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Amiga MG 3Beta4 Release Notes
This file attempts to document the Amiga-specific features of MG 2a.
Except where otherwise noted. It is assumed that you already know
about the point and the mark, buffers, windows, extended commands, and
the various areas on the screen that all versions of MG maintain. If
you don't, see the MG documentation (what there is of it) for more
Amiga Credits
The Amiga Intuition terminal driver is the combined effort of Mike
Meyer and Mic Kaczmarczik. Others who helped and/or inspired good
ideas for the MG terminal driver include Steve Walton, Leon Frenkel,
Marcus Brooks, and Tom Rokicki. Steve Walton is also responsible for
the dired mode. Bob Larson redesigned the MG keymap system, making it
possible for function keys and mouse clicks to be ``first-class
citizens''. Lastly, Mike Meyer added the Rexx support and redesigned
the MG keymap & macro facilities, adding named keyboard macros and
making them first-class objects.
This section is for people who have their own C compiler. If you
don't have a C compiler, you will hopefully have a version that has
everything compiled into it.
There are a bewildering variety of extra goodies available as
compile-time options when you construct an Amiga MG. If you select none
of them, you save on disk and memory space, but lose out on some
features and versatility.
The config files provides documentation on these options and what
to do to make them work. Read those and the documentation on config
for descriptions on them.
For those without ARexx (required to use the config program), the
directory for the fully-featured configuration (Burrito) has been
provided. The documentation for config should provide enough
information to allow you to edit the include files by hand to create
any version you wish to build.
The Amiga Mouse can invoke no less than 24 different functions.
Mouse clicks are essentially treated as keys by the MG, even though you
click the mouse and hold down qualifier keys to get them.
Mouse keys come in three groups of eight, the groups being:
Mouse keys -- when clicked in the text of a window
Mode-Mouse keys -- when clicked on a window's mode line
Echo-Mouse keys -- when clicked in the echo area
Inside each group, which of the eight keys you get is determined by
the combination of Shift, CTRL and ALT keys you are holding down when
the mouse button is pressed. So yes, there really is a
Ctrl-Meta-Shift-Mode-Mouse button. Note that the Meta (M-) prefix
*MUST* be the ALT key. Prefixing a mouse click with ESC will not work.
Mouse keys are generally bound to functions that affect the text in
the selected buffer. If the Intuition mouse pointer is located inside an
MG text window (i.e. an area where text is being edited), then a Mouse
key is sent to the editor when you click the mouse. The buffer
associated wth the window the pointer is in is made current, point is
set as close as possible to the pointer (the character under the
pointer, if possible), then the command bound to that mouse button is
If the mouse pointer is in the mode line - the line that is in a
different typeface (usually backlit, maybe black instead of white) --
when the mouse button is clicked, a Mode-Mouse key is sent to the
editor. The buffer that the selected status line is associated with is
made the current buffer, the point is set to the value of point for
that window, then whatever command is bound to that button is
executed. Most of the Mode-Mouse keys invoke functions that act on the
entire window or buffer.
Clicking in the echo line - the line at the bottom of the screen
where prompts and message appear - results in an Echo-Mouse key.
Whatever command is bound to that button will be executed. Since the
echo line is not part of a buffer or a window, all the functions bound
to Echo-Mouse keys affect the state of the editor as a whole.
The default bindings for the hot mouse (as distributed) are:
Qualifiers | Area clicked
C A Shift | Text window Mode line Echo line
| dot to mouse forward page switch to other buffer
X | recenter backward page kill buffer
X | delete word split window describe key
X X | kill line delete window describe bindings
X | delete char goto bob suspend MG
X X | delete whitespace goto eob quit
X X | kill region enlarge window list buffers
X X X | yank shrink window toggle Intuition window
To help keep straight what the various keys do, notice that the
Status and Echo groups come in pairs; the shifted version of a key is in
some sense the opposite of the unshifted version. There is no opposite
for display-buffers, so that key is bound to "amiga-toggle-border",
which toggles MG' Intuition window between bordered and borderless.
Like any MG key, you are free to rebind the 24 mouse buttons to do
whatever you wish. You may even rebind them in your startup sequence.
NOTE: only functions that start with the prefix "mouse-" are able to
handle clicks in windows and mode lines, because they know how to figure
out where the mouse was clicked. Conversely, any non-mouse function may
be bound to an Echo-Mouse key, because clicking in the echo area does
not send the x,y click information to the function.
If the iconification code is compiled in, then Echo-Mouse is bound
to ``amiga-iconify'' by default.
There is a shortcut for many of the Meta commands (usually indicated
by the ESC character): hold down the ALT key at the same time you type
what usually comes after the ESC.
Historically, this is why keys that are typed with ESC in front of
them are called META keys; on the terminals at MIT where the Emacs
editor (MG's spiritual parent) was originally written, there was a META
key on the keyboard that did what the ALT key does. However, not many
terminals outside of MIT have the META key at all, so the ESC key was
nominated as a way to tell the system that the next character should be
converted into a META key before it is interpreted.
MG also recognizes Amiga function keys. For quick help on a key,
type the HELP key and then the key you want help on. The following
commands are bound to the Amiga function keys:
Key Function
Help describe-key-briefly
Left backward-char
Shift-Left backward-word
Right forward-char
Shift-Right forward-word
Up previous-line
Shift-Up backward-paragraph
Down next-line
Shift-Down forward-paragraph
F1 find-file
Shift-F1 find-file-other-window
F2 save-buffer
Shift-F2 write-file
F3 scroll-up (page down)
Shift-F3 scroll-down (page up)
F4 enlarge-window
Shift-F4 shrink-window
F5 fill-paragraph
Shift-F5 query-replace
F6 split-window-vertically
Shift-F6 delete-other-windows
F7 transpose-chars
Shift-F7 just-one-space
F8 start-kbd-macro
Shift-F8 end-kbd-macro
F9 call-last-kbd-macro
Shift-F9 describe-bindings
F10 list-buffers
Shift-F10 save-buffers-kill-emacs
On the Amiga, all the function keys are readily visible on the
keyboard, so this table of key names for use in strings is fairly
self-explanitory. If you want to rebind Shift-Down-Arrow to scroll-up
(move down a whole page), for example, insert the line
global-set-key "\F5" scroll-up
in your s:mg-startup file.
Amiga key Startup name
Up-Arrow \F0
Down-Arrow \F1
Left-Arrow \F2
Right-Arrow \F3
Shift-Up-Arrow \F4
Shift-Down-Arrow \F5
Shift-Left-Arrow \F6
Shift-Right-Arrow \F7
Help \F9
F1 \F12
F2 \F13
F3 \F14
F4 \F15
F5 \F16
F6 \F17
F7 \F18
F8 \F19
F9 \F20
F10 \F21
Shift-F1 \F22
Shift-F2 \F23
Shift-F3 \F24
Shift-F4 \F25
Shift-F5 \F26
Shift-F6 \F27
Shift-F7 \F28
Shift-F8 \F29
Shift-F9 \F30
Shift-F10 \F31
Mouse \F32
Ctrl-Mouse \F33
Shift-Mouse \F34
Shift-Ctrl-Mouse \F35
Meta-Mouse \F36
Meta-Ctrl-Mouse \F37
Meta-Shift-Mouse \F38
Meta-Shift-Ctrl-Mouse \F39
Mode-Mouse \F40
Ctrl-Mode-Mouse \F41
Shift-Mode-Mouse \F42
Shift-Ctrl-Mode-Mouse \F43
Meta-Mode-Mouse \F44
Meta-Ctrl-Mode-Mouse \F45
Meta-Shift-Mode-Mouse \F46
Meta-Shift-Ctrl-Mode-Mouse \F47
Echo-Mouse \F48
Ctrl-Echo-Mouse \F49
Shift-Echo-Mouse \F50
Shift-Ctrl-Echo-Mouse \F51
Meta-Echo-Mouse \F52
Meta-Ctrl-Echo-Mouse \F53
Meta-Shift-Echo-Mouse \F54
Meta-Shift-Ctrl-Echo-Mouse \F55
If the menu option is compiled into the program, you can also use the
Intuition menu, just like any other well-written Amiga program. The menu
names are relatively self-explanitory, as are the names inside each
menu. If you want to learn what the command key is for a menu function,
use the command "apropos" (invoked by Ctrl-Backspace a), followed by a
substring of the menu item you're curious about.
The Browser is the next best (or even better, for some purposes)
thing to a file requester. Simply put, it places the directory tree up
in the menu bar, where you can visit files simply by selecting their
names from the menu bar. Try it, you'll like it. If the MENU option is
also compiled in, the editing menus are all submenus of the first,
"Edit" menu, and the Browser uses the rest of the menu bar.
As a service to those of us who want a full-size, 80-column editing
window on a 640x200 screen, Amiga MG allows you to make its window
borderless. If you like, you can take over the full Workbench screen (48
rows, 80 columns in interlace mode under 1.2). Borderless windows can be
"visually confusing", to quote the author of Intuition, so it's probably
best to either to 1) take over the whole screen or 2) put the MG window
at the bottom of the screen.
When Amiga MG starts up on a 640x200 screen, its initial window is
borderless, and 640x200 pixels in dimension. To change to a resizeable
window, issue the command "M-x amiga-toggle-border" or select the
"Toggle Window" subitem from the "Window" menu (if it is compiled into
the program). MG will create a new, resizeable, bordered window, which
you can then set to whatever size you wish using the sizing gadget in
the bottom left corner of the window.
To go back to a borderless window, issue the "Toggle Window" command
again. MG will remember the current size of the resizeable window, and
create a borderless window with the same dimensions and position. Since
under Workbench 1.2 you can use a 640x400 window, this lets you take up
the entire screen, 48 rows by 80 columns.
If you use MoreRows, MG will open up a resizeable window if there's
enough room on the screen for an 24 line by 80 column window.
There may be times when you'd like to use another font on the screen,
either to make the text easier to read, or for some special effect, like
editing something on a TV projection system. MG lets you change the
font that is used to draw characters in the window, using the command
"M-x amiga-set-font".
You can use the universal argument to set the desired text font size,
for example saying "C-u 12 M-x set-font", then typing "opal" when it
prompts you for the name of the font. If you give an argument that is
less than 0, MG resets the window's font to the system default (set by
Preferences). If you don't give an argument, MG prompts you for the
desired font size.
Changing the window's font to one that is designed to be
proportionally spaced does not work very well, because MG expects the
all characters on the screen to be the same width, which is of course
not the case with proportional fonts. MG lets you use proportional
fonts, but it asks you to make sure first.
If you really want to, you can change the "soft style" the console
device uses to draw characters in the text area and the mode line. The
possible values for these styles are:
0 plain
1 boldface
3 italic
4 underline
7 inverse
About the only useful values are the ones for plain, boldface or
italics. The default value for text is 0 (plain, of course), while the
default for the mode line is 7 (inverse video). These can be changed by
the appropriate #definitions of MODE_RENDITION and TEXT_RENDITION.
The commands to change the rendition values are:
Set text area rendition
Set mode line rendition (this is by far the more useful)
You can set the colors the console device uses to draw the text you
are editing. (This does not mean that you can specify *any* color; your
choices are limited to the colors being used by Intuition to maintain
the Workbench screen.) The commands that control this behavior are:
Sets the color used to draw the characters you see in the
text area (distinct from the mode line area for each window).
Accepts a number from 0 to 7. The value initially used is 1.
You can get a reverse video screen by selecting 0 for this
value and 1 for the background color
Sets the color used the draw the background behind characters
in the text area. Accepts the same values as
amiga-text-foreground. The initial value is 0.
Sets the foreground color used by the mode line. If you
set this to 0 and the background color to 1, you can get
a reverse video mode line even when you select italics for
the mode line rendition (see RENDITION)
Sets the background color for the mode line. You should
get the idea by now.
Leo Schwab wrote a set of very general routines for allowing an
Amiga program to shrink its window to an icon. This icon can then be
moved around on the screen, and re-expanded to its full size by a
double click, like the one used to open a drawer. Amiga MG2a
provides this capability through the function ``amiga-iconify'',
which is bound to Echo-Mouse by default if the iconification code is
present. Not only is this a great way to prevent screen clutter, but
it also frees 50K of CHIP RAM while MG's window is iconified (on a 30
line by 80 column mg window).
To iconify the window, click the mouse in MG's echo line or issue
the extended command ``amiga-iconify.'' To expand MG's window back
to its full size, double-click on the MG2a icon in the same way you
would on a disk or drawer icon. The icon can also be dragged
about, and will remember its last position when the window is
iconified again.
ARexx is a commercial product that provides an extension language -
a macro facility - to Amiga programs for very little overhead. It also
allows communications between programs that know nothing of each
other. It will be bundled with AmigaDOS version 2.0, so everyone should
have it in the near future.
The Amiga version of mg3 has some functions specifically to
support Rexx. They allow for the creation of some very powerfull mg
scripts, including the creation of integrated programming environments
for most compiled languages, and of the ability to dynamically test
functions from inside the editor for intrepreted languages. The mg3
Rexx support functions are documented below; see the Rexx directory
for examples using this functionality.
Rexx macros can be invoked from mg in one of two ways. The first
way is close to the "standard rexx" interface. The second provides
much more flexibility and power to the user. Finally, you can arrange
for a rexx macro to be invoked on exiting from mg (for cleanup, or
The first way is the "rexx" command. This reads a single argument
from the user, and is passed to ARexx as a command. If the string is
quoted, ARexx will execute it as a "string macro", interpreting the
contents. If it's not quoted, the first token of the string is taken
to be a command name. That command is searched for, with either no
extension, or the extension "mg". If found, the file will be invoked,
with any text after the command name arranged as the argument to the
command. Alternatively, if the Rexx command is invoked with a
universal argument, the rest of the string will tokenized by rexx.
This allows for arguments that can't normally be passed. For example,
to pass a null argument, you would do:
C-u M-x rexx C-m macroname "" C-m.
There's no way to pass a null argument without invoking tokenization.
Rexx should be the standard way of invoking rexx macros.
Note that having all unrecognized commands passed to rexx doesn't
work in mg, as it tries to complete command names. Doing this right
would require more code than is justified in a micro emacs. However,
you can use named kbd macros to invoke rexx macros, thus putting rexx
commands into the standard command set. In addition, you can also use
command completion on those macro names.
The second, and more powerful technic is "rexx-do-region". This
passes the contents of the region to ARexx as a string macro, invoking
it as a function. The numeric argument to rexx-do-string controls it's
behavior in two ways. If the argument doesn't exist, or is positive,
the result string returned by the macro is displayed in the echo line.
If the argument is zero or negative, then the result string from the
macro is inserted into the buffer at the point. If it's given an
argument, then the absolute magnitude of the argument is the number of
argument strings to be passed to the macro. The user is asked for
these one at a time, and they are then made available to the macro via
the normal argument mechanisms. Due to overloading of the argument,
there is no way to invoke a macro with no arguments and have it's
returned value inserted into the buffer.
A typical use for this would be to mark a Rexx procedure
definition, then use rexx-do-region to pass the function and any
arguments to Rexx for evaluation from inside of mg. Writing the
function to disk is not required, nor is writing a skeleton to invoke
the function for testing.
You can also use "rexx-do-on-exit". It takes a string in exactly
the same way that "rexx" does, however, it doesn't do any of the
argument processing that the "rexx" command does. This is for cleaning
up on exit from mg.
Finally, "rexx-wait" causes mg to close it's window and wait for a
message to it's Rexx port. This is useful for uncluttering your
workbench and freeing chip memory. The companion function
"amiga-window-to-top" is usefull for opening an mg doing a rexx-wait.
When ARexx code is run from mg, any commands issued by the Rexx
interpreter are evaluated as expressions by mg. Thus, all commands
normally available to the user are available from Rexx code. However,
the tokenization must be kept in mind when writing Rexx macros. For
example, to search for the text string "the word", one should use:
'search "the word"', not 'search the word'.
In addition, most of the mg commands are of the form
'list-of-words', with embedded '-''s. Since ARexx recognizes these as
operators outside of strings, most commands should be embedded in
quotes of some form or another. It's a good practice to put all
commands in quotes, regardless of whether they need it or not. In
fact, This is true for all Rexx command hosts, not just mg.
Mg commands offer only four return values:
0 - completed normally
1 - error, such as moving past the end of the file
2 - failure, such as a user abort or command parse error
3 - locked, this mg isn't currently accepting asynch macros
4 - this mg doesn't do Rexx messages at all
Macros should always abort on a return of 2. A return of 1 can be
used for flow control, or ignored.
In addition to the commands normally available, ARexx support in
mg has commands added that allow the user to query the editor for
data, and modify it. All of these start with "rexx-", to avoid
removing otherwise useful names from the namespace. None of these
commands may be invoked except from a Rexx script.
rexx-insert takes a single argument, and inserts it into the
current buffer at the point. Note that that argument must be a valid
argument by mg expression evaluation criteria, not by Rexx's. So to
insert the value of the variable addstuff, one should do something
'rexx-insert' '"'addstuff'"'
to be safe. To be very safe, and somewhat shorter, you should always
invoke rexx-insert as 'rexx-insert "', and end it with '"'. Also note
that '"' and '\' get special treatment, and must be preceeded by a '\'
to be inserted safely. The file rexx/slashquote returns a single
string that is the "rexx-insertable" version of it's argument, so the
above would be:
'rexx-insert' '"'slashquote(addstuff)'"'
to be absolutly safe.
Other rexx-specific functions that take a single string argument are:
rexx-display: instead of inserting it's argument into the buffer,
this command displays it for the user.
There are also commands to get information from the user. They all
take a message like rexx-display, and display it as a prompt in the
echo area. They then read a string from the user, and return it as
their result. They are:
rexx-request gets an arbitrary string. rexx-request-buffer gets a
buffer name, with completion. rexx-request-function gets a function or
kbd macro name, with completion. rexx-request-macro gets a kbd macro
name, with completion. Aborts or errors during the reads are passed on
to the Rexx macro.
rexx-line also returns data via result. It returns the contents of
a single line of text from the current buffer, sans any trailing
newline. It's numeric argument is the line number to be returned.
Negative arguments count backwards from the end of the buffer. If it
has no argument, it returns the current line. Referring to a
non-existent line is an error.
Next, there is a group of routines that take a Rexx variable name
as an argument, use it as the stem of a compound symbol. The format
for all of them is them is the same: for n from 1 to stem.0, stem.n
contains data. With one exception, there are no more levels in the
compound variables. If for any reason all the stem variables the
command wants to set cannot be set, an error is returned. Note that
unlike XEDIT, the name of the stem is not fixed - it's the argument to
the command. So "rexx-point point1" <other commands> "rexx-point
point2" creates two compound variables, point1 and point2, each
holding data about a point.
rexx-point: stem.1 is the line number the point is on, stem.2 is
the points offset into the line, stem.3 is the text of the line the
point is on.
rexx-mark: identical to rexx-point, except that it returns data
about the mark instead of the point. If no mark exists in the current
buffer, rexx.0 is set to 0, and an error is returned.
rexx-buffer: stem.1 is the buffer name, stem.2 is the file name
associated with the buffer, stem.3 is the number of lines in the
buffer, stem.4 is the number of characters in the buffer, stem.5 is
the line # the point is on, stem.6 is the line # the mark is on. If no
mark exists, stem.6 is not set, stem.0 will be 5, and an error will be
returned. If no file is associated with the buffer, the stem.2 will be
"", and no error will be signaled.
rexx-window: stem.1 is the height of the current window in
characters, stem.2 is it's width, stem.3 is the number of the top line
in the window, stem.4 is the name of the displayed buffer, stem.5 is
the name of the file in that buffer. If there is no buffer name (which
should never happen), then stem.0 will be 3, and an error will be
rexx-region returns the text of the region. If no mark is set
(hence no region), stem.0 is set to 0, and an error is returned. The
text of each line is returned in stem.#, with the newline (unlike
rexx-line). The last line may not have a newline, if the region does
not end after a newline character.
rexx-buffer-list is the exception mentioned above. Instead of
returning data in stem.#, these contain another level of compound
variable. Stem.# contains data about a specific buffer, like so:
stem.#.NAME is the name of buffer #, stem.#.FILE is the file it's
editing, and stem.#.STATUS is either "" or "CHANGED " if it's been
changed, with "CURRENT" appended if this is the current buffer.
Finally, there are two commands that allow Rexx macros to issue
commands to mg asynchronously. When a rexx macro is started, mg is
locked, meaning that only Rexx commands from that macro will be
processed. Any other will return an error code 3. That macro may
unlock mg, allowing the user to issue mg commands from the keyboard.
After unlocking mg, the macro may continue to issue commands to mg,
and even relock mg. Further, any Rexx script, no matter what client it
was started from, may issue commands to an unlocked mg, and lock it.
The two commands are:
rexx-unlock unlocks the current mg, allowing other macros and the
user to enter commands to it. It returns the value of the address for
asynch commands to this mg as a result.
rexx-lock locks the current mg, so that mg only accepts commands
from the locking macro. It returns the address to use for the commands
as a result. If called without the results option being on, it has no
affect. If you call rexx-lock to lock an mg, you must call rexx-unlock
to free it. Otherwise, the mg will be hung, waiting for a packet from
that macro that it will never get.
Typical useage of the above two might be:
options results
/* Get all information we need, and verify it */
/* Free ourselves */
address value result
/* Do much computing; the user is free to use the editor */
/* Get back in synch */
address value result
'rexx-display "Computation finished, inserting into My_Buffer"'
/* Do the insert */
When mg is first started, it tries to open a public port named
"mg". If that fails, it tries 'mg!', and then 'mg"', and so on
through 'mg~', then to 'mg!!', 'mg"!', and so through the ASCII
character set, up to "mg~~". Sending 'rexx-lock' commands to those
port names until one succeeds is the best way to find and lock an mg.
For completeness, here is a list of all Amiga MG functions that are
specific to the Amiga.
Iconifies the Amiga MG window.
The entry point for using MG's Intuition menu. This function
figures out which menu selection was used, then calls the
appropriate function by name (not hard-coded key value)
Set dot to where the mouse is pointing. Two clicks in the same
spot set the mark too.
Functions that first either 1) move point to where the mouse
points to or 2) select the buffer associated with the mode line
the mouse clicked in, then call the function indicated by the
rest of the name. These functions are all "bound" to various
mouse click keys.
Set the font used to draw characters inside the MG window.
A positive argument is used for the size of the font, while
a nonpositive argument requests that the font be set to the
system default font. Menu items are not affected by this command.
Set the way your text (or the mode line) is rendered. Choose
from 0 (plain), 1 (bold), 3 (italic), 4 (underline), or
7 (reverse video). 0, 1, and 3 are about the only really useful
ones for text; 7 is the default for the mode line.
Set the system color used to draw the characters in the text area
and mode line. Accepts a value between 0 and 7; the default for
the background is 0, the default for the text is 1.
Switch your window between resizable and borderless. Lets you
take over the whole screen (80 columns! 48 lines in interlace!)
Only defined if REXX is enabled. Causes mg3 to bring it's
window and screen to the top of the screen.
Send a command to rexx.
Close the window, and reopen it on reciept of a Rexx message
Arrange for a rexx command to be issued when mg exits.
Send the current region to rexx as a string macro.
Only issueable from inside of a Rexx script. See the section on
Rexx for details.