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This 'Personal Database' is the first in a series of modules that will enable
you to simplify and speed-up the retrieval of information. This module is
designed for the home user who wishes to retain a file of Names & Addresses,
and use that file either just for reference, printing address labels or
printing customised letters (Mail merging). Output can be directed to the
screen, printer or disk (exported).
Any ATARI ST Computer
At least 520K Memory
Floppy Disk or Hard Disk
Any Epson Compatible Printer (Optional)
Hi-rez (MONO) or Med-rez (Colour) Monitor or TV
Personal version
Field Title Max length
1 Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr etc 8
2 Forename(s) 12
3 Surname 17
4 Address line 1 30
5 Address line 2 30
6 Address line 3 30
7 Address line 4 30
8 Post Code 10
9 Telephone No. 14
10 Infoline 1 60
11 Infoline 2 60
12 Comments line 60
The main menu will automatically be displayed whenever the program is run, it
is from here that all operations are controlled.
Above the main box of options is shown the current version number of the
program, This program is constantly under revision and therefore you must
register to ensure that you have the latest version. Registered users will
automatically be notified of all upgrades.
Also in the bottom right of the screen there are some useful indicators which
1. Number of records currently in memory.
2. Amount of free memory, available for new records.
3. Amount of free space on current disk in use.
[A] Add NEW Record:
By selecting this option you will be presented with a screen showing the new
record number, and all the blank data fields. The computer in now in 'EDIT
MODE' and data can be typed in where required, the following keys are also
[Cursor-UP] Move cursor to previous field.
[Cursor-DOWN] Move cursor to next field.
[Cursor-LEFT] Move cursor left in field.
[Cursor-RIGHT] Move cursor right in field.
[Return] Move cursor to next field.
[Clr Home] Move cursor to start of field.
[Insert] Insert space at current cursor position.
[Delete] Delete character at current cursor position.
[Backspace] Delete character prior to cursor position.
[Esc] Delete entire field.
[F1] Duplicate field from previous record.
[F10] Exit 'EDIT MODE'
[V] VIEW/MODIFY Records:
This option should be used to examine data in any one record, Print a one-off
address label, Modify a record, or to generally page between records, at your
own pace.
This option can only be selected if there are is least 1 record in memory.
On selection of this option you will be presented with a dialogue box, which
will request which record is to be shown on screen. You may press [Return]
without selecting a record number, for the first record to be shown. Should
you select a record larger than the maximum, then the last record will be
The following keys are operational:-
[Esc] Return to Main Menu.
[Undo] Delete record shown.
[M] Modify record shown,'EDIT MODE' as in ADD NEW Record.
[L] Print an Address Label.
[Cursor UP] Show First record.
[Cursor DOWN] Show Last record.
[Cursor LEFT] Show Previous record.
[Cursor RIGHT] Show Next record.
[Shift]+[Cursor LEFT] Show Previous record minus ten, (Go back by 10).
[Shift]+[Cursor RIGHT] Show Next record plus ten, (Go forward by 10).
When selecting to print an address label you will be asked whether you
initially require a test pattern, (to check the alignment of labels).
This is a very complex option as a variety of outputs can be obtained, but
providing you take each step individually, then all will become clear!
This option should be used for finding all records that may contain a specific
search string, printing address labels for more than one record at once,
Printing Mail merged letters, or just sorting the data (ie. Alphabetical
In this box you should enter all the search criteria as required, relevant to
the field to search. Should specific data search be required on any part of the
address, then all the address lines will be searched for the address search
string as entered.
You can search for all or any part of a required string for example; if the
surname field was searched for 'jo', then the following would all match
'Johnston','Mojon' and 'Smythe-Jones'.
The default string 'All' means where applicable this field need not be
searched, as all records will be acceptable.
KEYS: [Esc] Will clear the default to allow manual entry.
[Return] Accept as shown, move to next field.
In this box you should select the field on which the data should be sorted (ie.
The order in which the selected records are presented).
Use the cursor keys to highlight the field required and then press return.
In this box you should select where you wish the selected records to go.
Use the Cursor keys to highlight the device required and then press return.
In the event that you had ten smith's then all ten would now be listed on the
You can now use the mouse to select any of the listed records, by doing so, the
selected record will be shown in full on the screen and the keyboard will
function as in the 'VIEW/MODIFY Mode', with the exception that by pressing
[Esc] you will be returned to your list.
Should you select 'Printer' then you will be given two further choices either
to print a 'LIST' of all the selected records, or print 'ADDRESS LABELS' for
all the selected records.
Should you select 'MAIL MERGE' then you will be shown the GEM fileselector and
prompted to select the document you wish to use.
The next choice will be to select whether you require your address printed at
the top left corner of the document or not (for example, not required on letter
headed paper).
[L] LOAD Database:
This option will provide you with a GEM Fileselector, use this to select the
datafile you wish to load. The datafile must be of the correct format to avoid
[S] SAVE Database:
This option will again provide you with a GEM Fileselector, use this to select
the name you wish your datafile to be saved as.
This will allow you to compose or edit a document (letter) that may be used in
the mail merge option, for example to send a standard letter to all people on
the database, or a perhaps just a selective few.
Should you wish to use your document in a mail merge operation, then you should
ensure the document is saved, prior to returning to the main menu.
Whe editing a document pressing [HELP] will show all the special function keys
available to assist editing.
[Q] QUIT program:
Use this option to exit the program and return to the Desktop.
Prior to quitting the program will check whether the datafile has been modified
in any way, If it has you will be asked if you wish to save the datafile prior
to quitting.
PRICES: PD Version £???, From all leading PD Libraries
The PD version is SHAREWARE, and has a built-in limitation of 10 Records.
All REGISTERED USERS will be supplied with the STANDARD Version accompanied by
a fully comprehensive printed manual.
3 Teasel Walk
Lancs. LA3 3QQ
Tel: (0524) 831162