Gold Fish 2
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177 lines
;; macros to go with oemacs
; suntool-map is the map for "\C-x*", the oemacs prefix for function keys
; commented-out lines agree with the settings in $(EMACS)/lisp/term/sun.el
(setq suntool-map-hooks '( ; not your usual hook list
; (define-key suntool-map "al" 'keyboard-quit) ; Stop
; (define-key suntool-map "bl" 'redraw-display) ; Again L2
; (define-key suntool-map "b\M-l" 'repeat-complex-command); M-Again = C-X ESC
; (define-key repeat-complex-command-map "\C-x*b\M-l"
; 'previous-complex-command) ; M-Again M-Again...
(define-key suntool-map "bL" 'rerun-prev-command) ; AGAIN (no confirm)
; (define-key suntool-map "b\M-L" 'rerun-prev-command) ; M-AGAIN
; (define-key suntool-map "cl" 'buffer-menu) ; Props
; (define-key suntool-map "dl" 'undo) ; Undo
; (define-key suntool-map "el" 'ignore-key) ; Front
; (define-key suntool-map "fl" 'sun-select-region) ; Copy
; (define-key suntool-map "f," 'copy-region-as-kill) ; C-Copy
; (define-key suntool-map "gl" 'ignore-key) ; Open
; (define-key suntool-map "hl" 'sun-yank-selection) ; Paste
; (define-key suntool-map "h," 'yank) ; C-Paste
; (define-key suntool-map "il" 'research-forward) ; Find (with default)
; (define-key suntool-map "i\M-l" 'research-backward) ; M-Find
; (define-key suntool-map "iL" 'isearch-forward-regexp) ; FIND (incremental)
; (define-key suntool-map "i\M-L" 'isearch-backward-regexp); M-FIND
; (define-key suntool-map "i," 're-search-forward) ; C-Find (ordinary)
; (define-key suntool-map "i\M-," 're-search-backward) ; C-M-Find
(define-key suntool-map "jl" 'sun-cut-region) ; Cut
(define-key suntool-map "j," 'kill-region-and-unmark) ; C-Cut
(define-key suntool-map "jL" 'pop-the-mark) ; CUT
; (define-key suntool-map "j\M-l" 'exchange-point-and-mark); M-Cut
(define-key suntool-map "at" 'bury-buffer) ; F1
; (define-key suntool-map "bt" 'toggle-selective-display) ; F2
; (define-key suntool-map "ct" 'scroll-down-in-place) ; F3
; (define-key suntool-map "cT" '(lambda(n) (interactive "p") (scroll-down n)))
; (define-key suntool-map "dt" 'scroll-up-in-place) ; F4
; (define-key suntool-map "dT" '(lambda(n) (interactive "p") (scroll-up n)))
(define-key suntool-map "et" 'jumpup) ; F5
; (define-key suntool-map "ft" 'shrink-window) ; F6
; (define-key suntool-map "fT" 'shrink-window-horizontally) ; Shift-F6
; (define-key suntool-map "gt" 'enlarge-window) ; F7
; (define-key suntool-map "gT" 'enlarge-window-horizontally) ; Shift-F7
(define-key suntool-map "ht" 'tags-search) ; F8
(define-key suntool-map "it" 'tags-query-replace) ; F9
(define-key suntool-map "jt" 'narrow-to-region) ; F10
(define-key suntool-map "j\M-t" 'narrow-to-page) ; M-F10
(define-key suntool-map "kt" 'quick-revert-buffer) ; F11
(define-key suntool-map "k\M-t" 'quick-revert-other-buffer) ; M-F11
(define-key suntool-map "lt" 'goto-line) ; F12
(define-key suntool-map "l\M-t" 'goto-line) ; M-F12
(define-key suntool-map "ar" 'redraw-display) ; Pause, R1
(define-key suntool-map "br" 'call-secondlast-kbd-macro) ; PrSc, R2
(define-key suntool-map "cr" 'ignore-key) ; Scroll Lock Break, R3
(define-key suntool-map "dr" 'unbound-key) ; KP=, R4
(define-key suntool-map "d\M-r" 'bind-last-kbd-macro-to-KP=) ; M-KP=, M-R4
(define-key suntool-map "er" 'unbound-key) ; KP/, R5
(define-key suntool-map "e\M-r" 'bind-last-kbd-macro-to-KP/) ; M-KP/, M-R5
(define-key suntool-map "fr" 'unbound-key) ; KP*, R6
(define-key suntool-map "f\M-r" 'bind-last-kbd-macro-to-KP*) ; M-KP*, M-R6
; (define-key suntool-map "gr" 'beginning-of-buffer) ; Home, R7
; (define-key suntool-map "hr" 'previous-line) ; Up, R8
; (define-key suntool-map "ir" 'scroll-down) ; PgUp, R9
; (define-key suntool-map "iR" 'backward-page) ; Shift-PGUP
; (define-key suntool-map "jr" 'backward-char) ; Lft, R10
(define-key suntool-map "kr" "\C-u\C-l") ; KP5, R11
; (define-key suntool-map "lr" 'forward-char) ; Rt, R12
; (define-key suntool-map "mr" 'end-of-buffer) ; End, R13
; (define-key suntool-map "nr" 'next-line) ; Dn, R14
; (define-key suntool-map "or" 'scroll-up) ; PgDn, R15
; (define-key suntool-map "oR" 'forward-page) ; Shift-PGUP
(define-key suntool-map "ab" 'apropos) ; Help
(define-key suntool-map "a\M-b" 'mouse-help) ; M-Help
(define-key suntool-map "aB" 'describe-bindings) ; HELP
(define-key suntool-map "a\M-B" 'describe-mouse-bindings); M-HELP
(define-key suntool-map "a\"" 'command-apropos) ; C-Help
(define-key suntool-map "a\C-B" 'apropos) ; C-HELP
(define-key suntool-map "a\M-\C-B" 'help-for-dummies) ; M-C-HELP
(define-key suntool-map "bb" 'ignore-key) ; Alt
(define-key suntool-map "cb" 'ignore-key) ; AltGraph
(define-key suntool-map "db" 'auto-fill-mode) ; Keypad Ins
(define-key suntool-map "eb" 'overwrite-mode) ; Keypad Del
(define-key suntool-map "fb" 'call-last-kbd-macro) ; Keypad Enter
(define-key suntool-map "gb" 'forward-paragraph) ; Keypad +
(define-key suntool-map "hb" 'backward-paragraph) ; Keypad -
; redefinition of emacs functions
(defun end-of-buffer ()
"Move point to the end of the buffer; leave a mark at previous position.
Scroll so that point is at the bottom of the window, if possible."
(goto-char (point-max))
(recenter -1))
; new functions
(defun jumpup ()
"Scroll so that point is at the top of the window."
(interactive)(recenter 0))
(defun quick-revert-buffer ()
"Revert the buffer without asking for confirmation."
(revert-buffer t t))
(defun quick-revert-other-buffer (n)
"Revert the Nth other buffer without asking for confirmation."
(interactive "p")
(other-window n)
(revert-buffer t t)
(other-window (- n)))
(defun bind-last-kbd-macro-to-KP= ()
"Assign the last keyboard macro to the = key on the numeric keypad."
(define-key suntool-map "dr" last-kbd-macro))
(defun bind-last-kbd-macro-to-KP/ ()
"Assign the last keyboard macro to the / key on the numeric keypad."
(define-key suntool-map "er" last-kbd-macro))
(defun bind-last-kbd-macro-to-KP* ()
"Assign the last keyboard macro to the * key on the numeric keypad."
(define-key suntool-map "fr" last-kbd-macro))
(defvar secondlast-kbd-macro nil)
(defun pre-end-kbd-macro ()
"Preserve last-kbd-macro as secondlast-kbd-macro, then end-kbd-macro."
(setq secondlast-kbd-macro last-kbd-macro)
(substitute-key-definition 'end-kbd-macro 'pre-end-kbd-macro global-map)
(substitute-key-definition 'end-kbd-macro 'pre-end-kbd-macro esc-map)
(substitute-key-definition 'end-kbd-macro 'pre-end-kbd-macro ctl-x-map)
(defun call-secondlast-kbd-macro (n)
"Like call-last-kbd-macro, but uses the macro defined before that."
(interactive "p")
(let ((last-kbd-macro secondlast-kbd-macro))
(call-last-kbd-macro n)))
; The turn-numlock-on/off commands are created automatically by oemacs
; when the NumLock light changes state.
(defun turn-numlock-on () ; numlock is always off when oemacs starts
"Bind keys in keypad area to numeric interpretations."
(setq hb-binding (lookup-key suntool-map "hb"))
(setq gb-binding (lookup-key suntool-map "gb"))
(setq fb-binding (lookup-key suntool-map "fb"))
(setq eb-binding (lookup-key suntool-map "eb"))
(setq db-binding (lookup-key suntool-map "db"))
(define-key suntool-map "hb" "-")
(define-key suntool-map "gb" "+")
(define-key suntool-map "fb" "\C-j")
(define-key suntool-map "eb" ".")
(define-key suntool-map "db" "0"))
(defun turn-numlock-off ()
"Rebind keys in keypad area to function-key interpretations."
(define-key suntool-map "hb" hb-binding)
(define-key suntool-map "gb" gb-binding)
(define-key suntool-map "fb" fb-binding)
(define-key suntool-map "eb" eb-binding)
(define-key suntool-map "db" db-binding))
(defvar hb-binding nil)
(defvar gb-binding nil)
(defvar fb-binding nil)
(defvar eb-binding nil)
(defvar db-binding nil)