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XXXXXXXXXXXX xXXXXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^^^^^------------ Ondrej Spanel
^Xv XX X x x xXx xXx xXXXx Lipenska 571
^Xv X X X X X X X X Praha 4 - Hrncire
>X> ^XXXv X X X X X X X 149 00
vX^ X X X X X X XxxxxxX Czech Republic
vX^ XX X X X X X X X X X
--------------- HOVER '94 3D Graphics Demo by SUMA -----------------------
Hover '94 demonstrates the power of our unique 3D graphics algoritms.
It brings you the possibily to hover in the picturesque country of the
green island.
It works on Atari Falcon computers.
We intend to write a game based on the graphics demonstrated by this
demo - it should be finished in the 3rd Q. 1994. Until then - enjoy the
Just double-clik on the file HOVER'94.PRG in the directory HOVER'94.
First of all you can enjoy the titles and music. The song is played on 25
kHz and is composed from seven 16 bit stereo tracks. (If you run this demo
on VGA monitor, the music will be played on 16 kHz only to lower the total
bus load.)
You'll have to wait for about 20 seconds after the titles while the
program generates the scenery.
The titles can be aborted by pressing the Esc key - anyway the scenery
generating cannot be skipped.
You find yourself above the large island sitting in the cockpit of an
hovercraft. (You are falling down.) When you touch the ground (or water),
you can take the control of your vehicle.
Move your mouse forward or backward to increase or decrease the thrust
of the driving propellers. (Watch the power indicator - red color
indicates reverse thrust.)
Moving the mouse aside you will turn your hovercraft. Please note the
direction of the movement is not equal to the heading and cannot be
changed suddenly due to inertia.
When driving up or down the hill you have to take into account the
gravity. (It can even move you aside when you follow the isohypse!)
The left mouse button activates aeodynamical brakes.
The right button terminates the program.
Special controls
The terrain and objects are lighted accordingly to the daytime on the
island. You can move the time 15 minutes forward or backward pressing the
'+' and '-' keys.
You can switch between an arctic and mild climate pressing the 'W' key
(it will take a while to recolor a scenery - just don't mind and move on).
Pressing the 'S' key you can save the screenshot in the file HO*.TGA
in the HOVER'94 folder (it is saved as 16-bit Targa uncompressed).
Thanks to
The song was composed by Marek Spanel and was "sung" by Marek and
David Spanels.
This is the list of tools and programs which we used to develop Hover.
C programming: Pure C from Pure Software
DSP programming: DSP 56000 Assembler Motorola
DSP Debugger BrainStorm
Title screen: POV Raytracer P.O.V. Team
TruePaint HiSoft
Music and sounds: Componium, EdiSon SUMA
Compression: STZip Vincent Pomey
This demo is free-ware.
Therefore you can (and are strongly encouraged to) copy it, distribute
it and put it for download on bulletin boards - the only condition is to
leave it intact with all the files included in the original distribution
Commercial use is not authorized without agreement.
Enjoy the Hover.
Ondrej Spanel
15. 3. 1994
My e-mail address is:
(it may become invalid after September 1994).
The conventional address is:
Ondrej Spanel
Lipenska 571
149 00 Praha 4 - Hrncire
Czech Republic