Gold Fish 2
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ReadMe for the GUISpell-GoldED package
After having worked for two years with CED (yes, an old 2.12), I wanted to have
all the comfort in my brand new GoldED. That includes ISpell. But there was no
version of GUISpell that immediately popped up on the GoldED screen without
first issuing a JUMP command.
Now well, today I decided I wanted it. That's why I ressorted to my SAS/C
compiler, took the sources of GUIspell and modified them to make GUIspell appear
on GoldED's screen first.
The I went on making new ARexx scripts for online checking. After hacking around
to get the quotes right so GoldED's ARexx interface accepted it, I went on to do
all the stuff so it functioned a few times nicely on my machine. I guess there
are no bugs as I don't have experienced any misbehavior yet.
1. Installation
For the steps described below, I assume you have already installed Ispell from
Fish 774 (I have tested my stuff only with this version; it has an ARexx port).
Remove old versions of GUIspell from you system and copy my version of GUIspell
to a place, preferably in the command path.
Copy my Arexx scripts to place where you would like them. I suggest you copy
them to RAM: at startup so you get a maximal execution speed. Do not compress
them with `Stacker'-like tools so the computer won't waste time decompressing
Edit the files to look if the paths for ispell, WordCheckCallBack.ged and
GUIspell are right.
The go into GoldED, activate the `Keyboard' config and put the CheckWord.ged
macro on the spacebar (don't forget to turn on the ARexx button!). Everytime
you press space, CheckWord will try to check the word (if there's any). But you
don't need to hit the space bar to move the cursor --- this can be achieved
with the cursor keys.
Now everything should be set up correctly.
2. Author
You can reach me by snail mail. My address:
René Laederach
Kappelisackerstr. 46
3063 Ittigen
You can phone me at +41/(0)31/921-19-08 in the evening and on weekends, but
don't forget I live in the Greenwich time zone, so phone when it is evening in
Europe! When writing, then include an international reply couponor 2.50 US-$.
Any letter without return postage lands in the trashcan or I'll keep the disk
if you included one (one exactly covers the postage...).
Spell.ged - a script to check the whole file from GoldED. I don't need it so
you'll have to wait.
4. Legal Stuff
This package comes with NO warranty --- neither expressed nor implied. YOU use
this stuff at your own risk --- even if your cat hits the spacebar and then the
Amiga checks the cat and squeezes it through its circuitry and gets quite thin.
This package is Freeware and I, René Laederach, retain all copyrights on the
scripts. You may enhance the scripts, but leave the copyright notice intact.
5. Acknowledgements to...
Dietmar Eilert who wrote GoldED. An awesome editor with lots of features I
haven't tried out yet. Those 20 greenbacks/Deutschmark you have to mail him for
registration is a good investment into the future of the development of good
ShareWare. Definitely the `Best Buy' if you want a cheap and powerful editor for
the Amiga.
Dietmar Eilert who made a skeleton macro for the startup and the cleanup of
ARexx scripts working with GoldED.
Loren J. Rittle who wrote a port of ISpell with an ARexx server mode. Great
CBM for the Amiga 2000 (maybe the successor of the A4000 will have a SCSI host
adapter again and design a practical casing as well as an Ethernet plug?).