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Text File | 2005-04-30 | 60.9 KB | 2,883 lines |
- **************************
- **** Coded by Mr Pink ****
- * (C)1995 RESERVOIR GODS *
- **************************
- ; # = $2b (scan code)
- DEBUG equ 0
- BSS_DEBUG equ 1
- new_bss_ikbd equ 0
- vars_y equ 90
- regs_y equ 40
- vecs_y equ 6*7
- timer_a_ex equ 0
- timer_b_ex equ 1
- timer_c_ex equ 2
- timer_d_ex equ 3
- vbl_ex equ 4
- vbl_q_ex equ 5
- trap_1_ex equ 6
- trap_2_ex equ 7
- trap_13_ex equ 8
- trap_14_ex equ 9
- ikbd_ex equ 10
- blitter_ex equ 11
- line_a_ex equ 12
- line_f_ex equ 13
- hbl_ex equ 14
- error_ex equ 15
- rs232_ex equ 16
- mono_ex equ 17
- mmu_ex equ 18
- trace_ex equ 19
- alt_help_ex equ 20
- fdi_ex equ 21
- reset_ex equ 22
- INCLUDE "j:\asm\bssdebug\examples\devpac\macros.sh"
- start_ripper
- move.l a7,a5
- move.l 4(a5),a5
- lea $80(a5),a0
- move.l a0,cmd_adr
- move.l 12(a5),d0
- add.l 20(a5),d0
- add.l 28(a5),d0
- add.l #$100,d0
- move.l d0,-(sp)
- move.l a5,-(sp)
- move d0,-(sp)
- move #$4a,-(sp)
- trap #1
- add.l #12,sp
- clr.w -(a7)
- pea $200000
- trap #1
- SetBreak <"end_timer_d">,BREAKSimple,0,<"">
- SetWatch <"pic_x">,WATCHWord
- SetWatch <"pic_y">,WATCHWord
- SetWatch <"pic_res">,WATCHWord
- SetWatch <"cur_pic_adr">,WATCHLong
- SetWatch <"line_length">,WATCHLong
- move.w #$59,-(a7) ;get monitor
- trap #14
- addq.l #2,a7
- cmp.w #2,d0
- bne.s not_vga
- st.b vga_flag
- not_vga
- bsr save_system
- move.l #start_ripper,$30.w
- move.l #end_ripper,$432.w
- dc.w $a00a
- lea intro_txt(pc),a0
- bsr gemdos_print
- bsr wait_key
- bsr do_first_menu
- beq.s do_tsr
- term
- clr.w -(a7)
- trap #1
- do_tsr
- clr.b check_bit
- bsr do_installation
- move.b #1,check_bit
- bra init_ripper
- bsr get_drive_dir
- move.l cmd_adr,a2
- move.b (a2)+,d0
- subq.w #1,d0
- bmi.s no_command
- .cpy move.b (a2)+,(a0)+
- dbra d0,.cpy
- pea null(pc)
- pea null(pc)
- pea ddir
- pea $4b0000
- trap #1
- lea 16(a7),a7
- no_command
- move.w #0,-(a7)
- move.l #end_ripper-start_ripper+$100,-(a7)
- move.w #$31,-(a7)
- trap #1
- null dc.l 0
- get_drive_dir
- move.w #$19,-(sp) ; Get current drive
- trap #1
- addq.l #2,sp
- move.w d0,d1
- add.b #65,d0 ; alter from number to letter
- move.b d0,ddir ; store
- clr.b ddir+2
- addq.w #1,d1
- move.w d1,-(a7)
- pea ddir+2
- move.w #$47,-(a7)
- trap #1
- addq.l #8,a7
- lea ddir,a0
- .notend tst.b (a0)+
- bne.s .notend
- move.b #'\',-1(a0)
- clr.b (a0)
- rts
- do_first_menu:
- bsr save_screen_info
- bsr save_pal
- bsr wait_vbl
- bsr init_screen
- bsr init_ikbd
- bsr do_vector_install_menu
- move.w d0,-(a7)
- bsr restore_ikbd
- bsr restore_screen_info
- bsr restore_pal
- tst.w (a7)+
- rts
- gemdos_print: pea (a0)
- move.w #9,-(a7)
- trap #1
- addq.w #6,a7
- rts
- wait_key: move.w #$b,-(a7) ;interogate keyboard
- trap #1
- addq.l #2,a7
- tst d0 ;is there junk in key buffer?
- beq.s cnecin ;no, just wait for key
- bsr.s cnecin ;clear key buffer
- bra.s wait_key ;check buffer status
- cnecin: move.w #8,-(a7) ;get key
- trap #1
- addq.l #2,a7 ;returned in D0
- rts
- init_ripper:
- move.l a7,old_stack+2
- lea rip_stack,a7
- move.w sr,-(a7)
- move.w #$2700,sr
- clr.b begin_ripping_flag
- clr.b new_config
- bsr save_screen_info
- lea cur_system_vars,a0
- bsr save_cur_system
- bsr get_current_vecs
- bsr restore_system
- move.l mfp_sei,d0
- beq.s .non_mfp
- move.w d0,a0
- swap d0
- bclr.b d0,(a0)
- .non_mfp
- clr.b $fffffa07.w ;iera
- clr.b $fffffa13.w ;imra
- move.b #%01000000,$fffffa09.w ;ierb
- move.b #%01000000,$fffffa15.w ;imrb
- move.l #temp_vbl,$70.w
- move.w #$2300,sr
- bsr save_pal
- bsr wait_vbl
- bsr init_screen
- bsr init_ikbd
- bsr get_pic_info
- bsr print_ripper_menu_txt
- cmp.b #reset_ex,vec_family
- beq do_vec_menu
- do_ripper_menu:
- tst.b key_table+$3b
- bne show_screen
- tst.b key_table+$3c
- bne do_vec_menu
- tst.b key_table+$3d
- bne do_save_file
- tst.b key_table+$3e
- bne do_save_god_file
- tst.b key_table+$44
- beq.s do_ripper_menu
- bsr restore_ikbd
- bsr wait_vbl
- bsr restore_screen_info
- bsr restore_pal
- move.w #$2700,sr
- lea cur_system_vars,a0
- bsr restore_cur_system
- tst.b new_config
- beq.s .no_new
- clr.b check_bit
- bsr do_installation
- move.b #1,check_bit
- .no_new
- move.w (a7)+,sr
- old_stack
- lea $12345678,a7
- rts
- print_ripper_menu_txt:
- lea ripper_txt,a0
- move.l #320-16*3,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- bsr print_string
- lea coder_txt,a0
- move.l #320-16*3,d0
- moveq #20,d1
- bsr print_string
- lea rg_txt,a0
- move.l #320-23*3,d0
- moveq #30,d1
- bsr print_string
- lea menu_txt,a0
- moveq #0,d0
- moveq #40,d1
- bsr print_string
- lea entry_txt,a0
- move.l #320,d0
- moveq #40,d1
- bsr print_string
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b vec_family,d0
- move.l (v_txt_adrs,d0.w*4),a0
- move.l #320+6*15,d0
- moveq #40,d1
- bsr print_string
- lea variables_txt,a0
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l #vars_y,d1
- bsr print_string
- move.w pic_res,d0
- move.l (res_txts,d0.w*4),a0
- moveq #6*6,d0
- move.l #vars_y,d1
- bsr print_string
- lea word_txts,a6
- .loop1 move.l (a6)+,a0
- cmpa.l #0,a0
- beq. .el1
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w (a0),d0
- bsr conv_long_ascii
- lea long_string+6,a0
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w (a6)+,d0
- move.w (a6)+,d1
- mulu #6,d1
- add.l #vars_y,d1
- pea (a6)
- bsr print_string
- move.l (a7)+,a6
- bra.s .loop1
- .el1 lea byte_txts,a6
- .loop2 move.l (a6)+,a0
- cmpa.l #0,a0
- beq. .el2
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b (a0),d0
- bsr conv_long_ascii
- lea long_string+6,a0
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w (a6)+,d0
- move.w (a6)+,d1
- mulu #6,d1
- add.l #vars_y,d1
- pea (a6)
- bsr print_string
- move.l (a7)+,a6
- bra.s .loop2
- .el2 lea screen_vars+12,a6
- moveq #7,d7
- moveq #6*5,d6
- .loop3 moveq #0,d0
- move.w (a6)+,d0
- bsr conv_long_ascii
- lea long_string+6,a0
- move.l d6,d0
- move.l #vars_y+6*2,d1
- movem.l d6-7/a6,-(a7)
- bsr print_string
- movem.l (a7)+,d6-7/a6
- add.l #6*10,d6
- dbra d7,.loop3
- moveq #7,d7
- moveq #6*5,d6
- .loop4 moveq #0,d0
- move.w (a6)+,d0
- bsr conv_long_ascii
- lea long_string+6,a0
- move.l d6,d0
- move.l #vars_y+6*3,d1
- movem.l d6-7/a6,-(a7)
- bsr print_string
- movem.l (a7)+,d6-7/a6
- add.l #6*10,d6
- dbra d7,.loop4
- rts
- show_screen
- bsr wait_vbl
- bsr restore_screen_info
- bsr restore_pal
- .wt tst.b key_table+$3b
- bne.s .wt
- .wt2 tst.b key_table+$3b
- beq.s .wt2
- bsr wait_vbl
- bsr set_my_screen
- bsr set_resolution
- bsr set_my_pal
- .wt3 tst.b key_table+$3b
- bne.s .wt3
- bra do_ripper_menu
- get_current_vecs:
- lea new_adrs,a0
- lea install_bits,a1
- .loop moveq #0,d0
- move.w (a0)+,d0
- bmi.s .last
- move.w (a0)+,a2
- move.l (a2),d1
- cmp.l (a0)+,d1
- beq.s .ok
- bclr #0,(a1,d0.w)
- bra.s .loop
- .ok bset #0,(a1,d0.w)
- bra.s .loop
- .last
- move.l $456.w,a0
- move.w $454.w,d2
- move.l #new_vbl_lister,d0
- .find move.l (a0)+,d1
- beq.s .novbl
- cmp.l d0,d1
- beq.s .got
- dbra d2,.find
- .novbl bclr #0,vbl_q_ex(a1)
- rts
- .got bset #0,vbl_q_ex(a1)
- rts
- do_vec_menu:
- bsr clear_my_screen
- bsr do_vector_install_menu
- bne.s .no_new
- st.b new_config
- .no_new
- bsr clear_my_screen
- bsr print_ripper_menu_txt
- bra do_ripper_menu
- do_save_god_file
- st.b god_mode
- bra.s dosavefile
- do_save_file
- clr.b god_mode
- dosavefile
- lea enter_file_txt,a0
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l #160,d1
- bsr print_string
- .wt1 tst.b key_table+$3c
- bne.s .wt1
- bsr enter_file_name
- bmi .err
- bsr restore_system
- bsr restore_ikbd
- IFNE new_bss_ikbd
- bsr init_ikbd
- move.l $84.w,old_bss_trap_1+2
- move.l #bss_trap_1,$84.w
- move.l $b4.w,old_bss_trap_13+2
- move.l #bss_trap_13,$b4.w
- bsr save_file
- .err bsr clear_my_screen
- bsr print_ripper_menu_txt
- bsr init_ikbd
- bra do_ripper_menu
- get_pic_info:
- move.l #'GRIP',magic
- lea screen_vars(pc),a0
- bfextu (a0){0:24},d0
- move.l d0,pic_adr
- move.l d0,cur_pic_adr
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w 6(a0),d0 ;line length (words)
- add.l d0,d0 ;length in bytes
- move.l d0,line_length ;save
- bsr get_pic_res
- move.w 36(a0),d0 ;82AA - VDE
- sub.w 34(a0),d0 ;82A8 - VDB
- move.w 42(a0),d1 ;82C0 - VCO
- ; tst.b vga_flag
- ; bne.s .int
- btst #1,d1 ;interlace mode
- bne.s .nint ;yes
- lsr.w d0
- .nint
- ; btst #3,d1 ;quarter pixel mode
- ; beq.s .noq
- ; lsr.w d0
- ;.noq btst #2,d1 ;halve pixel mode?
- ; beq.s .noh
- ; lsr.w d0
- .noh btst #0,d1 ;line doubling?
- beq.s .nol
- lsr.w d0
- .nol
- ; tst.w d1 ;interlace/double line off?
- ; beq.s .halve ;yes, half size
- ; btst #0,d1 ;line doubling?
- ; beq.s .norm ;no
- ; lsr.w d0 ;y size/2
- ;.halve lsr.w d0 ;y size/2
- .norm move.w d0,pic_y ;store y size
- mulu 6(a0),d0 ;line_width*y lines
- add.l d0,d0 ;*2 file length in bytes
- move.l d0,pic_length
- get_pic_res:
- move.b 8(a0),d0 ;8260
- move.w 10(a0),d1 ;8266
- btst #10,d1
- bne .two_colour
- btst #8,d1
- bne .true_colour
- btst #4,d1
- bne .eight_colour
- tst.b d0
- beq .sixteen_colour
- cmp.b #1,d0
- beq .four_colour
- .two_colour
- clr.w pic_res
- move.w 6(a0),d0 ;8210 - line width (words)
- lsl.w #4,d0 ;*16
- move.w d0,pic_x ;x pixels
- rts
- .four_colour
- moveq #62,d0
- tst.b vga_flag
- beq.s .nvga
- moveq #23,d0
- .nvga cmp.w 12(a0),d0
- bne .sixteen_colour
- move.w #1,pic_res
- move.w 6(a0),d0 ;8210 - line width (words)
- lsl.w #3,d0 ;*16
- move.w d0,pic_x ;x pixels
- rts
- .sixteen_colour
- move.w #2,pic_res
- move.w 6(a0),d0 ;8210 - line width (words)
- lsl.w #2,d0 ;*4
- move.w d0,pic_x ;x pixels
- rts
- .eight_colour
- move.w #3,pic_res
- move.w 6(a0),d0 ;8210 - line width (words)
- add.w d0,d0 ;*2
- move.w d0,pic_x ;x pixels
- rts
- .true_colour
- move.w #4,pic_res
- move.w 6(a0),pic_x
- .cont rts
- enter_file_name
- clr.w text_counter
- .loop clr.b key_pressed
- .wk tst.b key_pressed
- beq.s .wk
- move.b current_key,d1
- cmp.b #$1c,d1
- beq .end_entry
- cmp.b #1,d1
- beq .quit_entry
- cmp.b #$e,d1
- bne.s .nback
- subq.w #1,text_counter
- bpl.s .pls
- clr.w text_counter
- .pls lea single_string,a0
- move.b #' ',(a0)
- move.w text_counter,d0
- mulu #6,d0
- move.l #170,d1
- bsr print_string
- lea file_name,a0
- move.w text_counter,d0
- clr.b (a0,d0.w)
- bra .loop
- .nback lea single_string,a0
- move.b (scan_code_table,d1.w),d1
- move.b d1,(a0)
- move.w text_counter,d0
- lea file_name,a1
- move.b d1,(a1,d0.w)
- mulu #6,d0
- move.l #170,d1
- bsr print_string
- cmp.w #640/6-1,text_counter
- bge.s .ge
- addq.w #1,text_counter
- .ge
- bra .loop
- .quit_entry
- moveq #-1,d0
- rts
- .end_entry
- move.w text_counter,d0
- clr.b (file_name+1,d0.w)
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- wait_vbl:
- move.l d0,-(a7)
- move.l $466.w,d0
- .wt cmp.l $466.w,d0
- beq.s .wt
- move.l (a7)+,d0
- rts
- ************************
- *************************
- save_system:
- lea old_system_vars(pc),a0
- save_cur_system
- move.w sr,-(a7)
- move.w #$2700,sr
- movec cacr,d0
- move.w d0,(a0)+
- move.l $68.w,(a0)+ ; hbl
- move.l $70.w,(a0)+ ; vbl
- move.l $84.w,(a0)+ ; trap #1
- move.l $b4.w,(a0)+ ; trap #13
- move.l $b8.w,(a0)+ ; trap #14
- move.l $110.w,(a0)+ ; Timer D
- move.l $114.w,(a0)+ ; Timer C
- move.l $118.w,(a0)+ ; ikbd
- move.l $120.w,(a0)+ ; Timer B
- move.l $134.w,(a0)+ ; Timer A
- move.l $13c.w,(a0)+ ; mono detect
- move.l $456.w,(a0)+ ; vbl list ptr
- move.l $466.w,(a0)+ ; current vbl clock
- move.l $502.w,(a0)+ ; alt-help vector
- move.w $ffff8900.w,(a0)+ ; Interruptions, Son DMA
- move.b $ffff8903.w,(a0)+ ; Start - High
- move.b $ffff8905.w,(a0)+ ; Start - Med
- move.b $ffff8907.w,(a0)+ ; Start - Low
- move.b $ffff890f.w,(a0)+ ; End - High
- move.b $ffff8911.w,(a0)+ ; End - Med
- move.b $ffff8913.w,(a0)+ ; End - Low
- move.w $ffff8920.w,(a0)+ ; Nb Voies, 8/16, Mono/Stereo
- move.w $ffff8930.w,(a0)+ ; Matrice : Sources
- move.w $ffff8932.w,(a0)+ ; Matrice : Destinations
- move.w $ffff8934.w,(a0)+ ; Prescales d'horloge
- move.w $ffff8936.w,(a0)+ ; Nb Voies Record,source ADDERIN
- move.w $ffff8938.w,(a0)+ ; Source ADC + Volumes entrées
- move.w $ffff893a.w,(a0)+ ; Volumes de Sortie
- move.b $fffffa07.w,(a0)+ ; iera
- move.b $fffffa09.w,(a0)+ ; ierb
- move.b $fffffa13.w,(a0)+ ; imra
- move.b $fffffa15.w,(a0)+ ; imrb
- move.b $fffffa17.w,(a0)+ ; vectore register
- move.b $fffffa19.w,(a0)+ ; Timer A control
- move.b $fffffa1b.w,(a0)+ ; Timer B control
- move.b $fffffa1d.w,(a0)+ ; Timer C & D control
- move.b $fffffa1f.w,(a0)+ ; Timer A data
- move.b $fffffa21.w,(a0)+ ; Timer B data
- move.b $fffffa23.w,(a0)+ ; Timer C data
- move.b $fffffa25.w,(a0)+ ; Timer D data
- move.b $ffff8007.w,(a0)+ ; 68030 Configuration
- move.w (a7)+,sr
- rts
- save_screen_info:
- lea screen_vars(pc),a0 ; Espace de sauvegarde
- move.b $ffff8201.w,(a0)+ ;0 Vidéo (poids fort)
- move.b $ffff8203.w,(a0)+ ;1 Vidéo (poids moyen)
- move.b $ffff820d.w,(a0)+ ;2 Vidéo (poids faible)
- move.b $ffff820a.w,(a0)+ ;3 Synchronisation vidéo
- move.w $ffff820e.w,(a0)+ ;4 Offset pour prochaine ligne
- move.w $ffff8210.w,(a0)+ ;6 Largeur d'une ligne en mots
- move.b $ffff8260.w,(a0)+ ;8 Résolution ST
- move.b $ffff8265.w,(a0)+ ;9 Décalage Pixel
- move.w $ffff8266.w,(a0)+ ;10 Résolution FALCON
- move.w $ffff8282.w,(a0)+ ;12 HHT-Synchro
- move.w $ffff8284.w,(a0)+ ;14 Fin du décodage de la ligne
- move.w $ffff8286.w,(a0)+ ;16 Début du décodage de la ligne
- move.w $ffff8288.w,(a0)+ ;18 Overscan gauche
- move.w $ffff828a.w,(a0)+ ;20 Overscan droit
- move.w $ffff828c.w,(a0)+ ;22 HSS-Synchro
- move.w $ffff828e.w,(a0)+ ;24 HFS
- move.w $ffff8290.w,(a0)+ ;26 HEE
- move.w $ffff82a2.w,(a0)+ ;28 VFT-Synchro
- move.w $ffff82a4.w,(a0)+ ;30 Fin du décodage de l'image
- move.w $ffff82a6.w,(a0)+ ;32 Début du décodage de l'image
- move.w $ffff82a8.w,(a0)+ ;34 VDB
- move.w $ffff82aa.w,(a0)+ ;36 VDE
- move.w $ffff82ac.w,(a0)+ ;38 VSS-Synchro
- move.w $ffff82c0.w,(a0)+ ;40 Reconnaissance ST/FALCON
- move.w $ffff82c2.w,(a0) ;42 VCO
- ; move.w #-1,-(a7)
- ; move.w #$58,-(a7)
- ; trap #14
- ; addq.l #4,a7
- ; move.w d0,old_vmode
- rts
- save_pal:
- bsr wait_vbl
- lea pal_space,a0
- lea $ffff8240.w,a1
- moveq #15,d0
- .save_st_pal
- move.w (a1)+,(a0)+
- dbra d0,.save_st_pal
- lea $ffff9800.w,a1
- move.w #255,d0
- .save_falc_pal
- move.l (a1)+,(a0)+
- dbra d0,.save_falc_pal
- rts
- ***************************
- ***************************
- set_resolution
- lea videl_640_200_2(pc),a0
- move.b #2,$ffff820a.w ; Internal sync
- clr.b $ffff8265.w ; Horizontal scroll reg=0
- addq.l #4,a0 ; skip screen_length
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff820e.w ; line width
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8210.w ; Falcon line width
- move.w (a0)+,d0 ; Resolution ST
- move.w (a0)+,d1 ; Resolution FALCON
- move.w d1,$ffff8266.w ; Resolution FALCON
- tst.w (a0)+ ; falcon screen mode?
- beq.s FalconRez ; yes
- move.b d0,$ffff8260.w ; Resolution ST
- move.w -8(a0),$ffff8210.w ; Fa;cpm line width
- FalconRez
- btst.b #7,$ffff8006.w ; VGA monitor ?
- Beq.s R_Ok ; no, rgb
- adda.w #16*2,a0 ; get to VGA data
- R_Ok
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8282.w ; HHT - Hold counter
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8284.w ; HBB - Border Begin
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8286.w ; HBE - Border end
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8288.w ; HDB - Display Begin
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff828a.w ; HDE - Display End
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff828c.w ; HSS - Synchro
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff828e.w ; HFS
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8290.w ; HEE
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82a2.w ; VFT - Synchro
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82a4.w ; VBB - Border Begin
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82a6.w ; VBE - Border End
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82a8.w ; VDB - Display Begin
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82aa.w ; VDE - Display End
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82ac.w ; VSS-Synchro
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82c0.w ; FALCON resoultion indicator
- move.w (a0),$ffff82c2.w ; resolution info
- rts
- init_screen:
- lea screen_space(pc),a0
- move.l a0,d0
- clr.b d0
- lea physic(pc),a1
- move.l d0,(a1)
- bsr wait_vbl
- bsr set_my_screen
- bsr set_resolution
- bsr clear_my_screen
- bsr set_my_pal
- rts
- set_my_screen:
- lea physic(pc),a1
- movea.w #$8201,a0 ;$fffff8201=screen address
- move.b 1(a1),(a0)
- move.b 2(a1),2(a0) ;$fffff8203
- move.b 3(a1),$C(a0) ;$fffff820d
- rts
- clear_my_screen
- move.l physic(pc),a1
- move.l #(640*200/8)/4-1,d0
- .cl clr.l (a1)+
- dbra d0,.cl
- rts
- set_my_pal:
- lea $ffff9800.w,a0
- lea $ffff8240.w,a1
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.w d0,(a1)+
- moveq #-1,d0
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.w d0,(a1)+
- rts
- ***************************
- ***************************
- restore_system:
- lea old_system_vars(pc),a0
- restore_cur_system:
- move.w sr,-(a7)
- move.w #$2700,sr
- move.w (a0)+,d0
- movec d0,cacr
- move.l (a0)+,$68.w ; hbl
- move.l (a0)+,$70.w ; vbl
- move.l (a0)+,$84.w ; trap #1
- move.l (a0)+,$b4.w ; trap #13
- move.l (a0)+,$b8.w ; trap #14
- move.l (a0)+,$110.w ; Timer D
- move.l (a0)+,$114.w ; Timer C
- move.l (a0)+,$118.w ; ikbd
- move.l (a0)+,$120.w ; Timer B
- move.l (a0)+,$134.w ; Timer A
- move.l (a0)+,$13c.w ; mono detect
- move.l (a0)+,$456.w ; vbl list ptr
- move.l (a0)+,$466.w ; current vbl clock
- move.l (a0)+,$502.w ; alt-help vector
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8900.w ; Interruptions, Son DMA
- move.b (a0)+,$ffff8903.w ; Start - High
- move.b (a0)+,$ffff8905.w ; Start - Med
- move.b (a0)+,$ffff8907.w ; Start - Low
- move.b (a0)+,$ffff890f.w ; End - High
- move.b (a0)+,$ffff8911.w ; End - Med
- move.b (a0)+,$ffff8913.w ; End - Low
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8920.w ; Nb Voies, 8/16, Mono/Stereo
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8930.w ; Matrice : Sources
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8932.w ; Matrice : Destinations
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8934.w ; Prescales d'horloge
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8936.w ; Nb Voies Record,source ADDERIN
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8938.w ; Source ADC + Volumes entrées
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff893a.w ; Volumes de Sortie
- move.b (a0)+,$fffffa07.w ; iera
- move.b (a0)+,$fffffa09.w ; ierb
- move.b (a0)+,$fffffa13.w ; imra
- move.b (a0)+,$fffffa15.w ; imrb
- move.b (a0)+,$fffffa17.w ; vectore register
- move.b (a0)+,$fffffa19.w ; Timer A control
- move.b (a0)+,$fffffa1b.w ; Timer B control
- move.b (a0)+,$fffffa1d.w ; Timer C & D control
- move.b (a0)+,$fffffa1f.w ; Timer A data
- move.b (a0)+,$fffffa21.w ; Timer B data
- move.b (a0)+,$fffffa23.w ; Timer C data
- move.b (a0)+,$fffffa25.w ; Timer D data
- move.b (a0)+,$ffff8007.w ; 68030 Configuration
- move.w (a7)+,sr
- rts
- restore_screen_info:
- ; move.w sr,-(a7)
- ; ori.w #$0700,sr
- ; move.w old_vmode,-(a7)
- ; move.w #$58,-(a7)
- ; trap #14
- ; addq.l #4,a7
- lea screen_vars(pc),a0
- move.b (a0)+,$ffff8201.w ; Vidéo (poids fort)
- move.b (a0)+,$ffff8203.w ; Vidéo (poids moyen)
- move.b (a0)+,$ffff820d.w ; Vidéo (poids faible)
- move.b (a0)+,$ffff820a.w ; Synchronisation vidéo
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff820e.w ; Offset pour prochaine ligne
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8210.w ; Largeur d'une ligne en mots
- move.b (a0)+,d0 ; Résolution ST
- move.b (a0)+,$ffff8265.w ; Décalage Pixel
- move.w (a0)+,d1 ; Résolution FALCON
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8282.w ; HHT-Synchro
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8284.w ; Fin du décodage de la ligne
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8286.w ; Début du décodage de la ligne
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8288.w ; Overscan gauche
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff828a.w ; Overscan droit
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff828c.w ; HSS-Synchro
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff828e.w ; HFS
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff8290.w ; HEE
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82a2.w ; VFT-Synchro
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82a4.w ; Fin du décodage de l'image
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82a6.w ; Début du décodage de l'image
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82a8.w ; Overscan haut
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82aa.w ; Overscan bas
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82ac.w ; VSS-Synchro
- move.w (a0)+,$ffff82c0.w ; Reconnaissance ST/FALCON
- move.w (a0),$ffff82c2.w ; Informations résolution
- move.w d1,$ffff8266.w ; Fixe résolution FALCON...
- btst.b #0,$ffff82c0.w ; Résolution FALCON ?
- bne.s .Falcon_Rez ; Si oui,saut !
- move.b d0,$ffff8260.w ; Fixe résolution ST...
- .Falcon_Rez
- ; move.w (a7)+,sr
- rts
- restore_pal
- bsr wait_vbl
- lea pal_space,a0
- lea $ffff8240.w,a1
- moveq #15,d0
- .save_st_pal
- move.w (a0)+,(a1)+
- dbra d0,.save_st_pal
- lea $ffff9800.w,a1
- move.w #255,d0
- .save_falc_pal
- move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- dbra d0,.save_falc_pal
- rts
- ****************************
- ****************************
- do_vector_install_menu
- lea vector_menu_txt,a0
- moveq #0,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- bsr print_string
- bsr display_all_vecs
- clr.b key_pressed
- .loop tst.b key_table+$39
- bne .end
- tst.b key_table+1
- bne .quit
- bsr get_my_key
- cmp.w #$2b,d0
- bne.s .non_hash
- bsr vector_toggle
- bsr display_all_vecs
- bra.s .loop
- .non_hash
- bsr convert_my_key
- tst.w d1
- bmi.s .loop
- moveq #2,d0
- tst.b key_table+$38
- bne.s .setbit
- moveq #1,d0
- tst.b key_table+$2a
- bne.s .setbit
- tst.b key_table+$36
- bne.s .setbit
- moveq #0,d0
- .setbit
- lea space_txt,a0
- bchg d0,(install_bits,d1.w)
- bne.s .space
- lea star_txt,a0
- .space move.l (vecs_x,d0.w*4),d0
- mulu #6,d1
- add.l #vecs_y,d1
- bsr print_string
- bra .loop
- .quit moveq #-1,d0
- rts
- .end moveq #0,d0
- rts
- display_all_vecs:
- moveq #22,d7 ;vecs to check
- moveq #vecs_y,d1
- lea install_bits,a6
- .ly moveq #2,d6
- .lx move.l (vecs_x,d6.w*4),d0
- lea space_txt,a0
- btst.b d6,(a6)
- beq.s .space
- lea star_txt,a0
- .space movem.l d0-a6,-(a7)
- bsr print_string
- movem.l (a7)+,d0-a6
- dbra d6,.lx
- addq.w #1,a6
- addq.l #6,d1
- dbra d7,.ly
- rts
- vector_toggle
- moveq #2,d0
- tst.b key_table+$38
- bne.s .setbit
- moveq #1,d0
- tst.b key_table+$2a
- bne.s .setbit
- tst.b key_table+$36
- bne.s .setbit
- moveq #0,d0
- .setbit lea install_bits,a0
- moveq #22,d1
- bchg d0,v_toggle_mode
- bne.s .all_off
- .on bset.b d0,(a0)+
- dbra d1,.on
- rts
- .all_off
- bclr.b d0,(a0)+
- dbra d1,.all_off
- rts
- get_my_key:
- tst.b key_pressed
- beq.s get_my_key
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b current_key,d0
- clr.b key_pressed
- rts
- convert_my_key
- move.w d0,d1
- sub.w #$3b,d1
- bmi.s .chk2
- cmp.b #10,d1
- bge.s .chk2
- rts
- .chk2 move.w d0,d1
- subq.w #$2,d1
- bmi.s .chk3
- cmp.w #14,d1
- bge.s .chk3
- add.w #10,d1
- rts
- .chk3 move.w d0,d1
- sub.w #16,d1
- bmi.s .chk4
- cmp.w #3,d1
- bge.s .chk4
- add.w #20,d1
- rts
- .chk4 moveq #-1,d1
- rts
- ********************************
- ********************************
- do_installation:
- move.w sr,-(a7)
- ori.w #$0700,sr
- bsr install_normals
- bsr install_customs
- move.w (a7)+,sr
- rts
- install_normals:
- lea reinstall_adrs,a0
- lea install_bits,a1
- .loop move.w (a0)+,d0 ;get vec family num
- bmi .end ;if minus last
- move.b check_bit,d1
- btst d1,(a1,d0.w) ;install/reinstall bit?
- beq .next ;not set
- move.l ([a0]),d0 ;get vector ptr
- beq.s .install ;if 0, reinstall
- btst #0,d0 ;odd address?
- bne.s .install ;yes
- cmp.l 4(a0),d0 ;my int installed?
- beq.s .next ;yes
- move.l d0,([a0,8]) ;old ptr is jump
- move.l 4(a0),([a0]) ;install my vecor
- add.l #12,a0 ;next ad
- bra.s .loop ;loop
- .install
- move.l #end_int,([a0,8]) ;point to rte
- move.l 4(a0),([a0]) ;install my vector
- .next add.l #12,a0
- bra.s .loop
- .end rts
- install_customs:
- lea custom_adrs,a0
- lea install_bits,a1
- .loop move.w (a0)+,d0
- bmi .last
- move.b check_bit,d1
- btst d1,(a1,d0.w)
- beq .next
- pea (a0)
- jsr ([a0])
- move.l (a7)+,a0
- .next addq.l #4,a0
- bra.s .loop
- .last rts
- reinstall_all:
- install_rs232:
- lea rs232_adrs,a0
- bsr multi_install
- or.b #%01011110,$fffffa07.w
- or.b #%01011110,$fffffa13.w
- or.b #%111,$fffffa09.w
- or.b #%111,$fffffa15.w
- rts
- install_errors:
- lea error_adrs,a0
- bra.s multi_install
- install_mmu:
- lea mmu_adrs,a0
- multi_install:
- .loop move.l (a0),a1 ;get vector address
- cmpa.w #-1,a1 ;last?
- beq .last
- move.l (a1),d0 ;get vector ptr
- beq.s .install ;if 0, reinstall
- btst #0,d0 ;odd address?
- bne.s .install ;yes
- cmp.l 4(a0),d0
- beq.s .next
- move.l d0,([a0,8]) ;old ptr is jump
- move.l 4(a0),(a1) ;install my vecor
- bra.s .next
- .install
- move.l #end_int,([a0,8]) ;point to rte
- move.l 4(a0),(a1) ;install my vector
- .next add.l #12,a0
- bra.s .loop
- .last rts
- install_timer_a:
- btst #5,$fffffa07.w
- beq.s .new_a
- move.l $134.w,d0 ;current timer a
- beq.s .new_a ;must be non zero!
- cmp.l #new_timer_a,d0 ;my timer installed?
- beq.s .go_a ;yes
- btst #0,d0 ;odd address?
- bne.s .new_a ;no, even
- move.l d0,old_timer_a+2 ;old timer a
- move.l #new_timer_a,$134.w ;my timer a
- bra .go_a ;set timer a on
- .new_a move.l #end_timer_a,d0 ;sei routine
- btst #3,$fffffa17.w ;aei/sei
- bne.s .sei ;sei
- move.l #end_int,d0 ;dummy RTE
- .sei move.l d0,old_timer_a+2 ;end interrupt routine
- move.l #new_timer_a,$134.w ;install timer a
- .go_a tst.b $fffffa19.w
- bne.s .ok_a
- move.b #7,$fffffa19.w ;Timer A control (delay mode)
- move.b #246,$fffffa1f.w ;Timer A data
- .ok_a bset #5,$fffffa07.w ;Interrupt Enable Register A
- bset #5,$fffffa13.w ;Interrupt Mask Register A
- rts
- install_timer_b:
- btst #0,$fffffa07.w
- beq.s .new_b
- move.l $120.w,d0 ;current timer b
- beq.s .new_b ;must be non zero!
- cmp.l #new_timer_b,d0 ;my timer installed?
- beq.s .go_b ;yes
- btst #0,d0 ;odd address?
- bne.s .new_b ;no, even
- move.l d0,old_timer_b+2 ;old timer a
- move.l #new_timer_b,$120.w ;my timer a
- bra .go_b ;set timer a on
- .new_b move.l #end_timer_b,d0 ;sei routine
- btst #3,$fffffa17.w ;aei/sei
- bne.s .sei ;sei
- move.l #end_int,d0 ;dummy RTE
- .sei move.l d0,old_timer_b+2 ;end interrupt routine
- move.l #new_timer_b,$120.w ;install timer a
- .go_b tst.b $fffffa1b.w
- bne.s .ok_b
- move.b #7,$fffffa1b.w ;Timer A control (delay mode)
- move.b #246,$fffffa21.w ;Timer A data
- .ok_b bset #0,$fffffa07.w ;Interrupt Enable Register B
- bset #0,$fffffa13.w ;Interrupt Mask Register B
- rts
- install_timer_c:
- btst #5,$fffffa09.w
- beq.s .new_c
- move.l $114.w,d0 ;current timer c
- beq.s .new_c ;must be non zero!
- cmp.l #new_timer_c,d0 ;my timer installed?
- beq.s .go_c ;yes
- btst #0,d0 ;odd address?
- bne.s .new_c ;no, even
- move.l d0,old_timer_c+2 ;old timer a
- move.l #new_timer_c,$114.w ;my timer a
- bra .go_c ;set timer a on
- .new_c move.l #end_timer_c,d0 ;sei routine
- btst #3,$fffffa17.w ;aei/sei
- bne.s .sei ;sei
- move.l #end_int,d0 ;dummy RTE
- .sei move.l d0,old_timer_c+2 ;end interrupt routine
- move.l #new_timer_c,$114.w ;install timer a
- .go_c bftst $fffffa1c.w{8+5:3} ;timer c on?
- bne.s .ok_c ;yes
- or.b #%111,$fffffa1d.w ;Timer C/D control (delay mode)
- move.b #246,$fffffa23.w ;Timer C data
- .ok_c bset #5,$fffffa09.w ;Interrupt Enable Register B
- bset #5,$fffffa15.w ;Interrupt Mask Register B
- rts
- install_timer_d:
- btst #4,$fffffa09.w
- beq.s .new_d
- move.l $110.w,d0 ;current timer d
- beq.s .new_d ;must be non zero!
- cmp.l #new_timer_d,d0 ;my timer installed?
- beq.s .go_d ;yes
- btst #0,d0 ;odd address?
- bne.s .new_d ;no, even
- move.l d0,old_timer_d+2 ;old timer a
- move.l #new_timer_d,$110.w ;my timer b
- bra .go_d ;set timer b on
- .new_d move.l #end_timer_d,d0 ;sei routine
- btst #3,$fffffa17.w ;aei/sei
- bne.s .sei ;sei
- move.l #end_int,d0 ;dummy RTE
- .sei move.l d0,old_timer_d+2 ;end interrupt routine
- move.l #new_timer_d,$110.w ;install timer a
- or.b #%0111000,$fffffa1d.w
- move.b #246,$fffffa25.w ;Timer D data
- bra.s .ok_d
- .go_d bftst $fffffa1c.w{8+1:3} ;timer d on?
- bne.s .ok_d ;yes
- or.b #%0111000,$fffffa1d.w
- move.b #246,$fffffa25.w ;Timer D data
- .ok_d bset #4,$fffffa09.w ;Interrupt Enable Register B
- bset #4,$fffffa15.w ;Interrupt Mask Register B
- rts
- install_ikbd:
- move.l $118.w,d0
- beq.s .new_i
- cmp.l #new_ikbd,d0
- beq .go_i
- btst #0,d0
- bne.s .new_i
- move.l d0,old_ikbd+2
- move.l #new_ikbd,$118.w
- bra.s .go_i
- .new_i move.l #end_ikbd,old_ikbd+2
- move.l #new_ikbd,$118.w
- .go_i bset #6,$fffffa09.w
- bset #6,$fffffa15.w
- rts
- install_fdi:
- btst #7,$fffffa09.w
- beq.s .new_f
- move.l $11c.w,d0
- beq.s .new_f
- cmp.l #new_fdi,d0
- beq .go_f
- btst #0,d0
- bne.s .new_f
- move.l d0,old_fdi+2
- move.l #new_fdi,$11c.w
- bra.s .go_f
- .new_f move.l #end_fdi,old_fdi+2
- move.l #new_fdi,$11c.w
- .go_f bset #7,$fffffa09.w
- bset #7,$fffffa15.w
- rts
- install_blitter:
- btst #3,$fffffa09.w
- beq.s .new_bl
- move.l $10c.w,d0
- beq.s .new_bl
- cmp.l #new_blitter,d0
- beq .go_bl
- btst #0,d0
- bne.s .new_bl
- move.l d0,old_blitter+2
- move.l #new_blitter,$10c.w
- bra.s .go_bl
- .new_bl move.l #end_blitter,old_blitter+2
- move.l #new_blitter,$10c.w
- .go_bl bset #3,$fffffa09.w
- bset #3,$fffffa15.w
- rts
- install_mono:
- move.l #new_mono,$13c.w
- bset #7,$fffffa07.w
- bset #7,$fffffa13.w
- rts
- install_trace:
- move.l #check_option,$24.w
- move.w #$8000,new_sr
- rts
- install_reset:
- move.l #$31415926,$426.w ;magic
- move.l #new_reset,$42a.w
- rts
- install_alt_help
- move.l #new_alt_help,$502.w
- rts
- install_vbl_queue:
- move.l $456.w,a0
- move.l #new_vbl_lister,d0
- .gvbl move.l (a0)+,d1
- beq.s .install
- cmp.l d0,d1
- bne.s .gvbl
- rts
- .install
- move.l #new_vbl_lister,-4(a0)
- clr.l (a0)
- rts
- ***********************
- ***********************
- end_int: rte
- *
- *
- new_bus_error: clr.b current_vec
- move.b #error_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_bus_error jmp $12345678
- new_address_error:
- move.b #1,current_vec
- move.b #error_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_address_error
- jmp $12345678
- new_illegal:
- move.b #2,current_vec
- move.b #error_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_illegal jmp $12345678
- new_divide0:
- move.b #3,current_vec
- move.b #error_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_divide0 jmp $12345678
- new_chk: move.b #4,current_vec
- move.b #error_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_chk jmp $12345678
- new_trapv: move.b #5,current_vec
- move.b #error_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_trapv jmp $12345678
- new_priv: move.b #6,current_vec
- move.b #error_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_priv jmp $12345678
- new_coprovi: move.b #7,current_vec
- move.b #error_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_coprovi jmp $12345678
- new_format: move.b #8,current_vec
- move.b #error_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_format: jmp $12345678
- new_uninit: move.b #9,current_vec
- move.b #error_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_uninit: jmp $12345678
- new_spurious: move.b #10,current_vec
- move.b #error_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_spurious: jmp $12345678
- new_trace move.b #trace_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_trace: jmp "RGOD"
- *
- ** MMU ERRORS **
- *
- new_mmu_config: clr.b current_vec
- move.b #mmu_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_mmu_config: jmp $12345678
- new_mmu_illegal:
- move.b #1,current_vec
- move.b #mmu_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_mmu_illegal: jmp $12345678
- new_mmu_address:
- move.b #2,current_vec
- move.b #mmu_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_mmu_address: jmp $12345678
- *
- ** RS-232 ERRORS
- *
- new_rs232_cd: clr.b current_vec
- move.b #rs232_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0001fa11,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_rs232_cd: jmp $12345678
- end_rs232_cd: bclr.b #1,$fffffa11.w
- rte
- new_rs232_cts: move.b #1,current_vec
- move.b #rs232_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0002fa11,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_rs232_cts: jmp $12345678
- end_rs232_cts: bclr.b #2,$fffffa11.w
- rte
- new_rs232_te: move.b #2,current_vec
- move.b #rs232_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0001fa0f,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_rs232_te: jmp $12345678
- end_rs232_te: bclr.b #1,$fffffa0f.w
- rte
- new_rs232_tbe: move.b #3,current_vec
- move.b #rs232_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0002fa0f,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_rs232_tbe: jmp $12345678
- end_rs232_tbe: bclr.b #2,$fffffa0f.w
- rte
- new_rs232_re: move.b #4,current_vec
- move.b #rs232_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0003fa0f,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_rs232_re: jmp $12345678
- end_rs232_re: bclr.b #3,$fffffa0f.w
- rte
- new_rs232_rbf: move.b #5,current_vec
- move.b #rs232_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0004fa0f,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_rs232_rbf: jmp $12345678
- end_rs232_rbf: bclr.b #4,$fffffa0f.w
- rte
- new_rs232_ring: move.b #6,current_vec
- move.b #rs232_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0006fa0f,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_rs232_ring jmp $12345678
- end_rs232_ring bclr.b #6,$ffffffa0f.w
- rte
- new_rs232_cb: move.b #7,current_vec
- move.b #rs232_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0000fa11,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_rs232_cb: jmp $12345678
- end_rs232_cb: bclr.b #0,$fffffa11.w
- rte
- *
- *
- new_trap_1: move.b #trap_1_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_trap_1: jmp $12345678
- new_trap_2: move.b #trap_2_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_trap_2: jmp $12345678
- new_trap_13: move.b #trap_13_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_trap_13: jmp $12345678
- new_trap_14: move.b #trap_14_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_trap_14: jmp $12345678
- new_line_a move.b #line_a_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_line_a jmp $12345678
- new_line_f move.b #line_f_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_line_f jmp $12345678
- *
- *
- new_timer_a move.b #timer_a_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0005fa0f,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_timer_a jmp $12345678
- end_timer_a bclr.b #5,$fffffa0f.w
- rte
- new_timer_b move.b #timer_b_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0000fa0f,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_timer_b jmp $12345678
- end_timer_b bclr.b #0,$fffffa0f.w
- rte
- new_timer_c: move.b #timer_c_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0005fa11,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_timer_c jmp $12345678
- end_timer_c bclr.b #5,$fffffa11.w
- rte
- new_timer_d move.b #timer_d_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0004fa11,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_timer_d jmp $12345678
- end_timer_d bclr.b #4,$fffffa11.w
- rte
- *
- *
- new_ikbd move.b #ikbd_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0006fa11,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_ikbd jmp $12345678
- end_ikbd bclr.b #6,$fffffa11.w
- rte
- new_fdi move.b #fdi_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0007fa11,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_fdi jmp $12345678
- end_fdi bclr.b #7,$fffffa11.w
- rte
- new_blitter: move.b #blitter_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0003fa11,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- old_blitter: jmp $12345678
- end_blitter bclr.b #3,$fffffa11.w
- rte
- new_mono move.b #mono_ex,vec_family
- move.l #$0007fa0f,mfp_sei
- bsr check_option
- rte
- *
- *
- new_vbl: move.b #vbl_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_vbl: jmp $12345678
- new_vbl_lister move.b #vbl_q_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- .no_rip rts
- new_hbl: move.b #hbl_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- old_hbl: jmp $12345678
- new_reset: move.b #reset_ex,vec_family
- clr.l $42a.w
- clr.l $426.w
- bsr init_ripper
- move.w #$2700,sr
- jmp ([$4.w])
- new_alt_help move.b #alt_help_ex,vec_family
- bsr check_option
- rts
- end_trap
- ; move.w (a7),old_sr+2
- ; move.l 2(a7),old_prg+2
- ; move.w #$2700,(a7)
- ; move.l #init_trap_ripper,2(a7)
- ; rte
- init_trap_ripper
- movem.l d0-a6,-(a7)
- bsr init_ripper
- movem.l (a7)+,d0-a6
- rte
- ;old_sr move.w #$2300,sr
- ;old_prg jmp $12345678
- check_option:
- movem.l d0-a6,-(a7)
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b vec_family,d0
- btst #2,(install_bits,d0.w)
- beq.s .no_restore
- bsr do_installation
- .no_restore
- lea $ffff9200.w,a0 ;extended port address (read only)
- move.w #$fff7,2(a0) ;write mask
- move.w (a0),d0 ;read fire data
- btst #1,d0 ;check for option
- bne.s no_option ;if set, option is not pressed
- bsr init_ripper
- no_option:
- clr.l mfp_sei
- ; tst.b install_bits+(trace_ex)
- ; beq.s .mvm
- ; cmp.b #vbl_q_ex,vec_family
- ; bne.s .nv
- ; move.w sr,d0
- ; or.w new_sr,d0
- ; move.w d0,sr
- ; bra.s .mvm
- ;.nv move.w new_sr,d0
- ; or.w d0,16*4(a7)
- .mvm movem.l (a7)+,d0-a6
- rts
- *------------------------*
- ** GEMDOS Disk Operations **
- *------------------------*
- * A0->filename, A1->address, D1=length
- save_file: tst.b god_mode
- bne save_god_file
- lea file_name(pc),a0
- bsr create_file
- bmi display_gemdos_error
- lea magic,a0
- moveq #10,d7
- bsr write_file
- bmi display_gemdos_error
- move.w pic_res,d0
- cmp.w #4,d0
- beq .no_pal
- lea (pal_sizes,d0.w*4),a6
- move.l (a6)+,d7
- beq.s .no_st
- lea pal_space,a0
- bsr write_file
- .no_st move.l (a6)+,d7
- beq.s .no_pal
- lea pal_space+32,a0
- bsr write_file
- bmi display_gemdos_error
- .no_pal
- save_true
- tst.w screen_vars+4
- bne save_pic_lines
- move.l pic_adr,a0
- move.l pic_length,d7
- bsr write_file
- bmi display_gemdos_error
- bsr close_file
- rts
- save_pic_lines
- move.l pic_adr,a0
- moveq #0,d7
- move.w screen_vars+6,d7
- add.l d7,d7
- moveq #0,d6
- move.w screen_vars+4,d6
- add.l d6,d6
- move.w pic_y,d5
- subq.w #1,d5
- bmi.s .err
- .lines bsr write_file
- add.l d6,a0
- dbra d5,.lines
- .err bsr close_file
- rts
- save_god_file: lea file_name(pc),a0
- bsr create_file
- bmi display_gemdos_error
- lea god_head,a0
- move.w #'G4',(a0)
- move.w pic_x,2(a0)
- move.w pic_y,4(a0)
- moveq #6,d7
- bsr write_file
- bmi display_gemdos_error
- cmp.w #4,pic_res ;true colour
- beq save_true ;yes
- bsr get_god_pal
- move.w pic_y,d0
- subq.w #1,d0
- bmi .err
- .write_line_loop
- move.w d0,-(a7)
- bsr convert_god_line
- move.l physic(pc),a0 ;line buffer
- moveq #0,d7
- move.w pic_x,d7 ;x pixels
- add.l d7,d7 ;*2=tc line size
- bsr write_file
- bmi display_gemdos_error
- move.w (a7)+,d0
- dbra d0,.write_line_loop
- .err bsr close_file
- rts
- * a0=source, a1=dest, a2=colour table
- convert_god_line:
- move.l cur_pic_adr,a0
- move.l physic(pc),a1 ;buffer space
- lea colour_table,a2
- move.w pic_x,d4 ;pixels
- lsr.w #4,d4 ;divide by 16
- subq.w #1,d4 ;-1 for dbra
- bmi .error
- .line move.w pic_res,d3 ;0,1,2
- move.w (plane_dbra,d3.w*2),d5 ;get dbra amount
- moveq #0,d0
- .loop1 moveq #0,d2 ;d2=current pixel
- move #31,d7
- move.l a0,a3 ;screen address
- move.w d5,d3 ;dbra amount
- .get_pix bfextu (a3){d0:1},d1 ;get bit
- bfins d1,d2{d7:1}
- ; roxr.b #1,d1 ;shift to X flag
- ; roxl.b #1,d2 ;shift from X flag
- ; lsl.w d2
- ; or.w d1,d2
- addq.w #2,a3 ;next plane
- subq.w #1,d7
- dbra d3,.get_pix
- move.w (a2,d2.w*2),(a1)+ ;copy pixel
- addq.l #1,d0 ;next pixel
- cmp.w #16,d0 ;last in plane
- blt.s .loop1
- move.l a3,a0
- dbra d4,.line
- move.l a0,cur_pic_adr
- ; move.l line_length,d7 ;line size in words
- ; add.l d7,cur_pic_adr ;update ptr
- .error rts
- get_god_pal:
- lea pal_space,a0
- lea colour_table,a1
- move.w pic_res,d0
- move.w (cols_dbra,d0.w*2),d0
- cmp.w #255,d0
- beq get_256_pal
- .loop bfextu (a0){4:1},d1 ;lowest red bit
- bfextu (a0){5:3},d2 ;other red bits
- lsl.w d2 ;shift up a bit
- or.w d2,d1 ;form red byte
- lsl.w #1,d1 ;->5 bit value
- bfins d1,(a1){0:5} ;store in table
- bfextu (a0){8:1},d1 ;lowest green bit
- bfextu (a0){9:3},d2 ;other green bits
- lsl.w d2 ;shift up a bit
- or.w d2,d1 ;form green byte
- lsl.w #2,d1 ;->6 bit value
- bfins d1,(a1){5:6} ;store in table
- bfextu (a0){12:1},d1 ;lowest blue bit
- bfextu (a0){13:3},d2 ;other blue bits
- lsl.w d2 ;shift up a bit
- or.w d2,d1 ;form blue byte
- lsl.w #1,d1 ;->5 bit value
- bfins d1,(a1){11:5} ;store in table
- addq.w #2,a0
- addq.w #2,a1
- dbra d0,.loop ;loop for all colours
- rts
- get_256_pal: lea 32(a0),a0
- lea colour_table,a1
- .loop bfextu (a0){0:5},d1
- bfins d1,(a1){0:5}
- bfextu (a0){8:6},d1
- bfins d1,(a1){5:6}
- bfextu (a0){24:5},d1
- bfins d1,(a1){11:5}
- addq.w #4,a0
- addq.w #2,a1
- dbra d0,.loop
- rts
- cols_dbra dc.w 0,3,15,255
- plane_dbra dc.w 0,1,3,7
- pal_sizes dc.l 4,8
- dc.l 8,16
- dc.l 16,64
- dc.l 0,256
- display_gemdos_error:
- lea gemdos_errors,a0
- move.l #(end_gemdos_errors-gemdos_errors)/8-1,d1
- .find_err cmp.l (a0)+,d0
- beq found_gemdos_error
- addq.l #4,a0
- dbra d1,.find_err
- lea unerr,a0
- found_gemdos_error
- move.l (a0),a0
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l #180,d1
- bsr print_string
- rts
- create_file: movem.l d1-2/a0-2,-(a7)
- clr.w -(a7)
- pea (a0)
- move.w #$3c,-(a7)
- trap #1
- addq.l #8,a7
- movem.l (a7)+,d1-2/a0-a2
- move.w d0,file_handle
- rts
- open_file: movem.l d1-2/a0-2,-(a7)
- clr.w -(a7)
- pea (a0)
- move.w #$3d,-(a7)
- trap #1
- addq.l #8,a7
- movem.l (a7)+,d1-2/a0-a2
- move.w d0,file_handle
- rts
- read_file: movem.l d1-2/a0-2,-(a7)
- pea (a0)
- move.l d7,-(a7)
- move.w file_handle,-(a7)
- move.w #$3f,-(a7)
- trap #1
- lea 12(a7),a7
- movem.l (a7)+,d1-2/a0-a2
- cmp.l d7,d0
- beq.s .rf
- move.l #-1000,d0
- .rf rts
- write_file: movem.l d1-2/a0-2,-(a7)
- pea (a0)
- move.l d7,-(a7)
- move.w file_handle,-(a7)
- move.w #$40,-(a7)
- trap #1
- lea 12(a7),a7
- movem.l (a7)+,d1-2/a0-a2
- cmp.l d7,d0
- beq.s .l9
- move.l #-1001,d0
- .l9 rts
- file_seek: movem.l d1-2/a0-2,-(a7)
- move.w d0,-(a7)
- move.w file_handle,-(a7)
- move.l d1,-(a7)
- move.w #$42,-(a7)
- trap #1
- lea 10(a7),a7
- movem.l (a7)+,d1-2/a0-a2
- rts
- close_file: movem.l d1-2/a0-2,-(a7)
- move.w file_handle,-(a7)
- move.w #$3e,-(a7)
- trap #1
- addq.l #4,a7
- movem.l (a7)+,d1-2/a0-a2
- rts
- ***************************************
- ***************************************
- print_string
- move.l physic(pc),a1 ;screen
- mulu #80,d1 ;y line * line size
- add.l d1,a1 ;get to y line
- lea tiny_font(pc),a2 ;font data
- .line move.l d0,d2 ;start x
- .nxt moveq #0,d1 ;clear d1
- move.b (a0)+,d1 ;get byte from string
- beq .last
- cmp.b #13,d1 ;return?
- bne.s .not_return ;no
- add.l #80*8*6,d0 ;next line
- bra.s .line ;restore x pos
- .not_return
- sub.b #32,d1 ;- first char
- mulu #36,d1 ;* char size
- moveq #5,d4 ;6 y lines
- .yl bfextu (a2){d1:6},d3
- bfins d3,(a1){d2:6}
- addq.l #6,d1 ;next char pos in char
- add.l #80*8,d2 ;next screen line
- dbra d4,.yl ;loop y times
- sub.l #80*8*6-6,d2 ;next x pos
- bra.s .nxt
- .last rts
- * enter with d0=long value
- conv_long_ascii:
- movem.l d0-3/a0,-(a7)
- lea long_string,a0
- moveq #$20,d2
- moveq #9,d1
- .clr move.b d2,(a0)+
- dbra d1,.clr
- clr.b (a0)
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .endc
- moveq #10,d2
- moveq #$30,d3
- .conv divul.l d2,d1:d0
- add.b d3,d1
- move.b d1,-(a0)
- cmp.w d2,d0
- bcc.s .conv
- tst.b d0
- beq.s .endc
- add.b d3,d0
- move.b d0,-(a0)
- .endc movem.l (a7)+,d0-3/a0
- rts
- *-------------------*
- *-------------------*
- init_ikbd: bsr clear_ikbd
- moveq #$11,d0
- bsr send_ikbd
- move.l $118.w,old118
- move.l #my_ikbd,$118.w
- lea key_table,a0
- moveq #127,d0
- .cl clr.b (a0)+
- dbra d0,.cl
- rts
- restore_ikbd: bsr clear_ikbd
- move.l old118,$118.w
- rts
- clear_ikbd: btst #0,$fffffc00.w ;is ikbd data reg full?
- beq.s ikbd_ok ;its empty so end
- move.b $fffffc02.w,D0 ;get ikbd data
- bra.s clear_ikbd ;loop
- ikbd_ok: rts ;return
- send_ikbd: lea $fffffc00.w,a0 ;ikbd control register
- waitkeyready: btst #1,(a0) ;is data reg empty?
- beq.s waitkeyready ;no, wait for empty
- move.b d0,2(a0) ;write to ikbd data reg
- rts ;return
- my_ikbd: move.w #$2500,sr ;set ipl level
- movem.l d0/a0-a1,-(a7) ;save registers
- movea.w #$fffffc00,a0 ;ikbd control registers
- move.b (a0),d0 ;read control reg
- btst #7,d0 ;int request?
- beq endmykey ;no
- keyloop moveq #0,d0 ;clear d0
- move.b 2(a0),d0 ;read ikbd data
- tst.b key_cntr ;is this first byte
- beq chk_head ;yes, so check for header
- move.l key_ptr(pc),a1 ;ptr into key storage area
- move.b d0,(a1)+ ;store keyboard data
- move.l a1,key_ptr ;update ptr
- subq.b #1,key_cntr ;decrement data to get
- bne last_key_check ;more data to get
- process_packet:
- lea key_buffer,a1 ;start of key storage data
- moveq #0,d0 ;clear d0
- move.b (a1),d0 ;get first byte
- sub.l #$f6,d0 ;minus default packet header value
- and.w #$f,d0 ;mask off unwanted bits
- cmp.w #10,d0 ;is it a valid packet
- bge.s .noj ;no
- jsr ([key_handlers,d0.w*4]) ;jump to packet handler routine
- .noj bra last_key_check ;check for more key data
- chk_head cmp.w #$f6,d0 ;is it packer header
- blt.s store_key ;no, store as a key
- move.b d0,key_buffer ;store packet header
- move.l #key_buffer+1,key_ptr ;init key pointer
- lea packet_table,a1 ;packet table
- sub.b #$f6,d0 ;d0 is offset
- move.b (a1,d0.w),key_cntr ;bytes of data to be read
- bra last_key_check ;get data
- store_key
- movem.l d0-a6,-(a7)
- lea $f96.w,a0
- jsr ([$1132.w])
- movem.l (a7)+,d0-a6
- lea key_table,a1 ;keypress table
- bclr #7,d0 ;check 'release' bit
- beq.s setkey ;0, so set key press
- clr.b (a1,d0.w) ;key released
- IFNE new_bss_ikbd
- cmp.b #$3a,d0
- bne.s .not_caps
- eor.b #1,caps_lock
- .not_caps
- bra.s last_key_check ;get key data
- setkey st.b (a1,d0.w) ;set key pressed
- st.b key_pressed
- move.b d0,current_key
- IFNE new_bss_ikbd
- move.b d0,bss_key
- last_key_check: move.b (a0),d0 ;read ikbd control
- btst #0,d0 ;more data to read?
- bne keyloop ;yes, so process it
- endmykey movem.l (a7)+,d0/a0-1 ;restore registers
- bclr #6,$fffffa11.w ;signal end of ikbd interrupt
- rte
- packet_table:
- dc.b 1 ;$f6 - keyboard packet
- dc.b 5 ;$f7 - absolute mouse packet
- dc.b 2 ;$f8 - relative mouse position / no buttons
- dc.b 2 ;$f9 - relative mouse / left button
- dc.b 2 ;$fa - relative mouse / right button
- dc.b 2 ;$fb - relative mouse / both buttons
- dc.b 6 ;$fc - time of day
- dc.b 2 ;$fd - joystick report
- dc.b 1 ;$fe - joystick 0 event
- dc.b 1 ;$ff - joystick 1 event
- even
- key_handlers:
- dc.l keyboard_packet_handler ;$f6
- dc.l absolute_mouse_handler ;$f7
- dc.l relative_mouse_handler ;$f8
- dc.l relative_mouse_handler ;$f9
- dc.l relative_mouse_handler ;$fa
- dc.l relative_mouse_handler ;$fb
- dc.l time_of_day_handler ;$fc
- dc.l joystick_report_handler ;$fd
- dc.l joystick0_handler ;$fe
- dc.l joystick1_handler ;$ff
- keyboard_packet_handler:
- moveq #0,d0 ;clear d0
- move.b 1(a0),d0 ;get key
- bclr #7,d0 ;key pressed?
- beq.s .setkey ;yes, set it
- clr.b (key_table,d0.w) ;indicate key release
- IFNE new_bss_ikbd
- cmp.b #$3a,d0
- bne.s .not_caps
- eor.b #1,caps_lock
- .not_caps
- rts ;return
- .setkey st.b (key_table,d0.w) ;clear key
- st.b key_pressed
- move.b d0,current_key
- IFNE new_bss_ikbd
- move.b d0,bss_key
- rts ;return
- absolute_mouse_handler: ;no absolute mouse handler!
- time_of_day_handler: ;no time of day handler!
- joystick_report_handler:
- move.b 1(a1),j1_packet ;get joystick 1 packet
- move.b 2(a1),j2_packet ;get joystick 2 packet
- rts ;return
- joystick0_handler:
- move.b 1(a1),j1_packet ;save joystick 1 packet
- rts ;return
- joystick1_handler:
- move.b 1(a1),j2_packet ;save joystick 2 packet
- rts ;return
- relative_mouse_handler:
- st.b mouse_moved ;indicate mouse moved
- move.b (a1),d0 ;get mouse key info
- and.w #%11,d0 ;isolate l+r buttons
- move.b d0,mousek ;save mouse key info
- .nolimits move.b 1(a1),d0 ;mouse x movement
- ext.w d0 ;extend to signed word
- add.w d0,mousex ;update mouse x position
- move.b 2(a1),d0 ;mouse y movement
- ext.w d0 ;extedn to signed word
- add.w d0,mousey ;update mouse y position
- ; rts ;return
- move.w mousex,d0
- cmp.w mousex_min,d0
- bgt.s .xok1
- move.w mousex_min,mousex
- bra.s .xok2
- .xok1 cmp.w mousex_max,d0
- blt.s .xok2
- move.w mousex_max,mousex
- .xok2 move.w mousey,d0
- cmp.w mousey_min,d0
- bgt.s .yok1
- move.w mousey_min,mousey
- bra.s .yok2
- .yok1 cmp.w mousey_max,d0
- blt.s .yok2
- move.w mousey_max,mousey
- .yok2 rts
- IFNE new_bss_ikbd
- dc.l 'XBRA'
- dc.l 'BS13'
- bss_trap_13:
- move.l a7,a0 ;sp
- move.w (a0),d0 ;get sr
- btst #13,d0 ;super mode?
- beq.s .user_mode ;no user
- addq.l #8,a0 ;get to parameters
- bra.s .cont ;continue
- .user_mode
- move.l USP,a0 ;user stack ptr
- .cont cmp.w #$b,(a0) ;my kbshift
- beq my_kbshift ;yes
- old_bss_trap_13
- jmp "RGOD"
- my_kbshift: move.w 2(a0),d0
- bpl set_kbshift
- bsr get_kbshift
- rte
- get_kbshift
- .read tst.b key_table+$36 ;right_shift
- beq.s .nors
- bset #0,d0
- .nors tst.b key_table+$2a ;right_shift
- beq.s .nols
- bset #1,d0
- .nols tst.b key_table+$1d
- beq.s .no_ctl
- bset #2,d0
- .no_ctl tst.b key_table+$38 ;right_shift
- beq.s .noalt
- bset #3,d0
- tst.b key_table+$47
- beq.s .no_clr
- bset #5,d0
- .no_clr tst.b key_table+$52
- beq.s .no_ins
- bset #6,d0
- .no_ins
- .noalt tst.b caps_lock ;right_shift
- beq.s .nocaps
- bset #4,d0
- .nocaps rts
- set_kbshift lsr.b d0
- bcc.s .no_rs
- st.b key_table+$36
- .no_rs lsr.b d0
- bcc.s .no_ls
- st.b key_table+$2a
- .no_ls lsr.b d0
- bcc.s .no_ctl
- st.b key_table+$1d
- .no_ctl lsr.b d0
- bcc.s .no_alt
- st.b key_table+$38
- .no_alt lsr.b d0
- bcc.s .no_caps
- st.b caps_lock
- .no_caps lsr.b d0
- bcc.s .no_clr
- st.b key_table+$47
- st.b key_table+$38
- .no_clr lsr.b d0
- bcc.s .no_ins
- st.b key_table+$52
- st.b key_table+$38
- .no_ins rte
- bss_shift_scan_code_table:
- * 0123456789ABCDEF
- dc.b '⓪⓪!"£$%^&*()_+⓪⓪'
- dc.b 'QWERTYUIOP{}⓪⓪AS'
- dc.b 'DFGHJKL:@¯⓪~ZXCV'
- dc.b 'BNM<>?⓪⓪⓪ ⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪'
- dc.b '⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪-⓪⓪⓪+⓪'
- dc.b '⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪'
- dc.b '|⓪⓪()/*789456123'
- dc.b '0.⓪'
- even
- bss_scan_code_table:
- * 0123456789ABCDEF
- dc.b '⓪⓪1234567890-=⓪⓪'
- dc.b 'qwertyuiop[]⓪⓪as'
- dc.b "dfghjkl;'`⓪#zxcv"
- dc.b 'bnm,./⓪⓪⓪ ⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪'
- dc.b '⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪-⓪⓪⓪+⓪'
- dc.b '⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪⓪'
- dc.b '\⓪⓪()/*789456123'
- dc.b '0.⓪'
- even
- caps_lock ds.b 1
- bss_key ds.b 1
- even
- dc.l 'XBRA'
- dc.l 'BSS1'
- bss_trap_1:
- move.l a7,a0 ;sp
- move.w (a0),d0 ;get sr
- btst #13,d0 ;super mode?
- beq.s .user_mode ;no user
- addq.l #8,a0 ;get to parameters
- bra.s .cont ;continue
- .user_mode
- move.l USP,a0 ;user stack ptr
- .cont cmp.w #$6,(a0) ;my kbshift
- bne bss_trap_1 ;yes
- cmp.w #$ff,2(a0)
- beq my_crawio
- old_bss_trap_1
- jmp "RGOD"
- my_crawio
- moveq #0,d0
- tst.b bss_key
- beq end_crawio
- bsr get_kbshift
- lea bss_scan_code_table,a0
- bftst d0{30:2}
- beq.s .non_shift
- lea bss_shift_scan_code_table,a0
- .non_shift
- lsl.w #8,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- move.b bss_key,d1
- move.b d1,d0
- swap d0
- move.b (a0,d1.w),d1
- cmp.b #'⓪',d1
- bne.s .non_ascii
- move.b d1,d0
- .non_ascii
- clr.b bss_key
- end_crawio
- rte
- temp_vbl: addq.l #1,$466.w
- rte
- ***************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************
- my_vector_table:
- o set 0
- rept $100
- dc.l my_vector_table+o
- o set o+4
- endr
- my_vector_jump:
- o set 0
- rept $100
- jmp ([o.w])
- o set o+4
- endr
- tiny_font incbin g:\ripper\tinyfnt.bin
- even
- Videl_640_200_2
- dc.l 640*200/8+256 * General
- dc.w 0,40,0,$400
- dc.w 0 * Flag Ordre
- dc.w 510,409,80,1007,160,434,0,0 * RGB
- dc.w 625,613,47,127,527,619
- dc.w $181,%0100
- dc.w 198,141,21,627,80,150,0,0 * VGA 47 Hz
- dc.w 1337,1300,100,315,1115,1333
- dc.w $186,%1001
- reinstall_adrs:
- dc.w line_a_ex
- dc.l $28,new_line_a,old_line_a+2
- dc.w line_f_ex
- dc.l $2c,new_line_f,old_line_f+2
- dc.w trap_1_ex
- dc.l $84,new_trap_1,old_trap_1+2
- dc.w trap_2_ex
- dc.l $88,new_trap_2,old_trap_2+2
- dc.w trap_13_ex
- dc.l $b4,new_trap_13,old_trap_13+2
- dc.w trap_14_ex
- dc.l $b8,new_trap_14,old_trap_14+2
- dc.w hbl_ex
- dc.l $68,new_hbl,old_hbl+2
- dc.w vbl_ex
- dc.l $70,new_vbl,old_vbl+2
- dc.w trace_ex
- dc.l $24,new_trace,old_trace+2
- dc.w -1
- custom_adrs
- dc.w timer_a_ex
- dc.l install_timer_a
- dc.w timer_b_ex
- dc.l install_timer_b
- dc.w timer_c_ex
- dc.l install_timer_c
- dc.w timer_d_ex
- dc.l install_timer_d
- dc.w ikbd_ex
- dc.l install_ikbd
- dc.w blitter_ex
- dc.l install_blitter
- dc.w fdi_ex
- dc.l install_fdi
- dc.w reset_ex
- dc.l install_reset
- dc.w vbl_q_ex
- dc.l install_vbl_queue
- dc.w alt_help_ex
- dc.l install_alt_help
- dc.w mono_ex
- dc.l install_mono
- dc.w error_ex
- dc.l install_errors
- dc.w rs232_ex
- dc.l install_rs232
- dc.w mmu_ex
- dc.l install_mmu
- ; dc.w trace_ex
- ; dc.l install_trace
- dc.w -1
- error_adrs:
- dc.l $8,new_bus_error,old_bus_error+2
- dc.l $c,new_address_error,old_address_error+2
- dc.l $10,new_illegal,old_illegal+2
- dc.l $14,new_divide0,old_divide0+2
- dc.l $18,new_chk,old_chk+2
- dc.l $1c,new_trapv,old_trapv+2
- dc.l $20,new_priv,old_priv+2
- dc.l $34,new_coprovi,old_coprovi+2
- dc.l $38,new_format,old_format+2
- dc.l $3c,new_uninit,old_uninit+2
- dc.l $60,new_spurious,old_spurious+2
- dc.l -1
- rs232_adrs:
- dc.l $100,new_rs232_cb,old_rs232_cb+2
- dc.l $104,new_rs232_cd,old_rs232_cd+2
- dc.l $108,new_rs232_cts,old_rs232_cts+2
- dc.l $124,new_rs232_te,old_rs232_te+2
- dc.l $128,new_rs232_tbe,old_rs232_tbe+2
- dc.l $12c,new_rs232_re,old_rs232_re+2
- dc.l $130,new_rs232_rbf,old_rs232_rbf+2
- dc.l $138,new_rs232_ring,old_rs232_ring+2
- dc.l -1
- mmu_adrs:
- dc.l $e0,new_mmu_config,old_mmu_config+2
- dc.l $e4,new_mmu_illegal,old_mmu_illegal+2
- dc.l $e8,new_mmu_address,old_mmu_address+2
- dc.l -1
- ripper_txt
- * 123456789 123456
- dc.b "----------------",0
- coder_txt
- dc.b "CODED BY MR PINK",0
- rg_txt
- * 123456789 123456789 123
- dc.b "(C) 1995 RESERVOIR GODS",0
- menu_txt
- dc.b "[F1] VIEW SCREEN",13
- dc.b "[F2] VECTOR MENU",13
- dc.b "[F3] SAVE SCREEN (RIP)",13
- dc.b "[F4] SAVE SCREEN (GOD)",13,13
- dc.b "[F10] EXIT RIPPER",13
- dc.b 0
- variables_txt:
- * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- * 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
- dc.b "COLS: X: Y:",13
- dc.b "HHT: HBB: HBE: HDB: HDE: HSS: HFS: HEE:",13
- dc.b "VFT: VBB: VBE: VDB: VDE: VSS: VCL: VCO:",0
- even
- word_txts
- dc.l pic_x
- dc.w 6*23,0
- dc.l pic_y
- dc.w 6*33,0
- dc.l screen_vars+4 ;st width
- dc.w 6*9,1
- dc.l screen_vars+6 ;030 width
- dc.w 6*24,1
- dc.l screen_vars+10 ;sp shift
- dc.w 6*54,1
- dc.l 0
- byte_txts
- dc.l screen_vars+8 ;st shift
- dc.w 6*39,1
- dc.l screen_vars+9
- dc.w 6*68,1
- dc.l screen_vars+3 ;sync hz
- dc.w 6*79,1
- dc.l 0
- intro_txt
- dc.b 27,"E"
- * 123456789 123456789 12346789 123456789
- dc.b " RESERVOIR RIPPER",13,10
- dc.b " ----------------",13,10,13,10
- dc.b " CODED BY MR PINK",13,10,13,10
- dc.b " (C) 1995 RESERVOIR GODS"
- dc.b 0
- even
- vecs_x dc.l 34*6,52*6,69*6
- vector_menu_txt:
- * 1 2 3 4 5 6
- * 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123*5789 123456789
- dc.b " ------------------------",13,13,13
- dc.b "--- ------ ------- -[SHIFT]- -[ALT]-",13,13
- DC.B "F1 TIMER A",13
- DC.B "F2 TIMER B",13
- DC.B "F3 TIMER C",13
- DC.B "F4 TIMER D",13
- DC.B "F5 VBL",13
- DC.B "F6 VBL QUEUE",13
- DC.B "F7 TRAP #1",13
- DC.B "F8 TRAP #2",13
- DC.B "F9 TRAP #13",13
- DC.B "F10 TRAP #14",13
- DC.B "1 IKBD",13
- DC.B "2 BLiTTER DONE",13
- DC.B "3 LINE A",13
- DC.B "4 LINE F",13
- DC.B "5 HBL",13
- DC.B "7 RS-232 INTERRUPTS",13
- DC.B "Q ALT HELP",13
- DC.B "E RESET",13,13
- * 1 2 3 4 5 6
- * 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123*5789 123456789 123456789
- dc.b 0
- space_txt dc.b ' ',0
- star_txt dc.b '*',0
- on_txt dc.b 27,"Y"
- on_y dc.b 32
- on_x dc.b 32
- dc.b "[ON] ",0
- off_txt dc.b 27,"Y"
- off_y dc.b 32
- off_x dc.b 32
- dc.b "[OFF]",0
- enter_file_txt dc.b "ENTER FILENAME:",0
- single_string dc.b 'A',0
- v0_txt dc.b "TIMER A",0
- v1_txt dc.b "TIMER B",0
- v2_txt dc.b "TIMER C",0
- v3_txt dc.b "TIMER D",0
- v4_txt dc.b "VBL",0
- v5_txt dc.b "VBL QUEUE",0
- v6_txt dc.b "TRAP #1",0
- v7_txt dc.b "TRAP #2",0
- v8_txt dc.b "TRAP #13",0
- v9_txt dc.b "TRAP #14",0
- v10_txt dc.b "IKBD",0
- v11_txt dc.b "BLITTER",0
- v12_txt dc.b "LINE A",0
- v13_txt dc.b "LINE F",0
- v14_txt dc.b "HBL",0
- v15_txt dc.b "ERROR",0
- v16_txt dc.b "RS232",0
- v17_txt dc.b "MONO",0
- v18_txt dc.b "MMU",0
- v19_txt dc.b "TRACE",0
- v20_txt dc.b "ALT_HELP",0
- v21_txt dc.b "FDI",0
- v22_txt dc.b "RESET",0
- entry_txt dc.b "ENTERED VIA:",0
- even
- v_txt_adrs:
- dc.l v0_txt
- dc.l v1_txt
- dc.l v2_txt
- dc.l v3_txt
- dc.l v4_txt
- dc.l v5_txt
- dc.l v6_txt
- dc.l v7_txt
- dc.l v8_txt
- dc.l v9_txt
- dc.l v10_txt
- dc.l v11_txt
- dc.l v12_txt
- dc.l v13_txt
- dc.l v14_txt
- dc.l v15_txt
- dc.l v16_txt
- dc.l v17_txt
- dc.l v18_txt
- dc.l v19_txt
- dc.l v20_txt
- dc.l v21_txt
- dc.l v22_txt
- gemdos_errors:
- dc.l -1000,frerr
- dc.l -1001,fwerr
- dc.l -32,einvfn
- dc.l -33,efilnf
- dc.l -34,epthnf
- dc.l -36,eaccdn
- dc.l -37,eihndl
- dc.l -39,ensmem
- dc.l -40,eimba
- dc.l -46,edrive
- dc.l -48,ensame
- dc.l -49,enmfil
- dc.l -58,elocked
- dc.l -59,enslock
- dc.l -64,erange
- dc.l -65,eintrn
- dc.l -66,eplfmt
- dc.l -67,egsbf
- dc.l -80,eloop
- dc.l -200,emount
- end_gemdos_errors
- einvfn: dc.b "INVALID FUNCTION",0
- efilnf: dc.b "FILE NOT FOUND",0
- epthnf: dc.b "PATH NOT FOUND",0
- eaccdn: dc.b "ACCESS DENIED",0
- eihndl: dc.b "INVALID HANDLE",0
- enhndl: dc.b "NO MORE HANDLES",0
- ensmem: dc.b "OUT OF MEMORY",0
- edrive: dc.b "INVALID DRIVE",0
- ensame: dc.b "CROSS DEVICE RENAME",0
- enmfil: dc.b "NO MORE FILES",0
- elocked: dc.b "RECORD IS ALREADY LOCKED",0
- erange: dc.b "RANGE ERROR",0
- eintrn: dc.b "INTERNAL ERROR",0
- eloop: dc.b "TOO MANY SYMBOLIC LINKS",0
- emount: dc.b "MOUNT POINT CROSSED",0
- frerr: dc.b "FILE READ ERROR",0
- fwerr: dc.b "FILE WRITE ERROR",0
- unerr: dc.b "UNKNOWN ERROR",0
- scan_code_table:
- * 0123456789ABCDEF
- dc.b '**1234567890_=**'
- dc.b 'QWERTYUIOP[]**AS'
- dc.b 'DFGHJKL:,`*#ZXCV'
- dc.b 'BNM,./*** ******'
- dc.b '**********-***+*'
- dc.b '****************'
- dc.b '\**()/*789456123'
- dc.b '0.*'
- even
- res_txts:
- dc.l two_colour_txt
- dc.l four_colour_txt
- dc.l sixteen_colour_txt
- dc.l ep_colour_txt
- dc.l t_colour_txt
- two_colour_txt:
- dc.b "2 COLOUR",0
- four_colour_txt:
- dc.b "4 COLOUR",0
- sixteen_colour_txt:
- dc.b "16 COLOUR",0
- ep_colour_txt
- dc.b "256 COLOUR",0
- t_colour_txt
- dc.b "TRUE COLOUR",0
- long_string
- dc.b '0123456789',0
- reg_string dc.b "A0 =",0
- even
- new_adrs:
- dc.w error_ex,$8
- dc.l new_bus_error
- dc.w line_a_ex,$28
- dc.l new_line_a
- dc.w line_f_ex,$2c
- dc.l new_line_f
- dc.w hbl_ex,$68
- dc.l new_hbl
- dc.w vbl_ex,$70
- dc.l new_vbl
- dc.w trap_1_ex,$84
- dc.l new_trap_1
- dc.w trap_2_ex,$88
- dc.l new_trap_2
- dc.w trap_13_ex,$b4
- dc.l new_trap_13
- dc.w trap_14_ex,$b8
- dc.l new_trap_14
- dc.w mmu_ex,$e0
- dc.l new_mmu_config
- dc.w rs232_ex,$100
- dc.l new_rs232_cb
- dc.w blitter_ex,$10c
- dc.l new_blitter
- dc.w timer_d_ex,$110
- dc.l new_timer_d
- dc.w timer_c_ex,$114
- dc.l new_timer_c
- dc.w ikbd_ex,$118
- dc.l new_ikbd
- dc.w fdi_ex,$11c
- dc.l new_fdi
- dc.w timer_b_ex,$120
- dc.l new_timer_b
- dc.w timer_a_ex,$134
- dc.l new_timer_a
- dc.w mono_ex,$13c
- dc.l new_mono
- dc.w alt_help_ex,$502
- dc.l new_alt_help
- dc.w reset_ex,$42a
- dc.l new_reset
- dc.w trace_ex,$24
- dc.l new_trace
- dc.w -1
- key_ptr: dc.l key_buffer
- ddir: dc.b "A:\*.*"
- ds.b 256
- ***************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************
- god_mode ds.b 1
- new_config ds.b 1
- check_bit ds.b 1
- vec_family ds.b 1
- v_toggle_mode ds.b 1
- vga_flag ds.b 1
- current_vec ds.b 1
- begin_ripping_flag ds.b 1
- reinstall_flag ds.b 1
- mouse_moved ds.b 1
- key_pressed ds.b 1
- current_key ds.b 1
- j1_packet: ds.b 1
- j2_packet: ds.b 1
- even
- new_sr ds.w 1
- cur_pic_adr ds.l 1
- cmd_adr ds.l 1
- god_head ds.b 6
- pic_adr ds.l 1
- magic ds.l 1
- pic_res ds.w 1
- pic_x ds.w 1
- pic_y ds.w 1
- line_length ds.l 1
- physic ds.l 1
- old118 ds.l 1
- mfp_sei ds.l 1
- pic_length ds.l 1
- file_handle ds.w 1
- text_counter ds.w 1
- old_vmode: ds.w 1
- mousek: ds.w 1
- mouse_key: ds.w 1
- mousex: ds.w 1
- mousey: ds.w 1
- mousex_min: ds.w 1
- mousex_max: ds.w 1
- mousey_min: ds.w 1
- mousey_max: ds.w 1
- key_cntr: ds.w 1
- key_table: ds.b 128
- key_buffer: ds.b 256
- file_name: ds.b 256
- old_system_vars ds.b 256
- cur_system_vars ds.b 256
- screen_vars ds.b 50
- pal_space ds.b (256*4)+(16*2)
- colour_table ds.w 256
- install_bits ds.b 24
- ds.b 1024
- rip_stack ds.l 4
- ds.b 256
- screen_space ds.b 16000
- end_ripper