DiskSpeed A disk speed testing program specifically designed to give
the most accurate results of the true disk performance of
the disk under test. Automatically updates and maintains
an ASCII database of disk results for tested disks. This
is version 1.0, includes source in C.
Author: Michael Sinz
Linstrom Some miscellaneous small programs from the Linstrom family.
Includes some basic games, some programs based on algorithms
from the Computer Recreations column in Scientific American
(demon, turmites, mountain), and a fish tank simulator.
Includes source.
Author: Lloyd Linstrom and family
Monopoly A simulation of the Parker Brother's board game MONOPOLY.
Binary only, source available from author.
Author: Ed Musgrove
RoadRoute A trip planner that takes a list of cities and a list
of known routes between cities, and generates the distance
and time required to reach your destination. Version 1.0,
includes source.
Author: Jim Butterfield
========================== Contents of Disk 252 ==========================
This is disk 252 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
CrossDOS A "tryware" version of a mountable MS-DOS file system
for the Amiga. This is a software product that allows
you to read and write MS-DOS/PC-DOS and Atari ST
formatted disks (Version 2.0 or higher) directly from
AmigaDOS. This tryware version is a "readonly" version,
which does not allow any writes to the disk. A fully
functional version is available for a very reasonable
price from CONSULTRON. This is version 3.05b, an update
to version 3.02 on disk 240. Binary only.
Author: CONSULTRON, Leonard Poma
TrekTrivia Very nice mouse-driven trivia type program for Star Trek
fans. Contains 100 questions with additional trivia disks
available from the author. This is version 2.0, an update
to the version on disk 180, and includes selectable skill
levels, a cheat mode, and 250K of digitized music. Binary
only, shareware.
Author: George Broussard
Zerg An Ultima clone that takes your character through a simple
but deadly fantasy world where you get to slaughter monsters,
talk with the inhabitants of fully populated towns, embark
on royal quests, purchase a plethora of weapons, cast spells,
and otherwise occupy yourself while your computer is engaged
in more important business. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Mike Shapiro
========================== Contents of Disk 253 ==========================
This is disk 253 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DumpDiff A small utility that prints the hexdumps of 2 files,
with all differences between these two files highlighted.
Version 1.0, includes source in Modula-II.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
Elements Very nice interactive display of the the Periodic Table
of Elements. Can display a large amount of pertinent
data about a selected element along with a good deal of
general and miscellaneous info. This is version 1.2a,
an update to the version on disk 175. It loads faster,
takes up less disk space, fixes a minor bug, and adds
a couple of enhancements. Includes source in C.
Author: Paul Thomas Miller
KeyMac A keyboard macro processor that allows you to record
keystrokes and then play them back. Version 0.1,
includes source in Modula-II.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
MegaWB A program that makes it possible to make your WorkBench
screen as large as you like. Version 1.2, includes source
in Modula-II.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
MuchMore Another program like "more", "less", "pg", etc. This one
uses its own screen to show the text using a slow scroll.
Includes built-in help, commands to search for text, and
commands to print the text. Works with PAL or NTSC, in
normal or overscan modes. Supports 4 color text in bold,
italic, underlined, or inverse fonts. Version 2.5, this
is an update to version 1.8 from disk 234. Includes source
in Modula-II and assembly code.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
MultiSelect A small program that makes it possible to select several
icons on the workbench without having to press the Shift
key. This is version 1.0, includes source in Modula-II.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
PowerPacker A shareware command and data cruncher, with a full intuition
user interface. Executable files which are crunched are
automatically decrunched upon execution, thus saving precious
disk space on systems without hard disks. Version 2.3b,
binary only.
Author: Nico Francois
WBShadow A small program that creates a shadow for everything
that's displayed on your WorkBench (Windows, Icons, Gadgets,
Menus, Texts, etc). This is version 1.0, includes source
in Modula-II.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
With A CLI command that allows you to start any other CLI command
several times and give it all the files that match a file
pattern as an argument, one at a time. This is version 1.0,
includes source in Modula-II.
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
========================== Contents of Disk 254 ==========================
This is disk 254 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Etale Another "more" or "less" type file reader, which differs
from the others in that it supports superscripts and
subscripts at very low memory cost, and supports a
complete Greek alphabet. Includes source.
Author: William Hammond
MachII A "mouse accelerator" program that also includes hotkeys,
the features of sun mouse, clicktofront, popcli, title bar
clock with a bbs online charge accumulator, and more.
This is version 2.6, an update to version 2.4c on disk
163. Binary only.
Author: Brian Moats
PatternLib A sharable library which implements AmigaDOS pattern
matching, and a program that compiles "fd" files into
library headers and interface stubs. Includes source
in Draco.
Author: Chris Gray, posted on BIX by Jeff White
SlotCars A fast action one or two player game of "dueling" slotcars.
Shoot rockets at your opponent and avoid his. Binary only.
Author: Brian Moats
Uedit Version 2.5b of this nice shareware editor. Has learn
mode, a command language, menu customization, hyper text,
and other user configurability and customizability
features. Binary only, shareware, replaces version 2.4g
on disk 189.
Author: Rick Stiles
========================== Contents of Disk 255 ==========================
This is disk 255 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
CyclicSpace A Griffeathian cyclic space generator program. Implements
a cellular automaton as described in the August 89 issue
of Scientific American. Version 1.42, includes source in
assembly code.
Author: A. J. Brouwer
MakeIcon This program will make an icon (.info file) using image
data from either another icon, or an IFF picture file.
The image data is drawn on the screen so you can see
exactly what your icon will look like. You can also
go the other way, and make IFF files from icons, which
can then be loaded into a standard IFF graphics editor.
Version 1.1, binary only, source available from author.
Author: Paul Blum
MED A music editor much like SoundTracker. A song consists
of up to 50 blocks of music, which can be played in any
order. Editing features include cut/paste/copy tracks
or blocks, changing the vibrato, tempo, crescendo, and
note volume. Other features include switching of the
low-pass-filter on or off on a per song basis, and a cute
little animated pointer of a guy doing "jumping jacks" in
time to the music! This is version 1.12, binary only.
Source for a player program included.
Author: Teijo Kinnunen
RolandD110 A program to transfer sound samples between the Amiga
and a Roland D-110. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Dieter Bruns
RolandS220 A program to transfer sound samples between the Amiga
and a Roland S-220. This is version 2.0, an update to
MIDIsoft version 1.0 on disk 199. Includes several
enhancements. Binary only.
Author: Dieter Bruns
SunMaze The 3d maze demo from disk 171, now expanded with shadows
in the corridors to give more sense of direction. Includes
Author: Werner Gunther, Shadows by Dirk Reisig
========================== Contents of Disk 256 ==========================
This is disk 256 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
BlitDemons This program implements the Demons cellular automaton as
described in the August, 1989, issue of Scientific American.
Using extremely simple rules it exhibits rather complex
behaviour. Uses the blitter to perform over 350,000 cell-
generations per second. Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Walter Strickler
NameGame A game based on a popular type of word skill puzzle contest
generally sponsored by newspapers. Binary only.
Author: Mike Savin, Gladstone Productions
Stevie A public domain clone of the UNIX 'vi' editor. Supports
window-sizing, arrow keys, and the help key. This is
version 3.7a, an update to version 3.6 on disk 217.
Changes include the addition of ARP wildcard expansion
for file names, support for the "!cmd" feature of vi,
other small enhancements, and some bug fixes. Includes
Author: Various, Amiga work by G. R. (Fred) Walter
========================== Contents of Disk 257 ==========================
This is disk 257 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ColorReq A color palette library callable from any program. Used
to adjust the colors of any screen. Automatically adjusts
to screen size, number of colors. Has many features
including SPREAD, COPY, UNDO, RGB, HSV, as well as
customizable gadgets. Binary only.
Author: Jeff Glatt and Jim Fiore
FileIO An update to the file requester library that appeared on
disk #203. This one has new features, include files, docs,
and examples in C, assembly, and Basic. Binary only
Author: Jeff Glatt and Jim Fiore
based on original C by R.J. Mical
Vlt VLT is both a VT100 emulator and a Tektronix (4014 plus
subset of 4105) emulator, currently in use at SLAC
(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center). Although the VT100
part was originally based on Dave Wecker et al.'s VT100,
many enhancements were made. The program requires ARP,
and it has an ARexx port. XMODEM 1K/CRC and Kermit protocol
support also included. Other features include support for
additional serial ports, external file transfer protocols,
and "chat" mode. The Tektronix emulation allows saving
IFF files, PostScript files, and printing bitmaps to the
printer. This is version 4.226, an update to version 4.065
on disk 245 and version 4.036 on disk 226. It comes in two
versions, one with Tektronix emulation, and one without.
Other changes include full XPR version 2.0 support, and a
scrollback/review/history buffer. Binary only.
Author: Willy Langeveld
========================== Contents of Disk 258 ==========================
This is disk 258 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Backup Backup and Restore allow you to backup any directory
tree with optional compression, and later extract all
or part of the tree. The protection, date, and file
comment are saved with each file. This is version 2.04,
an update to version 2.01 on disk 168. Binary only.
Author: Matt Dillon
DMouse A versatile screen & mouse blanker, auto window activator,
mouse accelerator, popcli, pop window to front, push
window to back, etc, widget. Includes DLineArt, a screen
blanker replacement program for use with DMouse. This is
DMouse version 1.20, an update to the version on disk
238 (also called version 1.20). Includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon
STReplay A shared library which allows loading and playing of
SoundTracker modules, even from high level languages like
Basic or C, without any special effort. Includes source.
Author: Oliver Wagner
Suplib The support library needed to rebuild various programs
of Matt's from the source, including Dme, DMouse, etc.
Update to version on disk 169. Includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon
========================== Contents of Disk 259 ==========================
This is disk 259 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
EFJ A fast action machine-code game (Escape From Jovi)
featuring hi-res scrolling, large playfield, disk based
high score list, stereo sound, multiple levels, a cheat
mode, realistic inertia and gravitational effects, an
animated sprite, and more. Use a joystick in port 2 to
control the ship. This is version III, an update to the
version on disk 148. Includes source in assembly code.
Author: Oliver Wagner