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========================== Contents of Disk 980 ==========================
This is disk 980 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
APipe The `APipe-Handler' allows you to add the `APIPE:' DOS
device to your system. This device acts as a pipe between
two programs, but in a different manner than the standard
`PIPE:' device does. This handler interprets the text
after the `APIPE:' prefix as a command line to execute,
and the process/command which opens the file indicated by
the mention of `APIPE:' can now read the standard output
or write the standard input of the program indicated by
the command line depending on whether the `APIPE:' file
was opened for reading or writing, respectively. Thus,
the opening an `APIPE:' file is analogous to the UNIX
`popen()' call, but it is more widely available to the
user. Complete source is included and can be used as an
example of a handler. Version 37.5, an update to version
37.4 on disk number 783.
Author: Per Bojsen
HWGRCS A 3 part distribution of an RCS port to the Amiga,
currently at patch level 8. Part 1 contains the binaries
and documentation in AmigaGuide and "man" format, part 2
contains the source code to RCS, and part 3 contains the
source code and binaries for patch and diffutils. The
Revision Control System (RCS) manages multiple revisions of
text files. RCS automates the storing, retrieval, logging,
identification, and merging of revisions. RCS is useful for
text that is revised frequently, for example: programs, doc-
umentation, graphics, papers, form letters, etc. Included
are RCS 5.6, GNU diffutils 2.6 and an LP utility to support
paged diff outputs. Part 1 on disk 980, part 2 is on disk
981, and part 3 is on disk 982.
Author: Walter Tichy, Paul Eggert, Heinz Wrobel
========================== Contents of Disk 981 ==========================
This is disk 981 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
BootUte A utility to enable more older software work on the Amiga
1200 and 4000 series, It is also useful for users with
accelerators. Requires kickstart 2 or above. Binary only.
Author: Paul Toyne
CloudsAGA This program creates random clouds which you might use in
your paint program, as a texture in a ray tracing program
or as a background for your workbench. Uses all AGA res-
olutions. Now requires Workbench 2.0 or higher. This is
version 1.05, a complete rewrite in OBERON-2. Removed more
Enforcer hits. Public domain, includes source in OBERON-2.
Author: Daniel Amor
ConPaste ConPaste is a 2.0 commodity that allows you to paste clipped
text into anything. Paste into string gadgets. Paste into
any text application. In this new version, ConPaste drops
its priority by 1 when pasting text to allow sufficient
processor time for the receiving task or window to process
the text. When you press a user-defined key or key combina-
tion, ConPaste will take any FTXT found in clipboard unit 0,
convert the text back into input events, and send the input
events into the input stream. The output will go to the
active window or string gadget. This is version 37.25, an
update to the version distributed with ClipWindow by Jim
Harvey, on disk 935.
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
HuntWindows Starting with 2.0 you can make screens bigger than the
visual size of your monitor. On a double-size workbench,
catching windows like requesters etc. can be quite annoying
at times. This little utility hangs itself on the VBI
(Vertical Blank Interrupt) to find out which window is
being activated and moves the screen to show the window in
full view. Version 3.3, an update to version 1.4 on disk
number 774. Includes source in assembler.
Author: Jörg Bublath
HWGRCS A 3 part distribution of an RCS port to the Amiga,
currently at patch level 8. Part 1 contains the binaries
and documentation in AmigaGuide and "man" format, part 2
contains the source code to RCS, and part 3 contains the
source code and binaries for patch and diffutils. The
Revision Control System (RCS) manages multiple revisions of
text files. RCS automates the storing, retrieval, logging,
identification, and merging of revisions. RCS is useful for
text that is revised frequently, for example: programs, doc-
umentation, graphics, papers, form letters, etc. Included
are RCS 5.6, GNU diffutils 2.6 and an LP utility to support
paged diff outputs. Part 1 on disk 980, part 2 is on disk
981, and part 3 is on disk 982.
Author: Walter Tichy, Paul Eggert, Heinz Wrobel
========================== Contents of Disk 982 ==========================
This is disk 982 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Bin2Hunk Convert any binary file to an AmigaDOS hunk (or object file)
that can be linked with your linker into your program. This
is most useful when you wish some form of data to be a part
of your executable. This data can be sound samples, images,
text, or whatever. Sports a ReadArgs() CLI interface, as
well as a GadTools Intuition interface. Memory type options
include ANY, CHIP, and FAST. Allows naming of your hunks.
An optional data item containing the size of your data can
also be specified. Version 2.2, binary only.
Author: Brian Koetting
HWGRCS A 3 part distribution of an RCS port to the Amiga,
currently at patch level 8. Part 1 contains the binaries
and documentation in AmigaGuide and "man" format, part 2
contains the source code to RCS, and part 3 contains the
source code and binaries for patch and diffutils. The
Revision Control System (RCS) manages multiple revisions of
text files. RCS automates the storing, retrieval, logging,
identification, and merging of revisions. RCS is useful for
text that is revised frequently, for example: programs, doc-
umentation, graphics, papers, form letters, etc. Included
are RCS 5.6, GNU diffutils 2.6 and an LP utility to support
paged diff outputs. Part 1 on disk 980, part 2 is on disk
981, and part 3 is on disk 982.
Author: Walter Tichy, Paul Eggert, Heinz Wrobel
JoyRide A commodity that provides an intuition front-end for joy-
stick events. This has some nice advantages for both users
and programmers. Basic features are a simple joystick
interface, application shareable joystick events, and joy-
stick events now pass through the input.device stream.
Version 1.0, includes source to example test program.
Author: Brian Koetting
========================== Contents of Disk 983 ==========================
This is disk 983 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
CapsLockExt A Commodity that extends the effect of the CapsLock
key to every key on the keyboard, and allows the Shift
key to temporarily cancel the CapsLock key. This causes
CapsLock to act like a SHIFT-lock key on a typewriter.
Requires OS 2.04 or higher. Version 1.0, includes source
in assembly.
Author: Douglas Nelson
FastJPEG FastJPEG is a fast JPEG picture viewer. Besides being fast,
it has many other advantages. An important goal was to not
trade quality for speed. In fact, FastJPEG is both fast
and has an excellent quality. Most other JPEG viewers
either produce ugly pictures, or need ages to perform the
conversion to HAM mode. Version 1.10, binary only.
Author: Christoph Feck
Harridan A "Reminder" type program for your startup-sequence. Each
time you boot, Harridan will check your event list, if an
event is 'due', Harridan opens a window to remind you. If
nothing is 'due', you're not bothered. Designed under
Amiga DOS 2.04 and takes advantage of all its easy to use
features. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Andy Maxey
TitleClock A little commodity (about 4k) that throws up a clock in the
top right corner of a screen's titlebar. It may be set up
to display itself on one or more screens without running
multiple copies of the program. It may also be set to
follow your default public screen and also to always dis-
play on the frontmost screen. Version 3.3, an update to
version 2.7 on disk number 949. Freeware, includes source.
Author: Anders Hammarquist
Viewtek A feature packed Picture/Animation Viewer. Shows most
ILBM's (including 24-bit ILBM's), most Compuserve GIF for-
mat images, most JFIF format JPEG images and most ANIM Op-5
format animations, with support for different palettes for
each frame. Supports SHAM, CTBL, and PCHG images, full
support of ECS/AGA display modes (ie. show 256 color GIF's
directly, show 800x600 HAM animations, etc.). Supports
viewing contents of clipboard. Iconifies to a Workbench
AppIcon. Includes versions for DCTV, EGS, IV-24, Retina,
Firecracker, OpalVision, and Picasso. Requires AmigaDOS
2.04 or later. Version 2.1, an update to version 1.05 on
disk 903, binary only.
Author: Thomas Krehbiel
Yass Yet Another Screen Selector, a commodity with several nice
features such as: Completely controllable via keyboard (of
course you can use your mouse, if you really want to); Shows
Screens and Windows (option); Shows PublicScreenname or
ScreenTitle (option); Ability to change the default Public
screen; Opens window even on non-public screens (option).
Font-sensitive; Resizeable window. Version 2.0, an update
to version 1.1 on disk number 946. Binary only.
Author: Albert Schweizer
========================== Contents of Disk 984 ==========================
This is disk 984 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AGIndex Creates an index for AmigaGuide documents. Indicies are
sorted alphabetically and can be accessed (in AmigaGuide)
by pressing the 'Index' button. Index entries can be
extracted from the source document using two different
selecting methods: by reference or by declaration.
Version 1.04, OS2.0 and higher, binary only, freeware
Author: Camiel Rouweler
ForceIcon A utility mainly for users of CD-ROM drives. Since one can
not snapshot the position of a volume's icon, nor replace
it by a user-defined one, this utility was written. Force-
Icon allows you to set the position of a disk's icon and/or
replace it by a different image/icon which doesn't have to
be a disk.info file. All types of ".info" files may be
selected. GiftWare, Version 1.4, includes source.
Author: Kai Iske
IconToClip A link between the Workbench and the Shell. It adds an item
to the Tools menu that, when selected, puts the name of any
highlighted icon into the Clipboard, from which it can be
pasted to the Shell or any other program that uses the Amiga
Clipboard. Has an option for writing the full pathname.
Can handle multiple icon selections, writing the names in
row or column format. Can also be used as an AppWindow.
Requires 2.04 or higher. Version 1.0, includes source in
Author: Douglas Nelson
Imploder The Imploder allows you to reduce the size of executable
files while having them retain their full functionality.
There are other "crunchers" or "packers" available for the
Amiga, but none are as mindful of the complexities of your
Amiga system as the Imploder. In addition to this, its
algorithms are more efficient, both in terms of speed, and
size reduction. Version 4.0, binary only.
Author: Albert-Jan Brouwer, Peter Struijk, Erwin Zwart,
Paul van der Valk
TWA A commodity that remembers the last active window on any
screen. If screens are shuffled, the window is automatic-
ally re-activated when that screen is brought to front.
Version 1.4, an update to version 1.2 on disk number 874.
This version fixes a problem which made it impossible to
autoscroll on a screen which is partially in the back-
ground. Binary only.
Author: Matthias Scheler
WindowDaemon Gives extended control to intuition windows and screens
through HotKeys and Arexx. Features: Commodities Support;
HotKey and Arexx support to manipulate the currently active
window and screen. Standard window controls are avalable
such as Zip, Close, Size, ToFront, ToBack, NextScreen, etc.
Able to close the parent window of a drawer when opened on
"Workbench" if CONTROL is held down. (Only available under
kickstart V39 or higher); Specialized options to forcefully
close windows and screens, and also to remove tasks that own
the active window. Version 1.6, binary only.
Author: David Swasbrook
========================== Contents of Disk 985 ==========================
This is disk 985 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AGAiff An IFF-to-RAW converter which can load all ILBM graphics
supported by the AGA chipset. It is also able to save 24
Bit colors and sprites wider than 16 pixels. Some features
make this program quite attractive: Coded as a Commodity;
Coded completely in fast Assembler; Font-sensitive User
Interface; <MANY> different save formats; Powerful ARexx-
ort, supporting all stuff from the GUI; Runs even from
small Assembler Workdisks if you don't need ARexx, Hotkey
and all Displaymodes; ... and more ! Manual in AmigaGuide
format. Version 1.0, first release. Requires OS 3.0 or
Author: Michael Krause
ILBMKiller An IFF/AGA ILBM file viewer. Has optional delete facility
that allows you to sift though large collections of pic-
tures, keeping only the ones you want. Version 1.0, in-
cludes source in Blitz Basic.
Author: David, Coralie Tucker
Lines An OS friendly game, played with the mouse, where the goal
is to draw as many lines as you can, obeying the rules. The
basic rules are that only eight directions (horizontal,
vertical, and diagonal) are allowed, a line is exactly
five points long, and each new line can include at most one
point that was used in a previous line. Includes both PAL
and NTSC versions. Version 2.4, binary only.
Author: Mika Kortelainen
NewIFF Commodore IFF code modules and examples for OS 1.3 through
3.x. Code requires V39+ includes to compile, and under 1.3
requires the V37 iffparse.library to run. Examples include
handling AA display, brush loading, 8SVX playing, clipboard
FTXT reading/writing, etc. Version 39.11, includes source
in C.
Author: CBM, submitted by Carolyn Scheppner
NewTool A program that will quickly replace the default tool in
project icons. NewTool allows you to specify the default
tool to use, use a file requester to pick the default tool,
or it will automatically choose the proper tool depending
on the file type using WhatIs library. This version is a
complete rewrite from v37.203 which appeared on disk 947,
and is now more style guide compliant. Also included is
NewToolPrefs v1.1 which is a GUI to quickly and easily edit
your NewTools.prefs file. Version 2.6, binary only.
Author: Michael J Barsoom
SmallPlayer A small player for those really big modules. The file is
less than 10k. Plays powerpacked Protracker modules. This
is version 1.0a, first public release. Binary only, public
domain. Requires AmigaDOS 2.04 or above.
Author: Hallvard Korsgaard
========================== Contents of Disk 986 ==========================
This is disk 986 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
FDPro2Demo Demo of Jaeger Software Inc's WWII flight simulator for
the Amiga. It has full support for analog joystick and
rudder pedals and runs in Hi-res Interlace or in DBL
NTSC/PAL on AGA machines.
Author: Bill Manders, Matt Shaw, Drew Dorman, Ted Jump
MeMon An intuition-based utility that allows you to monitor or
change specific memory addresses. User may select byte,
word, or long word alignment. Displays in binary, hex,
and signed or unsigned decimal. Also useful for displaying
ascii codes of various character key mappings and/or as a
hex/binary/decimal converter. Version 1.1, an update to
version 1.0 on disk number 769. Binary only.
Author: David Ekholm
Phonedir Personal Phonedirectory is a database for addresses and
phone numbers. It can also dial the numbers automatically.
Its window can be hidden, and shown again by selecting from
the Workbench Tools menu. This is version 2.0, an update to
version 1.0 on disk 944. Binary only, freeware. Requires
AmigaDOS 2.04 or above.
Author: Hallvard Korsgaard
WBrain A thinking game for the WorkBench. The player must repro-
duce a random pattern by filling in a grid in the correct
order. The difficulty ranges from moderately easy to im-
possible. Uses very little CPU time and very little mem-
ory, so is ideal for playing while raytracing, etc. Re-
quires OS2.0+, Version 2.1a, and update to version 1.2 on
disk number 916. Binary only, freeware.
Author: Sean Russell
XFD This software package allows you to decrunch nearly every
crunched file known to the Amiga. It consists of the
xfdmaster.library as the brain and a couple of programs
that offer certain functions to the user. The xfdmaster
library, successor of the decrunch.library, is a standard
Amiga shared runtime library. It works with Kickstart V33+
and offers applications the possibility to directly support
crunched files of any kind. Version 1.00, binary only.
Author: Georg Hörmann
========================== Contents of Disk 987 ==========================
This is disk 987 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Calc An RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator with a 7-element
stack window. Includes the standard arithmetic operators,
plus swap, drop, power, root, natural log, exponential, sin,
cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan and hex/decimal display
modes. Version 2.0, binary only.
Author: Sean Russell
History This is a 2.04/3.0/3.1 compatible version of the history
command. It allows listing, saving, loading, and execution
of the standard con-handler command line history. This is
version 37.5, binary only.
Author: Andy Finkel
LhSFX An oldie, but goodie, that somehow missed getting included
in the AmigaLibDisks. LhSFX is a self-extracting archive
creator. Update from the original program written by Mike
Kennedy. Now uses a file requester. Has many bugs fixed.
Version 1.5, freeware, includes source in assembler.
Author: Ralf Thanner, Mike Kennedy
LoanCalc A mortgage/loan calculation utility. Although similar
programs exist, this one is unique in that it is designed
to track 'Open' mortgages that allow any size payment to
be made at any time, as well as providing a printed
Amortization Table for Fixed mortgages with monthly,
semi-monthly, bi-weekly and weekly payment re-schedules.
This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.4 on disk
number 492. Binary only, giftware.
Author: Robert Bromley
MCalc MUIProCalc is a MUI-based calculator much like Jimmy Yang's
Calc 3.0. It still lacks the plotter, but it offers a
quite flexible history facility for inserting previously
entered expressions. Different output formats offered and
plenty of functions the user may choose from. Furthermore
the look of the calculator may be customized. It offers an
ARexx Port, which may be used to let MUIProCalc calc from
within an editor for example. MUIProCalc may return a TeX
compatible output, which may be used within a mathematical
TeX environment. Results or inputs may be copied to the
Clipboard. This version fixes some bugs. Requires MUI
(MagicUserInterface by Stefan Stuntz) GiftWare. This is
version 1.3, includes source.
Author: Kai Iske
========================== Contents of Disk 988 ==========================
This is disk 988 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DQua A simple GUI-based utility that solves quadratic equations.
Version 1.00, includes source in HighSpeed pascal.
Author: Lee Kindness
MegaBall Classic amiga action game! Comes with two graphics files,
one that lets it run on older Amigas (even ones running WB
1.2!), and another that lets it take advantage of dazzling
24-bit AGA graphics if ya got 'em! Packed with a whole
bunch of exciting new features, music and boards. Docu-
mentation in AmigaGuide format. Version 3.0, shareware,
binary only.
Author: Ed Mackey
MemClear A tool for programmers which fills unused memory chunks
with zeros or any other byte value. In addition to that,
it is a pure replacement for 'Avail' and can flush unused
system resources, such as libraries, devices, and fonts.
The memory type to be filled can be selected (chipmem,
fastmem, both). It also warns if a defective memory
structure is recognized. Version 1.8, binary only,
Author: Ralf Thanner
========================== Contents of Disk 989 ==========================
This is disk 989 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AntiCicloVir A link virus detector and exterminator. Also detects other
types of viri. This version can detect: 126 Bootblock; 17
Link; 28 File; 7 Disk-Validator; 14 Trojans; and 8 Bombs;
Automatically checks each inserted disk for boot block and
disk-validator viruses. Can scan all files of a specified
directory for known link viruses, and constantly monitors
memory and system vectors. This is version 2.1, an update
to version 2.0 on disk number 865. Binary only, freeware.
Author: Matthias Gutt
FlipIt A commodity that lets you install hotkeys for flipping
through screens. FlipIt lets you specify a hotkey to push
the frontmost screen to the back, and a hotkey to bring the
rearmost screen to the front. This is useful when using
programs that do not have depth gadgets on their screens.
Version 1.0. WB 2.0+ required. Binary only.
Author: Michael J Barsoom.
PicCon PicCon is short for "Picture Converter". This is a utility
made for programmers, which will convert IFF ILBMs plus any
picture format you've got support for in your datatypes
library to an appropriate image format. This is an essen-
tial stage mainly in the development of games, but is also
useful in development of other software (like demos, appli-
cations, etc.). Not only whole pictures can be converted,
but also parts of pictures can be cut out to be saved as
e.g. sprites or small bitplanes. Version 2.01, binary
Author: Morten Eriksen
VirusZII Release II of this popular virus detector that now recog-
nizes 279 boot and 145 file viruses. The filechecker can
also decrunch files for testing. The memory checker re-
moves all known viruses from memory without 'Guru Medita-
tion' and checks memory for viruses regularly. VirusZ has
easy to use intuitionized menus including keycuts for both
beginners and experienced users. Release II versions of
VirusZ require OS2.O+. This is Release II Version 1.03,
an upgrade to Release II version 1.0 on disk number 948.
Binary only, shareware.
Author: Georg Hörmann