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; Chaos: The Chess HAppening Organisation System V5.2
; Copyright (C) 1993 Jochen Wiedmann
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; This is the Installation-script (Installer 1.24)
; $VER: Chaos-Install 5.2 (09.11.93)
; Printing the disclaimer
; English strings
(set default_lang 2)
(set #Chaos-Message (cat
"Chaos: The Chess HAppening Organisation System\n\n"
"V5.2 Copyright © 1993 Jochen Wiedmann\n\n"
"This program is FREE SOFTWARE; you can redistribute "
"it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General "
"Public License as published by the Free Software "
"Foundation; either version 2 or any later version.\n\n"
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be "
"useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY! See the GNU General "
"Public License (in the COPYING-file) for more details."
(set #Kickstart-Message
"Sorry, you need Kickstart 2.04 or higher to run Chaos!"
(set #Ask-Bindir-Help (cat
"We begin with installing the binary.\n\n"
"You are asked to select a directory where this "
"should go to. Typical choices would be C: or Work:bin "
"for running Chaos as a CLI-command and "
"Sys: or Tools: to install Chaos as "
"a Workbench-application.\n\n"
"Other parts of the program will go to different places. "
"You will be asked for them later.\n\n\n"
(set #Ask-Bindir-Message "Please select a binary-directory:")
(set #Copying-binary-Message "Copying the binary...")
; The following must contain a '%s' which will receive a directory-name
(set #Ask-s-dir-Help (cat
"We go on selecting a directory where the default-icon "
"(called Chaos_Project.icon) will live.\n\n"
"Chaos will look for it in %s or s:.\n\n\n"
; The following must contain a '%s' which will receive a directory-name
(set #Ask-s-dir-Message
"Please select an icon-directory\n(s: or %s recommended)"
(set #Copying-s-Message "Copying the default-icon...")
(set #Ask-Languages-Help (cat
"The last thing that should be installed are the catalogs.\n\n"
"Catalogs allow to use Chaos in different languages. "
"Currently only German and English are possible.\n\n"
"You are asked to select the languages that should be installed "
"by clicking on the related buttons.\n\n\n"
(set #Ask-Languages-Message
"Please select the languages that should be installed:"
; The following must contain a '%s' which will receive a directory-name
(set #Ask-Cat-dir-Help (cat
"The Catalog-files should be installed in a directory where Chaos "
"will find them. Chaos will look into %s and Locale:Catalogs.\n\n\n"
; The following must contain a '%s' which will receive a directory-name
(set #Ask-Cat-dir-Message (cat
"Please select a catalog-directory\n(%s or Locale:Catalogs "
(set #Copying-Cat-Message "Copying the Catalogs...")
(set #Set-Default-Language "Setting the icons default language...")
(set #Set-Default-Language-Help (cat
"It is possible to use other languages than german even without the "
"locale.library. The icon needs a tooltype LANGUAGE in that case, "
"which i want to setup now.\n\n"
(set #Ask-Install-Rexx-Message "Should I install the ARexx examples?")
(set #Ask-Install-Rexx-Help (cat
"There are some example scripts to show how to use Chaos from an ARexx "
"program. Chaos doesn't need them, but they are probably useful for "
"you, if you wish to add special facilities to Chaos.\n\n"
"Please decide, if these should be installed too.\n\n"
; The following must contain a '%s' which will receive a directory-name
(set #Ask-Rexx-Dir-Message (cat
"Please select a directory where to install the ARexx scripts. "
"(%s or Rexx: recommended.)"
; The following must contain a '%s' which will receive a directory-name
(set #Ask-Rexx-Dir-Help (cat
"You should select a directory for the ARexx scripts. Chaos does not "
"know them and so any special place is possible. "
"%s or Rexx: are recommended.\n\n"
(set #Copying-Rexx-Dir-Message "Copying the ARexx examples...")
; German strings
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set default_lang 1)
(set #Chaos-Message (cat
"Chaos: The Chess HAppening Organisation System\n"
"V5.2 Copyright © 1993 Jochen Wiedmann\n\n"
"Dieses Programm ist FREIE SOFTWARE; Sie können sie verändern "
"und/oder weitergeben, sofern Sie dabei "
"die Regeln und Bestimmungen der `GNU General Public License' "
"(Version 2 oder eine neuere Version ihrer Wahl) beachten.\n\n"
"Dieses Programm wird veröffentlicht in der Hoffnung, daß es "
"nützlich sein wird, aber OHNE JEDE GARANTIE! Bitte lesen Sie "
"Details in der `GNU General Public License', die in der "
"Datei COPYING enthalten sein muß!"
(set #Kickstart-Message (cat
"Tut mir leid, aber Sie brauchen Kickstart 2.04 oder höher, "
"um Chaos zu benutzen!"
(set #Ask-Bindir-Help (cat
"Wir beginnen mit der Installation des eigentlichen Programms.\n\n"
"Sie sollten ein Directory auswählen, wohin dieses kopiert wird, "
"z.B. C: oder Work:bin, um Chaos als CLI-Programm zu installieren "
"oder Sys: oder Work: um Chaos auf der Workbench zu installieren.\n\n"
"Andere Teile des Programms werden in andere Directories kopiert, "
"die Sie später bestimmen können.\n\n\n"
(set #Ask-Bindir-Message
"Bitte wählen Sie ein Directory für das eigentliche Programm."
(set #Copying-binary-Message "Kopieren des Programms...")
; The following must contain a '%s' which will receive a directory-name
(set #Ask-s-dir-Help (cat
"Wir machen mit der Installation des Vorgabe-Icons weiter. "
"Dieses wird in der Datei Chaos_Project.icon enthalten sein.\n\n"
"Chaos sucht danach in den Directories %s oder s:.\n\n\n"
; The following must contain a '%s' which will receive a directory-name
(set #Ask-s-dir-Message (cat
"Bitte wählen Sie ein Directory für das Vorgabeicon\n(%s oder s: "
"werden empfohlen)"
(set #Copying-s-Message "Kopieren des Vorgabe-Icons...")
(set #Ask-Languages-Help (cat
"Als letztes installieren wir die Catalog-Dateien, die es "
"erlauben, Chaos in verschiedenen Sprachen zu benutzen. "
"Zur Zeit sind leider nur Deutsch und Englisch möglich.\n\n"
"Sie sollten die gewünschten Sprachen durch Anklicken der "
"entsprechenden Gadgets anklicken.\n\n\n"
(set #Ask-Languages-Message
"Bitte wählen Sie die Sprachen aus, die installiert werden sollen:"
; The following must contain a '%s' which will receive a directory-name
(set #Ask-Cat-dir-Help (cat
"Die Catalogs müssen in einem Directory installiert werden, wo sie "
"von Chaos gesucht werden. Chaos wird in %s und Locale:Catalogs "
"danach suchen.\n\n\n"
; The following must contain a '%s' which will receive a directory-name
(set #Ask-Cat-dir-Message (cat
"Bitte wählen Sie ein Directory für die Catalogs\n(%s oder "
"Locale:Catalogs werden empfohlen)"
(set #Copying-Cat-Message "Kopieren der Catalogs...")
(set #Set-Default-Language "Setzen der Vorgabesprache im Icon...")
(set #Set-Default-Language-Help (cat
"Selbst ohne die locale.library ist es möglich, andere Sprachen als "
"Englisch zu benutzen. In diesem Fall muß allerdings der Tooltyp "
"LANGUAGE im Icon gesetzt werden, was ich jetzt tun will.\n\n"
(set #Ask-Install-Rexx-Message
"Soll ich auch die ARexx-Beispiele installieren?"
(set #Ask-Install-Rexx-Help (cat
"Es gibt einige Beispielskripte, die die Benutzung von Chaos aus "
"einem ARexx-Programm dokumentieren. Chaos benötigt diese Skripts "
"nicht, aber sie könnten nützlich sein, falls Sie einmal selbst "
"zusätzliche Möglichkeiten in Chaos einbauen möchten.\n\n"
"Bitte entscheiden Sie, ob ich diese Skriptdateien ebenfalls "
"installieren soll.\n\n"
; The following must contain a '%s' which will receive a directory-name
(set #Ask-Rexx-Dir-Message (cat
"Bitte wählen Sie ein Directory, in dem ich die ARexx-Skripte "
"installieren soll. (Ich empfehle %s oder Rexx:)"
; The following must contain a '%s' which will receive a directory-name
(set #Ask-Rexx-Dir-Help (cat
"Sie sollten ein Directory wählen, in das die ARexx-Skripte kopiert "
"werden. Chaos benützt diese nicht, jedes Directory ist deshalb "
"möglich. Üblich sind %s oder Rexx:\n\n"
(set #Copying-Rexx-Dir-Message "Kopieren der ARexx-Beispiele...")
; Welcome the User
(user 1)
(set old_level @user-level)
(user 2)
(message #Chaos-Message)
(user old_level)
; Check the Kickstart-version and abort if we are running V36 or lower.
(set ver (/ (getversion "exec.library" (resident)) 65536))
(if (< ver 37)
( (abort #Kickstart-Message)
; Select a directory for the binary
(set destdir "c:")
(if (= @user-level 1)
( (set destdir (askdir
(prompt #Ask-Bindir-Message)
(help #Ask-Bindir-Help @askdir-help)
(default destdir)
; Copy the binary
(set destdir (copyfiles
(prompt #Copying-binary-Message)
(help #Ask-Bindir-Help @copyfiles-help)
(source "")
(dest destdir)
(choices "Chaos" "Chaos.info")
(confirm 1)
(set @default-dest destdir)
; Select a directory where the default-icon will go to.
(set sdestdir (tackon destdir "s"))
(if (< @user-level 2)
( (set sdestdir (askdir
(prompt (#Ask-s-dir-Message sdestdir))
(help (cat (#Ask-s-dir-Help sdestdir) @askdir-help))
(default (select @user-level "s:" sdestdir))
; Copy the default-icon
(prompt #Copying-s-Message)
(help (#Ask-s-dir-Help sdestdir) @copyfiles-help)
(source "s")
(dest sdestdir)
; Ask, if the ARexx scripts should be installed too.
(user 2)
(set installARexx (askbool
(prompt #Ask-Install-Rexx-Message)
(help #Ask-Install-Rexx-Help)
; Select a directory where the Arexx scripts will go to.
(if (= installARexx 1)
( (set ARexxdestdir (tackon destdir "Rexx"))
(set ARexxdestdir (askdir
(prompt (#Ask-Rexx-Dir-Message ))
(help (cat (#Ask-Rexx-Dir-Help ARexxdestdir) @askdir-help))
(default (select old_level "Rexx:" ARexxdestdir ARexxdestdir))
(user old_level)
; Copy the ARexx scripts
(if (= installARexx 1)
( (copyfiles
(prompt #Copying-Rexx-Dir-Message)
(help (#Ask-Rexx-Dir-Help ARexxdestdir) @copyfiles-help)
(source "Rexx")
(dest ARexxdestdir)
; Check for locale.library
(set catdestdir_is_set (NOT @user-level))
(set catdestdir "Locale:Catalogs")
(if (AND (NOT (exists "Locale:")) (NOT @user-level))
( (set catdestdir "Catalogs")
; Install the catalogs
(user 2)
(set languages (askoptions
(prompt #Ask-Languages-Message)
(help #Ask-Languages-Help @askoptions-help)
(choices "Deutsch" "English")
(default default_lang)
(user old_level)
(set n 0)
(while (set thislanguage (select n "Deutsch" "English" ""))
( (if (AND (<> n 1) (BITAND languages (shiftleft 1 n)))
( (if (NOT catdestdir_is_set)
( (set catdestdir (tackon destdir "Catalogs"))
(if (= 1 @user-level)
( (set catdestdir (askdir
(prompt (#Ask-Cat-dir-Message catdestdir))
(help (#Ask-Cat-dir-Help catdestdir) @askdir-help)
(default catdestdir)
(set catdestdir_is_set 1)
(if (<> (exists catdestdir) 2)
( (makedir catdestdir)
(set catdestdir (pathonly (copyfiles
(prompt #Copying-Cat-Message)
(help (#Ask-Cat-dir-help (tackon destdir "Catalogs"))
(source (tackon "Catalogs" thislanguage))
(dest (tackon catdestdir thislanguage))
(if (AND (= (+ n 1) default_lang) (= ver 37))
( (if (<> default_lang 2)
( (tooltype
(prompt #Set-Default-Language)
(help #Set-Default-Language-Help)
(setstack 20000)
(dest (tackon destdir "Chaos.info"))
(settooltype "(This is the default icon's path.)")
(settooltype "(s: will be searched additionally.)")
(settooltype (cat "(DEFICON=" @sdestdir ")"))
(settooltype "(This suppresses creation of icons.)")
(settooltype "(NOICONS)")
(settooltype "(This is for workbench 2.0 only!)")
(settooltype "(Not needed if language is english.)")
(settooltype (cat "LANGUAGE=" @language))
(set n (+ n 1))