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Assembly Source File
2,969 lines
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; human fly - dsp part
; Global:
; This is useable as both:
; - a serial CPU<->DSP pipeline
; - a parallel CPU<->DSP pipeline
; This program leaves enough DSP RAM free to enable the use of a dsp module
; player. Some sacrifices had to be made.
; Limitations:
; - max viewport width = 320
; - max viewport height = 200
; NOTE: you can increase these when you decrease #polys or don't want dsp
; mixer!
; Remote Procedure Calls and a command stack are provided to provide
; generic behaviour.
; Please note there are two ways to do texturemapping. The first is storing
; textures in dsp ram and sending pixels. This enables the fastest
; texturemapping. The second is sending offsets, which is somewhat slower.
; "Polygon.storeTexture" can store two highcolor and two 7bpp
; 64*64 textures.
; TODO: Optimise texture-vertex table -> in poly stuff
; This would save loads of space!
; TODO: Optimize MeshElement to only 2 words. This saves alot of
; X RAM. Requires changing TransformObject.transform,
; PrimitiveMesh.sort and PrimitiveMesh.paint.
; $oopppp:$--zzzz (o: object handle, p: primitive address, z: depth)
;======== GLOBAL EQUATES ========
PBC: = $FFE0 ; Port B Control Register
HSR: = $FFE9 ; Host Status Register
HRX: = $FFEB ; Host Receive Register
HTX: = $FFEB ; Host Transmit Register
; Host Status Register Bit Flags
HRDF: = 0 ; Host Receive Data Full
HTDE: = 1 ; Host Transmit Data Empty
INVBUF_SIZE: = 320 ; = max(MAX_X,MAX_Y)
;======== Dispatcher
Dispatcher.MAX_COMMANDS: = 512
;======== ObjectRegistry
Object.CAPACITY: = 8192
Object.MAX_OBJECTS: = 32 ; max. amount of transformed objects
;======== BoundingBox
; yes it's true, there are 8 corners in a box, now go somewhere else,
; fartface. i.e. 2 corner notation..
BoundingBox.SIZE: = 3*2
;======== Viewport
Viewport.MAX_Y: = 200 ; Unfortunate... But this eats mem!
Viewport.SIZE: = Viewport.settingsTableEnd-Viewport.settingsTable
;======== Polygon
Polygon.TEXTUREBUFFER_SIZE: = 64*64*2 ; able to store two 64*64 bitmaps
; wrappable texturing on/off
;======== PrimitiveMesh
PrimitiveMesh.MAX_ELEMENTS: = 1000
PrimitiveMesh.MAX_VERTICES: = 900 ; Depends on MAX_Y.
;======= Vertex
; That's right. For speedreasons the Y comes before the X!
Vertex.Y: = 0
Vertex.X: = 1
Vertex.Z: = 2
Vertex.SIZE: = 3
;======= Primitive
Primitive.TYPE: = 0 ; primitive/shading/extended type
;======= Line
Line.TYPE: = 0 ; primitive/shading/extended type
Line.VERTEX1: = 1 ; offset to vertex 1
Line.VERTEX2: = 2 ; offset to vertex 2
Line.SIZE: = 3
;======= Sprite
Sprite.TYPE: = 0 ; primitive/shading/extended type
Sprite.VERTEX: = 1 ; offset to vertex
Sprite.SIZE: = 2
Primitive.SHADEMASK: = %1110000000000000
Primitive.SHADEMUL: = %10000000000
; Shade types for sprites
Sprite.REPLACED: = %0000000000000000
Sprite.MIXED: = %0010000000000000
; Shade types for polygons
Line.FLATSHADED: = %0000000000000000
Line.GOURAUDSHADED: = %0010000000000000
Line.PHONGSHADED: = %0100000000000000
; Shade types for polygons
Polygon.FLATSHADED: = %0000000000000000
Polygon.GOURAUDSHADED: = %0010000000000000
Polygon.PHONGSHADED: = %0100000000000000
Polygon.TEXTUREMAPPED: = %0110000000000000
Polygon.ENVMAPPED: = %1000000000000000
Polygon.ALPHATEXTURED: = %1010000000000000
Polygon.BUMPMAPPED: = %1100000000000000
; Primitive types
Primitive.TYPEMASK: = %0001110000000000
Primitive.TYPESHIFT: = 10
Primitive.TYPEMUL: = 1<<(-(Primitive.TYPESHIFT-23))
Primitive.SPRITETYPE: = %0000000000000000
Primitive.LINETYPE: = %0000010000000000
; Other types are polygons, %10 :== triangle, %11 :== quadrangle, etc.
; TableLookup mask
Primitive.TEXTUREMASK: = %0000001111111111
;======== MeshElement
MeshElement.BASE: = 0 ; startaddress of vertex table
MeshElement.REF: = 1 ; address of element
MeshElement.Z: = 2 ; Z coordinate of element
MeshElement.SIZE: = 3
;======== Matrix
Matrix.MAX_DEPTH: = 8 ; max number of rotations in the world
Matrix.XX: = 0
Matrix.XY: = 1
Matrix.XZ: = 2
Matrix.YX: = 3
Matrix.YY: = 4
Matrix.YZ: = 5
Matrix.ZX: = 6
Matrix.ZY: = 7
Matrix.ZZ: = 8
Matrix.TX: = 9
Matrix.TY: = 10
Matrix.TZ: = 11
Matrix.SIZE: = 12
;======== GLOBAL MACROS ========
get: MACRO
jclr #0,X:<<HSR,*
movep X:<<HTX,\1
send: MACRO
jclr #1,X:<<HSR,*
movep \1,X:<<HTX
;======== P-Memory Code ========
ORG P:$0000
jmp <START
ORG P:$0040
;======== TransformObject
; Now transform this puppy. Nasty thing is we only have a 256 word inverse
; table. With some algebra tricks we can use full range division, using
; little extra cycles. Better than some 32 cycles normally required for rep
; and 15 div combination.
; x:(r0)=src vertices, x:(r1)=center coords, y:(r2)=invtable,
; y:(r3)=invtable (+offset), y:(r4)=matrix, y:(r5)=dst vertices
; y:(r6)=translation vector
; n4= matrix jumpback, n6= translation jumpback
; a=TZ, b=#vertices, x0=1st vertex.Y, y0=Matrix.ZX
do b,_vertexloop
; 32.000.0000 / 58 cycles > 550.000 rotate-perspectivations / sec.
; calc z
mac x0,y0,a x:(r0)+,x1 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x1,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 y:(r4)+n4,y0
macr x1,y0,a x:<Viewport.Focal,x1 ; a := Z, x1 := focal length
; Calc 1/Z and prepare for the x coordinate.
add x1,a a,y:(r5)- ; Z := Z + focal, Store Z.
move a,x1 y:(r3),y1 ; x1 := Z, y1 := 1/128
mpyr x1,y1,a y:(r6)+,b ; a := Z div 128, b := TX
move a,n2 ; n2 := Z div 128
move y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,b y:(r2+n2),y1 ; y1 := 1 div (Z div 128)
mpyr y1,x1,a x:(r0)+,x1 y:(r4)+,y0 ; a := Z div (Z div 128)
mac x1,y0,b a,n2 ; n2 := Z div (Z div 128)
move x:(r0)-,x1 y:(r4)+,y0
macr x1,y0,b y:(r2+n2),x1 ; x1 := 1 div (Z div (Z div 128))
mpyr y1,x1,a n3,x1 ; a := (1 div (Z div 128))(1 div (Z div (Z div 128))) ~= 1 / Z, x1 := 128
move a,y1 ;
mpy x1,y1,a x:(r1)+,b b,y1 ; a := (1/Z)<<8, b := XCenter, y1 := X
; calc x
move y:(r4)+,y0
move a0,x1 ; x1 := 1/Z
macr y1,x1,b x:<Viewport.Aspect,y1 ; X' = b := XCenter + X * 1/Z, x1 := aspect ratio
move y:(r6)+,a ; a := TY
; calc y
mac x0,y0,a x:(r0)+,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r0)+,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
macr x0,y0,a b,y:(r5)- ; b := YCenter, store X'.
move a,x0 ; x0 := Y
mpy x0,y1,a x:(r1)-,b ; a = Ys := Y*aspect
move a,y1 ; y1 := Ys
mac y1,x1,b y:(r6)+n6,a ; Y' = b := YCenter + Y * 1/Z, a := TZ
macr y1,x1,b y:(r4)+,y0
move x:(r0)+,x0 b,y:(r5)+n5 ; Store Y'.
; x:r0: stored parameter (object handle)
move x:(r0)+,n0
; n0: objecthandle
jsr <BoundingBox.calcRectangle
tst a
jeq <_end
; n0: objecthandle
jsr <Object.get
; x:r0: object (untransformed)
; Increase baseHandle.
move x:>PrimitiveMesh.baseHandle,a
move #>1,x0
add x0,a x:>PrimitiveMesh.nextVertex,r5
move a,x:>PrimitiveMesh.baseHandle
move x:(r0)+,b ; a= #vertices+#normals
move x:(r0)+,x0 ; x0= #normals
sub x0,b x0,n0 ; b= #vertices, n0= #normals
jsr <Vertex.transform
; n0 = normalcount
; r4 = matrix
; r5 = dest. normals
move n0,a
tst a
jeq <_end_normals
; 32.000.0000 / 24 cycles = 1.333.333 normalrotations / sec.
do n0,_normalloop
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r0)+,x1 y:(r4)+,y0 ; x * MZX +
mac x1,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 y:(r4)+n4,y0 ; y * MZY +
mac x1,y0,a y:(r4)+,y0 ; z * MZZ
move a,y:(r5)- ; Store Z.
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r0)+,x1 y:(r4)+,y0 ; x * MXX +
mac x1,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 y:(r4)+,y0 ; y * MXY +
mac x1,y0,a y:(r4)+,y0 ; z * MXZ
move a,y:(r5)- ; Store X.
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r0)+,x1 y:(r4)+,y0 ; x * MYX +
mac x1,y0,a x:(r0)+,x1 y:(r4)+,y0 ; y * MYY +
mac x1,y0,a x:(r0)+,x0 y:(r4)+,y0 ; z * MYZ
move a,y:(r5)+n5 ; Store Y.
move (r0)-
move (r5)-
move (r5)-
; Kick primitives onto mesh right here...
move x:>PrimitiveMesh.nextVertex,r6
move r5,x:>PrimitiveMesh.nextVertex ; Store address for next transformed vertices.
move #>PrimitiveMesh.primitiveTable,r2
move x:(r0)+,a ; a= number of 2d vertices
asl a r0,y:(r6) ; Store address of 2d vertices.
move a,n0
move x:(r2)+,a ; a= primitivecounter
move a,r3
asl a a,x0
add x0,a r6,r5 ; r5= address of transformed vertices
move a,n2 ; n2= offset to next primitive in mesh
move (r0)+n0 ; r0= primitivetable
move (r2)+n2 ; r2= address of next primitive in mesh
move #>PrimitiveMesh.baseTable,r1
move x:>PrimitiveMesh.baseHandle,n1
move #<2,n2
move r5,x:(r1+n1) ; Store address of vertexbase in table.
do x:(r0)+,_calc_z_loop
move r5,x:(r2)+ ; Store pointer to vertices-base.
clr a r0,x:(r2)+ ; Store object primitive address in the mesh.
; TODO: possibly introduce the efficient prim-table handling here.
move x:>PrimitiveMesh.baseHandle,x0
move #>$008000,x1
mpy x0,x1,b r0,a
move b1,x0
or x0,a
clr a a,x:(r2)+ ; Store vertexbasehandle|primitive address
move x:(r0)+,a1 ; a1= primitivetype
move a1,n3 ; n3= primitivetype
move #>Primitive.TYPEMASK,x0
and x0,a #>Primitive.LINETYPE,x0
move a1,n1
move r0,y:<PrimitiveMesh.primitive
tst a x:(r0)+,y0 ; y0= index of 1st vertex
jne <_not_sprite
move #>Vertex.SIZE,x0 ; / Get offset to sprite vertex.
mpy x0,y0,a (r5)+ ; |
asr a (r5)+ ; |
move a0,n5 ; \
move (r5)+
move y:(r5+n5),x0 ; x0= z
move (r5)-
tfr x0,b (r5)- ; b= z
tst b #<1,n0
jle <_dont_store
jmp <_store_primitive
cmp x0,a #>Vertex.SIZE,x0 ; Get offset to line vertex.
jne <_not_line
mpy x0,y0,a #<3,n5
asr a
move (r5)+n5
move a0,n5
move x:(r0)+,a
asl a a,y0
add y0,a y:(r5+n5),b
move a1,n5
move #<2,n0
tfr b,a y:(r5+n5),x0
or x0,a (r5)- ; v1 or v2 behind cam -> out
move (r5)-
jmi <_dont_store
add x0,b
asr b ; b=(v1.z+v2.z)/2
move b,x0
jmp <_store_primitive
;move #>Vertex.SIZE,x0 ; / Get offset to p0 vertex.
mpy x0,y0,a (r5)+ ; |
asr a x:(r0)+,y0 ; |
move a0,n5 ; \
mpy x0,y0,a
lua (r5)+n5,r1
asr a x:(r0)+,y0 ;
move a0,n5 ;
mpy x0,y0,b y:(r1)+,a ; a := p0.y
lua (r5)+n5,r6
asr b y:(r6)+,x0 ; x0= p1.y
move b0,n5 ;
sub x0,a y:(r6)+,y1 ; a= p0.y - p1.y, y1= p1.x
move y:(r6),b ; x1= p1.z
lua (r5)+n5,r6
tst b b,x:<Polygon.z
jle <_dont_store
move a,x1 y:(r6)+,b ; b= p2.y, x1= p0.y - p1.y
sub x0,b y:(r1)+,a ; a= p0.x
sub y1,a b,y0 ; y0= p2.y - p1.y
move y:(r6)+,b ; b= p2.x
sub y1,b a,y1 ; y1= p0.x - p1.x
mpy +y0,y1,a b,x0 y:(r1),b ; a= (p0.x - p1.x)(p2.y - p1.y), x0= p2.x - p1.x, b= p0.z
tst b x:<Polygon.z,y1
jle <_dont_store
add y1,b n1,y0
; Okay fine.. now we need to test the other points for negative Z as well!
move #1<<(-(Primitive.TYPESHIFT-23)),y1
mpy y0,y1,b b,x:<Polygon.z
move b,r1 ; r1= points-1
move b,x:<Polygon.points
move (r1)-
move (r1)- ; r1= points-(1+2)
move y:(r6),b ; b=p2.z
tst b x:<Polygon.z,y1
jle <_dont_store
add y1,b ; Add z to z total.
move b,x:<Polygon.z
move r1,b
tst b x:(r0)+,b ; b= index
jeq <_all_done
asl b b,y0
add y0,b r5,y0 ; b=index*3=offset
add y0,b #<Vertex.Z,n6 ; b=offset to next vertex
move b1,r6 ; r6= vertex
move (r1)- ; Decrease loopcounter.
move y:(r6+n6),b ; b= Vertex.Z
jmp <_addloop
; Calculate z average and normal-direction.
move x:<Polygon.points,r1
move #>InverseTable,r4
move (r1)+
move r1,n4
move x:<Polygon.z,y0
move y:(r4+n4),y1
mpyr y0,y1,b ; b= ztotal/pointnum
mac -x0,x1,a b,x0 ; -(p0.y - p1.y)*(p2.x - p1.x)
jge <_store_primitive
move (r2)-n2 ; Culled primitive, don't store base
; Increase sourceaddress to next primitive...
clr a (r5)-
; Calculate tailsize of vertex-reference.
move n3,a1 ; a= primitivetype
move #>1,b
move #>Primitive.SHADEMASK,x0
and x0,a b,x1
jeq <_got_size
add x1,b #>Polygon.ALPHATEXTURED,x0
cmp x0,a
jlt <_got_size
add x1,b
move y:<PrimitiveMesh.primitive,r0
move n1,x0
tfr x1,a #1<<(-(Primitive.TYPESHIFT-23)),y0
mac x0,y0,a b,n0 ; a= (points-1+1)*tailsize
; Now add the tailsizes to get address of next primitive.
rep a
move (r0)+n0
; Store primitivecounter.
move r3,x:PrimitiveMesh.primitiveTable
_end: rts
move x0,x:(r2)+ ; Store Z.
move (r3)+ ; Increase primitivecounter.
jmp <_end_calc_z_loop
;======== Polygon
EDGE_ROUNDING: = 1 ; 0: compatible with 68K, 1: more accurate
; Definetely the fastest scan converter around.
; x:Polygon.vsize: 1=flat shade, 2=gouraud, 3=tmap, 4=gourtmap, 5=envtmap/bump
; x:(r6): polygon table
move x:<Polygon.vsize,n6
move #>InverseTable,r3
move #>Polygon.LeftEdge,r0
move #>Polygon.RightEdge,r1
move n6,n5
move n6,r4
move r6,r5
move (r4)+
move (r6)+n6 ; to next point
move (r6)+
move r4,n4 ; n4= offset to next point
; r5= pt1, r6= next pt
do x:<Polygon.points,_do_line
move x:(r5)+,a ; a=current point's y
move r6,r4
move x:(r6)+,b ; b=next point's y
sub a,b x:<Polygon.top,y1
jlt <_do_left_side
jeq <_end_line
move b,n3
move r0,b0
jmp <_end_swap
; Calculate start y offset.
; Swap left and right edges.
add b,a r5,x0
neg b r6,r5
move b,n3
move x0,r6
move r1,b0
sub y1,a n6,x0 ; a=startoffset
move a,y1
mpy x0,y1,a y:(r3+n3),y1 ; a0=startoffset*vsize*2, y1=1/dy
asr a n6,n2 ; a0=startoffset*vsize
add a,b r0,y0
move b0,r0
move #<$80,x1
move #<0,x1
; Speedy.. but could be better when doing u and v in one go.
do n6,_coord_loop
move x:(r6)+,x0 ; x0= right x
mpy +x0,y1,b x:(r5)+,x0 ; b= rx/dy, x0= left x
tfr x0,a r0,r2 ; a= left x, r2=edge
mac -x0,y1,b x1,a0 ; b= dx/dy, a0=x.frac (for rounding)
; rep is shit with interrupts :(
; rep n3
do n3,_bla
add b,a a1,y:(r2)+n2 ; a=lx:=lx+step, store lx
move (r0)+ ; Proceed to next coord.
move y0,r0 ; Back to x coord
move r4,r5 ; r5=current point
lua (r4)+n4,r6 ; r6=next point
; r0=l edge, r1=r edge, n6=#scanlines
do n6,_yloop
send y:(r0)+ ; Send left x.
send y:(r1)+ ; Send right x.
_yloop: rts
; r0=l edge, r1=r edge, r2=inv tbl, n6=#scanlines
do n6,_yloop
move y:(r0)+,x0 ; x0= left x
send x0 ; Send left x.
move y:(r1)+,a ; a= right x
sub x0,a y:(r0)+,x0 ; a= dx , x0= left u
move a1,n2 ; n2= dx
send a1 ; Send width.
move y:(r1)+,a ; a= right u
sub x0,a y:(r2+n2),x1 ; a=du= right u - left u, x1= divisor
send x0 ; Send left u.
move a,y1 ; y1= du
mpy x1,y1,a ; a1=u_step= du / divisor
send a1 ; Send u_step.
_yloop: rts
; y0=texturenum, r3=HTX, r4=textureaddy
; r0=l edge, r1=r edge, r2=inv tbl, n6=#scanlines
clr a #>64*64/2,y1
move r4,a0
mac y0,y1,a
move a0,r4
; hline loop
do n6,_yloop
move y:(r0)+,x0 ; x0=lx
move y:(r1)+,a ; a=rx
send x0 ; Send lx.
sub x0,a y:(r0)+,x0 ; x0=u_start
move y:(r0)+,y0 ; y0=v_start
move a1,n2 ; n2=width
send a1 ; Send width.
move y:(r1)+,a ; a=u_end
move y:(r1)+,b ; b=v_end
jle <_skip_line
sub x0,a y:(r2+n2),x1 ; du=u_end-u_start, x1=divisor
sub y0,b a1,y1 ; dv=v_end-v_start, y1=du
mpy x1,y1,a b1,y1 ; a=u_step=du/divisor, y1=dv
mpy x1,y1,b a,n5 ; b=v_step=dv/divisor, n5=u_step
move y:<v_scale,y1 ; y1=scalar (int:frac->texturesize)
mpy y1,y0,a b,x1 ; a=v (12b), x1=v_step
mpy y1,x1,b x0,r5 ; b=v_step (12b), r5=u
move b1,x1
tfr a,b #<0,x0 ;b0,x0 ; b=v (12b), x=v_step (12b)
move x:<u_scale,y0 ; y0=scalar (int:frac -> int)
move #<0,b0
sub x0,a y:(r2+n2),x1 ; du=u_end-u_start, x1=divisor
sub y0,b a1,y1 ; dv=v_end-v_start, y1=du
mpy x1,y1,a b1,y1 ; a=u_step=du/divisor, y1=dv
mpy x1,y1,b a1,x:<u0_step ; b=v_step=dv/divisor, Store u_step.
tfr x0,a b1,y:<u0_step ; a1=u, Store v_step.
move y0,a0 ; a0=v
; a1=u, a0=v, x1=u_step, x0=v_step
move x:<texturesize,y0
move a1,y1
; 5 calculation instructions = 5*2 = 10 cycles
; 1 host send >= 8 or 10 cycles
; total >= 18 or 20 cycles per pixel
do n2,_send_pixel
tfr b,a y:<texturemask,y1 ; a=V[n] (12.24), y1=$FC0
and y1,a r5,y1 ; a=wrapped(int(V[n])), y1=U[n] (6:10)
mac y1,y0,a (r5)+n5 ; a=%VVVVVVUUUUUU[n], r1=u[n+1] (6:10)
add x,b a1,n4 ; b=V[n+1], n4=%VVVVVVUUUUUU[n] (=offset)
mpyr y1,y0,b l:<texturemask,x ; b=offset=u*texturesize, x1=width, x0=mask
and x0,b a0,y1 ; kill frag_u, y1=v
mac y1,x1,b l:<u0_step,x ; offset:=offset+v, x1=u_step, x0=v_step
add x,a b1,n4 ; u:=u+u_step, v:=v+v_step
move a1,y1 ; y1=u
jclr #1,x:<<HSR,* ; Wait until host is ready.
nop ; Send word.
_yloop: rts
; Alpha texturing requires interleaved textures in dsp ram.
; The pixels are aligned like so: iixxxx, aaxxxx, where 'a' denotes alpha
; and 'i' the index in a 256 color palette. the x denotes a highcolor word.
; Yes, that means alpha textures occupy the same space as normal textures!
; y0=texturenum, r3=HTX, r4=colortexture, 5r=alphatexture
; r0=l edge, r1=r edge, r2=inv tbl, n6=#scanlines
move #<4,n0 ; #coordinates in edge-entry
move #<4,n1 ; #coordinates in edge-entry
; hline loop
do n6,_scan_send_sides
move y:(r0)+,x0 ; x0=lx
send x0 ; Send left x.
move y:(r1)+,a ; a=rx
sub x0,a #<u0,r6 ; r6= start of uv-storage
send a1 ; Send width.
tst a a1,n2 ; test for 0-width, n2 := width
jgt <_go_on
move (r0)+n0
move (r1)+n1
jmp <_skip_line
_go_on: do #2,_init_uv_loop
move y:(r0)+,x0 ; x0= u_start
move y:(r1)+,a ; a= u_end
move y:(r0)+,y0 ; y0= v_start
move y:(r1)+,b ; b= v_end
sub x0,a y:(r2+n2),x1 ; du= u_end - u_start, x1= divisor
sub y0,b x0,x:(r6) a,y1 ; dv= v_end - v_start, store u_start, y1= du
mpy x1,y1,a b,x0 y0,y:(r6)+ ; u_step= du / divisor, x0= dv, store v_start
mpy x1,x0,b a,x:(r6) ; v_step= dv / divisor, x1= u_step, store u_step
move b,y:(r6)+ ; Store v_step.
move l:<u0,a
move l:<u0_step,x
move #>64*64,y0
move y:<Polygon.v4RoutineAddress,r6
move a,x0
move a,y1
jsr (r6)
; 16 instructions.. 32 cycles. Crappy, but better than a CPU implementation.
do n2,_send_alphapixel
mpyr y1,y0,b l:<texturemask,x ; offset := u0 * v_width
; x1: 128, x0: -128
and x0,b y:<v0,x0 ; kill frag_u0
mac x0,x1,b l:<u0_step,x ; offset := offset + v0
; x1: u0_step, x0: v0_step
add x,a b1,n4
move l:<u1,b ; u0 := u0 + u0_step, v0 := v0 + v0_step
move a,l:<u0 ; Store u0, v0.
move b,x0 y:(r4+n4),y1 ; x0 := u1_step, y1 := color
mpyr x0,y0,a l:<texturemask,x ; offset := u1 * v_width
; x1: 128, x0: -128
and x0,a b0,x0 ; kill frag_u1
mac x0,x1,a l:<u1_step,x ; offset := offset + v1
; x1: u1_step, x0: v1_step
add x,b a1,n5
move l:<colorshift,x ; Get shift value x1, mask in x0
mpyr x1,y1,b b,l:<u1 ; u1 := u1 + u1_step, v1 := v1 + v1_step, a1 := u0, a0 := v0
and x0,b x:<alphashift,x1 ; Mask off alpha bits, store u1, v1.
move y:(r5+n5),y1 ; Shift color to b1's mid byte, y1 := alpha
mac x1,y1,b l:<u0,a ; Shift alpha to b1's lsb, x0 := u0
jclr #1,x:<<HSR,* ; Wait until host is ready.
move b,x:(r3) a,y1 ; Send pixel.
; 14 instructions.. 28 cycles. Crappy, but better than a CPU implementation.
do n2,_send_bumppixel
mpyr x0,y0,b l:<texturemask,x ; offset := u0 * v_width
; x1: 128, x0: -128
and x0,b y:<v0,x0 ; kill frag_u0
mac x0,x1,b l:<u0_step,x ; offset := offset + v0
; x1: u0_step, x0: v0_step
move b1,n4
move l:<u1,b ; u0 := u0 + u0_step, v0 := v0 + v0_step
add x,a b,x0 y:(r4+n4),y1 ; x0 := u1_step
move a,l:<u0 ; Store u0, v0.
mpyr x0,y0,a l:<texturemask,x ; offset := u1 * v_width
; x1: 128, x0: -128
and x0,a b0,x0 ; kill frag_u1
mac x0,x1,a l:<u1_step,x ; offset := offset + v1
; x1: u1_step, x0: v1_step
add x,b x:<u0,x0 ; u1 := u1 + u1_step, v1 := v1 + v1_step, x0 := u0
add y1,a b,l:<u1 ; Add bump-offset to offset, store u1, v1.
move a1,n5
move l:<u0,a
send y:(r5+n5) ; Send pixel to host.
;======== Code that only uses X memory, fits in Y memory nicely
;======== PrimitiveMesh
; Combsort implementation. In place sorting, not the fastest available
; algorithm... With little RAM there is no choice I'm afraid.
move #>PrimitiveMesh.primitiveTable,r0
move #<MeshElement.SIZE,n3
move x:(r0)+,a
tst a a,b
jeq <_end
lsr b a,y0 ; Resize gap.
jmp <_end_calculate_gap
_loop: move #>2,x0
cmp x0,b
jgt <_calculate_gap
tfr x0,b
move #>0.769230769,x0
move b,x1
mpy x0,x1,b
tfr y0,a b,x1
sub x1,a n3,x0
mpy x0,x1,a a,n6
asr a #<0,r4 ; swapcount := 0
move a0,n0
move #<MeshElement.SIZE,n2
move #<MeshElement.SIZE,n1
move r0,r2
lua (r0)+n0,r1
do n6,_element_loop
move (r2)+n2
move (r1)+n1
move x:-(r2),a
move x:-(r1),x0
cmp x0,a (r2)+
move (r1)+
jge <_no_swap
move a,x:-(r1)
move x0,x:-(r2)
move x:-(r2),x0
move x:-(r1),x1
move x0,x:(r1)
move x1,x:(r2)
move x:-(r2),x0
move x:-(r1),x1
move x0,x:(r1)+n1
move x1,x:(r2)+n2
; TODO: When all routines are adapted for small elements, activate this!
move a,x:-(r1)
move x0,x:-(r2)
move x:-(r2),x0
move x:-(r1),x1
move x0,x:(r1)+n1
move x1,x:(r2)+n2
move (r4)+
move r4,a
tst a #>2,x0
jne <_loop
cmp x0,b
jge <_loop
_end: rts
;======== non time-crucial stuff, all in external P-RAM ========
START: jsr <InitPipeline
; Receive command... This is parallel mode. I.e. fetch, store a number of
; commands. After this host-synchronized period, it starts running through
; all commands in parallel.
_store: move #>Dispatcher.commandTable,x0
move x0,x:>Dispatcher.commandTablePosition
move #>Dispatcher.commandSizeTable,r0
move x:>Dispatcher.commandTablePosition,r1
; First store all received commands including arguments.
get n0
move n0,a
cmp x0,a x:(r0+n0),b
jeq <_end_store
tst b a,x:(r1)+
jeq <_storeloop
jmi <_execute_direct
; This is for asynchronous commands. They are stored and executed later on
; in parallel.
do b,_store_word_loop
get x:(r1)+
jmp <_storeloop
; Some commands have to be completed synchronously! i.e. texture/object-
; storage!!!!
move #>Dispatcher.rpcTable,r2
move n0,n2
move (r1)- ; Correct last store (not needed!).
move x:(r2+n2),r2
move r1,x:>Dispatcher.commandTablePosition
jsr (r2)
jmp <_storebigloop
move a,x:(r1)+
move #>Dispatcher.commandTable,x0
move x0,x:>Dispatcher.commandTablePosition
; Then execute all commands.
move x:>Dispatcher.commandTablePosition,r0
move #>Dispatcher.commandSizeTable,r1
move x:(r0)+,a
; Check for a paint command..
cmp x0,a a,n1
jeq <_complete
move x:(r1+n1),n0 ; Fetch command size.
move #>Dispatcher.storedRpcTable,r1
lua (r0)+n0,r2 ; Jump to next command.
move x:(r1+n1),r1
; Store next command position and execute current.
move r2,x:>Dispatcher.commandTablePosition
jsr (r1)
jmp <_execute_loop
jsr <PrimitiveMesh.paint
jmp <_store
; Receives rotation cos/sin values from CPU.
; r0: X-sine
; r1: X-cosine
; r2: Y-sine
; r3: Y-cosine
; r4: Z-sine
; r5: Z-cosine
get x:(r0)
get x:(r1)
get x:(r2)
get x:(r3)
get y:(r4)
get y:(r5)
;======== Vertex
; x:(r0): vertices
; y:(r5): transformed vertices (dest.)
; b: vertexcount (excluding normals!)
move #<Viewport.XCenter,r1
; Get current matrix.
move x:<Matrix.stackTop,a
move #>1,x1
sub x1,a #>Matrix.SIZE,x0
move a,x1
mpy x0,x1,a #<Matrix.stack,r4
asr a (r5)+ ; Adjust for fractional madness, skip 2d vertex pointer.
move a0,n4
move #<Vertex.SIZE+2,n5
move (r4)+n4 ; r4 := matrix
move #<Matrix.TZ,n4
move (r5)+
lua (r4)+n4,r6 ; r6 := matrix.TZ
move #<Matrix.ZX,n4
move (r5)+
move (r4)+n4 ; r4 := matrix.ZX
move #>-8,n4 ; n4 := jumpbackvalue for matrix
move #>-2,n6 ; n6 := jumpbackvalue for translation
move #>InverseTable,r3 ; r3 := start of 1/Z table
move #<128,n3
move r3,r2 ; r2 := start of 1/Z table
move (r3)+n3
move y:(r6)+n6,a ; a := TZ
move x:(r0)+,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
move #<127,n3
jmp <Vertex.transInt
;======== Polygon
; Reads polygon data from memory and decodes it's dimension, it's number of
; vertices and it's shading type.
; y:(r1): 2d-vertices pointer, vertices
; x:(r2): primitive
clr a #<Polygon.polygonTable,r4
clr b x:(r2),a1
move #>Primitive.TEXTUREMASK,x0
; Get texturenumber.
and x0,a a1,b1
move a,x:<Polygon.textureNumber
; Get number of points in polygon.
clr a #>Primitive.TYPEMASK,x0
and x0,b #>Primitive.TYPEMUL,x1
move x:(r2)+,a1
move b,y0
move #>1,b
mac y0,x1,b (r1)+
move b,x:<Polygon.points
; Get shadetype.
move #>Primitive.SHADEMASK,x0
and x0,a #>Primitive.SHADEMUL,x1
move a,x0
mpy x0,x1,a #>Polygon.shadeJumpTable,r6
move a,n6
; Fill the polygon table...
; y:(r1): vertices
; x:(r2): 1st index in primitive
; y:(r4): polygon table
move p:(r6+n6),r6
jmp (r6)
DC Polygon.decodeFlatshaded
DC Polygon.decodeGouraudshaded
DC Polygon.decodePhongshaded
DC Polygon.decodeTextured
DC Polygon.decodeEnvmapped
DC Polygon.decodeAlphatextured
DC Polygon.decodeBumpmapped
; x:(r4): end of polygon data
; Copy the first point (wrap-crap).
move #<Polygon.polygonTable,r3
move x:(r3)+,x0
move x0,x:(r4)+
do x:<Polygon.vsize,_loop
move x:(r3)+,x0
move x0,x:(r4)+
;-------- Polygon decoders
clr a #>2-1,x0
move x0,x:<Polygon.vsize
move a,x:<Polygon.shadeType
do x:<Polygon.points,_loop
move x:(r2)+,a ; Get index of Vertex.
asl a a,x0
add x0,a
move a,n1
lua (r1)+n1,r3
; Write points to the polygontable.
do #2,_coordloop
move y:(r3)+,x0
move x0,x:(r4)+
jmp <Polygon.copyLast
move #>3-1,x0
move x0,x:<Polygon.vsize
move x0,x:<Polygon.shadeType
move x:<Polygon.points,n2
move #>$8000,y0
do x:<Polygon.points,_loop
move x:(r2)+n2,a ; Get index of Vertex.
asl a a,x0
add x0,a x:(r2)-n2,x1 ; Fetch gouraud value.
mpy x1,y0,a a,n1 ; Scale gouraud value.
move (r2)+ ; Proceed to next index.
lua (r1)+n1,r3
; Write points to the polygontable.
do #2,_coordloop
move y:(r3)+,x0
move x0,x:(r4)+
move a0,x:(r4)+ ; Write gouraud value.
jmp <Polygon.copyLast
move #>3-1,x0
move x0,x:<Polygon.vsize
move x0,x:<Polygon.shadeType
move x:<Polygon.points,n2
move #>127,x1
move #>$3FFF,y0
do x:<Polygon.points,_loop
move x:(r2)+n2,a ; a= vertex index.
asl a a,x0
add x0,a x:(r2)-n2,b ; b= gouraud index.
move a,n1
asl b b,x0
lua (r1)+n1,r3 ; r3= vertex
add x0,b #<Vertex.Z,n5 ; n5= offset to Z coordinate in normal
move b,n1
move (r2)+ ; Proceed to next point.
lua (r1)+n1,r5 ; r5= normal
; Write points to the polygontable.
do #2,_coordloop
move y:(r3)+,x0
move x0,x:(r4)+
move y:(r5+n5),a ; Fetch gouraud value.
add x1,a
move a,x0
mpy x0,y0,a
move a0,x:(r4)+ ; Write gouraud value.
jmp <Polygon.copyLast
move y:-(r1),r5 ; r5= 2d vertices base.
move #>4-1,x0
move x0,x:<Polygon.vsize
move x0,x:<Polygon.shadeType
move x:<Polygon.points,n2
move (r1)+
move #>1<<7,x1 ; 1<<14
do x:<Polygon.points,_loop
move x:(r2)+n2,a ; Get index of Vertex.
asl a a,x0
add x0,a x:(r2)-n2,b ; Fetch 2d Vertex index.
asl b a,n1
move b,n5
lua (r1)+n1,r3 ; r3 := Vertex
move (r2)+ ; Proceed to next point.
lua (r5)+n5,r6 ; r6 := 2d Vertex
; Write points to the polygontable.
do #2,_coordloop
move y:(r3)+,x0
move x0,x:(r4)+
move x:(r6)+,x0 ; Fetch u.
mpy x1,x0,a x:(r6),x0 ; Fetch v.
mpy x1,x0,a a0,x:(r4)+ ; Write u.
move a0,x:(r4)+ ; Write v.
jmp <Polygon.copyLast
move #<4-1,a1
move a1,x:<Polygon.vsize
move a1,x:<Polygon.shadeType
move x:<Polygon.points,n2
move #>1<<7,x1
move #>$008000,y1
move #>1<<14,x1
move #>$400000,y1
do x:<Polygon.points,_loop
move x:(r2)+n2,a ; Get index of Vertex.
asl a a,x0
add x0,a x:(r2)-n2,b ; Fetch normal index.
asl b b,x0
add x0,b a,n1
move (r2)+ ; Proceed to next point.
lua (r1)+n1,r3 ; r3 := Vertex
move b,n1
; Write points to the polygontable.
move y:(r3)+,x0
move x0,x:(r4)+ y:(r3),y0
lua (r1)+n1,r3 ; r3 := Normal
clr a y0,x:(r4)+
clr b y1,a0
move y1,b0
move y:(r3)+,x0 ; Fetch Normal.X (=u).
mac x0,x1,a y:(r3),y0 ; Fetch Normal.Y (=v).
mac y0,x1,b a0,x:(r4)+ ; Write u.
move b0,x:(r4)+ ; Write v.
_loop: jmp <Polygon.copyLast
move x0,x:<Polygon.shadeType
jsr <Polygon.setV4AlphaMode
jmp <Polygon.decodeV4
move x0,x:<Polygon.shadeType
jsr <Polygon.setV4BumpMode
move #<6-1,n2
move y:-(r1),r5 ; r5 := 2d vertices base.
move n2,x:<Polygon.vsize
move x:<Polygon.points,n2
move (r1)+
lua (r2)+n2,r0
move #>1<<14,x1
move #>$400000,y1
do n2,_loop
move x:(r2)+,a ; Get index of Vertex.
asl a a,x0
add x0,a x:(r0)+,b ; Fetch 2d vertex index.
asl b a,n1
move x:(r0)+,a ; Fetch normal index.
lua (r1)+n1,r3 ; r3 := Vertex
asl a a,x0
add x0,a b,n5
move a,n1
lua (r5)+n5,r6 ; r6 := 2d vertex
; Write points to the polygontable.
do #2,_coordloop
move y:(r3)+,x0
move x0,x:(r4)+
move x:(r6)+,x0 ; Fetch u1.
mpy x0,x1,a x:(r6),x0 ; Fetch v1.
mpy x0,x1,b a0,x:(r4)+ ; Write u1.
lua (r1)+n1,r6 ; r6 := Normal
clr a b0,x:(r4)+ ; Write v1.
clr b y1,a0
move y1,b0
move y:(r6)+,y0 ; Fetch Normal.X (=u2).
mac y0,x1,a y:(r6),y0 ; Fetch Normal.Y (=v2).
mac y0,x1,b a0,x:(r4)+ ; Write u2.
move b0,x:(r4)+ ; Write v2.
jmp <Polygon.copyLast
; Clips the polygon against the viewport. This subroutine is generic and
; works for all shadetypes. The used algorithm is sutherland hodgman.
; a: =0 offscreen, >0 onscreen
; First of all we check which sides of the viewport this baby clips against.
move #<Polygon.polygonTable,r0
move x:<Polygon.vsize,n0
move x:<Viewport.XStart,x0
move x:<Viewport.XEnd,x1
move x:<Viewport.YStart,y0
move #<%0001,n1
move #<%0010,n2
move #<%0100,n3
move #<%1000,n4
move #<$ffffff,r1 ; Clear AND flags.
move #<0,r2 ; Clear OR flags.
do x:<Polygon.points,_check_loop
clr b x:(r0)+,a ; a := y
cmp y0,a n1,y1
jge <_check_bottom
or y1,b ; if y above viewport, then raise flag
move x:<Viewport.YEnd,y1
cmp y1,a n2,y1
jlt <_check_left
or y1,b ; if y below viewport, then raise flag
move x:(r0)+n0,a ; a := x, proceed to next point
cmp x0,a n3,y1
jge <_check_right
or y1,b ; if x left of viewport, then raise flag
cmp x1,a n4,y1
jlt <_not_right
or y1,b ; if x right of viewport, then raise flag
move r1,a
move b,y1
and y1,a r2,b
or y1,b a,r1 ; Update AND flags.
move b,r2 ; Update OR flags.
tst a #<Polygon.polygonTable,r0
jeq <_on_screen
; All points are clipped at one side of the Viewport, no need to process it
; any further.
clr a
tst b b,x:<Polygon.clipFlags
jeq <_end ; No clipflags? Then don't clip at all!
; Here cumms tha clips. 8========D----*
; Here we scale the coordinates up for accuracy reasons.
move x:<Polygon.points,r1
move #1<<7,x0
move (r1)+
do r1,_scaleup_loop
move x:(r0)+,x1
mpy x0,x1,a x:(r0)-,x1
mpy x0,x1,a a0,x:(r0)+
move a0,x:(r0)+n0
; Clip this bitch against the Viewport according to the flags.
move #<Polygon.polygonTable,r0
move #<Polygon.polygonTable2,r1
move r0,r5
move r1,r6
move n0,n2
jset #0,x:<Polygon.clipFlags,_clip_top
jset #1,x:<Polygon.clipFlags,_clip_bottom
jset #2,x:<Polygon.clipFlags,_clip_left
jset #3,x:<Polygon.clipFlags,_clip_right
jmp <_end_cornerloop
; I.R. clipping top side.
move x:<Viewport.YStart,x0 ; x0 := Viewport.YStart
move #>_top,r4
bclr #0,x:<Polygon.clipFlags
jmp <_clip_corner
move x:<Viewport.YEnd,x0 ; x0 := Viewport.YEnd
move #>_bottom,r4
bclr #1,x:<Polygon.clipFlags
jmp <_clip_corner
move x:<Viewport.XStart,x0 ; x0 := Viewport.XStart
move #>_left,r4
bclr #2,x:<Polygon.clipFlags
jmp <_clip_corner
move x:<Viewport.XEnd,x0 ; x0 := Viewport.XEnd
move #>_right,r4
bclr #3,x:<Polygon.clipFlags
jmp <_clip_corner
move #1<<7,x1
mpy x0,x1,a #<0,r3 ; r3 := destination pointcounter = 0
move a0,x0 ; x0 := Viewport.YStart << 8
do x:<Polygon.points,_cliploop
jmp (r4)
move r3,a
tst a r6,r2
jeq <_offscreen
; wrap-crap...
move r3,x:<Polygon.points
move x:(r2)+,a
move a,x:(r1)+
do x:<Polygon.vsize,_lastloop
move x:(r2)+,a
move a,x:(r1)+
move r5,x0
move r6,r5
move x0,r6
move r5,r0
move r6,r1
jmp <_cornerloop
; Here we scale the coordinates down again. Yawn.
move r0,r2
move x:<Polygon.points,r1
move #1<<(23-8),x0
move (r1)+
do r1,_scaledown_loop
move x:(r2)+,x1
mpyr x0,x1,a x:(r2)-,x1
mpyr x0,x1,a a,x:(r2)+
move a,x:(r2)+n2
; Polygon is visible and fully within the viewport.
_end: move #<1,a
; /\
;------------ ------------
; / \ --> / \
; \ / --> \ /
; \ / \ /
; \/ \/
; This clips an edge against the top of the Viewport.
_top: move x:(r0)+,a ; a := ystart
cmp x0,a x:(r0+n0),b ; b := yend
jlt <_top_check_2ndout ; if 1st point is outside, jump.
cmp x0,b r0,r2
jge <_inside ; if 2nd point is inside, jump.
; The source edge goes from inside to outside.
; Write the clipped point.
move x0,x:(r1)+
move (r0)-
do x:<Polygon.vsize,_top_inoutloop
; Prepare for intersection with preset side.
move x:(r0)+,a ; x1 := ystart
move x:(r0+n0),x1 ; a := yend
sub x1,a x:(r2)+,b ; a := yend - ystart (=dy), y1 := xstart
move x:(r2+n2),y1 ; b := xend
; a := xstart - yi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
jsr <_intersect
add y1,a ; Add xstart.
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store new x.
move (r3)+ ; Increase pointcount.
move r2,r0
jmp <_end_loop
cmp x0,b r0,r2
jge <_top_outin
; Source edge is outside. Don't write it out.
move (r0)+n0
jmp <_end_loop
; The source edge goes from outside to inside.
; Write the clipped point and the inside point as well.
move x0,x:(r1)+
move (r0)-
do x:<Polygon.vsize,_top_outinloop
; Prepare for intersection with preset side.
move x:(r0)+,x1 ; x1 := ystart
move x:(r0+n0),a ; a := yend
sub x1,a x:(r2)+,y1 ; a := yend - ystart (=dy), y1 := xstart
move x:(r2+n2),b ; b := xend
; a := xstart + yi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
jsr <_intersect
add y1,a ; Add xstart.
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store new x.
move (r0)+ ; Adjust point position.
move (r3)+ ; Increase pointcount.
jmp <_inside
; /\ /\
; / \ / \
; / \ --> / \
; \ / --> \ /
;------------ ------------
; \/
; This clips an edge against the bottom of the Viewport.
move x:(r0)+,a ; a := ystart
cmp x0,a x:(r0+n0),b ; b := yend
jge <_bottom_check_2ndout ; if 1st point is outside, jump.
cmp x0,b r0,r2
jlt <_inside ; if 2nd point is inside, jump.
; The source edge goes from inside to outside.
; Write the clipped point.
move x0,x:(r1)+
move (r0)-
do x:<Polygon.vsize,_bottom_inoutloop
; Prepare for intersection with preset side.
move x:(r0)+,a ; x1 := ystart
move x:(r0+n0),x1 ; a := yend
sub x1,a x:(r2)+,b ; a := yend - ystart (=dy), y1 := xstart
move x:(r2+n2),y1 ; a := -dy, b := xend
; a := xstart + yi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
jsr <_intersect
neg a
add y1,a ; Add xstart.
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store new x.
move (r3)+ ; Increase pointcount.
move r2,r0
jmp <_end_loop
cmp x0,b r0,r2
jlt <_bottom_outin
; Source edge is outside. Don't write it out.
move (r0)+n0
jmp <_end_loop
; The source edge goes from outside to inside.
; Write the clipped point and the inside point as well.
move x0,x:(r1)+
move (r0)-
do x:<Polygon.vsize,_bottom_outinloop
; Prepare for intersection with preset side.
move x:(r0)+,x1 ; x1 := ystart
move x:(r0+n0),a ; a := yend
sub x1,a x:(r2)+,y1 ; a := yend - ystart (=dy), y1 := xstart
neg a x:(r2+n2),b ; a := -dy, b := xend
; a := xstart - yi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
jsr <_intersect
neg a
add y1,a ; Add xstart.
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store new x.
move (r0)+ ; Adjust point position.
move (r3)+ ; Increase pointcount.
jmp <_inside
; |/\ |/\
; | \ | \
; /| \ --> | \
; \| / --> | /
; | / | /
; |\/ |\/
; This clips an edge against the left side of the Viewport.
_left: move (r0)+
move r0,r2
move x:(r0)+,a ; a := xstart
move x:(r0+n0),b ; b := xend
cmp x0,a (r0)-
jlt <_left_check_2ndout ; if 1st point is outside, jump.
cmp x0,b
jge <_inside ; if 2nd point is inside, jump.
; The source edge goes from inside to outside.
; Write the clipped point.
move (r0)- ; x:(r0) : source y start
move (r1)+ ; x:(r1) : dest. x start
move x0,x:(r1)- ; X := Viewport.XStart
; x:(r1) : dest. y start
; Prepare for intersection with preset side.
move x:(r2)+,a ; y1 := xstart
move x:(r2+n2),x1 ; a := xend
sub x1,a x:(r0)+,b ; a := xend - xstart (=dx), y1 := ystart
move x:(r0+n0),y1 ; b := yend
; a := ystart - xi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
jsr <_intersect
add y1,a (r0)+ ; Add ystart.
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store new y, x:(r1) : dest. x coord
; loopcounter = amount of coords except x,y
move x:<Polygon.vsize,a
move #>1,x1
sub x1,a (r1)+ ; Proceed to next dest. coord.
jeq <_end_left_inout
do a,_left_inoutloop
; Prepare for intersection with preset side.
move x:(r0)+,x1 ; x1 := xstart
move x:(r0+n0),a ; a := xend
sub x1,a x:(r2)+,y1 ; a := xend - xstart (=dx), y1 := ustart
move x:(r2+n2),b ; b := uend
; a := ustart - xi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
jsr <_intersect
neg a
add y1,a ; Add ustart.
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store new u.
move (r3)+ ; Increase pointcount.
move r2,r0
jmp <_end_loop
cmp x0,b
jge <_left_outin
; Source edge is outside. Don't write it out.
move (r0)+n0
jmp <_end_loop
; The source edge goes from outside to inside.
; Write the clipped point and the inside point as well.
move (r1)+
move x0,x:(r1)- ; X := Viewport.XStart
move (r0)-
; Prepare for intersection with preset side.
move x:(r2)+,x1 ; y1 := xstart
move x:(r2+n2),a ; a := xend
sub x1,a x:(r0)+,y1 ; a := xend - xstart (=dx), y1 := ystart
move x:(r0+n0),b ; b := yend
; a := xstart - yi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
jsr <_intersect
add y1,a (r0)+ ; Add ystart.
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store new y.
; loopcounter = amount of coords except x,y
move x:<Polygon.vsize,a
move #>1,x1
sub x1,a (r1)+ ; Proceed to next dest. coord.
jeq <_end_left_outin
do a,_left_outinloop
; Prepare for intersection with preset side.
move x:(r0)+,x1 ; x1 := xstart
move x:(r0+n0),a ; a := xend
sub x1,a x:(r2)+,y1 ; a := xend - xstart (=dx), y1 := ustart
move x:(r2+n2),b ; b := uend
; a := ustart + xi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
jsr <_intersect
add y1,a ; Add ustart.
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store new u.
move (r3)+ ; Increase pointcount.
jmp <_inside
; /\| /\|
; / | / |
; / |\ --> / |
; \ |/ --> \ |
; \ | \ |
; \/| \/|
; This clips an edge against the right side of the Viewport.
_right: move (r0)+
move r0,r2
move x:(r0)+,a ; a := xstart
move x:(r0+n0),b ; b := xend
cmp x0,a (r0)-
jge <_right_check_2ndout ; if 1st point is outside, jump.
cmp x0,b
jlt <_inside ; if 2nd point is inside, jump.
; The source edge goes from inside to outside.
; Write the clipped point.
move (r0)- ; x:(r0) : source y start
move (r1)+ ; x:(r1) : dest. x start
move x0,x:(r1)- ; X := Viewport.XStart
; x:(r1) : dest. y start
; Prepare for intersection with preset side.
move x:(r2)+,a ; y1 := xstart
move x:(r2+n2),x1 ; a := xend
sub x1,a x:(r0)+,b ; a := xend - xstart (=dx), y1 := ystart
move x:(r0+n0),y1 ; b := yend
; a := ystart - xi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
jsr <_intersect
neg a
add y1,a (r0)+ ; Add ystart.
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store new y, x:(r1) : dest. x coord
; loopcounter = amount of coords except x,y
move x:<Polygon.vsize,a
move #>1,x1
sub x1,a (r1)+ ; Proceed to next dest. coord.
jeq <_end_right_inout
do a,_right_inoutloop
; Prepare for intersection with preset side.
move x:(r0)+,x1 ; x1 := xstart
move x:(r0+n0),a ; a := xend
sub x1,a x:(r2)+,y1 ; a := xend - xstart (=dx), y1 := ustart
move x:(r2+n2),b ; b := uend
; a := ustart - xi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
jsr <_intersect
add y1,a ; Add ustart.
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store new u.
move (r3)+ ; Increase pointcount.
move r2,r0
jmp <_end_loop
cmp x0,b
jlt <_right_outin
; Source edge is outside. Don't write it out.
move (r0)+n0
jmp <_end_loop
; The source edge goes from outside to inside.
; Write the clipped point and the inside point as well.
move (r1)+
move x0,x:(r1)- ; X := Viewport.XStart
move (r0)-
; Prepare for intersection with preset side.
move x:(r2)+,x1 ; y1 := xstart
move x:(r2+n2),a ; a := xend
sub x1,a x:(r0)+,y1 ; a := xend - xstart (=dx), y1 := ystart
move x:(r0+n0),b ; b := yend
; a := xstart - yi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
jsr <_intersect
neg a
add y1,a (r0)+ ; Add ystart.
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store new y.
; loopcounter = amount of coords except x,y
move x:<Polygon.vsize,a
move #>1,x1
sub x1,a (r1)+ ; Proceed to next dest. coord.
jeq <_end_right_outin
do a,_right_outinloop
; Prepare for intersection with preset side.
move x:(r0)+,x1 ; x1 := xstart
move x:(r0+n0),a ; a := xend
sub x1,a x:(r2)+,y1 ; a := xend - xstart (=dx), y1 := ustart
move x:(r2+n2),b ; b := uend
; a := ustart + xi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
jsr <_intersect
neg a
add y1,a ; Add ustart.
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store new u.
move (r3)+ ; Increase pointcount.
jmp <_inside
; The source edge is inside -> write the second point to the destination.
move (r0)+n0 ; Proceed to next point.
move r0,r2
move (r3)+ ; Increase pointcount.
move x:(r2)+,x1
move x1,x:(r1)+
do x:<Polygon.vsize,_copy_loop
move x:(r2)+,x1
move x1,x:(r1)+
jmp <_end_loop
; Generic intersection routine.
; x1: ystart
; y1: xstart
; a: yend - ystart (=dy)
; b: xend
sub y1,b a,y0 ; b := xend - xstart (=dx), y0 := dy
abs b b,a ; b := abs(b), a := dx
move b,b0
move #<0,b1
rep #8
asl b
andi #$fe,ccr
rep #24
div y0,b ; b := dx/dy (=slope)
tst a b0,b
jpl <_divisorpos
neg b
move x0,a ; a := Viewport.YStart
sub x1,a b,y0 ; a := Viewport.YStart - ystart (=yi), y0 := int(slope)
move a,x1 ; x1 := yi
; a := yi(frac) * slope(fixedpoint)
mpy +x1,y0,a (r0)-
rep #8
asr a
move a0,a
; Get top and bottom of polygon.
; x:(r0): polygon table
move r0,r1
move #>$7fffff,a ; top := MAX_INT
move #>$800000,b ; bottom := MIN_INT
move x:<Polygon.vsize,n1
do x:<Polygon.points,_loop
move x:(r1)+,y0 ; Fetch Vertex.Y.
cmp y0,a (r1)+n1 ; Proceed to next Vertex.
tgt y0,a ; If new value is lower, set new top.
cmp y0,b
tlt y0,b ; If new value is higher, set new bottom.
sub a,b a,x:<Polygon.top ; Store top, height := bottom-top
move b,x:<Polygon.height ; Store height.
; Sends a mapped polygon over.
move x:<Polygon.textureNumber,y0
send y0 ; Send texture number.
send x:<Polygon.top ; Send minimum y.
move x:<Polygon.height,a
send a ; Send height.
tst a a,n6
jgt <_go_on
; Poly is 0 high, don't paint.
; x0=top, y0=texturenum, a=height
move x:<Polygon.vsize,b
move #>Polygon.LeftEdge,r0
move #>Polygon.RightEdge,r1
move #>1,x0
sub x0,b #>InverseTable,r2
jeq <Polygon.paintFlat
sub x0,b #>Polygon.texture,r4 ; r4= (color) texture
jeq <Polygon.paintGouraudShaded
sub x0,b #>HTX,r3
jeq <Polygon.paintTextured
move #>Polygon.texture+64*64,r5 ; r5= alpha texture
jmp <Polygon.paintV4
; Receives polygon data from the cpu and stores it.
; This works for any shade type. (flat, gouraud, texture, gouraudtexture, alpha/bump)
move #<Polygon.points,r0
move #<Polygon.vsize,r1
move #<Polygon.polygonTable,r2
get x:>Polygon.textureNumber ; Get texturenumber.
get x:(r0) ; Get number of points in polygon.
get x:(r1) ; Get number of coordinates-1 in point.
move x:(r1),r3
move #>$7fffff,a ; top := MAX_INT
move #>$800000,b ; bottom := MIN_INT
do x:(r0),_receiveloop
get y0
cmp y0,a y0,x:(r2)+ ; Store y.
tgt y0,a ; If new value is lower, set new top.
cmp y0,b
tlt y0,b ; If new value is higher, set new bottom.
do r3,_receivecoord
get x:(r2)+
; Copy first point as last also. (wrap-crap)
move (r3)+
move #<Polygon.polygonTable,r1
do r3,_repeatloop
move x:(r1)+,x0
move x0,x:(r2)+
sub a,b a,x:<Polygon.top ; Store top, height := bottom-top.
move b,x:<Polygon.height ; Store height.
; This stores textures sent by the host.
; The texturebuffer allows up to 8192 interleaved (7b,16b) pixels
; (0aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh).
move #>8192,n6
move #>$7F0000,x0
move #>Polygon.texture,r0
; We do this one for the alpha's. 8bpp -> 7bpp (for signed sillyness).
do n6,_rescale7bitloop
get a
asr a a,b
and x0,a #>$00FFFF,x1
and x1,b
move b,y0
or y0,a
move a1,y:(r0)+
; Sets texturing to pixel-mode. Implies 64*64 mapping!
move #>64,x0
move x:<Polygon.sendPixelInstruction,y0
jmp <Polygon.setTextureSize
; Sets texturing to offset-mode. Implies 256*256 mapping!
move #>256,x0
move x:<Polygon.sendOffsetInstruction,y0
; x0=dimension {2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,...}
move y0,p:>Polygon.paintTextured_pixelinstruction
mpy x0,x0,a x0,x:<texturewidth
asr a #>1,x1
tfr x0,b a0,a
sub x1,a a,x:<texturesize
neg b a1,x1
and x1,b #>64,y1
mpy x0,y1,a b1,y:<texturemask
; U scaling (6:10 -> 6 or 8:8 -> 8) :
; $002000 for 64
; $008000 for 256
move a0,x:<u_scale
; V scaling (6:10 -> 6:6 or 8:8 -> 8:8) :
; $080000 for 64x64 $1000
; $800000 for 256x256 $10000 (isn't this negative?)
move #>$40,y1
move x:<texturesize,x0
mpy x0,y1,a
move a0,y:v_scale
move #Polygon.paintV4_send_alpha_hline,x0
move x0,y:<Polygon.v4RoutineAddress
move #Polygon.paintV4_send_bump_hline,x0
move x0,y:<Polygon.v4RoutineAddress
; RPC call routine!
jsr <Polygon.receive
jsr <Polygon.clip
; a = clipped/unclipped flag, r0 = polygon table
tst a
jeq <_culled
; Send the shadetype.
send x:<Polygon.shadeType
jmp <Polygon.paintClipped_proceed
; Send negative shadetype = terminator!
_culled:send #-1
; Clip the polyon..
jsr <Polygon.clip
; a = clipped/unclipped flag, r0 = polygon table
tst a
jeq <_end
; Send the shadetype first.
send x:<Polygon.shadeType
; Outline stuff.. Only needed when painted from mesh in dsp mem..
move x:>PrimitiveMesh.shadowOn,b
tst b x:<Polygon.vsize,n1
jeq <_proceed
; Send outlines to host..
move #<1,n0
move x:<Polygon.points,x1
send x1 ; Send #points.
lua (r0)+n0,r1 ; r1: first x in polytable
do x1,_loop
send x:(r1)- ; Send x.
send x:(r1)+ ; Send y.
move (r1)+n1
move (r1)+
; Sends polygon scanlinewise.
; r0= polygontable
jsr <Polygon.getDimensions
move r0,r6
jsr <Polygon.drawEdges
jmp <Polygon.send
_end: rts
; RPC call routine!
; Beware: unclipped painter!
jsr <Polygon.receive
move #<Polygon.polygonTable,r6
jsr <Polygon.drawEdges
jmp <Polygon.send
; This initialises the pipeline in pixel-mode.
; Set to linear addressing!
movec #$FFFF,m0
movec m0,m1
movec m0,m2
movec m0,m3
movec m0,m4
movec m0,m5
movec m0,m6
jsr <GetInvTable
jsr <Polygon.setPixelMode
jsr <Object.clear
clr a
move a,x:<Matrix.stackTop
; Calculates 1/n table.
move #>InverseTable,r0
clr a #>1,x0
move #>$7FFF00,y0
do #INVBUF_SIZE,_loop
move a1,x1
move #>1,b
rep #24
div x1,b
move b0,b
and y0,b ; And to get same low precision as 68K
add x0,a b,y:(r0)+
_loop: rts
;======== Viewport
; Get new viewport settings from cpu.
move #<Viewport.settingsTable,r0
do #Viewport.SIZE,_loop
get x:(r0)+
move x:<Viewport.Aspect,x0
move #1<<13,x1
mpy x0,x1,a
move a0,x:<Viewport.Aspect
;======== Matrix
; This is perfection.
; Total cycles on 56001: 58 (!)
; r0: X-sine
; r1: X-cosine
; r2: Y-sine
; r3: Y-cosine
; r4: Z-sine
; r5: Z-cosine
move #<Matrix.temp,r6
; XX := + x*cos(b)*cos(c)
; XY := - y*cos(b)*sin(c)
; XZ := + z*sin(b)
move x:(r3),x1 y:(r5),y1
; x0:-- x1:r3 y0:-- y1:r5
mpyr +x1,y1,a x:(r0),x0 y:(r4),y0 ; r3*r5
; x0:r0 x1:r3 y0:r4 y1:r5
mpyr -x1,y0,a x:(r2),x1 a,y:(r6)+ ; -r3*r4
; x0:r0 x1:r3 y0:r2 y1:r5
move a,y:(r6)+
move x1,y:(r6)+ ; r2
; YX := + x*sin(a)*sin(b)*cos(c)+cos(a)*sin(c)
; YY := + y*cos(a)*cos(c)-sin(a)*sin(b)*sin(c)
; YZ := - z*sin(a)*cos(b)
mpyr +x0,x1,a y:(r5),y0 ; r0*r2
; x0:r0 x1:r3 y0:r5 y1:r5
move a,y1
mpy +y0,y1,a x:(r1),x1 y:(r4),y1 ; a*r5
; x0:r0 x1:r1 y0:r5 y1:r4
macr +x1,y1,a y:(r5),y1 ; a+r1*r4
; x0:r0 x1:r1 y0:r5 y1:r5
mpy +x1,y1,a x:(r2),x1 a,y:(r6)+ ; r1*r5
; x0:r0 x1:r2 y0:r5 y1:r5
mpyr -x0,x1,b y:(r4),y0 ; r0*r2
; x0:r0 x1:r2 y0:r4 y1:r5
move b,y1
macr +y0,y1,a x:(r3),x1 y:(r4),y1 ; a+b*r4
; x0:r0 x1:r3 y0:r4 y1:r4
mpyr -x0,x1,a x:(r2),x1 a,y:(r6)+ ; r0*r3
; x0:r0 x1:r2 y0:r4 y1:r4
; ZX := + x*sin(a)*sin(c)-cos(a)*sin(b)*cos(c)
; ZY := + y*cos(a)*sin(b)*sin(c)+sin(a)*cos(c)
; ZZ := + z*cos(a)*cos(b)
mpy +x0,y1,a x:(r1),x0 a,y:(r6)+ ; r0*r4
; x0:r1 x1:r2 y0:r4 y1:r4
mpyr -x0,x1,b x:(r2),x0 y:(r5),y1 ; r1*r2
; x0:r2 x1:r2 y0:r4 y1:r5
move b,x1
macr +x1,y1,a x:(r1),x1 y:(r4),y0 ; a+b*r5
; x0:r2 x1:r1 y0:r4 y1:r5
mpyr +x1,x0,a x:(r3),x0 a,y:(r6)+ ; r1*r2
; x0:r3 x1:r1 y0:r4 y1:r5
move a,y1
mpy +y0,y1,a x:(r0),x1 y:(r5),y1 ; a*r4
; x0:r3 x1:r0 y0:r4 y1:r5
macr +x1,y1,a x:(r1),x1 ; r0*r5
; x0:r3 x1:r1 y0:r4 y1:r5
mpyr +x1,x0,a a,y:(r6)+ ; r1*r3
; Set translation vector to origin.
clr a a,y:(r6)+
move a,y:(r6)+
move a,y:(r6)+
move a,y:(r6)+
; y:r0: matrix to multiply with (source)
; y:r3: (new) destination matrix
; Get source and destination matrices and flip them.
move #<Matrix.temp,r2
move r0,r4 ; r4 := source
move r2,r5
move #<3,n2
; Multiply the matrix.
do #3,_row_loop
; Fetch new row.
move y:(r0)+,x0
move y:(r0)+,x1
move y:(r0)+,y0
do #3,_cell_loop
; Multiply column with row.
move y:(r2)+n2,y1
mpy x0,y1,a y:(r2)+n2,y1
mac x1,y1,a y:(r2)-n2,y1
macr y0,y1,a (r2)-n2
move a,y:(r3)+ ; Store product.
move (r2)+ ; Proceed to next column.
move (r2)-n2 ; Back to first column.
; Multiply the object translation vector with the world matrix.
move #<Matrix.temp+Matrix.TX,r2
move y:(r4)+,y1
move y:(r2)+,x0
move y:(r2)+,x1
move y:(r2)+,y0
do #3,_transloop
move y:(r0)+,a ; a := source TX
mac x0,y1,a y:(r4)+,y1 ; TX * MXX +
mac x1,y1,a y:(r4)+,y1 ; TY * MXY +
macr y0,y1,a y:(r4)+,y1 ; TZ * MXZ
move a,y:(r3)+ ; Store TX'.
move #<SineX,r0
move #<CosineX,r1
move #<SineY,r2
move #<CosineY,r3
move #<SineZ,r4
move #<CosineZ,r5
jsr <ReceiveRotation
jmp <Matrix.generate
; x:r0: sin/cos values
move r0,r6
move #<SineX,r0
move #<CosineX,r1
move #<SineY,r2
move #<CosineY,r3
move #<SineZ,r4
move #<CosineZ,r5
move x:(r6)+,x0
move x0,x:(r0)
move x:(r6)+,x0
move x0,x:(r1)
move x:(r6)+,x0
move x0,x:(r2)
move x:(r6)+,x0
move x0,x:(r3)
move x:(r6)+,x0
move x0,y:(r4)
move x:(r6)+,x0
move x0,y:(r5)
jmp <Matrix.generate
get x0
get x1
get y0
jmp <Matrix.translate
; x:r0: stored parameters
move x:(r0)+,x0
move x:(r0)+,x1
move x:(r0)+,y0
; x0: X
; x1: Y
; y0: Z
move #<Matrix.temp+Matrix.TX,r0
move #<1,n0
move y:(r0)+,a
add x0,a y:(r0)-,b
add x1,b a,y:(r0)+
move y:(r0+n0),a
add y0,a b,y:(r0)+
move a,y:(r0)
; Pushes a previously generated matrix on the stack.
; First check for stack overflow.
move #<Matrix.stack,r0
move x:<Matrix.stackTop,a
tst a #>Matrix.MAX_DEPTH,x0
jeq <_first_entry
cmp x0,a #>Matrix.SIZE,x0
jhs <_end
; The stack is not full..
move a,x1
mpy x0,x1,a
asr a
move a0,n0 ; n0 := offset to dest. matrix
move x0,n1
move (r0)+n0 ; r0 := dest. matrix
move r0,r1
move r0,r3 ; r3 := dest. matrix
move (r1)-n1 ; r1 := source matrix
move r1,r0 ; r0 := source matrix
jsr <Matrix.multiply
jmp <_end_multiply_matrix
; If this is the first matrix on the stack, then simply copy it.
move #<Matrix.temp,r1
do #Matrix.SIZE,_copy_loop
move y:(r1)+,x0
move x0,y:(r0)+
; Increase the stacktop by one.
move x:<Matrix.stackTop,a
move #>1,x0
add x0,a
move a,x:<Matrix.stackTop
_end: rts
; Pops the top matrix off the stack.
move x:<Matrix.stackTop,a
tst a #>1,x0
jle <_end
sub x0,a
move a,x:<Matrix.stackTop
_end: rts
;======== PrimitiveMesh
; x:r0: stored parameter (shadow-flag)
; Store shadow-flag..
move x:(r0)+,a
move a,x:>PrimitiveMesh.shadowOn
; Reset pointers..
clr a #>PrimitiveMesh.vertexTable,x0
move x0,x:>PrimitiveMesh.nextVertex
move a,x:>PrimitiveMesh.primitiveTable
move a,x:>BoundingBox.rectangleCount
move a,x:>PrimitiveMesh.baseHandle
; Paints all primitives.
move #<PrimitiveMesh.primitiveTable,r0
move x:(r0)+,a
tst a
jeq <_end
do a,_loop
move #>Primitive.TYPEMASK,x0
move x:(r0)+,r1 ; r1= base of primitive's vertices
move x:(r0)+,r2 ; r2= address of primitive
move x:(r0)+,x1
move #>$000080,x0
mpy x0,x1,a #>PrimitiveMesh.baseTable,r1
move a1,n1 ; r1= vertexbase handle
move x1,r2 ; r2= address of primitive
move x:(r1+n1),r1 ; r1= vertex base address
clr a (r0)+
move x:(r2),a1 ; a= primitive's type
move r0,p:>PrimitiveMesh.currentElement
and x0,a #>Primitive.SPRITETYPE,x0
cmp x0,a #>Primitive.LINETYPE,x0
jgt _test_line
; Handle a sprite.
move (r1)+
send x:(r2)+
move x:(r2)+,a ; Fetch vertex index.
asl a a,x0
add x0,a r1,b
add a,b
move b,r1
do #3,_spriteloop
send y:(r1)+
move (r1)-
jmp <_end_loop
cmp x0,a
jgt _is_polygon
; Handle a line.
send #RPC_LINE
move (r1)+
move x:(r2)+,x1
send x1
do #2,_lineloop
move x:(r2)+,a ; Fetch vertex index.
asl a a,x0
add x0,a r1,b
add a,b r1,r3
move b,r1
do #2,_linecoordloop
send y:(r1)+
move r3,r1
tfr x1,a #>Primitive.SHADEMASK,x0
and x0,a #>Line.GOURAUDSHADED,x0
cmp x0,a
jeq <_gouraudshaded
jgt <_phongshaded
move (r1)-
jmp <_end_loop
move (r1)-
send x:(r2)+
send x:(r2)+
jmp <_end_loop
move #<Vertex.Z,n1
move #>$80,x1
do #2,_phongloop
move x:(r2)+,a ; Fetch vertex index.
asl a a,x0
add x0,a r1,b
add a,b r1,r3
move b,r1
move y:(r1+n1),a
add x1,a
asr a r3,r1
send a
move (r1)-
jmp <_end_loop
; Handle a polygon.
jsr <Polygon.decode
jsr <Polygon.paintClipped
move p:>PrimitiveMesh.currentElement,r0
; All primitives are painted, now send the terminator: "I'll be back"... ;)
_end: move #>$ffffff,x0
send x0
; Now send them bounding rectangle critters.
move x:>BoundingBox.rectangleCount,a
send a ; Send rectanglecount.
lsl a #>BoundingBox.rectangles,r0
jeq <_die
lsl a
do a,_rectloop
send x:(r0)+
_die: rts
DS 1
;======== TransformObject
; RPC call routine!
get n0
jmp <TransformObject.transform
;======== ObjectRegistry
; Adds a 3d-object to the registry and returns a handle to host.
; Returns -1 if not added.
move x:>Object.newHandleAddress,r1
get a ; Get #objwords+#bufwords.
move #>Object.CAPACITY,x0
cmp x0,a x:(r1)+,r0 ; Get designated address in object-buffer.
jgt <_error
move r0,r2 ; backup start of object
move #>Object.handlesEnd,b
move r1,x0
cmp x0,b #<0,x0
; Inform the host the object is accepted (result = 0)..
send x0
get a ; Get #objwords
do a,_get_object_loop
get x:(r0)+ ; Receive one object word from cpu.
; Store pointer to next handle..
move r1,x:>Object.newHandleAddress
move #>Object.handleTable,n1
move r0,x:(r1)- ; Store start of free space.
move (r1)-n1
move r1,x0 ; x0=boundingbox handle
jmp <BoundingBox.init
; Inform the host the object is rejected (result = -1)..
_error: move #>-1,a
send a
; Returns the objectaddress of the specified handle.
; No checking for invalid handles!!
; n0: ObjectHandle
; r0: ObjectAddress
move #>Object.handleTable,r0
move x:(r0+n0),r0
; Clears the registry. All handles become invalid.
move #Object.handleTable,x0
move x0,x:>Object.newHandleAddress
move #Object.buffer,x0
move x0,x:>Object.handleTable
; Replaces object's primitives/vertices/normals/texels.
; Reads these from the host.
move #>Object.handleTable,r0
get n0 ; n0=handle
get a ; a=replacemode
move x:(r0+n0),r0 ; r0=object
move n0,n6 ; n6=handle
move r0,r6 ; r6=object
; Calculate addresses of tables and lists.
move x:(r0)+,b ; b=#vertices+#normals
lsl b b,x0
add x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; x0=#normals
move b1,n0 ; n0=(#vertices+#normals)*3=offset to texels
move x0,b
lua (r0)+n0,r2
asl b
add x0,b
move b1,n2 ; n2=#normals*3
move x:(r2)+,n3 ; n3=#texels
lua (r2)-n2,r1
move r2,r3
move (r3)+n3
move (r3)+n3
; r0=vertices
; r1=normals
; r2=texels
; r3=primitives
; Get vertices..
lsr a
jcc <_end_vertices
get b ; b=#words
tst b
jeq <_end_vertices
do b,_ver_loop
get x:(r0)+
; Get normals..
lsr a
jcc <_end_normals
get b ; b=#words
tst b
jeq <_end_normals
do b,_nor_loop
get x:(r1)+
; Get texels..
lsr a
jcc <_end
get b ; b=#words
tst b
jeq <_end
do b,_tex_loop
get x:(r2)+
; Get primitives..
lsr a
jcc <_end
get b ; b=#words
tst b
jeq <_end
do b,_prim_loop
get x:(r3)+
_end: move n6,x0 ; x0=handle
move r6,r2 ; r2=object
jmp <BoundingBox.init
; Processes an object into a bounding box.
; A bounding box is represented by axxiii (what's that spelled like?)
; Each axis has an upper and a lower bound.
; x0: bounding box handle
; x:r2: ufly.2 object
; First initialize the destination structure.
move #>BoundingBox.SIZE,x1
mpy x0,x1,a x1,n0
asr a #>BoundingBox.table,x0
move a0,a
add x0,a #>$800000,b ; initial highest
move a,r0
move #>$7fffff,a ; initial lowest
do #3,_resetloop
move a,x:(r0)+
move b,x:(r0)+
move x:(r2)+,x0
move (r2)+
move (r0)-n0
do x0,_vertexloop
do #3,_coordloop
move x:(r0)+,a ; a= lowest
move x:(r2)+,x0 ; x0= coord
cmp x0,a x:(r0)-,b ; b= highest
tgt x0,a
cmp x0,b a,x:(r0)+
tlt x0,b
move b,x:(r0)+
move (r0)-n0
; Transforms a bounding box into a bounding rectangle.
; n0: objecthandle
; a: 1=visible, 0=invisible
move n0,x0
move #>BoundingBox.SIZE,x1
mpy x0,x1,a #>BoundingBox.decoded,r1
asr a #>BoundingBox.table,r2
move a0,n2
clr a #>1,x1
move (r2)+n2
move #<5,n2
; x:r0 = address of encoded box (src)
; x:r1 = address of decoded box (dst)
move #>%111,b
do #8,_loop
_do_x: move x:(r2)+,a
move x:(r2)+,x0
jclr #0,b,_no_x
tfr x0,a
_no_x: move a,x:(r1)+
_do_y: move x:(r2)+,a
move x:(r2)+,x0
jclr #1,b,_no_y
tfr x0,a
_no_y: move a,x:(r1)+
_do_z: move x:(r2)+,a
move x:(r2)-n2,x0
jclr #2,b,_no_z
tfr x0,a
_no_z: sub x1,b a,x:(r1)+
move #>BoundingBox.decoded,r0
move #>BoundingBox.transformed-1,r5
move #>8,b
jsr <Vertex.transform
; Check if behind cam...
move #>BoundingBox.transformed+2,r2
move #<3,n2
clr a
move y:(r2)+n2,x0
rep #7
or x0,a y:(r2)+n2,x0
tst a
jmi <_invisible
; Transform the box into a rectangle...
; dim??? D1m??!?!?! That's sounds like *yich* BASIC! :P
move x:>BoundingBox.rectangleCount,a
lsl a #>BoundingBox.transformed,r2
lsl a #>BoundingBox.rectangles,x0
add x0,a #<8*3-1,n2
move a,r1 ; r1= new rectangle
move a,r3
do #2,_outloop
move #>$7fffff,a ; a= min
move #<$80,b ; b= max
do #8,_dimloop
move y:(r2)+,x0 ; x0= coord
cmp x0,a (r2)+
tgt x0,a
cmp x0,b (r2)+
tlt x0,b
move a,x:(r1)+ ; Store min.
move b,x:(r1)+ ; Store max.
move (r2)-n2
; Store rectangle....
move #<0,r0
move x:(r3)+,a
move x:(r3)+,b
move x:<Viewport.YStart,x0
cmp x0,b x:<Viewport.YEnd,x1
jgt <_end_left
move #<1,r0
cmp x1,a x:<Viewport.XStart,y0
jle <_end_right
move #<1,r0
move x:(r3)+,a
move x:(r3)+,b
cmp y0,b x:<Viewport.XEnd,y1
jgt <_end_top
move #<1,r0
cmp y1,a
jle <_end_bottom
move #<1,r0
move r0,a
tst a
jeq <_visible
; Return the invisibility.
clr a
move x:>BoundingBox.rectangleCount,r0
move #>1,a
move (r0)+
move r0,x:>BoundingBox.rectangleCount
;======== X-Memory Code ========
ORG X:$0000
DS 1 ; texture v width
u_scale:DS 1
u0: DS 1
u0_step:DS 1 ; u_step storage
u1: DS 1
u1_step:DS 1 ; u_step storage
DC $008000
DC $000100
DS 1 ; texture size
SineX: DS 1
CosineX:DS 1
SineY: DS 1
CosineY:DS 1
;======== Matrix
DC 0
;======== TransformObject
DS 1
;======== Viewport
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1 ; 8:8 Y scale
;======== Polygon
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
movep y:(r4+n4),x:<<HTX ; Send texturepixel.
move b,x:(r3) a,y1 ; Send textureoffset.
DS (12+1)*6 ; max 12 points (x,y,u0,v0,u1,v1)
DS (12+1)*6 ; max 12 points (x,y,u0,v0,u1,v1)
;======== EXTERNAL X RAM
;======== PrimitiveMesh
DS 1
DS 1
DS 1
DS Object.MAX_OBJECTS ; space for transformed object pointers!
DS 1
DS PrimitiveMesh.MAX_ELEMENTS*MeshElement.SIZE
;======== Object
DS Object.CAPACITY ; Maximum of 8192 words for all scene objects!
; X<$3000 !!
ORG X:$3BDB ; for mixer
;======== Object
DS 1
;======== BoundingBox
DS Object.MAX_OBJECTS*BoundingBox.SIZE
DS 8*3 ; 8 points in decoded box
DS 1
;======== Dispatcher
DS 1
DC Dispatcher.doNothing ; RPC_TRANSMISSION_END
DC PrimitiveMesh.paint ; RPC_PAINT_PRIMITIVES
DC Matrix.convertRotation ; RPC_GENERATE_ROTMATRIX
DC Matrix.convertQuaternion ; RPC_GENERATE_QUATMATRIX
DC Matrix.push ; RPC_PUSH_MATRIX
DC Matrix.pop ; RPC_POP_MATRIX
DC Matrix.rpcTranslate ; RPC_TRANSLATE_MATRIX
DC TransformObject.rpcTransform ; RPC_TRANSFORM_OBJECT
DC Polygon.storeTexture ; RPC_STORE_TEXTURE
DC Polygon.setPixelMode ; RPC_SET_TEXTUREPIXEL
DC Polygon.setOffsetMode ; RPC_SET_OFFSETPIXEL
DC Polygon.paint ; RPC_PAINT_POLYGON
DC Viewport.update ; RPC_UPDATE_VIEWPORT
DC Polygon.setV4AlphaMode ; RPC_SET_V4ALPHA
DC Polygon.setV4BumpMode ; RPC_SET_V4BUMP
DC Polygon.paintReceivedClipped ; RPC_CLIPPAINT_POLYGON
DC Object.replace ; RPC_REPLACE_OBJECT
DC Dispatcher.doNothing ; RPC_TRANSMISSION_END
DC PrimitiveMesh.paint ; RPC_PAINT_PRIMITIVES
DC Matrix.convertStoredRotation ; RPC_GENERATE_ROTMATRIX
DC Matrix.convertStoredQuaternion ; RPC_GENERATE_QUATMATRIX
DC Matrix.push ; RPC_PUSH_MATRIX
DC Matrix.pop ; RPC_POP_MATRIX
DC Matrix.translateStored ; RPC_TRANSLATE_MATRIX
DC TransformObject.transformStored ; RPC_TRANSFORM_OBJECT
DC Polygon.storeTexture ; RPC_STORE_TEXTURE
DC Polygon.setPixelMode ; RPC_SET_TEXTUREPIXEL
DC Polygon.setOffsetMode ; RPC_SET_OFFSETPIXEL
DC Polygon.paint ; RPC_PAINT_POLYGON
DC Viewport.update ; RPC_UPDATE_VIEWPORT
DC Polygon.setV4AlphaMode ; RPC_SET_V4ALPHA
DC Polygon.setV4BumpMode ; RPC_SET_V4BUMP
DC Polygon.paintReceivedClipped ; RPC_CLIPPAINT_POLYGON
DC Object.replace ; RPC_REPLACE_OBJECT
; -1 indicates synchronous commandmode.
;======== Y-Memory Code ========
ORG Y:$0000
DS 1 ; v_frag mask
v_scale:DS 1
v0: DS 1
v0_step:DS 1 ; v_step storage
v1: DS 1
v1_step:DS 1 ; v_step storage
DC $00ff00
DS 1
DC Polygon.texture
SineZ: DS 1
CosineZ:DS 1
;======== PrimitiveMesh
DS 1
;======== Matrix
DS Matrix.SIZE
DS Matrix.SIZE*Matrix.MAX_DEPTH ; stack containing multi rotation
;======== BoundingBox
DS 8*3
;======== EXTERNAL Y RAM
ORG Y:p_memory_end ; out of range from p-code
;======== Polygon
DS Polygon.TEXTUREBUFFER_SIZE ; room for the interleaved textures
DS 5*Viewport.MAX_Y ; (x,u0,v0,u1,v1)
DS 5*Viewport.MAX_Y
;======== PrimitiveMesh
DS PrimitiveMesh.MAX_VERTICES*Vertex.SIZE ; room for the transformed vertices
; Y<$3BF2 !!