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- * Laurence Vanhelsuwé *
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- * Auroville 19/MAY/94 (India) *
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- -------------------------------
- Program Title: MegaJitter V1.3
- -------------------------------
- Author: Laurence Vanhelsuwé
- 0. Short description
- 1. Requirements/Installation
- 2. How to use it
- 3. Internals
- 3.1 Command Line Options
- 3.2 Creature Genes
- 3.3 AREXX Support
- 3.4 Speed Optimizations
- 4. Limitations/Warnings
- 5. History
- 6. Future
- 7. Bibliography
- 8. Credits
- 0. Short description:
- ------------------
- MegaJitter (from now on: MJ) is a biological Evolution simulator.
- It tries to simulate a simple ecosystem with creatures which eat, get born,
- procreate and die.
- Believe it or not, but without ANY pressure on the program's part, these
- creatures often EVOLVE into new species which are optimally adapted to their
- environment !
- Many different environment scenarios can be configured for MJ, with totally
- different species emerging.
- The main "Laws of Nature" the program codifies are as follows:
- - if you eat food, you get X energy points
- - moving costs energy
- - if you run out of energy, you die.
- - if you reach a fitness threshold, you're allowed to procreate.
- - any offspring get copies of your genes, but in slightly mutated form.
- MJ Doesn't have miracles, the Fittest Survive, that's the bottom line.
- On the Amiga, MegaJitter's dual-screen approach offers a full screen of
- graphical statistics plus the actual ecosystem with pixels representing food
- and creatures.
- For research purposes, the animated ecosystem can be disabled for faster
- simulations (overnight runs for example).
- 1. Requirements/Installation:
- --------------------------
- This Release (V1.3) contains the following directories/files which should
- be copied into an empty directory called "MegaJitter" (or something like it).
- ==================================================
- CHAINREAC Clusters
- Hedges Oasis
- REXX (dir)
- .Product-Info ja.s
- makefile mj
- mj.c mj.wth
- ==================================================
- Required:
- ---------
- - V39 of the Amiga OS.
- - a 68020-based Amiga or better.
- - at least 1.5 Mb of RAM to run.
- Optionally:
- -----------
- - AREXX for external program control.
- 2. How to use it:
- --------------
- This distribution actually contains 3 programs: MegaJitter (MJ) proper and
- two supporting REXX utilities.
- For MegaJitter itself,
- Just type: "MJ"
- Or "RUN MJ"
- or MJ followed by any of the command line options.
- (type "MJ ?" for a list or see below for details)
- The two REXX programs are GOD and MSC and control or configure MJ, respectively.
- - MSC Stands for "MJ Set Scenario" and takes one argument: a MegaJitter scenario
- file.
- For example, to configure the "Oasis" scenario you would type:
- 'RX' Is of course the REXX program dispatcher. You can omit this if you are
- using a Shell which allows direct execution of REXX programs.
- - GOD Is a MegaJitter scenario finder. It generates random sets of starting
- parameters and configures MJ to use them.
- Then, for about 15 minutes it monitors the running, simulated environment
- to see if the parameters result in a stable ecosystem.
- If so, it dumps the settings to the screen, otherwise it kills off the failing
- ecosystem and generates a new set of parameters, ad infinitum.
- Use as follows:
- RUN RX GOD >godlog ;capture all output in file 'godlog'
- 3. Internals:
- ----------
- 3.1 Command Line Options
- --------------------
- The CLI command template for MegaJitter is :
- For those not yet 100% familiar with the 2.0 DOS template syntax, here's
- a quick guide:
- labels followed by:
- /S mean that they are used on their own to enable some feature (a |S|witch)
- /K mean that they should be followed by a value (a |K|eyword)
- Note: numerical parameters have lower and upper limits. See section 3.3 for
- figures.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AUDIT Enable full internal audit of creature processing.
- This will show you (in the CLI window) what each particular
- bug is doing, and sometimes, why.
- Default: AUDIT is OFF
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DATALOG Dumps the statistics in numerical form to STDOUT.
- This is useful if you want to capture the statistics for
- further analysis, like correlation of variables, etc...
- Default: DATALOG is OFF
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOANIM Inhibits the opening of the animation screen and lets the
- program use a much more efficient representation for the
- ecosystem, allowing faster simulations.
- Example: MJ NOANIM
- Default: NOANIM is OFF
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VISION Enables the VISION capability (gene) for all creatures.
- With VISION on, creatures can SEE food and override their
- genetic movement pattern somewhat so that they can home in
- on food directly.
- Normally creatures are completely blind and rely on bumping
- into food frequently enough to survive.
- Vision gets modulated by the DAY/NIGHT oscillator.
- Default: VISION is OFF
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SEX Enables the SEXUAL reproduction gene for all creatures.
- Normally creatures just split asexually when they can,
- producing offspring with slightly mutated copies of the
- "mother" creature.
- With SEX on, creatures can be 0..100% sexual creatures.
- 100% Sexual means that the creature always needs to find a
- sexual partner to procreate. Only partners which are at
- least as healthy as the originator are chosen.
- Default: SEX is OFF
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SHOWDEFAULTS Dump settings of all internal parameters.
- Handy to find out the built-in default scenario settings or
- to see what the resultant settings look like when you
- override some or all of the built-in defaults on the command
- line.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MAX_BUGS Maximum number of creatures the simulator can handle.
- The program dynamically allocates an array to hold MAX_BUGS
- creature structures.
- Example: MJ MAX_BUGS 500
- Default: 300
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- INIT_BUGS Initial number of creatures when program starts.
- The initial population consists of completely random
- creatures.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- INIT_FOOD Initial amount of food (-pixels) strewn across the plane.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- INIT_ENERGY Average starting fitness of creatures.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- INIT_VARIANCE Initial genetic variance in the starting creature pool.
- This variance is distributed evenly around middle value (128).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MUTATE_RANGE Allowable aggressiveness of mutations.
- If it's too low, then your creatures will not evolve, as
- they won't be able to "jump" the required distance to find
- new, stable genetic configurations.
- If it's too high, then genetic inheritance breaks down,
- since offspring now essentially become random creatures
- again, and bear no resemblance to their parents.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FOOD_RATE Rate at which food grows.
- For every N timesteps, the program puts down one food unit.
- Therefore smaller values mean higher food growth rates.
- Example: MJ FOOD_RATE 1 ;highest food growth rate!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FOOD_ENERGY How much one food pixel packs in energy.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Y_AND These two parameters can affect the way food is distributed
- in normal (non-OASIS, see below) mode.
- As random (x,y) coordinates are generated to grow some food,
- the coordinates are always ANDed with X_AND and Y_AND respec-
- tively.
- This allows you to grow food in straight "hedges", either
- vertically or horizontally, or even simulate rectangular
- fields of growing food.
- Default: 1 (for both)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- OASIS_SIZE If this parameter is set, food will grow only within a
- circle in the middle of the screen.
- OASIS_SIZE is the radius of the circle.
- X_AND and Y_AND are not active in this mode.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NTSC This option forces the program to open a shorter statistics
- screen, to support American NTSC monitors/Amigas.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3.2 Creature Genes
- --------------
- Nearly all genes have a numerical meaning which control a PROBABILITY.
- Internally, genes are encoded as BYTEs (unsigned) so the numerical range
- per gene is 0..255.
- Some genes use this scaled up (like the age genes) or scaled down (like the
- vision gene).
- Here is the full list of genes implemented so far:
- right, left : these two genes control a creature's movement pattern.
- If for example gene 'right' is nearly 100% (ie 255), then
- it is nearly 100% certain that the current bug is going
- to make a CLOCKWISE turn of 45 degrees on his next step.
- Gene 'left' similarly controls ANTI-CLOCKWISE turns.
- If for example both genes are close to 0% then the bug
- will essentially move in a straight line.
- speed : This gene determines a moving DELAY.
- 0 Means no delay, 255 means max delay, resulting in a
- very slow creature.
- (scaled down to 0..7)
- dying_age : 0..65535. Designed built-in lifespan.
- If a creature is very healthy when he/she reaches this
- age, then his energy level is used to counteract this
- guideline limit.
- minsexage : 0..4095. Minimum age before a bug can procreate.
- maxsexage : 0..65535. Maximum age for procreation.
- procr_energy : 0..16384. Minimum energy before procreation can begin.
- foodtype : 0.. 63: mainly HERBIVORE
- 64..191: mainly OMNIVORE
- 191..255: mainly CARNIVORE
- Since the gene is used probabilistically, a 99% carnivore
- can sometimes be seen to eat grass !
- vision : 0..63. Vision range in pixels, in the current moving
- direction. Bugs don't have peripheral vision AT ALL.
- When many bugs have good vision, the program has to do a
- LOT of work just to support the vision element !
- sexuality : Like foodtype, probabilistic gene. 0 = ASEXUAL to 255 =
- SEXUAL. Anything inbetween gives you biased mixtures.
- Sexual reproduction requires a mate physically touching
- the sexually mature creature ! (Difficult to get in desserts
- with just a few creatures roaming around !).
- 3.3 AREXX Support
- -------------
- Currently the following AREXX commands are implemented:
- "MJ_QUIT" Quits MJ immediately.
- "MJ_RESET" Restarts a simulation with current settings.
- "MJ_DUMPDEFAULTS" Dump settings to CLI window.
- "MJ_SEX" Enable Sex Genes.
- "MJ_NOSEX" Disable.
- "MJ_VISION" Enable Vision Genes.
- "MJ_NOVISION" Disable.
- The following commands are QUERIES, which return information via the RC
- special AREXX variable. Use RC to retrieve values.
- "MJ_BUGS?" Queries the number of bugs living.
- "MJ_RUNS?" Queries the number of simulation runs so far.
- "MJ_TIMESTEPS?" Queries the age of the current simulation.
- The following global parameters can be set at any time by using a syntax
- like the following:
- <PARAMETER_NAME> <value>
- -------------- ------ -------
- "INIT_BUGS" 1 100
- "INIT_FOOD" 1 30000
- "INIT_ENERGY" 10 15000
- "MUTATE_RANGE" 1 120
- "FOOD_RATE" 1 100
- "FOOD_ENERGY" 1 5000
- "X_AND" 1 260
- "Y_AND" 1 260
- "OASIS_SIZE" 0 50
- Note that each parameter has a minimum and maximum acceptable value which
- should not be exceeded.
- Also note the LACK of the "MJ_" prefix (sorry).
- 3.4 Speed Optimizations
- -------------------
- Instead of using WritePixel() and ReadPixel() I wrote my own optimized
- versions.
- Since the ecosystem screen is 512x512 (x4), I eliminate the overhead of
- having generic code for variable screen dimensions.
- Also, for the general plot_pixel I have an array of pixel-setting routines,
- one for each pen value. This eliminates the typical shift register, then
- set or clear the bit-loop.
- Since most pixels in MegaJitter will have to be erased again because of the
- mobility of the creatures, plot_pixel actually caches the end results of
- its calculations (the byte offset and the bit number), so that we can have
- a very, very fast fastwipe_pixel.
- Since checking for a food pixel or empty pixels is also very common, I also
- wrote custom routines for that.
- Late in development I converted all the above routines to even faster ones
- by having the screen as an INTERLEAVED bitmap.
- This allows the use of just one pointer to the bitmap (instead of 4
- previously), which simplifies code quite a bit, thus speeding it up again.
- 4. Limitations/Warnings:
- ---------------------
- Internally, a gene is encoded as a byte having a numeric range of 0..255.
- The random number generator uses the Amiga video beam x/y position register
- to help randomize the numbers; because of this you can't currently replay
- EXACTLY a previous simulation, as the random numbers are REALLY random !
- Occasionally, you might observe some BUG warnings about rogue pointers and
- the like... these are harmless in this release.
- 5. History:
- --------
- I started writing MegaJitter in 1992 when I had become addicted to watching
- a similar program, called "Jitter" (by Don Reble & Chris Gray), for hours and
- hours and hours.
- In the beginning I even tried analyzing Jitter's run-time behaviour (with
- homebrew tools like HeartBeat (also PD)) to see if I couldn't optimize the
- speed by patching this or that. I was horrified to learn that Jitter used
- something like RectFill() to draw its bugs on the screen... obviously a quick
- hack !
- The answer was clear: I would have to write my own, but optimized for speed.
- 6. Future:
- -------
- I am acutely aware that my simulation is not "open ended", like Nature really
- is. By this I mean that, apart from the millions of permutations possible
- with the genes and the environmental parameters, MJ is CLOSED. It won't let
- new "Laws of Nature" evolve, or let the creatures develop any intelligence.
- They can't develop brains... yet.
- A desirable future change would be to give creatures private, programmable
- "program space" so that they can learn, remember, re-program their
- behaviour.
- There should be no distinction between inanimate "grass" food and living
- moving grazers.
- On the Human Computer Interface front (and what a battlefield it is !), I
- would like to add a fully interactive control panel with sliders and
- switches to control MJ further.
- I am thinking of using the REXX interface to implement this.
- Further speed optimizations are possible.
- The handle_bug routine should be the focus of attention as it is the
- bottleneck.
- The whole program should also be re-compiled with the new register parameters
- option.
- 7. Bibliography
- ------------
- "Artificial Life: The Quest for a New Creation" by Steven Levy
- ISBN 00-224-03599-1 (PUBLISHER: Jonathan Cape)
- This is an INCREDIBLE book. Worth getting a copy if you're remotely
- interested in this program.
- See also:
- - the original 'Jitter' (by Don & Chris)
- - 'Evolution' on Fish Disk #239 (by Russel Yost)
- 8. Credits:
- --------
- The following address is my home base (where I haven't lived for 8 eight
- years now) but where things will bounce off to wherever my real, current
- address is (like India for the mo!).
- Laurence Vanhelsuwé
- Christinastraat 105
- B-8400 Oostende
- Belgium
- Original stimulus: Don Reble & Chris Gray's "Jitter"