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========================== Contents of Disk 840 ==========================
This is disk 840 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
OctaMED A music editor which was originally designed for making music
for programs (demos, games, etc), but works well as a stand-
alone music program as well. OctaMED is the 8-channel version
of MED. This is a freely distributable release of the fully
functional commercial version 2.0. Versions later than 2.0
remain commercial and are *not* freely redistributable at this
time. Previous releases were version 1.00b on disk 579 and
a demo of version 4.0 on disk 755. Binary only.
Author: Teijo Kinnunen and Ray Burt-Frost
========================== Contents of Disk 841 ==========================
This is disk 841 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AniMan AniMan combines Amiga animation, speech synthesis, and voice
recognition, to provide you with an animated talking head
that will run any Amiga program by voice command. Ask for
an Amiga program by name, and AniMan will oblige. If AniMan
becomes impatient, you may be insulted. AniMan will also
recite poetry if you ask nicely. It is designed to work with
the Perfect Sound 3, Audio Master (Audio Magic), or generic
audio digitizers. Also requires 1MB of fast memory. This is
Version 5.0 of AniMan, an update to version 3.2 disk 723. New
features include support for AGA and improved performance.
Binary only.
Author: Richard Horne
GifInfo A small program that gives information about GIF files, such
as size, number of colors, etc. Includes documentation in
English and French. Version 1.12, binary only.
Author: Christophe Passuello
PowerData Patches AmigaDOS, enabling all programs to read and write
files packed with PowerPacker in way that is completely
transparent to themselves and the system. Programs will read
powerpacked datafiles directly, and will also magically start
compressing their own datafiles, as they create or update
them. This is version 38.115, an update to version 38.105 on
disk 801. Partially localized for use with Workbench 2.1.
Workbench 2.04+ only. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Michael Berg
========================== Contents of Disk 842 ==========================
This is disk 842 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AntiCicloVir A link virus detector that detects 30 different such viruses.
Checks your disk and memory for known link viruses, and can
also detect known bootblock viruses in memory. Version 1.8,
an update to version 1.7 on disk 815. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Matthias Gutt
GadToolsBox A program that lets you draw/edit GadTools gadgets and menus
and then generates the corresponding C or assembly code for
you. This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.4 on disk
731. Includes source.
Author: Jan van den Baard
========================== Contents of Disk 843 ==========================
This is disk 843 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
BrowserII A "Programmer's Workbench". Allows you to easily and con-
veniently move, copy, rename, and delete files & directories
using the mouse. Also provides a method to execute either
Workbench or CLI programs by double-clicking them or by
selecting them from a ParM like Menu with lots of arguments.
Uses whatis.library to detect file types and executes commands
based on these. Version 2.13 for AmigaDOS 1.3 and 2.31 for
AmigaDOS 2.0 (localized). Update to version 2.04 on disk 649.
Binary only.
Author: Sylvain Rougier and Pierre Carrette
MeMeter A WB 2.0 only version of MeMeter (only 2000 bytes). Update
for original MeMeter, which didn't work under 2.0. Includes
source in C.
Author: Pierre Carrette
ParM Parametrable Menu. ParM allows you to build menus to run
any program in either in WorkBench or CLI mode. This is an
alternative to MyMenu which can run only when WorkBench is
loaded. ParM can have it's own little window, can attach
menus to the CLI window you are running it from, or to the
WB menus, just like MyMenu. Versions 3.6 & 4.3, an update
to version 3.6 on disk 649. Binary only.
Author: Sylvain Rougier and Pierre Carrette
WBRun A RunBack style program which use parm.library. Runs programs
in WorkBench mode from any CLI. Programs are fully detached.
The program you run must support WorkBench startup. Includes
source in C. Versions 1.3 and 2.0.
Author: Sylvain Rougier and Pierre Carrette
WhatIs WhatIs.library can detect file types and is fully parametrable
by an ascii file. You can describe file types and they will
be recognized by the library. A few tools are also included.
Author: Sylvain Rougier and Pierre Carrette
========================== Contents of Disk 844 ==========================
This is disk 844 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DBB Digital Breadboard is a full GUI digital logic circuit simu-
lator. Digital Breadboard currently supports 2 and 3 input
AND, OR, NAND, and NOR gates, NOT and XOR gates, D, JK, and
SR edge-triggered flip-flops, multiple independant clocks,
switched and pulsed inputs, outputs, Vcc, GND, independant
4-channel oscilloscope, event counters, variable speed timer,
preferences printing, and more. Requires AmigaDOS 2.x. This
is version 1.1, freeware, binary only.
Author: Dan Griffin
DiskPrint A label database which prints and stores disk labels for 3.5"
and 5.25" disks. Primarily created as a combined database and
print utility for FD disks, it includes easy-to-use label lib-
rary functions (like printing labels for a whole FD series in
one turn or multiple print of one label) and labels for most
FD disks which are available within a few mouse clicks. Fea-
tures include a fast search routine, user-definable label lay-
out, different label sizes, intuition-based disk directory
read-in and a lot more. Very configurable. Works fine with
every printer connected to the parallel port and AmigaOS 1.2,
1.3, and 2.x. This version now includes DESKJET support for
single label sheets. Includes both English (PAL & NTSC) and
German versions. This is version 3.59, an update to version
3.51 on disk 685. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Jan Geissler
========================== Contents of Disk 845 ==========================
This is disk 845 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ISL Imagine Staging Language, a decompiler and compiler which
allow the user to create and modify Imagine staging files
in a manner much more powerful than that provided by Imagine
itself. Imagine is the 3d rendering and animation program
published by Impulse. ISL does not require any particular
version of AmigaDos, but it only works with version 2.0 of
Imagine. Version 1.4, binary only.
Author: John T. Grieggs
Sz'kwa Sz'kwa, a children's game from Northern China, as described
by Clifford A. Pickover in his book `MAZES for the MIND,
computers and the unexpected'. Requires Workbench 2.04 or
higher. This is version 1.1, binary only.
Author: A.R.Mohowitsch
TextPlus A TeX frontend word processor that provides facilities for
tables, lists, mailmerge, footnotes, inclusion of IFF graph-
ics, an ARexx-Port (111 commands) and full OS2.0/3.0 compat-
ibility. Makes use of PasTeX, Georg Hessmann's Amiga imple-
mentation of TeX. New features are support for LaTeX, Make-
Index (automatic index generation) and printing via PRT:
(TeX is not needed for the latter). This is the German ver-
sion 4.10, an update to version 4.00 on disk 700. Disk 846
contains the English version. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Martin Steppler
========================== Contents of Disk 846 ==========================
This is disk 846 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
FileCache This package is for compiler and assembler writers. It im-
plements a cache for include files with a file cache server.
Can greatly speed up compilation and assembling. Binary only.
Author: Christophe Passuello
IObject A linker library that emulates some gadgets of the gadtools
library (CheckBox, Cycle, Button, Scroller, Integer, String)
and an area of text with scrolling. Works with all versions
of WorkBench. Includes examples and documentation in English
and French. Binary only.
Author: Christophe Passuello
TextPlus A TeX frontend word processor that provides facilities for
tables, lists, mailmerge, footnotes, inclusion of IFF graph-
ics, an ARexx-Port (111 commands) and full OS2.0/3.0 compat-
ibility. Makes use of PasTeX, Georg Hessmann's Amiga imple-
mentation of TeX. New features are support for LaTeX, Make-
Index (automatic index generation) and printing via PRT:
(TeX is not needed for the latter). This is the English ver-
sion 4.10, an update to version 4.00 on disk 700. Disk 845
contains the German version. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Martin Steppler
========================== Contents of Disk 847 ==========================
This is disk 847 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ADM A comfortable and flexible address database with font sensi-
tive windows, commodity support, application window support,
an ARexx-port, public screen support, and fully controllable
from the keyboard. It includes user flags (grouping), email
support, and freely configurable label printing. It can fill
out letter forms and call your word processor, print remit-
tance orders, dial the modem, and has online help. Requires
AmigaDOS version 2.04 or later. Version 1.01, German version
only. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Jan Geissler
MidiChords A program which replaces and extends the chord-key-play-
function, as may be found on several low priced keyboards.
To make full use of this code a MIDI interface and a keyboard
capable of MIDI reception is required, however, a limited
audio output is available too. Some special harmonic routines
are: Chord Finding, Sequencing and Random Play. Chords and
sequences are played by simple mouse clicks and recorded
Seqfiles can be saved (and loaded). On-line information may
be switched on/off. Version 3.2, binary only.
Author: Theo Brugman
========================== Contents of Disk 848 ==========================
This is disk 848 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Amiga_E An Amiga specific E compiler. E is a powerful and flexible
procedural programming language and Amiga E a very fast com-
piler for it, with features such as compilation speed of
20000 lines/minute on a 7 Mhz amiga, inline assembler and
linker integrated into compiler, large set of integrated
functions, module concept with 2.04 includes as modules,
flexible type-system, quoted expressions, immediate and typed
lists, low level polymorphism, exception handling and much,
much more. Written in Assembly and E. Version 2.1b, an
update to version 2.1 on disk 810. Public domain. Includes
partial sources.
Author: Wouter van Oortmerssen
CWeb A programming tool that allows you to program top down, by
splitting your program into many small, and understandable
modules which `ctangle' tangles into a compiler understandable
file. By applying `cweave' to the program you can produce a
pretty-printed listing for processing with `TeX'. This is
version 2.7, an update to version 2.0 on disk 551, now with
full ANSI and C++ support. Includes source.
Author: Donald Knuth, Silvio Levy, port by Andreas Scherer
Poker A "fair" version of a casino video poker machine in which a
deck is dealt randomly. Regular casino rules apply. This is
a variation of the version that appeared in the October 1992
of JUMPDISK, the Original Disk Magazine for the Amiga.
Author: Richard Ramella
========================== Contents of Disk 849 ==========================
This is disk 849 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AmigaPascal This is a mini PASCAL compiler, which may be used for smaller
projects. It is not yet quite complete and can only be run
from the CLI. Works on all Amigas, and OS versions from 1.2
to 3.1. Version 1.0, freeware, binary only.
Author: Daniel Amor
BackGammon The computer version of the game. This is a tiny little game
which runs on Workbench. Works on all Amigas, and OS versions
from 1.2 to 3.1. Version 0.9, freeware, binary only.
Author: Igor Druzovic and Daniel Amor
CDTV-Player A utility for all those people, who'd like to play Audio CD's
while multitasking on WorkBench. It's an emulation of CDTV's
remote control, but is a little more sophisticated. Allows
access to the archive even without a CDROM drive (i.e. AMIGA
500-4000), although you can't play a CD. Program and KARAOKE
(live on-screen) included. Recognizes CDs automatically.
Version 1.8, an update to version 1.5 on disk 805. Freeware,
binary only.
Author: Daniel Amor
MathPlot A function plotter with lin/log plot, a complete KS 2.0 inter-
face, and ARexx support. Needs Kickstart/WorkBench 2.0 and
mtool.library (included). Version 2.01, an update to version
1.04 on disk 573. Shareware, source available from author.
Author: Ruediger Dreier
RRT Demo of a real time mapping of a reflection of a graphic onto
a sphere. Is system friendly, multitasks, and uses an Intui-
tion screen. Written in C with small assembler assist. In-
cludes source.
Author: Adisak Pochanayon