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NatFrame Window Designer v1.10b
1. Introduction
2. Getting started (how to create a theme from scratch)
3. Detailed description
3.1. Basic principles
3.2. Menues
3.3. Editor window
3.4. Texture window
4. Known bugs
5. New things since last version
6. Copyright and disclaimer
7. Contact information
1. Introduction
This program helps creating theme-information files for the NatFrame
window replacement for MagiC 6.x, since the DAT files NatFrame uses are
quite complex.
2. Getting started (how to create a theme from scratch)
First of all, if there is something in this short description you don't
understand, read the part "Detailed description".
1. Make sure you have all the textures you are going to use, gathered in
the same directory. They may be of the format unpacked 24-bit Targa (.TGA)
or Rainbow's own raw format (.F16).
2. If the textures are in Targa format, select "Convert textures..." in
the File menu. A file selector will appear, and you should select the
directory where your textures are. This will convert all your Targa files
in that directory into F16 files, which are the only ones that NatFrame
can use. The original Targa files are not changed in any way. It's
important that the Targa files are unpacked 24-bit, otherwise the designer
won't do anything with them. To convert other image formats into the
unpacked 24-bit TGA format you can use the following programs:
* Zeig's Mir! 0.97g (must run in TC to convert correctly)
* Smurf
* NConvert
3. Select "Load textures..." from the File menu. A file selector will
appear, and you should select the directory where your textures are. This
will load all your textures into memory (only F16 format is supported).
4. Now you're ready to start assigning textures to each window element.
Try experimenting yourself, or read section 3.3 "Editor window" if
something is not clear.
3. Detailed description
3.1 Basic principles
NatFrame uses textures, images, instead of the old grey colours. But in
doing so, an information file is needed which tells NatFrame which
textures to put on which elements in the window. This file is a ".DAT"
file, and is too complex to edit by hand, so I made this designer. Or
maybe "assigner" is a more precise name, since you don't create the
textures with it, you just assign them to the window elements.
All the textures used in one theme must be in the same directory. This is
because the DAT file used by NatFrame doesn't contain the complete path
to each texture, only the filename itself. I decided to do so since it
both makes the DAT files a lot smaller, and it is a lot easier to move a
whole theme or give it away to a friend, if the textures are all in one
Besides choice of textures each window element can also have different
ways of copying the textures onto the screen. For example there is one
mode which tiles the texture both horizontally and vertically, whereas
another only gives you horizontal repetition.
3.2 Menues
The "NatFrame" menu title is not important so only the "File" menu is
described here.
3.2.1 "New DAT"
This frees any textures in memory and clears the DAT file buffer.
3.2.2 "Open DAT..."
Lets you open a DAT file, and will also load all textures used by
it. If not all or no textures could be found in the same directory
as the DAT file, you are given the choice to either select a
different directory where all the textures should be, or load no
textures at all. The later will ruin the texture assignments but
will keep all other settings that can be applied to a window
An alternative to using the menu for opening a DAT file, is to drag
and drop a DAT file from the desktop onto the designer window.
The designer supports long filenames.
3.2.3 "Save DAT"
This will save an already named DAT file, without presenting a file
selector. If this menu item is chosen when the current DAT file in
memory has been created but not yet saved using "Save DAT as...", a
file selector will appear anyway. This menu item is disabled if a
texture directory has not yet been selected.
3.2.4 "Save DAT as..."
This will present a file selector and let you save your DAT file
under a new name. This menu item is disabled if a texture directory
has not yet been selected.
3.2.5 "Load textures..."
This lets you select and load textures from a directory. It is not
possible to load textures from different directories. All earlier
loaded textures will be destroyed if you chose OK in the file
The designer supports long texture filenames, up to 256 characters
3.2.6 "Load additional textures"
If you have opened an old DAT file and its textures, but want to
add new ones, it is not possible to use "Load textures..." since it
will destroy the textures that are already in memory. Instead you
should use "Load additional textures". It will go through the
selected directory and load all found textures that are not already
in memory.
3.2.7 "Convert textures..."
This lets you select a directory in which you want to convert all
found unpacked 24-bit Targa images into the raw 16-bit format
(.F16) used by NatFrame.
3.2.8 "Quit"
The same as usual.
3.3 Editor window
The editor window buttons are split into global and element specific
buttons. The global ones are at the top, outside the box with the title
"Current object". From there you can set things that are not individual
for each window element, like element size. One exception though is the
setting of text colours, which is found inside the windows at the bottom,
since they set the text colours for topped and untopped windows
respectively. The element specific buttons will change what they show
depending on which element is selected in the two windows below. The red
outline shows which window element is selected.
Here follows a walkthrough of all the gadgets in the editor window.
3.3.1 Global settings "Element size"
This button lets you set the width and height of the window
elements. What it looks like can be seen in the two WYSIWYG windows
at the bottom of the editor window. "Titlebar text"
This sets the justification of the text in titlebar of the
window. The choices are "centred", "right justified" and "left
justified". "Element text"
This toggles the display of text on the window buttons on and
off. It will not do anything to the title and info bar texts.
This is useful if you have textures for each of the small buttons
which already contain some sort of symbol. "Outer border"
This toggles the thin black outline around the window on and off. "Inner border"
This toggles the thin black line inside the window on and off.
3.3.2 Object specific settings Texture selection and offset settings
For each of the four modes a window element can be in (selected/
unselected combined with topped/untopped window) there is a
texture selection box and an "offset" box to the right of it. The
texture selection box simply lets you select which texture should
be used by the selected window element in the specific mode. The
offset box lets you set start and end offsets for the selected
texture when using certain draw type modes (see "Draw type
selection" below). Note that the offset is set for the texture
itself, not for the selected window element, so this setting is
"global" for each texture. Draw type selection
There is a number of different ways the textures can be copied
onto the screen. Some of them are disabled since I haven't
implemented them yet (or never will, because I haven't needed
them). Here follows a description: Horizontally and vertically repeating
This mode will repeat the texture in both directions if the
texture is smaller than the window element that is to be drawn. Horizontally and vertically repeating with complete 3D border
This mode looks the same as the above, except a 3D border will
be drawn around (inside, not outside) the window element. You
can easily draw your own 3D border on textures which will only
be used on window elements which will never change its size,
like the "closer" button for example. But for window elements
that may change in size, like the title bar, its necessary to
use this feature to get a 3D border that follows the element
dynamically, just like we're used to. This is accomplished by
having a lightened and a darkened copy of each texture, to draw
the light and dark 3D edges. You don't have to create these
copies, but NatFrame and the designer will do it for you. Horizontally and vertically repeating with 3D border
This is the same as the above, but the 3D border changes to fit
the window elements next to the one to be drawn. Try loading
some onecoloured textures and switching between this mode and
the one just above, to get the idea. Horizontally repeating with end offsets
This mode only repeats the texture horizontally, and there is
no 3D border. The difference lies in the end offsets, which let
you have a section in the left and right of the texture which
always are to be drawn to the left and right in the window
element. The rest of the texture in between is repeated as
necessary. The size of these end offsets can be set for each
texture using the "offset" buttons (see "Texture
selection and offset settings"). Vertically repeating with end offsets
The same as above, but the texture is repeated vertically and
the offsets are from the top and bottom of the texture. Rescaled to fit
This mode scales the texture so that it covers the window
element exactly once. This mode might be slower than the others
due to the calculations that have to be done to scale the
texture, but there is one thing you can do to make it faster;
if you for example want to use this mode on the title bar of
the window, make sure that the texture has the same height as
the title bar. This will be faster because NVDI won't have to
scale the texture vertically as well as horizontally, since the
texture already has the same height as the object it is used
on. Rescaled to fit with horizontal end offsets
The same as the mode above, but the offset sections to the left
and right are not rescaled, only the middle section. Horizontally repeat end offsets, align middle after text
This mode repeats the end offsets and draws the middle section
only once, as oppposed to the mode "Horizontally repeating with
end offsets", which repeats the middle section and not the end
offsets. The middle part will be aligned after the length of
the text string used on the actual window element, which can
only be the title bar or the information bar. For other
elements the middle part will be exactly in the middle of the
window element. Horizontally repeat end offsets, mid part in the middle
Same as the above, but the mid part is always exactly in the
middle of the window element. The WYSIWYG windows
These two windows show you what your windows will look like. You
can select which window element to edit by left-clicking on it
with the mouse. If you right-click on a window element, a list of
all loaded textures will pop up, so another one can be chosen
quickly. The "selected elements" boxes in the middle of each
window will select/unselect all elements in each window. This way
you can see what the elements will look like when they are
selected too. The small text in the left window shows which
window element is currently being edited.
Here you can also choose the text colour of the title bar,
information bar and icons separately, for the topped and untopped
mode of the window.
3.4 Texture window
The texture window displays all the currently loaded textures, each in a
square the same size as the current chosen element size. The main goal
with this separate window is to make the assigning of textures to window
elements easier by letting the user drag and drop textures from the
texture window onto elements in the editor window. This gives a better
WYSIWYG feel so you won't have to know the names of the textures and
choose them from a list of filenames as before. By default, only the
window element you drag a texture to will be affected, but holding down
SHIFT when releasing the mouse button over the window element will set the
texture for all the four modes of the window element (i.e. topped/untopped
and selected/unselected). Holding down CONTROL instead will only affect
the selected/unselected modes of the window element in the topped or
untopped window, dependng on which you dragged the texture to.
Right-clicking on a texture in the texture window will display the whole
texture near the mouse pointer.
4. Known bugs
None at the moment.
5. New things since version 1.01b
* The texture window.
* Choose justification of title bar text.
* Two new draw types: Repeat end sections, with different justification
of the middle part.
* Separately choose text colour for the title bar, information bar and
* D&D-ing a DAT-file from the desktop to the editor window should now
correctly handle long filenames, even with spaces in them.
6. Copyright and disclaimer
NatFrame and this designer program is copyright 2000-2002 Torbjörn Gildå.
Both may be spread freely as long as no profit is made from it, though
they may be included on coverdisks together with magazines.
I, Torbjörn Gildå, can not be held responsible for any damages that may
occur when using NatFrame or the designer, though they are tested and
should work fine.
7. Contact information
email: d98gilda@dtek.chalmers.se (Torbjörn Gildå)
henrik.gilda@volvo.com (Henrik Gildå)
homepage: nature.atari.org
Please contact me if you have created a nice theme and want to share it,
or you have any questions.
Torbjörn Gildå 23 May 2002