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The MoonGames X Loader
(c)1996 ICH Software Development, Daniel Fischer
1. Introduction
Ever played MoonGames, the _GREAT_ Moon Speeder Clone, done by G. Audoly?
If not, I strongly encourage you to get it (if you have a Falcon).
If you already played it, have you ever had the feeling 3 credits were
too less? Or missed the possibility to keep more than one championship?
Well, now, MGLX stops this. With MGLX, you can keep up to eight games
and adjust your credits beyond your wildest dreams.
1.1 Reasons
My reason to write this program was _not_ to be able to cheat, but as
MoonGames claims to have not enough memory periodically, and I always
loose a credit then, MGLX gives you the opportunity to prevent your
speeder from being destroyed by the low memory.
1.2 Target group
The target is, of course, the Falcon and the target group is the people
who love to play MoonGames (like me).
2. Usage
MGLX can either be used by running it from the Desktop or by placing it
and its compagnion in the AUTO folder.
2.1. Running from the Desktop
Just run MGLX by double-clicking MGLX.PRG, this is the easy way.
If you have 4 Mo Ram, you must press CONTROL while booting your Falcon.
However, as it then will use the st-low resolution, you have to change
to at least st-mid as MGLX needs a screen of at least 80 colums and
25 rows.
2.2. Running in the AUTO folder
First, place MGLX in the your AUTO folder, then MGLOAD. The order really
is important, MGLOAD must be run after MGLX. This feature only makes
sense if you use a startup program that allows you to select the prgs
that should be started (fex Startup or XBoot). Running from the AUTO
folder will give you more Ram than hou could use if you ran MoonGames
from the Desktop.
3. First start
When you run MGLX the first time, it will ask you where your MoonGames
loader program is (the one that asks about the mode). Type the full
path including the name of the loader, then press return. MGLX now will
create its configuration file at C:\MGLX.INF, where the path of MoonGames
is stored. In this file, your championship data is stored also.
4. Controls
When MGLX is run, it will read the file GAME.DAT in your MoonGames folder
and place it into slot #1. Then it will read the seven other possible
games and place them into slot #2 to slot #8.
MGLX will use the names you used in the game as name of the championship.
Use the arrow keys up and down to select the championship you want to
play. If you press BACKSPACE, the slot will have assigned a copy of the
first slot, what is the active game stored in MoonGames' GAME.DAT.
If you press DELETE, the selected slot will be cleared, and you will read
'-unused-' at its place in the list. DELETE does not work with the first
slot. If you want to have the first slot cleared, press space. None of
the list entries will be selected then, and you will have to start a new
championship with MoonGames. Usually, you should not use this feature, but
start a new championship in MoonGames by pressing the laser button (Return)
when it asks.
You can change your credits with the keys '+' and '-', for increasing and
decreasing the credits respectively; however, you should not, according
to Intel, overdrive (-grin-), and use too many credits for the program
won't display them correctly. This would damage nothing, but you never
After you have selected the game and adjusted the credits, you can exit
either by pressing RETURN or by pressing ESCAPE. While RETURN keeps your
settings, ESCAPE cancells your changes and quits immediately.
If you decided to use the AUTO folder method, MGLOAD will run the original
MoonGames loader, what will then ask you if you want to use mode a or
mode b, as usual. If you ran MGLX from the desktop, it just will quit and
the desktop will reappear. Now you can start the loader manually.
5. Finish
MoonGames X Loader was writte by Daniel Fischer, in 1996. It is freeware,
as MoonGames. Use it at your own risk. This means, if something is damaged
by the use of MGLX, or also, if something is damaged by something else,
it's your own fault and no one takes responsibility.
If the author of MoonGames gets to read this file, I want to congratulate
him - this is the finest piece of software I have ever seen on Falcon.
I tried to e-mail him, but the mail came back.
6. Address
You can reach me via snail-mail...
Daniel Fischer
Salenbergstrasse 11
D-72250 Freudenstadt
...or via e-mail at
If you email, please set the subject to "For Daniel" or "Fuer Daniel"
in my native language, respectively. This is my father's email, and
if you mark the message this way, he will know that the mail is for me.