Fujiology Archive
Text File
198 lines
Basicly *.vlm files have the same format as the normal atari program
files. At the beginning of the text-segment there is the module
structure, which looks like this:
DC.B "VLM1" ;vlm module type
DC.L infotext ;pointer to an infotext
DC.L settings ;pointer to a settings-structure
DC.L init ;pointer to an initialization routine
DC.L deinit ;pointer to an deinitialization routine
DC.L main ;pointer to the mainloop routine
If there is no infotext or a settings-structure, the value has to
be set to zero (DC.L 0).
The moduletype "VLM1" uses an own DSP program, which analysis the
incoming sound. The DSP initialisation must be done in the init
For easier implementations of effects there is a moduletype "VLM2".
This moduletype runs a standart DSP program. This DSP-program takes
out some information of the music. After every mainloop cycle these
values are transfered to an area of the cpu memory.
Every infotext line must be finished by zero. The infotext itself
must be finished by two zeros. So an infotext can look like this:
DC.B "Spectre analyser",0
DC.B "version: 1.0",0
DC.B "author: Achim Settelmeier",0
DC.B 0
The number of characters per line is not limited but it is good
to use less lines than 25 because the width of the info-box of "Whip".
Every VLM module can feature parameters for more flexibility. In
general the number of parameters is not limited. The format of the
settings structure is for example:
DC.L 3 ;number of parameters
DC.L par_name1 ;pointer to the name of parameter 1
DC.L 1 ;type of parameter 1 (activator)
DC.L 0 ;value of parameter 1 (initialised with defaultvalue)
;1=enabled, 0=disabled
DC.L 0 ;pointer to a parameter structure (depends of the
;type of parameter), 0=no parameter structure
DC.L par_name2 ;pointer to the name of parameter 2
DC.L 2 ;type of parameter 2 (choice)
DC.L 1 ;at the beginning the first button is enabled
DC.L par_struct2 ;pointer to choice parameter structure
DC.L par_name3 ;pointer to the name of parameter 3
DC.L 3 ;type of parameter 3 (slider)
DC.L 100 ;defaultvalue of slider and later the slidervalue
DC.L par_struct3 ;pointer to slider parameter structure
There are different kinds of parameter types:
An activator is just a button which can be selected or deselected.
It can either be active or not. There is no special parameter
structure for this type of parameter. As parameter type must be
specified 1. The value of an activator can be 1 (enabled) or 0
A choice is represented by a set of alternatives. Each alternative
is a button, but only one of them can be selected at one time. So
these are the same as radiobuttons. The parameter type must be set
to 2 for this one. The value of the parameter represents the number
of the selected alternatives (beginning with 1). For this parameter
an additional parameter structure is needed to be specified:
DC.L 3 ;number of alternatives
DC.B "SLOW",0 ;text of button 1
DC.B "MEDIUM",0 ;text of button 2
DC.B "FAST",0 ;text of button 3
Each button text must be terminated by zero.
A slider can be used to get a value in a specified range. A slider
has the following parameter structure
DC.L 0 ;minimum value
DC.L 200 ;maximum value
The routine is called at first and offers the possibility to make
precalculations, set up values etc. This routine is called only once.
The init routine gets one parameter which is a pointer to a structure.
This structure features pointers to different service routines. It
is very useful to store the pointer to this service structure in a
variable (for example: move.l a0,service_struct).
The service structure is filled out by the calling program. The
VLM module can feel free to make use these routines, which are:
offset | routine
00 | set_vblrout (a0: routine adress)
| set a routine that will be called everytime when a
| vbl interrupt occures. The routine has to end with rts
04 | wait_vbl
| wait until vertical syncronisation (vbl occured)
08 | set_scradr (a0: new screen adress)
| set adress of visible screen to the specified adress
12 | set_resolution (d0: resolution id)
| set the screen resolution to the specified one
16 | get_left_spec
| returns adress of the left spectre (which consists of
| 128 words) in a0. Values ranges from 0 to 65535
| This function is only usable in "VLM2" modules.
20 | get_right_spec
| returns adress of the right spectre in a0.
| This function is only usable in "VLM2" modules.
24 | get_left_volume
| returns the value of the left input volume in d0
| The value can be beetween 0 and 65535.
| This function is only usable in "VLM2" modules.
28 | get_right_volume
| returns the value of the right input volume in d0.
| This function is only usable in "VLM2" modules.
32 | get_left_osci
| returns adress of the left oscilloscope data
| (256 words) in a0. Each value is 16bit signed.
| This function is only usable in "VLM2" modules.
36 | get_right_osci
| returns adress of the right oscilloscope data
| This function is only usable in "VLM2" modules.
The routines can destroy the registers d0,d1,d2,a0,a1.
It is possible to set a resolution using the service routine
set_resolution. Featured resolutions are:
1: 320x240 16 bit
2: 320x100 16 bit
3: 320x240 8 bit
4: 320x100 8 bit
This routine is called in every mainloop cycle and is the kernel of
the vlm module. The mainroutine must end with rts and does NOT include
the "mainloop". It is just a routine, which is a part of the mainloop.
The mainloop control is made by the calling program.
Please do only use the functions provided by the module interface. Please
do not use any GEMDOS, XBIOS etc. functions, except when you code a VLM1
module and want to initalize the DSP.
The whole vlm module is executed in supervisor mode. Please do not change
the cpu mode in your own module.
Norman Feske
01069 Dresden
phone: ++49(351)471 68 75
email: nf2@inf.tu-dresden.de
www: http://escape.atari.org
I would be very happy to see your creations. It was nice to collect all
existing vlm modules on my homepage. So everyone had an overview about
all modules.
If you have any problems just contact me.
Good luck,
Norman Feske (NO/Escape)