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========================== Contents of Disk 900 ==========================
This is disk 900 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Columns A GUI-based "paper-saving" utility. Allows you to print text
in columns and use various compression modes (up to 160
characters per line and 180 lines per standard DIN A4 page).
5.6 times more characters than in usual modes, but still
readable. Written completely in assembly. Kickstart 2.0 and
3.0 compatible, Kickstart 2.0 look, Keyboard controls and
saveable settings. Version 2.5, binary only.
Author: Martin Mares, Tomas Zikmund
Popper Replaces Intuition menus with popup menus which appear under
the mouse pointer instead of in the top of the screen. You
can also "rip" menus from the menu-bar and keep them on the
screen as a window all the time (or close them with the close
gadget, of course). Version 1.1, binary only.
Author: Pierre Dak Baillargeon
Robouldix Playable demo of a game based on BoulderDash. Uses 32 colour
graphics, senses and adapts to PAL and NTSC. Over 500 diff-
erent objects in the registered version. (About 40 in the
demo version). Requires at least one megabyte of memory.
Binary only.
Author: Svante Berglund, Patrik Grip-Jansson
Touch Amiga version of the Unix utility with the same name. Touch
changes the date and time stamp of all specified files to the
current date and time. Workbench 2.0 wildcards are supported.
Requires OS2.0, includes source.
Author: Dave Schreiber
========================== Contents of Disk 901 ==========================
This is disk 901 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AmigaBase A hierachical, programmable database that runs under OS 1.3
and OS 2.0. Has a full intuition interface. Features include
two display methods, filter datasets, search datasets, print
datasets, and much more. Nearly everything can be realized
by programming AmigaBase. Datatypes can be Integer, Real,
Boolean, String, Memo (Text), Date and Time. Number of data-
sets is only limited by available memory. Also included in
the package are some example projects. Version 1.31, an up-
date to version 1.21 on disk 813. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Steffen Gutmann
========================== Contents of Disk 902 ==========================
This is disk 902 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DWFPresets Some OverScan, Palette, Pattern and Pointer presents. Some
will look a bit odd in modes other than HiRes-Interlace mode
and default colors. If you're using Release 2.04, you'll be
able to click on the icons and change the presets without
having to use the Prefs tool.
Author: David W. Ferguson
Error CLI utility to print a message text for AmigaDOS errors along
with probable causes and suggestions for recovery (From Amiga-
DOS manual). Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Njål Fisketjøn
Less A text file reader, descended from Unix "Less." Less has
features found on no other Amiga file reader; it can use
pipes, accepts multiple filenames, and has many convenient
positioning commands for forward and backward movement,
marking positions, etc. This version adds an option to
suppress opening a new window, using the existing CLI window
instead (especially useful with an AUX: shell), and includes
some minor bug fixes. Version 1.6Z, an update to version 1.4Z
on disk number 511. Includes source in SAS C 6.3.
Author: Ray Zarling et. al.
SltChr Allows users of ASDG's CygnusEd Professional to select a
character via point-n-click rather than having to remember
(or lookup) the ascii keycode for it. Useful for entering
international, special, or infrequently used characters.
Version 1.1, fixes a bug present in version 1.0 on disk
number 890. Includes source in C. Requires AmigaDos 2.0.
Author: Njål Fisketjøn
VirusZ A virus detector that recognizes over 220 boot viruses and
over 115 file viruses. The filechecker can also decrunch
files for testing. The memory checker removes all known
viruses from memory without 'Guru Meditation' and checks
memory for viruses regularly. VirusZ has easy to use intui-
tionized menus including keycuts for both beginners and
experienced users. VirusZ performs a self-test on every
startup to prevent link virus infection. Written entirely in
assembly language and operates with Kickstart 1.2/1.3, OS 2.0
and OS 3.0. Version 3.07, an update to version 3.00 on disk
number 820. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Georg Hörmann
========================== Contents of Disk 903 ==========================
This is disk 903 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ArmyMiner An ultimate "XMines-type" game that integrates all of the best
aspects of the previous Amiga versions of the game. Options
include: Automatically mark or clean the neighbours of a
square; Safe start (no explosion at first click); Safe click
(gadget-like behavior for squares); Question marks (for con-
figuration analysis). You can also specify your own custom
board settings. The game has a very useful pause option,
sound effects, high-score tables and a very nice interface.
It works under OS v1.3 or 2.0, NTSC or PAL. Version 1.4,
an update to version 1.1 on disk number 876. Binary only.
Author: Alain Laferriere
MICE My Image Code Editor. MICE generates source code from stan-
dard IFF pictures. Can generate either assembly or C source.
Version 1.3, an update to version 1.2 on disk number 590.
Binary only.
Author: Pierre-Louis Mangeard
QDisk A WorkBench 2.x/3.x equivalent to the cli info command and
more. QDisk will monitor your AMIGA DOS devices at specified
intervals defined by tool types. There are also tool types to
position all windows and set a warning flag when space usage
becomes high. Version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 on disk
number 853. Binary only.
Author: Norman Baccari
SuperDuper A very fast disk copier and formatter. Can make up to four
unverified copies from a ram buffer in 36 seconds. Verified
copies from a ram buffer take 67 seconds for one destination
drive, plus 34 seconds for each additional destination. This
is version 3.00, an update to version 2.02 on disk 753.
Includes a program to fine tune some fields in the trackdisk
device, and a "no click" type program. Binary only.
Author: Sebastiano Vigna
TaskE A GUI based task manager. It provides you with information on
running tasks and allows you to clean up behind failed tasks
by closing their windows and screens. In addition, you can
attempt to remove tasks by sending them CTRL-C signals, and
simply by disabling them. Version 37.1, includes source.
Author: Michael D. Bayne
Viewtek A feature packed Picture/Animation Viewer. Shows most ILBM's
(including 24-bit ILBM's), most Compuserve GIF format images,
most JFIF format JPEG images and most ANIM Op-5 format ani-
mations, with support for different palettes for each frame.
Supports SHAM, CTBL, and PCHG images, full support of ECS/AGA
display modes (ie. show 256 color GIF's directly, show 800x600
HAM animations, etc.). Supports viewing contents of clipboard.
Iconifies to a Workbench AppIcon. Includes a version written
for GVP's Impact Vision 24, to support true 24-bit display.
Version 1.05, an update to version 1.02 on disk number 787.
Requires Workbench 2.04+, binary only.
Author: Thomas Krehbiel
========================== Contents of Disk 904 ==========================
This is disk 904 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ATS "AfterTitleS", this program will scroll a large iff picture
up the screen, for the purpose of creating video credits or
other effects as you see fit. Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Jakob Gårdsted
CxPak A set of five commodities: AutoClick -- a window activator;
WClose -- close windows easily; WCycle -- cycle screens or
windows; WDrag -- drag windows without having to find the
title bar; WSize -- resize windows without having to find the
sizing gadget. Version 1.0, includes source in assembly.
Author: Pierre-Louis Mangeard
Fill Smart Multi-file Mover/Copier. Moves/copies files from the
specified directory to a specified destination. Optimizes
space on destination by using a "best-fit" algorithm.
Capable of filling every byte on a floppy without splitting
files. CLI-usage only, version 1.1, includes source.
Author: Barry Wills.
IdleLED Turns the power LED off when the CPU is idle. It operates
using timerA on CIAB. This is continuously reset by the idle
task running at low priority (-127). When the idle task is
preempted by anything, the timer is allowed to underflow
causing the interrupt server to run which turns on the power
light. Next time the idle task runs, it immediately turns off
the power light. Version 1.0a, includes source.
Author: Lindsay Meek
Term An update to the binaries released on disks 831 and 832.
This is an update only and contains several bug fixes to the
executables released in that series. To obtain full benefit
from the package, you should also obtain the documentation
and support files on disks 831-833. Version 3.4, binary only.
Author: Olaf `Olsen' Barthel
========================== Contents of Disk 905 ==========================
This is disk 905 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Action A program for starting other programs dependent on file types.
Files are shown, unpacked, executed, etc. dependent on a chosen
action. Executes (multiple) commands for each passed file
appropriate to the file type, which are described in a action
definition file. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Michael Suelmann
DTree Similar to "Tree" on the IBM PCs, displays a devices' "Tree"
heirarchy. While similar programs exist for the Amiga, they
don't use standard input/output. Standard i/o makes many
things possible, like piping, i/o redirection, etc.
Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Sam Yee
Eval A full-featured floating point expression evaluator that
can assign variables, has many built-in functions and
constants, allows input and output in any number base, and
uses a C-like syntax for expression evaluation. Full ANSI
C source is included and easily portable to other platforms.
Version 1.13, an update to version 1.12 on disk number 857.
Includes source.
Author: Will Menninger
MultiUser Allows you to create a Unix-like environment where several
users live together in harmony, unable to delete each others
files, unable to read those private love-letters of other
users... And this even if several users are working on the
machine at the same time (on a terminal hooked up to the
serial port) Version 1.4, requires OS2.04+ and a hard drive,
binary only.
Author: Geert Uytterhoeven
NullModem A software device that imitates two modems and a phone line,
on one machine. I wrote it whilst looking at the WPL script-
ing language, so that I could play around without having to
spend any money on expensive phone calls, but it can be used
for testing various other programs. Version 2.0, binary only.
Author: Iain Hibbert
TWC Two Way Chat & Send enables you to make use of your modem's
full-duplex feature - in fact, it can save you up to 50%
transmission time. With TWC you can connect to another guy
running TWC, then you may transmit file- AND chat-data at the
same time in both directions. GUI-driven, requires OS2.04+.
Version 3.101, an update to version 2.03 on disk number 801.
Binary only, shareware.
Author: Lutz Vieweg
========================== Contents of Disk 906 ==========================
This is disk 906 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
BackDrops A friendly 2.x Prefs program for your Workbench that will allow
you to keep a list of your favorite backdrops and have a new
one appear each time your computer is rebooted. Requires Nick-
Prefs or a similar program to display the backdrop. Version
1.00, binary only.
Author: Ross MacGregor
MagicMenu Replaces all Intuition menus, supporting both "pull-down" and
"pop-up" menus. Menus can be displayed in either the Standard
look, or the modern AmigaOS 2.0 style 3D-Look, and controlled
exclusively using the keyboard, (no need to grab the mouse
anymore!) Configurable handling and appearance. Remembers
every menu's last selected item, displaying Pop-Up menus the
next time at a position allowing quick selection of the same
or neighboring items. Automatically brings the currently
active screen (if not visible) to the front for menu selection
then returns it to the back after a selection is made. Input
timeouts, plus much more! Version 1.27, binary only.
Author: Martin Korndörfer
Move A compact, fast CLI move command that allows the moving of
files over multiple devices. It will perform a "true" move
(a la rename) when files are being moved around on the same
device, making it very fast, while still being able to perform
moves over multiple devices. Move will also allow you to move
file links, and supports all standard 2.x wildcards.
Version 2.2a, requires kickstart 2.04 or higher, binary only.
Author: Asher Feldman
PhxAss PhxAss is a complete macro assembler, which supports the
instruction-set and addressing modes of all important Motorola
processors (MC68000,68010,68020,68030,68040,6888x and 68851).
It understands all common assembler-directives and can generate
not only linkable object-files but also absolute code, which
can be written to memory, to a file or directly to disk using
the 'trackdisk.device'. In all cases the user has the oppor-
tunity to choose between the large and small code/data-model.
Version V3.30, an update to version V3.00 on disk number 853.
Binary only, shareware.
Author: Frank Wille
PowerData Patches AmigaDOS, enabling all programs to read and write
files packed with PowerPacker in way that is completely
transparent to themselves and the system. Programs will read
powerpacked datafiles directly, and will also magically start
compressing their own datafiles, as they create or update
them. Version 38.200, an update to the version 38.115 on
disk number 841. Partially localized for use with Workbench
2.1. Requires Workbench 2.04+. Binary only, shareware.
Author: Michael Berg
========================== Contents of Disk 907 ==========================
This is disk 907 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AmiQWK QWKMail format offline message system. Allows reading of
QWKMail format offline message packets popular with many
bulletin board systems (BBSes). Replies can be edited using
any text editor and packed for transfer at a later time.
AmiQWK has been tested with many QWKMail systems for IBM and
Amiga based BBSes. Requires Workbench 2.04 or higher. Release
2 version 1.0, Shareware, binary only.
Author: Jim Dawson
CyberPager The CyberPager software allows one to send alpha-numeric pages
from one's Amiga. This is accomplished by dialing into an IXO
protocol compliant pager central and uploading messages.
Features include: Alias files for commonly paged people to
be referred to by name rather than cryptic PIN numbers;
"Groups" file allowing messages to be easily sent to many
people working on the same project, same department, etc;
Supports multiple pager centrals through a Services config-
uration file; Full logging of messages spooled, dialout
attempts, etc. and much more. Requires AmigaDOS 2.0+,
includes source.
Author: Christopher A. Wichura
DD A directory scanner, something like DIR or LIST, but it does
much more. It can use many different types of file lists,
sort file lists, analyse file contents, display statistics,
search for identical files and so on. Version 1.0, binary
Author: Martin Mares
VideoTitler Generates professional looking TV titles and credits for your
own videos. Outstanding abilities are very smooth scrolling,
color slides (AGA-support) and usage of colorfonts. Limited
demo version only. Version 1.1, binary only, shareware.
Author: Andreas Ackermann
ZGif A VERY fast, and very small GIF displayer, ideally suited to
the new AGA machines, but also provides a quick greyscale
display for older machines. Main features are: SMALL!;
CLI interface; AGA fully supported, 24-bit palette utilized;
Asynchronous file reading; comes in 68020+ and 68-nuthin
versions. Version 0.4, binary only.
Author: Michael Zucchi
========================== Contents of Disk 908 ==========================
This is disk 908 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DviDvi Converts a DVI file into another DVI file, with perhaps cer-
tain changes. It allows for example printing of two or four
pages per sheet of paper or doublesided printing. Version 1.0,
includes source.
Author: Tomas Rokicki, Amiga-Port and implementation of
PasTeX-Support by Jochen Wiedmann
GoldED1 A GUI-based editor with lots of functions/options. High-
lights include: OS3.x look & functions (AppWindows, MenuHelp);
Folding of paragraphs (unlimited nesting available); Menus
fully customizable (easy-to-use requesters); Macro recorder;
ARexx port (about 250 commands/options); AutoRefs capability
(includes, autodocs, sources, ...); HotKey activation; Auto-
matic phrase completion, based on dictionary; Smooth display,
fast scrolling; Unlimited number of windows; ASCII character
selection window; AutoBackup (any interval); Online help,
(AmigaGuide); Insertion/removal of columns; Clipboard support;
Project files; Smart indentation; DICE compiler frontend,
(GUIMake) ...and much more! Part 1 of a 2-part distribution,
part 2 can be found on disk number 909. Version 0.94, binary
Author: Dietmar Eilert (GoldED) & Rico Krasowski (GUIMake)
HFK Yet another TitleBar clock that tries to look like part of your
Workbench title bar. It actually opens a very small, non-
draggable window in the upper right corner of the screen. HFK
opens on the default public screen, which will usually be Work-
bench. HFK uses almost 0% of CPU time, as it is written very
efficiently in C, taking advantage of the timer.device, and
only once a minute to render the time. Version 39.35, Requires
Workbench 3.0, binary only.
Author: Herbert West
MegaView A "Multi-View" kind of program for use with Workbench 2.0. It
uses the whatis.library (included) to recognize the filetype of
a file with which it is invoked to run a filetype-specific
program. MegaView can be used from the Shell, from Workbench,
as Default Tool in project icons, as an AppIcon or as an App-
MenuItem. Version 1.03, public domain, includes source.
Author: Hans-Jörg and Thomas Frieden, Whatis.library by
Sylvain Rougier and Pierre Carette
========================== Contents of Disk 909 ==========================
This is disk 909 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
GoldED2 A GUI-based editor with lots of functions/options. High-
lights include: OS3.x look & functions (AppWindows, MenuHelp);
Folding of paragraphs (unlimited nesting available); Menus
fully customizable (easy-to-use requesters); Macro recorder;
ARexx port (about 250 commands/options); AutoRefs capability
(includes, autodocs, sources, ...); HotKey activation; Auto-
matic phrase completion, based on dictionary; Smooth display,
fast scrolling; Unlimited number of windows; ASCII character
selection window; AutoBackup (any interval); Online help,
(AmigaGuide); Insertion/removal of columns; Clipboard support;
Project files; Smart indentation; DICE compiler frontend,
(GUIMake) ...and much more! Part 2 of a 2-part distribution,
part 1 can be found on disk number 908. Version 0.94, binary
Author: Dietmar Eilert (GoldED) & Rico Krasowski (GUIMake)