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; A nautilus seashell disturbs the society of clambs.
; A screen for the delta demo using ufly.
;======= OBJECT EQUATES ====================================================
Conch.BACKCOL: = $01EF01EF ; $00$3C$78
; clamb
Conch.CL_RINGS: = 4 5 ; #points in spiral
Conch.CL_SPIRS: = 6 8 ; #spirals
Conch.CL_RADIUS:= 700 ; final length of spiral
Conch.CL_ANGLE: = sintbllen/2 ; final angle of spiral
; conch
Conch.CO_RINGS: = 24 24
Conch.CO_SPIRS: = 8 10
Conch.CO_RADIUS:= 400 ; final length of spiral
Conch.CO_ANGLE: = sintbllen*2 ; final angle of spiral
; horn
Conch.RINGS: = 12 ; #points in spiral
Conch.SPIRALS: = 12 ; #spirals
Conch.POLYS: = (Conch.RINGS-1)*Conch.SPIRALS
Conch.RADIUS: = 400 ; final length of spiral
Conch.ANGLE: = sintbllen*2 ; final angle of spiral
Conch.ALPHA: = $2000 ; variance in spiral amp
Conch.conch: RS.W 10000
Conch.clamb: RS.W 10000
;======= OBJECT TABLE ======================================================
; Must be first in object!!
DC.L Conch.mainLoop
DC.L Conch.init
DC.L rts
DC.L Conch.stopClambs
DC.L Conch.startClambs
DC.L Conch.setCloseUp
DC.L Conch.endCloseUp
DC.L Conch.setFadeIn
DC.L 0
INCLUDE SFLY_DSP.S ; Include the CPU-DSP engine.
;======= INIT SUBROUTINE ===================================================
; d0.l: 0 = All clear, neg = Error! Not initialized!
move.l #Conch.BLOCK_SIZE,d0
bsr.l Mem.register
lea sine_tbl,a1
bsr.l Matrix.init
moveq #0,d0
.error: moveq #-1,d0
;======= REALTIME INIT SUBROUTINE ==========================================
move.l #rts,vbl_gfx
bsr.l Mem.getBlock
move.l d0,d1
addi.l #Conch.conch,d1
move.l d1,Conch.conchAdr
move.l d0,d1
addi.l #Conch.clamb,d1
move.l d1,Conch.clambAdr
bsr.l HumanFly.init
lea Viewport.settingsTable,a0
move.w #320,Viewport.XSCREEN(a0)
move.w #200,Viewport.YSCREEN(a0)
move.w #0,Viewport.XSTART(a0)
move.w #0,Viewport.YSTART(a0)
move.w #320,Viewport.XEND(a0)
move.w #200,Viewport.YEND(a0)
move.w #160,Viewport.XCENTER(a0)
move.w #100,Viewport.YCENTER(a0)
move.w #256+32,Viewport.ASPECT(a0)
move.w #$100,Viewport.FOCAL(a0)
bsr.l Viewport.update
lea Conch.textureTable,a0
lea Conch.colorTable,a1
bsr.l Polygon.init
bsr.l ObjectRegistry.clear
move.w #Conch.CL_RADIUS,d0
move.w #Conch.CL_ANGLE,d1
move.w #Conch.CL_SPIRS,d2
move.w #Conch.CL_RINGS,d3
moveq #1,d4
movea.l Conch.clambAdr,a0
bsr.w Conch.initTriClambObject
; d0.l=size of generated object
movea.l Conch.clambAdr,a0
bsr.l ObjectRegistry.set
move.w #Conch.CO_RADIUS,d0
move.w #Conch.CO_ANGLE,d1
move.w #Conch.CO_SPIRS,d2
move.w #Conch.CO_RINGS,d3
moveq #0,d4
movea.l Conch.conchAdr,a0
bsr.w Conch.initClambObject
; d0.l=size of generated object
movea.l Conch.conchAdr,a0
bsr.l ObjectRegistry.set
lea Conch.gradTable,a1
lea Conch.backPal,a0
bsr.l Pal.makeGradientHc
bsr Conch.setFadeIn
move.w monitormode,d0
cmpi.w #vga60,d0
beq.s .vga60
cmpi.w #vga100,d0
beq.s .vga100
cmpi.w #rgb50,d0
beq.s .rgb50
; Unknown monitormode..
.vga60: move.l #vga60_16bit_320_200,Conch.resRout
.vga100:move.l #vga100_16bit_320_200,Conch.resRout
.rgb50: move.l #rgb50_16bit_320_200,Conch.resRout
;======= SCREENINIT SUBROUTINE =============================================
;======= MAINLOOP SUBROUTINE ===============================================
movea.l scr,a0
bsr.l Primitive.setScreenbuffer
move.l frmcnt,d0
sub.l lastframecount,d0
bne.s .end_realtime_init
move.l d0,-(sp)
bsr Conch.realtimeInit
move.l (sp)+,d0
cmpi.l #3,d0
bhs.s .end_screeninit
bsr Conch.initScreen
move.w $04BC.w,d0
sub.w Conch.clambsStartTime,d0
move.w d0,Conch.time
tst.w Conch.clambsMoving
bne.s .end_time_shit
clr.w Conch.time
movea.l Conch.paintRout,a0
jsr (a0)
lea scr,a0
move.l (a0)+,d0
move.l (a0)+,d1
move.l (a0),-4(a0)
move.l d0,(a0)
move.l d1,-8(a0)
movea.l Conch.resRout,a0
suba.l a1,a1
movea.l d0,a2
.again bsr.l Screen.requestUpdate
tst.l d0
bmi.s .again
clr.l Conch.resRout
;======= OBJECT SUBROUTINES ================================================
move.l #Conch.paintScene,Conch.paintRout
move.w $04BC.w,Conch.stillStartTime
clr.w Conch.clambsMoving
move.l #Conch.paintScene,Conch.paintRout
move.w #1,Conch.clambsMoving
move.w $04BC.w,Conch.clambsStartTime
move.l #Conch.paint,Conch.paintRout
move.w $04BC.w,Conch.closeStartTime
clr.w Conch.closeMode
move.l #Conch.paint,Conch.paintRout
move.w $04BC.w,Conch.closeStartTime
st Conch.closeMode
move.w $04BC.w,Conch.startTime
move.l #Conch.paintFade,Conch.paintRout
tst.w Conch.clambsMoving
bne.s .swim_little_dolpin
bsr Conch.paintStillClamb
bra.s .end_paint
bsr Conch.paintSwimmingClamb
; Generates conch-like shell. This uses spirals with various slopes and
; heights. This one looks more like a horn sadly..
; parametrisation:
; parameters: 0<=t<angle, 0<=tau<2pi
; tau controls 'rings', t controls 'spirals'
; x=r*sin(t), y=r*cos(t), z=R*alpha*cos(tau)*t
; r=R[1+alpha*sin(tau)]*t
; R=final radius of spiral, alpha=variance in spiral (makes the cone)
; d0.l=size of object
movea.l Conch.conchAdr,a0
lea sine_tbl,a1
move.w #Conch.POINTS,(a0)+ ; Store #points+#normals.
clr.w (a0)+
clr.w d7
moveq #Conch.SPIRALS-1,d6
move.w d6,d0
move.w d7,d2
; Calc sin(t), cos(t).
mulu.w #Conch.ANGLE/Conch.RINGS,d2 ; d2.w=t
Do_SinModulo d2
Get_SinCos a1,d2,d2,d3
; Calc sin(tau), cos(tau).
mulu.w #sintbllen/Conch.SPIRALS,d0 ; d0.w=tau
Get_SinCos a1,d0,d0,d1
; Calc r.
muls.w #Conch.ALPHA,d0
add.l d0,d0
swap d0 ; d0.w=alpha*sin(tau)
muls.w #Conch.RADIUS,d0
add.l d0,d0
swap d0 ; d0.w=R*alpha*sin(tau)
addi.w #Conch.RADIUS,d0 ; d0.w=R[1+alpha*sin(tau)]
mulu.w d7,d0
divu.w #Conch.RINGS,d0 ; d0.w=R[1+alpha*sin(tau)]*t
; Calc (x,y) and store.
muls.w d0,d2
muls.w d0,d3
add.l d2,d2
add.l d3,d3
swap d2
swap d3
move.w d2,(a0)+
move.w d3,(a0)+
; Calc z and store.
muls.w d7,d1
divs.w #Conch.RINGS,d1
muls.w #Conch.ALPHA,d1
add.l d1,d1
swap d1
muls.w #Conch.RADIUS,d1
add.l d1,d1
swap d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
dbf d6,.ring_loop
addq.w #1,d7
cmpi.w #Conch.RINGS,d7
blt.s .spiral_loop
; 2d
clr.w (a0)+
; polys
move.w #Conch.POLYS,(a0)+
moveq #Conch.RINGS-2,d7
; Make a spiral..
moveq #Conch.SPIRALS-1,d6
; Make a ring..
; Output polyhead.
move.w #Polygon.QUAD|Polygon.FLATSHADED,d1
move.w d7,d0
eor.w d6,d0
andi.w #1,d0
or.w d0,d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
move.w d7,d0
mulu.w #Conch.SPIRALS,d0
; row*n + i
move.w d0,d1
add.w d6,d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
; row*n + [(i+1) mod n]
clr.l d1
move.w d6,d1
addq.w #1,d1
divu.w #Conch.SPIRALS,d1
swap d1
add.w d0,d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
; row*(n+1) + [(i+1) mod n]
addi.w #Conch.SPIRALS,d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
; row*(n+1) + i
move.w d0,d1
add.w d6,d1
addi.w #Conch.SPIRALS,d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
dbf d6,.poly_ring_loop
dbf d7,.poly_spiral_loop
; Calc size..
suba.l Conch.conchAdr,a0
move.l a0,d0
; Generates conch-like shell. This is a gapless one.
; Can be used to make both conch and clambs depending on angle.
; parametrisation:
; parameters: 0<=t<angle, 0<=tau<2pi
; tau controls position in 'ring', t controls position in 'spiral'
; if t<2pi:
; r(t,tau) = r1(t,tau)
; else
; r(t,tau) = r2(t,tau)
; x = r(t,tau)*sin(t), n.x=sin(tau)*sin(t)
; y = r(t,tau)*cos(t), n.y=sin(tau)*cos(t)
; z = R*cos(tau)/2, n.z=cos(tau)
; 1+sin(tau) R*t
; r1(t,tau) = ------------ * -----
; 2 2pi
; r2(t,tau)=R[t/2pi-1+(1+sin(tau))/2]
; R=radius of spiral when t=2pi
; d0.w=radius
; d1.w=angle
; d2.w=spirals
; d3.w=rings
; d4.w=inside generation (=0:no, >0:yes)
; a0: dst u-fly obj
; d0.l=size of object
movea.l a0,a6
move.w d0,.radius
move.w d1,.angle
move.w d2,.spirals
move.w d3,.rings
move.w d4,.inside
lea sine_tbl,a1
move.w .rings(pc),d0
mulu.w .spirals(pc),d0
move.w d0,.points
move.w d0,(a0)
add.w d0,(a0)+ ; Store #points+#normals.
move.w d0,(a0)+ ; Store #normals
mulu.w #Vertex.SIZE,d0
lea (a0,d0.l),a2 ; a2: normals
clr.w d7
move.w .spirals(pc),d6
subq.w #1,d6
move.w d6,d0
move.w d7,d2
; Calc sin(t), cos(t).
mulu.w .angle(pc),d2
move.w .rings(pc),d3
subq.w #1,d3
divu.w d3,d2 ; d2.w=t
move.w d2,d4 ; d4.w=t
Do_SinModulo d2 ; d2.w=t mod 2pi
Get_SinCos a1,d2,d2,d3
; d2.w=sin(t), d3.w=cos(t)
; Calc sin(tau), cos(tau).
mulu.w #sintbllen,d0
divu.w .spirals(pc),d0 ; d0.w=tau
Get_SinCos a1,d0,d0,d1
; d0.w=sin(tau), d1.w=cos(tau)
; Store normal.
move.w d2,d5
muls.w d0,d5
add.l d5,d5
swap d5
ext.l d5
divs.w #257,d5
move.w d5,(a2)+ ; Store n.x.
move.w d3,d5
muls.w d0,d5
add.l d5,d5
swap d5
ext.l d5
divs.w #257,d5
move.w d5,(a2)+ ; Store n.y.
move.w d1,d5
ext.l d5
divs.w #257,d5
move.w d5,(a2)+ ; Store n.z.
; Calculate r(t,tau) function.. all shit is positive!
addi.l #$8000,d0 ; d0.w=[sin(tau)+1]/2 (frac)
; t<2pi ??
cmpi.w #sintbllen,d4
bhs.s .t_is_high
mulu.w d4,d0 ; d0.l=t*[sin(tau)+1]/2 (16:16)
divu.w #sintbllen,d0 ; d0.w=t*[sin(tau)+1]/2*2pi (frac)
mulu.w .radius(pc),d0 ; d0.l=R*t*[sin(tau)+1]/2*2pi (16:16)
swap d0 ; d0.w=r1(t,tau) (int)
bra.s .end_calc_r
; t is hi. calc r2..
move.w d4,d5
subi.w #sintbllen,d5
mulu.w #$10000/sintbllen,d5 ; d5.l=t/2pi-1 (16:16)
add.l d5,d0 ; d0.l=t/2pi-1+[sin(tau)+1]/2 (16:16)
lsr.l #8,d0
mulu.w .radius(pc),d0
lsr.l #8,d0 ; d0.w=r2(t,tau) (int)
; Make sure spiral joins. No gaps!
mulu.w #$00E8,d0
lsr.l #8,d0
; d0.w=r(t,tau) (int)
; Calc (x,y) and store.
muls.w d0,d2
muls.w d0,d3
add.l d2,d2
add.l d3,d3
swap d2 ; d2.w=r(t,tau)*sin(t)
swap d3 ; d3.w=r(t,tau)*cos(t)
move.w d2,(a0)+
move.w d3,(a0)+
; Calc z and store.
muls.w d4,d1
divs.w .angle(pc),d1
muls.w .radius(pc),d1 ; d1.l=R*cos(tau)/2 (16:16)
swap d1 ; d1.w=R*cos(tau)/2 (int)
move.w d1,(a0)+
dbf d6,.ring_loop
addq.w #1,d7
cmp.w .rings(pc),d7
blt .spiral_loop
movea.l a2,a0 ; a0: texels
; texels
clr.w (a0)+
; polys
move.w .rings(pc),d0
subq.w #1,d0
mulu.w .spirals(pc),d0
tst.w .inside(pc)
beq.s .no_inside
add.w d0,d0 ; d0.w=#frontpolys+#backpolys
move.w d0,(a0)+ ; Store #polys.
move.w .rings(pc),d7
subq.w #2,d7
; Make a spiral..
move.w .spirals(pc),d6
subq.w #1,d6
; Make a ring..
; Output polyhead.
move.w #Polygon.QUAD|Polygon.GOURAUDSHADED|3,(a0)+
; Vertex refs.
move.w d7,d0
mulu.w .spirals(pc),d0
; row*n + i
move.w d0,d1
add.w d6,d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
; row*n + [(i+1) mod n]
clr.l d1
move.w d6,d1
addq.w #1,d1
divu.w .spirals(pc),d1
swap d1
add.w d0,d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
; row*(n+1) + [(i+1) mod n]
add.w .spirals(pc),d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
; row*(n+1) + i
move.w d0,d1
add.w d6,d1
add.w .spirals(pc),d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
; Gouraud indices.
move.l #$00100010,(a0)+
move.l #$00300030,(a0)+
dbf d6,.poly_ring_loop
dbf d7,.poly_spiral_loop
tst.w .inside(pc)
beq .end
; Output backface polys (parelmoer).
move.w .rings(pc),d7
subq.w #2,d7
; Make a spiral..
move.w .spirals(pc),d6
subq.w #1,d6
; Make a ring..
; Output polyhead.
move.w #Polygon.QUAD|Polygon.ENVMAPPED|0,(a0)+
; Vertex refs.
move.w d7,d0
mulu.w .spirals(pc),d0 ; d0.w=row*n
; row*n + [(i+1) mod n]
clr.l d1
move.w d6,d1
addq.w #1,d1
divu.w .spirals(pc),d1
swap d1
move.w d1,d2 ; d2.w=(i+1) mod n
add.w d0,d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
; row*n + i
move.w d6,d1
add.w d0,d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
; row*(n+1) + i
add.w .spirals(pc),d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
; row*(n+1) + [(i+1) mod n]
move.w d0,d1
add.w .spirals(pc),d1
add.w d2,d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
; Store normal refs.
move.w -8(a0),d0
add.w .points(pc),d0
move.w d0,(a0)+
dbf d6,.bpoly_ring_loop
dbf d7,.bpoly_spiral_loop
; Calc size..
.end: suba.l a6,a0
move.l a0,d0
.radius:DC.W 0
.angle: DC.W 0
DC.W 0
.rings: DC.W 0
.inside:DC.W 0
.points:DC.W 0
; Generates conch-like shell. This is a gapless one.
; Can be used to make both conch and clambs depending on angle.
; parametrisation:
; parameters: 0<=t<angle, 0<=tau<2pi
; tau controls position in 'ring', t controls position in 'spiral'
; if t<2pi:
; r(t,tau) = r1(t,tau)
; else
; r(t,tau) = r2(t,tau)
; x = r(t,tau)*sin(t), n.x=sin(tau)*sin(t)
; y = r(t,tau)*cos(t), n.y=sin(tau)*cos(t)
; z = R*cos(tau)/2, n.z=cos(tau)
; 1+sin(tau) R*t
; r1(t,tau) = ------------ * -----
; 2 2pi
; r2(t,tau)=R[t/2pi-1+(1+sin(tau))/2]
; R=radius of spiral when t=2pi
; d0.w=radius
; d1.w=angle
; d2.w=spirals
; d3.w=rings
; d4.w=inside generation (=0:no, >0:yes)
; a0: dst u-fly obj
; d0.l=size of object
movea.l a0,a6
move.w d0,.radius
move.w d1,.angle
move.w d2,.spirals
move.w d3,.rings
move.w d4,.inside
lea sine_tbl,a1
move.w .rings(pc),d0
mulu.w .spirals(pc),d0
move.w d0,.points
move.w d0,(a0)
add.w d0,(a0)+ ; Store #points+#normals.
move.w d0,(a0)+ ; Store #normals
mulu.w #Vertex.SIZE,d0
lea (a0,d0.l),a2 ; a2: normals
clr.w d7
move.w .spirals(pc),d6
subq.w #1,d6
move.w d6,d0
move.w d7,d2
; Calc sin(t), cos(t).
mulu.w .angle(pc),d2
move.w .rings(pc),d3
subq.w #1,d3
divu.w d3,d2 ; d2.w=t
move.w d2,d4 ; d4.w=t
Do_SinModulo d2 ; d2.w=t mod 2pi
Get_SinCos a1,d2,d2,d3
; d2.w=sin(t), d3.w=cos(t)
; Calc sin(tau), cos(tau).
mulu.w #sintbllen,d0
divu.w .spirals(pc),d0 ; d0.w=tau
Get_SinCos a1,d0,d0,d1
; d0.w=sin(tau), d1.w=cos(tau)
; Store normal.
move.w d2,d5
muls.w d0,d5
add.l d5,d5
swap d5
ext.l d5
divs.w #257,d5
move.w d5,(a2)+ ; Store n.x.
move.w d3,d5
muls.w d0,d5
add.l d5,d5
swap d5
ext.l d5
divs.w #257,d5
move.w d5,(a2)+ ; Store n.y.
move.w d1,d5
ext.l d5
divs.w #257,d5
move.w d5,(a2)+ ; Store n.z.
; Calculate r(t,tau) function.. all shit is positive!
addi.l #$8000,d0 ; d0.w=[sin(tau)+1]/2 (frac)
; t<2pi ??
cmpi.w #sintbllen,d4
bhs.s .t_is_high
mulu.w d4,d0 ; d0.l=t*[sin(tau)+1]/2 (16:16)
divu.w #sintbllen,d0 ; d0.w=t*[sin(tau)+1]/2*2pi (frac)
mulu.w .radius(pc),d0 ; d0.l=R*t*[sin(tau)+1]/2*2pi (16:16)
swap d0 ; d0.w=r1(t,tau) (int)
bra.s .end_calc_r
; t is hi. calc r2..
move.w d4,d5
subi.w #sintbllen,d5
mulu.w #$10000/sintbllen,d5 ; d5.l=t/2pi-1 (16:16)
add.l d5,d0 ; d0.l=t/2pi-1+[sin(tau)+1]/2 (16:16)
lsr.l #8,d0
mulu.w .radius(pc),d0
lsr.l #8,d0 ; d0.w=r2(t,tau) (int)
; Make sure spiral joins. No gaps!
mulu.w #$00E8,d0
lsr.l #8,d0
; d0.w=r(t,tau) (int)
; Calc (x,y) and store.
muls.w d0,d2
muls.w d0,d3
add.l d2,d2
add.l d3,d3
swap d2 ; d2.w=r(t,tau)*sin(t)
swap d3 ; d3.w=r(t,tau)*cos(t)
move.w d2,(a0)+
move.w d3,(a0)+
; Calc z and store.
muls.w d4,d1
divs.w .angle(pc),d1
muls.w .radius(pc),d1 ; d1.l=R*cos(tau)/2 (16:16)
swap d1 ; d1.w=R*cos(tau)/2 (int)
move.w d1,(a0)+
dbf d6,.ring_loop
addq.w #1,d7
cmp.w .rings(pc),d7
blt .spiral_loop
movea.l a2,a0 ; a0: texels
; texels
clr.w (a0)+
; polys
move.w .rings(pc),d0
subq.w #1,d0
mulu.w .spirals(pc),d0
tst.w .inside(pc)
beq.s .no_inside
add.w d0,d0 ; d0.w=#frontpolys+#backpolys
add.w d0,d0 ; d0.w=#tris=#quads*2
move.w d0,(a0)+ ; Store #polys.
move.w .rings(pc),d7
subq.w #2,d7
movea.l a0,a2 ; a2: polys
; Make a spiral..
move.w .spirals(pc),d6
subq.w #1,d6
; Make a ring..
; Output polyhead.
move.w #Polygon.TRI|Polygon.GOURAUDSHADED|3,(a0)+
; Vertex refs.
move.w d7,d0
mulu.w .spirals(pc),d0
; row*n + i, 0
move.w d0,d1
add.w d6,d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
move.w d1,d2
; row*n + [(i+1) mod n], 1
clr.l d1
move.w d6,d1
addq.w #1,d1
divu.w .spirals(pc),d1
swap d1
add.w d0,d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
move.w d1,d3
; row*(n+1) + [(i+1) mod n], 2
add.w .spirals(pc),d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
move.w d1,d4
; Gouraud indices. 0,1,2
move.l #$00100010,(a0)+
move.w #$0030,(a0)+
; 0,2,3
move.w #Polygon.TRI|Polygon.GOURAUDSHADED|3,(a0)+
move.w d2,(a0)+ ; 0
move.w d4,(a0)+ ; 2
; row*(n+1) + i, 3
move.w d0,d1
add.w d6,d1
add.w .spirals(pc),d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
; Gouraud indices. 0,2,3
move.w #$0010,(a0)+
move.l #$00300030,(a0)+
dbf d6,.poly_ring_loop
dbf d7,.poly_spiral_loop
tst.w .inside(pc)
beq .end
; Output backface polys (parelmoer).
move.w .rings(pc),d7
subq.w #1,d7
mulu.w .spirals(pc),d7
add.l d7,d7
; Output polyhead.
move.w #Polygon.TRI|Polygon.ENVMAPPED|0,(a0)+
addq #2,a2
; Vertex refs.
move.w 0(a2),(a0)+
move.w 4(a2),(a0)+
move.w 2(a2),(a0)+
; Normal indices.
move.w -6(a0),d1
add.w .points(pc),d1
move.w d1,(a0)+
adda.w #Vertex.SIZE*2,a2
dbf d7,.bpoly_loop
; Calc size..
.end: suba.l a6,a0
move.l a0,d0
.radius:DC.W 0
.angle: DC.W 0
DC.W 0
.rings: DC.W 0
.inside:DC.W 0
.points:DC.W 0
; Just fades a backgroundcolor.
lea Viewport.settingsTable,a0
movem.w Viewport.XSTART(a0),d0/d6
movem.w Viewport.YSTART(a0),d1/d7
move.w $04BC.w,d4
sub.w Conch.startTime,d4
lsr.w #2,d4
cmpi.w #63,d4
blt.s .ok
moveq #63,d4
.ok: move.w (Conch.backPal,d4.w*2),d4
move.w d4,d2
swap d4
move.w d2,d4
bsr.l Viewport.paintRectangle
; Paint seashell.
bsr.l PrimitiveMesh.new
; world rot
move.w $04BC.w,d0
move.w d0,d1
move.w d0,d2
mulu.w #3,d0
lsr.l d0
mulu.w #13,d1
lsr.l #3,d1
mulu.w #7,d2
lsr.l #2,d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w $04BC.w,d1
sub.w Conch.closeStartTime,d1
tst.w Conch.closeMode
bne.s .second_mode
subi.w #300,d1
bmi.s .y_ok
clr.w d1
.y_ok: muls.w d1,d1
lsr.l #6,d1
bra.s .y_calced
muls.w d1,d1
lsr.l #6,d1
neg.w d1
move.w #2000,d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
; top clamb
clr.w d0
clr.w d1
move.w #sintbllen/10,d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
; bottom clamb
clr.w d0
move.w #sintbllen/2,d1
move.w #sintbllen/10,d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
bsr.l Matrix.pop ; pop world rot
bsr.l PrimitiveMesh.sortZ
bsr.l PrimitiveMesh.complete
lea Viewport.settingsTable,a0
movem.w Viewport.XSTART(a0),d0/d6
movem.w Viewport.YSTART(a0),d1/d7
move.l #Conch.BACKCOL,d4
bsr.l Viewport.paintRectangle
movea.l Conch.rectAddressTable,a0
move.w (a0)+,d7
beq.s .end_restore
subq.w #1,d7
move.w d7,-(sp)
movem.w (a0)+,d1/d7
movem.w (a0)+,d0/d6
move.l a0,-(sp)
move.l #Conch.BACKCOL,d4
bsr.l Viewport.paintRectangle
movea.l (sp)+,a0
move.w (sp)+,d7
dbra d7,.restore_loop
movea.l Conch.rectAddressTable,a0
bsr.l PrimitiveMesh.paint
lea Conch.rectAddressTable,a0
move.l (a0)+,d0
move.l (a0)+,d1
move.l (a0),-(a0)
move.l d0,4(a0)
move.l d1,-(a0)
.end: rts
; Clambs just chilling out.
move.w $04BC.w,d0
sub.w Conch.stillStartTime,d0
subi.w #700,d0
bmi.s .time_ok
clr.w d0
muls.w d0,d0
lsr.l #7,d0
neg.w d0
addi.w #800,d0
move.w d0,.ypos
bsr.l PrimitiveMesh.new
; clamb #1
move.w $04BC.w,d1
Do_SinModulo d1
Get_Sin sine_tbl,d1,d1
asr.w #8,d1
clr.w d0
addi.w #sintbllen/10,d1
move.w #sintbllen/4,d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
move.w #-1400,d0
move.w .ypos(pc),d1
move.w #5000,d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
; Calc clamb pos and rot...
lea sine_tbl,a1
move.w #0,d2
move.w d2,d3
Do_SinModulo d3
Get_SinCos a1,d3,d3,d4
exg d3,d4
asr.l #6,d3
asr.l #5,d4
neg.l d4
add.l d2,d4
add.l d2,d4
lsr.l #1,d4
move.w d4,.clamb1_pos
add.w d3,d2
Do_SinModulo d2
Get_Cos a1,d2,d2
addi.w #$8000,d2
lsr.w #8,d2
move.w d2,.zrot
; clamb top
clr.w d0
clr.w d1
move.w .zrot(pc),d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w .clamb1_pos(pc),d1
clr.w d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
; clamb bottom
clr.w d0
move.w #sintbllen/2,d1
move.w .zrot(pc),d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w .clamb1_pos(pc),d1
clr.w d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
bsr.l Matrix.pop
; clamb #2
move.w $04BC.w,d1
mulu.w #3,d1
lsr.l d1
Do_SinModulo d1
Get_Sin sine_tbl,d1,d1
asr.w #8,d1
clr.w d0
addi.w #sintbllen*3/8,d1
move.w #sintbllen/4,d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
move.w #1200,d0
move.w .ypos(pc),d1
move.w #5000,d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
; Calc clamb pos and rot...
lea sine_tbl,a1
move.w #0,d2
move.w d2,d3
Do_SinModulo d3
Get_SinCos a1,d3,d3,d4
exg d3,d4
asr.l #6,d3
asr.l #5,d4
neg.l d4
add.l d2,d4
add.l d2,d4
lsr.l #1,d4
move.w d4,.clamb1_pos
add.w d3,d2
Do_SinModulo d2
Get_Cos a1,d2,d2
addi.w #$8000,d2
lsr.w #8,d2
move.w d2,.zrot
; clamb top
clr.w d0
clr.w d1
move.w .zrot(pc),d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w .clamb1_pos(pc),d1
clr.w d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
; clamb bottom
clr.w d0
move.w #sintbllen/2,d1
move.w .zrot(pc),d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w .clamb1_pos(pc),d1
clr.w d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
bsr.l Matrix.pop
; clamb #3
move.w $04BC.w,d1
mulu.w #5,d1
lsr.l #2,d1
Do_SinModulo d1
Get_Sin sine_tbl,d1,d1
asr.w #8,d1
move.w #-sintbllen/10,d0
addi.w #-sintbllen/4+sintbllen/24,d1
move.w #sintbllen/4,d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
move.w #+100,d0
move.w .ypos(pc),d1
move.w #5500,d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
; Calc clamb pos and rot...
lea sine_tbl,a1
move.w #0,d2
move.w d2,d3
Do_SinModulo d3
Get_SinCos a1,d3,d3,d4
exg d3,d4
asr.l #6,d3
asr.l #5,d4
neg.l d4
add.l d2,d4
add.l d2,d4
lsr.l #2,d4
move.w d4,.clamb1_pos
add.w d3,d2
Do_SinModulo d2
Get_Cos a1,d2,d2
addi.w #$8000,d2
lsr.w #8,d2
move.w d2,.zrot
; clamb top
clr.w d0
clr.w d1
move.w .zrot(pc),d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w .clamb1_pos(pc),d1
clr.w d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
; clamb bottom
clr.w d0
move.w #sintbllen/2,d1
move.w .zrot(pc),d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w .clamb1_pos(pc),d1
clr.w d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
bsr.l Matrix.pop
bsr.l PrimitiveMesh.sortZ
bsr.l PrimitiveMesh.complete
lea Viewport.settingsTable,a0
movem.w Viewport.XSTART(a0),d0/d6
movem.w Viewport.YSTART(a0),d1/d7
move.l #Conch.BACKCOL,d4
bsr.l Viewport.paintRectangle
movea.l Conch.rectAddressTable,a0
move.w (a0)+,d7
beq.s .end_restore
subq.w #1,d7
move.w d7,-(sp)
movem.w (a0)+,d1/d7
movem.w (a0)+,d0/d6
move.l a0,-(sp)
move.l #Conch.BACKCOL,d4
bsr.l Viewport.paintRectangle
movea.l (sp)+,a0
move.w (sp)+,d7
dbra d7,.restore_loop
movea.l Conch.rectAddressTable,a0
bsr.l PrimitiveMesh.paint
lea Conch.rectAddressTable,a0
move.l (a0)+,d0
move.l (a0)+,d1
move.l (a0),-(a0)
move.l d0,4(a0)
move.l d1,-(a0)
.end: rts
.zrot: DC.W 0
DC.W 0
.ypos: DC.W 0
; Try to paint some clambing clambs.
; Open-shut movement of clambs seems hard, still not too realistic.
bsr.l PrimitiveMesh.new
move.w Conch.time,d0
subi.w #$0080,d0
blt.s .add_clambs
lsl.l #2,d0
subi.l #2700,d0
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.w Conch.time,d0
move.w d0,d1
move.w d0,d2
mulu.w #7,d0
lsr.l #3,d0
mulu.w #3,d1
lsr.l #1,d1
mulu.w #5,d2
lsr.l #2,d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
move.w (sp)+,d0
clr.w d1
move.w #3000,d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #1,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
cmpi.w #$0280,Conch.time
bhs .end_add_clambs
; clamb #1
clr.w d0
move.w #sintbllen/10,d1
move.w #sintbllen/4,d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
move.w #-1400,d0
move.w #800,d1
move.w #5000,d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
; Calc clamb pos and rot...
lea sine_tbl,a1
move.w Conch.time,d2
mulu.w #20,d2
move.w d2,d3
Do_SinModulo d3
Get_SinCos a1,d3,d3,d4
exg d3,d4
asr.l #6,d3
asr.l #5,d4
neg.l d4
add.l d2,d4
add.l d2,d4
lsr.l #1,d4
move.w d4,.clamb1_pos
add.w d3,d2
Do_SinModulo d2
Get_Cos a1,d2,d2
addi.w #$8000,d2
lsr.w #8,d2
move.w d2,.zrot
; clamb top
clr.w d0
clr.w d1
move.w .zrot(pc),d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w .clamb1_pos(pc),d1
clr.w d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
; clamb bottom
clr.w d0
move.w #sintbllen/2,d1
move.w .zrot(pc),d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w .clamb1_pos(pc),d1
clr.w d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
bsr.l Matrix.pop
; clamb #2
clr.w d0
move.w #sintbllen*3/8,d1
move.w #sintbllen/4,d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
move.w #1200,d0
move.w #800,d1
move.w #5000,d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
; Calc clamb pos and rot...
lea sine_tbl,a1
move.w Conch.time,d2
mulu.w #19,d2
move.w d2,d3
Do_SinModulo d3
Get_SinCos a1,d3,d3,d4
exg d3,d4
asr.l #6,d3
asr.l #5,d4
neg.l d4
add.l d2,d4
add.l d2,d4
lsr.l #1,d4
move.w d4,.clamb1_pos
add.w d3,d2
Do_SinModulo d2
Get_Cos a1,d2,d2
addi.w #$8000,d2
lsr.w #8,d2
move.w d2,.zrot
; clamb top
clr.w d0
clr.w d1
move.w .zrot(pc),d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w .clamb1_pos(pc),d1
clr.w d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
; clamb bottom
clr.w d0
move.w #sintbllen/2,d1
move.w .zrot(pc),d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w .clamb1_pos(pc),d1
clr.w d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
bsr.l Matrix.pop
; clamb #3
move.w #-sintbllen/10,d0
move.w #-sintbllen/4+sintbllen/24,d1
move.w #sintbllen/4,d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
move.w #+100,d0
move.w #800,d1
move.w #5500,d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
; Calc clamb pos and rot...
lea sine_tbl,a1
move.w Conch.time,d2
mulu.w #17,d2
move.w d2,d3
Do_SinModulo d3
Get_SinCos a1,d3,d3,d4
exg d3,d4
asr.l #6,d3
asr.l #5,d4
neg.l d4
add.l d2,d4
add.l d2,d4
lsr.l #2,d4
move.w d4,.clamb1_pos
add.w d3,d2
Do_SinModulo d2
Get_Cos a1,d2,d2
addi.w #$8000,d2
lsr.w #8,d2
move.w d2,.zrot
; clamb top
clr.w d0
clr.w d1
move.w .zrot(pc),d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w .clamb1_pos(pc),d1
clr.w d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
; clamb bottom
clr.w d0
move.w #sintbllen/2,d1
move.w .zrot(pc),d2
bsr.l Matrix.generate
clr.w d0
move.w .clamb1_pos(pc),d1
clr.w d2
bsr.l Matrix.translate
bsr.l Matrix.push
moveq #TransformObject.BACKFACE_CULLING|TransformObject.PERSPECTIVATE,d0
moveq #0,d1
bsr.l TransformObject.transform
bsr.l Matrix.pop
bsr.l Matrix.pop
bsr.l PrimitiveMesh.sortZ
bsr.l PrimitiveMesh.complete
lea Viewport.settingsTable,a0
movem.w Viewport.XSTART(a0),d0/d6
movem.w Viewport.YSTART(a0),d1/d7
move.l #Conch.BACKCOL,d4
bsr.l Viewport.paintRectangle
movea.l Conch.rectAddressTable,a0
move.w (a0)+,d7
beq.s .end_restore
subq.w #1,d7
move.w d7,-(sp)
movem.w (a0)+,d1/d7
movem.w (a0)+,d0/d6
move.l a0,-(sp)
move.l #Conch.BACKCOL,d4
bsr.l Viewport.paintRectangle
movea.l (sp)+,a0
move.w (sp)+,d7
dbra d7,.restore_loop
movea.l Conch.rectAddressTable,a0
bsr.l PrimitiveMesh.paint
lea Conch.rectAddressTable,a0
move.l (a0)+,d0
move.l (a0)+,d1
move.l (a0),-(a0)
move.l d0,4(a0)
move.l d1,-(a0)
.end: rts
.zrot: DC.W 0
DC.W 0
;======= OBJECT DATA =======================================================
DC.L FlareGen.parelMoerBuffer
DC.L 0
DC.L Conch.rectangleTable
DC.L Conch.rectangleTable2
DC.L Conch.rectangleTable3
REPT 128
REPT 128
DC.W %1111100000000000
DC.W %1111111111111111
DC.W %1111110111101111
DC.W %1111101111100111
DC.W %1111100111100011
DC.W %1111100111100011
DC.W %1111101111100111
DC.W %1111110111101111
DC.W %1111111111111111
DC.W %1111111111111111
DC.W %1111111111111111
DC.W %1111111011110111
DC.W %1111110111101111
DC.W %1111110100001100
DC.W %1111101111100111
DC.W %1111101100000101
DC.W %1111100111100011
DC.W %1111100111100011
DC.W %1111101100000101
DC.W %1111101111100111
DC.W %1111110100001100
DC.W %1111110111101111
DC.W %1111111011110111
DC.W %1111111111111111
DC.W %1111111111111111
DC.W 1
DC.W 6
DC.L $003C0078
;======= OBJECT RESERVES ===================================================
DS.W 64
DS.L 1
DS.L 1
DS.W 4*10
DS.W 4*10
DS.W 4*10
DS.W 1
DS.W 1
DS.W 1
DS.W 1
DS.W 1
DS.W 1
DS.W 1
DS.L 1
DS.L 1