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This is a readme file for DAWN's screensaver.
First of all - I refuse any liability for damages that can occur using this
program. I tried to make it correct, but I can't be sure it works always fine
(and if it doesn't make some systems crash), so sorry.
This is a simple screen saver for ATARI Falcon 030.
How does it work:
It switches off videl (video-chip) by switching to external hsync&vsync. Normal
computer without additional hardware has these syncs at 0Hz, that means no
video-signal is generated. There are three advantages of this system:
1/Video-chip doesn't need any data from video-ram so buss-bandwith is decreased
(and processor power is increased!!)
2/EPA monitors with energy saving system automatically switch them off (I've
tested it), so you save energy (+money) and monitor's CRT.
3/It enters after changing videl evnt_mouse function and waits for mouse
movement (at least ten steps, so small vibrations of your table causing movement
of the mouse should not make monitor work). That means that nearly no processor
time is consumed (so background applications should continue their work fine).
And another, 4th reason: it is SMALL!(4kb program!)
The only trouble is that after switching monitor off I have to set screen-redraw
for screensaver (and so block every graphic output) because it crashed every
time without this after few minutes (sorry, that means that for instance Lharc
won't work because of its bar showing % of packed files; I still don't know the
reason of this problem and don't understand why it falls not immediately but
after some time.. :( )
How to install it:
You can run it as normal prg, after start monitor is immediately switched off,
after mouse movement program is terminated and monitor switched on. Of course,
it is ideal for multitasking, tested under MultiTOS.
OR: also as ACC. In this case it causes switching off every time you want to
open it (when selected in menu as you are used to open acc's window).
That means that you have to act everytime you want it to work. This is better
for me, because I know when I'll be some time away so I start it; on the other
side I sometimes study source codes and I don't touch mouse nor keyboard so I
don't want screensaver to work.
Compatibility: Tested with Falcon030, SVGA monitor and SpeedResolutionCard.
Should be processor&BUS speed independent and also resolution independent, so if
you use SRC, SBlaster or BlowUP, you should use it in expanded resolutions
without troubles.
The archive should contain:
*SCRSAVER.PRG (program, can be renamed to .ACC)
*NORMAL.ICN unselected 16-colors icon
*NORMALM.ICN mask for it
*SELECT.ICN selected icon
*SELECTM.ICN and mask.
-can be added to deskicon.rsc with interface (for example).
*And this readme file.
This soft is a messageware.
Well, no money. I only want you to send me message through E-mail or NEST with
(eventually) your comments and that you are using it. I am also looking for people
with Falcons.
My adresses:
E-mail: kment@uivt.cas.cz
or my name is Stepan Kment and I am connected to ATOS BBS (ATARI only BBS!) in
Prague (this is preffered to E-mail!)