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- January 2013
- Thadoss/Dune
- proudly presents
- Beats of Rage
- Final release
- Falcon030 version
- #1 at Sillyventure 2012 in Gdansk/Poland
- About
- -----
- Beats of Rage is a game for the Atari Falcon030 computer.
- This is a free adaptation of the game Paintown available
- at the following address: http://paintown.sourceforge.net/
- This is my first big production for my beloved computer and I'm happy
- and proud to share it with all the Falcon people who still make the
- dream a reality.
- Requirements
- ------------
- To run this game you need:
- - An Atari Falcon030 with at least 4MB of RAM
- - At least 20MB of hard disk space
- - One or more of the following input devices:
- - A joystick plugged into any joystick port
- - A joypad plugged into any joypad port
- - The Falcon keyboard
- - The game runs on both RGB and VGA screens
- Falcon accelerator Centurbo CT2 have not been tested.
- Falcon accelerator CT60 works correctly.
- If you have a 4MB machine, try to free up as much memory as possible,
- and remove all the accesories on the GEM desktop.
- The game needs a lot of memory due to the backgrounds and characters.
- Caution: You won't be able to play Beats of Rage with the player
- Maxima on a 4 MB computer.
- You can also play Beats of Rage under Hatari emulator.
- It works with version 1.6.2 and upper.
- You may use hatari.exe in falcon mode emulation and not hatari_falcon.exe.
- (The timers of the 2 emulators are different and Beats of Rage works better
- with the timings of hatari.exe).
- Installation
- ------------
- Just uncompress the zip file in a folder of your harddrive and lauch the
- game.
- I've included 2 programs:
- - B_O_RAGE.PRG: the game
- - 2VBL_BUG.PRG: launch this one instead of the previous one is you run in
- VGA and you encounter a flickering problem in the
- main menu of the game.
- Gameplay
- --------
- You're the last member of your family recently annihilated by a gang.
- In order to avenge, you've decided to search and kill all the members of
- the gang.
- Your trip will drive you into many parts of the town, from the dark
- alley to the factory.
- Controls
- --------
- The game can be played with either a joystick, a joypad or the keyboard.
- (keyboard keys)
- UP : up arrow
- DOWN : down arrow
- LEFT : left arrow
- RIGHT : right arrow
- FIRE BUTTON : left shift
- PAUSE : p key
- EXIT : esc key
- Joystick and Joypad controls are the common directions + fire button.
- You can pause the game with the joypad PAUSE button.
- Initial specifications
- ----------------------
- My aim was to fit the game in the following specifications :
- - the game must run on a standard 4 meg Falcon,
- - it must run on both RGB and VGA screens,
- - it must run in 320*240 to have a nice aspect,
- - it must integrate the parallax transparent scrollings,
- - the sprites must keep their original size.
- Background informations
- -----------------------
- I've written all the code in pure 68030 assembler.
- It took me 14 months to complete it.
- The characters graphics are from the games paintown and Beats of Rage.
- Some level backgrounds pictures are from me (level 6, 7 and 8).
- The others are from the game paintown.
- All the level splash screens are from me.
- It's a snapshot of the beginning of the level without the characters
- that is reworked under 'the gimp'.
- The modules are issued from different atari/amiga demos and games.
- Thanks a lot to their authors.
- If someone doesn't want his module to be in my game, just write me,
- and I'll remove it.
- - All the sprites are hard coded in assembler.
- (I use an external program of mine to hard code them).
- - 100% pure 68030 code
- - All developped under Linux/Hatari
- I've spent most of the development time trying to optimize the rendering
- and fit the game in 4 megs.
- The game contains 14 different enemies, 3 different players and 9
- different levels. Each level has a specific music and splashscreen.
- The animation engine uses floating point emulation code to render nice
- movements.
- The game includes an internal clocktick to avoid slowness if the rendering
- uses one more VBL.
- All the scene is rendered from a camera view, which allows nice movements of
- the background. I don't use it a lot in the game, but it would be possible
- to move the camera while the game runs.
- Credits
- -------
- Falcon code and design: Laurent Sallafranque / Thadoss
- Init routs: Dead Hackers Society Falcon Demosystem v15
- Joystick/keyboard routine: Nyh/Hans Wessels
- DspMod player: Bitmaster / TCE
- video save/restore: Aura & Mugwumps
- Double VBL bug in VGA: Zerkman / Sector One
- Joypad routine: Simon Sunnyboy
- Thanks:
- -------
- I want to thank all the Atari communauty for all the fabulous piece of
- software I saw during the last 20 years.
- This game is my little contribution to the Falcon game scene.
- Special thanks to goes to:
- - Chuck and MIC from Dune
- - All the members of the Hatari development team
- - Special thanks to Jon (writer of paintown) for his help on the physical
- engine and the internal ticks clock.
- - Big hello to Grey and all the people who organized the Sillyventure 2k12.
- It was a really nice party.
- Future enhancements
- -------------------
- This is the final release.
- I won't add anything more on the game.
- If you find a bug
- -----------------
- If you find a bug while playing, just send me a mail with the following
- informations:
- - the level number
- - the X position of your player (beginning of the level, middle, end)
- - the Z position of your player (in front or in back of the level)
- - how many opponents were there on the screen ? (1, more)
- - a precise description of the problem
- (was there something special (a jump, a falling, ...))
- The more precise you are, the best I can reproduce and fix the problem.
- If you can do a photo or a snapshot of the problem, it's better.
- Version history
- ---------------
- V0.1 - 13-Nov-11 : Initial release
- V0.2 - mars 2012 : first graphical and characters
- V0.3 - july 2012 : first players movements, music
- V0.5 - oct. 2012 : first opponents movements
- V0.6 - nov. 2012 : hall of fame added + 9 levels + some improvement
- to the game.
- V1.0 - dec. 2012 : game presented at Sillyventure 2012 (Gdansk/Poland).
- and finished #1 :)
- V1.1:
- Bug fixed:
- - 2 enemies had one attack that didn't generate hit points
- - the joystick is now working
- - the jump movement is not taken into account when the player
- respawn (he was leaving the screen, and the game freezed)
- New features:
- - the border should be black instead of white (not verified)
- - Better IA for the enemies: enemies walk to the player if they're too far
- - inner game timer accelerated to have a more nervous game
- - flash animation when the player hit an opponent (it looks more arcade
- like this)
- V1.2: Final release
- Bug fixed:
- - bad dead character flickering animation had wrong timers
- - better falling synchronisation. The character must reach the ground
- before allowing a new animation
- - the LOOP order is now correctly handled in the engine for some walking
- animations and for the new enemy
- - the throw direction is now correct
- - the VGA double VBL bug should be fixed (not tested).
- - reworked AI of the opponents for better playability
- - height of the player clipped while an opponent attacks many time the
- player while he was falling (this generated a bug in level 7)
- - many little bugs here and there
- New features:
- - JOYPAG implementation.
- - a new opponent added in levels 1, 2, 7, 8 (I let you discover him)
- - some more items to get
- - 1 life added every 25 000 points
- Contact
- -------
- laurent.sallafranque@free.fr
- Stay (H)atari forever ;-)
- Private Joke
- ------------
- Hey Chuck, you need a passport to play the game ;)