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AmigaMUD, Copyright 1994 by Chris Gray
The 'MUD' Client Program
The MUD client program (the file called "MUD") is used to connect to
an AmigaMUD server, either locally on the same machine as the server,
or remotely through a direct serial port or modem connection. The
operation of the program is the same in both cases, although some
details of starting it up vary. This client program must be used in
order to get graphics and audio output and to use mouse and keypad
input. This is the recommended interface for use with AmigaMUD,
although a remote user can operate in a simple text-only mode using
just a terminal program.
When running, MUD displays two windows. The top window displays 32
colour graphics in a 320 by 100 window centered in the display. The
bottom window displays text in a window sized to use up the remainder
of the available display space. It will be wider if overscan is in use
and it is higher on PAL systems. The text window has a scrollbar for
reviewing earlier output, and it is this window that contains the
menus. This means that the menus appear in the middle of the display,
which is a little unusual.
The bottom line of the text window is the input area. Output text
lines appear on the line above this one, thus any partial input lines
are not disturbed by output from other events taking place in the MUD.
Input line editing and history retrieval is done in this line and will
be described later. When RETURN is pressed, the current input line is
sent to the server, and is echoed (along with the current prompt) in
the output area. Note that the position of the command in the output
area does not necessarily correspond to the point at which the server
will process it, since the server may not get around to it for a
while, and because the server may already have generated other output
that hasn't arrived yet.
MUD can be started either from the Workbench or from a CLI. All of the
tool type values that can be put in the Workbench icon can also be
given on a CLI command line. Additional, shorter, forms for many of
the flags can also be used from a CLI. By default, MUD will attempt to
make a remote connection on the standard serial port at a speed of
19200 bps. If the environment variable "MUDLOCAL" is set to any of
YES/yes/ON/on/TRUE/true or to no value, then the default action is to
connect to a server running on the local machine.
NOTE: in order to run MUD, either locally or remotely, there must be a
copy of "mud.library" in your LIBS: directory.
NOTE: MUD requires a stack of at least 10000 bytes. It will exit right
away if the stack is not at least that large. If you are running MUD
from a shell, use the 'Stack' command (perhaps in your shell-startup)
to set a sufficient stack size. If you are running MUD from the
Workbench, use the "Icons"/"Information" Workbench menu item to set
the stack size on the MUD icon to at least 10000.
MUD is able to call up an external editor to edit strings (such as
character and room descriptions) and procs (AmigaMUD procedures). What
program to run as the editor can be controlled by setting the "EDITOR"
environment variable to the name (or a full path to) the editor to
use. If the variable is not set, "Ed" is used. The editor used must
accept the name of the text file to edit on the CLI command line, and
must be a able to edit and write a simple text file. MUD does not
understand text processor or word processor documents. Many users will
prefer to just use the simple editor built-in to the MUD program.
The MUD client program can display background pictures and brush
images loaded from the machine it is running on. It can also play
sound samples, and, in the future, will be able to play SMUS (and
perhaps CMUS) music. A single assign or volume name of "AmigaMUD:"
must be present when MUD is started. It does not need to contain
anything, but if it does, it should be arranged into the following
BackGrounds: 320 x 100 x 32 colour background images
Images: 32 colour images of various sizes
Brushes: smaller brush images with a mask plane or with a
transparent colour specified
Sounds: IFF 8SVX sound samples
Music: IFF SMUS music scores
Instruments: IFF 8SVX instruments
The text window in MUD has a close box. Clicking on this box will
start an exit sequence, which will normally result in MUD exiting.
This can also be done with a menu selection. If MUD is started from a
shell, using the 'Break' command on its process will also cause it to
exit. If MUD refuses to exit for some reason (such as the server
having been aborted, or the serial connection being lost), then MUD
can be exited with the Abort menu item. Using a 'Break f' shell
command will also cause MUD to abort. Note that you should not abort
unless absolutely necessary, since this can confuse the server if it
is still active. In particular, manual intervention on the server will
be required before you can log on again.
Following sections of this document will cover the CLI command line
and icon tool type flags in more detail. Others will cover the use of
the menus in MUD and the use of the internal editor. After that will
be a discussion of the the various types of caching done by the
Using MUD to Connect to an AmigaMUD Server
When connecting to a server running on the same machine as MUD, the
connection is direct and immediate. The prompt to enter a character
name will appear right away, and the text window will be used only for
MUD input and output.
When connecting via a serial port (with or without a modem), the text
window will initially play the role of a very simple terminal program.
This mode has no emulations, does not support any escape sequences,
etc. You can, however, use the logging facility to do the equivalent
of "ASCII capture". The "Serial" menu can also be used to change the
CD (Carrier Detect) status, change the connection speed, and generate
BREAK conditions. When in this "terminal mode", characters typed are
not locally echoed (full duplex), and no special processing or
translation is done on sent or received carriage return or linefeed
When remotely connected, the MUD program on the remote machine uses a
reliable bidirectional binary protocol to talk to a copy of the
"MUDAgent" program running on the server machine. This means that
information (messages) can be sent in both directions at the same
time, and that messages are not limited to printable characters. Also,
the programs will automatically retry messages that are not
acknowledged by the other end.
This protocol operates quite differently than the simple "terminal
mode", so the programs must recognize and agree on when they switch to
the protocol. Normally, the MUDAgent on the server will attempt to
enter the protocol as soon as it is started up (e.g. as a result of a
menu option entered on a BBS). When the local MUD program recognizes
the special sequence sent out, it will display "REMOTE END DETECTED"
and switch into the protocol mode. If this message is not seen when
expected, then something is wrong in the connection. You may see the
data lights on a modem blink at one-second intervals - this is the
remote end resending its startup characters. If, however, the remote
end is setup to allow either a full binary or a text-only connection,
then it will not try to start the protocol until it sees a request.
In that case, you must use the 'Serial/Connect' menu item to start the
protocol from your end. If you don't know how the other end is set up,
just wait a few seconds to see if MUD connects automatically. If it
doesn't, then force the connection.
Because of the binary protocol, a serial connection for MUD must be an
8-bit no-parity connection. Other modes will not work, and will most
likely result in either a failure to connect, or a hung connection. In
that case, you must disconnect by exiting MUD, and try again with a
proper connection.
In the most common case, that of using MUD to connect to an AmigaMUD
server running elsewhere, the sequence of operations goes something
like this:
- start MUD, possibly specifying options to change the baud rate,
use a different serial port, etc.
- using MUD as a terminal program, dial the remote machine and log
on to it as normal.
- do any further operations with the remote system as needed, such
as using BBS menus to get to an AmigaMUD selection.
- instruct the remote system to run MUDAgent (e.g. select the
appropriate BBS menu item).
- you should see some modem activity, followed by the "REMOTE END
DETECTED" message, then some more modem activity, and the
prompt to enter a character name.
- enter your character name and start playing AmigaMUD
The MUDAgent program is able to monitor a serial port and make
connections itself. If the host machine is operating this way, then
when the initial modem connection is made, MUDAgent will immediately
connect with your MUD client. MUDAgent can also be started by the
"Getty" program, in which case you will see a "login:" prompt when you
connect. At that point, enter the "userid" that is used on that system
to get to AmigaMUD. You may have to enter a password other than your
character password to get into AmigaMUD.
AmigaMUD also supports simple text-only connections. If you connect to
one of these by, e.g. using the wrong BBS menu selection, then your
MUD client and the MUDAgent program will not enter into the reliable
protocol. You will not see the "REMOTE END DETECTED" message and will
not get graphics/sound output and will not be able to use the normal
features of the MUD program; instead, you will only have the "terminal
mode" capabilities. Unless you will only be on the MUD for a short
period, it is best if you disconnect and reconnect properly.
The MUD program supports Christopher Wichura's OwnDevUnit library for
sharing of serial ports. This should be all automatic. If you are
running something like 'Getty' or 'MUDAgent' to answer incoming calls,
then MUD will request the port from that other program, and will fail
to start up if that program does not release the port. If your system
does not run OwnDevUnit.library, then this paragraph does not apply
and can be ignored.
The MUD client program does not actually exit when you leave the
scenario if you are connecting remotely. Instead, it goes back into
its "terminal mode", allowing you to do more connections in the one
session. Note that it does NOT flush its cache of effects, so if you
next connect to a different AmigaMUD, you should select the
"Options/Caches/Zap Effects" menu item to empty the effects cache,
since a given effect identifier is unlikely to mean the same thing on
another AmigaMUD. (Actually, you are safe until I get the programming
documentation done and others can add/change effects in the scenario.)
MUD Icon Tool Types
Some tool types accept a boolean (true/false) argument. MUD interprets
any of YES/yes/ON/on/TRUE/true or an empty argument as true, and any
other value as false. Note that on early versions of the AmigaOS,
empty values are not valid. They ARE valid under V2.0. Other tool
types require numeric arguments. These must be given in decimal.
String arguments can have any value not containing spaces.
SERIAL (boolean) - this tool type tells MUD to connect to a remote
server over a serial port. This is the default action, unless
environment variable "MUDLOCAL" has been set to a true value,
in which case MUD will connect to a local server. In that
case, this tool type will override that behaviour and attempt
a serial connection. Using any of the serial-specific tool
types will also imply the setting of this tool type.
LOCAL (boolean) - this tool type tells MUD to connect to a server
running on the local machine, rather than trying to connect to
a remote server via a serial port.
CLOSEWORKBENCH (boolean) - this tool type tells MUD to try to
close the Workbench screen after it has started up. This will
normally only work from a Workbench startup, and only if there
are no other programs active that were started from the
Workbench. Using this option can recover system memory for use
in caching effects, images, sounds, etc. The Workbench can
also be closed (and opened) using menu items.
BRIGHT (boolean) - this tool type tells MUD to start up using a
brighter than normal set of colours for the text window. This
is useful on bright sunny days.
DIM (boolean) - this tool type tells MUD to start up using a
dimmer than normal set of colours for the text window. This is
useful for nighttime MUDding.
EDITOR = { INTERNAL | SELECTED | EXTERNAL } - this tool type sets
the default setting for the similar menu item. If INTERNAL is
set, then all editing will use the built-in editor. If
SELECTED is set, then MUD will use the built-in editor for
editing strings, and an external editor for editing procs. If
EXTERNAL is set, then MUD will use an external editor for
OHISTORY (numeric) - this tool type sets the size of the output
history buffer that MUD maintains. This is the text that can
be reviewed using the scroll bar in the text output window.
The minimum size is 1920 characters. Note that giving too
large a value can result in significant slowdown, as new text
is inserted at the end of a large buffer. The default value is
5000 characters.
IHISTORY (numeric) - this tool type sets the size of the input
history buffer that MUD maintains. This is the command lines
that can be retrieved using the up-arrow key, in the same
method that is used in a shell window. As described later, the
shell's input editing functions can also be used. The default
size of the input history buffer is 1024 characters, and the
minimum size is 160 characters.
PORTNAME (string) - this tool type allows the user to change the
name of the Amiga OS port that MUD will try to connect to. By
default, this name is "MUD port". Using a different name
allows the simultaneous use of multiple AmigaMUDs on a given
system. This tool type lets MUD select which one to connect
TEST - this tool type is a short way of picking "MUD test port" as
the name of the Amiga OS port to connect to.
BAUD (numeric) - this tool type allows the setting of the baud
rate (more properly called bps) to use for a connection on a
serial port. The default value is 19200. Note that the Amiga's
internal serial port can accept a wide range of values, but
standard values of 300, 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200 or 38400
should be used for compatibility. If a value that does not
appear on MUD's serial menu is used, then none of the speeds
in the menu will be checked.
IGNORECD (boolean) - this tool type tells MUD to ignore the state
of the CD (Carrier Detect) serial port control signal.
Normally, MUD will exit when the CD signal is lost, since this
means that the modem connection has been lost. Setting this
flag is needed with modems that cannot (or have been
instructed to not) properly generate the signal, or with
serial cables that do not pass the signal. Also, when
connecting two Amigas directly via their serial ports (and a
"null modem"), this option is usually needed.
7WIRE (boolean) - this tool type tells MUD to instruct the serial
driver to pay attention to the hardware flow control signals
on the serial port. This is recommended for use with direct
connections or high-speed modems. It should not be used if the
modem is not generating and paying attention to the signals,
or if the connecting cable is not carrying the signals.
SHARED (boolean) - this tool type tells MUD to open the serial
port in "shared" mode. This means that other programs can have
the port open at the same time. MUD (and the MUDAgent program
at the other end) will become confused if any other program
actually reads from or writes to the port while MUD is
connected, so this flag should be used with care.
RETRIES (numeric) - this tool type specifies the number of times
that MUD should attempt to send or receive any given message
via the serial port connection. The default value is 10.
Larger values may be needed for reliable operation over noisy
telephone lines. Too large a value should not be given,
however, since then MUD won't give up soon enough on a true
lost connection.
DIAL (string) - this tool type allows the specification of a
string to be sent over the serial port (usually to a modem) on
startup. With most modems, a dial string of the form
ATD1234567 will cause the modem to start dialing a telephone
number. This is handy to set up an icon for MUD to connect to
a specific remote AmigaMUD, or in a shell alias.
NAME (string) - specify the name of the character to log in as.
Note that this is an AmigaMUD login, not a BBS or other one.
PASSWORD (string) - specify the password for your character. It is
not recommended that you use this flag if your system is open
to use by others, since they can find your password easily. If
the password given this way is incorrect, it counts as the
first of your three attempts at getting it right.
DEVICE (string) - this tool type allows the specification of the
name of an alternative serial device to use for a connection.
The default name is "serial.device", which refers to the
standard built-in serial port.
UNIT (numeric) - this tool type allows the specification of a
particular serial port unit on a device with several ports.
The default value is 0.
FLAGS (numeric) - this tool type is used to specify some special
flag values which MUD passes on to "mud.library". The flag
values only effect the operation of some caching mechanisms
which are of value to wizards. The value is the sum of the
1 - cache procs. This remote client will cache the
definitions (but not the bodies) of builtin and user
procs in the AmigaMUD language. This saves refetching
them when parsing procs (such as after editing one).
2 - cache symbols. This remote client will cache the
values of symbols that it has fetched from the server.
Again, this cuts down on communications when parsing
AmigaMUD procs.
Note that both of these flags increase the amount of memory
consumed by MUD. This memory is not freed until MUD exits.
The default value of 'FLAGS' is 0, i.e. both caches off.
This requests a connection on the local machine to a server
running with Amiga OS port name "MUD2". An output history
buffer of 10000 characters will be allocated and used.
This requests a 9600 bps connection, using hardware flow
control, on the second port of an ASDG dual-port board.
MUD CLI Command Line Flags
All of the above icon tool types can be given on a CLI command line,
as in:
MUD BAUD=2400 7WIRE IHISTORY=2000 DIAL=atd1234567
In addition, there are short forms for many of the flags and some
additional flags that are only meaningful from a CLI command line.
In these flags, any needed value must directly follow the flag
letter, i.e. there must not be any spaces between them. More detailed
descriptions of these settings can be found in the previous section
on icon tool types. The flags supported are:
-L - make a local connection
-T - make a local connection using port "MUD test port"
-B - use the bright text window colours
-D - use the dim text window colours
-F <flags> - set the mud.library flags - see FLAGS tool type
-P <portname> - use the given name as the local port to connect to
-S - do a serial connection with the port opened in shared mode
-w - try to close the Workbench on startup
-d <device> - use the named device instead of "serial.device"
-u <unit> - use the given device unit instead of unit 0
-b <speed> - use the given serial speed instead of 19200
-i - ignore the Carrier Detect serial signal
-7 - use 7-wire hardware serial handshaking
-N <name> - use <name> as the name of the character for the
playing sessions, rather than prompting for a name
-W <word> - use <word> as the password for the playing sessions.
If it is incorrect, it counts as the first attempt, and only
two attempts remain. This is normally used in conjunction with
-N, but can be used without it.
-r <count> - retry each failing message the given number of times
-E - this flag was useful to me when I was testing the sample
online building sessions - it starts up MUD with its editing
capability disabled, so that text must be entered in the line-
by-line mode.
An interesting combination is to combine a DIAL= with -N and -W. If
the system you are calling is directly running MUDAgent for a binary
connection, then the call will happen and you will end up being
connected to your character, without having to do anything else.
The following flags are included for compatibility with the "Getty"
program. There is currently no real use for this support, but I
believe that it may become desireable to have a terminal program which
can call out to the MUD client program, much as Getty or BBS's call
out to the MUDAgent program. This is because the terminal support in
MUD is minimal, and the user may want to do other activities during a
BBS connection which require more functionality. A terminal program
which supports callouts in this manner could then be used to provide
both levels of functionality in a given connection. Most people can
ignore these flags, at least for now. See Getty documentation for
details. The flags are:
-Getty - supresses any port initialization, and opens shared
-DEVICE <name> - name of device to use
-UNIT <number> - unit number on device
-HLINK - ignore carrier detect
-BAUD <speed> - set connection speed
-USER <name> - parameter ignored
Menus in MUD
Some of the menu items in MUD have function key shortcuts. Others have
right-amiga command key shortcuts. Both types of shortcuts will work
regardless of which of the windows (graphics or text) is currently the
active one. Most of the "Serial" menus will only work while in
"terminal mode", and some others will not work in terminal mode.
Inactive menus are shown ghosted. Key shortcuts for menu items are
shown here inside square brackets.
Project - the Project menu contains general utility operations.
Log [F7] - this item will enable or disable logging of text
input and output. If no logfile name has been selected
when logging is turned on, one will be requested.
Log File - allows selection of a file to log to. Logging will
be turned on after the selection of a name.
Source - a file name is requested, and the contents of the
file is read and inserted as input from the user. This
operation works in either "wizard" mode (the user is
operating directly with the AmigaMUD interpreter) or in
normal mode, where input is being parsed as commands for
the scenario.
Text - a file name is requested, and the entire contents
of the output history buffer is written to the file.
Graphics - a file name is requested, and the current
contents of the graphics window is written to the file
as an IFF ILBM image. The current graphics palette is
included in the IFF file.
Quit [R-A Q] - MUD disconnects from the server and either
exits, or goes back to the "terminal mode", depending on
whether you are running the client locally or remotely.
Using the close box on the text window has the same
effect, unless you are currently editing something, in
which case only the edit is aborted, as with typing a ^C.
Abort - MUD exits immediately. This is useful if the server
has hung, or something has gone wrong with the connection
to it. Using this instead of 'Quit' may prevent you from
reconnecting to your character until the server times out
and shuts the connection down at its end. In some cases,
manual intervention on the server may be required before
you can connect to your character again.
Modes - the Modes menu controls various parts of MUD that can be
enabled and disabled, or which give a choice of behaviours.
History - this item allows you to control which of your input
lines is entered into the input history buffer. In 'Full'
mode, all input lines are entered, regardless of how they
were generated. In 'New' mode, input lines are entered
only if they were not taken unchanged from the input
history. In 'Minimal' mode, input lines are entered into
the history only if they did not originate from that
history, i.e. only if they were typed in completely. I
recommend 'New' mode.
Scroll On - this item allows you to control when the output
window is scrolled. If 'Input' is chosen, then the output
window scrolls only when a new input line is entered, or
when it must be scrolled because it is full and an output
line must be added. If 'Output' is chosen, then the output
window is scrolled whenever a new line of output is added
to the bottom. If 'Either' is chosen, then both input and
output lines will cause the scrolling. If 'Neither' is
chosen, then the output window does not scroll unless the
user scrolls it or it is full. This last mode is useful
when typing input lines based on output history that has
already scrolled out of the text window.
Editor - this item allows you to choose when to use the
internal editor and when to use an external editor. If
'Internal' is chosen, then the internal editor is used for
editing strings (such as descriptions) and when editing
AmigaMUD functions when in wizard mode. If 'Selected' is
chosen, then strings are edited with the internal editor
and functions with an external one. If 'External' is
chosen, then an external editor is used for everything. If
you are not familiar with running a text editor such as
'Ed' on the Amiga, I recommend using 'Internal'. When
editing AmigaMUD functions, the internal editor can move
the cursor to the position of errors when the function is
submitted for parsing. Some external editors support this
kind of operation using ARexx commands, but MUD does not
currently support this.
Picture [F1] - this item controls whether or not the graphics
window is visible. A full screen text window can be useful
when wizarding or when chatting with a number of other
Graphics [F2] - this items allows the user to disable all
graphics operations in the MUD client. This setting is
sent to the server, so it will not even send graphics
output messages. Note that turning graphics off and then
on again at a later time can result in an out-of-date or
inconsistent graphics view.
Sound [F3] - this item allows the user to disable all playing
of sound samples. The setting is sent to the server so
that it doesn't even send sound requests to the client.
Music [F4] - this item allows the user to disable all playing
of music scores. The setting is sent to the server so that
it doesn't even send music requests to the client.
Voice [F5] - this item allows the user to disable all speech
output. The setting is sent to the server so that it
doesn't even send voice requests to the client.
Edit Win [F6] - this menu item is the only way to switch
between the full-screen internal editor window and the
normal split-screen playing view. The item is not enabled
when nothing is being edited. By switching to the normal
view when editing, you can continue to operate in the MUD,
but this shouldn't be done long, since you might suddenly
need to edit something else.
Options - these menu items select some supplementary functions.
ScreenToBack [R-A B] - this item sends the MUD client screens
(the graphics and text windows) to the back of the stack
of screen on your Amiga. Unless you are running other
programs, this will just result in the normal Workbench
screen coming to the front. It is useful during testing,
however, since then there might be several MUD clients
running on the same system as a server.
Workbench - this items allows you to try to turn the Amiga's
Workbench on and off. Turning the Workbench off is useful
to conserve memory. The Workbench will not turn off if
other applications are open on the Workbench screen.
Caches - this item allows you to examine and manipulate the
local caches of graphics and sound effects that the MUD
client maintains.
Free File - a single cached IFF file will be freed. This
can be a background, brush or image, a sound sample,
or a music score. The next time the selected file is
needed, it will have to be reloaded from disk. The
system will chose the least recently used file.
Free Effect - free the single least recently used
unreferenced effect. See a later section on 'Caches'
for more details.
Zap Effects - free all effects
Show Status - show the status of all cached files and
effects. This status is affected by requests coming
from the server and by the above three menu items. See
the 'Caches' section for more information.
Memory - the amount of available chip and total memory is
shown. This can be useful in understanding why effects
aren't happening (lack of memory), and to get a feel for
the amount of memory that the MUD client can consume.
Serial - these items are mostly of use only during an initial
"terminal mode" with a serial connection.
IgnoreCD - controls whether or not MUD will expect a valid CD
(Carrier Detect) signal. This hardware signal should be
generated by a modem when it detects a carrier signal on
the telephone line. If your modem does not do this, or if
you have told it not to, or if your serial cable does not
transmit the signal, you should instruct MUD to ignore the
signal, else it will not think a connection has been made.
Speed - provides a few manually-selectable speeds for use when
in terminal mode. Other values can be entered from an icon
tool type or a CLI command line.
Break [R-A .] - requests that a break condition be sent over
the serial line. This condition is a lengthy pause in the
raw transmit data stream that is detectable at the other
end of the line. You can see it as an "on" pulse in your
modem's TX light.
Connect [R-A C] - this item forces MUD to attempt to initiate
a binary connection with the other end. If the other end
is set up to only handle a binary connection, this will
not be necessary, since the other end will start things
up. If, however the other end is waiting to distinguish
either a binary or a text-only connection, then this menu
item is used to start up a binary connection.
Stats [R-A S] - this item shows some statistics maintained by
the serial protocol code:
Packets TX: - total number of packets (messages) sent
out from this end.
ACKs TX: number of positive acknowledgements of
correctly received packets that this end has sent.
NAKs TX: number of negative acknowledgements of
incorrectly received packets that this end has
sent. Incorrectly received packets must be resent
by the sender.
Packets RX: total number of packets that this end has
ACKs RX: number of positive acknowledgements received.
NAKs RX: number of negative acknowledgements received.
Waits timed out: MUD puts a time limit on any of its
waits for receiving something over the serial
port. This number indicated how many times that
time limit went off. Normally, this means that a
packet sent from this end was completely lost, so
the other end didn't either ACK or NAK it.
Read no bytes: indicates the number of times a serial
port read request returned, but indicated that no
bytes were received. This can happen if a BREAK
condition is received.
Writes failed: indicates the number of times that a
serial port write request did not complete due to
some error, such as a loss of carrier signal.
History Manipulation and Input Line Editing
MUD maintains two forms of history. One is a history of commands
entered by the user, and the other is a history of both input lines
and output text from the server.
The output history is straightforward - it can be accessed by using
the scroll bar on the right hand side of the text window. Also,
pressing an ALT key and an up or down arrow key at the same time will
scroll the output window a line at a time. Additionally pressing a
shift key will scroll by a full window at a time.
Input history and input line editing is very similar to that done in
the standard shell, with some minor additions. The available
operations are as follows:
up-arrow - scroll backwards in the input history
down-arrow - scroll forwards in the input history
shift-up-arrow - search backwards in the input history for a line
which matches the input text to the left of the cursor. If any
is found, insert it into the input region in place of what was
previously there.
shift-down-arrow - move the current history search point to the
end of the input history and clear the input region
HELP, and numeric keypad keys - these are sent as is to the
AmigaMUD server, where they can be used as desired by the
currently running scenario
right-arrow - move the cursor right one column
left-arrow - move the cursor left one column
shift-right-arrow - move the cursor to the end of the current
shift-left-arrow - move the cursor to the beginning of the input
cntl-A - move the cursor to the beginning of the input region
cntl-B - move the cursor left one column
cntl-E - move the cursor to the end of the current input
cntl-F - move the cursor right one column
cntl-H (backspace) - delete the character before the cursor
cntl-I (tab) - move the cursor forward to the next 8 column
cntl-K - delete all characters from the one under the cursor to
the end of the current input. The deleted characters are saved
in the "undo buffer".
cntl-M (carriage return) - send the current input to the server
and clear the input region ready for another line. The line
may be added to the input history, depending on the setting of
the history choice, and on whether any editing of the line had
been done.
cntl-N - go forward one line in the input history
cntl-P - go backwards one line in the input history
cntl-R - search backwards through the input history. Same as
cntl-U - delete all input characters to the left of the current
cursor position.
cntl-W - delete the "word" to the left of the cursor
cntl-X - clear the input region
cntl-Y - insert from the undo buffer at the current cursor
position, and move the cursor to the end of the input data.
DEL - delete the character under the cursor
Using the Internal Editor
The internal editor in the MUD client program can be started to edit a
simple text string, such as a character description, a room
description, etc. or to edit an AmigaMUD function while in wizard
mode. The initial startup varies slightly between the two situations,
mostly relating to the quoting and escaping of things, but the main
operation of the editor is the same in both cases.
The edit session is actually started by messages from the server, but
the server is normally just responding to user requests. When editing
is to be done, the text to be edited must first be sent from the
server to the MUD client program. This can take a few seconds for a
large function or description operating over a slow link. When all of
the data has arrived, MUD will switch to a single full-screen text
window (if it wasn't already) containing the first windowfull of the
text. A menu item, or function key F6, can be used to temporarily
switch back to the normal mode of operation. The switch-back should be
short, however, since the system will not allow multiple things to be
edited at once by any given client.
While editing, the normal function keys and menus still operate, but
their effect may not be immediately visible. Normal input and output
history do not work, however, as they are replaced by an expanded set
of editing operations. In edit mode, pressing the HELP key will
display a short summary of the editing operations available.
The internal editor is always in "insert mode"; that is, characters
typed will always be inserted before any characters at or after the
cursor on the current line, shifting those other characters to the
right. The editor limits lines being edited to 160 characters (two
displayed lines). Lines coming from the server will never be longer
than can be displayed in the window, so longer lines can only be
created by editing. There is no need to use long lines in AmigaMUD -
lines of descriptions are all joined when the description is sent
back to the server, and the spacing of functions is thrown away when
the function is parsed. When editing things like letters and
bulletins, the user's lines are preserved, but long ones will be
wrapped when sent to any clients reading them.
When editing an AmigaMUD function in wizard mode, the editor can work
with the parser to identify the location of errors. When the user
types the cntl-Q key combination, the text in the editor is parsed (on
the local machine, by code in mud.library) into an internal data
structure. If any errors are encountered, the parser gives an error
message and a position to the editor. The editor displays the message
in reverse video at the bottom of the window, and moves the cursor to
the reported position, redrawing the window if necessary. The user can
then immediately do editing to correct the error. If a further cntl-Q
is entered, the parsing will be restarted from the beginning of the
function. If, however, a cntl-G is entered, the parsing will continue
from the first error, perhaps showing further errors in the function.
A cntl-R combination can be entered to abort the parsing, but not
start another parse. At any point in editing, a cntl-C can be entered
to abort the entire edit session. Similarly, clicking on the edit
window close box will abort the edit session, but will not cause MUD
to exit.
The text window's scroll bar is active while editing, and can be used
to scroll around in a long function or description. Also, the same
alt-up-arrow, alt-down-arrow, shift-alt-up-arrow and shift-alt-down-
arrow key combinations that work in normal mode also operate while
editing. When scrolling this way, the text cursor may have to move to
remain visible in the window.
The available editing operations are:
Control operations:
HELP - display a short summary of operations
cntl-C - abort the edit. If editing a description, the
scenario code is informed that the edit was aborted. If
editing an AmigaMUD function, the function will be
unchanged from before the edit. The edit can also be
aborted by clicking on the close box of the edit window.
This will not cause MUD to exit.
cntl-Q - if editing a description, then the description as it
is in the editor is sent to the server as the result of
editing, and the MUD client program switches back to
normal operation. If editing a function, then MUD starts
parsing the function. If no errors are encountered, the
function is sent to the server where the new definition
immediately replaces the old one. If an error is
encountered, its message is displayed at the bottom of the
window, and the cursor is moved to the location of the
cntl-G - this combination does nothing unless a function is
being editing, and an error has been encountered. In that
situation, the parsing continues and the next error is
reported. If there are no more errors, that is indicated.
cntl-R - this combination does nothing unless a function is
being edited, and an error has been encountered. In that
case, all further errors from this parse of the function
are discarded.
Cursor motion operations:
left-arrow - move cursor left one column
right-arrow - move cursor right one column
shift-left-arrow - move cursor to the beginning of the line
shift-right-arrow - move cursor to just past the end of the
down-arrow - move cursor down one line, scrolling the window
if necessary
up-arrow - move cursor up one line, scrolling the window if
shift-down-arrow - move cursor to the bottom of the window
shift-up-arrow - move cursor to the top of the window
cntl-A - move cursor to the beginning of the line
cntl-B - move cursor back one column
cntl-E - move cursor to the end of the current line
cntl-F - move cursor forward one column
cntl-I (tab) - move cursor forward to the next 8-column
cntl-L - move cursor to the beginning of the next line
cntl-N - move cursor to the next line
cntl-P - move cursor to the previous line
cntl-T - move cursor to the line at the top of the window
cntl-Z - move cursor to the line at the bottom of the window
Editing operations:
cntl-D - delete the current line
cntl-H (backspace) - delete the character before the cursor
cntl-J - join this line with the next line. The text of the
next line is appended to the end of the current line.
cntl-K - characters from the current one under the cursor to
the end of the line are deleted (killed)
cntl-M (carriage return) - a new line is inserted after the
current one and the cursor moves to the beginning of that
empty line
cntl-S - split the current line. Characters from the one under
the cursor to the end of the line are moved into a new
line inserted after the current one.
cntl-U - characters from the beginning of the current line
upto the one just before the cursor are deleted
cntl-W - the previous "word" is deleted. A word is a sequence
of non-spaces delimited by spaces or the beginning or end
of the line.
cntl-X - the current line is cleared, or emptied
cntl-Y - the line is put back to the same state it had before
any changes were made to it. This backup copy of the line
is discarded if the cursor is moved out of the line, i.e.
only changes made to the line while the cursor is in the
line can be undone.
Caches in the MUD Client Program
In computer usage, a cache is a set of local copies of things that are
expensive to get. An instruction cache in a CPU is a small memory
which contains some of the instructions executed most recently. This
cache memory can be accessed much faster than the main RAM memory
external to the CPU chip. This same technique is used in AmigaMUD to
speed up operation. This section will discuss the caches used in the
MUD client program. The symbol cache and the function header cache are
of benefit only to wizards, and were discussed earlier.
AmigaMUD uses the term "effect" to refer to any of the non-text output
items that are possible: graphics, sound, voice and music. Scenes in a
scenario can be drawn in a variety of ways. The simplest way is to
simply load an IFF ILBM image produced using a paint program. This
image must be present on the remote client machines, however, since
sending such an image over the serial connection every time it is
needed would be too slow. Many players of an AmigaMUD scenario will
not have the pictures, however, so an alternate method of drawing a
scene is needed.
As directed by code in AmigaMUD functions, the server can send
messages to remote clients directing them to draw various simple
graphical elements in the graphics window. These include lines,
rectangles, circles, etc. A simple form of a scene can be drawn using
these elements, and can be sent from the server to the client in less
time than sending a full bitmap of a similar scene. It is useful,
however, if a given scene needs to be sent over only once per session.
Then, the scene can be called up by a short command from the server,
thus greatly speeding up the play of the game.
This storing of graphics elements (and commands to play sounds, etc.
as well) by the remote clients is the "effects cache". Each effect is
uniquely identified, and can be called up much like a subroutine or
function can be called in a programming language. In fact, they ARE
effects subroutines, and can in turn call on other, lower-level
effects subroutines.
Many Amiga systems have a megabyte or more of RAM, but have only a
single floppy disk drive for permanent storage. Having to load up an
IFF image or sound sample every time they are needed could make for
slow and unpleasant playing of a graphics MUD. To alleviate this, the
MUD client program will cache such items in RAM. This is termed the
"file cache".
The menu item "Caches"/"Show Status" displays the status of the caches
in the client program. Here is a sample of its output:
File cache:
Images/streetsX >0<
Sounds/birds >0<
Effects: 4/18>2< 5/18>2< 3/18>10< 2/18>8< 13/240(7) 8/12 20/416(15) 6/112 1/48
Here there are currently two files loaded in the file cache. One is an
image (IFF ILBM) called 'streetsX'. The other is a sound sample (IFF
8SVX) called 'birds'. The printed name shows the directory within the
"AmigaMUD:" assign that the file came from. The '>0<' indicates that
there are currently no references to the files, and thus they can be
flushed from the cache as desired. Files can be flushed from the file
cache using the "Caches"/"Free File" menu item, and can also be
flushed by the program itself if it runs out of memory (e.g. to load
in another file). When a file is flushed, the Least Recently Used one
(the one such that all others have been used more recently) is chosen
for flushing. A file cannot be flushed if its reference count is
greater than zero. This will be true while a sound sample is playing,
while a music score is playing, or while an instrument is referenced
by a score in the file cache.
There are nine effects subroutines currently stored in the effects
cache. For each one, the first number displayed (before the '/') is
the unique identifier for the effect. For a given compilation of the
scenario, these numbers will not change. The number after the '/' is
the size in bytes of the effect. The four length-18 effects in the
above display are for the four styles of doors used in the standard
scenario. A following number as in '>2<' shows the number of
references to the effect subroutine from other effects subroutines.
The various doors are used by both the 'streets' and the 'mall'
effects subroutines. A following number as in '(15)' shows the number
of references to other effects subroutines that this effect makes.
The list of effects subroutines is shown in order of the most recently
used one to the least recently used one. Thus, in this case, using the
"Caches"/"Free Effect" item would free the effect with key 1 and size
48. Again, affects with non-zero reference counts cannot be freed.
Freeing an effect is not instantaneous. The server keeps track of
which effects each client has in its cache, so that it knows when it
has to send a copy of an effect to a client. So, when the client wants
to free an effect, it sends a request to the server, which will always
reply in the affirmative. This allows the server to try to keep its
records accurate. It is, however, still possible for the two to get
out of agreement. If the server sends an effect that the client
already has in its cache, the client just ignores the new copy. This
can happen even in proper operation, because of timing issues. If an
effect manages to call an effect that is not in the cache (this should
not happen), the call is ignored.
The "Caches"/"Zap Effects" menu item sends a request to the server
saying that all of the effects subroutines cached by this client are
to be freed. When the reply gets back to the client, it in turn will
free all of the effects subroutines it has cached. This can be useful
if for some reason, the server and the client seem to get out of
agreement and the proper displays are not appearing. More likely,
however, is a bug in the scenario which is not displaying the scenes