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========================== Contents of Disk 800 ==========================
This is disk 800 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ColorSaver A "pop-up-anywhere" (almost!) color palette commodity with
several features I could not find in other palette tools.
Features include: Load/Save color palettes; Sliders select-
able between RGB/HSV; Copy, Swap, Range Functions; Complement
selected color; Left/right shifting of the entire palette;
Ability to permanently alter (patch) the color tables of execu-
tables with a statically allocated color table. Requires
OS2.04 or greater. Version 0.84 (alpha release), includes
Author: Dan Fish
DocDump A print utility that puts 4 pages of text on one sheet of
paper, including page-headers. Beside the normal Dump mode,
a double-sided Booklet mode is also available. DocDump uses
its own printer drivers, making one yourself is easy.
Version 3.6, binary only, shareware.
Author: Robert Grob
Enforcer A tool to monitor illegal memory access for 68020/68851, 68030,
and 68040 CPUs. This is a completely new Enforcer from the
original idea by Bryce Nesbitt. It contains many new and
wonderful features and options and no longer contains any
exceptions for specific software. Enforcer can now also be
used with CPU or SetCPU FASTROM or most any other MMU-Kick-
start-Mapping tool. Major new output options such as local
output, stdout, and parallel port. Highly optimized to be as
fast as possible. This is version 37.28, an update to version
37.26 on disk number 773. Requires V37 of the OS or better
and an MMU.
Author: Michael Sinz
IffBoot Inspired from BOOTLOGO by Markus Illenseer, allows you to show
any IFF file during bootup that will exit when the WB appears.
Version 1.0, requires OS 2.04 or greater, binary only, includes
some sample pictures.
Author: Colin Bell, some IFF pics by Justin Trevena
Least A small, handsome, text displayer that only supports those
functions most frequently used. String searching is performed
with the very fast Boyer-Moore algorithm. Also checks itself
for link viruses. Runs from both WorkBench and CLI. Separate
version - LeastP - also deals with powerpacked files. Has
been tested under both Kickstart 1.3 and 2.0. Version 0.04,
binary only.
Author: Thorsten Koschinski
Moontool A port of John Walker's moontool program for UNIX. It gives a
variety of statistics about the moon, including phase, dist-
ance, angular, size and time to next full moon. A schematic
of the current phase is also shown as a picture. This is
illustrative only; the accurate phase is shown in the text.
Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: John Walker, Amiga port by Eric G. Suchanek
MungWall Munges memory and watches for illegal FreeMem's. Especially
useful in combination with Enforcer. Output can go to either
the serial or parallel port. Includes a new MungList program
that examines used memory areas for MungWall tag info, and
outputs a list of who owns the various pieces of allocated
memory, their sizes, etc. Can even identify the owner of the
memory by task name. This is version 37.58, an update to
version 37.54 on disk 707. Binary only.
Author: Commodore Amiga; submitted by Carolyn Scheppner
========================== Contents of Disk 801 ==========================
This is disk 801 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Convert A program that provides the means to easily convert numer-
ical values between international, Imperial and US systems
of measurement. It does this in twelve fields of measure-
ment, including area, capacity, density, energy, fuel con-
sumption, length, power, pressure, speed (velocity), temp-
erature, volume and weight. It has a flexible, easy to use
GUI and works under OS 1.3 and 2.xx. The registered version
also has an ARexx port. Version 2.0, shareware, binary only.
Author: Mike Fuller
CyberCron A cron utility for AmigaDOS 2.0. Uses the new, more flexible,
AmigaDOS 2.0 technique for running programs. Offers an ex-
tended set of options that may be specified for any given
event. Version 1.5, an update to version 1.3 on disk 682,
and includes various bug fixes, code tweaks, four new ARexx
commands, documentation in AmigaGuide format, and more.
Includes source.
Author: Christopher Wichura
CyberX10 A program that can be used to control the CP290 home computer
interface for use with the X10 home automation system. It
requires KickStart 2.04+ and supports localization under Work-
Bench 2.1+. Includes documentation in AmigaGuide format.
Includes source.
Author: Christopher Wichura
Luna A small program that will display the time and date of the
phases of the moon for a month in any year from 1900 to 3000
AD. If a lunar eclipse occurs in that month, its time and
date will also be displayed. It has an easy to use GUI and
works under OS 1.3 and 2.xx. Version 1.0, freeware, binary
Author: Mike Fuller
PowerData Patches AmigaDOS, enabling all programs to read and write
files packed with PowerPacker in way that is completely trans-
parent to themselves and the system. Programs will read power-
packed datafiles directly, and will also magically start com-
pressing their own datafiles, as they create or update them.
This is version 38.105, the official successor of another pro-
gram by this author, Powerpacker Patcher. Partially localized
for use with Workbench 2.1. Requires Workbench 2.04+. Share-
ware, binary only.
Author: Michael Berg
TWC Two Way Chat & Send enables you to make use of your modem's
full duplex feature. With TWC you can connect to another
Amiga running TWC, then you may transmit files AND chat at
the same time, in both directions. GUI-driven, needs Kick-
Start 2.04 or higher. Version 2.03, freeware, binary only.
Author: Lutz Vieweg
========================== Contents of Disk 802 ==========================
This is disk 802 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AppISizer An AppIcon utility to get the size of disks, directories or
files. Gives the size in bytes, blocks and the actual size
occupied. Requires KickStart 37.175 or higher. Version 0.41,
an update to version 0.20 on disk 787. Binary only.
Author: Gérard Cornu.
FastLife A fast life program featuring an Intuition interface, 33 gen-
erations/second on Amiga 3000/25, 19 generations/second on
Amiga 2000/500/1000, and 200+ patterns in text file format.
Runs with Kickstart 2.04 and later, and uses the ReqTools re-
quester package (included). An update to version 1.1 on disk
608. Changes include support for all screen modes, screens as
large as memory allows, run for a specified number of gener-
ations, stop at a specific generation, CLI and ToolTypes sup-
port for file name filter and "ON" character within Picture
files. Version 2.2, binary only.
Author: Ron Charlton
Fd2AsmInc This little program creates assembler include files from ".fd"
files (I.E. the original Commodore .fd-files). There are sev-
eral ways to format the output file. Version 1.0a, OS 2.xx
only, freeware, includes source in assembly.
Author: Hanns Holger Rutz
QMouse An unusually small and feature-packed "mouse utility". Was
inspired by, but not derived from, the original QMouse by
Lyman Epp. Features include automatic window activation
(like WindX), top-line blanking for A3000/A2320 users, system-
friendly mouse blanking, mouse acceleration/threshold, "Pop-
CLI", click-to-front/back, "SunMouse", "NoClick", "WildStar",
Northgate key remapping, and more. Requires Kickstart 2.0,
but is not a commodity. Only 3K. Version 2.30, an update to
version 2.21 on disk 789. Public domain, assembly source
Author: Dan Babcock
========================== Contents of Disk 803 ==========================
This is disk 803 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Hackdisk A complete replacement for trackdisk.device featuring a verify
option and better performance. Hackdisk is supplied as an OS
module that may be RamKick'ed or placed directly in the Kick-
start ROM. This is version 2.00, an update to version 1.12 on
disk number 783. Now includes support for 150RPM HD floppy
drives and untested support for 5.25 inch drives. Free for
non-commercial use, assembly source included.
Author: Dan Babcock
HyperANSI The ultimate in ANSI editors. Allows you to edit up to 999
pages at a time, with a unique 'transparency' mode which
allows you to 'see through' the pages ( and save as a
single page ). Other features include; Copy, Move, Fill,
Replace, Text alignment & justification, line drawing, char-
acter painting (colors and/or text), half character painting,
and keyboard remapping for all 255 IBM characters, plus more.
Shareware, version 1.02, binary only.
Author: Mike D. Nelson
MiniPac A very tiny PacMan clone, only about 8K. Binary only.
Author: Philippe Banwarth
SCAN8800 A specialized database program to store frequencies and sta-
tion names for shortwave transmitters. It can also control
a receiver for scanning frequency ranges. Version 2.27,
binary only.
Author: Rainer Redweik
========================== Contents of Disk 804 ==========================
This is disk 804 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AmigaWorld A database program that contains information about every
country on Earth. It enables you to have a look at the data
of one country, or to compare several countries. It is easy
to handle, and you can use it with your favourite colors,
font, and even language (at the moment there are English and
German data files). Requires 1MB of memory. This is freeware
version 1.0, Modula-2 source is available by the author.
Author: Wolfgang Lug
DiskMate A disk utility with multidrive disk copier (either DOS or non-
DOS disks), disk formatter, disk eraser, disk installer, and
floppy disk checker. Version 3.0, binary only.
Author: Malcolm Harvey
Euphorion A scrolling "shoot'em up" action-game, which contains eight
different levels, bonus-stages and a highscore table. This is
version 1.1, binary only.
Author: Carsten Magerkurth
Password A program to password protect an AutoBooting HD based system.
Supports a list of authorized users and their passwords.
Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Malcolm Harvey
PubChange PubChange is a commodity for AmigaDos 2.04. It isn't a public
screen manager, but it is useful when used in conjunction with
one. It is designed to make public screens easier to use.
Whenever a new screen is brought to the front, this screen is
examined. If it is a public screen, it is made into the de-
fault automatically without having to explicitly do it from
within a public screen manager. Thus, the current default
public screen is always the one which you have most recently
brought to the front, and applications which use the default
public screen will appear there. Version 1.2, an update to
version 1.0 on disk 771. This version fixes two serious bugs
and adds minor features. Binary only.
Author: Steve Koren
TrueEd A shareware editor. Version 5.5, and update to version 3.40
on disk 630. No documentation, binary only.
Author: Jurgen Klein
========================== Contents of Disk 805 ==========================
This is disk 805 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
CDTV-Player A little utility for all those people, who'd like to play
Audio-CD's, while multitasking on workbench. It's an emula-
tion of CDTV's remote control, but is a little more sophis-
ticated. Version 1.5, an update to version 1.0 on disk 759.
Public domain, binary only.
Author: Daniel Amor
Cleo Implementation of a new experimental Pascal like language.
Besides the normal data types, includes 2D and 3D data types,
and an RGB color data type. Includes a compiler and inter-
preter, example programs, and documentation. Version 1.0,
includes full source in C to compiler, interpreter, and
Author: DIALLO Barrou
Clouds A program which creates randomly clouds on your screen. You
may save them as IFF-files and use them as background for your
workbench. Uses new AGA-feature (5-bitplane-hires-screen).
Version 2.0, public domain. Includes complete source in KICK-
Author: Daniel Amor
RussianFonts This is a scalable vector font. It's the Russian equivalent
of the Times Roman font. It comes in two versions, ADOBE
TYPE 1 (pbf-file) and PAGESTREAM FONT (dmf-file). This Font
is shareware. Designed with FontDesigner.
Author: Daniel Amor
Sizer A small and pure shell utility that gives the size in bytes,
blocks and the actual size occupied by a directory, device,
file or 'assign'. Accepts multiple arguments. Version 0.81,
an update to version 0.36 on disk 777. Now requires KickStart
37.175 or higher. Binary only.
Author: Gérard Cornu
========================== Contents of Disk 806 ==========================
This is disk 806 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
HDFixer Some of the newer A3000's have high density floppy drives. In
the 37.175 version of Kickstart, HD disks are not completely
supported in HD mode. This program patches the system so that
Kickstart V37.175 owners are able to use 1.71 MB HD disks.
This very user friendly, totally new programmed version, comes
as a Commodity and supports the new OS2.x functions like
Public Screens, scaleable fonts, shortcut gadget activation
and so on. Requires Workbench 2.04. This is version 2.00, an
update to version 1.10 on disk 690. Binary only.
Author: Peter-Iver Edert
Icons Some icons which can be used in the ToolManager dock window
(ToolManager © by S.Becker) for instance. There are also a
few tips for ToolManager users in the doc file.
Author: Andre Weissflog
MXReq Creates a customizeable mutual exclude requester from a shell
or AREXX script. The user can select one out of up to eight
entries, each of them writes an own value to an environment
variable. Including executable, sources, docs, examples and
a small bonus tool. Version: 1.20
Author: Andre Weissflog
XSearch A program to search files and directories on any Amiga device.
Has options to search for files or directories matching a
given name pattern, length, date of last change, iff type,
comment, internal strings, and protection bits. Supports the
Amiga clipboard. Uses AmigaDOS 2.0 style interface. Includes
both German and English versions. Version, 1.1, an update to
version 1.0 on disk 724. Includes source in KICKPascal.
Author: Stefan Plöchinger
========================== Contents of Disk 807 ==========================
This is disk 807 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
RoachMotel A game where the object is to collect all the spray cans to
complete the level. If you touch any creatures you will lose
one life, except when stomping on a roach or hitting a roach
or boyd with your head while wearing the toupee. Written in
AMOS, binary only.
Author: Ryan Scott
VCLI Voice Command Line Interface allows you to execute CLI or
ARexx commands, or ARexx scripts, by spoken voice command
through your Perfect Sound 3, Sound Master (Sound Magic), or
Generic audio digitizer. VCLI is completely multitasking and
will run continuously in the background, waiting to execute
your voice command even while other programs may be running.
With VCLI you can launch multiple applications or control any
program with ARexx capability completely by spoken voice
command. VCLI is compatible with both NTSC and PAL. This is
version 5.2, an update to version 5 on disk number 751. New
features include the capability to load alternate vocabulary
files by spoken voice command, a choice of Amiga hardware
timers to reduce interference with other programs, and immun-
ity of the display to changes in system fonts. Binary only,
requires AmigaDOS 2.0.
Author: Richard Horne
VoiceCode This file contains complete documentation for voice.library
(Ver 6.4), the public domain Amiga library of voice recogni-
tion functions for the Perfect Sound 3, Sound Master (Sound
Magic) and Generic audio digitizers. Included are descrip-
tions of the functions that will allow your program to learn
and recognize spoken words through your 8 bit audio digitizer.
Also included are code examples in C and assembly language.
Author: Richard Horne and David Benn
XTrash A constant trashcan implemented as an application icon. Can
erase anything; files, directories, trashcans and disks. Disk
formatting requires an external formatter. Conforms closely
to the AMIGA Style Guide. Requires AMIGA OS 2. Version 1.01,
includes source in KICKPascal.
Author: Stefan Plöchinger
========================== Contents of Disk 808 ==========================
This is disk 808 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
KingFisher A specialized database tool providing maintenance and search
capabilities for the descriptions of disks in the format used
by this library. KingFisher's database can span multiple
(floppy) disk volumes, can be edited by text editors that
support long text lines, can add disks directly from unedited
email or usenet announcements, can remove disks, rebuild a
damaged index, find next or previous software versions, print
or export (parts of) the database, and more. Includes a data-
base of disks 1-800. This is version 1.15, an update to ver-
sion 1.11 on disk 783. Binary only.
Author: Udo Schuermann
Look A powerful program for creating and showing disk magazines.
Supports IFF pictures, IFF brushes, ANSI, fonts, PowerPacker,
and many more features. Programmed in assembly language to
be small and fast. German language only. Version 1.5, an
update to version 1.2 on disk 743. Now runs on NTSC machines
in interlace mode and includes many new features. Shareware,
binary only.
Author: André Voget.
========================== Contents of Disk 809 ==========================
This is disk 809 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
CPK A program to render a space filling representation of atoms
in molecules. This is the type of representation one would
find in the plastic 'CPK' (Corey, Pauling, Kendrew) models
often used in organic chemistry. There are no hard coded
constraints on the number of atoms it can process, it cor-
rectly handles intersecting 3-dimensional spheres by using
the Bresenham circle algorithm in 3D, and computes using the
the current display screen resolution for simplicity and
speed. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Eric G. Suchanek
EPU A program like Stacker or XPK that allows applications to
access compressed data from AmigaDOS devices without knowing
that the data is compressed, and automatically compresses
new data. The file size is not limited by memory and the
settings of the handler can be changed at any time. Version
1.0, shareware, binary only.
Author: Jaroslav Mechacek
GetString A small utility that puts up a string requester and stores the
result in an environment variable (either local or global)
that can be used in Shell scripts. Requires OS 2.04+ and
ReqTools.library. Written in E, source included.
Author: Diego Caravana
SmallMath "Drop-in" replacements for the Commodore IEEE math libraries
for users with a math coprocessor. Since these libraries do
not contain the coprocessor-emulation code normally present,
they are 60%-90% smaller than the usual libraries. For the
same reason, however, they cannot be used without a coproces-
sor. Version 1.2, an update to version 1.1 on disk 718,
fixes a bug in the cmp() function. Public domain, partial
source included.
Author: Laz Marhenke