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Hi there!
This is the version of TurboAss which is adapted to the Falcon030. It now can
assemble several 68030-specific instructions and addressingmodes.
This is what I did so far:
* What has been done (in chronological order):
* - Jump wordwise using control+left/right
* - Undo within a PART sometimes did something wrong
* - Font has been crashed during mediachange
* - Loading Bugaboo works again (Buffer enlarged)
* - no defaultfilename ('noname.src')
* - nice litte infobox to show, this is a patched version
* - scaling during indirect addressing (eg. offs(A0,D0*2)!)
* - TST can now be PC-relativ
* - fselexinput works again (-> header in the fileselector)
* - Clear BSS, to enable TurboAss to be packed by the Atomik packer
* - movec with CAAR, CACR, DFC, SFC
* - The line with PART in it can now be erased, if the PART is open
* - the hardware clock is recognized (different address than in the MSTe)
* - movec also with VBR, MSP, ISP, USP
* - mulu.l / divu.l
* ****** 1st public release *******
* - rtd #offs
* - TRAPcc
* - extb.l
* - TRAPcc.W/.L #x
* - Bug with muls.l #/divs.l # kicked
* - (bd.x,An,Rm.y*s) (not finished)
* - optimizes TST adr to TST adr(PC)
* - (bd.x,ZAn,Rm.y*s) and (ZAn,Rm.y*s) included
* - BASE An,adr and (bd.w,An,Rm.y*s) work fine now
* - Optimierung nach 68030 über OPT W und O steuerbar (* ein, + od. - aus)
* - 68030-optimizations can be controlled by OPT W and O (* on, + or - off)
* - no waring it could be optimized to short (andi.l #x,adr/addi.l #x,adr)
* - Bcc.L/BRA.L/BSR.L
* - Block move -> Source changed!
* - (bd.x,PC,Rm.y*s)
* - PARTs can now be folded after line 32767, too ;-)
* - CNOP ??,0 is not accepted any more (before: 2 Bombs during assembling)
* - the right PC-Offset is now calculated (ALT-P and Jump in from the Bugaboo)
* - CNOP without a space behind the Commata
* - no sectors loaded from HDs with >4kBytes per sector during mediachange
* - uses correct planeoffset in 4 and 8 plane mode -> works in 16 and 256Col!
* - sets the colors right
* - no flickering when moving the mouse
* - Bug while Undo kicked
I also removed some bugs, which have been in the original TurboAss-Version
(the programmers have mixed up the register)
Addressingmode (BD.x,An,Rm.y):
The basedisplacement (BD) can be byte, word, long or just left out. If it's
byte, it is converted to the 68000 addressing mode offs(An,Rm).
Rm.y (y beeing word (.w) or long (.l)) can also be scaled by 2, 4 or 8 (eg.
R0.w*4). It is also possible to leave out the base register (An) by the
writing a Z before it (eg. (adr.l,ZA0,D0.w*8)). This allows data register
indirect addressing (eg. (ZA0,D7.l)) and address register indirect with long
offset (eg. (adr.l,ZA0,A5.l))!!!
Optimizations: The only optimization done in this version (except the ones
know from earlier versions of course) is from (BD.w,An,Rx) to (BD.l,An,Rx), if
the offset is too big! Thus, you have check word or byteoptimizations on your
own, sorry! (Works the same for PC-relativ)
The 68030-optimizations can be controlled by OPT O* and OPT W*. Currently,
this only affects TST adr -> TST adr(PC) but perhaps in forthcoming versions,
this also controls others. However, you should use O+, if your programm should
also work on 68000 because then, the 68030-specific optimaizations are turned
Due to the to the 68000 fixed structure of the TurboAss (crap sentence, I
know), it has not been possible to include the bitfield instructions and the
double indirect addressing mode! The TurboAss only allows two symbols or
formulas per line (there might be four using the double indirect mode/3 using
the bitfield insturctions) and a limit of 14Bytes per instruction (22 are
possible using the double indirect addressing mode!).
I don't know, if I can fix this and how, sorry!
following a list with what is planned but it's not sure if it is included in
the next version!
* - optimizations with (bd.x,An,Rm) and (bd.x,PC,Rm)!
* - search through all mentioned paths, if file can't be found
* - Bug in connection with ClrHome (wrong line's displayed)
* - double indirect addressing
* - bitfield instructions
* - call external programms
The adaption of the Bugaboo to the new instructions is in progress.
Due to the massiv interference in the TurboAss, it might be possible, that
instructions and offsets are calculated the wrong way, so check out, if
everything's assembled well, if something doesn't work!!
Attention: TurboAss and Bugaboo are still copyright by
SigmaSoft! Their current status is shareware but as
SigmaSoft doesn't exist any more, you don't have to pay the
This 030 version may be published with permission of M.
Fritze. The distribution by for example mailboxes is allowed
as long as no profit is made. It may not distributed as a
cover disk of a magazine, on CDs etc!
I cannot guarantee that this version's error free! I also
don't want any money for the patches (this would be unfair
to SigmaSoft)
that's all!
Achim (SCY/TSCC)
Achim Settelmeier
Rülzheimer Str. 39
76756 Bellheim
Email: achim_settelmeier@ka2.maus.de
The address of SigmaSoft (or what is left over from it) is
given in the original TurboAss text.