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- ~~1997~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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- - HISTORY ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- In 1990 three hand held consoles were released.
- There was the Atari Lynx - 4096 colours, sprite scaling and rotation
- stereo sound and even a left handed mode. It rocked.
- Sega created their "GameGear". Crap name. Basically just a Master
- System in a smaller box. Not very exciting.
- The third machine was the infamous Nintendo gameboy. Its mono graphics
- and 8x8 sprites looked weak in comparison with the opposition.
- And guess which one sold the most?
- In 1997 the Reservoir Gods were working on a new game to follow up
- their previous smash hit releases.
- Whist searching the internet for information on this new game, they
- inadvertedly came across documentation for a Nintendo Gameboy emulator.
- Cogs wheeled slowly in their tiny brains and light bulb popped up:
- "Why don't we do this on the Falcon ?"
- The Siliconvention - Bremen, Germany, Easter 1997. God-Boy was taking shape,
- although there was not much for an inquisitive public to see as the video
- routines hadn't been completed.
- Agent T's flat, Hamburg, two days later. God-Boy finally ran its first
- game, ironically enough it was "Bubble Bobble" a game the Gods had brought
- to Atari screens two years earlier.
- The Atari Show, Birmingham, April 1997. A preview release of God-Boy
- was shown with a fully playable version of "Bubble Bobble". It was
- almost ready, The public held their breath.
- MSG's palace, Bolton, May 1997. The finishing touches to "Bubble Bobble"
- were made. Scores of nice samples were included. It did, in a very real
- sense, rock.
- The same location, three weeks later. The second release for God-Boy,
- "BombJack" was completed. It was, in a very real sense, the bomb.
- - IMPORTANT --------------------------------------------------------------------
- God-Boy is specially designed just to run the included game.
- You cannot load other gameboy files into God-Boy!
- We will be releasing other gameboy games, but only after we have composed
- tracker music for them, created hordes of sampled sound effects and bolted a
- nice trainer mode on the front end.
- So just sit back and enjoy "BombJack". And in the fullness of time another
- GodBoy release will pop out onto the earth. Like a little lamb in spring.
- - LOADING ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Use your mouse implement to click twice on "GOD_BOY.TOS".
- Make sure the file "BOMBJACK.GB" is in the same directory.
- Via the magic of GEM, the program will now load.
- Incredible.
- - FRONT-END --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The front end of God-Boy includes a series of options for controlling
- the emulator. The menu is controlled with cursor keys and space.
- * START *
- Begins the game. No, really.
- Prints up the usual guff.
- Allows you to cheat quite blatantly.
- Use arrow keys to move between options and space to toggle them
- on and off.
- () Infinite Lives
- This gives you a not inconsiderable number of lives.
- () Invulnerability
- This prevents unwanted deaths from contacts with baddies.
- () Fly Through Platforms
- This allows BombJack to fly through platforms from underneath.
- He can still land on them from above as normal.
- () Select Start Level
- Use left and right arrow keys to changed the level.
- If you hold down <SHIFT> whilst doing this, the level will move
- in steps of ten.
- DSP TRACKER - turning this off will completely disable the DSP tracker,
- useful if you have some crazy sped up falcon which doesn't like DSP
- stuff. You may also notice some small speed increase with the emulator.
- The Music and Sound Effects can also be toggled on and off.
- You may notice a small difference with your ears.
- If the DSP TRACKER is off, these options have no effect.
- The control method can be toggled between Keys and a Jaguar Powerpad
- plugged into port a.
- Keys used:
- CURSOR UP.....(When pressed with ALTERNATE) Hign jump
- CURSOR DOWN...Fall faster
- ALTERNATE.....Jump
- HELP..........Start Button
- Jagpad:
- Directions and Fire A as on the gameboy.
- PAUSE.........Start Button
- - PLAYING ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Once the main title screen has appeared and the text has typed itself on
- you can control the bomb cursor with up and down.
- Pressing your Start key selects the current option
- During the game, left and right will cause Jack to walk in the requested
- direction. If you are polite.
- Pressing Button A (<Alternate> on keys, <Fire A> on JagPad) will cause Jack
- to defy Newton's laws and fly from the ground.
- To do an extra big super jump, first press up then press button A.
- Collect all the bombs on a level to progress to the next one.
- It's just like pacman, but with gravity. And bombs.
- There is a special order to collect the bombs on each level.
- The more bombs you collect in the correct order, the higher points bonus you
- will get at the end of the level.
- If the bomb you collect is the right one in the sequence, you will here a
- satisfied "ooooh!" sample.
- When you lose all your lives, you will go to the Game Over screen, as the game
- is effectively now over. But is it?
- Press <Start> when you see the "Game Over" logo and you will be taken to the
- continue screen. Here you have 5 seconds to comply - press start and you will
- go back to the game. Idly twiddling with your thumbs and being slack will cause
- this chance to slip from your grasp and the time will run out.
- Press <Start> again to return to the main menu.
- If you do manage to complete the game you will no doubt be overwhelmed by the
- programmers' visual extravangza that has been lovingly created for your
- benefit.
- - SCREEN SHOTS -----------------------------------------------------------------
- If you press F9 during the game then the current screen will be saved into the
- current directory under the filename "GBSCREEN.PI1".
- This is a standard 32034 byte degas file.
- - DEBUGGING --------------------------------------------------------------------
- We have created a full Gameboy debugger for God-Boy.
- "Mon-GB" allows you to trace through the Z80 code, set breakpoints and alter
- memory in exactly the same way as MON-ST on the Atari.
- This is an additional extra which is not included with this release, but if you
- are a coder or a hacker who fancies messing around with gameboy games, adding
- trainer modes etc. then drop us a line and we will send you Mon-GB.
- - CREDITS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Coding Mr. Pink
- Graphics sh3
- Music MSG
- DSP Tracker TAT
- All code was written in 100% 68030 assembly language.
- If there is a lot of demand I may do an ST port, probably
- STE only as the Blitter is used quite heavily.
- - THANKS -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- For all the gameboy documention, additional info and general help:
- Marcel De Kogel, Marat Fayzullin, Jens.
- Big thanks for supplying gameboy related files to:
- Daniel Hedberg, Antonio Lillo, Reine Larsson, Daryl Harkin,
- and Phil Cann.
- Thanks also to:
- Tat - for moral support and the DSP replay.
- MSG - for playtesting.
- Flinny - for laughing at the early version of God-Boy.
- - GREETS -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Absence. Aggression. Avena. Black Scorpion Software. Chaos Engine. Cream.
- Cobra. Dead Hackers Society. Escape. EKO. EXA. Fun. Impulse. Inter. Lazer.
- Maggie Team. Misfits. MJJ Productions. New Beat Development. Pandemonium.
- RDT. Scarface. Senior Dads. Shadows. Therapy. TNB. Tool 8. Toons. Toxic.
- Toys. TSCC.
- Special Greets to: Kerry Willcox
- - CONTACT US -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Write to:
- Leon O'Reilly
- Cwm Isaf
- Abermule
- Montgomery
- Powys
- SY15 6JL
- E-Mail:
- leon@powys.tec.org.uk ( Mr. Pink )
- msg1css@bolton.ac.uk ( MSG )
- Homepage:
- http://www.acs.bolton.ac.uk/~msg1css/maison.htm
- - FUTURE -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- We will be releasing more Gameboy games for God-Boy.
- There aren't going to be bunged out production line style like on the nasty PC.
- We put care and attention into the releases and they will feature nice music
- and stereo samples and good colours.
- If you have any bug reports or additional features you would like to see added
- to God-Boy, please get in touch.
- - LEGAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- God-Boy is freeware.
- Please copy it everywhere.
- But don't forget, if you don't own a gameboy and the cartridges, then please
- laugh long and hard at Nintendo as you blatantly rip them off.
- If Nintendo do go bankrupt because of God-Boy, we will be kind enough to set
- up a special Nintendo charity featuring bring-and-buy jumble sales and
- coffee mornings. When you see the Nintendo employees on the street flogging
- copies of the big issue, you know who to blame.
- We are now officially bonkers (2).
- See you next time.
- ------------------------------------------------------ (c) 1997 Reservoir Gods -