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AmigaMUD, Copyright 1994 by Chris Gray
Introduction to the AmigaMUD System
The AmigaMUD system is a software system for the Commodore Amiga line
of computers which implements a MUD (Multi-User-Dungeon). MUDs have
existed on various computers for about 20 years, usually run at
universities on networked computers. In a typical MUD, several people
connect to the system at the same time and interact by typing in
messages and commands to the MUD. MUDs are usually set up somewhat
like text adventures, in that they contain a small world in which the
players can explore, solve puzzles, etc. MUDs add to the adventure the
possibility of interaction, within the world, of the various players.
Players can talk to others in the same location; they can cooperate in
solving puzzles; they can compete in improving their characters or
personnas; they can engage in combat, etc.
The world in which the MUD is set is chosen and built by one or more
people who are the implementors or "wizards" or "gods" of the MUD. MUD
worlds have been set in various fictional as well as real situations,
such as Star Trek, Xanth, the Discworld, etc. Other MUDs specialize in
role playing, where the players pick a persona and do their best to
stay within it. For example, "furries" on FurryMUD all pick a furred
animal as their character.
Many MUDs exist on the 'internet', the international network of
computer systems, mostly supported by various governments. Amiga
computers are not often on this network, so they will usually get
their multiple players through serial ports and modems. Amiga-based
BBS systems often have multiple lines, and these can be used for
connections to AmigaMUD.
Today, most MUDs are strictly text based. That is, users do all
operations in the MUD by typing commands, and all output is via text
messages. In the last couple of years, colour graphics have become
quite common on home computers and workstations. MUDs are beginning to
take advantage of that capability by introducing simple graphics
output. Sound output is also possible.
AmigaMUD provides graphics and sound output as a standard element. It
also allows the use of the mouse and numeric keypad as input. The
system still provides the full text input and output interfaces,
however, and can be used in a text-only mode. The standard
availability of graphics output and mouse input can change the nature
of a MUD, and make it available to those who aren't terribly good at
typing, or who are uncomfortable with computers.
Basic Capabilities
The main function of the AmigaMUD system is to allow the playing of a
MUD, which is a multi-player text adventure game. As such, several
people can be playing the same game at the same time. There is no
inherent limit on the number of simultaneous players, but the CPU time
needed to handle the server and the serial port activity will likely
limit a top-end Amiga to under 50 active players.
The AmigaMUD system does word wrapping on output. This means that long
lines are automatically broken up on word boundaries. The designers of
the scenarios and the builders of new rooms and objects, etc. do not
have to worry about properly formatting things. The formatting is done
with respect to the actual output width of the MUD text window, which
varies depending on the amount of overscan the user has setup.
Graphics output is to a 320 pixel wide by 100 pixel high by 32 colour
graphics window at the top of the visible display (unless the user has
chosen to hide it). Primitives exist in the system to draw and fill
lines, circles, polygons, etc. A scenario can also scroll regions of
the graphics window, and can dump IFF ILBM graphics images (from the
machine on which the MUD client program is running) to the window.
The scenario can add "mouse buttons" to the graphics window. These are
small rectangular areas containing text that the user can click on
with the mouse. Doing so triggers an action in the scenario, such as
moving in a specific direction. The scenario can also set up regions
of the display which are sensitive to mouse clicks. Clicking within
such a region sends to the server a message indicating the position
within the region which was selected. This capability is used by the
icon editor in the standard scenario.
The MUD client program can use the Amiga's speech synthesizer software
(libs:translator.library and devs:narrator.device) to generate speech
output. This capability requires that libs:translator.library exist on
the server machine, and that devs:narrator.device exist on the client
machine. Note that these items are not currently shipped with version
3.0 of the Amiga OS software package.
Scenarios can request that sound samples (IFF 8SVX files) be played on
client systems. Since the Amiga has four hardware sound channels, up
to four samples can be played simultaneously. These samples are loaded
from the AmigaMUD:Sounds directory on the client Amiga.
The MUD program supports the concept of icons. These are small (up to
16 x 16 pixels) one-bit-per-pixel images that are overlayed on top of
the main graphics imagery. They are used to indicate the presence, in
the same "room" as the player, of other players and NPCs.
The MUD program can "cache" local copies of descriptions of graphics
imagery, commands to play sounds, icons, etc. This caching can greatly
reduce the amount of data that must be continually retransmitted over
the serial connection, thus speeding up gameplay.
The MUD program includes a builtin full-screen text editor, which can
be used to edit room descriptions, object descriptions, etc. It can
also be used, when in wizard mode, to edit AmigaMUD functions, and is
integrated with the AmigaMUD programming language parser to show the
location of errors. MUD can also call out to an external editor for
these purposes.
The text adventure aspect of AmigaMUD includes a set of fairly
powerful routines to assist in writing code that "understands" pseudo-
English commands. For example, when the scenario is parsing a user
input line like:
Put the apple, the pear and the black sword into the brown paper bag.
the code that understands how to put things into other things will be
automatically called three times, one for each object to be put into
the bag. Also provided are routines to aid in identifying the objects
being referenced.
The AmigaMUD system includes a fairly efficient interpreted
programming language which is used to build the scenarios or worlds
that run under the system. Note, however, that with the current
scenario, building of rooms, objects, etc. can be done entirely
without using any of this programming language. The language is a
strongly typed, structured language that should be usable by anyone
with a bit of programming experience. The entire scenario is built
using this language - rooms and objects are created dynamically by
executing code in the language. The standard scenario includes a large
set of utility routines designed to simplify the building of rooms,
etc. Here is an example AmigaMUD programming language routine, which
is a part of the standard scenario. It is used to draw the random
coloured rectangles which are the graphics imagery for the "SysAdmin's
Study" room:
define tp_mall proc drawStudy()void:
int i, x, y;
for i from 1 upto Random(20) + 10 do
GSetPen(nil, Random(32));
x := Random(159);
y := Random(99);
GAMove(nil, x, y);
GRectangle(nil, Random(160 - x), Random(100 - x), true);
/* force a re-draw on look */
Me()@p_MapGroup := UNKNOWN_MAP_GROUP;
The standard scenario provided with AmigaMUD includes "builder
commands", which allow non-wizards to build new rooms and objects into
the scenario, while it is running. If the player is using the full MUD
client program, this building can be done using mouse-buttons and a
full-screen editor.
The standard scenario also provides some functions which can draw a
simple overhead view of a room based on the obvious exits from that
room. Several styles are available, including pathways, tunnels, and
interior rooms. These simple graphics can be attached to rooms using
mouse-buttons. The colours used can be changed for variety.
If the Amiga running the server is also running UUCP software, the
standard scenario can provide MUD characters with access to usenet
news and email services. The ability to send news and email must be
explicitly enabled, however.
A fairly large combat area, similar in many ways to the areas used in
combat-oriented fantasy role-playing games, is present in the standard
scenario. This area includes most of the traditional elements in a
simplified form, and contains three of the six quests. This is the
largest region of the scenario.
The Components of the System
There are several pieces of the AmigaMUD system. Most of the pieces
are only needed on the central host or server system, however. A
remote system, if the user is satisfied with a text-only interface,
needs none of the AmigaMUD components. A terminal program to call up
the host system is sufficient. To get the full interface, however, the
following two components are needed:
MUD - this is the main interface program. It provides the graphics
and text output, the sound output, and the mouse and keypad
input. It's use is described in detail in the 'MUD.txt'
mud.library - this is an Amiga OS shared library. It provides some
of the functionality of the user interface that is also needed
by the host/server system. To avoid needless duplication, that
portion of the code is placed into the shared library, so that
multiple users of it can use the same copy. This file must be
copied into the system's 'libs:' directory.
The Amiga that is hosting the AmigaMUD system needs a couple more
programs, and can also use some minor utilities:
MUDServ - this is the AmigaMUD server program. This is the main
component of the system; it provides the world, or scenario,
that the game takes place in, and provides the communication
between the separate players. See the file 'MUDServ.txt' for
more details.
MUDAgent - this program is the connection point between the server
program and an external user. It communicates with a serial
port on one end, and with Amiga OS messages to/from MUDServ on
the other. There must be a copy of this program running for
each currently active remote player. Local players can use
'MUD' to connect directly to MUDServ. This program is
documented fully in file 'MUDAgent.txt'.
AgentKill - this program is used to shut down copies of MUDAgent
that were started from the Workbench. If MUDAgents are
started from a shell, then use the shell 'status' command to
find their CLI numbers, and the shell 'break' command to shut
them down.
SMUD - this is a simple text-only client program that normally
runs on the same system as the server, and can be run only
from a shell command line. It is useful for doing quick
connections to the server since it uses much less memory than
the full MUD client. It can also accept commands from
redirected standard input. SMUD is described in file 'SMUD.
txt'. SMUD does packet-based DOS I/O, so it can also be used
for remote text-only connections when called up by a BBS that
is not capable of calling up the full MUDAgent interface.
MUDCre - this program is used to create an initial database in the
directory from which it is run. If a database is present, then
MUDCre will ask if it is to delete it first. An initial
database cannot be used for a multiplayer MUD as it does not
have any handlers for user input. Only wizards can use the
system until the appropriate handlers are setup. The standard
scenario is created by having SMUD read the various source
files of the scenario, which create and initialize the world
and the handlers for it. This is done via:
run MUDServ
SMUD < Standard.go
The 'Standard.go' file logs in SysAdmin, creates the world,
sets up all the handlers, etc. It does this mostly by using
the 'source' wizard command to read in all of the standard
scenario source files.
Only those wishing to create a scenario from scratch need be
concerned with using MUDCre. Most systems will use the
standard scenario database, perhaps with some modifications
done online.
The following items exist in the initial database:
p_pName - a string property used to hold the name of the
character. Also used on machines.
p_pIcon - an int array property used to hold a player's
(or machine's) icon (16 pixel by 16 pixel image which
shows up on other players' graphics windows).
Characters - the table of character names. This table maps
from character names to the character data structures.
It initially contains only "SysAdmin".
Builtin - the table of builtin functions. These are not
actually stored in the database - they are a part of
MUDServ itself.
an empty main grammar
a character creation password of 'CreationPassword'
no machines
no new character action
player SysAdmin, with password 'SysAdminPassword', and
prompt 'input> '. SysAdmin is always a wizard. The
initial icon for SysAdmin looks a bit like a
flags indicating that machines are active and are to be
started as needed
execution timeout of 10 seconds
MUDFlush - this simple program sends a message to MUDServ asking
that it flush out the database. The image of the database
produced is complete and consistent, but only as of the
instant it is produced. If machines are running, they can
start changing the database as soon as the server is finished
with the flush. Thus, it is always best to shut down the
server before making a backup copy of the data files. MUDFlush
can be used from the Workbench or from a shell.
MUDShut - this simple program sends a request to MUDServ asking
that MUDServ shut down. MUDServ will do so as soon as there
are no clients connected. MUDFlush can be used from the
Workbench or from a shell.
How to Get AmigaMUD Up and Running Quickly
If you only want to get the system up and running to play with
locally, then it is quite easy:
- copy mud.library to your libs: directory
- pick a directory with enough space. Copy MUD.data and MUD.index
to that directory. (These are the pre-built database files.)
- start MUDServ in that directory. Use the 'run' command to put
it in the background if you are using a shell.
- start MUD with the -L flag or the LOCAL tooltype
- login as SysAdmin, with password SysAdminPassword
- explore away!
Some AmigaMUD Concepts
server, client - AmigaMUD uses the client-server mode of operation.
MUDServ is a server; it responds to, or serves, requests for
action coming from the various clients, which ultimately are the
people playing the MUD. For example, when a player enters an input
line in the MUD program, that line is packaged up as a message and
sent to the server, MUDServ. MUDServ eventually gets around to
looking at it (it may be busy doing other things), and will then
process it according to the scenario, or world, that is being run.
There may be many messages sent back to the client in response to
the input line, such as several output lines of text, changes in
the graphics display, sound output, etc. The reverse situation
never happens - the server never waits for responses from clients,
since doing so might get it stuck forever. (Actually, the client
does not wait for a response on an input line message, but it does
for a variety of other types of messages.)
scenario - the scenario that AmigaMUD is running is governed by the
contents of the database files. They contain all of the text
strings and AmigaMUD functions that define the world. In the
standard scenario, the world contains the minimall area, the
streets of the town, the builder's guild, the proving grounds,
etc. Other scenarios are possible, which could have completely
different layout, different rules, different commands, etc. Other
MUD systems use names like 'mudlib' for the scenario.
wizard - when most players connect to AmigaMUD, they will see an
'input> ' prompt and will type scenario commands like "north",
"take the apple", etc. In this mode of operation, the input
commands are being interpreted by the scenario. If a player is
designated as a wizard, however (which can only be done by another
wizard), then it is possible for the player to go into "wizard
mode". In this mode of operation, input lines are interpreted
directly by the AmigaMUD programming language. Normally, the
prompt changes to '> ' in this mode. For example, a wizard could
enter a line reading '2 + 2.', and the system would respond with
'==> 4' - it has parsed the input line into a small function,
executed the function, and printed the result. Consult the file
"Programming.txt" for more information on wizard mode.
apprentice - an apprentice is something like a partial wizard. They
can use the programming language like wizards, but must operate
under certain restrictions.
builtin - much of the standard scenario is functions written in the
AmigaMUD programming language. These functions are interpreted by
MUDServ as needed. MUDServ itself provides a number of predefined
functions, which are executed directly, rather than being
interpreted. These are called 'builtin' functions. An example is
the 'Print' builtin, which takes a string expression as its
argument and prints that string to the text window of the
currently active client. (It is actually quite a bit more
complicated than that, but the result is the same.)
bi-directional asynchronous reliable protocol - this mouthfull
describes the way in which the MUD remote client program and the
MUDAgent host program communicate. A protocol is just a set of
rules which govern communication. The protocol, which runs over
a serial (and usually modem) connection, allows messages to go in
both directions (client to server and server to client). The
protocol is asynchronous in that either end can send a message
whenever it wants, without getting agreement from the other end.
The protocol is reliable in that each message has a CRC (Cyclic
Redundancy Check) which allows a receiver to check that the
message hasn't been mangled during transmission. If it has, the
receiver tells this to the sender, and the sender will resend the
message. This continues until it is received correctly, or until
one of the ends gives up entirely, and terminates the connection.
machine - many modern adventure games have characters other than the
player who are wandering around in the world. Often, the player
can interact with these characters. In the role-playing world,
these other characters are called NPC's (Non-Player Characters).
Many MUDs have a similar capability. In AmigaMUD, "machines" are
used to implement NPC's. Machines are much like player characters
except that they are governed by AmigaMUD programs, instead of by
a person. Other MUDs call them robots, or bots.
quest - usually, adventure games have a definite final goal or
solution. Having a single solvable puzzle in a MUD usually doesn't
work very well, since the first character to solve the puzzle can
render it pointless for the rest of the characters. This is
realistic, but can make for a dull game. Instead, many MUDs have
quests, which are smaller puzzles which can be solved over and
over again, although usually only once per character. A similar
situation occurs with special objects, such as powerful weapons.
There will usually be a supply of them, although larger scenarios
can have a small selection of special objects which are unique.
security - security can mean a variety of things in a MUD. The
simplest meaning is that there be no ways, within the game, for
cheating on the quests or for gaining power or influence without
doing so in the "proper" fashion. Problems of these kinds are
normally just bugs or oversights in the scenario. At the other end
of the scale are ways by which wizards, remotely connected to the
MUD, can access or damage the host computer running the MUD. This
kind of problem is much more severe, and usually arises from bugs
or oversights in the MUD system itself. In between these two
extremes are issues such as wizards using their wizard abilities
to mess up quests and areas built by other wizards.
SysAdmin - all AmigaMUD databases contain a SysAdmin character. This
character is the "god" of AmigaMUD. It can do anything in the MUD
and can see anything. SysAdmin can even look into the private
symbol tables of other wizards. Certain of the builtin functions,
such as the ones which write to disk, can be executed only by
functions owned by SysAdmin. Because of this power, the standard
password for SysAdmin should be changed for any MUD which is made
available to other players, and the new password should be guarded
carefully. As shipped, AmigaMUD will not allow SysAdmin to log in
remotely unless special action is taken to enable it. SysAdmin is
intended to be used only by the system administrator of the server
system. If any routines which use some of the dangerous functions
are written or changed, SysAdmin should be very careful that he
has not created a way for others to mess up his computer.