Gold Fish 2
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382 lines
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(c) 1992,1993,1994 Mellow Technologies
Written by Michael Bock, Vorwärtsstraße 5, 44139 Dortmund
e-mail: bock@cip.chemietechnik.uni-dortmund.de
HD Frequency is a SHAREWARE product. This means that it can be used, copied
and distributed freely, provided that:
- No fee is charged for copying and distribution.
- It is distributed ONLY in its original archive.
- This document is copied along with the program.
This program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The entier
risk of using it is to the user himself. In no event I (the author) will
be liable for direct or indirect damage, loss of data or criminal actions
done due to the use of this program. If you do not agree with this, you
may not use this program.
- I strongly recommand that it is illegal to publish this archive on disks
that are spread together with publications ('disk+mag'). If you would
like to do so, you need my permission.
Limitations on this Demo release
- Cut Function disabled
- Most Effect modules disabled
- Sample length reduced to 800kb
- Playlist Editor limited to 5 entries
- The documentation is only half of its original size
The complete package contains the following features:
- All disabled functions of this demo release are working.
- Samples up to 60kHz, the length of samples is only limited by the
ammount of free space on your harddisk.
- Four Track editor now works with 1024 entries.
- 68000 & 68020 Versions.
- Printed manual
- Hotline for registred users.
You can purchase the whole program package sending the shareware fee of DM
50 or US$30 right now to me:
Michael Bock
Vorwärtsstraße 5
44139 Dortmund
( Use Registration file for this )
1 Preface
HDFrequency is a "Harddisk-recording-system" for Amiga® computers. Many HD
recording systems do exist for amiga of course, but they all need
external hardware (16 bit audio cards). So I decided to write a program
that makes use of standard 8bit audio digitizers in combination with a
harddiskrecording system. To my mind you can do lots of things with this
program, and the quality is not so bad at all .....
1.1 Hardware requirements
This program makes use of many features from Kickstart 2.0 .You should
have at least Kickstart 37.175 to run this program. Lots of free space on
your harddisk recommanded as well.
There are existing 4 versions of the program:
HDFrequency 68000 For amigas with at least 320 kB Chip & 450 kB other
HDFrequency 68000e For amigas with 1MB Chip and at least 1 MB other
HDFrequency 68020 For amigas with 1MB Chip + 1MB Fast + 68020+.
This version contains a 4 track CPU replayer.
HDFrequency 68020l For amigas with 1MB Chip + 1MB Fast + 68020+.
This version contains a 3 track CPU replayer.
68020+ versions of the program contain instead of a dma fourtrack that
allows to replay 4 samples with 30 KHz at the same time, a cpu replay
routine that allows replaying fourtracks with >30 KHz if your processor is
fast enough. Fast means, that a 68030 25 MHz ist slow, a4000/040 would be a
fine thing. For all those who do not own a4000/040, but an 68030, there is
a version that only replays 3 cpu voices at the same time with sampling
rates > 30 KHz.
For all those who do not need sampling rates >30 KHz use the 68000
versions, they allow replaying 4 voices with max 30 KHz at the same time,
even on an old a500, 2mb.
- Speed comparison of 68020+ versions
(HD read = 600 kb/s, 58% cpu avail (a1200 At Bus)
4 Voices CPU 3 Voices CPU
A1200 4 MB F 4 * 20 KHz 3* 28 KHz
68030 28 MHz 4 MB F 4 * 30 KHz 3* 36 KHz
2* 40 KHz
68030 40 MHz ???? ???? (Send me, if you can !)
68040 25 MHz ???? ????
- 68000 Versions 4 DMA Voices
A1200 4* 30 KHz
A500 2MB Fast 4* 30 KHz
Once again, if you only need sampling rates < 30 KHz, use 68000
versions of the program package.
Another point worth beeing noticed: The Speed of your HD, if possible use
addbuffers XXX 1000, never use stacker® systems like xfh®, epu®,
diskexpander®, they will slow down your hd quite a lot.
1.2 Contents
This archiver should contain the following files:
- Doc File (This one)
- HDF 68000
- HDF 68000e
- HDF 68020
- HDF 68020l
- Install_Script
- Revision History (Ascii File)
- Register (Ascii File)
1.3 Installation
Boot your machine as usual then click on the install_Script icon from your
hd_Frequency disk. This script uses the Commodore utility installer that
should be available in the C: directory of your harddisk.
Chapter II
2.1 The Audio Dock
After calling the program from workbech you can watch a window with two VU
meters, and on the right hand side of this window a small icon list. If
this window is activated you are in the main control area of HDFrequency.
All other program functions can be called from this window.
2.2 Project Menu
2.2.1 About
This window gives closer information about the program and so on ..
2.2.2 Quit
Here you can quit the program, what else ?
2.3 Sampler Menue
This program supports standard sound samplers. In other sampling software
you may find these so called standard samplers searching for 'generic
samplers'. Perfect Sound® compatible samplers are not supported (yet).
2.3.1 Channel
If you are using a stereo sound sampler you can decide using either the
right or the left channel for recording samples.
2.4 Audio Menue
2.4.1 Replay Sample
This routine replays a sample selected before. Position and time are
displayed while replaying the sample. Replaying is controlled by using the
icons on the audio dock window: <<, >>, stop and pause.
You can start the replay routine also from the main dock window selecting
the '>' icon.
This routine uses DMA for replaying the sample. This means that samples
recorded before with more than 30876 Hz are replayed with 30876 Hz, because
normal amiga dma is not able replaying the samples faster.
On 68020+ versions samples > 30876 will be replayed with the correct sample
rate upto 62 kHz.
2.4.2 Replay Sample HQ
This routine replays a sample, that was previously selected from sample
editor. Now a CPU replay routine is used replaying a sample. The top
sampling rate is now 65000 Hz (a1200+). DMA switched off and screen blanked
to raise the quality of the sample. On a normal a500 the replay rate is
round about 32000 Hz, because the processor is not fast enough. A sample of
30KHz replayed in HQ mode sounds rellay better than replayed in DMA mode.
2.4.3 Record Sample
This function records a sample using the sample rate selected in 2.3.2. You
can also enter this function by pressing the 'o' icon the the main window.
Next you have to enter the filename of the sample to be recorded right now.
Now you can control the input signal using the VU Meter and overpeak box.
If the overpeak box look black the sample is overpeaked.
After this, start the recording with the right mouse button or quit using
the left one. To stop recording also press the left mouse button.
If your processor is too slow for the sample rate you requested the program
will let you know.
Samples are recorded in standard IFF8SVX format. In this case you also can
use iff-samples from other programs.
2.4.4 Playlist Editor
Through calling this function you will enter the playlist editor. Within
this option you can create 4 fourtrack tune.
2.4.5 Sample Editor
After selecting this option you enter the sample window to manipulate samples.
2.4.6 Replay Fourtrack
This function, you even may call this the main part of the program, replays
a sequence created once before in the playlist editor. After picking this
function a small window appears on the screen presenting you the current
position of the playlist. With right mousebutton you can cue forward.
Left mouse button aborts replaying.
Some words about the 68020+ version:
Holding down the Tab key before starting this routine will blank the screen
and disable nearlly all DMA channels to improve quality.
It is possible that the 68020+ routine is not able to replay the fourtrack
correctly because your processor may not be fast enough. As an example it
is not possible to replay two 40 KHz samples on a1200. In this case the
interrupt routine will loop and loop and ...... press left mouse button to
3 Sample Editor
First select a sample to be edited using the asl file requester. After this
you can watch the sample beeing displayed in a window. Using the size
button of the window it is possible to change the size of the window.
Using the mouse you can range a certain part of the sample to cut it off or
something the like. Mark the sample by pressing the mouse botton somewhere
on the sample window and releasing it somewhere else on the window. The
intervall between the mouseclick will be displayed now, it is ranged.
Here are some parts missing --> it's only a demo.
4 Playlist Editor
Right in this part of the program you can create the sample lists required
for the replay fourtrack routine. For each item of the viewlist you can
choose its own channel and starting time, this is done by selecting the
channel by clicking the mx_gadgets and to edit the time gadgets.
4.1 New
Add a sample to the viewlist structure, choose your desired sample from
4.2 Delete
A sample is deleted from the viewlist.
4.3 Get File
Nearlly the same as 4.2. but here no new entry will be created, only the
sample name will be changed.
4.4 Channels
By clicking on the mx_gadgets you can select the replay channel for a
selected sample from the viewlist. Default value is channel 1 after
creating a new entry.
4.5 Time
Enter the starting time of the sample and confirm by pressing return. The
syntax is as follws 1.45'20'' = 14520
4.6 Start
This one gives you the chance to change the start time of the playlist,
this means that you can skip some samples. If the start time is 20000 all
samples untill 2.00.00 are Skipped. Syntax is as in 4.5.
4.7 Project Menu
4.7.1 Load Playlist
A playlist saved before with option 4.7.2 will be reloaded.
4.7.2 Save playlist
A playlist created before can be saved to harddisk. Use asl_request to
enter a name.
III Other things
5 Technical information
This programs makes use both of your processor and harddisk in quite an
intense way. So be aware of using tools that reduce the performance of
your processor such as stacker® systems like xfh® epu® (diskexpander®).
If you are using epu or diskexpander use "epu device XXX chng nosave" to
beware epu from crunching files while saving.
Some things about speed: If you want to echo a 5 mb sample you need at
least the following time
2 * Length of sample 2 * 5120 kb
---------------- ------------- = 14s ! (2 for reading
Speed of Hd 750 kb*s^-1 & writing )
Then you have to add the time the effect needs.
The result is: The better hd and processor you have is, the better is the
performance of the system.
This version has been completely enforcer debugged.
Program tested using
a500 7.09 MHz 1 MB Chip 2 MB Fast 85 MB Quantum ELS Multi E.
A1200 14.18 MHz 2 MB Chip 4 MB Fast 120 MB Connor IDE
A1200/030 28.00 MHz 2 MB Chip 4 MB Fast 120 MB Connor IDE
A4000/040 25.00 MHz 2 MB Chip 10 MB Fast 120 MB Quantum IDE
Program tested using both kickstart 37.230 and 39.106.
SetPatch 40.14 and 37.38 was installed on these machines.