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Document DungeonMap V2.1 documentation
DungeonMap V2.1
1991-94 © Bill Elliot
727 94 Ave SW.,
Calgary, Alberta
T2V 0X8
DungeonMap is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed
or implied. By using DungeonMap, you agree to accept the entire risk as to
the quality and performance of the program. Bill Elliot will not accept any
liability for this product.
0. Important
0.1. A Programmer's Plea
DungeonMap is shareware. If you find this program useful, please send $10 to:
Bill Elliot
727 94 Ave SW.,
Calgary, Alberta
T2V 0X8
Even if you think that DungeonMap is terrible, I would appreciate a letter
giving me CONSTRUCTIVE ideas on how I can improve it.
Please promote the shareware system by making a contribution to the authors
of the shareware products you commonly use. There are many advantages to
the shareware system:
-- You can receive quality programs at a decent price. Had this been
a commercial program, you could expect to pay at least $19.95.
-- You can thoroughly examine a shareware program before reimbursing
the author. Once you've bought a commercial program, you're stuck
with it.
-- You promote the creation of a number of exciting and diverse
programs that would otherwise not reach the public if commercial
marketing was the only alternative.
Along with your $, please send your name, address, and the version number
of DungeonMap that you are currently using. This can be found by displaying
the About requester located in the Project menu.
0.2. Legal Bits...
Now, for the legal stuff. You don't need to read this unless you plan on
uploading, distributing, marketing, or stealing DungeonMap...
DungeonMap is Copyrighted 1991-94 by Bill Elliot
All Rights are Reserved Worldwide
DungeonMap is freely distributable as long as all the following conditions
are met:
1) All the files must be included in their original form without
additions, deletions, or modifications of any kind. Any such
modifications must appear in separate files.
2) All copyright notices must remain intact.
3) DungeonMap may not be sold commercially alone, or as a component in
another product.
4) DungeonMap may not appear on shareware or public domain disks for
which the consumers are charged more than a nominal disk copying fee
of seven dollars (US $7) per disk.
5) DungeonMap may not appear on any electronic service which charges
more than the basic access fee to download DungeonMap.
6) DungeonMap may not appear on any electronic service that claims
copyrights to uploaded programs, either alone or as part of a
If you would like a variance to any of the above conditions, please contact
me for written permission.
0.3. Another Way to Contact Me + An Ad
I am also on the Amiga Users of Calgary (AMUC) bulletin board on a fairly
regular basis. This is the first BBS to use the full power of the Amiga's
ability to multitask. Some of its features are:
- It has a mouse and pull-down menu driven interface.
- A 2.0 look and feel.
- Can download, upload, read your messages, take part in an on-line
conference ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
- While a file is downloading, and you see another file you want, you
can just add it to the list to be downloaded.
- There is also an off-line reader available for it, with the ability to
do off-line responding.
You can use a regular ASCII terminal package to access VBBS initially to
get a copy of the special required terminal package. This term package is
what gives all the above features. Just look for a file called IceTERMnnn.LZH.
The most current version, as of this writing, is IceTERM115.LZH.
The most current version of the off-line reader program is called IceOLR31.LZH.
The phone numbers to call are:
My Internet address there is:
0.4. Requirements
This software was written and tested on AmigaDos version 2.04, and uses the
features of version 2, such as: Gadtools, ASL, etc. So you require 2.04. If
you are still using V1.3, GET V2.04 or higher as they are light years ahead
of V1.3.
1. Using DungeonMap
DungeonMap is intended to be used as an aid to Dungeon Masters (DM's) © TSR
for creating dungeons for use in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) © TSR.
But, you can use it for what ever you like.
The legend says "Door" and "Arch." But, these can be interpreted any way you
please (E.g., Door's could be locked or secret doors, and Arch's could be open
or unlocked doors). Just use your imagination. For the most part the program
is self explanatory. I'll just cover some of the more subtle points and
1.1. Loading Saved Maps...
DungeonMap will first look for a directory (in what ever directory you
run DungeonMap from) called DungeonMapData. If DungeonMapData is found,
DungeonMap will display the files in this directory. Otherwise, it will
display the files in the current directory. NOTE: All files saved by
DungeonMap are forced to have a suffix of ".DAT". Therefore, only files
ending in ".DAT" are displayed. This helps save some time scrolling
through other unrelated files.
As the dungeon data is loaded, messages are displayed in the drag bar
after every 100 nodes are loaded. This gives you some idea of what is
happening during those long loads (E.g., a 1400 node map).
1.2. Saving Maps...
The same procedure as above is used for selecting which directory to
display files from. But, this selection process is only for the first
save or load. The requester will keep the directory you may change it
to (at least till you quite the program).
1.3. Choosing a Map format...
This allows you to choose the style of map to generate. You can choose a
dungeon style that is irregular in shape. Or, you can create a town, which
is rectangular, and where you can control the straightness of the roads
(among other things.)
1.4. Creating new Dungeons...
This is really what you're here for. You will be presented with a
requester which asks how for the size of dungeon to create and how you
want it created. (I.E., What proportion of the exits will be OPEN, WALLS,
DOORS, and ARCHS). The total of these proportions must equal 100 or the
OK gadget will not be available. Just a warning on size. I would not try
anything larger than say 2000 nodes. Even this will take a fairly long
If you get tired of waiting for the dungeon to be completed, or you feel
enough dungeon has been created, then the process can be stopped. Just
select the "NEW MAP" option again. You will notice that while creating
a map the "NEW MAP" option will read "STOP MAP".
Here are a couple of the messages you will see displayed in the drag bar,
while the Map is being created. They, and their meanings are as follows:
"Creating dungeon of xxx nodes. yyy nodes created."
This is just a progress report saying that xxx nodes of the requested
yyy nodes have been created. You will also see the dungeon being drawn
as it is created.
"No undefined exits. Choosing a new start point for dungeon generation..."
If there are no more undefined exits, a new one is created, at random,
on one of the outside edges. Then the dungeon creation will continue
from that point.
1.5. Editing the Dungeon...
Just click the mouse in the middle of a wall, door, arch, or opening to
change it to the item selected under menu item "Change to". The selection
process looks at each node as if it had been divided into 9 grids, and
selects the exit based on the gird it is in. This is easier to visualize
with a picture. So....
| |XXX| | <------- Entire square is a node on the map.
| |XXX| |
Exit |XXX| |XXX| Exit
| |XXX| |
| |XXX| |
If you try to create an exit on an undefined node, the node will be made
defined (I.E., turned gray). If this was an accident and you want the
node to be undefined (I.E., white), then just select "Change to - Erase"
and click the mouse anywhere on the node.
Also, see the section on `Map centring...'.
1.6. Creating new Towns...
The requester will ask for the width and height of the maze. These values
must be an odd number. The maximums are calculated based on the size of
the screen. This is controlled by the amount of overscan you are using,
and whether interlace option is turned on.
Then there are 3 controls for streets. The straightness must be between 1
and 99%. The straighter the streets must be the slower the town creation
will be. The other 2 street controls (Start at wall, & Start at courts)
control where the streets begin, and how many there are. The limits on
these values vary depending on the size of the town (the larger the town
the more streets there can be).
The final 2 controls control the number of Gates into the town there will
be (upper limit is less than or equal to the number of streets starting at
the wall), and the number of unused cells in the town (e.g., pillar, rock,
etc.). Again these are limited based on the size of the town.
The generation of a town can be stopped in the same way as with a dungeon
map creation (select STOP MAP). But, this option is only checked between
major steps of the town creation (I.E., it may not be as quick to respond).
In a future release I'll probably make this more responsive. But, it will
probably slow down the creation of the town.
I would very much like to thank Kent Paul Dolan for presenting his
algorithm for creating a town map in his program TownMaze.
1.7. Editing the Town...
Editing towns is easier than dungeons. The cells contain only one object
(a wall, open space, or door). There is no need to select a specific
portion of a cell. The entire cell is changed to the selected type.
Note: You cannot edit the portion outside the outer wall of the town. To
do this, create a town larger than you need, and erase the portion
you don't need.
Also, see the section on `Map centring...'.
1.8. Creating random Items/Events...
The requester will ask you how many Items/Events you would like generated.
The maximum allowed is the lower of all Item/Events available and 20% of
the available map cells. That's all there is to it.
1.9. Editing the Items/Events...
Select the Edit option "Change to - Item/Event", and then choose the Item/
Event option you wish to place. Now each click of your mouse will place
one of these on the map, up to the limit you have set. The number you
have left to place is always displayed in the menu beside the Item/Event
To remove an erroneously placed Item/Event select the Item/Event option
"Remove Item/Event", and click on the offending Item/Event.
1.10. Changing the Items/Events Menu...
The Items/Events displayed in the menu are read from a file called
"ItemEventList". This file is looked for in the directory where your
maps are stored. The initially directory is assumed to be
"DungeonMapData" below where DungeonMap is found. The file is reloaded
fresh before each random generation, or file load. Also, Items/Events in
the map file are read first, before the ItemEventList file.
The format of this file is:
Where A - ASCII letter to use for representing this on the map
Note: It is not a good idea to use upper and lower case letters
that look the same. They can be hard to tell apart, unless
they are used in different types of locations.
B - Type of location this Item/Event can be placed on
( F=floor, O=opening ).
C - Maximum number of this Item/Event that you would like in a map.
D - 16 character description of the Item/Event. Essentially the
remainder of the line, up to 16 characters. The description can
contain spaces and special characters.
1.11. Map centring...
If the centre map option is turned on, all maps created or loaded will
automatically be centred on the screen. No changes are made to the actual
map information. It is just drawn centred.
This centring will effect your ability to edit the map. For example, if
the map is shifted left the cells or nodes on the right part of the map
will not be available for editing.
To de-centre a map just turn off the option, and select the "Edit" option
of "Redraw".
1.12. Choosing the size of the print...
There are 2 sizes or formats for printing the maps. The first, I call
"Fixed Size Cell", has all maps (regardless of size) having each cell
printed the same size. The second format is called "Max Cell Size". This
prints the map as large as will fit on the paper (paper size is controlled
via Preferences).
1.13. Printing the map...
While the dungeon map is being printed, you sometimes want to cancel the
printout. This could be because you chose the option by accident or
because it is taking too long (due to the print density chosen). Well,
this is no problem. While a dungeon is printing the print option will
read "STOP PRINT". Just select this option again and the print will be
stopped. This should happen immediately. The only output that should
still be printed is just what is already in the printers internal buffer.
The maps (dungeons & towns) are all printed in the background. So, while
it is being printed, you can continue with loading, or creating new maps.
The printing controls for DungeonMap are all controlled through your
preferences (set through Workbench). Note: that B/W gives a much better
print out over gray scale, and that density 2 is usually good enough (At
least it is on my printer. Your quality may vary).
1.14. Displaying the legend...
The legend is an option, that when selected, will display a small window.
The window contains a color coded legend for the maps. Just so you can keep
it out of your way, this window can be moved to anywhere on the screen,
The legend will not be printed if it is displayed.
1.15. Exiting from DungeonMap...
If you are printing, creating a new map, or haven't saved your most
recent creation/change, them you will be told this, and asked what you
wish to do about it. I believe in graceful exits.
2. History & Future Plans
- First release with dungeons only..
- Creation of town type mazes with streets, buildings, and town squares.
- Allow background printing of one maze while the next is being created.
- Improved the speed and quality of the creation method.
- Added a title to the printout.
- Allowed for 2 types of printout (Fixed cell size, and maximum cell size)
- Automatically adjust window size to your overscan settings.
- Moved the legend into an optional window to make more room for drawing.
- Some internal restructuring to ease future additions.
- The format of the saved dungeon files, has been changed. DungeonMap will
still read version 1.0 format dungeon files. But, it will save them in
the new format. To avoid future problems, please load and save all files
you may have created using DungeonMap V1.0.
- The default data directory was changed from "DATA" to "DungeonMapData".
There were just too many programs looking for DATA.
- The auto-centre option, and the centre edit command no longer modify the
actual map data. It only modifies how the map is displayed.
- Program now contains a version string. So you can find the version of
DungeonMap by typing "VERSION DungeonMap".
- This will be the last version that will save or print without
registering. I don't like doing this. But, not enough registrations
are being sent in. To those who did, my heart felt thanx. You will
notice some of your ideas were added to the list
- This version forward REQUIRES ADOS 2.04 or higher.
- Convert to ADos 2.0 ASL.LIBRARY from REQ.LIBRARY.
- Convert appearance to conform to 2.0 style guide.
- Add ability to lay down a series of walls, instead of single wall cells.
- Convert requesters to use sliders for easier input, and NO error message
as you cannot enter invalid values. You can also more easily see the
maximum allowable values.
- ALL gadgets on these new requesters are keyboard controllable.
- Small addition to the saved files. This release will still read the old
format, but will only write the new format. To avoid future problems,
please load and save all files you may have created using DungeonMap V2.0.
- Added an option to toggle interlace mode on and off.
- Modified the cell hot spots for dungeons. This was needed to allow for
the laying down of walls.
- Added the ability to just start editing with no map loaded. Just start
drawing to un-ghost the menu items.
- Added more Right-Amiga commands.
- Fixed a number of small bugs found.
- Allow the random creation and editing of encounters in dungeons & towns.
These encounter descriptions can be specified by the user & the user can
specify a maximum number of occurances for a map.
- Added more Right-Amiga commands.
- Fixed a number of small bugs found.
Future plans
I have a lot I would like to do with DungeonMap. The following are a few
of my ideas and a rough grouping of them into releases. This is only
tentative. So if you would like to see an option sooner, or have any
other ideas, just drop me a note and I'll see what I can do.
- Add a REXX interface to control editing via Rexx macro.
- Create Icons for data files, and allow starting of DungeonMap from the
data file Icon.
- Save the configuration options in the program & project Icons.
- Allow for mazes that are larger than a single screen. This will
require the ability to scroll the maze on the screen.
- Add a zoom feature to enlarge sections of the map.
- Add ability to insert previously designed mazes or maze portions.
- Maybe, add ability to have roaming monsters, to simulate random
- Additional ideas that people may request.