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SunWindow V2.0
This file documents SunWindow, a sweet little tool for enhancing the
use of windows and public screens.
Copyright (C) 1993 Bernhard Scholz.
This is the second edition of the SunWindow documentation.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
translation approved by Bernhard Scholz.
SunWindow is a commodity tool for the Commodore Amiga with at least
an OS-Version of 2.0 or higher. It allows the user to control the
graphical user environment (GUI) in a more intuitive way as usual. In
short, SunWindow simplifies the usage of windows and screens, by adding
keyboard shortcuts for most of the window operations, usually only
accessable via the mouse. It is also capable of controlling big
autoscrolling screens with a new method on the Amiga platforms.
This is Edition 2 of the SunWindow documentation, for SunWindow
Version 2.
WARNING: The information described in this manual may contain errors
or bugs, and may not function as described. All information is subject
to enhancement or upgrade for any reason including to fix bugs, add
features, or change performance. As with all software upgrades, full
compatibility, although a goal, cannot be guaranteed, and is in fact
Amiga is a registered trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Amiga 1000,
AmigaDOS, Amiga Workbench, Amiga Kickstart, AmigaGuide are trademarks
of Commodore. Commodore is a registered trademark of Commodore
Electronics Limited.
SunWindow Copying Conditions
SunWindow is copyrighted by Bernhard Scholz. The program currently
distributed includes portions of the ReqTools package (C) by Nico
Francois. For more informations on the ReqTools package, please read the
`REQTOOLS.readme' file on the distribution disk.
SunWindow is distributed under the concepts of "SHAREWARE". This
means: If you are using SunWindow frequently (I understand a period of
time, not longer than four weeks), you have to be registered as a user
of SunWindow by Bernhard Scholz.
Permission is granted to make verbatim copies of SunWindow of the
whole package, and process it with any packer.
Permission is granted to distribute SunWindow in a non commercial
(this includes other "SHAREWARE" products) way provided the copyright
notice and this permission notice are preserved in all copies under the
conditions of verbatim copying.
Permission is granted to distribute SunWindow on public electronic
networks, on public mailboxes or disk based PD-series, without profit
for the distributor, and the conditions of verbatim copying providing
the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved.
Introduction To SunWindow
In this chapter the concept of SunWindow is described in brief. You
find informations about whether you can use the program or not, what
are the benefits and other useful things, you might want to know, to
get a fast impression of what SunWindow is capable to do.
The Concept Of SunWindow
The user interface the Amiga offers to an user is very nice and was
something revolutionary when the Amiga started its career. The "
Workbench" is the main working area, and Intuition -- a part of the
operating system -- serves for the graphical-user-interface (GUI).
Many years have gone now, since the first release of the Amiga's GUI,
but only since release V2.0 of the OS some great enhancements to the
GUI were added, but most of them refer to the lookout of the graphics.
Also new features were added: the public screens (screens, where any
programm can open its windows) and autoscrolling screens (screens, which
are bigger than the visible size will scroll with the mouse to make
other parts of such a big screen visible). Although these two features
are really great, they are not used very often. To make the use a
little bit easier and intuitive to the user, and nearby enhance the
control over the GUI, SunWindow was born.
SunWindow offers several things to make the life easier with your
daily work. Some of these features are now described:
* SunWindow offers several *hotkeys* for controlling windows and
screens, therefore it serves as a kind of replacement for FKey (by
Commodore). Windows can be moved, sized, zipped and closed by
hotkeys. Sizing has been enhanced in a way which makes it now
possible to size a window in any direction. Screens can be moved
and shuffled, as you would do it with the mouse.
* *Public screens* are automatically under SunWindow's control (and
they are the *only* kind of screens on which all of SunWindow's
screen and window operations will take affect). If such a screen
is bigger than the displayable area of your monitor, SunWindow
offers you the possibility to display the whole screen as a
thumbnail display in a seperate small window. On this display all
of the screen's windows are redisplayed, and you can perform
several actions on these windows, like bringing a window to front,
making a selected window visible or just moving the windows around
to get the screen cleaned up.
* SunWindow offers you a *SunMouse* feature. This means, if your
mouse stops over a part of a window, the window will become the
active window, could be made visible or just brought to front.
* SunWindow offers you also the unique possibility to *remember* up
to ten different positions of your mouse (also on different
screens). With just a fingertip on a hotkey you can jump back to
any or these remembered positions, without looking through
different screens and searching around a big screen to find the
desired window/position.
* On big public screens new windows may not be visible, when they
are opened. This can be controlled by SunWindow, so that the user
will notice every new window, by just centering the display around
every new window (this means making the window visible). In
addition, if the last active window becomes the active one after a
window is closed, the former window can be made visible by
Again, to offer you a example of the SunWindow's thumbnail display
option of a big public screen, here's a small graphic:
< ---- visible area of the ----> < -- only reachable with -- >
public screen autoscroll feature
|=== Tool- : | /\
|| | manager : | v
|| | window : ========================== | i
|| | : | | | s
|| | : | Workbench | | i
|| | : | | | b
|--- : | Window | | l
| : | | | e
| : | | |
| : | | | a
| ---------- | | | r
| Sun- |§ ##| | | | e
| Window| ##| | | | a
| | | | | |
| |%%% | | | |
| | | -------------------------- |
|.......................---------- | \/
| | /\
| | r
| | e
| | s
| | t
| ============================== |
| | | | o
| | Shell | | f
| | | |
| | | | s
| ------------------------------ | c
| | r
| | e
| | e
| | n
| | \/
In this example SunWindow opens you a small display window in the
right bottom of the displayed area of the screen. Now you can control
the whole screen via this small display by just clicking on a window or
the background to go to the desired window or screen area. Also the
windows can be moved, brought to front or made visible.
System Requirements
SunWindow uses some new features introduced by version 2 of the
Amiga's OS. Therefore of course Kickstart 2.0 or higher are required.
User of Kickstart 3.0 will notice some small enhancements in the
preference program of SunWindow.
If you are using the *<opaque movement>* feature of SunWindow, a
fast processor and graphic display are recommanded.
SunWindow and the preference programm will take advantage of the
`reqtools.library' (C) by Nico Francois. Please read the supplied
document on this library in the distribution package.
How To Install SunWindow
Before you run SunWindow for the first time, you should consider the
following things:
* You need the `reqtools.library' in your `LIBS:' drawer (V37 or
* You need a valid preference file in your `ENV:' drawer. The
preference file usually resides in your `ENVARC:' drawer and is
called `SunWindow.prefs'. If the preference file is placed in the
`ENVARC:' drawer, it'll be automatically copied to the `ENV:'
drawer during booting.
* The SunWindow's preference program should have been run, and the
options should have been saved once before the first use of
SunWindow. This ensures that the path of the preference program is
valid and therefore the preference program is accessable via a
* And of course you should have read the manual!
If you are familar to your Amiga, I am sure you will know how to
setup your system correctly for the first use. If not, follow these
* Enter a shell by double clicking the shell's icon at your `Tools'
drawer on the Workbench disk which comes with your Amiga.
* Insert the SunWindow distribution disk in diskdrive *df0:*. (This
is normally the internal drive.)
* Now type the following lines in your shell, and press "RETURN"
after each line:
cd DF0:
copy SunWindow#? SYS:Utilities
copy SWPrefs#? SYS:Prefs
copy LIBS/reqtools.library LIBS:
copy ENV/#? ENVARC:
The first line switches to the disk drive. The following lines
copy the files you need to run SunWindow. Therefore these lines
will copy SunWindow to the `Utilities' drawer of your SYS: drive
(usually the disk with which you booted, or the hardisk partition
which includes the Workbench). You may want to alter this line to
place SunWindow into the `WBStartup' drawer, to have SunWindow
available each time you startup your system. Just replace
`Utilities' with `WBStartup'. Also the preference program
`SWPrefs' is copied to the `Prefs' drawer of your SYS: drive. Of
course this path may also be changed, to your prefered destination
drawer. Be sure to copy the ENV: drawer. If you won't do so, you
might have to do a *lot* of initializations in the preference
* If you are using Kickstart 3.0 or higher, you perhapes like the
only documentation available. If so, just add the following line:
`copy LANGUAGE/SunWindow.guide HELP: LANGUAGE' where LANGUAGE is a
replacement for the language you prefer actually only `English'
and `Deutsch' are available). Please read the chapter about
MULTIVIEW in your system documentation for further informations.
* Now close the shell, it's no longer needed.
* Enter your `Prefs' drawer, or the drawer where you copied the
preference program, and start the preference program of SunWindow,
called `SWPrefs'.
* Apply some changes to the options you want to alter or just do
nothing. Leave the program by pressing the "SAVE" button. This
saves the options in both, the `ENVARC:' and `ENV:' drawer. Also
it ensures, that the path for the preference program is setup
correctly and usable for a quick startup of the preference program
via a hotkey.
* Now you are ready to run SunWindow. Just double click on its icon
in the drawer where you have copied it. (Usually the `Utilities'
drawer, as shown above, or the `WBStartup' drawer.)
The Features And Usage Of SunWindow
This chapter covers the usage and features of SunWindow. First, the
usage is discussed and then all the features are explained. Because
there are so many different features, the chapter is devided into
several sections. The options are all set by the preference program
`SWPrefs'. Read the chapter about `SWPrefs', to learn more about its
The Usage Of SunWindow
SunWindow is very easy to use. To start SunWindow, just do a double
click on its icon. If you are a Shell/CLI fan you can also start
SunWindow via a Shell/CLI. Note that SunWindow won't start a background
task, if started from a Shell/CLI. All general tooltype values are
accepted as well as by a start from Workbench or CLI. Read your system
manual for more information about general tooltypes. Normally no
tooltype values are required, because every option is set by the
preference program. Anyway, tooltype values have a higher priority over
the values set by SWPrefs. If you want to run SunWindow at system
startup, please place SunWindow in your `WBStartup' drawer and add a
"DONOTWAIT" tooltype to the tooltypes of SunWindow's icon.
There are several ways of quitting SunWindow. The easiest way is to
press the middle mousebutton of a three button mouse, while the
thumbnail display is the active window. Of course not many user own a
three button mouse and therefore there are three other possibilities of
quitting SunWindow. First you can use the `Exchange' program supplied
by Commodore to quit SunWindow, second, you can send a CTRL-C signal, by
pressing CTRL-C, if you started SunWindow via a Shell/CLI and third,
you can rerun SunWindow. All quitting methods will popup a requester
where you should confirm.
Mostly you don't want SunWindow to quit, but just stop working. Use
the hotkey for disabling SunWindow or the previously named `Exchange'
program. Because SunWindow is a commodity, all of the standard
commodity functions can be controlled with ` Exchange'. Another
circumstance of commodities in general is that if you close its window,
the commodity is *not* quitted, instead it's only disabled. Read your
system documentation, to learn more about the internal functionality of
All other functions of SunWindow can be controlled by hotkeys or the
preference program of SunWindow: SWPrefs. Go on reading the next
sections, to learn more about these functions.
SunWindow and windows
With SunWindow you get a greater control over windows. The following
options can be set in the preference program, to get the desired
behaviour of SunWindow. All of the "window" options are located in the
"screen actions" group of the preference program, because of their
connection to a plain usage of SunWindow (this means, running
SunWindow, without the thumbnail display).
* *<center activated>* This option tells SunWindow to make the
active window visible on a screen by centering the display around
this window. Therefore every time a window becomes active, it will
be automatically made visible.
* *<center opened>* This option tells SunWindow to center a newly
opened window. Every time a window opens on the screen, which
SunWindow is just controlling (normally this is the
active/frontmost screen), it will be centered.
* *<center closed>* This option tells SunWindow, that if a window is
closed and the last active window becomes active, it will be
centered. Of course setting this option is needless if you have
just selected the *<center activated>* option.
* *<active to front>* Setting this option causes every active window
to become the topmost window.
Screen features
SunWindow only controls public screens. This means, that you can't
use any feature of SunWindow on a non public screen. This is not
because it might be a programming problem, but it is a problem of other
software integraty. If a program opens a non public screen, it just
doesn't want any other software's windows or other software's control
on its screen. Therefore SunWindow was considered not to control these
But how operates SunWindow with screens? Actually nearly not. Most
of SunWindow's screen control features can be reached via hotkeys,
described in the second next section. There is only to mention, that
SunWindow automatically "jumps" to and from screens to reach the topmost
screen. Using SunWindow always causes the topmost screen to become the
active screen, by activating the last active window of this screen!
This is normally *not* handled by Intuition! Take care that this
circumstance is different to the normal behaviour of your GUI.
The thumbnail display
As explained in the introduction, SunWindow is able to display the
whole screen in a little window. This window is called the thumbnail
display. In the thumbnail display all windows are displayed as they are
positioned on the screen. With this thumbnail display you can nearly do
everything to windows, as you would do it on the real screen. Therefore
the thumbnail display acts as a kind of remote control for you.
If you want a specific window made visible, just click on the window
in the thumbnail display. If you want the window moved to somewhere
else, just click and move the window. These are only some examples, how
you could use this thumbnail display. More complex actions can be
performed by selecting one or more of the following options.
Several options may be set to the behaviour of this thumbnail
display. But always keep in mind that all the actions you perform on
the thumbnail display are also performed on the screen (of course) and
therefore the options which you chose to work on windows will also
affect the action! The options which you might choose for the display
are listed in the preference program in the ""Display actions"" group
and they are:
* *<activate window>* Every time you click on a window this window
will become the active window with this option set.
* *<window to front>* A window you selected by clicking on it will
automatically be brought to front.
* *<center window>* This might be the most useful option. Just click
on a window and this window will be immediately made visible for
you and centered on your monitor display.
* *<opaque movement>* You might want to set this option, if you have
a fast processor paired with a fast graphics display! This option
causes all window movements to be processed in realtime, this
means that you will immediatly see, where the window is moved to.
* *<handle backdrops>* Normally there is no difference between
backdrop windows and non backdrop windows. Backdrop windows are a
special feature of the OS. If you set this option, you can't make
backdrop windows visible by clicking on them. Instead the area
around the mousepointer is made visible! This is very useful by
using the "Workbench" window as a backdrop window.
* *<display titles>* When this option is set the titles of the
windows are also displayed in the thumbnail display. Unortunately
sometimes the titles can't be displayed because of a space
problem, then simply nothing happens.
The following options and settings affect the lookout of the
thumbnail display and are therefore located in the ""Display settings""
group of the preference program.
* *<3D-Look>* With this option set, the windows are displayed as
buttons. Normally they are displayed as plain coloured boxes.
* *<View border>* Set this option if you want a dotted line being
drawn in the thumbnail display, to indicate you the actual
displayed clip.
* *<Close gadget>* With this option set, a close gadget is attached
to the thumbnail display window. The close gadget doesn't cause
SunWindow to end (SunWindow is a commodity!), it just causes the
display to be closed! Of course, also a dragbar is added, but you
can't move the display with it.
* *<drag bar>* Set this option if you want a dragbar attached to the
thumbnail display. Now you can move the window anywhere you like,
and it will stay at this relative position, everytime you move the
screen, instead of the default position.
* *<keep aspect>* Normally you can specify the width and height of
the thumbnail display in pixels. If you set this option, you can
only specify the width of the display, the height is calculated,
to give you the best impression of the real proportions of the
screen, SunWindow is just controlling.
* *<X-Coord>* This value specifies the relative x-coordinate of the
left top edge of the thumbnail display.
* *<Y-Coord>* This value specifies the relative y-coordinate of the
left top edge of the thumbnail display.
* *<width>* This value specifies the width of the thumbnail display.
* *<height>* This value specifies the height of the thumbnail
* *<Placement>* Choose the default location of the thumbnail display.
Setting "Individual" will take the values of *<X-coord>* and
*<Y-coord>* to take affect. Setting one of the four corners will
cause SunWindow to open the thumbnail 1 pixel away of the selected
corner, so you can reach a possible hidden gadget. (Mostly the
size, screen cycle or close gadget).
Hotkey features
Hotkeys? What is a hotkey? A hotkey is a keyboard shortcut for a
specific function. This means, that if you are using a hotkey for a
function you can choose, which key presses of your keyboard will act
for/start this function. Therefore a hotkey is a shortcut for
operations or functions which are normally only hard to get or
sometimes impossible to get.
With the hotkey feature of SunWindow you get a kind of control over
screens and windows you might have dreamed of. Because there are so
many hotkeys available, they are again described in several subsections.
Hotkeys For Window Operations.
Below is a list of all the hotkeys of SunWindow which allow you to
manipulate your windows in a way (or even better) which is normally
only possible with a mouse. The first expression after an item bullet
is the name of the hotkey as it would appear in the hotkey list of the
preference program.
* *<recenter window>* Imagine this: you have just activated a
Shell/CLI and want to type something in it. Now you have looked up
some information in a window you can't see, because it's somewhere
else on the screen. You only looked up this information, but didn't
activate the informative window, so you only moved the screen.
O.k., now you know your information, but where is the shell? Just
use this hotkey to make the active window visible again, if you
moved the screen.
* *<window cycle forward>* With this hotkey you can cycle through
all the windows of the active (topmost) screen in "forward"
direction. If you selected some other features of SunWindow, this
window might be made visible, brought to front or/and made
* *<window cycle backwards>* The hotkey with the same functionality
as *<window cycle forward>*, but of course in reverse direction.
* *<enlarge window...>* There are eight hotkeys for enlarging a
window. With the hotkeys of SunWindow a window can be enlarged in
every direction. The direction is always written in brackets. For
example the hotkey for enlarging a window to its left bottom is
labeled *<enlarge window (left bottom)>* in the hotkeys list.
* *<reduce window...>* Again eight hotkeys for the reverse action of
enlarging a window. See hotkey description for: *<enlarge
* *<move window...>* And again eight hotkeys for just moving a
window around the screen. See also the hotkey description for:
*<enlarge window...>*
* *<toggle zip state of window>* This hotkey has the same
functionality as pressing the zip gadget of a window. Of course,
if there is no zip gadget, you can't toggle the zip state of a
* *<maximize window>* By pressing this hotkey you enlarge the window
to its maximum dimensions. Notice, that this dimension is
controlled by the program, which opened the window, and not by
* *<minimize window>* This is the reverse action to *<maximize
* *<window to front>* Just press this hotkey to bring a hidden,
active window to front.
* *<window to back>* Again a reverse action. See *<window to front>*.
* *<close window>* This hotkey has the same affect as pressing the
close gadget of a window. Of course: if there is no close gadget,
you can't close the window! Notice that a window is only closed,
if the program controlling the window allows the window to be
Hotkeys For Screen Operations.
Below is a list of all the hotkeys of SunWindow which allow you to
manipulate your screen in a way (or even better) which is normally only
possible with a mouse. The first expression after an item bullet is the
name of the hotkey as it would appear in the hotkey list of the
preference program.
* *<move screen...>* There are eight hotkeys for moving a screen.
With the hotkeys of SunWindow a screen can be moved in every
direction. The direction is always followed after the *<move
screen>* keyword. For example the hotkey for moving a screen left
down is labeled *<move screen left down>* in the hotkeys list.
* *<cycle screens backward>* With this hotkey you can switch a
screen to the back. The new topmost screen will become the active
screen by activating its last active window.
* *<cycle screens forward>* The reverse action to *<cycle screens
Hotkeys For Miscellaneous Operations.
Below is a list of all the hotkeys of SunWindow which offer you a
greater power for your system -- or are just standard hotkeys. The
first expression after an item bullet is the name of the hotkey as it
would appear in the hotkey list of the preference program.
* *<call preferences>* This hotkey allows you to start the
preference program of SunWindow with a simple keypress.
* *<show/close view>* This hotkey opens or closes the thumbnail
display of the screen. This is useful if you only want to use the
hotkey features, or some other features of SunWindow, which don't
rely on this display.
* *<enable/disbale>* This hotkey enables or disables all of
SunWindow's functions. This is always needed, if you want to
change the screen mode of a screen! It is not enough, to only
close the thumbnail display!
* *<remember position xx>* There are ten hotkeys for remembering a
specific position of the mouse on a screen with the active window!
The *xx* indicates the number (1-10) of the position you want to
* *<jump to position xx>* These are the ten hotkeys for jumping to a
previously remembered position with the *<remember position xx>*
hotkeys. The *xx* indicates a number (1-10). The remembered screen
is brought to front, the mouse is repositioned to the remembered
position and the remember window is activated. If the screen is
gone, nothing happens, if the window is gone, only the mouse is
Installation Of Hotkeys.
Hokeys are installed very easily with the preference program of
SunWindow. Just select the hotkey which you want to install and specify
a keyboard shortcut for it. After exiting the preference program, the
hotkey should be ready for usage. If the keyboard shortcut definition
is wrong, a requester will popup, where you can correct the hotkey or
simply alter its definition. But this requester is just a short
solution! Don't forget to correct/alter your definition in the
preference program, too!
NOTE: a requester will also popup with a *correct* definition, if
another hotkey with the same definition is already in use!
But how is the syntax for defining a hotkey? It's very easy and
* first decide, wether you want a hotkey connected with a keyboard
shortcut or with the mouse. If you choose the keyboard go on
reading the next item, else write done "rawmouse" as the first
item in the definition string.
* now chose one or more qualifiers for your shortcut. A qualifier is
one of the following items:
- *lshift* for the left shift key on the keyboard.
- *rshift* for the right shift key on the keyboard.
- *capslock* for the "Caps Lock" key.
- *control* for the control key labeled "Ctrl"
- *lalt* for the left "Alt" key on the keyboard.
- *ralt* for the right "Alt" key on the keyboard.
- *lcommand* for the amiga key labeled "A", left to the space
- *rcommand* for the amiga key labeled "A", right to the space
- *numericpad* for a key on the numericpad (if accessable).
- *repeat* for key repeat (if you hold down a key long enough).
- *lbutton* for the left mouse button.
- *rbutton* for the right mouse button.
- *midbutton* for the middle mouse button, if available.
You can also just specify a group of qualifiers:
- *shift* for any shift key.
- *alt* for any "Alt" key.
- *command* for any Amiga key (next to the space bar).
Now write down this qualifier(s) in your hotkey definition string.
Add a minus before those qualifiers you want to be ignored when
* Now choose wether you want upstrokes or not or both. Just ad
"upstroke" to your definition string, if you want only upstrokes.
Leave it, if you want only downstrokes. Add it with a preceding
minus if you want both. Adding "upstroke" is optional.
* Add a highmap keycode, or an ANSI-Code to your definition string.
This is also optional. A highmap keycode is one of the following
- *space* for the space bar.
- *backspace* for the backspace key. ("<-")
- *f1 ... f10* for one of the "F-Keys".
- *esc* for the key labeled "Esc".
- *tab* for the tabulator key. (above the "Ctrl" key).
- *enter* for the key labeled "Enter".
- *return* for the return key.
- *del* for the key labeled "Del".
- *help* for the key labeled "Help".
- *up, down, left, right* for one of the direction keys.
An ANSI-Code is just the character you get by pressing a "normal"
key. (e.g. "a").
Now you did everything which is needed, for a complete hotkey
definition. Here some examples, which might explain it a little bit
* *lshift alt f2*: press the left shift key with any "Alt" key and
the "F2" key simultaniously.
* *-shift control a*: press the control key and the key which
"produces" the "a" simultaniously. If you want you can also press
any shift key.
NOTICE: There is a bug in Kickstart 2, which prevents you using the
mousebuttons. In version 3 of the Kickstart, this bug is fixed.
Miscellaneous Features
There are some features left, which didn't fit into one of the
previous sections. They are therefore placed in the ""Miscellaneous""
group of the SunWindow preference program (except for the *<SunMouse>*
options, which are placed in the ""Screen actions"" group, because they
take only affect screens.)
The features are:
* *<startup window>* This option causes the preference program to be
run at startup of SunWindow, where you can do quick changes.
* *<T:>* This is a shortcut for the task priority of SunWindow.
Normally different programs are run at task priority level 0.
Workbench runs at level 1 (so it get's more CPU-time in very busy
situations). Background tasks may want to run at level -1, which
causes them to loose the CPU in busy situations. Choose the
priority you prefer.
* *<C:>* This is a shortcut for the commodity priority. Commodities
use the same information data stream. Usually the commodity with
the highest priority will get the information first. A commodity
with low priority later. This may cause some lost of informations,
because commodities are allowed to strip informations from the
information stream. The default priority should be 0.
* *<U:>* This is a shortcut for the update time of SunWindow in 1/10
of a second. This will only affect the time, how fast SunWindow
will react to changes on the screen, and this value may be
strongly influenced by the task priority of SunWindow. A value of
3 is a nice try to start.
* *<SunMouse feature>* This option enables the SunMouse feature of
SunWindow, if set. SunMouse feature means, that always the window
under the mouse will be activated.
* *<SunMouse delayed>* If this option is set, the window will only
be activated, if the mouse stopped over a window, for a specified
amount of time. You may only set this option if you have already
enabled the *<SunMouse feature>* option.
* *<SunMouse reaction...>* This is the time value for the *<SunMouse
delayed>* option in 1/10 of a second. A value of 4 is a good delay
The Preference Program: SWPrefs
When you correctly installed SunWindow, you'll find a program called
"SWPrefs" in the "Prefs" drawer of your startup disk/hardisk partition.
This is the preference program for SunWindow. With this program you can
set all the options SunWindow offers you. When you start SWPrefs you
find a lot of options divided into four groups, concerning their
functionality. There is a "Display actions", a "Screen actions", a
"Display settings" and a "Miscellaneous" group (from top left to right
bottom), additionally to the most right is a control panel attached.
Each group is now explained:
The "Display actions" group contains all those options which concern
the thumbnail display of SunWindow. The different options are descriped
in the "Usage" chapter, section "Display".
The "Screen actions" group contains all those options which concern
the screen directly, this means that this options can be used without
the thumbnail display. The different options are described in the
chapter "Usage", section "Window", "Screen" and "Miscellaneous".
The "Display settings" group contains, of course, the settings for
the thumbnail display. The different settings are described in the
"Usage" chapter, section "Display".
The "Miscellaneous" group contains some settings which contain the
internal functionality of SunWindow, here you can set priorities, etc.
There is also a button labeled "Keys..." which takes you to the hotkey
definition window. The different options in this group are described in
the "Usage" chapter, section "Miscellaneous". The hotkey definition
window is described below.
The control panel on the right of the display has seven buttons.
They are now explained from top to down:
* *About*: This button opens a little window with information of this
version of SunWindow. The version number, revision number and
registered user is displayed here, as well as a copyright notice.
* *Load*: This button reloads the last saved settings from the
ENVARC: drawer.
* *Load as ...*: This button let's you choose a differnt settings
file, previously saved with the *Save as ...* button.
* *Save*: This button saves the settings in the ENVARC: drawer as
well as in the ENV: drawer. SunWindow will get notified about the
new settings. SWPrefs ends after saveing the settings.
* *Save as ...*: This button let's you save the settings to a
different place of your choice. SunWindow won't get notified about
this settings, until they are placed in the ENV: drawer. SWPrefs
ends after saveing the settings.
* *OK*: This button saves the settings only in the ENV: drawer. This
means, no permanent changes are done to the settings file saved on
disk in the ENVARC: drawer. SWPrefs ends after saving the settings.
* *CANCEL*: This button quits SWPrefs and leaves all settings
NOTICE: Closing the preference's window has the same effect as
pressing the *OK* button. It saves the settings in the ENV: drawer and
quit's SWPrefs.
By pressing the "Keys..." button in the "Miscellaneous" group,
another window opens with a big list view, containing all the hotkeys
SunWindow offers you. Below this list view is a string gadget, where
the actual defintion of a hotkey is displayed and can be edited. Two
buttons labeled "OK" and "Cancel" are attached to the bottom of the
window. If you want to change a hotkey just select it from the list
view, by either using the mouse or the h key (unshifted scrolls down,
shifted scrolls up). The definition is then displayed in the string
gadget. Activate the string gadget with the mouse or by pressing e and
edit the defintion. Press RETURN when finished. Go on with all the
other hotkeys you want to change. When finished, press the "OK" button
to overtake the new definitions (or just close the window), press
"CANCEL" if you think you were doing something wrong.
NOTICE: The hotkeys' definitions are *not* checked, wether they are
correct or not. Only if you save the settings, SunWindow will check
them, and popup a requester for the wrong definitions. Please correct
them in the requester *and* with SWPrefs!
NOTICE: If you want to disable a hotkey, just enter nothing, or
clear the actual definition.
Other Things You Want To Know
This chapter is devided into several sections with additional
How to register
SunWindow was now developed over one year during my study on
University. Because I had to invest a lot of time, and can't just work
for fun, SunWindow was decided to be SHAREWARE. This means, that you
can test SunWindow for a period of time (I understand up to four weeks)
and if you like it you are recommanded to register, to get access to
the fully working version.
A registered user will receive a keyfile. This keyfile is placed in
the DEVS: drawer. With this keyfile you can use this version of
SunWindow and any other version/revisions becoming available.
To register for SunWindow just fill in the following registration
form, and send it to the supplied address. Your registration will be
handled within a week, outside Germany registrations may take a longer
I want to register for SunWindow. I am currently usin Version ____
Revision _____ . I received this version by/from _________________
The registration fee is US$ 20 (outside Germany) or DM 20 (inside
My address:
EMail: ___________________________________________________________
( ) Please register me as a group. Ich want to use additional ___
copies of SunWindow in my group. I will therefore receive these
copies for the special group price of 5 US$ / 5DM for each
additional copy (*)
( ) I already registered. Please send me the latest version
of SunWindow. I will wait up to ___ weeks, if a new version
or revision is just under development. The sharing of expenses
is US$ 5 (outside Germany) / DM 5 (Germany only). There is
NO fee for updates sent to you via e-mail.
( ) I want to receive my copy as fast as possible. Please send it
to me by e-mail. (about 290kB. lha-File uuencoded)
This mail includes US$/DM _______ in the form of
( ) plain money ( ) EuroCheck
I am using an Amiga: ___________ Processor: 680__0
Kickstart: ( )1.2 ( )1.3 ( )2.0 ( )3.0 ( ) ___
RAM: ___ MB Fast, ___ MB Chip
graphic card: ____________________________________________________
additional special hardware: _____________________________________
Additional informations, comments and enhancement ideas:
(*) please add the adress/name of the group.
Date: _______________ Signature: ________________________________
Please send this registration form to:
Bernhard Scholz
Steinbruchstr. 9
82398 Polling
How To Receive Updates
As a registered user you will recieve a copy of the latest version
of SunWindow, including a keyfile. With this keyfile you get
independent from direct sendings of the author, instead you can use the
actual distributed version on the aminet, or some PD-series.
If you don't have access to the aminet or PD-series, of course you
will get updates directly from the author on request. For the first
time an update is available, every registered user will get an
information about it. If you don't take advantage of this new version,
no further informations are sent. Of course every new version will be
released on several PD-Series, and most revisions will be released in
electronic form on the aminet, therefore users will get notified about
the further development of SunWindow.
If you want to get an update directly from the author, there are two
possible ways:
* Write to the author and include 5 US$ if you are living outside
Germany, or DM 5 if you are living in Germany. The latest version
will be sent to you as fast as possible.
* Wirte an electronic mail to the author, if you want to get the
latest update via e-mail (lha-file uuencoded). This is the fastest
way to receive an update.
The addresses for reaching the author are:
Bernhard Scholz or: (e-mail)
Steinbruchstr. 9
82398 Polling scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de
The Support You Get.
There is simply NO support for *unregistered* users, except that
they will get notified of new version by looking on several PD-series
or the aminet, because every major enhanced release will be distributed
*Registered* users may send questions, comments and wishes to the
author, and they are surely considered for the next release and their
questions will be answered. Please note that only those questions can
be answered, by normal mail, if there is an amount of money included in
your letter, to send you the answer back! E-mail will of course be the
most convinient way to contact the author and to get answer.
Thanks To The People Who Helped.
During the development of SunWindow several problems occured, and I
needed people for testing my software, or just commenting it. These
people helped me most:
* *Martin Korndörfer*. For nearly every programming problem, he
knowed a trick or solution. Also his "MagicMenu" is a great
product! Take a look on it!
* *Thomas Feistle*. For correcting the documentation, and his
enhancments to it. Really much work, which I hate.
* *Antje Karrasch*. For re-reading the docs.
* *Christian Rattei*. For testing SunWindow on his A3000 and finding
always a bug, when I just thought every bug was fixed. He is also
the guy, who makes testing with the EGS System possible. Also take
a look at his fantastic disk utility "FileFairy" which will soon
be released!
* *Christian Scholz*. He always had problems with SunWindow. This is
useful for developing even better versions. He is also the guy,
who painted the 8 colored icons.
* *Bernhard Möllemann*. For his testing, and bugreports on the good
old "original" Amiga A1000.
* *Henning Schmiedehausen*. He sent most comments to the first
version of SunWindow and tested it intensively. He also sent most
Enforcer and Mungwall hits, just when I thought there are no more
* *Manfred Fichtl*. For testing SunWindow on his A4000 and giving me
some ideas, how to enhance it.
* *Peter Kunath and Frank Riffel*. Thanks also for testing and
commenting. You should also register for their great work, the
"DeliTracker", the best sound module player ever written for the
* *Matthias Scheler*. For managing #amigager on the IRC system.
The Future Of SunWindow
With your registration you'll make a further development of
SunWindow possible. SunWindow in the present state fits my personal
needs and will therefore be only slightly enhanced. I will only go on
developing SunWindow, if there are enough registrations and enhancement
ideas. I thank all the people who will (and have already) register(ed)
and support(ed) this project. Remember: SHAREWARE products depend on
your support!
Some ideas for the future, which might be included in the next
* Window iconifying.
* Screen icons in a seperate window, so screens can be selected fast.
* special mousepointers (animated) for windows which don't have
their own special mousepointer design.
* Annotator tool, for different actions.
* sticky windows option
Questions and Answers
Because SunWindow is a tool, which offers you a new feeling for you
computer, not everything might be common to the usual behaviour. But if
you have worked a while with SunWindow and got used to it's features,
I'm sure you won't want to miss them again! Also due to the programming
difficulties with the system of the Amiga, some problems might occour.
These Problem are now discussed:
* *I just opened a new public screen but SunWindow's thumbnail
display still runs on the old one.*
Try to close the thumbnail display with the hotkey and reopen it.
If the thumbnail display is still on the other screen, then your
public screen is private!
* *I want to change the ScreenMode, but something is still locking
the screen!*
SunWindow has a savety lock on the public screen it is
controlling, therefore you have to disable SunWindow first. Only
closing the thumbnail display isn't enough.
* *If the thumbnail display is in front of another window, I just
can't click this window to back!*
This is normal, due to the internal operations of Intuition. Use
the hotkey for bringing a window to back instead, or close the
thumbnail display.
* *In conjunction with MAGICMENU the systems seems to hang up
There is no real solution, yet. But the system doesn't hang up.
Intuition just locks the menu system, after a view seconds the
system is usable again.
* *I set the update time to 0, but sometimes SunWindow needs a long
time reacting to changes on the screen.*
You are running another task with a high task priority or a task
which needs a lot of CPU-power. Try setting the task priority of
SunWindow to 1, or simply wait until the busy task has ended.
* *I am using a patch, which causes all requesters to become
ReqTools requesters, but now all the requesters are automatically
centered, even if I didn't specify this!*
You have set the option for centering windows. Because all
requesters are based on windows, this is a normal circumstance.
* *I am using Directory Opus, but if I want to quit, Directory Opus
pops up a requester telling to close all foreign windows?!*
Directory Opus belongs to those kind of programs, which don't
count on programming guidlines in some circumstances. Disable
SunWindow, or put it to sleep, to get Directory Opus ending.
* *I want to change the screen mode, but sometimes the system
Take care on specifying the new screen mode dimensions; it might
be possible that SunWindow can't open it's display with this new
(extrem) values!
* *I am using a graphics card with the EGS system. Unfortunately
SunWindow doesn't work perfectly!*
The EGS system in it's present state isn't 100% systemcompatibel.
Take care that also other programs can't work together with EGS,
because EGS isn't error free! SunWindow was tested with EGS, but
there might be still some problems not known to the author. Most
Problems belong to the EGS system and *not* to SunWindow. Please
tell the author your problems, so they can be fixed. (Only known
problem: Running SunWindow without a valid SUNWINDOW.PREFS file
will cause an window opening error; under EGS the system will
simply crash your computer!)
The Distribution Package.
In this chapter you will find everything about the distribution
package of SunWindow. Also information is included about
redistribution, and distribution with other software.
What's In The Distribution Package
In the distribution package of SunWindow V2.0 the following files
are included. Please check whether you got all this files. Please
inform the author if you didn't get all of these files. The files are:
ENV (dir)
OtherIcons (dir)
SunWindow.info SWPrefs.info
English (dir)
ReadMeFirst.doc ReadMeFirst.doc.info
Registration.doc Registration.doc.info
ReqTools.doc ReqTools.doc.info
SunWindow.doc SunWindow.doc.info
SunWindow.dvi SunWindow.dvi.info
SunWindow.guide SunWindow.guide.info
Deutsch (dir)
ReadMeFirst.dok ReadMeFirst.dok.info
Registrierung.dok Registrierung.dok.info
ReqTools.dok ReqTools.dok.info
SunWindow.dok SunWindow.dok.info
SunWindow.dvi SunWindow.dvi.info
SunWindow.guide SunWindow.guide.info
ReqTools (dir)
libs13 (dir)
libs20 (dir)
Prefs (dir)
ReqTools ReqTools.doc
ReqTools.doc.info ReqTools.info
Install (dir)
Workbench_2.1+ (dir)
Install ReqTools
Install ReqTools Installer.README
Installer.README.info Install_1.3
Workbench_1.2-1.3 Workbench_1.2-1.3.info
Workbench_2.0.info Workbench_2.1+.info
Install.info Prefs.info
Deutsch.info English.info
LISTING OtherIcons.info
ReqTools.info SunWindow
SunWindow.info SunWindow.small
SunWindow.small.info SWPrefs
The special file `LISTING' contains the dumped directory with file
sizes, etc. `SunWindow.small' is a short version of SunWindow, without
error messages and default settings!
The History Of SunWindow V2.0
Actually there is no history for SunWindow V2.0. This is the first
But for those who updated from SunWindow V1.16 or higher, here the
major changes to SunWindow V2.0:
* Preference program to control all the features, instead of a menu.
* Hotkeys added for window and screen control.
* Hotkeys added to remember positions and quickly jump back to them.
* SunMouse feature added.
* Thumbnail display enhanced, to display window titles as well.
* Greater control over the thumbnail display with dragbar, and
* Automatic sizing of the thumbnail display, to show the screen with
the right proportions.
* several internal routines completely rewritten.
The Distribution Of SunWindow
SunWindow may be distributed with other software under the following
* the copyright belongs to me.
* the documentation must not be changed.
* I get a fully functional version of the software, if needed with
* the distribution package of SunWindow is not changed.
* additional for commercial software, including SHAREWARE:
- the producer has to register.
- you have asked me for permission and got a licence, which is
included in your Software package
With this writing, Fred Fish and Martin Schulze get the written
permission, to include SunWindow in their PD-series (AmigaLibDisk and
With the use of this software, you accept the following disclaimer:
(c) 1993, Bernhard Scholz