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/* libshoe.c * * COPYRIGHT (c) 1998 by Fredrik Noring. * * This is the entire Shoe interpreter and runtime system. */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include "libshoe.h"#define BALANCE(c) ((((c) == '(')?1:0)-(((c) == ')')?1:0))#define ERRP(x) ((x)[0] == '#' && (x)[1] == 'E')Byte *symbols[MAX_SYMBOLS][2];Byte *heap_pointer, *stack_pointer, *heap, errormsg[1024];Int online = 0, trace = 0, symbol_counter, bounded_counter;void bootstrap(void);void notify(Byte *symbol, Byte *args);Int spacep(Byte c){ return c == '\0' || c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r';}Byte *panic(Byte *msg){
sprintf(errormsg, "#Panic. %s", msg); notify("panic", errormsg); return msg;}Byte *exterr(Byte *msg, Byte *context){ sprintf(errormsg, "#Exception. %s%s\n", msg, context?context:"#no-context?"); notify("error", errormsg); return ERR;}void check_symbol_space(void){ if(symbol_counter >= MAX_SYMBOLS) panic("Symbol table full.");}Byte* call_bif(Byte *address, Byte *args){ if(!address) return 0; if(address[0] != '#' || !DIGITP(address[1])) return exterr("Cannot call: ", address);#pragma warn -pro return (*((Byte*(*)())atol(address+1)))(args);#pragma warn .pro}Byte* fetch_symbol(Byte *symbol){ Int i; for(i = bounded_counter; i--; ) if(MATCH(symbol, symbols[i][0])) { if(trace)
printf("#-> value: [%s = %s]\n", symbol, symbols[i][1]); return symbols[i][1]; } return 0;}Byte *mem(Int amount){ if(heap_pointer+amount > stack_pointer) panic("Out of memory."); return (heap_pointer += amount) - amount;}Byte *memdup(Byte *s){ return strcpy(mem(strlen(s)+1), s);}Byte *push_stack(Byte *s){ return strcpy(stack_pointer -= strlen(s)+1, s);}Byte *pop_n_elems(Int n){
Byte *old;
old = stack_pointer; while(n--) stack_pointer += strlen(stack_pointer)+1;
return old;}void notify(Byte *symbol, Byte *args){ call_bif(fetch_symbol(symbol), args);}Byte *gc(void){ Byte *chunk, *minimum; Int s_j = 0, s_k = 0, i, j, k; notify("notify-gc", "#t"); minimum = heap; for(i = 0; i < 2*symbol_counter; i++) { chunk = heap+HEAP_SIZE; for(j = 0; j < symbol_counter; j++) for(k = 0; k < 2; k++)
if(symbols[j][k] <= chunk && minimum <= symbols[j][k])
chunk = symbols[s_j=j][s_k=k]; symbols[s_j][s_k] = minimum; while(*chunk) *minimum++ = *chunk++; *minimum++ = '\0'; } heap_pointer = minimum; notify("notify-gc", "#f"); return T;}Byte *trim(Byte *s){ while(spacep(*s)) s++; return s;}Byte *suf(Byte *a, Byte *b){ Byte *s; sprintf(s = mem(strlen(a)+strlen(b)+1), "%s%s", a, b); return s;}Int statement_size(Byte* s){ Byte *source; Int nbalance = 0; source = s = trim(s); while(nbalance |
!((spacep(*s) | (*s == ')')) || (*s == '(' && s-source))) { nbalance += BALANCE(*s); s++; } return s-source;}Byte *car(Byte* s){ Int size; if(!LISTP(s)) return exterr("Cannot car: ", s); if(NILP(s)) return s; size = statement_size(++s); s = strncpy(mem(size+1), s, size); s[size] = '\0'; return s;}Byte *cdr(Byte *s){ if(!LISTP(s)) return exterr("Cannot cdr: ", s); s = trim(s+statement_size(++s)); s = strcpy(mem(strlen(s)+2)+1, s)-1; s[0] = '('; return s;}Byte *bind_symbol(Byte *symbol, Byte *value){ Int old_definition, ok = 0;
for(old_definition = bounded_counter; old_definition--; ) if(MATCH(symbol, symbols[old_definition][0])) {
ok = 1;
if(!ok) {
check_symbol_space(); bounded_counter++;
} symbols[ok?old_definition:symbol_counter][1] = value; return symbols[ok?old_definition:symbol_counter++][0] = symbol;}Byte *bif_cons(Byte *s){ DUAL_EVAL(s, (NILP(b)?sprintf(s = mem(strlen(a)+3), "(%s)", a):
LISTP(b)?sprintf(s = mem(strlen(a)+strlen(b)+3), "(%s %s", a, b+1): sprintf(s = mem(strlen(a)+strlen(b)+4), "(%s %s)", a, b)));}Byte *bif_lambda(Byte *s){ return suf("#lambda ", s);}Byte *bif_macro(Byte *s){ return suf("#macro ", s);}Byte *bif_car(Byte *s){ return car(EVAL(s));}Byte *bif_cdr(Byte *s){ return cdr(EVAL(s));}Byte *bif_if(Byte *s){ s = EVALARG(FP(EVAL(s = push_stack(s)))?cdr(s):s); pop_n_elems(1); return s;}Byte *bif_equal(Byte *s){ DUAL_EVAL(s, s = MATCH(a, b)?T:F);
}Byte *bif_function(Byte* s){ return EVAL(s);}Byte *bif_eval(Byte* s){ return eval(EVAL(s));}Byte *bif_trace(Byte *s){ return ((trace=TP(EVAL(s)))!=0)?T:F;}Byte *bif_define(Byte *s){ return (bind_symbol(car(s), NILP(cdr(cdr(s)))? eval(car(cdr(s))):suf("#lambda ", cdr(s))));}Byte *bif_memory(Byte *s){ sprintf(s = mem(128), "((heap %lu) (stack %lu) (available %lu) (total %lu))",
(unsigned long) (heap_pointer-heap), (unsigned long) (heap+HEAP_SIZE-stack_pointer), (unsigned long) (stack_pointer-heap_pointer), (unsigned long) (HEAP_SIZE)); return s;}Byte *eval(Byte *s){ Byte macro, *args, *vars, *body; Int rest = 0, old_symbol_counter, old_bounded_counter; if(!s) exit(0); if(!online) bootstrap(); if(trace) printf("#eval: [%s]\n", s); s = trim(s); if(strlen(s) == 0 || s[0] == '#' || DIGITP(*s) || NILP(s)) return s; if((body = fetch_symbol(s)) != 0) return body;
s = push_stack(s); if(stack_pointer-heap_pointer < GC_MINIMUM) gc(); body = push_stack(EVAL(s)); args = push_stack(cdr(s)); if(body[0] == '#' && (body[1] == 'l' || body[1] == 'm')) { macro = body[1]=='m'; body += (macro?7:8); old_symbol_counter = symbol_counter; old_bounded_counter = bounded_counter; vars = push_stack(car(body)); while(!ERRP(vars) && !ERRP(args) &&
(!NILP(args) || !NILP(vars))) { s = memdup(macro?car(args):EVAL(args)); if(rest) {
Byte *t; t = symbols[rest][1];
t[strlen(t)-1] = '\0'; symbols[rest][1] = suf(suf(suf(t, " "), s), ")"); } else { if(MATCH(car(vars), "#rest")) { s = NILP(args)?memdup("()"):suf(suf("(", s), ")"); vars = cdr(vars); rest = symbol_counter; } check_symbol_space(); symbols[symbol_counter][1] = s; symbols[symbol_counter++][0] = memdup(car(vars)); } vars = cdr(vars); args = cdr(args); pop_n_elems(2); vars = push_stack(vars); args = push_stack(args); } bounded_counter = symbol_counter; s = EVALARG(body); pop_n_elems(4); symbol_counter = old_symbol_counter; bounded_counter = old_bounded_counter; return macro?eval(s):s; } s = ERRP(body)?memdup(body):call_bif(body, args); pop_n_elems(3); return s;}void bif(Byte *symbol, void *f){ if(!online) bootstrap(); bounded_counter++; check_symbol_space(); sprintf(symbols[symbol_counter][0] = mem(strlen(symbol)+1), "%s", symbol); sprintf(symbols[symbol_counter++][1] = mem(17), "#%lu", (unsigned long) f);}
Byte *decode_string(Byte *s)
Byte *o, *d;
return 0;
o = d = s = memdup(s);
if(*s == '%') {
switch(*++s) {
case '_':
*d++ = ' ';
case '[':
*d++ = '(';
case ']':
*d++ = ')';
*d++ = *s;
} else
*d++ = *s++;
*d = '\0';
return o;
Byte *bif_string(Byte *s)
return decode_string(car(s));
static Int nbalance = 0;Int inquire_balance(void){ return nbalance;}
#define PARSE_RESET() { state = 0; nbalance = 0; src = src_start = 0; }
Byte *parse_eval(Byte *input){ static int state = 0; static Byte *src_stack = 0, last = '\0';
Byte *src = 0, *src_start = 0, *result = 0, *eos; if(!online) bootstrap(); if(src_stack) {
src = src_start = memdup(src_stack);
src += strlen(src);
src_stack = 0;
if(MATCH(input, ".")) { /* Interrupt current input. */
PARSE_RESET(); return 0; } eos = input+strlen(input); while(input <= eos) {
src = src_start = mem(1);
switch(state) { case 0: /* Read whitespace. */ if(*input == ';') state = 3; else if(*input == '{') state = 4; else if(spacep(*input)) input++; else state = 1; break; case 1: /* Read non whitespace characters. */ if((spacep(*input) || *input == ';' || *input == '{') && nbalance == 0) { state = 2; } else if(*input == '"') {/*
mem(7); *src++ = '('; *src++ = 'q'; *src++ = 'u'; *src++ = 'o'; *src++ = 't'; *src++ = 'e'; *src++ = ' ';*/
mem(8); *src++ = '('; *src++ = 's'; *src++ = 't'; *src++ = 'r';
*src++ = 'i'; *src++ = 'n'; *src++ = 'g'; *src++ = ' ';
state = 5; input++; } else { if(spacep(*input) || *input == ';' || *input == '{') { state = 0; if(last == '(') break; } if(*input == ')' && spacep(last)) src--; nbalance += BALANCE(*input); last = *input; *src++ = spacep(*input)?' ':*input++; mem(1); } break; case 2: /* Evaluate. */ *src = '\0'; result = eval(src_start);
break; case 3: /* Skip ; comments. */ if(*input == '\n' || *input == '\r' || *input == '\0') state = 0; input++; break; case 4: /* Skip { } comments. */ if(*input == '}') state = 0; input++; break; case 5: /* Read string. */ if(*input == '"') { *src++ = ')'; mem(1); state = 1; } else {
if(spacep(*input)) {
*src++ = '%'; *src++ = '_'; mem(1); } else if(*input == '%') {
*src++ = '%'; *src++ = '%'; mem(1); } else if(*input == '(') {
*src++ = '%'; *src++ = '['; mem(1); } else if(*input == ')') {
*src++ = '%'; *src++ = ']'; mem(1); } else *src++ = *input; mem(1); } last = *input++;
} }
if(nbalance < 0) { PARSE_RESET(); return "mismatched )"; }
if(src) {
*src = '\0';
src_stack = push_stack(src_start);
return result;
/* return decode_string(result); */}/* * Built-in functions, outside the Shoe kernel itself. */#define NUMERICAL(op, ix, fu) \ Byte* fu(Byte* args) \ { \
Int x = ix; \ Byte *tail, *result; \ \ if(!NILP(args)) { \ tail = push_stack(cdr(args)); \ x = atol(EVAL(args)); \ op; \ pop_n_elems(1); \ } \ return sprintf(result = mem(16), "%ld", x), result; \ }NUMERICAL(x = x + atol(bif_plus(tail)), 0, bif_plus);NUMERICAL(x = NILP(tail)?-x:x - atol(bif_plus(tail)), 0, bif_minus);NUMERICAL(x = x * atol(bif_multiply(tail)), 1, bif_multiply);NUMERICAL({ Int tx; if(NILP(tail) || (tx=atol(bif_multiply(tail))) == 0) return memdup("#DIV."); x = x / tx; }, 1, bif_divide);NUMERICAL({ Int tx; if(NILP(tail) || (tx=atol(bif_multiply(tail))) == 0) return memdup("#MOD."); x = x % tx; }, 0, bif_modulo);
Int numberp(Byte *s)
return 0;
return 1;
Byte *bif_numberp(Byte* s){ return numberp(EVAL(s))?T:F;}Byte *bif_listp(Byte* s){ return LISTP(EVAL(s))?T:F;}Int less_thanp(Byte *a, Byte *b){
return numberp(a)&&numberp(b)?atol(a)<atol(b):strcmp(a,b)<0;}
Byte *bif_less_than(Byte *s){
DUAL_EVAL(s, s=less_thanp(a,b)?T:F);}
Byte *bif_symbol_to_string(Byte *args)
Byte *result, buf[4];
return memdup("()");
args = decode_string(EVAL(args));
result = mem(2);
result[0] = '(';
result[1] = '\0';
while(*args) {
sprintf(buf, "%d ", (int) *args++);
strcat(result, buf);
result[strlen(result)-1] = ')';
return result;
* Optimizations. These functions are already easily expressable in Shoe.
* However, they are too damn slow too. Therefore their equivalents are
* available here, written in C.
Byte *bif_sort(Byte *args){
Int length, nargs, i, j;
Byte *result, *s, *r, *selected, *current;
args = EVAL(args);
length = strlen(args);
args[length-1] = '\0';
result = mem(length+1);
nargs = NILP(args)?0:1;
for(s = args; *s; s++)
if(*s == ' ') {
*s = '\0';
r = result;
*r++ = '(';
for(i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
selected = current = args;
for(j = 0; j < nargs; j++) {
if((*selected == ' ' || less_thanp(current, selected)) &&
*current != ' ')
selected = current;
current += strlen(current)+1;
s = selected;
*r++ = *s++;
*selected = ' ';
if(i != nargs-1)
*r++ = ' ';
*r++ = ')';
*r++ = '\0';
return result;
Byte *bif_append(Byte *args){
Byte *arg, *result;
Int nargs = 0, length, total_length = 0;
args = push_stack(args);
while(LISTP(args) && !NILP(args)) {
arg = EVAL(args);
args = cdr(args);
if(!NILP(arg)) {
length = strlen(arg);
total_length += length;
args = push_stack(args);
result = mem(total_length+3)+total_length;
*result-- = '\0';
*result = ')';
while(nargs--) {
arg = pop_n_elems(1);
length = strlen(arg)-2;
result -= length;
strncpy(result, arg+1, length);
if(nargs > 0)
*--result = ' ';
*--result = '(';
return result;
/* * Bootstrap for initializing the Shoe kernel. */void bootstrap(void){ heap = malloc(HEAP_SIZE); if(!heap) { fprintf(stderr, "No memory for heap!\n"); exit(1); } online = 1; heap_pointer = heap; stack_pointer = heap+HEAP_SIZE; symbol_counter = bounded_counter = 0; /* Kernel functions. */ bif("eval", bif_eval); bif("function", bif_function); bif("quote", car);
bif("string", bif_string);
bif("lambda", bif_lambda); bif("macro", bif_macro); bif("define", bif_define); bif("if", bif_if); bif("equal", bif_equal); bif("car", bif_car); bif("cdr", bif_cdr); bif("cons", bif_cons); bif("memory", bif_memory); bif("trace", bif_trace); bif("gc", gc); /* General functions. */ bif("<", bif_less_than); /* Numerical functions. */ bif("+", bif_plus); bif("-", bif_minus); bif("*", bif_multiply); bif("/", bif_divide); bif("%", bif_modulo); /* Predicates. */ bif("number?", bif_numberp); bif("list?", bif_listp);
/* Optimizations. */ bif("append", bif_append);
bif("sort", bif_sort);
/* Strings. */
bif("symbol-to-string", bif_symbol_to_string);