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Assembly Source File
837 lines
; Marching cubes + field generator with dsp. Balltrajects done by host.
; Host is now some sort of slave.
; 12bit precision and 64*64 texture, but it looks decent enough..
; coding by earx 2002
; oops: inaccuracy, normalisation in some spots doesn't work causing
; intersection of normals to go wrong. the resultant shadevector will be
; too short.
; also the same approach causes many unneeded normalcalculations.
; still it's a damn amount faster than a cpu version, hahaha!
; You can change these to your likings, but beware of allowed limits!
NUM_BALLS: = 3 ; #balls in blob
;ISOLEVEL: = 480 ; Change to your liking [0..4095]
WIDTH: = 10 ; #points in gridside, <14 !
DISTANCE: = $A000 ; Not too small, no clipping!
ROUND: = 1 ; rounding on sqrt (y/n)
; Don't touch the following equates.
CUBES: = WIDTH-1 ; #cubes in a row
GWIDTH: = $4000 ; width of entire grid
HSR: = $FFE9
get: MACRO
jclr #0,x:<<HSR,*
movep x:<<HTX,\1
send: MACRO
jclr #1,x:<<HSR,*
movep \1,x:<<HTX
org p:0
jmp <main
org p:$40
main: jsr <init
_loop: jsr <getBallPositions
jmp <keepstacklow ; yeah, laugh please!
;- graphical routines ------------------------------------------------------
; Polygonizes the grid and sends polygons to host.
; This works from back to front, so depthsorting is not required.
; Note: no subroutine, jumps back to mainloop!
move #field,r0
move #gradfield,r1
move x0,x:<posz
_zloop: move #>-GWIDTH/2,x0
move x0,x:<posy
_yloop: move #>-GWIDTH/2,x0
move x0,x:<posx
; Copy cube to table, order: lower square anticlock, upper square anticlock.
move #<WIDTH,n0
move #<cube,r4
move (r0)+n0
move #>PLANE_SIZE,n0
move x:(r0)+,b ; width
move x:(r0)+n0,a b,y:(r4)+ ; 1+width
move x:(r0)-,b a,y:(r4)+ ; 1+width+planesize
move x:(r0)+n0,a b,y:(r4)+ ; width+planesize
move #>PLANE_SIZE,n0
move x:(r0)+,b a,y:(r4)+ ; 0
move x:(r0)+n0,a b,y:(r4)+ ; 1
move x:(r0)-,b a,y:(r4)+ ; 1+planesize
move x:(r0)+,a b,y:(r4)+ ; planesize
move a,y:(r4)+ ;
move (r0)-n0 ; 1 (next cube)
; Get inside/outside flags..
move #<cube,r4
move x:<isolevel,b ;#>ISOLEVEL,b
clr a #>$100,x1
move y:(r4)+,x0
do #8,_side_loop
cmp x0,b
jlt <_nextside
or x1,a
lsr a y:(r4)+,x0
; Only polygonize if cube contains polygons.
move #>edgeTable,r2
move a,n2
move a,x:<cubeIndex
move x:(r2+n2),a
tst a a,x:<edgesCut
jne <polygonize
_next: move #<2,n1
move x:<posx,a
move #>CUBEWIDTH,x0
add x0,a (r1)+n1 ; Proceed to next cube.
move #>CUBEWIDTH*CUBES-GWIDTH/2,x0 ; Compensate for steperror.
cmp x0,a a,x:<posx
jlt <_xloop
move #<2,n1
move x:<posy,a
move #>CUBEWIDTH,x0
add x0,a (r0)+ ; Proceed to next cube in y direction.
move (r1)+n1
move #>CUBEWIDTH*CUBES-GWIDTH/2,x0 ; Compensate for steperror.
cmp x0,a a,x:<posy
jlt <_yloop
move #<WIDTH,n0
move #<WIDTH*2,n1
move x:<posz,a
move #>CUBEWIDTH,x0
sub x0,a (r0)+n0 ; Proceed to next cube in z direction.
move (r1)+n1
cmp x0,a a,x:<posz
jge <_zloop
send #-1 ; I'll be back!
jmp <main_loop
; Polygonizes the isosurface within a cube.
; Note: no subroutine, jumps back to paintGrid_next.
; x:r0: grid (V)
; x:r1: grad (u,v)
move r0,x:<tempR0
move r1,x:<tempR1
; Store (x,y,z) vertices in cubevertices..
move #<posx,r2
move #<cubeSrcVertices,r5
move #<cubeDstVertices,r4
move #<5-2,n4
do #8,_vertexloop
move x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+,a ; x0=tx, a=x
add x0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+,b ; a=x+tx, x0=ty, b=y
add x0,b a,y:(r4)+ ; b=y+ty, Store x+tx.
move b,y:(r4)+ ; Store y+ty.
move x:(r2)-,x0 y:(r5)+,a ; x0=tz, a=z
add x0,a (r2)- ; a=z+tz
move a,y:(r4)+n4 ; Store z+tz, Proceed to next dst vertex.
; Store normals (u,v) in cubevertices.
move #<WIDTH*2,n1
move #<cubeDstVertices+3,r4
move #<4,n4 ; n4=vectorwidth-1
move (r1)+n1
move x:(r1)+,b ; width
move x:(r1)+,a b,y:(r4)+
move #>PLANE_SIZE*2-1,n1
move x:(r1)+,b a,y:(r4)+n4 ; 1+width
move x:(r1)+n1,a b,y:(r4)+
move #>-3,n1
move x:(r1)+,b a,y:(r4)+n4 ; 1+width+planesize
move x:(r1)+n1,a b,y:(r4)+
move #>-(WIDTH+PLANE_SIZE)*2-1,n1
move x:(r1)+,b a,y:(r4)+n4 ; width+planesize
move x:(r1)+n1,a b,y:(r4)+
move x:(r1)+,b a,y:(r4)+n4 ; 0
move x:(r1)+,a b,y:(r4)+
move #>PLANE_SIZE*2-1,n1
move x:(r1)+,b a,y:(r4)+n4 ; 1
move x:(r1)+n1,a b,y:(r4)+
move #>-3,n1
move x:(r1)+,b a,y:(r4)+n4 ; 1+planesize
move x:(r1)+n1,a b,y:(r4)+
move x:(r1)+,b a,y:(r4)+n4 ; planesize
move x:(r1),a b,y:(r4)+
move a,y:(r4)
; Calculate intersected vertices.
move #<edgesCut,r5
move #<cube,r0 ; r0: cube containing field
move #<edgeRefTable,r2
move #<cubeDstVertices,r4
move #<vertexTable,r6
move #<5,n6
move x:(r5),a
lsr a y:(r2)+,y0 ; Test lsb, b=v1 index
jcc <_next_edge
move n6,x0 ; x0=vectorsize
mpy y0,x0,b y0,n0 ; n0=v1 index
asr b a,x:(r5) y:(r2),y0 ; b0=v1 offset, Store cutedges, y0=v2 index
mpy y0,x0,b b0,n4 ; n4=v1 offset
asr b y:(r0+n0),x1 ; b0=v2 offset, x1=value1
lua (r4)+n4,r3 ; r3: vector1
move y0,n0 ; n0=v2 index
move b0,n4 ; n4=v2 offset
move y:(r0+n0),a ; a=value2
move x:<isolevel,b ;#>ISOLEVEL,b ; b=isolevel
lua (r4)+n4,r1 ; r1: vector2
jsr <intersect ; Intersect the 5d line.
; Perspectivate the intersected vertex...
; todo: we're able to only do 16 div iterations, by prescaling Z.
move #>128,y1
move (r6)-n6
move y:(r6)+,x0 ; x0=X
mpy y1,x0,a y:(r6)+,x1 ; x1=Y
mpy y1,x1,a a0,x0 ; x0=X<<8
move a0,x1 ; x1=Y<<8
move #>1,a ; a=1
move y:(r6)-,y0 ; y0=Z [1..8192]
andi #$FE,ccr
rep #24
div y0,a ; a0=1/Z
move a0,y0 ; y0=1/Z
move #>100,a ; a=x_center
move #>160,b ; b=y_center
macr y0,x0,a (r6)- ; a=X'
macr y0,x1,b a,y:(r6)+ ; b=Y', Store X'.
move b,y:(r6)- ; Store Y'.
move x:<edgesCut,a ; a=cut edges (shifted)
move (r2)+ ; Proceed to next indexpair.
tst a (r6)+n6 ; Proceed to next dst vertex.
jne <_intersectloop
; Generate the triangles...
move x:<cubeIndex,x0
move #8,x1
mpy x0,x1,a #>triTable,r0
move a0,n0
move #<vertexTable,r6
move (r0)+n0
move #<triangle,r1
move x:(r0),a
tst a #>5,x0 ; End of triangle list?
jmi <_end
do #3,_trivertexloop
; Store (x,y) and unsign, scale and store (u,v).
move x:(r0)+,x1
mpy x0,x1,a #<vertexTable,r6
asr a #<$80,x1 ; a0=offset to vertex, x1=signer
move a0,n6 ; n6=offset to vertex
move #>$000800,y1 ; y1=upscalar
move (r6)+n6 ; r6: vertex
move y:(r6)+,a ; a= X'
move a,x:(r1)+ y:(r6)+,b ; b= Y', Store X'.
move b,x:(r1)+ y:(r6)+,a ; Store Y', dummy move.
move y:(r6)+,y0 ; y0=u (12b)
mpy y1,y0,a y:(r6),y0 ; a0=u (23b), y0=v (12b)
mpy y1,y0,b a0,a ; b0=v (23b)
eor x1,a b0,b ; Sign u.
eor x1,b #<triangle,r2 ; Sign v.
lsr a #<3,n2 ; Adjust u range [0..$7FFFFF]
lsr b a1,x:(r1)+ ; Adjust v range [0..$7FFFFF], Store u (unsaturated).
move b1,x:(r1)+ ; Store v (unsaturated).
; Perform backface culling...
move x:(r2)+,a ; a=X1
move x:(r2)+n2,b ; b=Y1
move x:(r2)+,x0 ; x0=X2
sub x0,a x:(r2)+n2,x1 ; a=X1-X2, x1=Y2
sub x1,b x:(r2)+,a a,y1 ; b=Y1-Y2, a=X3, y1=X1-X2
sub x0,a x:(r2),b b,y0 ; a=X3-X2, b=Y3, y0=Y1-Y2
sub x1,b a,x0 ; b=Y3-Y2, x0=X3-X2
mpy +x0,y0,a b,x1 ; a=-(X3-X2)(Y1-Y2), x1=Y3-Y2
mac -y1,x1,a r0,x:<saveR0 ; a=+(X1-X2)(Y3-Y2)-(X3-X2)(Y1-Y2), Save tritable pos.
jle <_triloop ; n.z<=0 ? -> cull it.
; Paint the triangle.. Note: no clipping!
move #<triangle,r0
jsr <Polygon.getDimensions
move #<triangle,r0
move #<triangle+3*4,r5
move r0,r6
do #4,_wraploop
move x:(r0)+,x0
move x0,x:(r5)+
jmp <paintTriangle
move x:<saveR0,r0
jmp <_triloop
_end: move x:<tempR0,r0
move x:<tempR1,r1
jmp <paintGrid_next
; Intersect a 5d line. Coordinates should have 16bit signed range!
; slope = (isolevel-v1)/(v2-v1)
; timing: 75+2n+(4/2) cycles =>{n=24}=>123+(4/2)
; b = isolevel
; x1= v1
; a = v2
; y:r3: vertex1
; y:r1: vertex2
; y:r6: dst vertex
; y:r6: next dst vertex
sub x1,b #>256,y0 ; b=isolevel-v1, y0=upscalar
sub x1,a b,y1 ; a=v2-v1, y1=isolevel-v1
mpy y0,y1,b a,x0 ; b0=(isolevel-v1)<<(8+n), x0=v2-v1 (denominator)
abs b y:(r3)+,x1 ; Make numerator positive (required by div), x1=p1[0]
eor y1,a y:(r1)+,y0 ; Get sign (saved for jpl), y0=p2[0]
andi #$FE,ccr ; Clear carrybit (required by div).
rep #24
div x0,b ; b= (isolevel-v1)<<8/(v2-v1) = slope
jpl <_signed ; Sign quotient if appropriate.
neg b
_signed:tfr y0,b b0,y1 ; b=p2[0], y1=slope
sub x1,b #>1<<14,x0 ; a=p2[0]-p1[0]=d[0], x0=downscalar
do #5,_loop
tfr x1,a b,y0 ; a=p1[n], y0=d[n]
mpy y1,y0,b y:(r3)+,x1 ; b=slope*d[n], x1=p1[n+1]
move b0,y0 ; y0=slope*d[n]
macr y0,x0,a y:(r1)+,b ; a=p1[n]+slope*d[n]=coord, b=p2[n+1]
sub x1,b a,y:(r6)+ ; b=d[n+1], Store coord.
;- polygon routines --------------------------------------------------------
; Not a subroutine, returns to polygonize_next_tri.
; Definetely the fastest scan converter around.
; x:Polygon.vsize: 1=flat shade, 2=gouraud, 3=tmap, 4=gourtmap, 5=envtmap/bump
; x:(r6): polygon table
; PRE:
; polygon must be wrapped
move #<3,n6
move #>InverseTable,r3
move #>Polygon.LeftEdge,r0
move #>Polygon.RightEdge,r1
move n6,n5
move n6,r4
move r6,r5
move (r4)+
move (r6)+n6 ; to next point
move (r6)+
move r4,n4 ; n4= offset to next point
; r5: pt1, r6: next pt
do x:<Polygon.points,_do_line
move x:(r5)+,a ; a=current point's y
move r6,r4
move x:(r6)+,b ; b=next point's y
sub a,b x:<Polygon.top,y1
jlt <_do_left_side
jeq <_end_line
move b,n3
move r0,b
jmp <_end_swap
; Calculate start y offset.
; Swap left and right edges.
add b,a r5,x0
neg b r6,r5
move b,n3
move x0,r6
move r1,b
sub y1,a n6,x0 ; a=startoffset
move a,y1
mpy x0,y1,a ; a0=startoffset*vsize*2
asr a n6,n2 ; a0=startoffset*vsize
move a0,x0
add x0,b r0,y0
move b,r0
; Speedy.. but could be better when doing u and v in one go.
do n6,_coord_loop
move x:(r5)+,x0 ; x0= left x
tfr x0,a x:(r6)+,b ; a= left x, b= right x
sub x0,b y:(r3+n3),y1 ; b=x1-x0=dx, y1=1/dy
move b1,x1 ; x1=dx
mpy x1,y1,b r0,r2 ; b=x1/dy, r2=edge
; rep is shit with interrupts :(
; rep n3
do n3,_bla
add b,a a1,y:(r2)+n2 ; a=lx:=lx+step, store lx
move (r0)+ ; Proceed to next coord.
move y0,r0 ; Back to x coord
move r4,r5 ; r5=current point
lua (r4)+n4,r6 ; r6=next point
; Paints (sends to host) a texturemapped polygon.
send x:<Polygon.top ; Send minimum y.
move x:<Polygon.height,a ; a=height
send a ; Send height.
tst a a,n6 ; n6=height
jle <polygonize_next_tri ; Next triangle..
move #>Polygon.LeftEdge,r0
move #>Polygon.RightEdge,r1
move #>InverseTable,r2
move #>texture,r4
; hline loop
do n6,_yloop
move y:(r0)+,x0
send x0 ; Send lx.
move y:(r1)+,a ; a=rx.
sub x0,a y:(r0)+,x0 ; x0=u_start
move a1,n2 ; n2=width
send a1 ; Send width.
move y:(r1)+,x1 ; x1=u_end
move y:(r0)+,y0 ; y0=v_start
move y:(r1)+,b ; b=v_end
tst a x1,a ; test for 0-width, a := u_end
jle <_skip_line
sub x0,a y:(r2+n2),x1 ; du=u_end-u_start, x1=divisor
sub y0,b a1,y1 ; dv=v_end-v_start, y1=du
mpy x1,y1,a b1,y1 ; a=u_step=du/divisor, y1=dv
mpy x1,y1,b a1,x1 ; b=v_step=dv/divisor, x1=u_step
tfr x0,a b1,x0 ; a1=u, x0=v_step
move y0,a0 ; a0=v
; a1=u, a0=v, x1=u_step, x0=v_step
move x:<texturesize,y0
move x,l:<u0_step
move a1,y1
; Only nonnegative coords permitted!
; (0,0) (7FFFFF,0)
; x x
; x x(7FFFFF,7FFFFF)
; (0,7FFFFF)
; 5 calculation instructions = 5*2 = 10 cycles
; 1 host send >= 8 or 10 cycles
; total >= 18 or 20 cycles per pixel
do n2,_send_pixel
mpyr y1,y0,b l:<texturemask,x ; b=offset=u*texturesize, x1=width, x0=mask
and x0,b a0,y1 ; kill frag_u, y1=v
mac y1,x1,b l:<u0_step,x ; offset:=offset+v, x1=u_step, x0=v_step
add x,a b1,n4 ; u:=u+u_step, v:=v+v_step
move a1,y1 ; y1=u
jclr #1,x:<<HSR,* ; Wait until host is ready.
movep y:(r4+n4),x:<<HTX ; Send texturepixel.
_yloop: jmp <polygonize_next_tri ; Next triangle..
; Get top and bottom of polygon.
; x:(r0): polygon table
move #>$7FFFFF,a ; top := MAX_INT
move #<$80,b ; bottom := MIN_INT
move x:<Polygon.vsize,n0
do x:<Polygon.points,_loop
move x:(r0)+,y0 ; Fetch Vertex.Y.
cmp y0,a (r0)+n0 ; Proceed to next Vertex.
tgt y0,a ; If new value is lower, set new top.
cmp y0,b
tlt y0,b ; If new value is higher, set new bottom.
sub a,b a,x:<Polygon.top ; Store top, height := bottom-top
move b,x:<Polygon.height ; Store height.
;- field routines ----------------------------------------------------------
; Get centers of balls from host.
get x:isolevel
move #<posTable,r0
move #>GWIDTH*2/9,x1
do #3*NUM_BALLS,_loop
get x0
mpy x1,x0,a
move a,x:(r0)+ ; Store coordinate.
_loop: rts
; field and paint combined, no subrout, jumps back to main_loop.
; Calculates a metaball field.. Pretty intense due to div and sqrt.
; n: amount of balls
; bi: ball number i
; ri: radius of ball
; 2 2 2 2
; (ri) = (x-bi.x) + (y-bi.y) + (z-bi.z)
; -- n
; V(x,y,z) = \ -2
; / (ri)
; -- 1
; -- n
; \ -4 [bi.x-x]
; grad(V) = / 2*(ri) *[bi.y-y] (and then to normalise it..)
; -- 1 [bi.z-z]
; Preparations: calculate (squared) distances
move #<distTable,r1
move #distSTable,r4
move #>GWIDTH/2,a
move #>CUBEWIDTH,x1
do #WIDTH,_widthloop
tfr a,b #<posTable,r0
do #NUM_BALLS*3,_coordloop
move x:(r0)+,x0 ; x0=coord
sub x0,b ; b=distance
move b,x:(r1)+ b,y0 ; Store distance.
mpy y0,y0,b ; Square distance.
tfr a,b b,l:(r4)+ ; b=gridoffset, Store square.
sub x1,a ; a=next gridoffset
; Calculate field and normals..
move #gradfield,x0
move #field,r0
move x0,x:<tempR1 ; Save gradfield adr.
move #distSTable+2,r1
move #<distTable+2,r4
move #<3,n3
move #<3,n6
_zloop: move #distSTable+1,r2
move #<distTable+1,r5
do #WIDTH,_yloop
move #distSTable,r3
move #<distTable,r6
do #WIDTH,_xloop
move #<NUM_BALLS,n0
; Step 1: calculate actual field
clr a r1,x:<zDistAdr ; Save dz adr.
move a,x:<val ; Clear value.
move #<3,n1
move #<3,n2
do #NUM_BALLS,_bloop
clr b l:(r1)+n1,a ; a=dz^2
move l:(r2)+n2,x ; x=dy^2
add x,a l:(r3)+n3,x ; a=dy^2+dz^2, x=dx^2
add x,a #>$000800,y0 ; a=r^2=dx^2+dy^2+dz^2, y0=downscalar
move a0,b1
lsr b a1,x1 ; shift b for frac dumbness
mpy y0,x1,b b,x0 ; b0=scaled r (int), x0=r (frac)
mpy y0,x0,a b0,b ; a1=scaled r (frac), b=scaled r (int)
addl b,a y0,b ; a1=scaled r, b=1<<shift
move a1,x0 ; x0=scaled r
rep #24
div x0,b ; b0=r^-2
move x:<val,a0 ; a0=partial value[n-1]
add b,a b0,x0 ; x0=r^-2, a0=partial value[n]
mpy x0,x0,a a0,x:<val ; a0=r^-4, Store partial value[n].
move a,x:(r0)+ ; Store r^-4.
_bloop: move x:<val,a1
lsr a #<3,n4
move a1,x0
mpy y0,x0,a #<3,n5 ; a=downscaled value
move a1,x:<val ; Store value.
; Step 2: calculate gradient vector
clr a (r0)-n0 ; a=0, r0: first r^-4
do #NUM_BALLS,_gloopz
move x:(r0)+,x0 ; x0=r^-4
move x:(r4)+n4,x1 ; x1= dz
mac x0,x1,a ; a=dz/r^4+..
_gloopz:move a,y0 ; y0=dz/r^4+..
clr a (r0)-n0 ; a=0, r0: first r^-4
do #NUM_BALLS,_gloopy
move x:(r0)+,x0
move x:(r5)+n5,x1 ; x1= dy
mac x0,x1,a ; a=dy/r^4+..
_gloopy:move a,y1 ; y1=dy/r^4+..
clr a (r0)-n0 ; a=0, r0: first r^-4
do #NUM_BALLS,_gloopx
move x:(r0)+,x0
move x:(r6)+n6,x1 ; x1= dx
mac x0,x1,a ; a=dx/r^4+..
mpy y0,y0,a a,x0 ; dx^2/r^8, x0=dx/r^4
mac x0,x0,a y1,x1 ; dx^2/r^8+dy^2/r^8, x1=dz/r^4
mac x1,y1,a x0,y0 ; dx^2/r^8+dy^2/r^8+dz^2/r^8, y0=dy/r^4
asr a (r0)-n0 ; Adjust fracshit, Save field adr.
move r0,x:<tempR0
move a0,a ; a1= int
clr b #>1,x1 ; b1 will be left_part(number) - (r0/2)**2
move b,r0 ; r0 will be sqrt(number) * 2
move a1,b0 ; b0= number [shifts left into b1]
move #<2,n1
do #12+ROUND,_loop ; 2 bits at a time for 24 bits in total
asl b r0,n0
asl b ; b1= left_part(number)
tfr b,a (r0)+n0 ; a1/a0 is copy of b1/b0, r0:=2*r0
sub x1,a r0,r1
move r0,x0
sub x0,a (r1)+n1 ; a1=b1-r0-1, r1=r0+2
tpl a,b r1,r0 ; if b1>r0 then b1:=b1-r0-1, r0:=r0+2
_loop: move r0,a ; a1=r0
asr a x:<tempR0,r0 ; a1=r0/2 = sqrt(number), r0: field
move #<2,a0 ; Force round up not convergent rounding
asr a
rnd a ; Round up, a1=sqrt
move x:<tempR1,r1 ; r1: gradfield
clr a a1,x0 ; x0=sqrt
move #>$7FFFFF,a0 ; a=.999999
rep #24
div x0,a ; a0=1/sqrt(dx^2/r^8+dy^2/r^8+dz^2/r^8)
move a0,x0
mpy x0,y0,a #>$000800,x1 ; a=dy/r^4*sqrt(dx^2/r^8+dy^2/r^8+dz^2/r^8)=n.x, x1=downscalar
mpy x0,y1,b a0,y0 ; b=dx/r^4*sqrt(dx^2/r^8+dy^2/r^8+dz^2/r^8)=n.y, y0=n.x
mpy x1,y0,a b0,y1 ; a=scaled n.x, y1=n.y
mpy x1,y1,b a,x:(r1)+ ; b=scaled n.y, store n.x.
move b,x:(r1)+ ; Store n.y.
move r1,x:<tempR1 ; Save gradfield adr.
move x:<val,x0 ; x0=value
move x0,x:(r0)+ ; Store value at right place, and proceed to next.
move #<NUM_BALLS*3,n2
move #<NUM_BALLS*3,n4
move #<NUM_BALLS*3,n5
move x:<zDistAdr,r1 ; r1: dz^2
move (r2)-n2 ; Reset dy^2.
move (r4)-n4 ; Reset dz.
move (r5)-n5 ; Reset dy.
move #<NUM_BALLS*3,n2
move #<NUM_BALLS*3,n5
move (r2)+n2 ; Proceed to next dy^2.
move (r5)+n5 ; Proceed to next dy.
move #<NUM_BALLS*3,n1
move #<NUM_BALLS*3,n4
move (r1)+n1 ; Proceed to next dz^2.
move (r4)+n4 ; Proceed to next dz.
move r1,a
move #>distSTable+2+NUM_BALLS*3*WIDTH,x0
cmp x0,a ; Done all?
jlt <_zloop ; no -> loop
jmp <paintGrid ; yes -> end and paint
;- various -----------------------------------------------------------------
; Initialization routine..
; Initialize poly stuff..
move #>3,x0
move x0,x:<Polygon.vsize
move x0,x:<Polygon.points
; Init trajectory thru host comms.
send #NUM_BALLS ; Request amount from host.
; Receive buffers.
move #>4096,n0
move #>texture,r0
do n0,_txtloop
get y:(r0)+
move #>edgeTable,r0
do #256,_edgeloop
get x:(r0)+
move #>triTable,r0
do n0,_triloop
get x:(r0)+
; Calculate inversetable.
move #>InverseTable,r0
clr a #>1,x0
do #200,_invloop
tfr x0,b a,x1
andi #$FE,ccr
rep #24
div x1,b
add x0,a b0,y:(r0)+
;= x memory ================================================================
org x:0
; poly paint stuff
dc 64 ; texture v width
u0: ds 1
u0_step:ds 1 ; u_step storage
dc 64*64 ; texture size
posx: ds 1
posy: ds 1
posz: ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
ds 1
tempR0: ds 1
tempR1: ds 1
saveR0: ds 1
ds 1
val: ds 1
ds 1
ds 4*4
ds NUM_BALLS*3 ; (x,y,z)
ds WIDTH*NUM_BALLS*3 ; a00(x,y,z),b01(x,y,z),....,
;= external x memory =======================================================
org x:$300
ds WIDTH*NUM_BALLS*3 ; long mem crap, must be in phase with y mem!
ds 256
ds 4096
field: ds FIELD_SIZE+NUM_BALLS ; V, overflow required for opt!
ds FIELD_SIZE*2 ; (u,v)
;= internal y memory =======================================================
org y:0
; poly paint stuff
dc $000FC0 ; v_frag mask
v0: ds 1
v0_step:ds 1 ; v_step storage
ds 12*5 ; intersected vertices (x,y,z,u,v)
dc 0,0,0
dc 0,1,1,2,3,2,0,3 ; front
dc 4,5,5,6,7,6,4,7 ; back
dc 0,4,1,5,2,6,3,7 ; joint
cube: ds 8
ds 8*5
;= external y memory =======================================================
org y:$300
ds WIDTH*NUM_BALLS*3 ; long mem crap, must be in phase with x mem!
ds 200
texture:ds 4096 ; 64*64 highcolor texture
ds 3*200 ; (x,u,v)*scans
ds 3*200