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* MartinSoft Pengo *
This version of MartinSoft Pengo is freeware. You're allowed (and encouraged)
to copy it. If any magazine would like to put this game on a coverdisk,
they're very welcome to do so.
If you spread the game, this doc-file must be included.
If you like this demo version, consider getting the full game, which features
64 levels (different from the ones in this demo), savable highscore list, more
bonuses, end-of-level bosses, hidden bonus levels, and much more.
Please note that the levels in this demo version are a little harder than the
first ten levels of the full game - simply to make the demo version last
To get hold of the full game, write to:
Martin Rebas
Gyllenkrooksgatan 1
Enclose £6 (GBP), $9 (USD), 60 kr (SEK), or an amount equal to $9 in any
other, not too bizarre, currency (cash only), and you should get the game
within two weeks; probably less, depending on which country you live in.
You're pretty safe sending money to this address - meaning, I won't suddenly
move to Kuala Lumpur or so.
You don't have to send me a disk or a self-addressed envelope, but
I'll be grateful if you do, and it will speed up the reply.
If you like the game, please buy the full version. If too few people buy it,
I will stop writing games for the Amiga. It's as simple as that.
It's not that I'm writing games to earn lots of money - I write them
because I like writing them. Trouble is, I don't really know if I can afford
doing it anymore. I've spent quite many weeks of my summer finishing Pengo.
During those weeks, I could have gotten a "proper" job and earned some real
money - and money can be quite handy when you need to pay the rent or buy food
for the day. Considering the amount of work I've put down on MartinSoft
Pengo, £6 is a *very* fair price for it.
Buy it, and I'll be eternally grateful.
* About the game *
I've actually only played the original Pengo once; on a ferry between London
and Gothenburg when I was 12 years old. Still, I really liked the game, and
since I was interested in computer games, I remembered what the gameplay
was like. Two years later, I had got hold of a 286 PC and wrote, among other
things, a Pengo clone in GW-BASIC (which was the only language I had
available). In 1989, I bought an Amiga 500 (I now have an A1200), and
learned to write games for it in assembler. So far, I've written 7 games,
though I've only released the two latest ones as PD/SW. During my summer
vacation 1993, I wrote "Motorola Invaders 2" (AGA); a pretty original
Space Invaders-clone with a ridiculously long sampled soundtrack. MI2 took
only four days to code, but I think it's a quite good PD game nevertheless.
If you have an AGA Amiga, get it from your nearest PD distributor. Or, if
you have Internet access, get it from Aminet (game/shoot).
Anyway, in August 1993, I thought it'd be a good idea to make a "proper"
version of Pengo for the Amiga (let's just say that the GW-BASIC version
for the PC wasn't very smooth-moving), so I started programming on MartinSoft
Pengo. As you can see, it's taken more than 4 days to finish it. MartinSoft
Pengo is the most "polished" game I've written so far, gameplay- and
presentation-wise. The main reason for it taking so long, is that I started
studying Computer Science at the Chalmers University of Science in
Gothenburg; and that has taken more time than I thought it would. So I've
spent the last year neither studying nor programming as much as I should :-).
As it's been a while since I last played the original Pengo, I have not
tried to make a game that's very true to the original (simply since I don't
remember that much of it). I've taken the basic idea of Pengo as I
remember it, and added a lot of Bubble Bobble to it. Compared to
the arcade version, MartinSoft Pengo is probably faster, and with more
bonuses. It is also (as far as I know) the first Pengo-clone that features
a simultaneous 2-player mode.
MartinSoft Pengo has been developed on an A1200, and has been written in
100% assembly language.
* How to play it *
Pengo is a maze-game. The maze is made up of blocks of ice, which you can
push or melt. Blocks are melted by pushing a block that has another block
directly in front of it. If that sounds confusing (and it probably does),
play the game, and you'll understand what I meant.
The ice blocks that form the "border" around the maze can't be pushed or
Also, on some levels there are special gold blocks, which can't be moved.
On each level there are four enemies.
If an enemy catches you, you lose one life. Your weapon against the enemies
is the ice blocks; push an ice block onto an enemy, and the enemy will be
squashed (but it will re-appear after a while). If the level layout
makes it possible, try to "trap" the enemies into small spaces; that will
make it a piece of cake to squash them. Generally, trying to limit the ways
that the enemies can take (by pushing blocks to the right places) is a good
tactic. Learning the different movement patterns for the enemies is also
essential; the yellow ones are pretty easy to outsmart without understanding
how they move, but the red ones are professional escape artists, and
almost impossible to hit if you don't understand their "AI".
If you spend too much time on one level, a ghost will appear and start to
home in on you. The ghost can't be killed - but it will disappear as soon
as you get to the next level. If it catches you, you will lose one life, and
it will disappear for a while (the ghost, not the life :) ).
If it catches you while you're "invisible" to the enemies, it will simply
remove the invisibility and disappear - but it will re-appear very quickly.
The aim of the game is to defeat the evil Sarvebuk who awaits you on level
64. So the big question is: how do you get to the next level?
Getting to the next level can be achieved by either:
1. Squashing all enemies on the level with ice blocks.
2. Pushing the three ruby blocks together so that they form a horizontal or
vertical line.
3. Getting a warp bonus of some sort.
Method nr 1 is recommended, as it's the most fun.
Squashing many enemies with one block will give more score than squashing
them one by one.
There are also lots of bonuses and bonus systems in the game, but I won't
reveal them here (which would spoil the surprise). Find out about them
(By the way - no, "Sarvebuk" doesn't mean anything in Swedish either - but
it comes close to meaning something in Estonian). :)
* Game controls *
Title screen:
"TAB" will switch the computer between PAL/NTSC mode.
F1 or player 1 fire button: Starts 1-player game.
F2 or player 2 fire button: Starts 2-player game.
F3 shows the credits for the game.
F4 shows general information about the game.
F5 shows greetings to certain people as well as some ads.
F6 shows the high score list.
F7 shows the HAM-mode title pic.
If you watch any of the above screens (F3-F7), you can return to the title
screen by pushing Escape or fire button. You can also use the joystick for
pausing/speeding up the scrolling.
F10 exits the game. I chose not to use Escape for this as people may
accidentally hit Escape twice while exiting some "sub-screen" - thus
having to reload the whole game, which isn't all fun if you're playing
from floppies.
While playing:
Moving joysticks connected to gameport 0 or 1 will move the penguins :) .
Push blocks by pushing the fire button. You don't need to move the joystick
and push the button simultaneously - simply push the button, and the
penguin will push/melt the block towards which it is facing.
(That may seem obvious, but one of my playtesters made that mistake at first).
"P" will pause the game. Push "P" once again to continue playing.
"M" will turn in-game music on/off. But please don't turn it off - the game
loses a lot of its atmosphere if you do. (The "Popcorn" tune was also in the
original Pengo).
"Q" makes you lose one life and restart the level.
"Esc" will end the game and return you to the title screen.
"F10" will exit the game.
There are also two "hardware configuration" buttons:
"TAB" will switch the computer between PAL/NTSC mode, and, in NTSC mode,
shrink the screen so that the game only uses the upper 200 lines of the
display (instead of the normal 256). The graphics will look strange (as
every fifth line of the PAL display is omitted), but at least it will be
possible to play from NTSC. The colors won't look as good as they do in the
PAL version, since I use copper tricks for creating more colors than the
bitplanes "allow". In NTSC mode, the copper is busy shrinking the screen,
so this can't be done.
If you have a monitor, use PAL.
Since a NTSC screen updates at 60 Hz instead of 50 Hz, that gives the
Amiga less time to calculate/blit everything. As MartinSoft Pengo was
originally meant to be PAL only, this means that in NTSC mode, the screen
update can slow down to 30 Hz if a lot is happening on screen (boss stages,
To prevent this from happening, I've included an extra option - push
"A", and, if you have an AGA machine, the screen update should magically
be 60 Hz again. (If you don't have an AGA Amiga, the screen display will
probably get messed up, but don't worry - pushing "A" once again will fix
it). This feature takes advantage of the AGA "DMA burst" mode, which speeds
up DMA transfer to the screen (or something like that).
(If you've pushed this button, and are staring in horror and disbelief at
the picture of me - yes, the photo of me has been edited. I tend to have
slightly smaller eyes as well as a slightly smaller mouth in real life).
If you've got a non-AGA Amiga, and wish to run Pengo in NTSC mode-
be aware that it may slow down at certain places.
If you've got an NTSC Amiga, and a monitor, push TAB, which will turn your
computer to PAL mode.
If you've got an NTSC AGA Amiga, and no monitor, push "A", which will speed up
the screen update when necessary.
If you have any other computer setup, everything should be ok.
Also note that the key "G" has no function whatsoever in this game.
* How to install the game *
* and specifications *
MartinSoft Pengo can be installed on a hard disk. Simply copy the files to
wherever you'd like to have them. Not that hard, was it?
Just make sure you've got enough chip memory available when you try to
start it; to run Pengo, you need about 770k of free chipmem.
If you can't start Pengo, try disconnecting extra drives and other
peripherals; then reboot - that should free some memory.
If you only have 512k of chipmem in your Amiga, you will not be able to
run MartinSoft Pengo, no matter how much fastmem you have.
MartinSoft Pengo has been tested on the following computers:
Amiga 500
Amiga 1200
Amiga 1200 with '020 accelerator
Amiga 1200 with '030 accelerator
Amiga 2000 with '030 accelerator
Amiga 4000/030
Amiga 4000/040
Much to my surprise, it actually worked on some of them. :)
* Disclaimer *
This piece of software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied. By using "MartinSoft Pengo" you agree to
accept the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program.
If MartinSoft Pengo makes you lose both your job, house and girlfriend,
I will take no responsiblity. But make sure you write and tell me about it,
'cause I'd love to hear how it happened.
That ought to be everything.
Hope you like the game (and buy the full version)!
Martin Rebas
Gyllenkrooksgatan 1
E-mail: d3rebas@dtek.chalmers.se