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========================== Contents of Disk 280 ==========================
This is disk 280 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Berserker A virus detection program that can detect various forms
of the common bootblock and link type viruses. Rather
than checking for a specific virus, it looks for conditions
that indicate a possible virus infection, thus it can
detect new strains of similar viruses. Version 3.0+,
includes source in assembly.
Author: Ralf Thanner
CM A celestial mechanics simulator with an Intuition
interface. You construct a layout of celestial bodies
and specify various parameters for the bodies and the
simulation. CM then animates the bodies according to
the laws of gravitational attraction. Setups may be
saved to disk to later reinact interesting scenarios.
Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: W. John Guineau
Graph A program that draws mathematical functions on a plane.
Text and axes may be added, and the result saved to
disk or printed. Uses a full Intuition interface with
multiple windows (one per graph), requesters, etc.
Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: David Gay
========================== Contents of Disk 281 ==========================
This is disk 281 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Diff GNU diff and diff3 utilities, version 1.10. This
version provides all the features of BSD's diff plus
options to diff non-ASCII files, to ignore changes
that just insert or delete blank lines, to specify
the amount of context for context diffs, plus more.
This version of GNU diff is part of the RCS package
found on disk 282. Includes source.
Author: Mike Haertel, David Hayes, Richard Stallman
& Len Tower. Amiga port by Raymond Brand and
Rick Schaeffer.
DiffDir Compares the contents of two directories, generating
a list of differences to the standard output. Detects
files or directories present in one hierarchy but not
the other, file attributes that are different (dates,
flags, comments, etc), and differences in file size.
Version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 on disk 188.
Includes source.
Author: Mark Rinfret
FarPrint Debugging functions for programs which don't have any links
to their environment. FarPrint consists of two major parts;
a harbour process open to receive and distribute messages
and requests, and a set of C functions to be linked into
any program wishing to communicate with the FarPrint main
process. Version 1.3, includes source.
Author: Olaf Barthel
LoadImage An IFF ILBM reader that accepts overscanned pictures,
allows you to scroll around in the bitmap if the picture
is larger than the current display, works on both PAL and
NTSC machines, supports color cycling using interrupt code,
and supports printing of image portions. Version 1.9,
includes source.
Author: Olaf Barthel
MRARPFile Extended ARP file support package that adds an orthogonal
set of routines which support generalized I/O with resource
tracking while using the ARP library. Includes source.
Author: Mark Rinfret
MRMan A package which contains an Amiga document reading system
similar to the "man" command on UNIX systems. It offers
a high degree of flexibility in the naming and placement
of document files on your system. This is version 1.0 and
includes source.
Author: Mark Rinfret
========================== Contents of Disk 282 ==========================
This is disk 282 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
PrintHandler A custom PRT: driver which offers easy single sheet support
as well as limited data spooling. Version 1.1, includes
Author: Olaf Barthel
RCS The Revision Control System (RCS) manages multiple
revisions of text files. RCS automates the storing,
retrieval, logging, identification, and merging of
revisions. RCS is useful for text that is revised
frequently, for example programs, documentation,
graphics, papers, form letters, etc. This is RCS
version 1.2, and includes source (the source to the
GNU diff program used with this distribution of RCS
can be found on disk 281).
Author: Walter Tichy. Amiga port by Raymond Brand
and Rick Schaeffer.
========================== Contents of Disk 283 ==========================
This is disk 283 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Bref A cross reference program for AmigaBASIC code. Generates
a list of the BASIC code with lines sequentially numbered,
plus a table showing all variables and labels used in the
code, and the line numbers where they were used. Created
from the CREF program on disk 166, which was written by
Mike Edmonds and Joel Swank. Version 1.01, includes source.
Author: Dick Taylor
CWDemo Demo version of a pop-up utility to control the color
register assignments of Intuition custom screens. This is
version 3.2, an update to version 3.1 on disk 238. Binary
Author: Kimbersoft
FullReset A program to get rid of all viruses, vector modifying
programs, and residents, by forcing a specific reset.
Binary only.
Author: Jurgen Klein
MarbleSlide The aim of this game is to build a slide on a 10 x 11
board of pieces that move around, allowing the marble
to reach the goal piece. You play against time. Also
includes a board editor so you can build custom boards.
Binary only.
Author: Peter Handel
SensoPro You try to remember and mimic the sound/color sequence
played by the computer. Each time you get it right,
another sound/color is added to the sequence. Great
practice in case you ever find yourself in a "Close
Encounters of the Third Kind" experience. Binary
Author: Peter Handel
WatchMan A little screen hack inspired by "EyeCon" on Sun systems.
Includes source.
Author: Jonas Petersson
========================== Contents of Disk 284 ==========================
This is disk 284 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ARPTools A group of small utility programs requiring ARP, that have
been created to address some deficiencies of the ARP CLI
environment, especially to exploit the potential offered
by non-named pipes in the ARP shell. Version 1.0, includes
Author: Fabio Rossetti
Back Two programs to assist users of Matt Dillon's Backup/Restore
program in making error-free VERIFIED backups onto floppy
disks. Also useful as a trackdisk device example. Includes
Author: Stephen Vermeulen
Dme Version 1.38 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple
WYSIWYG editor designed for programmers. It is not a
WYSIWYG word processor in the traditional sense. Features
include arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line
statistics multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows.
Update to version 1.31 on disk number 169, includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon
FileTest This routine is used to recursively descend the file system
tree from a specified directory location, reading the files
into memory (if they will fit) as it goes. Useful as a
complete test of file system integrity. Includes source.
Author: Stephen Vermeulen
IconTools Here are some tools for icon tricks. Note that these tools
are really hacks because they exploit some areas of the
.info files that the current version of WorkBench does not
clear or reset upon loading the icon. There are three
programs here which allow WorkBench drawer windows to appear
in non-standard colors and allow you to move the position
of the file name text to anywhere in the icon's graphic.
Released to the public in the hope that 1.4 will allow more
flexible user customization of the WorkBench appearance.
Includes source.
Author: Stephen Vermeulen
RecurDir A recursive directory program that is useful as an aid in
ZOOing files in nested directories. Allows one to easily
ZOO the complete contents of a disk. Includes source.
Author: Stephen Vermeulen
========================== Contents of Disk 285 ==========================
This is disk 285 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AvailMem A small free memory counter that continuously displays the
amount of free chip and fast memory in bytes (as opposed
to K). Version 1.03. Includes source.
Author: Dave Schreiber
DynaShow A program and example image using a dynamic HiRes technique
to display up to 4096 colors in high res with overscan.
Dynamic HiRes uses a different 16 color palette on each
scan line. Version 1.1, binary only.
Author: NewTek
'Liner 'Liner is a freely distributable outliner. It can be used
to create outlines of any length, in a number of different
formats, and can save the outlines as straight text for
export to other programs. Version 1.32. Includes source.
Author: Dave Schreiber
MSizer A program that allows you to resize a window from any corner
when holding down the left mouse button and the left Amiga
key. Includes source.
Author: Khaled Mardam-Bey
Plasma A plasma cloud generator program that uses the extra
halfbrite mode. Plasma clouds are a special form of
fractal which show very smooth color gradations.
Version 1.f, includes source.
Author: Roger Uzun
Rubik Translation to C of a Rubiks Cube solver program originally
written in Basic by John Murphy. Includes versions to do
an "unwrapped" 2D solution, and a more visual 3D solution.
Version 0.0, includes source.
Author: Roger Uzun
========================== Contents of Disk 286 ==========================
This is disk 286 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
CCutils Eight small CLI utilities that use the cclib.library
shared library. Includes a program to display disk
usage on your menu bar, a program to check the integrity
of IFF files, a program to remove shared libraries from
memory if they are not being used, and more. Binary
Author: Robert Albrecht
EW Patch for Intuition OpenWindow() and CloseWindow(), creating
a Mac-style frame whenever a window is opened or closed.
Very short, includes source in assembler.
Author: Oliver Wagner
FastDisk A disk optimizer providing two ways of optimizing.
Originally written by Thorsten Stolpmann. This is version
II, now featuring an Intuition interface, ARP support,
bug hunting, and Lattice C compatibility, done by Oliver
Wagner. Includes source in C.
Author: Thorsten Stolpmann and Oliver Wagner
S220to8SVX Converts sound samples from a Roland S-220/S-10/MKS-100
to 8SVX IFF 8-bit samples. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Dieter Bruns
Txt2Exe This program takes a text file, creating a runnable command
which will output the text. Allows various operations to be
done on the text. Binary only.
Author: Oliver Wagner
Uedit Version 2.5d of this nice shareware editor. Has learn
mode, a command language, menu customization, hyper text,
and other user configurability and customizability
features. Binary only, shareware, update to version 2.5b
on disk 254.
Author: Rick Stiles
========================== Contents of Disk 287 ==========================
This is disk 287 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DAsm A multipass, symbolic, macro assembler for multiple target
machines, including 6502, 68705, 6803, and 6811. Supports
conditional assembly, addressing mode overrides, arbitrary
number of named segments, pseudo-ops for repeat loops, data
generation, etc. Version 2.12, includes source.
Author: Matt Dillon
FullView A text viewer that uses gadgets at the bottom of the screen
(thus can display text 80 columns wide), opens up to the
full height of the Workbench screen, has fast scrolling,
and can work with compressed files (file compression
program included). Shareware, binary only, source available
from author. This is version 1.1, an update to the version
on disk 242.
Author: Jonathan Potter
JPDirUtil A directory-utilities type program with many built-in
commands, and 16 customisable gadgets. User configurable in
many ways. Can be iconified to Workbench screen. This is
version 1.11, binary only.
Author: Jonathan Potter
MouseCoords A small assembly utility which shows you the current
position of the mouse pointer. Can be "jumped" to operate
on any screen. Includes source in assembly.
Author: Jonathan Potter
OSK A software keyboard, which allows you to type using the
mouse. Can be made to send keystrokes to any window, and
can be iconified. Includes source.
Author: Jonathan Potter
PopDir A small utility which "pops open" to help you look at the
contents of a particular directory on demand. Version 1.6,
an update to version 1.4 on disk 204. Includes source.
Author: Jonathan Potter
Unshar This program extracts files from Unix shar archives. It
scores over similar programs by being small and fast,
handling extraction of subdirectories, and recognising a
wide variety of `sed' and `cat' shar formats. Version 1.1,
includes C source.
Author: Eddy Carroll
VirusX Version 4.0 of a popular virus detection/vaccination
program. This is an update to version 3.20 from disk 216.
Includes a check for the new Xeno virus.
Author: Steve Tibbett, Dan James, Jim Meyer
ZeroVirus A fully integrated virus checker and killer, with bootblock
save and restore features. Finds both bootblock and file
based viruses. Uses Brainfiles to recognise viruses, and has
"on-line" Brainfile editing facilities. Can be iconified to
Workbench screen. This is version 2.01, an update to version
1.3 on disk 242. Binary only.
Author: Jonathan Potter
========================== Contents of Disk 288 ==========================
This is disk 288 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DiskSpeed A disk speed testing program specifically designed to give
the most accurate results of the true disk performance of
the disk under test. Automatically updates and maintains
an ASCII database of disk results for tested disks. This
is version 2.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk 251, with
a few new features and a cleaner user interface. Includes
source in C.
Author: Michael Sinz
PlotData2D Plots data onto a custom user defined screen and window,
reading the plot and screen/window definitions, along with
the X and Y data pairs, from a disk file. Supports linear,
log-log, and semi-log axis plots. The data can be plotted
with lines, symbols, or both. Includes numerous example
plots. Version 1.0, includes source in Fortran.
Author: Robert C. Singleterry Jr.
Scripit A script language that allows you to automate actions you
would normally have to do manually. Scripit can do anything
that you do manually, by either the mouse or keyboard, by
using a set of commands that instruct Scripit to simulate
specific mouse or keyboard actions. Also has an ARexx port,
so it can be driven by ARexx allowing ARexx control over
programs that do not have ARexx ports. Includes both a
recorder to generate scripts and a player to execute them.
This is version 1.20, binary only.
Author: Khalid Aldoseri
========================== Contents of Disk 289 ==========================
This is disk 289 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AmiGo A Go board and player for the Amiga. You can play against
another human, against the Amiga, or have the Amiga play
itself. Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Todd Johnson, Stoney Ballard
Atree A disk utility which imitates similar utilities widely
available on IBM compatibles (PC Tools, Xtree, QuickDos,
etc). The intent is to allow the user a graphic
representation of the entire directory structure on a
disk device, including the files in each directory, and
the capability of moving quickly through the tree to a
directory to access its files. Version 1.7, binary only.
Author: Don Schmidt
LHArc An archive program like Arc and Zoo, with a heavy emphasis
maximum compression for minimum archive size, using LZHUF
compression. This is Amiga version 1.0 (compatible with
MSDOS version 1.13). Binary only.
Author: Paolo Zibetti
Orbit Plots the ground trace of satellites on a map of the earth,
using the orbital elements for some 130 satellites, from a
list which is updated every two weeks on Compuserve.
Version 1.2, binary only.
Author: Timothy Middendorf
TreeWalk A command for visiting all the files of a subtree of an
Amiga file system, testing every file in the specified
subtree against a supplied "filter" expression, and if
the file passes through the filter, to issue the specified
command with that file as one of the arguments. It is
designed to be reasonably fast, robust, and not use a
lot of stack space or any other critical resources.
Includes source.
Author: Mike Meyer