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Text File
728 lines
include 'biosmac.i'
include 'xbiosmac.i'
include 'gmdosmac.i'
screen_width equ 80
screen_height equ 24
max_item equ 70
max_num_items equ 10
max_entries equ 200 maximum no. of records, alter if you need more
*To set up your own records, replace the following
*with the name and size (eg 20 characters) of your own fields.
*change num_fields and len_entry appropriately.
*An example of address records is included. Delete the
*asterisks and replace them in front of the book record fields.
*You will need to alter the data at the following labels found below:-
len_book_title equ 30 1st field is 30 characters
len_author equ 20 2nd field is 20 characters
len_ISBN equ 15 3rd field is 15 characters
len_cost equ 8 4th field is 8 characters
num_fields equ 4 The number of fields
len_entry equ len_book_title+len_author+len_ISBN+len_cost+num_fields
*len_entry = sum of field labels +num_fields
*don't forget to include num_fields in len_entry total
*len_name_string equ 20
*len_address_string equ 20 we use three of these
*len_postcode_string equ 10
*len_phone_string equ 20
*num_fields equ 6
*len_entry equ len_name_string+len_address_string*3+len_postcode_string+len_phone_string+num_fields
len_file_buff equ 256
keyboard equ 2
stacksize equ 1000
move.l 4(a7),a3
move.l #ourstack+(stacksize*2),a7
bsr initialise_program
move.w d0,our_res
bsr set_adjustments routine that adjusts for current
*screen resolution
bsr find_file routine sets zero flag if
*new file
beq close_file if zero flag set, no records to load
bsr load_records else load records from file
Fclose file_handle Macro to close file opened in find_file
Cconws #cursor_off Macro to print a null terminated
*string - see cursor_off in the data
*section for examples of these strings
move.l #menu_items,a0
move.b #-1,d0
bsr menu routine to draw menus - see menu_items
*in the data section
move.b #0+32,x
move.b #1+32,y
Cconws #position_cursor
Cconws #pick_a_num print more strings
Bconin #2 Macro - waits for a keypress
cmpi.w #'1',d0 d0 contains ASCII code of key pressed
bne try_2
bsr add_a_record
bra main_loop jump back to main loop
try_2 cmpi.w #'2',d0
bne try_3
bsr show_records
bra main_loop
try_3 cmpi.w #'3',d0
bne another_key
bsr ask_save
bsr save_these_records
Pterm #0
Fopen #0,#filename We need to open our file
move.w d0,file_handle and save the file handle
cmpi.w #0,d0 was there an error
bpl .opened_ok
Cconws #no_file yes, print no_file message
Bconin #2 wait for keypress
andi.w #%1011111,d0 convert to upper case
cmpi.w #'Y',d0
beq .create_file try creating a file
Pterm #0
Fcreate #0,#filename
move.w d0,file_handle
cmpi.w #0,d0
bmi .not_created
move.w #0,file_record_count
Fwrite #file_record_count,#2,file_handle start of with
*a count of zero
bra .opened_ok
move.l #file_error,a1
bra print_error
Fread #file_record_count,#2,file_handle read in number of
move.w file_record_count,d0 check if there are any
move.w d0,last_record
Fread #file_buffer,#len_file_buff,file_handle *Read from our file
cmp.w #len_file_buff,d0 d0 contains len_file_buff (see equ's)
*if end of file not yet reached
beq .keep_going
move.b #1,last_time
move.l #file_buffer,a6
move.l d0,d3
move.w #0,d4
move.w d4,loading_this_record
cmp.w last_record,d4
beq .done
mulu.w #len_entry,d4
move.l #main_storage,a1
move.l #reference_list,a4
move.w #num_fields-1,d7
move.b (a4)+,d5
add.w d5,d4
lea 0(a1,d4),a3
sub.w d5,d4 restore it's old value
move.l a3,a5
subq.w #1,d3 do we need to load more from the file?
bne .more_buffer no
cmp.b #1,last_time
beq .done
Fread #file_buffer,#len_file_buff,file_handle
move.l #file_buffer,a6
move.b (a6)+,(a3)+
bne .find_zero
dbra d7,.move_next
move.w loading_this_record,d4
addq.w #1,d4
bra .next_record
move.b #0,(a3)
move.w last_record,d2
cmpi.w #max_entries,d2 room for another?
bne .add_another yes
move.b #0+32,x else display message
move.b #0+32,y
Cconws #position_cursor
Cconws #no_more_room
Bconin #2
rts and return
Cconws #cls
move.l #fields,a0
left_margin equ 8
move.w #left_margin,d0
ext.l d0
divu.w x_adjust,d0
bsr menu
move.w #left_margin,d4
ext.l d0
divu.w x_adjust,d4
add.w d0,d4
move.w d6,d5 y_coordinate as returned by menu
subi.w #32,d5
move.w d7,d3 no. of strings, as returned by menu
move.l #input_strings,a3
Cconws #cursor_on
bsr input_str
move.l #input_strings,a0
bsr was_there_an_entry
beq .done
bsr store_entry
* Routine to check if any data was input
* a0 contains array of TOS Cconin call style strings
movem.l d1-3/a0,-(sp)
clr.l d2
move.w d7,d3
subq.w #1,d3
lea (a0,d2),a0
move.b (a0),d2
addq.w #2,d2 ignore the 1st 2 bytes of each string
move.b 1(a0),d1
dbne d3,.try_next
movem.l (sp)+,d1-3/a0
movem.l d0-1/d3/a0-4,-(sp)
move.w d7,d3
subq.w #1,d3
move.l #input_strings,a0
move.w last_record,d0
mulu.w #len_entry,d0
move.l #main_storage,a1
move.l #reference_list,a4
move.b (a4)+,d1 move the rs directive (stored at reference_list)
add.w d1,d0 add it to number of new entry
lea 0(a1,d0),a3 load it into a3
sub.w d1,d0 restore it's old value
bsr move_entry
dbra d3,.move_next
move.w last_record,d0
addq.w #1,d0 update count of records
move.w d0,last_record
movem.l (sp)+,d0-1/d3/a0-4
move.l a0,a2
addq.l #1,a2
move.b (a2)+,d1
beq .no_entry
ext.w d1 just in case
subq.w #1,d1
move.b (a2)+,(a3)+
dbra d1,.move_name
move.b #0,(a3) null terminate it
clr.l d1
move.b (a0),d1
add.l d1,a0
addq.l #2,a0
move.w #0,this_record *display first record
move.w last_record,d1 sets the zero flag if no records entered yet
bne display_next display them if zero clear
move.b #1+32,x else display message
move.b #1+32,y
Cconws #position_cursor
Cconws #no_records
Bconin #2
* displays the record number stored in this_record
* this record number must exist or unpredictable
* results will occur
move.w this_record,d0
bsr move_record
bsr display_record
Bconin #2
swap.w d0 this swaps the high and low word of d0
move.b d0,d1
swap.w d0
cmpi.b #$31,d1 was <n> pressed?
bne .not_alternate_n no
cmpi.b #0,d0 yes - was it alternate n
bne .not_alternate_n
move.w this_record,d0
addq.w #1,d0 next record number
move.w last_record,d1
cmp.w d1,d0 any more records?
beq .no_more no - stay with this one
move.w d0,this_record
bra display_next
cmpi.b #$19,d1 was <p> pressed?
bne .not_alternate_p no
cmpi.b #0,d0 yes - was it alternate p
bne .not_alternate_p
move.w this_record,d0
beq .dont_move_back
subq.w #1,d0
move.w d0,this_record
bra display_next
cmpi.w #$1b,d0 was Esc pressed?
bne display_next no - next key press
rts yes - back to menu
move.l #display_strings,a0
move.b #-1,d0
bsr menu
move.b #0+32,x
move.b #0+32,y
Cconws #position_cursor
Cconws #display_key1
move.b #1+32,y
Cconws #position_cursor
Cconws #display_key2
move.b #2+32,y
Cconws #position_cursor
Cconws #display_key3
* displays the record number found in d0
* this record number must exist
movem.l d0-2/a0-3,-(sp)
mulu.w #len_entry,d0
move.l #main_storage,a0
add.w d0,a0
move.l a0,a3
move.l #display_strings,a1
move.w #num_fields-1,d1
clr.l d2
move.l #reference_list,a2
move.b (a2)+,d2
lea 0(a3,d2),a0
move.b (a0),d0 check that there is a string
beq .no_string
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne .move_it
dbra d1,.move_next
move.b #0,(a1) add the final zero
moveq.b #1,d0 clear the zero flag
movem.l (sp)+,d0-2/a0-3
move.b #0+32,x
move.b #0+32,y
Cconws #position_cursor
Cconws #wanna_save
Bconin #2
andi.w #%1011111,d0 convert to upper case
cmpi.w #'Y',d0
beq .save_first
cmpi.w #'N',d0
bne .unknown_key
Pterm #0
Fopen #1,#filename
move.w d0,file_handle
cmpi.w #0,d0
bpl .opened_ok
Cconws #no_file
Bconin #2
andi.w #%1011111,d0 convert to upper case
cmpi.w #'Y',d0
beq .create_file
Fcreate #0,#filename
move.w d0,file_handle
cmpi.w #0,d0
bpl .opened_ok
Cconws #cls
Cconws #file_error
Bconin #2
Fwrite #last_record,#2,file_handle save number of records
move.w last_record,d3
subq.w #1,d3 for dbra
move.w #0,d4
move.w d4,saving_this_record
cmp.w last_record,d4
beq .done
mulu.w #len_entry,d4
move.l #main_storage,a1
move.l #reference_list,a4
move.w #num_fields-1,d7
move.b (a4)+,d5
add.w d5,d4
lea 0(a1,d4),a3
move.l a3,a5
sub.w d5,d4 restore it's old value
clr.w d6 count the characters in each field
addq.w #1,d6
move.b (a3)+,d5
bne .find_zero
Fwrite a5,d6,file_handle save a field
dbra d7,.move_next
move.w saving_this_record,d4
addq.w #1,d4
bra .next_record
Fclose file_handle
move.l $c(a3),d0 *length of text
add.l $14(a3),d0 *length of data
add.l $1c(a3),d0 *length of BSS
add.l #$100,d0 *length of basepage
Mshrink d0,a3 *Macro to return unwanted memory
* on entry
* a0.l address of 1st string array
* d0.b -1 to centre menu
* or x coordinate for menu
* returns d0.w=length in characters of longest menu item
* returns d6.w= y-coordinate+32 of 1st menu entry
* returns d7.w= number of menu items
addi.b #32,d0
move.b d0,x
movem.l d1-5/a1/a3,-(sp)
bsr .calc_left_margin
cmp.b #31,x
bne .not_centered
move.b d0,x
move.l a0,a3
move.w #screen_height,d3
sub.w d5,d3
ext.l d0
divu #2,d3
addi.b #32,d3 for 27+Y
move.w d3,d6
clr.w d7 count number of menu items
Cconws #cls
addq.w #1,d7
move.b d3,y
Cconws #position_cursor
Cconws a3
move.b (a3)+,d2
bne .find_string
addq.w #1,d3
move.b (a3),d2
bne .print_item
move.w d4,d0 return the longest string output
movem.l (sp)+,d1-5/a1/a3
move.l a0,a1
move.w #max_item,d1
ext.l d0
divu.w x_adjust,d1
move.w d1,d2
move.w d1,d3
clr.w d4
clr.w d5
move.b (a1)+,d0
dbeq d1,.find_zero
cmpi.w #0,d1
bge .got_it
move.l #menu_sz_error,a1
bra print_error
.got_it sub.w d1,d3 length of string
cmp.w d3,d4 which is max
bhi .next_item
move.w d3,d4
addq.w #1,d5 count no. of menu items
move.b (a1),d0 double null term?
beq .all_done
move.w d2,d3
move.w d2,d1
bra .find_zero
move.w #screen_width,d0
ext.l d0
divu x_adjust,d0
sub.w d4,d0
divu #2,d0
addi.w #32,d0 VT52 cursor position has 32,32 as top left
* routine to return a series
* of user input strings
* on entry
* d3.w contains no. of strings
* d4.b contains x coordinate to echo 1st string
* d5.b contains y coordinate to echo strings
* a3 contains address of consecutive buffers
* for the strings
* the buffers for the strings should be as for TOS Cconin call
subq.w #1,d3
move.l a4,-(sp)
addi.b #32,d4
move.b d4,x
addi.b #32,d5
move.b d5,y
lea 2(a3),a4
move.b (a3),d4 get max length of input string
clr.b d6
Cconws #position_cursor
Bconin #2
cmpi.w #32,d0
bge .store_it
cmpi.w #8,d0 *was it a backspace
bne .carriage_return No,try a CR
cmpi.b #0,d6 is this the first character?
beq .carriage_return yes, ignore it
Bconout #8,#2 otherwise print a backspace
Bconout #32,#2 print a space
Bconout #8,#2 followed by a backspace
subq.l #1,a4
subq.b #1,d6
bra .carriage_return
cmp.b d6,d4 have we had maximum characters
beq .carriage_return unless it's a CR,ignore it
addq.b #1,d6 count how many characters
move.b d0,(a4)+
Bconout d0,#2
cmpi.w #13,d0
bne .get_key_loop
move.b d6,1(a3) save actual length input
addq.b #1,d5 next y position
move.b (a3),d4
ext.w d4
lea 2(a3,d4),a3
dbra d3,.next_string
move.l (sp)+,a4
cmpi.w #2,d0
bne med_res
move.w #1,x_adjust
move.w #1,y_adjust
med_res cmpi.w #1,d0
bne lo_res
move.w #1,x_adjust
move.w #2,y_adjust
lo_res cmpi.w #0,d0
bne what_res
move.w #2,x_adjust
move.w #2,y_adjust
move.l #res_error,a1
bra print_error
move.w d0,error_number
Cconws a1
Bconin #keyboard
Pterm error_number
*memory to store data when input
*replace when setting up your own fields, an example is given
*for address fields
title dc.b len_book_title,0
dcb.b len_book_title *declares a block of data len_book_title bytes long
author dc.b len_author,0
dcb.b len_author
ISBN dc.b len_ISBN,0
dcb.b len_ISBN
cost dc.b len_cost,0
dcb.b len_cost
*name dc.b len_name_string,0
* dcb.b len_name_string
*address1 dc.b len_address_string,0
* dcb.b len_address_string
*address2 dc.b len_address_string,0
* dcb.b len_address_string
*address3 dc.b len_address_string,0
* dcb.b len_address_string
*post_code dc.b len_postcode_string,0
* dcb.b len_postcode_string
*telephone dc.b len_phone_string,0
* dcb.b len_phone_string
cls dc.b 27,'E',0
*******These must stay together
position_cursor dc.b 27,'Y'
y dc.b ' '
x dc.b ' ',0
cursor_on dc.b 27,'e',0
cursor_off dc.b 27,'f',0
dc.b '1..Add An Entry',0
dc.b '2..Display Entries',0
dc.b '3..Quit',0
dc.b 0 Make sure this line is always present at the end
*add your own fields here, examples below for address records
dc.b 'Title........',0
dc.b 'Author.......',0
dc.b 'ISBN.........',0
dc.b 'Cost.........',0
dc.b 0 Make sure this line is always present at the end
* dc.b 'Name.........',0
* dc.b 'Address......',0
* dc.b ' ......',0
* dc.b ' ......',0
* dc.b 'Post Code....',0
* dc.b 'Telephone....',0
* dc.b 0 Make sure this line is always present at the end
res_error dc.b 'I dont know that resolution',0
menu_sz_error dc.b 'Menu too large for this resolution',0
no_file dc.b 'Could not open data.dbf',13,10
dc.b 'OK to create a file y/n',0
file_error dc.b 'Could not create/open file',0
display_key1 dc.b 'alternate n - next record',0
display_key2 dc.b 'alternate p - previous record',0
display_key3 dc.b 'Esc to return to main menu',0
wanna_save dc.b 'Save this file? y/n',0
no_records dc.b 'No records to find',0
pick_a_num dc.b 'Pick a Number',0
no_more_room dc.b 'Sorry, too many records',13,11
dc.b 'Press any key',0
filename dc.b 'data.dbf',0
*This is our reference list for the rs section
*alter this if you alter the fields
*example for the address book is included in comments
reference_list dc.b title_ref,author_ref,ISBN_ref,cost_ref
*reference_list dc.b name_ref,address1_ref,address2_ref,address3_ref,post_code_ref,phone_ref
*This is our rs section for our fields
*alter this if you alter the fields
*examples for the address book are included in comments
title_ref rs.b len_book_title+1
author_ref rs.b len_author+1
ISBN_ref rs.b len_ISBN+1
cost_ref rs.b len_cost+1
*name_ref rs.b len_name_string+1
*address1_ref rs.b len_address_string+1
*address2_ref rs.b len_address_string+1
*address3_ref rs.b len_address_string+1
*post_code_ref rs.b len_postcode_string+1
*phone_ref rs.b len_phone_string+1
saving_this_record ds.w 1
loading_this_record ds.w 1
file_handle ds.w 1
file_record_count ds.w 1
last_record ds.w 1
this_record ds.w 1
x_adjust ds.w 1
y_adjust ds.w 1
our_res ds.w 1
error_number ds.w 1
ourstack ds.w stacksize
file_buffer ds.b len_file_buff
last_time ds.b 1
main_storage ds.b max_entries*len_entry
display_strings ds.b len_entry+1 *+1 for final null term