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Colonial Conquest II
Colonial Conquest II has been written in 1993/94 by
Christian Mumenthaler. This program is giftware, which means
that you can make a donation to the author if you like it.
All rights remain by Christian Mumenthaler, but everybody is
allowed to copy it for other people as long as he/she
includes the "Copyright"-file and doesn't ask more than the
nominal fee of 4$ (5 Sfr/5 DM) for the disk. Please read the
"Copyright"-file for more details and all exceptions!
System requirements: Colonial Conquest is a PAL game and
runs on all Amigas (tested on A4000, A2000, A1000 & A500)
with MORE than 1MB of memory. It runs perfectly with all
kinds of turbo boards and expansions. You'll have to switch
off your mouse blanker if you are running one as CCII will
not run properly with it.
Thanks to Paul Hickman for his precious help in making this
manual more readable.
1. Introduction
Colonial Conquest is a space-strategy game for one or two
persons. The basic idea and concept have been heavily
influenced by the shareware game "Conquest" and the
Microprose game "Civilization".
The aim of the game is to spread your civilization through
the 26 earth-like planets of the universe map and to defend
it from other civilizations by building weapons and war
Unfortunately - like all half-realistic simulations and
strategy games - Colonial Conquest will reward primitive
destructive behavior and colonial instincts without leaving
much room for cooperative actions and peaceful living. Take
it as a game!
As Colonial Conquest is quite easy to handle, I suggest you
first have a look at the program before returning to this
long (and boring) manual with a lot of fresh motivation...
Hundred years ago, your ancestors fled in a huge colony ship
from the GREAT EMPIRE, the only lasting "state-system" that
human kind had managed to keep upright for some centuries
since the beginning of star colonization. This Empire
however was not only corrupt and totalitarian, but also
extremely repressive against minorities of thinking people
(thinking people are generally minorities, aren't they?).
Anyway, your idealistic and valiant ancestors (others called
them subversive and religious fanatics) founded a little
colony very far away from the Empire and lived more or less
in peace until today. The new generations (to which you
belong, of course!) however, feel more and more frustrated
to be confined on a small planet while the universe gets
conquered at the same time by other guys. Adventure calls
and as you finally come to power on your small planet
(through corruption and intrigues), you immediately show a
less wise behavior than your ancestors and start to develop
industry, military research and build a space fleet...
You also recontact the Empire as you'd like some
humanitarian help (which you would use to build weapons, of
course) for the development of your poor planet. The Empire
doesn't seem to be interested at all. People there just
amuse themselves by watching violent games or floating
around in cyberspace and feel not concerned about foreign
politics. You realize that you'll have to start without any
2. Getting started
After the title screen, three options will appear on the
- Start a new game.
- Load saved game. (Only if you have a saved game on the
- Create new universe. This menu allows you to change the
aspect of the planets as the program will choose all the 26
planet surfaces among the pre-designed ones in the
If you start a new game, the program will ask you if you
wish to play alone or with another player. Unnecessary to
say that it will be much more fun to play with a friend, but
as these are not always present, you may wish to play
anyway. In this case, the game will simulate an alien race
that colonizes planets like you.
If you choose the two player option, you will have to answer
two additional questions:
1) Do both player start with identical planets? If you
choose "yes", the planet of player 2 will look exactly like
the planet of player 1, which will prevent one player from
having an advantage over the other from the beginning, as
some planets might be more difficult to start with.
2) Give Empire rating at which the game should end: (No
limit, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000) As two player games that go
until the bitter end (No limit) usually last VERY long and
get boring as soon as it is clear which player will win, you
now have the possibility to give another aim to the game:
The winner will be the one who first gets incorporated to
the Empire, which will happen as soon as a certain Empire
rating is reached. By setting this aim, you will therefore
have the possibility to win without annihilating or even
attack the other player, which might be helpful for your
personal relationship to her/him.
After these questions, you will be asked for the difficulty
level of the game which is more relevant when playing
against a computer opponent who gets really mean on the
"suicide" level.
Now the main screen will appear for player one. From now on,
there will be game turns during which first player one and
then player two can order some actions that will then be
evaluated by the program. At the beginning of each turn, the
players will get a report of everything that has happened.
3. Main screen
On the main screen you will see all earth-like planets of
the universe.
There are 5 types of planets:
Unnamed: A world that does not belong to your empire and
where you have no space ships orbiting.
Named: A world you can access the planet surface screen of,
either because you have colonized it, or have some ships in
Green Circle: A world that you have colonized.
Yellow Circle: A world where a conflict may be imminent
because the spaceships orbiting it do not belong to the same
civilization as the people that live on it.
Red Circle: A world where a combat is taking place.
At the left side of the planet is a yellow point or line
that signals the presence of space ships that belong to you.
A similar line in red will appear just next to it as soon as
enemy troops are orbiting the planet too. The length of this
line is proportional to the strength of your fleet until it
reaches the maximal height of 15 pixels.
Above this line, a tiny hammer-symbol will be drawn if the
planet is currently producing something.
Every planet has a number and name, but you will only see
the name of the planets that you can actually look at.
At the bottom of the screen, you will find some menus that
will be explained in the following:
MOVE SHIPS: ("m" on keyboard). You have to select a planet
from where you want to send a space ship and also the
destination planet. After this, all available space ships
will be listed and you can click on those you wish to send
away. Once you have chosen, you can click on the "OK" button
to get out of this menu.
TRAVEL ROUTES: ("t" on keyboard). All travel routes of the
ships actually in flight will be drawn on the screen with
red lines. A tiny yellow circle will show the actual
position of the ships on this route. Ships traveling trough
stargates will not appear, but a yellow line will show their
analogous route in normal space.
FLIGHT STATUS: ("f" on keyboard). All ships in flight will
be listed together with their source and destination planet.
At the right, the remaining turns needed to reach the
destination will be shown. The ships are automatically
listed in order of arrival. Ships that will arrive in the
next turn are highlighted and those travelling through
stargates will have a red star at their right.
PLANET LIST: ("l") All colonialized planets are listed. You
will see your real population, the last turn population
growth (in %), the Food/Material/Energy production and the
object that the planet is actually constructing.
REPORTS: ("r") The report that you get at the beginning of
each turn will be printed again. This is useful if you have
forgotten its content.
STATUS: ("s") Will show you your actual Tech-Level and the
Research Status along with all the ships you own. Besides
this, you will see your actual EMPIRE-Score. This score
represents the judgement of your performances by the EMPIRE.
Many factors are taken into account among which the number
of colonized planets, population, production, reserves,
science, fleet force and the discovered life forms.
Below this, you will see a list of all planets you have
explored and the life form you have discovered there (if
After this, the program will give you the possibility to see
where all ships of a selected type can be found.
SPECIAL COMMANDS: ("c") Here comes the menu all action
freaks have waited for! If you have hi-tech machines on one
of your planets, you will be able to give up to three
commands that will be executed at the end of the turn. (The
result will however only be shown at the beginning of the
next turn!). You can do the following:
- Short Range Scan: (Needs Planet scanner). The space around
your planet will be scanned in a range of 60 pixels and all
discovered spaceships drawn as little arrows pointing toward
their aim. Enemy ships will appear in a flashing color and
your own ships will be drawn in red.
- Long Range Scan: Same as above excepted that the range is
120 pixels which allows a wide view into the
flight-activities of your enemy.
- Energy Cannon Shot: (Needs Energy-Cannon). Three focussed
high-energy-beams will be fired toward a selected planet.
The impact will completely destroy one surface-unit together
with the machine that has been built on it (if there is
any!). As I didn't want to make this game too bloody, the
colonists that worked on that surface-unit will always be
able to escape from the catastrophe!
- Destroy Planet: (Needs Planet Destroyer). The "Planet
Destroyer" belongs to the class of hi-tech
gravity-disruption-weapons and is a result of the advanced
quantum-gravity-theory founded by Prof. Von Hirt. This high
energy weapon can cause the gravitational collapse of any
very large object (like planets!) by sending focussed
disturbing gravity-waves that interfere positively on a
calculated point and cause such irregularities into the
gravitational field that the object is torn apart and
explodes. This command is therefore the ultimate immoral
command of the game as you simply blow away a whole world,
possibly populated by thousands of innocent human beings!
So, if you play together with a friend, just don't use it if
you still want to be his friend after the game! (I can take
no warranty for lost friendships!)
Through this menu you have access to the espionage (spy
mode) of other worlds with spy satellites.
Spy satellites can be built on every planet that has a
starport. They are however NOT sent to orbit like normal
space ships (and do therefore NOT appear in the "orbit
window" at the top right), but remain at the starport until
they are sent to a specific destination.
In the spy mode, you'll see all the colonized planets with
the usual planet icon. Planets with one or more of your spy
sats in orbit will have a small blue EYE on them, while
planets that you can't look at will appear in dark grey. At
the bottom, there will be a menu to quit the spy mode and
return to the normal view of the starmap.
In spy mode, the planet number will be replaced by the
number of sats that are currently in orbit or in your space
port. You can now click on all planets that have a spy sat
present (EYE symbol). A small pop up menu will appear with
different options:
- VIEW. Every spy sat is equipped with a small camera that
allows an optical view of the planet. You will see a rough
image of the planet map and the "real" view of the rotating
planet from which the computer has constructed the map. As
spy sats are kept far away from planets to be undetectable,
the image quality will not allow deep analysis, but on the
other hand you can not be "seen" when using this method as
no scanner beam is necessary.
Your computer will automatically analyze the pictures and
detect nuclear power-plants and population (if above 5000).
He will also try to detect alien ships, but as they might be
orbiting the planet on the other side, chances are high that
you won't detect all of them. In 50% of the cases you will
not detect anything, even if there is a huge fleet present.
Besides this, you will not be able to tell what kind of
ships are present.
- SCAN. To get a detailed view of the planet, you'll have to
send a scanner beam out from your spy sat. By getting back
the reflected part of this beam, your computer will be able
to reconstruct the planet surface with every detail unless
some scan beam disturbers are in use on the planet. If there
is a space port on the planet or any spy sat antenna, you
will be detected!!! If your enemy has some space ships in
orbit, your satellite will be destroyed, probably even
before having been able to transmit all data. The same thing
happens if planet defences are installed, but there is a
chance that the ground cannons will miss you and loose your
As your enemy may have positioned his anti-spy-sat-antenna
anywhere on the planet, you will have to choose the planet
surface spot where the scan will begin. The beam scans from
left to right and from top to the bottom.
- SEND. If you have a space port on the planet, you'll be
able to send the satellites to other planets, which will
need a certain amount of energy depending on the distance.
It is important to notice that the satellites have nearly no
propulsion system and can therefore not been moved around
once they arrive at a planet with no starport. They also can
not be detected with planet scanners and will not be listed
in the normal fleet flight routes and statistics. They are
something separate and will only appear in the spy sat menu.
Once a sat is sent somewhere, you'll see a dotted line to
the destination planet. If there were already spy sats in
flight when you entered the spy sat menu, their routes will
automatically be drawn. The part they have already crossed
will be drawn as a full line.
-EXIT. To exit this pop up menu.
LOAD/SAVE: ("L"/"S") You'll get to another menu with
different options:
1) SAVE GAME. Allows you to save the game and to continue
later by using the "Load game" menu at the beginning or
during the game. Please note that your file name should not
contain dots (i.e. type "GameSave" instead of "Game.Save")
2) LOAD GAME: Loads a previously saved game. Note that (as
only the actual GAME TURN) is saved to disk, game control
will always go to the player who actually loaded the game,
regardless of which one of the two players has saved it! (If
player 2 saves the game at turn 100 and player 1 loads it
again in turn 101, he will find himself back in turn 100!)
3) GAME MANUAL. The ASCII file "game.manual" will be loaded
and displayed. The program will automatically find the
titles and list them as indexes.
4) QUIT GAME. Exits the game and returns to the Workbench if
you have started it from there.
END OF TURN: ("e" on keyboard). You end your turn and give
the game control to your friend. If you are player two, the
game will first make the end of turn evaluation.
NEXT IDLE: (Return, Right mouse button) Once you
have colonized more than 4 to 5 planets, it is often
difficult to remember which planets had events reported and
require some attention this turn. To help, a "duty-list" is
maintained of planets where:
- A colonist has been produced.
- Production of an object has completed, and planet has not
been instructed to repeatedly produce the same object with
the "Permanent" option.
When you press the NEXT IDLE button (or Return / Right
Mouse), the planet surface screen for the first planet in
the duty list is displayed. When you return to the main
screen, and press NEXT IDLE again, the planet surface of
the next planet in the duty list is displayed.
Please note that once the planet surface is displayed
by the next idle button, it is removed from the duty list.
If you accidentally leave the planet surface screen, and
forget which planet it was, display the REPORT again.
VIEW HIGH-SCORES: Press the ESCAPE-key to see the high-score
4. Planet surface
If you click on a planet from the main map, you will see the
planet surface together with three windows.
(Important note: hit the HELP key there to get a screen with
a short information about all menus!)
On the planet surface, you will see your colony with
everything that you have built there. Over every object, you
will see the number of food, material or energy (yellow
lightnings) it produces and/or how much energy it needs (red
lightnings). Some objects (as granaries) do not produce at
all, but have other purposes. Some objects are automatic and
need no human help to work (it is therefore impossible to
place a human on them!) while others like food-robots and
greenhouses need assistance.
By clicking on a surface-square, you can place a colonist on
it. You will see at once how much food and material this
colonist will produce at this place. If no helping object
(as robots) is on this place, the production will usually be
quite low, as the colonist will only have simple instruments
for his work. Of course, the production strongly depends
upon the terrain type.
If you click on a colonist, he will disappear from the
surface window and appear in the window below as a "free"
colonist (red and white cloths) at the right of the working
colonists (blue cloths). "Free" colonists work in the city
complex or in the colony station for the science research.
Normally, each free colonist produces one "science unit"
that will make progress research at each turn and rise your
TECH-LEVEL after a certain amount of time. The Tech-Level is
important for the performance of your fleet (see "Space
battles") and also to build Hi-Tech equipment (Battlestars,
Stargates etc).
It is important to note that each colonist represents 1000
real people (a planet with 6300 people will therefore have 6
colonist units!).
Below this, you will find the food production (yellow
symbols). Each colonist unit needs one unit of food per
turn. If you produce more, the surplus will be seen at the
right. If you produce less, you will see green symbols for
each missing unit. BE WARNED: If the food production is not
sufficient and no food reserves present, a colonist unit
will die at the end of the turn!
Besides this, you will see the (raw) material production,
the energy production (= energy of all power plants minus
all energy needed for machines and other stuff) and the
science "production".
The reserves of the planet are listed at the bottom. Note
that there is always enough room to deposit raw material,
but if you want to make food reserves or energy reserves,
you will need special equipment (granary and energy storage
At the right side of the screen, all space ships orbiting
the planet are listed above. The attack and defence values
of the planet will also be printed here. In the window
below, you will see what the planet is producing actually
and also find all accessible commands ("Install stargate"
etc). This window will be called "command window".
4.1. Planet production
The first button in the command window is the "Producing"
button. By clicking on it, you will get a list of all
objects, machines and space ships you can build on the
planet. At the right, you will see how many material units
will be needed to finish the work, how much energy unit it
will cost at each turn once it is built (red lightning), how
much energy it will produce (yellow lightning) and if a
colonist is needed to make it work (you will have to place a
colonist on this machine!).
Note that you can only build space ships if your planet owns
at least one starport. The strength of each space ship type
will be listed near the "Fight" symbol (crossed swords).
If you choose an object whose production depends upon the
surface type it is built on, an extra button will appear
("Help on") which will give you access to a "help-mode". In
this mode, the additonal production expected by the object
will be written on each surface square (unless it is zero,
of course!), which will make your decision much easier.
Once you have selected an object and no error message has
appeared, the production will begin. A white bar will be
drawn under the object name and from now on the whole
material production of the planet will be put into the
construction of the object. Once the bar is full with
material symbols, the production will be finished.
On a small button at the right, you will see in percentages
to what extent the production is completed. Clicking on this
button will give you more detailed informations about the
material already invested in the production and the number
of turns it will take to produce it considering the actual
raw material production of the planet.
If you have some raw material left in your reserves, you can
use it to accelerate the production of the object. To do
this, you have to click into the white bar. As the raw
material in the reserves has to be re-worked to be used, you
will need two units of material reserves to get one unit for
the production! (It is therefore recommended always to build
something with the material that is produced and not to
stock it in the reserves!).
As space ships do not need to be assigned to a planet
surface square (like all other objects), the planet can
produce them permanently without your intervention. If you
wish the planet to do so, click on the "Unique" button which
will then change to "Permanent".
4.1.1. Planet surface objects
For reasons of pollution it is not allowed to build more
than 35 objects on one planet! The number of objects already
built can be seen in the "?" menu.
Here is the list of all surface objects:
Food-robot: Simple but very efficient help (irrigation etc.)
for food production on fertile ground. Needs a colonist. The
effect is dependant on the ground it is built on.
Greenhouse: Complicated but efficient, very important on
planets with no fertile ground. Needs a colonist to work,
but it will produce the same amount of food on every ground.
Granary: Helps to store 200 units of food.
Mining-robot: Helps colonist to get raw material. Effect
depends upon ground.
Energy collector: Transforms radiation energy from the sun
into electric power. Efficiency depends on the ground.
(Efficient in deserts, not efficient in forests!).
Coal power-plant: Produces 4 units of energy.
Nuclear power-plant: Produces 8 units of energy.
Fusion power-plant. Produces 16 units of energy.
Energy Storage Unit: Stores up to 300 units of energy.
Colony Station: Basic unit carried by each colony ship. The
integrated greenhouse produces enough food for two colonist
units (only if one colonist stays there!).
City Complex: Provides room for 8000 people. Needs energy.
Spy Sat Antenna. Allows you to detect a beam sent by any
enemy spy sat. This information will automatically be sent
to all ground defence units and to all space ships in orbit.
They will try to destroy the satellite. If you have only
ground defences, you may miss the sat and loose its track.
Scan Beam Disturber. Will permanently send out disturbing
beams that will prevent spy sats to scan a certain area
around the scan beam disturber (about two other objects in
each direction). This will allow you to make sure that your
enemy will under no circumstances see secret installations.
The exact range of these disturbers can bee seen with a menu
on the planet surface.
Irrigation Unit. If you have a colony on a planet with
deserts and half-deserts, you may wish to transform this
desert into more fertile ground by using this energy
consuming object. After the installation, the eight squares
next to the unit will be improved every 4 game turns.
(Desert -> 2/3 desert -> 1/3 desert -> grassland)
Snow Melting Unit. This is the analogous of the irrigation
unit for planets with cold climate. (Ice -> 2/3 snow -> 1/3
snow -> grassland)
Ground Defence Unit: Automatic ground defence. Not very
strong, but quite resistant. (Attack: 2, Defence: 12). Will
allow you to win some time if a very strong enemy attacks
your planet.
Planets without ground defence automatically fall into the
hands of the enemy once you have no space ships in orbit
Barracks: Following my own experience, barracks have the
most ugly icon of the game. It is probably impossible to
imagine nice barracks as this seems to be a paradox in
Barracks are here to train new army units. Every barracks
unit can form one new army unit every turn. (= poor and
pacifist students that get trained to be killers). If
barracks are destroyed, the armies will not be disbanded
automatically, as I assume that tough guys like these will
be able to camp outside of barracks.
Planet Scanner: Will allow you to scan the space around your
planet. Requires Tech-Level 6! (See "Special Commands"!)
Energy Cannon: This heavy energy gun will give you the
possibility to shoot from one planet to another, making
craters on the planet surface where nothing can be built on.
If the energy beams hits any machine or object, this will be
completely destroyed!
Requires Tech-Level 7! (See "Special Commands"!)
Planet Destroyer: Can destroy a whole planet of your choice
if you have 1000 energy units left. Requires Tech-Level 8!
(See "Special Commands"!)
Planet Defence. This is an efficient defence against energy
cannons and planet destroyers, provided you have 1/2 of the
energy that was used to attack your planet in your reserves.
This energy will be used to absorb and reflect the attack.
Medical Center: If the population of a planet grows beyond
8000 people, chances for a plague to arise will grow
rapidly. A medical center will prevent all sorts of plagues.
University: Increases the science production for up to 5
free people. (If you have no free colonists, a university
will not help anything!)
Space Port: A space port is necessary for building space
ships and sending them into orbit!
4.1.2. Space ships
Provided your planet has a space port, you will be able to
construct different kinds of space ships:
Colony ship: Allows you to send up to 4 colonist units (4000
people) to another planet where you will be able to
establish a colony. It can also be used to transport people
from one planet to another.
Stargate ship: Allows you to install a stargate on any
planet. Requires Tech-Level 5! See "Install stargate" in the
next section for more details.
Transport ship: Allows you to transport food, material and
energy to another planet.
Exploration Ship: When sent planets with no colonies, this
ship will explore it and sometimes find interesting stuff
like alien life forms! Of course, you would discover these
things if you would establish a colony on the planet too,
but the difference is obvious: With exploration ships you
are faster and can explore more planets in a given number of
turns. Every planet that is explored for the first time
gives a special bonus in the EMPIRE ranking. If you find
intelligent life forms, this bonus is going to be very high!
Troop Transporter: Allows you to transport up to 4 army
units. In some way it is the same as the colony ship for
normal people, but as it doesn't need the stuff necessary to
build a colony station, the production costs are lower.
Besides this, these ships have better defence and attack
values than colony ships.
Fighter: Small warship. Attack: 4
Dreadnought: Huge warship. 4 times stronger than Fighters.
Attack: 16
Cobra Ship. These powerful ships are an intermediate stage
between the Dreadnoughts and the Battlestars. Attack: 32
Pulsar Destroyer. Huge Warship. Attack: 50
Battlestar: Incredibly powerful combat station. 4 times
stronger than Dreadnoughts! Requires Tech-Level 6! Attack:
Mothership: When you play against a computer-simulated
enemy, you will once encounter the most powerful and
terrifying of all space ships ever built: The Mothership!
Ten times stronger than one of your mighty Battlestars, this
enormous space station has been designed to cause fear to
human minds. As it will stay orbiting around its
planet-colony, you will have to face and destroy it one day,
to be able to conquer the planet and win the game!
The mothership is the only space ship in the game which is
able to repair itself.
4.2. Commands
If some actions are possible on the planet, the command
menus will appear right under the production button. Here is
a list of the possible commands:
Establish Colony: If you have a Colony ship in orbit and no
colony is presently installed on the planet, you can do so.
The ship will land on the chosen place and be transformed
into a colony station unit that will provide room for up to
four colonist units. The internal sun-energy collectors will
provide enough energy for the internal greenhouse that
produces 2 units of food if one of the colonists is put on
it. This way, you will have at least one of the colonist
free to do some mining or research.
Install stargate: If you have a Stargate ship in orbit, you
will be able to transform it into a stargate. As stargates
have to be controlled from the surface of the planet, you
will have to colonialize or conquer the planet before you
can install the stargate! The high-energy singularity will
be taken out of the Möbius-box and placed into a hexagonal
Von-Hirt-field. Thanks to the principle of singularity
convergence, it will automatically be connected to all other
singularities of the universe and therefore to all other
stargates which will allow all ships to travel at zero-time
from one Stargate to another.
Note that due to the complicated physics that are behind the
phenomenon of singularities captured in Von-Hirt fields, you
need to control BOTH stargates if you want to use them with
your ships! (For the interested reader: It has to do with
the quantum fluctuations of the singularity that have to be
compensated for at least one nanosecond with a fluctuation
resonance beam sent from the planet surface, to allow the
ships to travel through the zero-space without being
Load Transporter/Unload Transporter: If you have a Transport
ship in orbit, you will be able to transfer your planet
reserves to the ship or unload the content of the ship to
the planet reserves.
Show Transporter: Allows you to have a look at the content
of the Transport ships that are actually in orbit.
Load Colony Ship/Unload Colony Ship: You will get a list of
all colony ships in orbit. This menu allows you to evacuate
people from the planet to every colony ship that is occupied
by less than 4 colonists, or to bring back colonists from
the ship to the planet. Colony ships can therefore also be
used for the simple transport of colonists between colonized
(Dis)embark Troops. This menu will show all troop
transporters that are currently orbiting the planet together
with the troops on board. You can now embark or disembark
solders from and to the planet surface. Disembarked troops
are put to the rest of the army if the planet belongs to
you, or will invade the planet if it is colonized by your
You will only be able to disembark troops on an alien planet
if it's defence has dropped to zero and if the enemy fleet
orbiting the planet is more than 4 times weaker than yours.
Attack Planet/Stop Attack: Once you have your own ships
orbiting a planet that has been colonialized by your enemy,
your ships will not automatically attack the planet surface.
This allows you a larger number of different strategies when
you are playing together with a friend. If you wish to
attack it (or to stop a current attack!), you will have to
click on this menu.
4.3. Icon menus
At the right side of the screen you will find some buttons
with icons that symbolize different actions that concern the
planet surface:
- STAR MAP : Go back to the main screen
- WHAT IS...? : The program will open a little window in
which it will constantly write the name of the surface
square the mouse is above together with the object that has
been built on it.
- DESTRUCT : You can destroy objects that you don't need
anymore. Note that you cannot destroy objects that are
producing energy which is currently used on the planet -
you'll have to destroy the energy consuming objects first! A
destroyed object brings back 1/4 of the material units that
were necessary to build it.
- SCAN BEAM DISTURBERS: You can see which parts of your
planet surface is invisible for spy satellites due to the
disturbing beams of your scan beam disturbers.
- MILITARY OPTIONS : Provided you have some ugly barracks on
your planet, you will have the possibility with this menu to
make or disband army units. To make one, you'll need one
free colonist unit, 30 units of material and 20 units of
energy. (Yes, an army is a waste of material and energy...!)
Every barracks unit can only train one new army unit per
turn. If you want to have 6 army units, you'll therefore
need two barracks and three turns to form them or one
barracks unit and six turns. Army units will not make any
research, of course.
5. Aliens
There are two classes of aliens in the game. The first one
will be referred to as "Alien life forms". They are
life-forms that have never built technologies, even though
they might be very intelligent. They represent no danger for
the players.
The other class consists of a very aggressive and also
intelligent life form that will play against the human
player in the one player mode.
5.1. Alien Life Forms on Planets
Depending on the planet surface (mostly desert, water or
ice), some life forms may have come to existence on it
during the last billions of years. When you land on a planet
for the first time to build a colony or to explore it, you
will possibly discover one of these life forms. This will be
rewarded by the EMPIRE, as people there are always very
interested in curious things.
There is a common IQ rating system with 5 different levels
that is applied to every life form discovered, where 1
stands for low IQ (Insect-like animals) and 5 for high IQ
(Human-like). Of course, level 5 beings are very rare, maybe
even inexistent in your current game!
To explore a planet without building a colony on it, you
will need an exploration ship that you can send to the
planets of interest. Every exploration ship orbiting an
empty planet will explore 25% of it per turn. Once you have
fully explored it, you will know if there are any alien
life-forms. To which extend a planet has already been
explored by you will appear below the planet surface in the
planet view screen. If a scientist appears at the left, the
planet is currently being explored (and therefore at least
one exploration ship in orbit). Every planet can only be
explored ONCE by one player. If it has already been explored
by your opponent, this will be noted.
When a life form is discovered, Riktors Ashen, chef of the
Dept. of Foreign Affairs, will contact you and ask you if
you prefer to be rewarded with resources or with combat
ships. If you choose the first one, a transport ship will be
hyperspaced to the planet of your choice (the EMPIRE has a
more advanced technology that allows teletransportation of
whole ships without Stargates!). The transportship will
contain food, energy and raw material in amounts
proportional to the interest of your discovery. If you
prefer to have combat ships, you will get one of these ships
(depending on the IQ of the discovered life form): Fighter
(IQ=1), Dreadnought (2), Cobra Ship (3), Pulsar Destroyer
(4) and Battlestar (5).
There are about 50 different life-forms in the game.
5.2. The MECHS
If you play the game alone, the computer will simulate an
alien race, the MECHS, called so by humans as they seem to
be just machines... huge, frightening, aggressive machines.
In contrast to Colonial Conquest v1.05 they now have some
intelligence - a few hundred lines of code make it possible!
A gigantic spaceship, ten times stronger than one
Battlestar, the "Mothership", can now colonize planets by
installing an Alien Central Unit on them, which is a fully
automatic material producing unit. The planet is then
independent and starts to build Nuclear Power-Plants,
Defence Units, Tripods, Troop Transporters, Fighter Ships
The Mechs are now capable to perform coherent actions, for
example the coordinated attack and invasion of one of your
If one of your home-worlds is conquered by the Mechs, some
buildings will be destroyed at once: Barracks and
Universities. The Mothership will then be called for the
installation of an Alien Central Unit. During this time, the
humans will be forced to work as slaves for a maximum
material production (yes, I told you: The computer is now
intelligent!). As long as there is food in the granary, they
will not be allowed to produce enough new food. The humans
will be treated without any mercy and if there are too many
people for the mining activities, they will be exterminated.
Once the Alien Central Unit is installed, the remaining
human slaves will be executed. MECHs prefer to be alone on
their planet.
6. End of turn
Once both players have given their commands, the program
will calculate the effects of these commands. Here are the
main points of this procedure:
6.1. Ground combats
If troops have been disembarked on a colonized planet during
the game turn, a ground battle will now take place. A window
will pop up showing the two armies standing face to face.
During the following battle, the players will have no
opportunities to influence the outcome of the fight. The
battle will last until the complete annihilation of the
defender or the invader.
Hit the "Escape"-key to fasten up the battle.
6.2. Space ships & Space battles
All space ships are moved by one unit. If they arrive to
their destination planet, the program tests if enemy troops
are there. If so, a space battle will take place. This
battle is invisible for the player and only the result will
be shown, but here is how the battles are simulated:
Each ship type has an attack value and a defence value. For
simplicity, these values are equal in Colonial Conquest. The
attack value represents the number of shots that this ship
can fire toward the enemy, the defence value represents the
number of shots that the ship can absorb before being
destroyed. This value is therefore decreased at each hit and
once it is zero, the ship will explode.
In the battle, each side can shoot once until all ships of
both sides have fired all their guns. Each shot hits with a
chance of 15% plus the Technology-Level of the owner of the
ships! (In other words: if you have a Tech-Level of 10, the
chances of your ships to hit an enemy ship are 25%!)
If the planet where the battle is taking place is
colonialized, the enemy side will have the possibility to
attack it (see "Attack planet" menu of the command
window!). The attack and defence values of the planet will
then be added to the total fleet force. Once the defence of
the planet has dropped to zero, the planet will be without
defence and invading troops will have the possibility to
disembark soldiers in the following game turn.
The player will see the result of all battles in the battle
report that will be shown at the beginning of every new
6.3. Population growth & Production
On the planets, the population will grow depending upon the
food surplus that is produced at each turn. In addition to
this, the food reserves of the planet will have a negative
influence if there are not at least 4 units left for every
colonist. The growth rate will never be higher than 5%.
At the beginning of the game, you will have 5000 people on
your planet represented by five colonists. For all next 1000
people you will get one colonist more.
As people need room to live, you will have to build city
complexes (8000 people each) to enlarge the natural capacity
of the planet (4000 people). If there is no room left, the
population will not grow anymore!
Once your population has reached 8000 people, chances for a
plague to break out will rise. It is therefore useful to
build a medical center at this time.
At every turn, all material will be used to build the active
object. If no object is chosen, all material will go into
the reserves. Once the object is built, you will see it in
the planet window.
6.4. Game End and High-Scores
Once one side has lost all its planets and all its
spaceships or if one of the players has reached the Empire
rating needed to be incorporated to the Empire (see Section
2), the game will end. A normal message will appear at the
end of your monthly report informing you that you have
won/lost. You will then have time to look at all your
planets and space ships (if you are the winner) or to switch
off the Amiga before the final screen appears (if you are
the (bad!) looser). Once both players have seen the results
and ended their turn, a final graphic screen will appear to
celebrate the winner. After a few seconds you will be able
to click on your mouse and the game will return to the
Workbench if you are in the two player mode.
If you were playing in the one player mode, the high-score
list will be loaded and displayed. In this list, the players
are ranked by the number of turns they needed to beat the
alien opponent. If you made it into the list, you will be
able to give your name (max. 9 characters) and the program
will take you into the list. Please make sure that the
device "ColonialConquest:" is NOT write protected as the
program has no possibility to check that!
If you want to clear the list one day, just delete the file
"Hiscores" from the disk. The program will realize that it
misses and create a new and empty list after having asked
7. Last Word
Wow! I admit that this manual is quite long! Sorry! It's
just because the game rules got more and more complicated
during the programing, and I couldn't resist the temptation
to implement all new ideas I got during the hours of boring
game-testing. Fortunately, I think that Colonial Conquest II
is very easy to handle and the rules are quite intuitive. If
you are used to play this kind of strategy games, you will
probably not have to read the whole manual - just start the
game and have a look! (That's the way impatient people like
me do it usually!)
For all of you who would like to know a little bit more
about the making of Colonial Conquest, I have written the
following few lines:
This program has been written with the fantastic AMOS Basic
(v1.36) and compiled with the AMOS Compiler, both from
Europress Software. It contains more than 8000 program
lines. The title picture was created with Imagine v2.0 and
all icons were painted with DPaint IV. It has been designed
on a A4000 and was therefore always very fast. I hope that
it will not be too slow on smaller machines.
Colonial Conquest II has been written to be a nice-looking,
easy to use immoral strategy game to be played with a
friend. I hope you will enjoy it!
At this point I would like to thank Armand Hirt for his
incredible Icon-Map-Editor and Michael Unternährer for game
testing and continuous support. I would also like to thank
all beta-testers who helped me to develop Colonial Conquest
II. Without them, the game would be unplayable!
A big thank you also goes to everybody who develops PD and
Shareware for the Amiga! Now that the future of our
favourite machine seems uncertain, I think that it is more
than ever important to stick together.
Comments, donations, postcards, bug reports etc. to:
Christian Mumenthaler
Langgrütstr. 178
CH-8047 Zürich
E-mail: mumi@mol.biol.ethz.ch
PS: Please read the "Copyright"-file too! It is very
Zürich, 25. October 1993
Revised for Colonial Conquest v1.05 : Zürich, 19. December
Revised for Colonial Conquest II: Zürich, 1. August 1994