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========================== Contents of Disk 870 ==========================
This is disk 870 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AmigaGuide Archive distribution of the AmigaGuide hypertext utility direct
from Commodore. Contains developer examples and tools for
AmigaGuide under V34/V37 and V39, plus a new free print/sign/
send-in distribution license for AmigaGuide, amigaguide.lib-
rary, WDisplay, and their icons.
Author: Commodore Business Machines
FollowMouse A pair of small blinking eyes following the mouse movements
on the screen. Runs from both the WorkBench and CLI. Version
1.2, an update to the version on disk number 757. Includes
source in PASCAL.
Author: Kamran Karimi
Installer Archive distribution of the Amiga Installer utility direct from
Commodore. Contains V1.24 of the Installer, documentation and
examples for developers to use when developing their software.
Also contains various enhancements and fixes detailed in the
documentation enclosed. The documentation has also been
enhanced and brought up to date.
Author: Commodore Business Machines
SoftProtect A software disk write-protection. With the permission of the
user, disables floppy writes even on write-enabled disks.
Switches to enable/disable states with a gadget. Runs from
both WorkBench and CLI. An update to 'AskFirst' on disk
number 753. Includes source in assembly.
Author: Kamran Karimi
StackCheck A program that determines the maximum stack usage of another
program. It uses a completely different method than all
the other stack-watching programs like WatchStack or Xoper
and is very reliable. In most cases it does not require any
CPU time to do its work. Version 1.0, includes source for
Aztec C and GNU C.
Author: Günther Röhrich
SWAP Memory management may be considered as one of the weak points
of Amiga OS. SWAP was written as a trial to provide swapping
for Amigas without any special hardware. The main intention
is to let the user choose a task, swap it to disk so that its
occupied memory is released, and do other things. Later on,
he could swap the program back to main memory and let it
continue from the point it was interrupted. Includes source
in C and assembly.
Author: Kamran Karimi
WindowShuffle Activates and brings to front next or previous window with
hotkeys. Hotkeys can be changed. Implemented as a commodity.
Requires at least AmigaOS 2.04. Version 1.07, an update to
version 1.05 on disk 497. Includes german version and source
in C.
Author: Stefan Sticht
========================== Contents of Disk 871 ==========================
This is disk 871 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ABackup A very powerful backup utility that may be used both for hard
disk backup and for file archiving. Has a full Intuition
interface, a "batch" mode, can save/load file selection, handle
HD floppies, use any external compression program, etc...
Includes both English and French versions. Version 2.43, an
update from version 2.40 on disk 838. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Denis Gounelle.
DImpWin A GUI interface for Disk-Imploder (included) by A.J. Brouwer.
DImp is one of the most efficient disk archivers available
for the Amiga. It offers 7 different levels of compression,
the ability to create self-extracting archives, MULTIPLE
CYLINDER RANGES, ability to work with any floppy compatible
device (such as RAD: & FMS disks) and it can also add a text-
file to the archive that will be displayed during extraction.
Via the GUI interface, DImp-Win will invoke DImp and tell it
what to do. DImp-Win version 1.0, DImp version 2.27. Requires
AmigaOS 2.04+. Binary only.
Author: Colin Bell (DImp-Win) and A.J. Brouwer (DImp)
Planetarium An astronomy program which displays and animates the planets
of the solar system at specific times. Useful for quickly and
easily determining the best times to view the planets, observ-
ing retrograde, etc. Version 1.0, OS 1.3, 2.x, 3.0 compatible.
Shareware, binary only.
Author: Jim Schwartz
StatRam Stat-RAM or 'SD0:' is a very fast recoverable ram drive that
takes advantage of FFS under WB2 or FFS International under
WB2.1 or 3. This work is based on ASDG's 'VD0:'. ASDG-RAM
has been reliable for many years since it was placed in the
PD. However it has always been slow because it uses OFS, or
old file system. On an accelerated machines, SD0: is up to 7
times faster, and averages 5 times faster than the original
VD0:. It's also 4 to 5 times faster than RRD. It survives
the deepest re-boot, even the ColdReboot of rekicking a KS
file. Version 1.5, binary only.
Author: Richard Waspe
TrashIcon A WorkBench 2.x application icon to delete files. Puts an
icon at a possibly user defined position on the WorkBench
screen, that deletes all files that are dragged onto it. This
is version 1.4, an update to version 1.2 on disk number 839.
Binary only.
Author: Mark McPherson
UnivConq A strategy game where two human players battle for control of
the universe. The game has several variables that allow the
players to vary the density of planets, the initial number of
ships, and the length of play. Status information is contin-
ually updated to allow the player to concentrate on strategy,
not statistics. Includes digitized pictures and sound.
Version 1.08. Compatible with WB 1.3 & 2.x. Binary only.
Author: Randy Wing
========================== Contents of Disk 872 ==========================
This is disk 872 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Convert A units conversion utility inspired by "Units" ( by Gregory
Simpson) but is easier to use and can be customized by changing
the data file (conv.dat) alone and does not require recompila-
tion of the program. V1.3, binary only.
Author: David Whitmore.
ToolManager Part 1 of a 2 part release of the very popular program by
Stefan Becker. This part contains LHA archives of the binary
files and graphics. Part 2 can be found on disk number 873.
ToolManager is a full featured program for either WorkBench
or CLI tool management. Includes the ability to add menu
items to the 2.x "Tools" menu, add WorkBench icons or dock
Windows. Features multi-column docks that automatically
detect largest image size, ARexx, sound and Locale support.
Version 2.1, an update to version 2.0 on disk number 752.
Includes source, lots of graphic images, and programmers
support for using the toolmanager.library. Requires 2.x for
full functionality
Author: Stefan Becker
========================== Contents of Disk 873 ==========================
This is disk 873 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Cross A program that creates crossword puzzles. Has a message
data file to allow easy translation into almost any human
language, with English and German currently supported.
This is version 5.1, an update to version 4.1 on disk 537.
Includes source in M2Amiga Modula-2.
Author: Jurgen Weinelt
FInf A very versatile directory listing utility. It can examine the
contents of files and display a short type description. In
addition, FInf has a whole slew of options that allow you to
filter files by type, date, age, size etc., as well as recur-
sive directory descending, and adjustable output formatting.
So next to simply listing directories, FInf is extremely useful
for creating hybrid commands that perform functions closely
tuned to your specific needs. Version 1.15, binary only.
Author: Peter Struijk
MRIconSort MRIconSort is a nifty little tool which will alphabetically
sort and align your icons and optionally create icons for files
and drawers which don't have them. If you have drawers with
tons of icons which are a hopeless jumble, this program is for
you! Version 1.01, binary only.
Author: Mark R. Rinfret
ToolManager Part 2 of a 2 part release of the very popular program by
Stefan Becker. This part contains an LHA archive of the
source, TeX docs and programmer's support files. Part 1 can
be found on disk number 872. ToolManager is a full featured
program for either WorkBench or CLI tool management. Includes
the ability to add menu items to the 2.x "Tools" menu, add
WorkBench icons or dock Windows. Features multi-column docks
that automatically detect largest image size, ARexx, sound and
Locale support. Version 2.1, an update to version 2.0 on disk
number 752. Includes source, lots of graphic images, and
programmer's support for using the toolmanager.library.
Requires 2.x for full functionality.
Author: Stefan Becker
========================== Contents of Disk 874 ==========================
This is disk 874 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DFA NOT just another address utility. DFA(ddress) features email
support, dialing, different types of printing addresses, full
commodity support, application icon, Arexx port, font sensitive
windows and can be fully directed by the keyboard. This is
version 1.23, lots of enhancements and bug fixes since version
1.1 on disk number 782. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Dirk Federlein
TWA A commodity that remembers the last active window on any
screen. If screens are shuffled, the window is automatically
re-activated, when that screen is brought to front. Version
1.2, an update to version 1.0 on disk number 781. Binary only.
Author: Matthias Scheler
========================== Contents of Disk 875 ==========================
This is disk 875 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ADoc A help utility for the Amiga. Features include automatic
search of any work on which you clicked, ability to use Auto-
Doc and AmigaGuide files, support of locale.library, an AREXX
port, and more. Version 3.01, an update to version 1.21 on
disk number 747. Binary only.
Author: Denis Gounelle
APrf A print utility with a full Intuition interface, a preview
function, page selection, line numbering, multi-columns mode,
customizable headers and footers, an AREXX port, an AppWindow,
and more. Includes both English and French versions. Version
2.11, an update to version 1.40 on disk number 747. Binary
Author: Denis Gounelle
AZap A "new generation" binary editor, able to edit files, memory
or devices like hard disks. It can open several windows at
the same time, supports locale.library, and handles all OS3.0
file systems. This is version 2.04, an update to version 1.00
on disk number 759. Binary only.
Author: Denis Gounelle
Blanker An attempt to provide the Amiga community with a future-
compatible, easily expandable screen blanker. Provides a
a platform for others to write custom screen blanker modules
and not have to worry about the difficulties associated with
setting up a Commodities interface and dealing with concur-
rency problems. Version 2.3, includes source and several
sample blanker modules.
Author: Michael D. Bayne
KillAGA Allows you to run old, badly written, programs (mainly demos
and some games) from your A1200/4000 hard disk without having
to continually reboot and switch chip settings. On return from
the program, the system returns to full AGA state. Version
2.0, binary only.
Author: Jolyon Ralph
SeekSpeed Measures the seek performance of any valid device. It works
by using the system's very accurate E clock and measures the
time taken for seeking and reading varying numbers of sectors
under both sequential and random access. Every test is per-
formed 100 times if possible, and the average reported. GUI
interface, can be run form the CLI or WB, Requires OS2.04+.
Version 37.12, binary only.
Author: Richard Waspe
========================== Contents of Disk 876 ==========================
This is disk 876 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ArmyMiner An ultimate "XMines-type" game that integrates all of the best
aspects of the previous Amiga versions of the game. Options
include: Automatically mark or clean the neighbours of a
square; Safe start (no explosion at first click); Safe click
(gadget-like behavior for squares); Question marks (for con-
figuration analysis). You can also specify your own custom
board settings. The game has a very useful pause option,
sound effects, high-score tables and a very nice interface.
It works under OS v1.3 or 2.0, NTSC or PAL. Version 1.1, an
update to version 1.0 on disk number 851. Binary only.
Author: Alain Laferriere
BattleStar A fun text-based adventure game. It is reminiscent of Dungeon
(aka Zork) and Adventure. You start out on a space ship under
attack and must get off and back to the planet. Ported from
UNIX, with very little "amiga-i-zation". Runs from the CLI
only. Includes source.
Author: David Riggle, Amiga port by David Ingebretsen
========================== Contents of Disk 877 ==========================
This is disk 877 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Lyapunovia A mindboggingly colorful program that produces fractal
pictures from a simple mathematical formula called "Lyapunov
Space". Lyapunovia pictures vary from colorful candy to mean
metal (or something), offering you everything you ever wanted
in visual representation of mathematical abstractions. Lyapun-
ovia has been tested on all Amigas from WB1.2 to 3.1. The
program supports AGA graphics, floating point units, 68020+
CPUs, and 24-bit output (to 65000 x 65000 pixels!). A zoom
factor of 10,000,000,000,000,000 is possible. Version 1.5,
an update to V1.0 on disk 784. This is the full program, the
difference between the unregistered and the registered version
has been eliminated. Binary only, shareware.
Author: Jesper Juul
========================== Contents of Disk 878 ==========================
This is disk 878 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
bBaseIII An easy to use, versatile, yet full featured database program
that will run on any Amiga. Search or sort on any field, print
mailing labels, (un)delete records, mail merge, get reports in
many formats, scramble files, flag records, and more. Fields
are user-configurable, so bBase can be used to keep track of
addresses, tape or video collections, recipe files, or anything
else you can think of - one program does it all! bBaseIII is
a greatly enhanced successor to bBaseII. Version 1.3, an
update to version 1.1 on disk number 760. Shareware, binary
Author: Robert Bromley
DockBrushes Fifty plus 16-color dock brushes for use with ToolManager,
AmiDock, or just as Icons.
Author: David Voy
DrChip Four utilities to make your C programming life a little easier.
Included are: ccb -- A C-source code indentation beautifier;
flist -- generates lists of functions from either C or C++
files; hdrtag -- ViM, Z, and emacs support tags; toproto --
converts source code to and from old K&R style to the new
prototype-using style. Binary only, freeware.
Author: Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
Scypmon Machine-language monitor with many features. Provides you with
all functions like assembler, disassemble, search, transfer,
fill, trackloadings etc. Version 1.7, fixes 2 nasty bugs of
version 1.6 and should now run without errors. Binary only.
Author: Joerg Bublath
========================== Contents of Disk 879 ==========================
This is disk 879 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DiskTest A utility to test the integrity of floppy and hard disks, a
la Norton Utilities. Version 2.10, an update to version 2.03
on disk 828. Requires AmigaDOS 2.04 or later. Public domain,
includes source.
Author: Maurizio Loreti.
Find A pattern matching program which uses the weighted Levensthein
distance algorithm. Requires OS1.04 or later. Commodity and
Arexx Support. Manual in AmigaGuide format. Version 1.0,
Includes source.
Author: Karlheinz Klingbeil
Millim A utility that generates millimetered paper with linear or
logarithmic scale (both in x and in y) on a PostScript line
printer (on whatever printer, with a PostScript interpreter
like Post from Adrian Aylward, disk 669). Public domain,
includes source in PostScript.
Author: Maurizio Loreti.
Watcher A little title-bar commodity which can be customized to show
various information such as the free space on hard drive par-
titions, free memory, system time and date etc. Font and
Overscan sensitive, can jump between public screens by clicking
on it's Zoom gadget. Includes WatcherPrefs, a utility that
allows you to customize what Watcher displays and its general
behavior. Version V37, includes source
Author: Franz Hemmer